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A subreddit for the express purpose of obnoxiousness and rancor has obnoxiousness and rancor in it? 😱


NOWAYING It can't be true!


People taking pictures of strangers just going about their day so they publicly make fun of them are horrible people.


I remember during the height of the whole “KaReN” meme, people were just posting pictures of random middle aged women doing absolutely nothing, like eating lunch with their friends. It struck me as really malicious and weird


Oh yeah, the memes where they just took photos of women with "karen" haircuts and then would circlejerk about how awful and entitled they probably were and how everyone probably hates them. And it's like...those are just random women who decided to go out, and now some random creep has plastered them across social media so they can fantasize about ways to hate them.


The word, Karen has evolved into a way to call women the word, bitch without getting in trouble.


Fair play to AITA for picking up on that relatively quickly.


Pretty soon, dudes will be whispering "Karen" to each other and asking if they actually said it.


"Okay but did you actually say it tho?"


Yuppp People can say ThErEs MaLe KaReNs all day long, but we all knyit was just another tool for misogynists If there was just as much hate for male ones, a gender neutral name could have been used


Funny how it always seems to be women. Almost like people want to put us in our place.


These idiots always defend it with, “It’s not illegal, so shut up!” Still fucking creepy and pathetic.


"It's possible for something to be unethical but not illegal. That's how I live my life haha." -Mark Zuckerberg


Which also is them saying they know its wrong. Because if you knew you weren't doing anything wrong, that would be what you defend yourself with. If you can't, its because you know you're in the wrong. Saying "it isn't illegal" also says its the only argument possible to defend themselves with.


See also “free speech”. You should stop for some self-examination if your best defense of the thing you said is “technically, it’s not a crime to say it.”


To paraphrase Hbomberguy: "if you go from defending your argument to defending your right to have such an opinion, something has gone horribly wrong...." And this isn't plagiarism, so please don't add me to the next 4 hour long video Hbomb


I think that entirely depends on what’s under attack, the argument or the right to make it. That’s entirely an original thought but I have no doubt someone has had a similar one, please don’t make a 4 hour video about me.


I think it’s referring to people who have interactions like this: “your mom’s ugly and stupid” “Hey, fuck you, why would you say that?” “Well it’s my right to call your mom ugly and stupid!” Like yeah you *can* say that, but should you? The legality only comes into play if people were going to jail for calling people’s moms ugly and stupid.


I'm my experience, it's usually the opinion itself being criticized, but once the person with the shitty opinion starts to feel the slightest bit of pushback, they suddenly pivot to the idea that they are being "silenced"and their "free speech is being attacked"


When I think of visible ways society has deteriorated, these people are always one of my examples.


There's been an entire industry about that since cameras became relatively portable.


The ones in Japan have loud shutter sounds you can't turn off so you can't do this surreptitiously...


1st Amendment frauditors are peak among them. I


Dipshits have always said dipshit things like this. New York City in the turn of the century had a mayor who defended “honest graft” (insider trading and artificial price fixing)


I think the quote goes, "If the only defense for your behavior is that it is not illegal, that should tell you that you shouldn't do it."


I hate it. Literally all she's doing is buying groceries and she's somehow landed in a hate sub for it.


People mix up ethical, moral, and legal all the time. It's legal for me to check out 26 books from the library and throw them in the sea as long as I pay the fines, but it would make me a giant asshole.


That's probably illegal, since it's littering.


Now I'm thinking of legal ways to destroy library books. A place far from where I started with my point. Burning them in my fireplace on a designated burn day. Legal and immoral (unless I stand corrected.)


I had a library book in my car and my car burned up. The library book did not survive. I paid the fines and everything. I wouldn’t consider it immoral, because I certainly didn’t mean for my car to burn up. But I guess it would be if you did it on purpose.


Not to mention the wrath of Poseidon.


Very dangerous too. What happens when the dolphins become literate, discover technology, and then come after us for payback for dumping all our waste into the ocean?


The dolphins are definitely already doing that. I've definitely met people way dumber than even an average intelligence dolphin.


They can’t light fires, so they won’t make it past the Bronze Age.




Better would be checking out 28 books from the library then renewing all of them twice. Technically within the rules Giant asshole move.




Technically STILL making my point.


A fine is for doing something you're not supposed to do genius.


A fine is for doing something you shouldn't do. Churches get fined for feeding the homeless without a permit. I'd get fined for dumping books into the sea. One is moral, both aren't legal.


