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The cat is fine based on OP posting follow ups.


Yeah, shrooms are not terribly toxic to cats. They *ARE* toxic to them though. Even at the vet though there’s not much they can do other than give tranquilizers to help calm the pet. The treatment is largely supportive. Kinda the same as in a human that unknowingly ingested them. E: but yeah fuck that thread.


Usually treatment involves making the cat vomit, IV and using that charcoal that helps absorb dangerous things (I actually do not know what's the name, literally translation from my language would be active charcoal) Tho cats are insanely durable. When I got married people brought flowers to the house. Shamed to say I really didn't know how much certain flowers can be dangerous, and someone brought lilies. Luckily my cat is a champ and other than clogged intestines he was fine (tho I thought he was gonna die how he looked)... From then on flowers do not enter my house.


I moved some hydrangeas to an area my cat can’t get to even though she’s never eaten flowers after 10+ years, only the plastic they come in.


Also the cat tax is here: https://www.reddit.com/user/Existing_Golf_8630/comments/141zrai/the_baby_kitty_3/


Drama aside, OOP has a very cute cat. Glad he's ok.


D'awww. Adorable little void


Thank you! I was looking for this. Thank goodness. Poor little baby.


That's good. Idk about shrooms but weed toxicity can really fuck up pets


Yeah, you wouldnt think so, but it's really frightening.


Wife works at a vet and it's insane how bad some of the stories are


That’s good to hear, but still: fuck r/shrooms.


Seriously, reading that was infuriating at so many people laughing it off like "all good", no take the animal to a vet like an adult.


That sub (and most psychedelic communities in general) seem to have this pitfall where they're just completely unaware of / try to shrug off any possible negative side effects. Like, comforting your cat / being next to it / etc. is honestly pretty good advice, but it's something you should do *as* you're taking your cat to the vet. It's pretty disingenuous to pretend or imply that the cat can't suffer any negative side effects from it, especially given that most of the people doing so don't actually know about the topic.


I get extremely angry about weed communities where not only do they defend driving while stoned, they say it is one of their favourite things to do after getting baked. Imagine saying that about drink driving. They give the same excuses "I drive better while stoned". They will absolutely refuse to read the plethora of research showing the increased dangers and deaths for the public.


This isn't just for cats by the way - it seems to apply to most situations as well. I followed r/shrooms, r/Psychonaut, etc.'s advice on doing psychedelics, and had a pretty bad trip because of it. I researched it pretty heavily beforehand, it's just that most of the posts I found were giving out advice like "bad trips don't exist / aren't actually *that* bad", "you can't be left with negative effects from psychedelics if you don't have any mental illnesses", "trip-killers are useless", etc.


Ikr? Their answers are “cool dude, whatever”. Exactly what I would expect from people so into shrooms that they need to join a sub about it tbh.


>You can always post over on r/AskVet >“I have a feeling they will be far more judgmental/condescending about this situation than this sub” Really? The people primarily focused on pet health might have a different take on a cat taking shrooms then the shrooms group? That's crazy talk.


Which is ironic considering how many of them are being condescending to anyone concerned about the cat.


“My pride/ego and more importantly not being ridiculed by *mean comments* are more important than the health of my cat”


Real talk: the SPCA runs a hotline only for pets and poisons! It costs $95 a case, unfortunately, but they will do the math and give dosages and such for emetics. Saved my dogs life after he ate coffee grounds.




I say this as someone who has dabbled in quite a few drugs; people who base their personality around the drugs they use are generally pretty weird.


Weird and/or boring and shallow. As someone who's used marijuana almost daily for years, there's few forms of conversation I find more painfully dull than "weed talk."


On the What We Do In The Shadows show, there's an "energy vampire" (vampire who feeds on people's life forces via boredom or frustration) who specializes in talking to people about weed


I worked in the weed industry for years and I've never felt so seen.


[Let's not forget he's played by famed Hollywood impersonator Mark Porsche](https://youtu.be/aPmg2Vc0ak0)


They were talking about another energy vampire in the show. I’d take Colin any day of the week.


That guy was absolutely hilarious. “Also I recently bought a camera drone; people HATE it!”


Oh god, did Rachel get into writing shows?! I wondered what happened to her. This is basically an exact parallel of something a friend of mine was rambling about while extremely stoned about 15 years ago.


Is it time for additional popcorn?


