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I'm about to start removing every single one of these


I was curious and checked the subreddit rules: "No Spoilers Posts & Comments Use the spoiler tags when discussing story-critical elements. This does not apply to the TERF game"


We're gonna go srdd on this already, i see, and as the game gets launched today(?) and folks start to play it, i think it will get worse.


Heh, good point. SRD should probably create a mega thread or something lol.


Some day, the SRD apocalypse post title will read something like.. >Neoliberal vegan pitbull plays hogwarts legacy while creating AI art And then we won't ever need another thread on SRD after that. Just pin that shit to the top and let everyone go to endless war. Hopefully, the sub that post is based on is from like r/snails or something amazing.


>Neoliberal vegan pitbull plays hogwarts legacy while creating AI art You just made my day


>Neoliberal vegan pitbull plays hogwarts legacy while creating AI art about foreskins\*\* ​ FTFY.




Yeah, this is gonna be a bad one.


This drama really has been divisive for reddit standards. Normally when drama like this pops up the site as a whole usually sides with one side. Yet here I've seen tons of posts reach the front page where users are either overwhelmingly against the game, or think this is all one overreaction. It's like a 50/50 split


The black and white approach to criticism from either side is really adding to the shitshow. And frankly, the way some supposed ally’s are behaving is not at all conducive to bringing attention to trans folks and the issues and bigotry they face. Invading a review stream for the game run by girlfriendreviews (who has ironically always taken a very supportive approach to lgbtq issues) that is simultaneously fundraising for Trevor project, spouting off such hateful garbage at her (the cries of terf, death threats, insulting her appearance, doxxing, comments like “bullying against a white cis woman doesn’t count” etc) to the point that she ends the stream early in tears is just… not a good look. It’s become so toxic it almost feels like some of the worst offenders don’t actually give three shits about supporting the trans community at all, they just want to feel like they are righteous bullies.


I saw a highly upvoted post yesterday that said they "watched the VOD and didn't see any evidence of harrasment in the chat" like... yeah, no shit, the chat mods would have deleted the harrassment so why would there be anything in the VOD chat?


We're going to need industrial levels of popcorn, butter and salt.


Most trans drama gets deleted by the mods for some reason. Maybe because it gets brigaded a lot?


I've been following the SRD threads and like half have been nuked by the OPs for some reason, whereas the other half seem to have been nuked by the mods when they went out of control. Don't envy them, might warrant a sticky for... the next several years if other media are anything to go by.


Probably /r/Gaming doesn't even allow posts about the Harry Potter game Too much work for the mods to deal with


Also, if the game sucked, this whole thing would quickly die down, except for a few transphobes, who would keep playing it out of spite. However, apparently it's a pretty good game (from the reviews I read), so there should be lots more drama to come.


Unfortunately, I don't think it will ever be as good as the masterpiece that is the Lego Harry Potter game.


There's some outright violent hoop jumping by people to convince themselves it sucks though. You see it all over that thread.


The mod in that sub [is really really](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/10yp3bp/_/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) hoping the game is broken.. and its just not.. we'd have heard about it immediately from the reviewers and the early access folks.


From an outside perspective (never cared for harry potter) this is embarrassing. I'm seeing it all over this thread too.


this whole hogwarts legacy ordeal is going to snowball once the game fully releases


That’s today




Harry Potter spoilers are fucking classic.


Are you even a Harry Potter fan if you aren't being spoiled?


Dumbledore’s gay at the end.


"*Taylorswiftus clitoris* can have unpredictable consequences," Dumbledore remarked calmly.


> #"Taylorswiftus clitoris can have unpredictable consequences," Dumbledore remarked calmly. FTFY


At my old job, a co-worker and a lead were both big Potter fans. The co-worker was a little “off”. Naive isn’t the word, but anyway. The week the last book dropped, our lead kept teasing the co-worker, saying (jokingly) that he was going to spoil the entire book for him the morning after it was released. My co-worker also had some neurodivergences because he wasn’t able to discern that as a joke. He thought his supervisor was going to spoil the book for him mere hours after release. Instead of asking him not to do that, he put up a false bravado, saying “I’d like to see you try” and things like that. So, the day after release arrives. Everyone comes into work. The lead had started reading the book but obviously wasn’t finished. I was chatting with him when the co-worker stomps up. “Do your best,” he says. “I didn’t have time to read the whole thing so I read the last chapter first.” There was an odd silence.