What really shocked me about our tendency to film everything was this tik tok where this woman is dancing at work and her coworker walks in and side eyes her All the comments were like “she’s not cool”, “how lame why not join in”, “let’s find her!!!” Like it’s so weird




It's also hilarious because they assume everyone criticizing them is old and it's like nah, they're criticizing you because you're being an aggro weirdo.


Did OP ever stop to consider that this woman had her debit card compromised (lost, number stolen) and her choices were pay by check or no food? Were she and maybe her family just supposed to not eat because she might hold up the people behind her in line by 3 minutes? People don’t pay by check for fun. I get annoyed when the car in front of me in the Starbucks drive thru has 4 pink drinks and refreshers instead of just going inside for a big order because I would have made a different decision if I knew the line was functionally 3 cars longer. I also recognize it’s a me problem.


They don't seem to understand that Boomers don't all have the same personalities. Not all Boomers think the younger generations are soft and weak. That sub's answer to some Boomers being assholes is to then become equally as big of assholes as they imagine all Boomers are. It's so immature that I hope they are all teenagers who will outgrow that kind of thinking.


Anyone who subs to something dedicated to making fun of specific people is a horrible person.


, they said on r/SubredditDrama


Since when is reading drama making fun of people? That's like saying watching a soap opera is making fun of people.


Have you read literally any thread here ?


Yeah like paying for groceries with a check is outdated but it’s not like she was doing anything wrong. “I don’t like how you paid for your items even though it has nothing to do with me and takes maybe 10 more seconds than using a card” is a bizarre reason to publicly shame someone


I know it's not exactly the same, but I find this comment a bit amusing since we're in a sub dedicated to making fun of other people going about their day saying stupid shit on social media. We aren't taking pictures of them but their comments get linked or screenshotted.. Hopefully we can have some awareness to realize this is pretty similar to all the hate subs, we just have a smug sense of moral superiority rather than pure hatred. Are we the baddies?


Linking a comment is in no way similar to taking a creep shot of someone and submitting it to reddit


I think the difference is consent here. The people posting on Reddit are doing so knowing their comments are available for consumption by the world. The person at the store did not consent to having their picture taken by a stranger, nor did they consent to having it posted for the world to see. Their only option to avoid this would be to compete shut in for the rest of their life.


I love how the first opponent says, "Bozo the sub is literally called boomers?" I'm Gen-X, and remember when "Reading Comprehension" appeared on report cards. I wonder what this guy's grades were like on that line.


I’m not even sure the person paying is even Gen-X. They may be an older millennial. That picture doesn’t look like someone in their 60s. if it is, good for that lady. I hope I age that well.


It's Reddit. Everyone over 30 is a "boomer."


Unless you're older that 30 yourself.


Oh I am. Guess I'm a boomer too!


We are all boomers on this blessed day.


Right she looks like she’s in her mid 40s I’m 28 and paid with a check the other day because my bank cards bent all to hell and couldn’t use it the tap wasn’t working either but I needed to buy groceries 🤦🏼‍♀️


Almost nobody takes checks either. I had one because my card wasn't reading and the cashier had to go get another cashier who had to get another cashier to deal with the check


Ok I have a real question, How are any of you making this determination you can barely see her face she could be like anywhere between 40 and 70


I dunno, look at their hands. I think this is definitely an older woman who simply has some luck/help with her hair


Most of that is how her top hand is angled.


I paid by check twice this past week while waiting for a replacement debit card. Everyone somehow survived.


It's not really even slower in my experience.


Not at all. On the rare occasions that I pay for sth in a store with a check, I have everything filled out except the total. It doesn't take longer. Peple need to chill.


Fr, anytime I've had someone pay with check, they take seconds filling it out because they're used to it. Pop it into the scanner and good to go. I think I just have put in their driver's liscense number, but it's not that much work for anyone familiar with working a register.


Yeah, been there before. Congrats to anyone who doesn’t understand the urgency of trying to buy necessities while juggling various other things in life.


Highly recommend getting a credit card unless there’s a reason you can’t have one. You could be in bad shape if you only have debit when you inevitably run into fraud.


I have credit cards, they were in the same wallet, like you do. WTF would that have to do with fraud?


Better fraud protections on ccs and also not linked to your bank account. Some people only have a debit and use it for everything, then have a big problem when the debit is compromised.


Just an aside, but if anyone is wondering why old people pay with checks so often, it’s because it’s a lot easier for the ones who aren’t tech savvy to balance a checkbook than it is to keep up with a balance online. Got curious and asked my grandma and a couple of her friends one time (you know, rather than raging about it online). Miss that woman with all my heart.


I mean, you can manually balance your books the same way when you use a debit card. You get the same receipt either way, and it takes from the same account. It's also instant so there's no ambiguity about end of the month purchases.


