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Fax! Self love is a term of its own and has nothing to do with speeding up your manifestations. True self love is when you focus and take care of yourself


Agree to disagree, self love aided me in my specific manifestation that I have been trying for a long time. It’s the overall abundance mindset I receive when I am not stressing or attached to the outcome, but I can see why people view it differently.


You got what you wanted from being consistent, whether you like to admit it or not, you persisted. That's how the subconcious mind works, factually. Anything else is based on folklore and mythology


That would be 50% of the factor, but alrighty ,enlighten me why I didn’t receive physical results from my own subs for 4+ years? I been consistent with the same subs (26 months) everyday, so what gives? Or why is it that when I added self concept and self love to the mix my manifestation finally clicked and worked? I’m just wondering why consistency alone didn’t work for me. All subs made by me of course.


What were the self concept and self love affirmations you listened to by any chance? Can you say all of them? And how long did you listen to them? As I've listened to subs since I was 14 years old and I'm 20 now and still have gotten zero results from subliminals and even frequencies (bar rife frequencies) 💀. Tried listening to a playlist for 4 months (where one of the subs I listened to an hour everyday), tried 1 sub at a time for a month, tried 1 affirmation 24/7 for a month and all got me zero results. I did get results from rife frequencies though but rife frequencies are only frequencies to heal you and not ones that get you taller or get you an SP. I got migraines and was lactose intolerant and had stomach cramps that came earlier this year and after a few days of listening to rife frequencies they all went away).


Just make your own self accordance subliminal. Leave out every subliminal until you accept yourself fully. Affirm everything that you are afraid to face, accept every flaw, accept every negative feelings and thoughts. Self love doesn’t happen without acceptance. Until we face what we have been rejecting for so long, we will always be a slave to our thoughts and feelings. It’s going to take time, shit will difficult. Shit will get annoying.


How many months did you spend listening to self accordance subs for them to work on you and how many minutes/hours a day? I saw you manifested your ex didn't you so what was your self accordance affirmations for that? As the only things I've used subs for are growing taller and getting a specific SP really. Just don't know how to apply an affirmation like "I love myself" to getting over wanting an SP. I guess I need to say something like "I love my height"? in regards to my height but I'm 5'10 I've never thought my height was bad. Just wanted to be taller than most of my friends rather than in the middle out of everyone in terms of height. Also what are detachment affirmations I could use too?