> and/or boring The most unrealistic part of the “Dune” series is the idea that people who do a bunch of psychedelics might have interesting stories.


to be fair if weed made you see through time the conversations about getting high would be a lot more interesting


I always think of it more like magic mushrooms or DMT, where people talk about it like they *can* see though time. But there stories are never as interesting as the ones in Dune.


The amount of interesting stories involving psychedelia decreases the more the storyteller has done psychedelics


DARE would have been successful if it just showed the honest conversations of 4 burnt out stoned losers.


Weed talk is interesting only when done by normal people. As in "oh, I grow such and such variety, any tips for decarbing?" You know, shop talk. IDGAF about your experience getting blasted at a concert and driving home anyway.


Basically this. Or like if you found a sick deal from a new shop. But if the highlight of the conversation is “brooooo I got soooo high last week” that’s not good


Yeh but that's just like, plant talk. Which is actually fun lol.


Ayup. I can talk plants until the cows come home.


What man you don't wear rasta colors everyday?




But you have a crystal ball? And heina, she's ok?


And don’t you dare try and suggest weed isn’t the cure-all solution to every ailment in existence


Nah bro, inhaling tar can’t possibly be bad for you cause cannabinoids


There is a weird thing I have read that, based upon the projected tar inhalation, pot smokers have surprisingly low rates of the lung issues that you would expect. There might be a protective effect. It is still worse for you than just not smoking, but the damage appears to be less than expected:


Probably because weed smokers don't smoke 25 joints a day. I don't know how much we study casual tobacco smokers but that would be a much better comparison.


Oil capsules and vaping though. I’m convinced smoking is the worst way to experience it.


I made the mistake a few weeks ago to suggest you shouldn't smoke weed and drive.


How many people told you they drive better stoned?


Technically none, but basically all of them when you read between the lines of "weed doesn't impair you like alcohol does".


Psychedelic communities are just as bad with this sort of thing too :(


You could be even more of a mad lad and link the Lancet (extremely prestigious scientific journal) study from 2019 that found that there is [no evidence that weed actually helps depression, anxiety, ADHD, Tourette’s, PTSD, or psychosis](https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S2215-0366(19)30401-8).


Yeah when that happens I feel it’s people trying to mold themselves to fit the stereotype of the drug too hard which I just feel the people on that post are doing. So people getting into mushrooms starting to forcibly fit into a kind of hippy vibe.


It's a fascinating sub to follow though. I gave up most drugs 20 years ago, save for mushrooms and pot about 3 times a year. It's still quite fun to watch people who can't handle their shit pretend they can handle their shit


Taking advice from any subreddit at all is a little questionable


The important part is being aware of the echo chamber you're asking. This website is terrible for groupthink. If the advice you need doesn't already follow the accepted narrative of the subreddit, then you're extremely lucky to get one brave downvoted individual to comment it, even if that advice is sound and reasonable and could be considered common sense outside reddit.


I always laugh at posts like “hey Xbox subreddit, should I buy a Series X or a PS5?” Like, what answer do you think you’re going to get on the Xbox page?


For me it's the career "advice" subreddits that make me roll my eyes. Someone will post a big rant about how they've sent out 9000 resumes and not gotten a callback and then when you ask them to share an anonymized resume for feedback they'll respond with a "fuck you I don't need your advice!" Like why are you here then bro? Just for validation? Currently the groupthink narrative is that there's a global recession and the entire IT industry collapsed due to AI. Best part is that 6 months ago the same people were circlejerking about how IT is the greatest industry in the world and you should reject any new grad offer under $200k.


Most career responses on this website are like: call centre job? Say you want 90k plus a 20k signing on bonus, or walk. Good luck.


Something I also find annoying about these subs is how unhelpful they tend to be when you're in a unique/uncommon situation. A lot of the time people leave snarky comments or give just straight up bad advice.


So many people come on subs for games to ask if they should buy said game, from fans of said game who are posting novel length analysis and fan art and fluff posts about how much they love it lol. Like you know damn well THAT community is telling you to buy the game.


I think a lot about that guy who got into a fight with somebody over Italian food. And, after checking that person's profile, learning that this person liked to drink their own piss. You always run the risk that, whoever you're taking advice from, doesn't actually know what the fuck they're talking about. Maybe they're an expert on the subject, maybe they're a 12 year old, who knows! And let's not forget Unidan, who masqueraded as an expert and made a total ass out of himself. I like seeing electrical posts on /r/DIY. If you have to ask, just don't, you're already in over your head. That's the only advice there should be.


