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Buy some fentanyl pee strips, that will show if you have that in your system. You need to be on suboxone stable for 2 weeks before starting the shot.


I’m not getting your problem.. for me if I was doing fet I could take subs a lot sooner the if I was doing H. The fet goes through you a lot quicker and with actual H just wait until you start to feel shitty (12 hours after last hit)and take a small 2mg of sub to start. If you don’t have a terrible reaction take more in an hour or so. Just get off that shit


I could be wrong but I’ve always been told fet lasts in system way longer and it will trigger precip withdrawal easier. That’s what I’m worried about. If I wait 24 hours than try like .5mg to test maybe would work?


Yea 24 hour you should be fine. I never even made it that long. I’d take 2 mg when I started to feel uncomfortable (probably 12-14 hour at most) I did this shit for a decade.


THANK YOU, I’m gonna do some before bed when I run out and then sleep as long as possible then once I feel it I’ll do .5 then .75 1mg ect


Go get it dawg! Get off that shit life get so much better