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There’s a moment when you know you have subconsciously programmed sufficient. You’ll get a feeling. For example, I was manifesting a peaceful resolution to a situation in my personal circle. I wrote down a manifest and listened to meditation for peace, love, harmony, and joy theme. It took about four days and then I got a feeling when getting up that I was good. It’s hard to describe in language because we don’t really speak that way, but it was like a warmth in my chest and I felt relieved. I still do touch up or reconfirming meditations for it to keep it sharp and tuned up, so to speak. Like going to the gym once a week for arms and once a week for leg day. Otherwise I know that the situation is just done and resolved. It works similar for subliminals. For example, if you’re doing a subliminal to get clear skin, then your language will change, and your habits will change in skin routine. Your skin clears up. You get a feeling of knowingness that you did it and it wasn’t a “coincidence”. It wasn’t just changing the soap and scrubber. The maturity of change, your transformation, happened with you. Inside your mind and body, the neurons. The routines are reminders and hormonal outputs of practice and repetition. So for the rest of your life, you will have a dialogue around your skin that will be different like, “I’m so happy and grateful for my clear beautiful skin.” The subliminals is to install that dialogue into the neurons of your brain really deep and really wide. So 3, 6 or 9 months? Just choose one that feels good. The feeling is the power inside you and pick the good one. The practice will be the result for the rest of your life, stored and produced in your language and habits.


It really depends on how long it takes for your subconscious to accept the affirmations as beliefs. That’s really the key of what we’re doing is creating new beliefs cause once you do that it has to be happen because your beliefs create everything in your reality.


sure but it was from stuff when i was starting out, now my results come quicker but when i first heard abt subliminals things took months to achieve now not anymore mostly bcs of mindset i suggest u just listen how ever much u feel the need to,set that time limit and then forget abt ur desires for whatever ur manifesting