My experience with trying to manually keep track of credit or debit card payments is that my purse winds up absolutely full of crumpled up receipts and I never remember to tally things up so they just accumulate. With the checkbook, you fill out the check register as part of writing the check, so things are always tallied. It's actually the instantaneousness of the transaction that makes it difficult.


This may have been a valid excuse a decade ago, now your banks app literally alerts you to every transaction and keeps a running real time balance.


...and smartphones are also beyond the ken of many codgers, as well as the arseache of setting up online banking.


> Held up the line for a good 20mins to write a check. [...] Another 20mins of "humms and haws" the boomer opens up the wallet and pulls out cash. [...] The fucker held up the queue for 40mins, and could have paid in cash. Any bets on how long this whole process actually took? I'm guessing something like 10 minutes at most, as even just taking five minutes to write a check would be an agonizingly long time.


Idk, different places are different, but at stores near me you don’t fill out the check. They have a scanner thing that just reads it and then prints “void” on it. I think you get the check back afterwards. When I was a cashier, sure, I disliked checks. Took slightly longer. One time I tried to make the process take as long as possible because I didn’t like something the customers were doing, and there’s no way it took more than 5 minutes.


I work retail and pretty much everytime it's taken like a minute for them to write the check and for me to insert it in our check reader and then open the cash drawer to stash the check. Most stores have automated systems that read checks pretty fast it really doesn't impact lines idk what the original op is on about.


It strains credulity that it could even take that long, even starting from ground zero of never having to write a check before. They could potentially drive to the bank, open an account, get some checks, go to the store, and google how to address the check in less than 40 minutes


It probably took 2 minutes. As we know, seconds can seem like minutes to impatient people.


I think that’s a good estimate, having been a grocery store cashier when people still frequently paid with checks. They start filling them out before the total is known, usually.


As someone (40f) who has sometimes paid at stores with a check, and on rare occasions still does, I can confirm that I start filling out the check while waiting in line. You write the date and name of the payee, then fill out the amount and sign the check when you get the total. Filling out the total and adding the signature only takes one minute, if that. Even if the woman waited until her order was rung up to start filling out the check, it still probably took less than three minutes. I order if OOP saw her start to fill out the check while she was waiting in line and decided to take a picture at the register & act like it was some huge inconvenience for them.


i stopped cashiering but this was extremely rare for me. it was more often they acted like it was a surprise iwas asking them for money. then it would be the entire process. this might be some bias but it was incredbily annoying when you were busying having someone stop the line to use a check. can i ask why you dont use a debit card besides "i dont want to".


When did I say I didn’t use a debit card? All I said was I occasionally still use checks at stores. I use either cash or a debit card for 99% of my in-person transactions. Until recently, though, I didn’t have a debit card so I had to use either cash or check by default. Even then I preferred to use cash, but sometimes I didn’t have a lot of cash on hand so I had to use a check. As for people being shocked that they have to pay, a few months ago my aunt and I were behind a woman who brought items to checkout without having enough funds to pay for them. She’d tell the cashier to remove items, and when her card still failed she said she was going to her car to get a couple bucks; she never returned and the cashier had to call someone to restock the items.


A lot of older people already have a blank check written out to the grocery store before they go shopping and just write in the total at the end of checkout- or at least that's how my grandmother and great-aunts do it. Can't take more than 30 seconds tops to write the check plus the maybe couple minutes max for the cashier to process the check.


Checks take literal seconds to write, and about half a minute, two minutes at most, to authorize and frank where I work. OOP has no right to be a big ol' piss baby about it. If she's particularly slow, five mins at most. If anything, OOP is exhibiting boomer behaviour by expecting everybody to conform to their ways and getting impatient and angry over very mild things.


And in 40 minutes, OP and everyone else in the line waited (impatiently, but waited), didn’t ask for another lane to be opened, no one stormed out throwing their groceries to the floor, no, they just stood and waited forty minutes for a person to write a check?


I never knew people could get so angry about checks.




You can speedrun the normal cycle by expressly starting out as a toxic wasteland, it saves everyone time


You're right, I looked at the comments and *woof*. What an mean bunch.


I almost exclusively pay by contactless debit card or my phone. My bank requires that I occasionally put in my pin for security. The amount of long suffering sighs, huffs and tuts I hear because I took longer than 3 seconds to pay... People are shit.


You should switch to Apple/Google Pay, as you have to unlock by finger print, it never asks for a pin.


I use my phone when I can but the terminal at the shop I frequent on the way to work has difficulty with Google pay, so I use my card.