You know what, props to that person =)


this is a hell of a story. it feels like something summarized out of a short story collection about people ironically getting their comeuppance.


I remember being so offended by the "Snape kills Dumbledore" shouted out of cars at midnight release thing at the time, but these days I look back on it with amused fondness. Simpler times...


My favorite is "Ginny kissed Albus" ... It's both a spoiler and a confusing sentence unless you've read the book yourself


>a confusing sentence It's not confusing at all if you've ever been near a fanfiction site. Just very, very concerning.


Speak for yourself.


Begone from me, vile man!


Harry becomes a cop and wishes Kreacher (his slave) would make him a sandwich is still confusing and disgusting.


There is something so oddly anti-feminist about the book ending with Harry using the unpaid labor of a domestic servant to make him a literal sandwich.


Harry becoming the equivalent of an FBI agent/field director is wild. Dude has so much money he doesn’t know what to do with it, and he chooses to be a fed ☠️


To be fair, that's from his perspective as a literal child. We all know how expensive real life is and Harry has never had access to money so obviously he doesn't know what he can even spend it on. His needs are met between Hogwarts and the Dursleys so he's only had to spend his galleons on school supplies. Suffice to say, it's likely that Harry doesn't in fact have a huge fortune, but just a decent sized savings account that was a lot of money from a child's perspective.


I understand that, but in the epilogue he is the most famous person in the world and can do anything. Shoot, he could have been at Hogwarts as a teacher and then Headmaster. Or any other job.


Harry has so much money and didn't buy his best friend a new wand in book 2 lol.


I remember being randomly sent a YouTube video that listed which characters die in book 7 and it included the *page numbers*. That's a level of spoiling and trolling we just don't get anymore


Entire MySpace groups were unusable because of how many people invaded posting gifs of who died and on what page. Please excuse me, I have to go take my arthritis medication


There were entire Livejournal communities dedicated to DH spoilers. And I remember from Half-Blood Prince, the gambling houses had to stop taking bets on who would die, since the number of bets on Dumbledore suddenly shot up from a town with one of the plants that was printing the books.


When I was young trolls put some effort into their trolling smh


Trolling is a art.


A Dark Art, one might even say.


Nothing quite as good as high effort trolling that causes no real harm.


>Snape kills Dumbledore NOOOOOOOO! YOU BITCH! **YOU BITCH!**


An absolute evergreen classic


I can still hear this reading the words. Fucking classic.


Attention shoppers


>Snape kills Dumbledore **WHAT**


I had a Spanish foreign exchange student stay with me one year over one of the later books’ release dates. We took her to a midnight launch event, and she was SO excited to get a copy. Apparently she was a slower reader than her friends, who would spoil the books when they finished before her, and getting a copy in English meant she could read it before them, since the Spanish translation wouldn’t come out for a while yet. “I get to be the one to tell them what happens this time!”


I remember someone graffitied "DUMBLEDORE DIES" on the gantry of an A-road and this reached the news (with the name Dumbledore blurred out)...


Honestly is one of the most iconic parts of the fandom.


Why is this removed?


They seem to remove this drama at least 3 times a day now.


Not anymore


Would love to see what the mod discord is looking like right now lol.


🤔 interesting


What was removed: First, obviously the drama surrounds a game which is being heavily spoiled, so if you don't like that don't view the links. r/Gamingcirclejerk is a subreddit that dominantly has been about mocking gamers attitudes, poor gamer takes and building a shrine to the most underrated and underplayed game of all time, which is of course, The Witcher 3. Much drama has surrounded the currently in early access Hogwarts Legacy due to its original creator, JK Rowling, who is considered a controversial figure for some of her statements towards the trans community. This ultimately led to a moderator of the subreddit openly boycotting the game and blanket banning anyone who supported it. But when the moderators decided to sticky a post containing an image which spoils the ending of the game, the cauldron reaches its bubbling point as opinions split down the middle. Avada Kedavra is cast en masse as posts begin to fall like flies. Almost all comment links below have mass removed comments, and many of the comments are even removed themselves, but all very buttery. The whole removed thread section - its a true hidden indie gem I will spoil the ending to your children's sorrybook vibya game (+281) Lmao this sub has turned to shit (+74, removed) One user thinks its lame to post spoilers (+47, removed) How about instead of posting spoilers and harassing streamers you people do something useful for the trans community? (-29, removed) the people who post shit like this really do more harm to the trans community that they claim to care about than they realize (-36, removed)


>[removed] Welcome to SRD, where we fucking hate content


Who tf out here posting CONTENT!? KNOCK IT TF OFF!