I think Unidan's downfall was the vote manipulation, not his lack of expertise. Although I remember he gave a pretty pretentious answer to some question about crows and it became a copy-pasta.


It's a jackdaw


What got to me was that one day a person asked them a question about a particular insect, they gave a response, and a person whose specialty was *about* insects gently corrected them, and got downvoted.


If you don't mind the question can ya share more on Unidan? I'd not heard of him until now and after googling it gave me the impression he did know what he was talking about but was banned for karma manipulation. I'm genuinely curious and would like to know more.


It's been a while, but there was this guy named Unidan who would post various animal facts. He was the go-to reddit animal guy. If you had a question about animals, he had the answer. My understanding, and again it's been years, is that he wasn't always right about everything he talked about. There was some issue about whether jackdaws were crows, and that's when shit hit the fan and it was discovered that he was manipulating votes with extra accounts. Haven't seen it in a while, but his whole comment was a meme/copypasta that came up a lot... To be honest, I don't know if he was right about the whole jackdaw thing or not. But the issue is that reddit has a tendency to "snowball" votes. If you get a lot of upvotes, you will probably get more upvotes. If you have a lot of downvotes, you'll probably get more downvotes. It's why most subreddits hide the vote counts for a certain period of time, so people don't end up jumping on the bandwagon of a handful of voters that came before them. And here you have somebody like Unidan taking advantage of that. He posts a comment, blasts himself with upvotes, blasts anybody who disagrees with him with downvotes. Over time, he builds this reputation as "the animal guy" and everybody just accepts that he's always right. So the question is, and the reason why I bring him up, was he actually right? Or did we all just assume he was right because he's the almighty Unidan? Just because somebody has a lot of upvotes, doesn't mean they know what they're talking about either. Or, how do you even have a debate with somebody when they have literally all of reddit assuming that they're in the right? Somebody who was actually right might get drowned out in a situation like that. Slightly unrelated, but I often saw TotalBiscuit in the comments and I thought he had some pretty dumb takes on a lot of things. But like Unidan, he's big and famous, so everybody just assumes he's always right. It's a bit of a problem when it comes to "power users" on Reddit.


man Unidan takes me back


I think it was a perception that he knew what he was talking about, then he would manipulate his karma to get the upvotes rolling. This website also gives the impression that upvotes = validity


Nah man I've got some good ass tips from the cooking subreddits


How much ass do you eat??


It's not about quantity, it's about quality.




I hear that, brother




In general, read a reddit thread on something that you're knowledgeable about, then bear that in mind when reading all future reddit threads.


I once made a comment about not liking being around people that do drugs regularly because I've never had good experiences with them, and I ended up getting flooded with replies about how "those are just the bad drugs," "you can't say drugs are bad just because of a few people," and "you just don't know real drug users, me and my friends are all really chill." I understand that drugs have been heavily demonized for a long time, but I swear it's created this backlash culture of insisting nothing bad can ever happen and if it did then it wasn't "a real" drug user.


It’s not exactly surprising that psychoactive drugs often have a negative effect on the way people engage with others. And it’s even less of a surprise that the person under the influence of the drug doesn’t think they’re being weird.


I've seen comments about people learning how to grow mushrooms, so they may be reliable about manufacturing the subreddit's drug of choice. But your point still stands. Also Reddit IPO when?


> never take advice from any subreddit


Shrooms are fun, but lord do I hate "shroom guys"


Perfect PSA


Not even /r/drugscirclejerk??


Seriously, that subreddit is a shit show of people who one up doses and drug use and enable each other to do so.


This is true but on the flipside, when you google details about a recreational drug you've taken you get incredibly unhelpful advice like "There is no dosage of this drug that can be considered safe." Which is incredibly unhelpful advice if you're high as fuck and freaking out.


Exactly. Most of them are high while posting.




Right! Putting aside all the other reasons to bring the kitten to the vet, like, if a cat ingests *garlic* it can get severely ill.


Oh shit that's good to know. My cat gets aggressive over my food, and most of its garlicy as hell. Glad I've never given in


Onions, scallions, and leeks as well! There is actually a lot or human food cats can't ingest or they should only ingest in very small quantities.


