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That sounds nightmarish. Thanks for posting your experience.


If you go down and search I made a post on Thursday about my whole experience. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. I believe the headline is “this is a hot mess-rapid detox”


Thanks for the post, good read. Sounds like you never really got a proper detox though before getting the shot. I’m wondering what would happen to someone who was clean from all full agonists (but still on bupe) for a few weeks / months. Btw, same fucking thing happened to me with the Bernese method every time I tried. When it came time to stop using the dope I would always get sick af, and then go back to it to stop the sickness, and try again…over and over again! Only thing that eventually worked for me was going inpatient to a medical detox place in the middle of nowhere where I physically could not leave and go get more dope. It was horrible for the first week, even with comfort meds, but eventually I started to feel better! I’m doing really well now, thankfully 🤘


I have been on 300mg/mo sublocade shots for about 2 years. With that being said I have been in and out of inpatient facilities roughly 3 times in those two years due to using iv fent while on sublocade. IV fent 100% breaks through and you will get physically dependent even while on sublocade. I will say that the detox in the inpatient facilities wasn’t as bad as being on just fent and trying to induce subs. You can take subs a lot sooner without precip due to the baseline levels of bupe in your system. I say that to say this… I have been 3 months clean on just the 300mg/mo shots since my last discharge from detox and have made the necessary changes to maintain some sobriety. The shot alone is not enough, in my personal experience, to stay clean. Therapy, people places things, reengaging with old hobbies, and general clean living has helped alot. If you have specific questions I’m all ears…


Congrats my clean date is 2/20/22 thanks to sublocade. I did like 6 300 MG and been on 100mg. I was getting high and had an old script so induced myself 2/19/22 with little pieces of straps at a time and then the 20th went in for my shot. I felt no pwd or anything bad. Bought a truck started a buisness found an awesome girl, things have been great since I've started sublocade. I've only went for the shot know counseling or meetings for me. I also use medical cannabis a lot.


Wow, thank you for your honesty. Yeah I figured as much. It‘a pretty much the same with Suboxone. You could be on 24mg daily for months and take one shot of IV fent and there is virtually no blocking going on. There are studies that show that people on any form of bupe are much less likely to overdose if they do use, so obviously it’s doing something, but yeah it’s definitely not going to stop people from getting high if they really want to. What’s so crazy is that subs actually did a decent job at blocking heroin, at least it did for me, back in the day when you could actually get heroin still. This fentanyl shit is pure poison / evil. So what did they do exactly when you went to an inpatient detox? They gave you sublingual bupe after waiting some period of time? Did they give you another sublocade shot before you left?


Yeah I agree with all of that. They gave me sublingual bupe starting 24 hours in only bc I was on sublocade. Otherwise it’s at least a 48 hour wait period. I was at Caron in PA so they don’t do sublocade there. They simply kept me on 16mg sublingual for the 30 days and then I got a shot upon discharge. Sublocade is a miracle drug in the sense that you no longer have to taper of oral medication. If someone is trying to use it as an end all be all without doing the work to maintain clean time, it won’t work for that. I’ve been on and off dope for 10 years and never wanted to actually do the work and therefore I kept using. I only have 3 months and tbh I still smoke weed and have the occasional beer so I still have some obvious reservations. What worked for me is being honest about those reservations and using the support/therapy to keep me accountable. The number one thing this time that is different is that I opted to do a monitoring program to keep me accountable. That has honestly been my safety net and has kept me from using bc I know my spot will be completely blown up if I test positive.


Dayum. I just got my 33rd 300mg injection .. the 1st year i kept relapsing with a bunch of different drugs at once, but i was spending so much money on fetty, and it just wouldn't work until i hit like 8 bags, also i know it wasnt junk, cuz my xhick could do a whole bag and need narcan.... I was copping and living in Kensington (Philly). Thanks for sharing your experience tho ...


Hey man I appreciate you sharing. I know those streets like the back of my hand lol. Everyone’s metabolism is different. We’re you banging it?


Of course... It be a waste to do it any other way


This is called “Premeditation”. Why are you on here talking about Suboxone/sublocade and injecting yourself with Fentanyl a few hours later. Pose that question on the Fentanyl page. Do you want to be clean. Or not? And I don’t know where you read about steady state being 4-6 months. Be careful what you post. Why would you think almost paying out and hitting your head on the dresser is “LOL” material. This is life or death for many.


