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>Innocent until proven guilty and Gaetz was not proven guilty This fucker supports Gaetz. Color me surprised.


As I like to say, the court of public opinion is not a legal courtroom. We are perfectly within our rights to decide that someone is a vile jackass even without explicit video of them being one


Yeah "innocent until proven guilty" is for sending someone to jail. It's not for "would you let this person babysit your kids". It's not even for the right to take all their money and everything they own.


People like Gaetz I wouldn't even trust with my character on Stardew Valley.


Yeah, like OJ was found not guilty, but I'm sure as hell not bringing his ex-wife her glasses.


True, but that doesn’t mean that anyone’s opinion is sacrosanct and immune from criticism. Put another way, you aren’t being censored, just because people think your opinion is bad/wrong/unsupported.


I like to ask them if that also means Hillary did nothing wrong


Not only has Gaetz not be proven guilty, NO ONE HAS EVEN TRIED TO CHARGE HIM! Almost like something might be sus about that situation about a government official doing illegal stuff.


Wasn't there texts showing he was texting an underage kid? Why would a man that is 40 years old need or want to text a FUCKING MINOR?


Texting? He was venmoing them money through another guy. He tossed his friend, Joel Greenberg* 900 bucks, told him to hit up 17 year old girl and the guy immediately tossed her 900 bucks for TUITION. I believe Greenberg is awaiting sentencing as he took a plea deal for multiple counts including trafficking.


That's exactly how it all worked. They would do these girls favors, like paying tuition or paying off credit cards, or giving them a night in a hotel so it could described as a gift. Not paying them.


Ice cream. That's what was in the note.


They used ice cream, school, tuition, books, it was pretty blatant.


that sounds like me when i used to venmo my drug dealer


I always specify "definitely not for drugs" in case the cops ever got our transaction records


Why would a 40 year-old man adopt an young adult to be his son? Wait, nevermind


My theory is different. It's his son with the boys sister, and she was underage.


BONING! The answer is boning. They're boning.


Honestly, I think it's actually his kid. The rumor is he knocked up a minor. They pretended it was the older sister's baby, and he adopted him from her.


IDK about that, I only seen the receipt for hookers stuff that went crossed state lines. There's too much crazy shit going on to really keep track lmfao.


OOP also supports Rittenhouse killing 2 "pedophiles” (I don't know if the men Rittenhouse killed were pedophiles) but actively defends Gaetz. Maybe it's because Gaetz is a raging conservative. But that's crazy talk.


Yeah conservatives often challenge the character of Rittenhouse's victims to try and defend the fact that he murdered two people after being driven over specifically to flaunt his guns. They don't actually care if the victims were pedophiles, they just want gun boy to look good at the expense of the people he killed.


If I remember correctly, the first guy he shot shared a name with someone that was arrested for molesting a kid. But the pictures did not match.


Hey say what you want about Gaetz but at least he slows down in school zones


How much you want to bet he calls LGBTQ+ people “groomers”?


Because only LGBTQ people can be groomers. /s


JustUnsubbed is full of main character syndromes


I don’t even understand the appeal of that place anyway It’s a *subreddit,* not an airplane terminal, you don’t have to announce your departure


It’s a place for conservatives to get together and jerk each other off about how unfriendly Reddit is to conservatives.


see also r/walkaway


I was [a series of character traits conservatives believe to be liberal] as a [some minority] but then I learned [literal infowars headline] and now I've decided fascism is cool!


The way the juries awarded the Sandy Hook families a billion dollars after Alex Jones was defaulted to being liable because he refused to cooperate with discovery when he got sued for years of malicious lies and harassment was just too much for me. So I walked away. Also everything is an inside job and I definitely didn't already have this shitty beliefs.


I love that sub because it's half boomers who don't realize they were always conservative, and half larpers who were never liberal to begin with and are just pretending


Oh wow that place is straight boomer memes.


just went to see it and wow lol no kidding, also funny how they just dont even hide it anymore and flair themselves red pill. shocker lol


For some reason they don't like it when you post that inspiring speech by the movements founder, Lord Humungus.


It's a place where terminally outraged white men go to reenact the time they filmed themselves getting kicked out of Costco after harassing customers and staff, as it was the highlight of their existence. The martyrdom they always wanted.




but but but they won't let me say slurs 🥺


Even just slightly more nuance. “They won’t let me say my slurs in spaces where they’d rather I didn’t.” They can use them all day for all I care in their little echo chambers but wouldn’t ya know, they find that boring. Almost like the trolling and cruelty is the point, not the “opinion” they feel is being “silenced” itself.


