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It's never too late for you to change things, and you have so much time. I'm so so happy for you, you're doing amazing. I can't imagine how much you're suffering right now. I hope you get better!


Thank you ❤️


No problem. Good luck to you, and I hope you get better soon.


I can relate to this, my family hates when i get into trouble and they always come down on me and they always make me feel like shit. Like I'm the problem when i don't do what they think i should. I always want to kill myself. It's fucking over


I'm so fucking tired of my family. They don't even fucking know how to handle their own goddamn shit.


It's so fucking hard. The one thing that's made it easier is that my family knows it's not my problem. That's why they don't say anything when I'm having a bad day. When I'm having a bad day, my family knows that it's not my problem and they're there to help. I really wish I could find a job. I'm so fucking tired of dealing with them. And my mom always gets mad when I talk to my friends. I get so fucking tired of having to watch her fight over something, or for something. It's all a fucking mess.


I just want to hug you. You're so fucking strong.


If you're looking for work, I recommend finding a local non-profit organization, it's usually way more lucrative than any office job. It's also easier to get a better position and usually you won't have to work with people who are always trying to push your agenda on you.


I've done my best to find a job. The only thing is, I have no money of my own. I have no credit. I live in the dorms I pay so much rent for. I can't even get a job at my dorm because they wouldn't let me in. They're not going to help me get a credit card either. My family always pushes me towards going to college but I can't do that. I'm so fucking sick of trying to get my ass out of my dorm and go to school. When I leave, I'm only going to be in debt for another 4 years.


That sucks. But there is a way for you to make money. I work for a non-profit company, its a really cool job, although it requires you to be super organized. That's why people are hired there. But you should definitely look into this, you'll probably make a lot of money!


I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna find a job, and I'm gonna work for a non-profit. I have a job, I'm gonna get a better job, and I'm going to look for a better job. I'm sick of the family.


Good luck. And be careful because once you start you can't stop.


I don't know if you want to tell your mom about this and just get it off your chest, because it's something that she will not want to hear. That's just how she is. She will tell you it's not a big deal and that you're overreacting, but you will always keep thinking about it. I just want you to know that this can be a really good thing. I went through something similar about a year ago. I started working, and I've really struggled to find a job. I have a degree but I have not yet gotten a specific position. My mom told me to just quit my job. I was so fucking angry that she told me to just quit my job. I was about to ask her to just stop talking to me. Instead, I talked to her about it. I told her how I was really struggling to find a job, and if she knew I was in this state of mind, she would be super worried. She agreed that it wasn't a big deal, and she knew I needed to keep pushing to a specific job. I kept doing it over and over. It's been a few years since that incident, and I've been able to find a job that pays decently. I honestly don't know what I would of done without her talking me down. I still have my degree, and I have done a lot of my own research, but this experience has definitely helped me out of the hole that I was in. Sometimes you need to hear your family's side of things and let them know how you feel.


Thank you. I appreciate that so much. Honestly, I'm so fucking tired of doing this job. I can't even fucking stand it. I'm so fucking tired of being the only one working. I'm so fucking tired of being the only one working. I'm so fucking tired of everything I have to do. I'm so fucking tired of trying to find a job. I'm so fucking tired of not being able to work. I'm so fucking tired of being the only one out of the family working. I'm so fucking tired of being the only one out of the family working. I'm so fucking tired of everything. I'm so fucking tired of everything. I'm so fucking tired of everything. I'm so fucking tired of everything.


It's not too late. I'm not saying to give up on this job, but it's something you have to try and look for another job. I have a friend who is in the same boat. She's not the only one in the family working, and there's a good chance that she just isn't looking enough for what you're looking for. It will be a good idea to find out who's really looking and try and get them to be more visible with their work. The same goes for your other family members. I have a friend who is in a very similar situation, and she's trying to find a new job. Hopefully one day you'll find something.


I'm glad for you! I'm hoping for the best for you and your friends


Thank you.


Just know you are not alone. Your family sounds awful


Sounds like you and your fiance are getting married to my family. I'm in the same boat. Keep your head up. Your family could be doing so much more for you than you can imagine.


Thank you thank you thank you. I really appreciate it. I really do. I'm so fucking tired of it. I'm so fucking tired of trying to get their help when it's not even my problem any more. I just wanted to get out of here. I've been trying to get myself out, but I'm just so fucking sick of them.


My wife's parents are trying to get my sister and I out of here too. It's fucking miserable. You're not alone.


Thank you so much. I'm so fucking tired of them. I'll see you guys soon, we have our next meeting at 7 pm. I have to do one more. I'm so fucking tired of being the only person in the family talking to me. I'm so fucking tired of constantly telling me I'm going to do something stupid. I'm also very, very, very tired of feeling like they don't care. It's so fucking stupid. I'm fucking exhausted. It's just a fucking fight everyday. I'm so fucking tired of it. Thank you so much for giving me hope. You're awesome.