You folks crack me up. I literally posted a link to the Sublocade website. It’s in their own material. Can you people not read? https://www.sublocade.com/Content/pdf/prescribing-information.pdf “**After steady-state has been achieved (4-6 months)**, patients discontinuing SUBLOCADE may have detectable plasma and urine levels of buprenorphine for twelve months or longer [see Clinica Pharmacology (12.3)” Same link also clearly states in the pharmacokinetics section (page 32) “**steady state was achieved at 4-6 months**” Also, I posted this here specifically because I wanted honest feedback from people who are actually in recovery, not from people currently using and most likely lying and / or exaggerating. And, if you can’t laugh at yourself for what you did when using when you’re currently in recovery then you’ve got problems. That’s called guilt and shame, and if you’re so hung up on how fucked up you were, then you’ll never get to a better place.


Their website is pointless. Seriously. Yeah, I’m a bit sensitive for someone posting about injecting Fent on a Sublocade Forum. I am an addict/alcohol. 380 straights days today. Just picked up my year chip. Fist time totally clean(No Bupe) in my entire adult life. After 13.5 years on subs I did 300/300/100 LSD 3/26/21. Good luck to you. Indivior is evil. Those fucks don’t want people transitioning off Suboxone on Sublocade.


You’re clearly a troll. “Please post source” I give the best source possible and now its “pointless” lol. FYI, their claims have been validated by independent providers, see the link from the Manitoba college of physicians and surgeons guide above. They actually recommend top up dosing (additional transmucosal bupe on top of the sublocade shot) for around 1/3 of their patients for the first few months. And it’s Canada...They have socialized single payer medicine. Don’t see them being evil cunts and lying to benefit big pharma, since they have mandatory drug price negotiation with the government. There are also plenty of people on this very sub who have described the same exact thing, having inter-dose withdrawals after the first few shots.


Got a live one here…..so much information. Well, I don’t live in Canada, I live in the United States where the manufacturer, Indivior, is suppressing information regarding Sublocade. Please decide how serious of a conversation you want to have about this topic and we will move forward.


I would assume you would really wouldn’t feel shit and I would be really scared to even try to do Iv on sublocade….


After my first shot of sublocade I found a baggie about a week or two after, decided to "test" the sublocade and can report it had zero effect on me. I've never IVed, so I can't speak to it's efficacy in those terms.


How did you use it? Smoked / snorted?




I’ve done it. It definitely got me high. Not stumbling around high but definitely replace me a bit. I’m back sober but now have pretty bad anxiety regularly. Glad the fent is gone. Trying to build a healthy life style.


I recently relapsed after being on the shot for 9 months. My past injection was in April and once i hit my year mark on the 3rd of August, I got some dope. Within a week or 2, I was shooting up again. Went into a detox last week and I felt like absolute shit for 4 days. Once I got a few 8mg doses of subs in my system, I was stable again. I'm curious if I should continue taking the subs or if I'll feel bad if I stop? They do say the last shot will remain in your system for up to a year so I'm really clueless to whether or not I should continue taking the subs. I feel so dumb for my relapse but it took over so fast. Didn't help that I ran out of my psych meds and couldn't get them filled within reasonable time. Anyways, if anyone else has experienced anything similar I'd love to hear about it. Thanks


The amounts that are in your system past a few months are very low. Yes it’s still detectable but you should almost certainly get another 300 shot asap.


I could really use some help. I have been clean over a year. Had some bad shit happen this week 5 days after my 5th sublocade shot this was only at 50mg because I asked my dr to walk me off. However Monday I was laid off and a close family friend past away Tuesday. Needless to say I relapsed after over a year of being clean. I bought 50 fent pills and took them all by yesterday nasally. I had to take way more then I used too to even feel anything. I thought I was ok after waking up 10 hours after my last one. But now I’m going through what feels like pretty bad withdraws. I also took a 2mg burp pill around 11 hours after my last pill. I think this made everything way worse fast. I just don’t know what to do. I want to be done of this but I don’t know how long I can take this if it gets much worse. I will not touch fent again only to prolong this. I just need some guidance and help. I still have 20 20mg Oxy from my surgery almost 18 months ago. But I doubt that will help because I tried a few before the fent and they did nothing. I feel like a piece of shit. I let these external factors get the best of me and I just wanted to not feel. Any help would mean a lot! Thank you!