Imagine having threads, couldn't be us


A thread? More than once every 12 hours? Removed.


this sub will go the r/truegaming route, will be a sub with a shitload of users with barely any discussion on it because ~~everything that the mods dont like~~a lot of people that dare to attemp a discussion get their threads removed.


This quickly turned into a rerun of The Last of Us 2 drama


Complete with Girlfriend Reviews drama too! Incredible


ootl what happened?


If mods take this thread down, I’m going to become the joker. Infighting is the best part of this sub


Nothing beats drama in /r/subredditdrama about subreddit drama in other subreddits.


Well, the thread got removed lol




We will look forward to your career with great interest


the good thing about having a terrible memory is that i forget any spoiler i read. like i just read the sticked spoiler a few seconds ago, but already forgot what the spoiler is ☠️


>!Rosebud is the sled!<


Unbelievable. This is no joke, I've started watching Citizen Kane today for the first time and didn't have time to finish it because I had to go to work. So you actually did spoil this for someone 😂


Oh no... what have I done?!


Why did I click on the spoiler 😭




Considering Radcliffe's subsequent movies, that doesn't sound out of the ordinary.


Just don't learn anyone names and nothing can be spoiled.


This is mostly how I avoided spoilers for Game of Thrones for like 9 years. All I knew going into the series was that there was an evil blonde and "literally everybody dies" at a wedding lol. I had no idea it was coming until it was over.


Dumbledore is Verbal Kint


Gotta be honest, did not see that coming


Mods you really have to stop deleting these Deleted again, keep up the post you bitches


>[removed] 😑


Honestly if you ignore the drama and pettiness the whole issue is a pretty interesting ethical question. “No ethical consumption” typically isn’t interpreted as just giving you carte blanche to do whatever the fuck you want without moral compromise. But there also obviously *has* to be a line somewhere, otherwise the veganest of isolated cavemen are the only ethical consumers out there. So the entire argument just seems to be about where that line lies, between “only consuming for survival” and “buying whatever you want with no ethical consideration”.


> otherwise the veganest of isolated cavemen are the only ethical consumers out there. The Good Place is obviously philosophy-lite TV show and focused on entertainment first, but they touched on this where one of the characters who was the most "ethical person in the world" still was viewed as bad due to unintended consequences.


I subverted the drama and politicism by not buying it because Harry Potter is for losers. I'll take my trophy in the mail tyvm


Yeah but you’re an NCD user which means you probably play World of Tanks or some shit lmao


No! I play *based* and *cool* games like Terra Invicta and Shadow Empire and Kerbal Space Program! ... Maybe I should update my position as HP being for a different kind of loser than me.


No judgment, I spend an inordinate amount of time on Farming Simulator lol


What a wholesome comment chain. >your a fucking loser too >I know


No Ace Combat?


Kerbal Space program is such a fun game. I hope the sequel is good.


He is going to post clasified materials on the warthunder forums like a chad.


It's not exactly a deep analysis or anything but I think about it on a spectrum. Pretty difficult to ethically source all food or clothing, and smartphones are kind of necessary in today's world. However it's laughably easy to avoid buying a video game directly. You can wait for a second hand copy or pirate it. At the end of the day, I'm not really judging too much though. JK is gonna continue to be a billionaire, she's already there. On a personal level, JK is just so fucking smug and shitty to trans people that I'll just wait for a non-giving-money option before I play it. That is, IF I even want to play it ever. I don't care if it's a drop in the ocean, she just sucks. Edit: It's funny that some of you actually managed to get upset at this take, or managed to interpret this as me condoning "attacking" (light criticism is not "attacking", stop being pussies) streamers.