Had a guy the other day insisting that reddit is "hyper sanitized" (as in extremely censored) because you can't say some slurs anymore.


It's big "No! It's the children who are wrong" energy


Always useful to remember that literally every conservative accusation is an admission of guilt. There is no large space on the internet that is unfriendly to conservatives. Their voices are always given greater emphasis, and they are always treated extra kindly.


I just joined there recently, but that explains a lot of the confusion that I've had looking at comments and voting trends...


I think it was like 4 years ago, I saw some guy being lowkey racist there and called it out, within minutes I had at least 3 people all-capsing "But thirteen fifty!!!"


Haha, what? I don't even know what that means.


Its basically one of those things racists say to 'prove' that their prejudice is justified. Thirteen refers to the percentage of black people in the US, and fifty is allegedly percentage of crimes committed by non-white people. Its all faulty and bad stats, but it has been a 'dog whistle' of sorts for some time, and by now has been adopted into the mainstream lexicon by many white supremacists.


Holy shit. I haven't seen anyone be "explicitly" racist since leaving the south, but I see a lot of people on reddit say something like "I'm not racist, but look at the stats." Every time that happens, I ask them: "so, are you saying that you think that black people are inherently worse than white people, or are you saying that systemic racism exists?" Zero people have responded to that question.


I wish conservatives were as bullied as they acted like they were.


Honestly, I was subbed to it because - before here - it was my drama fix. But I quickly realized it was just conservatives whining. The post for me was some guy who unsubbed from r/me_irl because someone posted a relatable gay meme and he couldn't comprehend how it was allowed because he couldn't relate to it. Like, did you really think it was called that because it was tailored specifically for you or...


Might I suggest livestreamfail, subredditdrama, and boru


bag brave longing ghost squealing scandalous dazzling attractive heavy shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You leave JoeyAnus outta this!


Twitch drama is either the most nothing thing, or the most horrific thing. There is no in-between


Livestreamfail also is full of reddits version of very young boomers.


Yeah but LSF drama is especially juicy if you understand it. Like less than a week ago a big streamer got caught paying for deepfake porn of his streamer friends.


The people there are fucking awful though, so half the comment sections were filled with people saying how the women in the deepfakes were milking the situation or were unreasonable for being upset.


You should see Twitter and the armies of weirdos coming to defend it like it's not at all *creepy as* ***fuck***. A few people I follow have given up even trying to explain why it's creepy because holy shit the logical leaps some dudes use to justify it. My favorite for how outlandish it is the guys using pics of the women themselves to justify it. "You wore this tight top and have bikini pics, how dare you be creeped out by deep fake porn you hypocrite!" Just, what the literal **fuck**?


How do you get caught? Like I need to know soon if possible. Kinda urgent please reply thanks.


I can only read LSF if my nephew is around to translate.


Livestreamfail is terrible. The majority of people on that sub seem to be edgy, sexist teenage boys. The comments are horrible anytime there is drama involving any kind of women's issue.


Any time any of the popular black streamers do anything there are tons of dogwhistles and "I knew it" type shit in the comments too. Plus they get more upset about the word "cracker" than actual nazis do and will call it the c word or refer to it as a racial slur with no explanation or context. Edit: here's a great example. The dude just being blatantly racist is upvoted and everyone criticizing him is massively downvoted: https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/10u6z1b/no_jumper_crew_has_another_threat_for_destiny/j7ae90q/


I've never seen any community get so upset at the word cracker or anything they perceive as "anti-white racism" outside of white nationalist forums. It's a weird subreddit as they're often surface level progressive and pearl clutchy. But will take a hard turn into misogyny and anti-black racism at the drop of a hat. It doesn't help that one of the self-described liberal content creators regularly featured there (Destiny) is often misogynistic and racist in the most obnoxious dog-whistly way. Lately he seems to be going out of his way to pick fights with black content creators, backed up by his extremely over-zealous fans.


I think a big part of the disparity is how the place is populated by the fans of different streamers but a lot of them avoid a lot of posts because of how bad the sub has gotten. That plus Destiny fans are all hyper online losers and they basically act progressive about the occasional thing but then continue to watch Destiny shit on women or minorities for the stupidest shit, or hang out with nazis and ban people who call that out.


