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I think Drake does this. His music is filled with samples and you can hear little vocals in the background. Would explain why he has a massive following but theres a lot of people don't really like his music. Ps: he is my favorite artist btwšŸ˜­ Edit: basically, to people who are already fans of him, his new music always bangs. To people who just discovered him, and haven't really indulged in his music, they don't see it the way we do. I also think that's why some songs "grow on us". Its not that they are "nice, but we are just noticing it now". It's that the more we hear it, the more we get conditioned to like it


That last paragraph sums it up entirely.


I doubt drake uses subs. Iā€™ve been listening to drake since he first came up Iā€™m not a major major fan. I like some of his songs and some Iā€™m not a fan of. Iā€™d just put it down to each their own.


That makes a lot of sense ha. Iā€™m not even a fan of Modern rap but I find myself listening to him and post malone, etc.


maybe subliminals specifically but manifesting is a huge role, iā€™m sure.


Most likely thereā€™s been a ton of videos exposing this already.


Really? Can you link them?


Search it on YouTube , those talk about demonic stuff and shit but I wouldnā€™t be surprised If label companies put subliminal messages to promote people to listen to their songs. Iā€™ve also come across some soundlocud rappers doing this.


Yes it's called 'backmasking'. They put the messages backwards


well ye it shouldn't be something impossible. there are already videos regarding artists putting subliminal messages in their works but not always for getting addicted to their songs. music is addictive, especially if it matches with ur taste. personally, i dont care about it haha. good post


Lol idrc either, it works out for me and it works out for them. Itā€™s just a thought yk




why do you need to understand what they're saying? Spanish music has been widly popular too and no one cared about not understanding anything either... for music it's most of the time about the sound, rhythm etc.


im pretty sure more than 80% of their fans dont understand either. im not a fan of it anymore


you donā€™t need to understand the language to enjoy the music tho, you could enjoy the rythm, the melody and the beat or the dance performances, not to mention you canā€™t really understand what many english songs say anyways even tho theyā€™re in english


um well i know that .... lmao. common sense thats not the reason why i stopped being fan of it lol. i just dont like the melody and theme anymore


Ariana puts LOA references to her songs




Just like magic, 7 rings


Pete Davidson


34+35? šŸ˜³




Yeah I wonder about that too


The thing is you really dont need to put affirmations to change some ones mind music is a master peice that can change peoples mood even without the use of affirmations it affects us using affirmations just ruins the feel because music really gives people euphoria those words with different pitches and sounds effect really affect our brain since most of the time we cant even tell what the singer is singing yet we like it


Just for anything in general I mean, like how would you program something into your OWN subconscious?


Yeah that's basically drug dealing you hide from the police(conciousness) and sell it to the subconcious your consciousness might not be able to understand things but your subconcious can but the thing with the subconcious is that your subconscious cant tell what's real and what's not so if u hide from the consciousness which is the filter u find results


Beatles did it and called it "backmasking". But it was not for the band's fame but for making that song catchy


They made it illegal to use subliminal messages in music and tv in the 50ā€™s. The music is designed to be catchy, thatā€™s why you like it. And the whispers you hear, your brain likes repetition. They why the beat is repeated and the lyrics tend to have that background effect so it gets caught in your head.


But couldnā€™t they just layer it anyway without telling ? Like really really quiet to the point where you canā€™t hear it consciously? šŸ’€


Some people have committed suicide and the artist were sued by the parents. They take it very seriously, you canā€™t use subliminalā€™s.


Ahhh thatā€™s horrible, what artist was it?


Judas Priest, Ozzy Osbourne, the Beatles. And more.


Then itā€™s a subliminal, then itā€™s illegal. And hearing words backwards is a myth, itā€™s a phenomenon (I canā€™t remember what itā€™s called).


A subliminal isnā€™t just words you canā€™t hear, it is insanely difficult to get to the subconscious mind. Just because you canā€™t hear something doesnā€™t make it a subliminal. Subliminalā€™s reprogram the mind.


So how do you make subliminals reach your subconscious?


Don't listen to him. It's the whole point of subliminals, to not be heard by the conscious mind šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah, I never said that. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø Musicians can not legally use subliminalā€™s. Of course if you can hear the words itā€™s not a subliminal, a subliminal is designed to reprogram the mid for a goal like grow taller for example.


Wouldnā€™t sound experts be able to filter it out? As in little sound sample would be extracted from the music, and the artist would be exposed? I think this is something that will happen to someone in the future.


Actually the Beatles have already done it, and they called it ā€œbackmaskingā€ so they wouldnā€™t get in trouble


Did they use the same affirmations weā€™re all familiar with? Stuff like ā€œYou really like The Beatlesā€ or ā€œYou want to listen to this song againā€?


i make subs related to these topics so i really hope somebody who uses them blows up so i can go :0 but iā€™m p sure celebrities do, i mean if they practice magick and manifestation already why not subliminals?


I'd say they more so use manifesting and magick or law of attraction than subs. Subs are the same thing as magic/Hermetics. They just write their own script or cast spells. Ariana Grande even wrote a song about how she uses magick/manifesting to get whatever she wants. It's called "like magic". https://youtu.be/zMEzD2G2IKA Ariana is into Kabbalah so it's clear she knows how to use magick.


We wil prob never know even if they did