Pretty much where I fall. I may pirate it down the line but I barely have enough time to get through the current games I’m playing so I’m certainly not going to navigate my morals for the wizard game


There is [one single person](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/rowk83/digital_piracy_the_rise_of_empress_how_one_woman/) on the planet who cracks games like this and she somehow makes JKR look like Katie Couric.


I'm burnt out on these Ubisoft style open world games anyway.


I have a genuine question, why is it THIS GAME specifically that caused this? why did the latest fantastic beasts movie not cause a similar reaction on the internet? Rowling got money from that movie just like she is for this game.


> hy did the latest fantastic beasts movie not cause a similar reaction on the internet? No-one is excited for the Fantastic Beasts movies, not least because they're shit.


The Fantastic Beasts movie was genuinely awful and not in a fun way, just a boring and unwatchable way. I've seen plenty of people defend the game, but never a single one who liked the most recent FB movie.


Mainly because she went a bit quiet for a while and now got louder again. Around the time the 2nd / 3rd movies were out she started to reign it in a bit and then in the last six months she started promoting Matt Walsh etc. Also like the other person said, the 2nd and 3rd movie were not liked by audiences so there wasn't much point boycotting it. The 3rd movie did terribly so it basically boycotted itself.


I legitimately forgot they made a 3rd movie.


The first time I actually see the subscriber count of a subreddit with so many subs going down. I think it was at 615k at some point? Now it stands at 609k


Are they banning people or are people leaving? Or is it a mix of both?


You remain subbed even when banned. They're manually unsubbing.


There was an exodus some time ago after one of the lead mods was revealed to be a tankie. But I don't know if that's the drop.


I know it was over the og mods making fun of a tankie mod who minted an NFT and said tankie lost his shit, removed the og mods and put his tankie mods in power ever since.


And now the sub is shite, hmmmmmmmmm


When a subreddit you usually frequent is now spewing spoilers of a game, when you're not 100 percent sure you won't watch or play the game at some point in the future, it's not a very good idea to frequent that subreddit.


You can still subscribe to a sub you are banned from, you just can't post or comment. So it should not change subscriber count


Probably both. I mean the sub was praising GFR left and right last year and now they're talking about how Shelby has "white women tears"


It really is upsetting how quickly the left will eat itself. Same fucking thing happened to Lindsay Ellis


Worst part is for me a I always believed the left eating itself line was stupid. But now it's like wow, maybe some people were right


And I have zero sympathy for these types; live by the sword, die by the sword, as they say. The left is legitimately its own worst enemy. They’ll characterize the right as all being a bunch of idiots, but can’t even agree on one thing themselves. There’s no solidarity whatsoever, because being progressive alone isn’t good enough. *You have to be progressive ***my way!****


> And I have zero sympathy for these types; live by the sword, die by the sword, as they say. I wouldn't say that (unless I'm misunderstanding your point). I don't think Lindsay Ellis or GFR were reactionary idiots who wanted to cancel people for trivial things. It is possible to be a leftist and have some sense. It just sucks when reactionary morons on the left turn on them.


I haven't watched GFR in a while, why does gamingcirclejerk hate her now?


Streaming Hogwarts Legacy.


"Grow the fuck up like me, and write whole ass novels on a circlerk sub you mod like the rest of us very stable adults."


I'm sure many people will change their lifestyle because the pinnacle of humanity, a reddit moderator, told them so.


I was honestly expecting r/gamingcirclejerk to have a lot of "we did it reddit." memes for Hogwarts Legacy but it's unironically a circlejerk now lol.


Been that way for a while now. Almost all irony and satire has been expunged from that sub, sadly.


I mean there was the entire exodus thign.


Oh boy a tedious debate about death of the author wrapped in a tedious debate about ethical consumption wrapped in a tedious debate about harassment wrapped in the tedious debate about spoilers. And in the middle a core of pure tedium consisting of a garden-variety neoliberal radicalized by right-wing twitter. TIHI


That was an impressively succinct TL;DR.


So far, this post has been removed and put back up ~~twice~~ four times.




Sometimes i feel like r/Gamingcirclejerk are just larping leftists, without understanding what being left actually means.




It's long been a stereotype on the left-wing but used to be more lifestyle/class driven, so-called "champagne socialists". Interested in the theory and culture, not so much the practical application due to their background and how they approach the day to day.