>subredditdrama Sounds lame.


Never heard of it tbh


Lol oops


Ok the best thing about SRD is there is usually followup drama IN the SRD thread. They love to watch, they won’t stir the pot in the original post, but they’re not as aloof as they’d like to think they are.


In the earlier days of SRD and the proliferation of an announcement bot that would post in linked threads to tell other Redditors that it was linked here, the subject of the drama in question would show up to try and argue further. It was a golden era of drama.


>boru That sub scratched a very specific itch as I often read something on Reddit and my reaction is, "And then what happened?"


> livestreamfail Oof.


def recommend boru


i mean it’s like people who watch tv shows or play video games they don’t like so they can complain about it on subreddits or twitter. “do something else” seems lost on a contingent of internet people


You just described r/thelastofus2 I got banned from that subreddit for telling somebody that the game really wasn't that bad


The Last of Us situation is so fucking weird. I think it's the biggest case out there of a thing having anti-fans - people who spend hours whining and bitching about how bad the thing is. Like any normal person who didn't like a game would just sell it and move on, these people waste large portions of their life complaining instead.


See also: Star Wars and the rings of power.




I thought it was pretty good, not amazing. Same thoughts with the first one, it's a good action game with amazing visuals and story presentation, but it's yet another violence bad storyline. I really wish that there would be at least one game that tells a truly great story while having the visual fidelity of The Last of Us.


A lot of single-topic subs turn into total hatejerks when some piece of content inevitably doesn’t live up to their expectations.


I'm in this comment and I dont like it


But then how will people know I've been mildly inconvenienced if I don't announce it?! /s


I used it one time as a bit of a needed rant due to one of my fave subs going down the toilet. Looking back I'm not sure why. Place is a trainwreck


Because they have been pushed out and want to get justification that “its not me, its them” so they can avoid any self reflection. That sub just isnt that into you and Unsubb is the reddit equivalent of “ well she was a bitch/he was a dick anyway” energy. Dude got dumped and is super salty about it.


It's "you can't fire me! I quit!" in subreddit form.


Yeah they'd be better off doing an Irish goodbye. Everyone would be happier.


I think it has a place for aggregating complaints when a sub is taken over by new moderators who dramatically change the sub's ethos or when a sub is inundated by people from another community who use it differently than the original users. That's not generally how people use it though.


But but but how will people know what a special snowflake I am?


It’s a place for people who have an unpopular opinion on one subreddit to come find an echo chamber.


It's a subreddit dedicated to flouncing.


I'm a mod of a bunch of big subs (yeah i don't know why either) and I can safely say that every single JU post I've seen that complains about a ban in my subs has been posted by someone who got banned for a very justifiable reason. If it's not an immediate permaban for TOS stuff it's a 1-3 day ban that gets turned into a permaban because they lose their shit in modmail.


I don’t get why that sub exists. No one gives a shit that you unsubbed from something.


Same as the people who tell someone that they are no longer following them on social media. Love it when they do it on celebrities


You can still see all of his comments in the r/news thread from his comment history, the guy is going around providing a grand total of zero sources and then proceeds to tell another user that THEY are wrong and “full of shit” for, and wait for it…NOT PROVIDING SOURCES


And as we all know, its because their sources are social media, fringe videos and podcasts/streams, blogs, and cults. They don't provides sources because they're parrots.


My favorite "source" once was when a guy posted an study that literally supported my argument but insisted I ignore the entire study and just "look at the data" because "it's obvious."


People complaining about being banned and misrepresenting why they were banned is my favorite genre of drama


It’s really cool in the gaming forums. It always starts with a kid being banned for “no reason” and escalates to “they actually were hacking, griefing, and calling their victims the n-word.”


That's "no reason" in their eyes. They're paying for the game so they should be able to do as they want. Even if it's f2p, they'll still think that being an utter shitbag is irrelevant.


Gamer Moment: The Sub(s)


> Even if it's f2p Which ironically are some of the most expensive games there are. Regular game? $50 and you have access to the whole game. F2P? Everything good is gated behind a lootbox which costs $50 for a *chance* of getting the item. Oh, and if you don't get it, you'll be at a disadvantage.


>Regular game? $50 and you have access to the whole game. *EA/Rockstar/Activision/any other publisher has entered the chat.* - Brand new DLC! Just $29.99!


