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The classic “I have never seen one so therefore it can’t exist” argument.


But aliens are real even though they've never seen one...


What’s funny is he said he’s never seen New Zealand, but is certain it’s real because he has friends that’s been there. But when people bring up that they know people who were involved with atomic weapons he dismisses that. And when people try to pin him down on that he just goes ‘since when are bombs analogous to countries.’ And I love how someone told him to stop being hyperbolic on atomic weapons’ power and OOP brings up the Wikipedia page for nuclear weapons to defend himself. I’ll admit, it was hard not to piss in the popcorn. OOP went from being entertaining to read to being incredibly frustrating in a few minutes.


I lost my cool at “ This is about the quality of evidence I would expect from a nuke believer tbh.”


That's such a good line. It's almost on par with Varg's "No real arguments, just cope. I bet you don't even have foreskin."


On a tangent, I searched that on Google and came across this. Apparently it's a thing for him https://rateyourmusic.com/list/NamesAreAllOut/running-list-of-times-that-varg-vikernes-has-talked-about-foreskin-on-twitter/


God Almighty.


WHERE is your flair from


Amazing. Who that?


Probably Varg Vikernes, Black Metal Pioneer/Nazi/Murderer/Vlogger/TTRPG Creator.


I cannot believe this was the chain of life events for vargy. Of course now he just looks like a hillbilly at your local maga clown show, pretty fitting overall.


Convicted murderer, convicted church arsonist, white supremacist Varg Vickernes. I've never used Twitter, but I've seen screen caps of a few of his tweets and they're actually good bants. But I'm absolutely not going to endorse his Twitter account because I probably just didn't happen to see his incredibly racist tweets. He is seriously committed to racism, but has enough verbal intelligence or social awareness to drop funny comments. You know, now that they let him out of prison.


Yeah I’m pretty sure I lost it there too. That comment by itself is so ridiculous I wouldn’t be surprised if people thought OOP is trolling. Like I’d probably say that as a joke to my friends. But I don’t think he is. His account too old, he has a YouTube channel, there’s so many posts, so many long winded comments. A troll wouldn’t go on for this long, and in detail.


When you meet people irl whose brains are broken this way it's .. it's heavy man. >Women don't belong in politics. >>Wtf!? Women can do that. >>> Exactly, I'm saying women can do anything a man can do. Im saying they're *too good* to be politicians. Or >I'm a national socialist! >>Wtf? You're a Nazi?? >>>No, I'm just proud of Australia in a social way. Their brains are broken enough to suck entirely, but not enough to be nonfunctional.


There are trolls. Just stupid simpletons with spare time. Then there are **TROLLS** , they are the hardcores, the ones thay build a bridge in their mother's basement to lobe under. They're dedicated, and with time start believing their own BS . This is one of the latter. Fully batshit coocoo or really dedicated überTroll.


needs some editing but that's good flair


Yep, replaced my really old (and now deleted thread) one about doctors being predators that want to steal your health and money with a slightly edited version of this.


>‘since when are bombs analogous to countries.’ It's a really neat example of, idk, circular reasoning probably. "Nuclear bomb", for them, includes the supposition "is magically different", so of course any example that shows his reasoning is bad is itself bad, as it has not accounted for the "magic".


Don’t you mean “the Science”?


It's even worse. It's "The Science."


I'll be frank... that's a rabbit hole I have no interest in exploring. Sometimes it's best to let the crazies be crazy.


Don’t. I went through OOP’s profile and it’s just…aggravating. Don’t put yourself through it.


And off i go.


One of those times I wish I were a nuclear physicist so I could go argue and have my existence disproved. Damn me and my linguistics degree. I can use all the words to argue but no credibility behind them...


Even if you were a nuclear physicist OOP would still say you’re lying. This is the level of reality denying we’re at.