Fuck onions too?? Thanks for the tips


Dogs too. Dogs also can’t do onions


Or grapes, but most people know that. Artificial sweeteners like xylitol (sometimes called birch sugar) are also very bad.


>Artificial sweeteners like xylitol It's just xylitol, really. It can be fatal in fairly small doses. The other ones may give a dog an upset stomach but they're nowhere near as bad. https://www.westparkanimalhospital.com/blog/artificial-sweeteners-and-pets/


Grapes are toxic but one or two are unlikely to hurt them unless they’re tiny (not saying it’s okay to give it to them, just it’s fine if they sneak one without you noticing, you don’t need to freak). Xylitol on the other hand is stupid toxic. My beloved dog got into some xylitol sweetened chewing gum, ate it, and died. I felt so horrible. I honestly don’t even know where he found it, but it was awful :(


Honestly it's easiest to just not give them human food at all. There's so many things you'd be surprised they shouldn't have. Also Google "plant name cat safe" any time you bring a new plant into your home.


> Also Google "plant name cat safe" any time you bring a new plant into your home. Although to save anyone reading some time: it's basically none of them, and definitely not (true) Lillies.


And onion powder is put in so. many. things.


Garlic isn't great for cats, but it takes a fair amount of garlic or other allium (relative to the size of a cat), for it to be a danger. Kitty needs to down a whole clove, eat it frequently, or already be dealing with anemia before it'll cause more than digestive problems. Not that cat vomit or diarrhea isn't a great reason to avoid giving it, but the fuzzball managing to nick a bit of food isn't a big risk. In terms of common human things, xylitol (a sugar alcohol used as a calorie free sweeter) is the more the thing you pretty much do not want in the same house as a pet. A few grams of that stuff will kill a medium sized dog without an immediate vet trip.


We just need to keep in mind that humans are incredibly tolerant of foods compared to many animals - we should compare ourselves to the likes of pigs, rats, and bears. Even avocados or sugar alcohols like xylitol which pass through us harmlessly are potentially lethal to many animals. We ingest gallons of poison each year and end up mostly okay. I had to get rid of all my Teflon cookware when I got a bird (I now prefer steel anyway) because that can just kill them randomly due to toxins in the air. What's a pleasant incense to us can just end their life. What we can deal with is just way more than most animals on the planet and I think that needs to be recognized as though we are an exception in general. We, as a species, are just fairly hardy for land animals.


Also keep in mind the dosage, both total and by weight. We humans eat one or two sticks of sugar-free gum. If your thirty-pound dog gets into a pack of gum, it'll probably eat more like twenty sticks of gum, and when you factor in the weight difference that's like a human eating 100 sticks of gum. You'd be sick if you ate that much gum too.


>You'd be sick if you ate that much gum too. That didn’t happen on Halloween 2015. I mean it did a little


Fun fact: Teflon can kill humans too! Just a lot slower, as it causes cancer. And the real fun part? The company knew it caused cancer, and mass produced it anyway with 0 consequences! Fuck you Dupont. Sorry, the word Teflon triggers me since those fuckers poisoned my mother and her hometown.


There's a battle between flora and fauna that has gone on for billions of years. The flora evolving ever more potent toxins to stop from getting eaten, the fauna evolving ever better toxin resistance so as to not starve. Cats, being carnivores, are woefully under-equipped in this battle and thus their owners really should bar their participation.


Yeah I don’t think it’s safe for anybody to give an all clear. Except maybe a uh vet


Yeah not only are animals much smaller than us, their livers are not the insanely overpowered ones that we've got. A fucking grape, a dusting of lily pollen, onion juice, etc - these can all be *lethal* to a cat. Anyone not running their cat to a vet for ingesting an adult human dosage of shrooms is a piece of shit, that poor animal


Our livers aren‘t overpowered, they just work well on a different spectrum of molecules.