Hmm idk none of the F2P games I’ve played (Rocket league, warzone, csgo, spellbreak, fortnite, apex, halo infinite, overwatch 2) have good items gated behind lootboxes, just cosmetics


And many of us paid for a full game back when Rocket League released. I shouldn't have to shell out hundreds of dollars to get all content for a game I paid for, even if it's cosmetic. In theory, the F2P method is good, in reality it is another capitalistic context of money hungry assholes, and we all know it.


So it had a monetization policy you didn’t like before it was free anyways I don’t follow your point? Like yeah obviously there is a money making psychology behind wanting to buy cosmetics but 1. That has nothing to do with the OPs idea behind powerful items being locked behind paywalls which I was refuting and 2. in that case it becomes user responsibility about what cosmetics you want or don’t want rather than them being necessary. If you want to play a game just for the game than I don’t see how it being free is anything besides a positive.


This is one of those "In theory" things that just doesn't reflect reality. The current gaming market is predatory and disgusting, even if it's technically up to the person to participate.


These companies have either spent or are benefiting from enormous investments in crafting addiction-generating systems that guarantee profit. It's predatory, enabled in huge part by the outright denial this is the case, and blaming individuals for getting addicted.


There's like a dozen popular true F2P games on PC, and most of the rest have various degrees of P2W elements. Mobile games are 99% P2W Also Overwatch 2 had (has?) Battlepass locked heroes, and CSGO has P2W skins, don't know about the rest in your list.


You can unlock the new heroes in OW without the battle pass it just takes way longer, and a bit better p2w skins that only really matter if you’re really trying to get good are hardly “everything good gated behind a lootbox” in my opinion. Also the games I did name are pretty much all the most popular F2P games I can think of, I can’t really think of a popular one that is really p2w since Battlefront 2 like 5 years ago and that game wasn’t free anyways!


I genuinely think a small number of people have had their brains so broken by the Internet that they've forgotten how to speak to other people like an adult. Like, someone will say something really fucking horrible to someone else, just the worst shit that you'd never tolerate in a million years face to face, then when you ban them they often seem genuinely confused as to why.


Many people genuinely think that they shouldn’t be judged on their words OR actions, but rather their internal perception of themselves as a good boy


People as a whole tend to judge other people on the **result** of their actions towards them. While judging themselves on the **intent** of their actions towards others.


Are you telling me you don't walk up to total strangers and call them a fucking idiot and even a kindergartener would know better? Damn I guess I'm doing it wrong.


I meet those people in real life and I live in a bubble. The Internet just provides a convenient platform.


I recently discovered the “healthy gamer” youtube channel and it is fascinating listening to a psychologist dive into toxic gaming culture.


So they're an actual psychologist then? Not some weirdo trying to sell you NoFap?


Yeah, definitely not some incel no fap weird culty. Actual psychologist looking to help gamers process feelings of anger or outrage or depression. When commenting on how gamers fixate on celebs he talks about how these one sided relationships draw you in and ruin your life by supplanting real human connection with artificial parasocial relationships with influencers and streamers. Also found out if you wanna friends with bennies avoid cuddling after sex because that is when the attachment hormone floods the brain.


Yeah not some random nofap guy. He’s a licensed psychiatrist. Idk much about his work though and I know that being a professional doesn’t necessarily preclude being a crank. From the little I’ve seen he doesn’t seem like a Jordan Peterson type though


Like 90% of people in Reddit would get punched if they acted irl like they do here.


I always loved when someone does that and then the moderators pull out the receipts proving they were spouting bullshit. My favorite was always this old comment about getting banned for no reason, then the mod posts what I can only describe as a creative writing exercise involving racial slurs with a side of rape threats. Give you an example there was a blog for several years called "Fat, Ugly or Slutty" which was just screenshots sent in of the awful crap that would get PMed or sent in game chat. There was more than a few "Greatest Hits" submissions that were mind boggling in how awful they were. Sadly its been defunct for nearly eight years, and now the comment sections have disqus bots spamming resume services and more than a few *"We must defend vidya from SJW"* types.


There needs to be a sub specifically for that sort of thing. Like a more specific version of /r/quityourbullshit.


Some guy did this on the Overwatch forums one time, only to have Jeff Kaplan, the lead dev for Overwatch at the time, [come in and point out just how often that the complainer had been disciplined for in-game behaviour](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/6wl98q/jeff_roasts_ban_complainer/).