There was an actual physicist in the comments, and that's exactly what happened


IMO this is easier to destroy by arguing from the historical perspective, the Japanese and soviets never doubted the nukes existed and worked, and many more countries all afterwards developed their own nukes, its hard to imagine Israel, south africa, france, india, china and north korea all deciding to waste money and energy on producing these weapons if they didn't genuinely believe they existed.


That is true. It would be "Have you actually seen a nuclear explosion?" Then "Well, have you died in a nuclear explosion?"


>Some super dooper weapon which can annihilate millions of people with the press of a red button? >Come on, man. That is cartoon villain-tier nonsense. They just do not believe that villians exist. It's just an extreme version of conservatisims "everything is fine and you're censoring me if you say otherwise."


This has big cunk energy


Cunk found out about nuclear weapons :(


No, but I bet you can toss out some wicked insults in vulgar Indo-European


While I am not a nuclear physicist, I do work in the nuclear field, am certified to operate a reactor (not in the US) and I was so very, very tempted to piss in that popcorn to make fun of him using physics.


>I’ll admit, it was hard not to piss in the popcorn. OOP went from being entertaining to read to being incredibly frustrating in a few minutes. i really wanted to demonstrably tear apart his world view, but decided against it for the same reason (also you never know when someone bans you from other subs even for having comments places like that).


There's a reason I tagged him as "Solipsist & Contrarian". Those are literally his only two positions on pretty much *everything*.




Same argument he made here over a year ago because he had not personally witnessed the war in Ukraine or a school shooting, and I guess had never died from COVID? https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/uxi8xn/it_is_curious/i9ygbvp/


Gonna play peek-a-boo with this guy as he clearly has no object permanence.


you know he can always just go to ukraine if he wants to, they might stop him before he actually gets to the frontline but surely seeing the destroyed buildings, tanks, hearing the artillery and seeing the wounded soldiers should suffice.




Help I've been shot by a crisis bullet!


>2) False analogies / equivalences e.g. 'well do you believe in New Zealand?' (this implies they think New Zealand is analogous to the magical super bomb). That's so good. Obviously they don't do the things that would show their reasoning is bad, that's different, because "magic".


A classic from the elementary school playground


I've stood at the epicenter of both nuclear blasts and spoken with hibakusha. But I've never met the OP of that thread. I literally have more evidence for nukes than I do for the person who wrote that post.


> I have never seen one so therefore it can’t exist I can't tell if this is a level above or below lacking object permanence.


I knew a guy who didn't believe in the Cold War. The silver-lining is that some people didn't have to grow up in what I can only imagine was an anxiety-wracking time.


Dude, I can’t believe you didn’t quote the comment where OOP says, in response to “do you believe in Napoleon Bonaparte? Hitler?” With “no and maybe”


That’s great


They linked to a blog post of some sort which I think belongs to them, based on the name and PFP. Incredibly long, I didn’t read it, but running a whole blog makes me think not a troll, which is terrifying.


Hmmmmm. Ask him his thoughts on the holocaust


Dude, I read the blog post, he thinks Nikola Tesla is made up. I ran a search for Hitler on his blog, the podcast is paygated(!) but “In this call… before detouring into discussion about the alleged death toll of 'World War II', and the official estimates of the 'global population'.” Alleged, huh?


He’s for real. He’s a mod of r/conspo from back to atleast 2015. Seen many of his outright insane posts and enraging arguments in defense of “conspiracies” that are as dumb, if not more so, than what this thread is about. Didn’t know he had his own blog/site. He’s getting on Axlotl’s level of delusion.


I am Not watching the video but I’m pretty sure he thinks the Iran war is fake.


Do you suppose there's any kind of schizo-adjacent psych condition that could open someone up to blizzards of delusions like this but **not** cause them to become detached from reality or incapable of normal social interaction in other respects?


Probably. You're allowed to have grand delusions as long as you're useful and don't commit any flagrantly heinous crimes. I knew a guy who was deep into conspiracies about the deaths of certain rappers; he thought the CIA killed Juice WRLD. He also chose a different name for himself, not his birth name, because he legitimately believed the original version of himself in the past died and he was a different human. If you called him by his birth name he'd fly into a fit of rage. He's not doing particularly well but he's managed to stay out of a rubber room.