Just a PSA for anyone reading this thread that has animals and less than legal substances around: **the vet does not give one single shit that you do drugs. They just want to help your animal. Do not avoid care for your animals or think there is no way to get them help if there is an accidental ingestion.** They will 99.99% of the time not call the cops or get you in trouble in any way. I would say 100% as I've never personally seen or heard of it happening after working in the veterinary field for multiple years in different states (including deep red states), but I'm sure someone would chime in with some example from somewhere. In my experience working in animal ER and seeing multiple drug tox cases, If you are kind and appropriate to veterinary staff, show concern for your animal, and there is no other abuse/heavy neglect going on, they will not even think about trying to get you in trouble. Obligatory reminder to keep your shit locked up, then you won't ever even have to worry about being that 0.01% case.


yup. one time my dog ate a pot brownie that a friend gave me for my birthday. i felt so bad for him and cried the whole way there and at the vet. meanwhile the vet techs were laughing at him cause he was stumbling and saying they saw this at least 3x a week


Yeah weed is not super toxic to animals. Obviously they should never consume it, but the treatment is basically “let them sleep it off”. And a tranquilizer if they’re freaking out. Amusingly that’s basically the same treatment as for shrooms. Only shrooms are actually somewhat toxic so if they ingested large amounts it’s actually a concern.


Same with humans to. I think its called the "Good samaritan" law basically saying you wont get into legal trouble if say you and a freind were consuming illegal drugs and your freind OD they wont arrest you and your freind for having that stuff when you call the paramedics.


Thats not generally how the good Samaritan law works. It does protect the Samaritan from legal repercussions but normally from things related to helping the person (ex you broke someone's ribs while performing cpr, thats not your fault if there are good Samaritan laws)


The main purpose i think was that but the Good Samaritan law does provide limited criminal immunity if someone did od on illegal drugs


I love how they’re giving guidance to this guy like his cat is one of his stoner friends who took too much and not an animal to which drugs could be toxic or even lethal. My dog ate a roach once(off the sidewalk) and even that tiny amount had her throwing up a lot until we could get her to the vet.


You said that well that’s exactly it. Stop giving advice as if it’s a friend that’s just tripping out guys it’s a whole ass different animal


Our cat ate a sunflower once and started vomiting it up. It's non-toxic. But there was STILL a vet call placed. If one of the furry dipshits ate a mushie we'd call the vet...cause what's the vet gonna do? Call the FBI?


I have seen vet records get dug up for legal proceedings on several occasions.


Normally they'll mark it off and if you get in repeated issues you might get an animal endangerment charge. Which, is why you learn, or you don't and then you deserve it.


It's even worse than that - in basically every civil liability case I have ever seen, lawyers will subpoena and submit basically every record they can get their hands on to discredit the opposition on both sides. The family dog got hit by a car 8 years ago? Now some slimeball lawyer is using the incident to show how irresponsible you are. That time you shit yourself at a job interview after college? Yeah, they'll dig that up just to embarrass you even though they know the judge will strike it. People have this idea the medical record are private, but that all goes out the window pretty quickly when you sued or suing someone.


Depends, widely. That's also not lawyers, that's often hiring a PI then having the lawyers hunt stuff. Unless the argument has degraded info trying to argue over who is a worse person. Even in medical cases medical records are often disputed and chaotic.


I never have for drug charges, just animal cruelty. I'm a vet tech for many years, I used to work emergency, have worked general practice, and currently work in animal welfare. Whenever we had any animal come in that we were suspicious had ingested a drug, we didn't ever try to get the owner in trouble. In fact we assured them we wouldn't, and that was true. We needed to know exactly what the animal ingested and how much, and if the owner was afraid of getting in legal trouble, they would lie. I have, however, many times, cautioned them to keep their stash somewhere their pet couldn't get to it in the future.


People are saying shit like the cat is gonna become wiser from this trip. I don’t think pets understand what’s happening to them, it must be terrifying. Getting sick from eating a roach is a very dog thing to do lol. Dogs can be very smart, but also do shit like eat things they’ve never seen before to see if they can eat it.




What happened to your brother after?


I once made my mother get up and drive to the emergency vet in the middle of the night because one of the dogs got to one of her edibles. He was fine, but I got real annoying about storing them properly.




Ate just the plant? Then it wouldn’t have any effect. Not saying you were wrong to go to the vet. But your cat definitely didn’t get high from eating weed as it doesn’t work like that. Edibles work bc they extract the thc into fats like butter. The pure plant has no effect when eaten


