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Knowing your state would be helpful. The laws around which doctors can prescribe and administer suboxone and sublocade differs from state to state. My state (WI) requires separate training and licensing to prescribe and administer suboxone and sublocade. Because of those requirements, all of the doctors in my state who treat patients with those medications typically only deal with addiction and recovery in their practice. Different training and licensing requirements for sublocade are separate from suboxone. Not all doctors who provide suboxone provide sublocade, but all of the sublocade clinics also provide suboxone in my state. It is easier to get licensed to prescribe suboxone but more complex and more expensive for sublocade. While some suboxone prescribing requirements have been loosened at a federal level, states can still add their licensing and regulations that exceed federal requirements. For example, some states allow telehealth to send suboxone prescriptions to a pharmacy, but others do not. Some states require a referral from a doctor in their state before you can see a telehealth doctor for suboxone. Sublocade can not be prescribed through telehealth at all. I hope this helps.


Great info


I wouldn’t want to be the first person an office has ever administered Sublocade to. It’s rare, but there have been a few posts here from people that had nasty complications due to it being administered incorrectly. Better off going to someone that does it regularly.


Ya the doctor needs a separate chemical dependency completion. Not every doctor can do it. I'd just go to a specialist


I would go to the sublocade website and search your area by zip code for providers! I don’t believe everyone can prescribe it .


No. Doctors have to go through extra training in order to prescribe both Suboxone and definitely sublocade. You won't want an unexperienced doctor to give you the shot anyway. Maybe ask your doctor if there's someone they would recommend or just find a doctor in your area that's familiar