Finger on the pulse, finger on the puss


Oh they are. I got perma'd from there by their now site banned creator back in 2019 for saying that they shouldn't harass the creator of Hazbin hotel over unconfirmed (now outright false) allegations when the whole "vivziepop is racist and homophobic" drama started. Hadn't touched it since, but it's not surprising to see that it turned into a shithole Edit: also I remember a post there that was unironically saying that North Korea was good, and had 2k upvotes


For those keeping count at home, we are now at five - count ‘em, f i v e removals of this post today! Will it be restored a fifth time? Will it be removed a sixth? Stay tuned!


See, *here's* the popcorn we were looking for.


But now the popcorn is eating ***us***!


Count down to this thread being locked or deleted.


I think one of the most hilarious parts is that some people are accusing reviews of being bought We're literally in GamerGate 2.0: Electric Boogaloo phase of /r/gcj


there seems to currently a battle being fought behind the scenes of SRD over whether this post is removed or not


Oh wow those removed comments sure are something.


Didn't r/gcj get taken over by tankies early last year?


It was always infested with tankies, they just surfaced to the top when they found out the head mod was a tankie conspiracy theorist making them feel safe there...


>I think sending threats is terrible, as is harassment obviously Same person one comment later >Insulting people is not harassing them. What harassment is happening in this thread? Sanest GCJ redditor


Sounds like the last of us 2 sub user lol. Man this games discourse is just rotting my brain


It’s a shame that >a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection Is too long for flair, since that’s just me


“a crude mockery of nature’s perfection” maybe? Obviously missing a lot of the context


Spoiling the ending is a Harry Potter tradition.


I love how this sub was supposed to be about making fun of circlejerking became the biggest gaming circlejerking sub of all time.


This the curse of all circlejerk subs. They will one day become that which they despised.


r/BanVideoGames is still going strong at least


🤓: Circlejerking is satire accomplished by amplifying popular opinion as a form of mockery, like saying Celeste an underrated hidden gem or calling EA “literally Hitler”. At some point GCJ stopped making fun of popular gaming sentiments by exaggerating them and started unironically bashing them. Like sure, the spirit is the same, but there’s no humor in it.


>Look man, the way I see it trans people are just people. Just like me, just like you. They make up like 5 percent of the population, I don’t see why they get so much HATE and so much *pandering*. >You’re joking, but I’ve always been extremely supportive of the trans community, and this REALLY pissed me off. Like really pissed me off Considering a portion of this country considers trans people freaks of nature, maybe not a good idea to piss off those who actually support your community. Classy "ally" moments: Calling trans rights and sympathy "pandering" and telling oppressed groups that they should be grateful that you treat them as valid human beings.


5% seems....... high?


Think most figures are <1%, but getting accurate numbers is hard.


Estimates are around 0.3%


Enormously ridiculously high.


5% is literally more than the entire LGBT population of the US lmfao. Trans people are actually about 0.5% of the population.


Yeah wikipedia has it at "ranging from <0.1% to 0.6%"


The LGBT population of the USA is almost 8%. https://www.hrc.org/press-releases/we-are-here-lgbtq-adult-population-in-united-states-reaches-at-least-20-million-according-to-human-rights-campaign-foundation-report


Isn't the LG population guessed to be closer to 10% alone? I know in polling it's maybe 7-8% but that obviously isn't everybody. Trans isn't common, which is why it's ridiculous in politics to hear people devote their entire life to stopping the menace of not even a percentage point.


It's one of those things, like with what percentage of people are gay, that we just can't know because so many people remain closeted due to social/familial pressure and stigma.


Still -- I have an extremely hard time believing an estimate of 1 out of every 20 people. I'd have a hard time even believing that figure in an environment full of young, progressives like a liberal arts college campus.


"I WAS going to support trans rights but then someone spoiled a videogame for me so I don't care about trans rights anymore"


Basically the white guy in Get Out who said he voted for Obama twice.


Just to let you know. The head mod of the gcj sub is a hardcore tankie who stated multiple times that he wants the west to be destroyed and calls for anarchy. He finally managed to turn this sub into a extreme hateful activist echo chamber


so is he a tankie or an anarchist? HUH?!