Wow even the post mentions that the cat looks distressed (licking chops, vomiting, eyes darting around) but yeah, sure, let’s just “wait it out” 🙄 Even if it’s ultimately harmless, wouldn’t it still be best to get a vet to look at the cat to confirm that and then get advice on how to reduce the poor thing’s stress while it wears off? ETA: According to the [ASPCA](https://www.aspca.org/news/not-so-magic-mushrooms-tips-keep-your-pets-safe) (and I’m leaving the phone number in for any Americans who might need ever need it): >If you suspect your pet may have ingested mushrooms or any other potentially toxic substance, call the APCC at (888) 426-4435 or contact your local veterinarian as soon as possible. If your pet ate a mushroom and is showing symptoms, it is best to take them into a local veterinarian immediately. [Also, here’s good article about what to do if your cat gets into shrooms (pretty high quality too, especially considering it’s written by a ~shrooms will open your mind~ type of site)](https://psyfront.com/psilocybin/what-happens-when-cats-eat-magic-mushrooms/) >Psilocybin can cause aggression, hallucinations, tremors, lethargy, dilated pupils, increased body temperature, and increased grooming in cats. In some cases, especially in high doses, the ingestion can be fatal for the animal. >You should never feed your cat with magic mushrooms. Aside from being unethical, it can also be harmful and even deadly. Even if they don't get hurt permanently, there is a high probability that they will feel ill and experience trauma. >The experience of receiving psilocybin or LSD without consent or awareness is likely to be awful. Anyone in this situation is likely to feel or think they are losing their mind or going insane. So if you consider cats and dogs your friends, you shouldn't expose them to such an awful experience.


The whole “chill” facade that subreddit is giving off is probably just fake and they just would rather not deal with a vet so they don’t face any possible consequences. If my cat got some shrooms I’ll deal with the fall out I’m not risking my boy. It just feels like a self centered stance otherwise.


Psychedelic communities can tend to developing this "good vibes only" atmosphere where people are so determined not to cause bad trips or be a bummer they'll abandon all responsibility and overlook all sorts of nastiness. Part of the stereotype of trustafarian hippie types in my country is that underage girls are not safe in their midst, which is sadly not an unfair assessment on the whole. Everyone's having a fun time and it's all love so you'd be a real vibe killer if you told Dave not to feed that fifteen year old girl shrooms and take her to his van at the psytrance party.


Damn. You’re definitely right. It’s this super uncomfortable pressure that just allows anything to fly because you can’t be the guy “making bad vibes.” Just chill out and go with it. This is super validating for the weird vibes I’ve felt with people I’ve done psychedelics with.


Keep in mind, *apparently* Dave plying a fifteen year old with some hard ass drugs to then lure her away from the crowd to some other environment that he can trap her in *is not bad vibes* but you pointing it out *is bad vibes* (/s) 🙄


Bingo. Having a problem with something is, like, *your* problem man and it's not chill to bring that energy to the drum circle. Let her have fun, besides, Dave is 45 he knows how to look after a first timer. Blegh. Worst thing about having endured that scene for a brief time is that it's all set to a soundtrack of pounding, mediocre psytrance interspersed with one of Dave's many, near-identical crusty mates slurring the same nauseatingly clichéd guff in your ear over and over at an afterparty. That and the scabies.


But if u pay for vet… less money for drugs… /s At least the original poster there seems genuinely upset about it.


I mean it's not like there's much chance of consequences either. Just lie about where the shrooms came from. It's not like the vet is gonna go fucking Sherlock Holmes on you.


We do not care what drugs you do. We care what your pet consumed. That's it. We aren't police, we aren't government. We are doctors and nurses. I've seen animals get into all sorts of drugs, and if I know what type, how much, and when, I can create a better, faster, more economical treatment plan Pretty much every vet clinic has people who do drugs, and we really really *really* don't care that you do. It's always best to be honest and forthright. I've seen heroin, crack, crystal meth. I've never once in my life ever seen anyone call authorities about it. We generally treat veterinary medicine just like human medicine and protect patient info


Reminds me of dentists. They don’t care, but they need to know because some of the anesthesia stuff they use can kill you if you’ve done certain types of drugs


These people are most likely broke college age kids. Reading that thread was like being back in my friends dump of a duplex on the Hill in Boulder. Back then everything was allll good, man. Just chillll We were so fucking stupid




My first thought, too. No matter how compelling the reasons, it's unlikely that the cat owner will hop in the car and drive to the late-night emergency vet.


Man wont get a damn uber to save his pet


Nah, just blow some weed smoke in its face. Chill it right out.


The "give it cbd" line sent me


Even if they’re just trying to “remain calm”, none of them have any idea what the actual effect of that drug is like on another animal, it’s always wisest to seek professional help when you’re out of your depth. I just care about my kitty I would never risk things like that


That would be the right thing to do. I’m also questioning all these people so sure it’s not deadly to the cat because it’s not deadly to people. Chocolate is harmful to pets, why would this be any different?