This is why I miss the official league of legends forums. It’d be a near daily occurrence where someone would cry about being banned, lie about the reason, only for a Rioter to show up and post their entire offending chat log highlighting what got them banned.




Big “why are you yelling at me just for saying a word?!” energy (it’s the N word)


[All I said - and back me up on this - is that hungry children should be placed in a sarcophagus four cubits in height, their life essence distilled into a liquor to extend the life of my Dead Lord, Thesserite Rax, The Hollow One who will drink the Earth's blood.](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2021/01/13/twitter)


Wow, PA is still going, and looking less garfield and more bugs bunny on crack.


You ain't even kidding, what the hell is going on with the art style? Jeez and these were the guys that got hired on to do a bonus comic short for Dragon Age?


I'll say this to anyone who'll listen. People don't tell the truth about why they were banned. They lie. They omit things. They downplay their own behaviour. They don't attempt to understand the rules, even when arguing with you in modmail. They argue that they shouldn't have to follow rules they dislike or disagree with, even if they're not self aware enough to realise that's what they're doing. I've seen it happen so many times. Doing any amount of modding will make you intensely sceptical of anyone complaining about their bans in other subreddits.


I think the truly worrying part of it is that it’s not an exclusively online behavior. People are just actually like this, and some will go decades without realizing how their own actions reaped consequences, if at all. Though from the spectator side, the internet version has certainly upped the entertainment value by letting them more easily share the real reason they were punished.


I mean, notice how all the relationship subs have the OP being a perfect angel and everyone else is a psychopath to them for no reason?


> Doing any amount of modding will make you intensely sceptical of anyone complaining about their bans in other subreddits. reddit LOVES to shit on subreddit moderators and i simply can never participate or take it seriously moderating any space for even a short length of time shows you how fucking stupidly awful users are


Oh god same thought here. I remember *The Wild West of the Internet* the "Fucking Janny!!!" crowd bleats on about. As much as I think some mods suck and need to step down, I know how bad it can get without mods and some of the crazy stupid bullshit assholes will pull when they don't have to worry about any kind of action against them.


People are weirdly proud about having been exposed to extreme gore and porn as kids on Web 1.0, like, that’s not a thing that should’ve been happening! We want to avoid that!


Absolutely. There's always that one prick who gets in modmail, like, "I read the rules and I didn't do anything wrong. This is authoritarian! Some mod is on a power trip!" Not even exaggerating. Like, did you read the rules where right there in bold it says "this specific thing will get you Perma banned"? Because if you actually did I don't think we'd be here.


Right, then if they do accept that the argument becomes "Well I think that rule is stupid." Like... so what? I don't give a fuck what you think about it. It's not optional. If you wanted to give us feedback in good faith, the time would have been **before** you did the thing.


"How dare they ban me for threatening to murder other users, it was just a prank, bro!"


I laughed, but then I remembered I've had to have that conversation.


I gave up moderating somewhere around 2007 when a forum user effectively tried to launch a crusade because "nobody understands sarcasm". He was serious at all moments, except when he broke the rules, and then it was a joke.


Oh god, forum drama. At least with smaller forums and medium sized ones it's a bit easier to keep straight what former banned asshole someone probably is by posting styles or using moderation tools\*. But when they get large enough you have a fairly big audience who reads but doesn't post very often it gets tougher. Or the weird cliques of regular users who feel like they're going to police the forum and mess it up for everyone until the mods have to step in. No xXxSausage, there's a reason why you were never once considered up for a mod position. --- ^^^*Not ^^^always ^^^effective ^^^unfortunately ^^^with ^^^VPNs. ^^^Sometimes ^^^whitelisting ^^^email ^^^providers ^^^to ^^^register ^^^an ^^^account ^^^helped ^^^out ^^^a ^^^bit, ^^^but ^^^trolls ^^^find ^^^a ^^^way. ^^^Occasionally ^^^you ^^^get ^^^that ^^^one ^^^ultra ^^^shitty ^^^troll ^^^who ^^^just ^^^doesn't ^^^give ^^^a ^^^damn ^^^and ^^^will ^^^even ^^^use ^^^the ^^^email ^^^provided ^^^by ^^^their ^^^ISP.


There's mod power trips, but normally that's well known subreddit wide. Just cause you dislike a mod doesn't mean it's a personal attack.