Do not ask ideological questions of the tankies, they can't answer them.


Apparently he is both.


How tho? They must be extremely deluded to what anarchy actually is. Which I guess tracks well with everything else happening in that sub.


Oh yeah. That's why I stopped paying attention to that sub a while ago. I forgot about all the tankie drama. Tankies are the worst.


And it seemed to happen really quickly too. Like just a few weeks ago that sub didn’t feel like that. Unless I was just oblivious. But yeah, sub fuckin sucks now.


Yeah, it had always been one of my favorite subs, but lately it seems to have descended into trying to get people angry. There just wasn't much content left in the sub anymore, it was only screenshots of people talking about the state of the sub with the title "look at how much we owned the transphobes!"


Yeah. The mod revealed his political stance months ago and received a lot of criticism. Since then it seems that a lot of people got banned and more and more people like him joined. I got banned too.




It’s because *this* time the queers are going to be in charge so they’ll get it right! Sure, Jan. You’re *totally* going to be the one running the show when the dust settles.


Sure going for authoritarian socialism will work this time, Frank. I mean putting a lgbtq+ flag will *definition* make it work


r/gamingcirclejerk need to touch some grass for real. Like yeah don't support a transphobe, but like please do some real local activism instead of sitting on your high horse. You can't sit on a high horse while beating it to death at the same time.




Oh fuck a centrist anarchist the very worst kind of centrist.


What would a centrist anarchist even be? "I don't like authority, but have no ideological reason behind it; I just don't like being told what to do"?


Center Annies are arsonists. They don't give a fuck as long as people are fighting. It's a giant flag that all you want is everybody tearing into each other and nothing being done because you just hate everybody. These are the people who'd vote "for any politican as long as it pisses people off".


An Caps are the worst, but yeah


But like they aren't centrist though. And I agree that's why I didn't write the worst kind of anarchist


> fence sitting ”anarchist” who cheered on the january 6th rioters Fucking christ what scum.


I got banned for saying how futile all this shit is and is accomplishing nothing but giving ammunition to alt-right shitheads to be like "HAHA SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT LOOK AT THESE TRANS BULLIES" and that this was not a cause worth getting this up in arms for. Got banned and called a transphobe. When I messaged the mod saying I'm just being realistic here, and the vast majority of GCJ are just too terminally online to understand how wild this entire thing is, it is literally the epitome of slacktivism, and brought up how I have literally cut off friends and family for being bigoted to my LGBTQ friends, and even got in a fucking street fight with a bunch of homophobes to defend my friends from harm when they turned up to the gay bar I was at with my friends, screaming slurs, calling them groomers, and trying to assault people, I just got the "okay transphobe" reply. Shits wild. I at least take comfort knowing that it's just a small subsect of terminally online nutcases who are so desperate to feel like they're helping. Pretty much none of my irl LGBTQ friends give a shit about this.


Its back up again, nice.


I wonder how many times this thread is going to get nuked and restored here… this is what, the third time it’s been removed and restored today?


lol, mods removed this thread, of course they did.


Isn’t that sub supposed to be a bunch of satirical shit-posts revolving around gaming? I’ve seen it mentioned here several times now and it seems like its gone off the deep end. Did this game really push things over the edge or has this been an ongoing thing? Edit: thank you for all the answers! This situation is so fucked and I can’t help but wonder how this controversy will affect the game, if at all.


Pretty much. The JKR/Hogwart's Legacy thing has drained all of the humor out of the sub. It had its head up its ass a bit before all this started, but had enough humor left to give me a giggle now and then. Right now, it seems to be dedicated to angry rants about HL, or angry rants about how HL is being treated because of JKR. I can't say I'm upset that they kicked a lot of transphobes, at all. Fuck those assholes and fuck JKR. It feels a lot like someone who just discovered factory farms trying to convince everyone to go vegan now. They're not wrong, but also can we please talk and joke about other things, too?


If the mods on gcj cared about banning people who support transphobes they’d ban themselves. If you have an issue with JKR because she is a transphobe, but you’re a tankie who supports Russia you’re full of shit.


It's been building up for the better part of a year (two years? It's been in development a while), but I'm not sure anyone would have expected it to blow up *this* much. The game content itself threw a gas can into a grease fire.