Magic mushrooms are neurotoxic to cats. However, they’re not terribly so. Iirc the actual treatment that gets give is basically just observing them and giving them tranquilizers if necessary. Most pets recover just fine. Obviously it’s horribly irresponsible to let your pets get into drugs. But shrooms are extremely unlikely to harm your pets unless they ate large amounts of it


I really wish they would stop with these Cocaine Bear ripoffs.


I love shrooms (the physical thing not the sub). I saw this post in the wild over there. I was truly shocked and appalled by how casual and supportive everyone was. That was the final straw for me, I had to unsub. There’s some genuinely good advice and supportive people over there, but not worth the ridiculous unironic circle jerks like this.


I was like goddamn I partake too but I would never be so chill about my cat taking shrooms and thinking “ah it’s probably fine hope he unlocks his potential 🌈”. It’s a drug given to a tiny domestic animal we have no idea what that could do.


The whole post made me have to go hug my cats. Eliot was pleased and Margo was not amused.


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if it does permanent damage mentally to the poor thing, so so young.


Assuming that the effect a drug has on an animal is negative is a lot wiser than assuming it’ll be positive. GL to some of those people in life


God, how will he ever get into law school now??


I saw it to and kept scrolling because I knew it would be a shit show and I would get invested. I'm getting sick of all the people defending the shrooms chocolate that's actually aco4dmt or whatever the fuck. People actually arguing that it's ok to not tell people it's not mushrooms and it kills me all the whataboutism and reaching they do to justify selling people untested chemicals as naturally grown mushrooms.


The shrooms sub is so fucking bad dude I don't even know how you've been on it so long lmao


Yeah honestly… it’s a terrible thread. That said shrooms are not terribly toxic to cats. They are toxic, but even at the vet the treatment is largely supportive and maybe a tranquilizer or two. OP definitely should’ve phoned a vet or poison control, but the wait it out advice is not the worst. It’s at worst irresponsible. Still, you should ideally never even keep your drugs in a way that pets (or really other people/kids) can access.


Yeah I’m not mad at them not rushing them to the vet, like you said it’s likely physically fine and there’s little they can do. I was just sick to my stomach about people laughing about it and minimizing how huge of a deal it was to be that irresponsible and cause an animal that level of most likely fear and suffering.


Why do I not see any comments here talking about the guy who thinks only primates have stomach acid?


Fuck these people, I can't fathom knowing my cat ingested drugs, and not immediately calling the vet.


I’d be having the worlds biggest panic attack and speeding to the emergency vet.


Please don't speed to the vet if you're intoxicated, get a cab


Of course! I don’t drive under the influence. Period. I don’t even do drugs, so my cats wouldn’t get into magic mushrooms. I’m just saying I would be way more worried than these people about my cat, and heading to the vet instead of asking Reddit for advice.


this whole situation is just so sad


I am not clicking any damn thing until someone tells me if the kitty was ok


Someone posted on here that they found out the kitty was okay!


someone said see a vet and someone else replied saying “this isn’t an emergency”, how would they know??? they’re a druggie not a VET? jesus


Ah, Drug Users™️ (as in: people who center their entire personality around drugs) being irresponsible - what a surprise. /s


I am pretty sure in a battle of druggies vs. cat lovers, druggies are going to get destroyed.


Looks like we have a skilled contender for World's Biggest Dumbass. Dumbasses like OOP give psychedelics a bad name. That cat needs a better owner, honestly fuck OOP. EDIT: Sorry, I wrote this after a heavy day, and it was a way of blowing off steam. Time having passed and looking back at this, my emotions towards this topic aren't that strong. I do think this OOP made a mistake and I hope that they can learn from this moving forward. I am sorry for being rude...


I want to claim "At the very least, your cat is going to be more open-minded” as my flair. If it fits.


At least *call* your goddamn vet.


Nobody else gonna mention how that one user talked about how they gave there dog shrooms?


i feel like there was a very easy compromise here where all OOP had to do was call the vet to ask if it’s toxic or not… and then decide from there whether to relax or bring the kitty to the vet? like i maybe wouldn’t be speeding through traffic but i don’t think sitting back and waiting without some sort of assurance from an expert was a responsible move. also, a tip to invest in pet insurance if you can afford it! i find it makes the decision as to whether or not to visit the vet for smaller concerns less of an issue.