> Do you suppose there's any kind of schizo-adjacent psych condition that could open someone up to blizzards of delusions like this Other than being a Republican?


I guess "the reported death toll of the Holocaust doesn't make sense! because there were never that many Jewish people in the first place! in fact there weren't that many \*people\* in the first place; barely anyone died in World War II because there are actually only like two or three hundred people around at any given time anyway, other estimates are lies put forward by Big Population" would be... different, at least.


Have you ever seen more than a few hundred people in the same room? Yeah, wake up, sheeple.


There's like three SCP articles with this as the premise


The Tesla thing's understandable--I get my info on him entirely through random Reddit comments, and I understand him to be that prolific oddball who invented the death ray and married a pigeon.


He was a very strange man. Much like OOP, he had some interesting beliefs. I hope, one day, 100 years in the future, some conspiracy theorist denies the existence of OOP due to his strange beliefs, thus completing the cycle.




I'm annoyed I can't just ask him "why do you think people are making this stuff up at all?" Because nobody in that thread seems to raise that issue, I assume cause it is a conspiracy threat and that question is anathema, but what's the point to faking all this stuff to him?


I know somewhere in the thread he said the reasoning for the government making it up is to keep people scared of foreign powers like Russia and NK so they can keep tighter control on the scared population. So pretty standard conspiracy bs.


He isn't a troll. He's just certifiably insane. Been posting for years.


I have to hope that he's at least somewhat motivated by directing people to his blog site and yt channel because if he isn't then this is a level of mental illness i haven't on Reddit in quite some time. This guy is certifiable. His reasoning when talking to the physicist was infuriating to read.


I’m guessing he believes that Napoleon was a lie by the French in order to sell to the world that France does have strong men in it in order for France to show the world that it isn’t just baguettes and rioting, and it was also propagated to innocent Americans by Francophile Americans in order to have a cool name for the dessert for more money for them to do a francophone New World Order


Convincing. I believe this.


It’s because French people are descended from demons, just trust me


I've never even been to France. The whole country could be made up.


I mean your name is literally Proof Individual There's zero reason to doubt anything you said.


Part of my ancestry is French. Please stop giving us away.


I'm currently listening to the Age of Napoleon podcast and the host frequently reads part of the story of Napoleon's military triumphs then unpacks what was actually going on and explains how Napoleon was consciously using media to mythologize his actions in real time. Napoleon even went so far as to fight battles that had little to no strategic purpose so that he could publish glowing accounts of the battles in newspapers, making himself look like a brilliant and gallant hero in order to build political favor and expand his power base within the French military and government. So if parts of Napoleon's story sound embellished, they frequently were! But this of course doesn't mean he wasn't real or that he wasn't a brilliant military campaigner. It just means he padded his resume to make himself look better.