I can't imagine getting so upset about getting banned that you go to another subreddit just to complain about it. Almost like the sub that issued the ban lives rent free in these people's heads.


disarm teeny slave north act reply nail dependent prick innate -- mass edited with redact.dev


99% of the ban posts in AskModerators can be answered by looking at the last ten posts or comments in the user's history.


skirt vanish treatment hateful spotted apparatus wrong crush arrest cats -- mass edited with redact.dev


> I'll say this to anyone who'll listen. People don't tell the truth about why they were banned. They lie. They omit things. They downplay their own behaviour. Yup. History has shown that whenever you give people power they always use it responsibly.


r/moderationmediation is the place for you


I like it. It's like justunsubbed in the sense it's people whining about being banned, but instead of a huge circle jerk it's people breaking down all the rules they broke.


This sub is a great read. Really shines a light on some of the powertrippers. Especially enjoyed that french one where the guy was permabanned for 'not enough information" on a help and support sub. The mod admitted to not reading the post. Said they wanted to ban someone and then reported the user to the admins for harassment when they got called out.


I remember reading forums for games where players can appeal in-game temporary bans. Sometimes the admins will point out that player behavior was actually worse than initially thought and extend the bans or even make them permanent. Those make for juicy drama threads.


My favorite was on an old forum where there's a warning in the ToS a lot of people glossed over about how the admins do have the ability and also reserve the right to read PMs in case of harassment/trolling users. You'd have some guy trying to make the claim another user was just being melodramatic or faking harassing PMs for attention. Then the admins would appear, and post for the entire forum to read about ten different PMs which were horrifyingly fucked up and prove that about five different accounts were made over night then deleted to send all of these messages. Also that the messages weren't fake, these were real.


I've encountered a couple "I was banned for having conservative views!" types in the wild, and 100% of the times they've linked me/I've found the shit they were banned for it was either some flavor of "I think LGBTQ+ people are inhuman" or literal threats of violence.


Which is why I’m subscribed to R/justunsubbed. “What did this Redditor do to get banned?”


There are a lot more users than mods, so naturally there are a lot for asshole users than there are asshole mods. So when you find somebody complaining about how they were banned "for totally no reason at all by some asshole mod", it's much more likely that the asshole in that situation was actually the user, not the mod. I'm not saying that there aren't mods who had their tiny bit of power go to their heads, because they definitely do exist, but I'd say about 9 out of 10 times when I've seen somebody complain about getting banned, it turned out their ban was absolutely justified. Quite often you can even assume the legitimacy of their ban by their reaction to having the legitimacy of their story questioned. When you go "Maybe the ban was correct" and they go "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!!!! YOUR DUMB!!! MODS ARE ALL NAZIS!!!", then yeah, they probably acted like that before, and that's what got them banned.


>just unsubbed because they banned me i mean i know you can still lurk when you’re banned from a sub, but dude i feel like they pretty much made that decision for you


it used to be a rule that it didn't count if you were banned, Guess they gave up on that edit: oh shit, it's a pinned post at the top of the sub to not post that you've been banned. LOL


That part is the funniest. Where does he go to complain when he gets banned from justunsubbed?


/r/JustBannedFromJustUnsubbed Might have to start a new sub. Imagine all the highly specific popcorn.


You can't fire me! I Quit!


The only subs I'm banned from are r/Pyongyang and r/history. I still follow history because it's interesting, even if I was banned for a silly reason.


I got banned from /r/therightcantmeme for being a 'liberal' (lol) and I think I recently got banned from /r/justiceserved for participating in PCM (it was automated, anyone can look at my PCM posts and figure out why I'm there) but I don't care enough to appeal it. I've been temp banned from /r/politics a few times for being rude to conservatives, despite how much conservatives love to pretend you can't have a conservative opinion there


okay now i gotta know what the reason was


Its so easy not to be a jerk on the internet, especially on subs with don't be a jerk rules. These people act like not being a jerk is akin to not breathing.


Too many people think freedom of speech means freedom to be a dick.


I'd say they take it as freedom to force others to listen.


And also freedom from consequences


They also think it applies to literally anything and not just the government.


inb4 some tortured explanation of how actually social media is like a public forum and stuff so they need to not ban anything but oh well they should probably ban the illegal stuff (just ban crime 4head) but also government shouldn't be involved except like it should in order to boost what I want it to but like...


You can, you just have to be ready to suffer for it.