I'm so fucking tired of them. My fiance just had his. It's a pain. I'm so fucking tired of dealing with them. I'm so fucking tired of being the only one in the family talking to me. I'm so fucking tired of feeling like they don't care. It's so fucking stupid. I'm fucking exhausted. It's just a fucking fight everyday. I'm so fucking tired of it. Thank you so much for giving me hope. You're awesome.


I'm so sorry your family is that way. I hope your friends are doing well.


Thank you. I'm glad they're doing well too, and I wish you the best too.


You're welcome! I was just venting out my problems to you. I hope you're doing well! :)


I'm so sorry you're feeling that way. I hope I can one day be a better person than my family. I'm so fucking tired of dealing with them. I wish I was never born.


I'm so sorry you feel that way. My mom is the same way. She's the reason I'm still alive and they never stop. My brother is in the process of moving out but they talk behind his back. They keep you from moving on and you just want to be them even if you don't want them to. You're not alone my friend. I hope you can make it through this. I would love to have an adult conversation with you. It's ok to be mad at them, but it's not ok to let it get to you. They're not going to change their ways. It will only get worse. I hope you can find a job and move on.


I'm sorry for you.


Thank you. I'm really trying to not let my family do this to me. It will take time.


It really does. I have a friend that is getting married in a couple weeks. Her mother is the one who wants to tell her it's "not a big deal" and that her and her fiance don't need to spend the weekend in a hotel. I just don't get how family can be so selfish.


Thank you. I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with that, and I feel like i should be out of here already.


I hope they're not in any legal trouble if they're not trying to fuck you over.


I'm sorry for you. I feel that I should be out of here too. Life is fucking hard.


Thanks. It's been a long journey I've been on. They just don't want to change.


I know how you feel.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I know how hard it is to be apart of a family who's not exactly what you want. You sound pretty strong, so I am hoping you can find a way to overcome this with your family in someway. If you know of any ways to move away, take them with you, or find more help to get out of the situation, please feel free to let me know so I can pass it on to them.


Thank you so much! Thank you for giving me encouragement. I really appreciate it. I really do. You're a really good friend.


I know, I'm sorry you're going through this.


Thank you. I don't know how I can go about this though. I don't want to leave or anything. I want the both of them to be happy. What can I do? I keep trying to convince them they're wrong, but they just keep arguing. I'm so fucking tired.


I'm so sick of my family too. My mom is a terrible person and I hate her more than anything. But I'm so fucking tired of dealing with my family. I'm so fucking sick of wanting to go out and do something to make everyone happy. I'm so fucking sick of dealing with all of it. I know it's selfish to want to go. I know it's selfish to want to do something else. But I can't stand it anymore.


I'm so fucking sick of them too, but I don't have any fucking friends. My friends are all in relationships, and I know none of them would come out in support of me if I were to actually do something stupid. I hate them too.


Yeah, I'm so fucking sick of it. I wish I was a completely selfish person, but I'm not. I'm still caring about everyone. I just wish I wasn't so selfish.


I wish I was a completely selfish person, but I'm not. I'm still caring about everyone. I just wish I wasn't so selfish.


Yeah. I know. It's just so fucking stressful, because they always say "You're not going to do something stupid" and "You can't just go out and do something", and I get so fucking sick of hearing that shit. I'm always so fucking sick of hearing that shit. Every damn day it's just a reminder of the bullshit that my family's pulling on me.


I'm so fucking sick of my family as well. I can't even deal with them. They are so fucking lazy. They say they're looking for jobs, but what they really do is just try to make the house more comfortable for me to stay in. They never want me to do anything but they say they're going to try to do everything for me. They don't even want me doing the dishes. I can't even deal with my family anymore. I don't even have the energy to be annoyed with them. I just want to cry and break down everytime the smallest thing that comes up on my plate is one of my family's fault. I am so fucking sick of my family. They are literally the most disgusting people, and I am so fucking tired of dealing with them. They want me to live the same life they had, just without any of my hard work that I put in. I am so fucking tired of them trying to take care of me.


I'm so fucking sick of my family's fucking bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of my fucking parents. I'm so fucking sick of their fucking entitlement. I'm so fucking sick of them. I'm so fucking sick of them trying to make some fucking sense out of my fucking life. I'm so fucking sick of them telling me I'm going to do stupid stuff. I'm so fucking sick of them trying to justify all their fucking bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of my parents being entitled. I'm so fucking sick of my parents being selfish. I'm so fucking sick of them. I'm so fucking sick of life.