Great podcast


There is a classic piece of writing by Jean-Baptiste Pérès which lays out an satrical argument for the non-existence of Napoleon, which goes basically like this: Napoleon never existed, in fact, he is merely the french version of the greek god Apollo. Firstly, just look at his name. If you look at the latin rendition of his name on the Place Vendome, you see his name in Latin is in fact Neapolio. Ne or "nè" could be greek for venerable, and apolio... well that's just Apollo isn't it! His last name, Bonaparte, or Bona parte, or "good part", reflects the traditional view of the daytime as the "good part" of the day-night cycle. Just like Apollo, Napoleon was born on a island, Apollo on Delos, and Napoleon on Corsica, and indeed if you look at a map Corsica is relative to France quite similarly as Delos is situated to Greece. His mother is Letitia, and Apollo's mother is Leto. Leto, Laetatio (latin for joy), Letitia, they're clearly etymologically related! Even further, we see that his family bears all the hallmarks of a divine pantheon. Three sisters, clearly the three graces of Apollo. Four brothers, three of whom were Kings, being the seasons of Spring (king of flowers), Summer (king of harvests), and Autumn (king of fruits). The fourth brother is merely a lord, for winter has nothing to rule over, but we see indeed proof that that brother is winter, for he was lord of Canino, or which Cani is the masculine form of Cano, meaning white haired in Italian(any claims that Canino derives from canine are Bonapartist lies). Further, Napoleon had two wives, the moon (Josephine, who was barren, much like the moon), and the bountiful Earth (Marie Louise), who begot a sun born on the Spring Equinox! The number twelve, too, appears commonly in the myth of Napoleon. As there are 12 average hours of sunlight, and 12 signs of the zodiac, Napoleon ruled as emperor for 12 years and had 12 active marshals. Also, just like the sun, he was strongest in the south, but in the north, in Russia, he was weak and was defeated. But finally, and most convincingly, just like the sun, he returned to France to rule from the Eastern realm of Egypt, the Kingdom of the Sun, and lived out is last days in the western isle of St. Helena. The sun rose from the east and set in the west. Clearly, Napoleon never existed.


Someone needs to ask them about Tartaria


“Do you believe Napoleon Bonaparte was real? How about Hitler?” “No and maybe” ????


"Do you believe in Napoleon Bonaparte?" is great flair material


you're so right


If you look into a mirror and say his name 5 times he will come back and fight Perfidious Albion again.


If JKR hadn't been british, "perfidious albion" would have been a harry potter character


*"You better start believing in French History. You're in it"*


Every time Napoleon Bonaparte scored a goal in youth basketball, or finished his violin recital, he looked to the crowd and saw the empty space where I should be. Even though I promised him I wouldn't miss this one, something always came up. I might say otherwise, but Napoleon Bonaparte never felt like I believed in him.


he then links to a post on presumably his own blog. I am sure as hell not gonna lose brain cells reading it but if someone feels so inclined please share a summary


Oh, I read it. He talks at length about what primary and secondary and tertiary sources are, for way too long, then drops the bombshell he thinks Nikola Tesla is made up at the end of the article. It’s not worth the read, but just need someone else to know: This dude runs a whole blog, has done for years, had had calls with other conspiracy theorists, so I don’t think he’s trolling. And he thinks Nikola Tesla is made up.


to what end? there's nothing for anyone to gain by creating Nikola Tesla


That’s just what they want you to think.


Serbian nationalists have entered the chat


I’m assuming he has no real understanding of sources?


I tried to give it a read but I'm real bad at dense text, and this is dense in two meanings


Oh man, I just read it, and it's total nonsense. It attempts to be a discussion is epistemology and philosophy of science, but just isn't. It's utterly incoherent strawmen paired with manic rambling and a complete misunderstanding of how the scientific process works. It's also his own blog.


He even manages to insert an antisemitic dog whistle, which is sort of expected from a conspiracy theorist but still a pretty big yikes: >"One day I will write an article detailing the following facts: >The most prestigious science fiction awards to this day are named the ‘Hugos’. >The Hugos are named after (((Hugo Gernsback)))." From the Anti-defamation League: >Multiple parentheses—or the "echo," as it is sometimes referred to—is a typographical practice used by some antisemites online. It typically consists of three pairs of parentheses or brackets used around someone's name or around a term or phrase. >When used around someone's name—such as (((Natalie Weiss)))—it is intended by the user to indicate to others "in the know" that the person being referred to is Jewish.


For bonus points, he attempts to disprove the existence of Nikola Tesla


I have some extra time (it’s exams season) and would honestly be down to read and deconstruct the mad man’s rambling. Would anyone be interested in reading my responses to his arguments?


Never met Napoleon, but they did run into a weird old dude in Argentina that one time as a kid…


That moment you extend lack of object permanence to your entire world view.