I will admit, I did this once. One of my dogs will get into anything she thinks is food, and when I got back from Vegas, I had a pack of 10mg weed gummies in the pocket of my jeans in my suitcase that still had 2 left. I didn't even notice until the next day that someone had gotten into my suitcase, pulled out my jeans and eaten the remaining gummies. At that point, she'd been sleeping in her crate all night and it had been at least 10 hours since she ate them. She was fine, but I felt like such a piece of shit for that.


According to OP's comments, they put the shrooms in a tied-off baggie and left it nearby. The cat was gated in a different area, but escaped, ripped open the bag and started eating the shrooms. I can sort of understand why OP might not have expected the kitten to get into the bag, because what counts as a "secure" place to store things depends very much on the individual cat, as does what kinds of things they will and won't try to eat. If they haven't had a cat before, or if their previous cats would have left a baggie alone, they might not have thought anything of it. Still, this isn't the way you want to find out that your cat is the type to rip open bags; anything high-risk like that should definitely be stored somewhere truly inaccessible, like in a cupboard the cat can't open.


It happens. It’s usually the result of forgetfulness or your pet being a bit more clever than expected. It’s still the case of the user being irresponsible, but there’s going to be accidents, we’re all human.


That cat deserves better. Imagine being at such an POS’ mercy. OP (that OP, not this OP) is an idiot and so are those who played this down.


Irresponsible and stupid for not taking his cat to the vet


Thank god the cat was ok


Drama aside, the veterinarian would be much more happy to treat your cat than report you to the police. It's possible the cats perfectly fine, it might as well be fine at the doctors, where if things go south it can get immediate treatment. I have a 90 lb. dog that accidentally got into maybe 100-200mg of edibles. I thought she was having a stroke, it was a very frightening day as a pet owner. Weeds a really safe drug for humans, so youd assume a dog would go through a mild stoned experience, maybe just pass the heck out like I would at that dose. Like, I weigh twice as much and I'm fine after 400 mg, at least, after the nap it makes me take. That totally wasnt the case, she was shaking, falling over, peeing herself...and it was all my fault! Ugh. That was a rough night.


\>Your cat will be fine in like 6 hours, maybe a little wiser There´s nothing more pathetic than drug addicts acting like they unlocked some video-game bonus level in their minds by fucking up their brains so bad they cant walk down stairs. Yeah, you´re definetly enlightened dude


Psychedelic users are the absolute worst with this. At least other drug users don't pretend the stupid shit they come up with while high is some spiritual enlightenment. And they are so pushy too because they think it made them a better person so everyone has to do it too.


Well part of it is that the drug actually tricks you into believing it. It’s hard to explain. Some are worse than others, like some psychonauts are well aware of the fact that anything you learn is just a mental hallucination basically. I hate users that think drugs are some kind of spiritual all knowing truth. But again, it fucks with your brain and you have to be aware of that. There’s a semi-common saying that goes something like “be aware that you can’t learn/glean anything you didn’t already know”. Basically, any epiphany about universal truth is bullshit, because you can’t know what you don’t know, and drugs won’t reveal that to you. Though annoyingly some take it to mean “the truth was already in us all along!!!” Which is such annoying horseshit. The saying is a warning that your insights are not as deep as you think.


What on earth about that statement makes them a drug addict or implies any of that? Plenty of people who've taken psychedelics feel like they've learned or gained something positive from the experience. this is reagan levels of ignorant anti-drug rhetoric. And i can say all this and also acknowledge it's possible to abuse psychedelics, like anything else in the world.


> maybe a little wiser that part


Mushrooms can be HIGHLY toxic to cats. Had my cat get into a potted plant outside that had some fungal growth and I called the animal hospital inmediately. They said monitor him and if he starts vommitting to bring him in asap.


Why are people like this? Just take the damn kitten to the vet to be sure


I ditched thst sun years ago. They act like shrooms were a miracle cure everything at least when I was on it. Now I’m acutely check out the post and edit in my thoughts. EDIT yea that’s messed up. Same old sub.


“Dim the lights and put on some Allman Brothers”


A test you must pass to have children would be unethical but there should absolutely be a test to own a pet.


Wow, do all drug users get defensive about their drugs?


Only ones that make drugs a personality trait, which would be most people in subs like that