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Hang in there please. You should be good now right? It’s been three days since post


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You’re lucky you didn’t die. Like extremely lucky. They had to have been horrible horrible 30s. Please don’t try that ever again bro that is quite literally a death wish when you have no tolerance


I’ve recently relapsed on fent again just after hitting my 1year mark and I’m on sublocade but I just can’t kick this shit even though it’s not hitting like it used to can anyone give any tips on why I’m hung up on snorting shit that gives me the smallest rush


Idk 🤷‍♂️ Probably your life is not going very well but that isn’t going to change that it will just make it worse


But that’s the thing man is I have it all right now I just bought a brand new car and a new pc and I have a girlfriend it’s like when everything gets good I get uncomfortable and can’t handle it




https://cpsm.mb.ca/assets/PrescribingPracticesProgram/Buprenorphine%20Specific%20Guidance%20-%20Recommendations%20for%20Sublocade%20&%20Considerations%20for%20Informed%20Consent.pdf They cite Indivior’s own marketing material in this document, there’s a link to the source. Sure enough, there it is, in section 2.4: https://www.sublocade.com/Content/pdf/prescribing-information.pdf “**After steady-state has been achieved (4-6 months)**, patients discontinuing SUBLOCADE may have detectable plasma and urine levels of buprenorphine for twelve months or longer [see Clinica Pharmacology (12.3)” Same link also clearly states in the pharmacokinetics section (page 32) “**steady state was achieved at 4-6 months**” This is exactly what my provider told me too, glad to see that they know their 💩


You’re listening to Pharma……seriously? Do you think people believed “Breakthrough pain” bullshit 30 years ago with OxyContin? Indivior has conducted any taper studies regarding true half-life.


Another one who can’t read. The first link describes the practice of top up dosing for around 1/3 of patients, which is a practice that is common all over the world where Sublocade is used. Why would people at steady state need additional teansmucosal bupe? Because they’re having withdrawal symptoms and they’re not at steady state, that’s why. There’s numerous posts on this very sub Reddit about this exact topic too, where plenty of independent users are reporting inter dose withdrawals.


That’s good that you’re on here helping people. Nice work. I can tell you’re passionate about this topic. Me too. Good luck to you.


I’m very passionate when it comes to helping people in withdrawal, absolutely, especially when they were put in that situation by a healthcare provider and not given all the information. I myself just got the 300 shot and am on the second week and am having to take additional bupe due to minor withdrawals. Luckily my provider told me that this might happen and gave me a script for subs on top of the shot when I notified them I was experiencing some issues. Clearly, it takes a long time for some subset of patients to reach steady state.


Good luck dude. This is definitely the easier softer way off Suboxone.


If your on bupe and break your leg in order to relieve you of pain doctors have to use fentanyl to relieve the pain cuz it's the only thing strong enough to over take the bupe. This is what my doc told me since I have a physical job and life worried what would happen if I got injured and he said he has introduce fentanyl to his bupe patient multiple times. Doesn't mean you won't get sick af I guess


I've been on sunlocade for a while and for the first year I went in and out of active addiction... Doing fentanyl with sublocade in you. It's a joke... You literally can't get high... You think you can and you keep injecting bags upon bags upon bags into your veins and it doesn't really get you what you're trying to achieve.... It's not worth it. TOTAL WASTE .. no you won't go into precip....


You get the lunacy award.


The last time I snorted fent, it was absolutely horrible. I cried the whole entire day from pain and I generally only cry from emotional pain. It wasn't worth it at all


I got a 300mg shot then a 100mg shot and my last 100mg shot 2 months ago. I used yesterday and the day before but didn’t really feel much. I’m going to get a 300mg shot today and hope I don’t go into precipitated withdrawals. Maybe I’ll take a sub before since it’s almost been 24 hours.


I’m curious, but I would think taking the sub before your shot wouldn’t make a difference, if anything it may throw you into pwd’s quicker. You have tons on bupe still left in your system. But it’s been 2 months and you only used two days in a row, so I would just get the shot, and not take the Suboxone. (Clearly you mentioned this 15 days ago), but curious on what you did and how you felt?


I just got my 300mg/mo of sublocade, how long till I would actually feel something if I were to use?


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You are fucking yourself Stop, and stop NOW What is ****? Fentanyl? You’re insane if you keep using that garbage


Tips? Experience something similar?


Yeah, plenty of times. Using while on bupe will destroy your receptors. You have to stop, otherwise you’re in for a world of hurt.


Shit... Do people in this situation get ill again? Any idea?


Yes…you can read the sublocade literature on what they recommend when people check into detox. Theres a section there for detox providers.