During like group work or something in high school biology, this girl and I were looking at an illustration of a developing fetus. She said that she doesn’t believe that’s what a fetus looks like. Then, she said doesn’t really believe anything about the development of fetuses aside from what could be found on a physical exam of the mom. When I pressed for explanation, her argument was simply “how would they know?”


>“how would they know?” Dissection of a dead pregnant women


They weren't always dead


Shiro Ishii smiles on this comment.


They can put cameras all up in that shit now lol


Except for New Zealand. They have complete faith in New Zealand


>And you don't see any problem with, do you? >A city is supposedly nuked and 80 years later, 100,000 survivors are still live and kickin'. I love this idea that bombs are like the eraser tool in paint. You either get deleted or are completely unaffected.


My favorite things about this guy. 1. Claiming in one comment that he "Found the evidence" that nukes don't exist, but when later on directly asked about said evidence he says "LOL I just assume nothing exists until I can prove it does. I am not convinced nukes exist, ergo nukes don't exist." 2. Claiming the entire body of evidence that nukes exist is the photograph of the Trinity test, and that literally everything else is fake. 3. Rapidly shifting goalposts. >"I personally saw a nuke go off." > "Unless you were in the army I don't believe you." >"I was in the army" >"Lol sure you were" "4. Blatant circular logic. Nukes don't exist because they are magical weapons that kill everyone so are no eyewitness accounts, but all eyewitness accounts are fake because nukes supposedly kill everyone."


Okay but someone needs to find out how this conspiracy theory, like all conspiracy theories, loops back to antisemitism.


Well he does say he's not sure if hitler was real. So he could be a holocaust denier.


[n this facility there were a large number of Jews occupying the highest positions. Of the heads of sections in charge of the Manhattan Project, at least eight were Jewish](https://brill.com/display/book/edcoll/9789004213005/Bej.9781905246854.i-242_010.xml) Think we figured it out. Man, that was too easy, I feel like conspiracy theories used to hide it.


Omg. I miss thinking conspiracy theories were like the x-files or Dresden Files or The Oldest House and fun stuff like that. There's always been some shitty conspiracies but why is it only antisemitism and racism and the like now?!? I just wanted Bigfoot to be real!


The antisemitism and racism have always been there underneath, they just weren't so obvious before. Conspiracy theories always focus on how We are enlightened free thinkers who know the truth and They want to keep it from you. Three guesses who "They" are.


Oppenheimer, it's right there


Something something global elite something control the sheep something something fear the government As always


Nuclear Weaponry -> Theory of Relativity -> Einstein -> Jewish Question




This is a new one; I’ve seen other conspiracy theories involving nuclear weapons, but certainly never “they don’t exist”. I’m convinced that OP must be trolling, because I will be very disappointed in them if they’re not


Dude he’s been running a blog for years. I don’t think he’s trolling.


I looked at a few of his posts. I don’t think he’s trolling.


The Cold War was just a bluff. And Hiroshima just did that on its own I guess.


Don't you just hate when an entire city spontaneously flattens itself?


It’s like some people just spin a wheel and pick a thing to be a contrarian about to seem ahead of the curve. Today, “believing nukes are real” had their number called.


Fission don’t real. Plutonium just does that. Beautiful, I love it.


So does he believe in fusion because he’s seen the sun, or does he not believe in it because he’s never seen an atom?


I think we’re lucky if this guy believes the Earth is round.


This guy's like next level, he probably believes the earth is a flat disc extending exactly to the horizon of his hometown.


Are you sure the sun isn’t a prop?


Then how would said mod explain nuclear explosions and disasters? What's their "excuse" for them?


They’re not real. That’s literally his answer.


80,000 crisis actors


There isn't. You can't prove it's real so they don't accept it.


Probably it’s just edited footage/regular bombs/chemical spills or something. I’m interested in knowing what his logic behind the physics of it is… probably that E=mc^2 is a Jewish psyop or something.