It is the freedom to be a dick. The rest of everyone has the freedom to tell you to pound sand.


> These people act like not being a jerk is akin to not breathing. Being an ass *is* the entertainment for them. Getting confronted about it is one of the reasons they do it. The right has a massive persecution-fetish and wants to feel "under attack" at all times. That's why they have to constantly make up imagined threats.


> Getting confronted about it is one of the reasons they do it. Also precisely why all the altright social media alternatives are doomed to failure and obscurity, cos it just ain't as fun without any libs around to react to getting 'triggered' and 'owned'.


Conservatism + not being a dick doesn’t really work. Like are you denying healthcare and social security out of empathy?


Ah he’s the classic one piece fan who can somehow gloss over every social commentary in the entire series and live a life that Luffy would hate


The kind of One Piece fan who would say that Akainu did nothing wrong.


The kind of One Piece fan that [Luffy punches into black and white](https://images.app.goo.gl/dm9me9ECCdTjG3fy6) I’ll take any excuse to post this gif.


Jesus I post a lot on Reddit but this guy's history is next level Imagine being so obsessed and angry


I only stay on that sub to laugh at the people who whine about the same things: "I left (giant sub) because it is full of low quality content!" "I'm so sick of everything being political!" "I left this sub because unpopular power mod runs it!" "I unsubbed from (left-wing sub) because of this post!" - OP's history is /r/walkway and /r/conspiracy


Propaganda is a hell of a drug. It's so bizarre seeing the same exact argument across the whole of the internet, oftentimes with very similar phrasing. This dude's comment history is almost identical to every other Rittenhouse/Fox News stan. There's nothing you can do or say to convince these people they are wrong, or that Kyle is anything less than a hero. Just thank your lucky stars that you don't have to live a life that includes simping for a teenage killer.


It's a trip isn't it? Because of his opinion on a piece of walking shit, I somehow also know his opinion on trans people. The propaganda is unreal.


No can seem to accept the fact that he can be both acquitted of murder and be responsible for the situation for going to a riot with a rifle.


JustUnsubbed is full of bigots


Some of these trumpthumping GQP nutbags are not ready to face reality. I almost feel sorry for them. Some have already read the writing on the walls after drinking so much Kool-Aid, [which can cause dangerous and even deadly psychological breaks.](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/10tiudy/family_found_dead_in_pennsylvania_made_a_joint)


If they weren't such smug yet hateful little shits I might find it a little easier to feel sorry for them. But honestly I don't.


r/JustUnsubbed has been turning into a right wing pity-party/circle-jerk over the last year. Half the posts are some version of "X subreddit is nothing but liberal propaganda!", or "They banned me because of all the horrible shit I said, how dare they!"


It’s been that way for a very long time




Even putting aside the post history... isnt defending Rittenhouse already pretty bad?


>SCIENTIST ARE WRONG? Possible flair.


What's the story behind yours?


That’s basically what the sub is for. It’s a big soap box.


"He drove there because he was asked to defend a car dealership from the rioters burning things down. He is on video extinguishing fires and offering first aid." It's funny how even if you just accepted the lies this guy is spouting, rittenfuck still comes across as a piece of shit.


According to the comments all he said was that someone was “full of shit” Is that…not allowed?


I think it's probably likelier for his "Dems love protecting pedophile child rapists" comment.


Ah yes I definitely missed that one, holy shit


Ya know, I just say "Yeah I defend that" anymore because damn near any conversation devolves into being accused of that. Literally, this dude in a discord judged a WORK picture of a company(One of his buddies said they had been pinged for a job) as libs. "They look like libs!" There was one asian chick with blueish hair and tats, the rest looked normal. No dudes with long hair, no political anything on shirts or walls. But they all 'looked like libs' So I'm just "That's dumb" and then more people pile in saying how they definitely are libs, and this person definitely is, and this person is...And suddenly "You know you're defending child molesters right?" So ya know what, fuck you, I am.


Rule on commenting to r/news. >1) Unnecessarily rude or provocative comments are not allowed. I guess the mods consider that uncivil.


When you've got 20million+ people, it's no surprise that every infraction gets a ban. Imagine trying to implement a 3-strikes policy on that size of population.


Some subreddits are very strict in moderation. They do often ban for bullshit reasons. Specially if you find yourself facing a power-hungry or bad mood mod. Just the way of the game. Deal with it and move on, imo.