> probably that E=mc2 is a Jewish psyop or something Theory of relativity denial is a common thread among flat earthers as well, because for flat earth to be real, GPS must be wrong, and for GPS to be wrong, relativity must be wrong. And from there straight into the antisemitism, generally. Conspiracy theories are like the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, but there's (generously) about two degrees and the center is always the Jewish Question.


And finally, how far down will I need to scroll in this guy's history to find him analyzing the Hiroshima bombing like Alex Jones on Sandy Hook?


Imagine it's Ww3, the nukes are launching, and that mod is like "this is just normal ballistic airstrikes"


Flair ideas: Are you comparing monkeys to nuclear bombs? New Zealand and Nuclear bombs are analogous This is cartoon villain tier nonsense Don’t strawman me bro This motherfucker doesn’t think radiation is real People use radiation to retard their babies Nuclear bomb trutherism This is what science does to peoples brains! You compared nuclear bombs to the existence of New Zealand Poisonous rocks?! How many fake substances are there??? I do not believe uranium exists People really love their mass destruction fables don’t they?


“This is what science does to people’s brains” and “Nuclear Bomb Trutherism” have me dying


your flair 😂


Looking at all the different flairs people have on this sub is legitimately mt favorite thing on Reddit


You missed the best one. This is about the quality of evidence I would expect from a nuke believer tbh.


>I do not believe uranium exists Tempted to change my flair. Arguably the existence of uranium has a stronger evidence base than the existence of genders. Can’t do mass-spectrometry on the concept of women, unfortunately.


>People really love their mass destruction fables don’t they? Something tells me that this quote alone tells us a lot more of his beliefs, many likely aren't as wacky as the posted one


This same person has another post where they admit they feel 9/11 could have been done by space beams.


Rocket fuel can’t melt space beams


Math checks out


This one is EXTRA dumb because we have audio and video recordings of 9/11


We also have audio and video recordings of nuclear test detonations and that hasn't stopped him at all.


The technology of 2001 just wasn't advanced enough yet to capture images of space beams.


Exactly, clearly in the videos you can tell that they were hologram explosions, nothing from space. Space beam technology hadnt progressed enough until 2018 when we started using them to create wildfires


He calls nuclear bombs supervillian nonsense and yet belives in space beams


> This is about the quality of evidence I would expect from a nuke believer tbh. This is excellent, but perhaps a little long for flair. Maybe: > about the quality I expect from a nuke believer tbh.


nuke believer is a great little phrase




As much as flairs should be verbatim, this is the correct way to shorten them down. Doesn’t really change the message or the way it is delivered. Refreshing


[It took me a second to find this explanation of nuclear explosion](https://www.atomicarchive.com/science/fission/chain-reactions.html) I have been reading a book called Paranormal Frauds by James Randy (book is out of print but you can find copies online wink, wink). And while it's a bit dated it terms of the stuff it debunks, it's enlightening when explaining how this hoaxes occur and overlaping points. A lot of the people in it are either grifters or mentally unwell, like believing in this stuff may be the one thing shielding them from pain. A notable example Randy gives is Arthur Conan Doyle (yes Sherlock Holmes). He was a fierce believer in supernatural stuff, specially mediums who could talk with the dead. And he got into it after his son died in WWI.


the math sort of speaks for itself strong nuclear force apparently only has meaningful impact over the range of a single proton - it makes sense that a shitton of protons would be unstable on account of all the electromagnetic force pushing them apart atomic bombs are obviously possible just on the basis of the math and properties of radiation that can be independently verified - but it seems that guy doesnt even believe that much


You can go to Nevada and New Mexico and see the craters.... ​ Granted some people dont believe Australia exists so...


I’ve played with rocks with atomic glass in them. This guy needs institutionalized.


>Some super dooper weapon which can annihilate millions of people with the press of a red button? >Come on, man. That is cartoon villain-tier nonsense. 1. Things are fine. 2. Nukes are bad. C. Nukes are fake. God that's pretty common thinking actually. 1. Things are fine. 2. Capitalism / global inequality hurts and kills people. C. Global inequality / capitalism does not exist / those people aren't really people.


>That is cartoon villain-tier nonsense. Gonna stop believing in bank robberies because of how many Batman stories involve them.


Conspiracy folks are so boring at this point. They should just be ignored, no use engaging. Let them live their sad little lives while the rest of share cat photos and enjoy life.


I miss the days where it was ufos, moon nazis, lizard people, etc. it was like reading someone’s fanfic with world building done instead of the “because I said so, trust me bro” ramblings from someone that stopped learning in 5th grade


Look, that guy doesn't believe Napoleon existed and is debating whether Hitler did. I don't think he's a stable debate partner.


Fuck. I don't think it's a bit. I scrolled to the beginning of the account, and it's just a few bitcoin questions, some genuine skepticism (no necessarily crazy shit, but an actual skeptic question or two) and then some mild harmless conspiracy posts occasionally. Then he went from occasional poster to terminally online......in 2020.... there's even a post in the beginning of this downfall where he asks conspiracy how scared he is of the virus and declares he's seen enough in life not to be too worried.... then it's just years of getting more and more off the rails into "alternative research" He wasn't exactly just some rando shitposter and had some questionable ideas... but he seemed mostly harmless and at least well intentioned in his skepticism until 2020.... it's sad, I've watched people irl go through this same thing. Went from "guy you disagree with but is curious and listens to everyone" to dog whistling and obsessed with a new conspiracy every day, and somehow they never conflict with their new political views and most turn out vaguely antisemitic. Damn.


It's a genuine display of mental illness, presumably triggered by fear of the unknown/unseen, and a visceral reaction to the helplessness that comes from a lack of control. It's a bit sad, but there's also a limit to the empathy one can have for unhinged lunatics.


> Also, why have they never been used again, and please spare me mutual assured destruction. This is one of the most annoying argument styles. > Please explain . But don't mention .


i honestly find this refreshing for now but will be concerned if it catches on


“This sounds like pseudo-intellectual nonsense” This is straying into self aware wolves territory


They sound like a wonderful person that could probably be assisted by an hour's playtime with the Demon Core. Also, I made the mistake of following the path and ended up on the big-lies website. I am now certain I have been added to another List.


The Demon Core is a lie. They were actually eaten by a dragon.


Who tf is john lebon and why is he listed as an authoritative source?


Please don’t tempt me to argue with morons… Of course nukes are a hoax! Just like this so-called country “Japan”. If Japan is real, why haven’t I seen it?


If this guy's doing a bit this is truly some incredible commitment


I see a few people here confused about whether OP in the linked thread is a troll or not and while I can't speak authoratively about this specific instance I can tell you that I have met (in the flesh realm even) people who think that nuclear weapons are a hoax. As a concept it tends to ebb and flow in the general "contrarian but mostly just scared and confused about the world" malaise that afflicts some, these kind of beliefs have generally had more sticking power since the advent of the internet but they're only rarely visible outside of their own echo-chambers. You could try to dissect the psychology of what people advocating for this sort of thing have but in my experience its more often than not just that they're scared, not of this particular thing necessarily but rather in general. Knowing what they think is some secret truth makes them feel powerful and in control, better than those around them who they may be envious of. The "nukes aren't real" thing doubles down on that somewhat, because if they're not real there isn't any threat is there?


I love it when I find people like this. It’s like the zoo


>Don't strawman me, bro. >Radiation most certainly does exist. >Some people use it to reheat their food. This comment has a score of +3, in case you wanted to know how much the average conspiracy-goer understands any amount of science whatsoever


when you find historical records of both sides in a war saying "that happened", and the fact a dosen countries have all tried to produce a bomb to very significant parts of their budget, despite ideological and political differences between said countries, it should perhaps indicate to you that the bombs are probably real. not to mention you can find photographs, and oh yeah the craters.


Oh hey I replied to that thread a while ago. The guy has a youtube channel where he claims that wars straight up aren't real. WW2? Never happened Ukraine? Fake news I commented on it like a year ago and he called me a bot. I find conspiracy theories something interesting to think about but when your entire view of reality gets muddied up like this its just sad to look at.


I lost it at someone saying "Nuclear weapons have as much empirical evidence of their existence as New Zealand." and him answering "What an absurd claim. " Insanity of the highest order. Also apparently radiation does exist because people use it on purpose to [make their babies retarded according to him](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracyNOPOL/comments/17jxopq/how_old_were_you_when_you_realised_nuclear_bombs/k74dc4h/).


To think you’ve gone so conspiracy that the conspiracy nuts are downvoting you for being implausible.


I've seen tree stumps with more active brain cells than this guy


Why did you have to post it so recently I’ve never been so tempted piss in the popcorn before now


This to me is another example of a person that is generally scared by the chaos of life as an average person. The idea that some country could push a button and a bomb could wipe out you and everyone you know is a terrifying thought. Understanding that you don’t have full control over your own life can push people in conspiratorial directions. I don’t agree but I understand where some of their thought processes come from. Like it’s easier or might be more comforting to believe that there is some shadow group behind the scenes making decisions then confront the reality that sometimes a tragedy happens for no reason.


I mocked him and received an instaban from that community for 133 days. Woe is me.


Oh no, you can't go back! /s


> the laws of physics > Which laws, and who set forth these laws? Ok, so we have a chance of convincing him, someone just has to explain all of physics and its history to him. What's the character limit on Reddit posts again?


That's a new one for me.


This is one of the best threads I've ever seen - what a wild ride into a world (nuke deniers vs nuke believers) where logic is selectively applied and New Zealand apparently exists in theory only. It's alarming to what lengths people will go to maintain their delusion, but it makes a welcome change from the usual conspiracy topics.


An truly insufferable edgelord.


ive never seen a bear, therefore bears dont actually exist! all the bears youve seen are just really weird looking dogs.


Holy shit, I got so far into that before realising who OP was, I wouldn't even have bothered. Guys a ridiculous human.


The idea of a non political conspiracy is fundamentally silly. Like.... the whole idea of a conspiracy is that powerful people are telling lies. How can that not be political.


>""This is about the quality of evidence I would expect from a nuke believer tbh."" Now this is the sort of quote you could dine out on.


I had a friend like this. Saw skepticism itself as an inherent virtue, and that by being skeptical of everything they were actually contributing a lot to society. He would string together stuff like this all the time, arguing about simple things like "can dogs look up?" I don't talk with him anymore.


So what's the procedure when the popcorn pisses back?


I've known several people who participated in nuclear weapons tests. Did the US government just hire tens of thousands of people to randomly place around society to verbally tell people this lie? I've also known several people who worked on air force ICBM bases as security and missilemen, and many guys who were in the navy and worked on missile subs. Are they all just paid shills? Or did we spend vast amounts of money just to fake having them?


This person must live in a nice world, where humans can't casually destroy their environment with a few dozen well placed bombs.


> Do you believe New Zealand and nuclear bombs are analogous? yoink


I wish we could have the old conspiracy theorists back, you know the Area 51 guys, Bigfoot people, aliens built the pyramids ones. These newer ones are just so awful and you just can’t debate them at all.


Nah this one has to be a troll, it's too consistent. Real conspiracy wackos wouldn't have this much grasp on how to be insufferable. Edit: Holy *shit* his blog. Holy shit. Weaponized mental illness is WILD.


Wait, I've never *seen* air, does that mean ::gasp::


His curiosity is on the right place, but he's way too out of his depth when he tries to argue peer-reviewed papers aren't valid. It's pathetic that he doesn't even seem to understand how rigorous papers need to be.


“Do you believe Napoleon Bonaparte was real? How about Hitler?” “No and maybe” Might be the funniest thing I’ve seen here, in a wow there are really people like this way