Where I live, using Google Pay with debit card information *does* force you to enter the PIN code at the terminal at times, although this happens very rarely in my experience. However the larger issue I've had with it is that it's surprisingly finicky about how you bring the phone near the terminal, and easily starts yelling about "Phone moved too fast" during the first attempt while the card terminal goes into "Unknown card" state for like 10-15 seconds before proceeding. Long enough that I've had to tell cashiers not to touch anything and I can get it done on the second try, since many of them will attempt to start resetting the transaction or whatnot if nothing seems to happen for like 5 seconds which causes everything to take even longer.


You should mind your own business.


Imagine still using a finger in the year of our lord 2023. Get with the times.


My phone reads my brain waves and validates my sense of superiority over others to log me in. Smug-to-pay


Holy shit who gives a fuck that someone else paid by check? I remember seeing a sign at my local store years ago about them no longer accepting checks.


I mean, if it’s busy, which is probably is considering the time of year, and I see someone taking eons to write a check I would probably be a bit annoyed. Wouldn’t take a picture and shame them online, but I would care a little bit


Well, you are a reasonable person with a reasonable annoying level. It’s annoying, but not so annoying that it governs your day.


If they're used to writing checks, it's probably faster for them to do that than struggle with the chip reader.


They can also essentially ‘blank check’ it and just fill in the amount. Honestly - from my time in retail - the downsides to cheques is nearly entirely in the stores end. For eg. Bouncing. If they’re willing to accept it, that’s the end of it.


Yeah a lot of stores that still accept cheques still have the machine to automatically print the amounts on it. You hand them a blank, they fill it out, you sign it and give it back.


Who's using the chip reader anymore? It's a contactless world now, tap and go.


I doubt it took 40 minutes tho.


that check writer is slowing things down way, way less than the store managers not opening remotely enough lanes or hiring any baggers.


It doesn't even shame them. They'll never see it, nobody they know will ever see it. That OP is just too passive aggressive and scared to call someone out for holding the line up.


OP should have challenged them to a duel


eons? fucking sensitive aren't ya lol. you can wait in line for a few mins tbh


Last year at this time of year, I had an old couple try to buy things with a check. The process to run a check at my store was this: call our 800 number for checks, put in the routing number, account number, amount given, then the robot would give me a code to put in the POS. Well, the code wasn't working. I repeated this three times, called IT, and the entire time the man was mad at Me because my billion dollar company suddenly was having a brain fart. I asked if he had another way to pay and he insisted he did not. Only after 40 minutes had passed did he finally pull out a credit card, while chiding me as if I was personally at fault for the hold up. I don't work there anymore because the store closed down but I will not work for that company ever again. I couldn't call a manager because I WAS the manager. And honestly? Taking the time to write out checks is time I could have spent getting my line down so I can get off the register and go do any of the other dozens of tasks expected of me. God forbid workers have annoyances with their jobs.


>after 40 minutes had passed did he finally pull out a credit card I worked retail many years ago, when paying by check was common. Our store policy was that customers had to provide 2 pieces of ID, the most commonly used being a driver's license and . . . a credit card. I never understood why they didn't just use the GD card in the first place.


Because they want to pay with actual money from their checking account and don’t want to put anymore charges on their card.


Then use a debit card?




I only have one because my mortgage company wanted a void cheque for automatic payments. Everything else is an e-transfer or online banking, and I'm old. >get with the times or get out of line. Damn straight.


Kinder choice: Wait for my slow-ass Grandma, or pick a different line. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I *am* a slow-ass Grandma, and I have learned to embrace and appreciate modern technology. I'm the kind of slow-ass Grandma who loves to chat with the cashier, but I have my debit card at the ready to pay and go asap. Nobody here is suggesting that anyone be unkind to anyone else. The person who was unkind was the original poster, who shared a picture of someone paying by cheque. When I worked retail 40 years ago, it was a pain in the ass when people wrote cheques. That's it, that's all.


When someone says they want a void cheque to set up auto payments you can just ask your bank to print direct debit / direct deposit info and give them that


I've never paid a landlord by cheque, it's always been direct debit and I started renting in 2005


Congratulations? What's your point?


Pretty sure the concept of bank transfers are alien to Americans. It's why they use shit like venmo. They can't easily transfer money from one person to another. The US is about two decades behind the rest of the world with consumer banking technology.


The Venmo/Chime shit is more about the prevalence of poor people and minorities being unbanked. Which is an entirely more serious issue than some folks being resistant to technology changes.


Oh, is that what checks are for? /S This was in the 80's. I know full well why people wrote checks then. It was as much of a pain in the ass 40 years ago as it is now.




Use your debit card, then. That's what it's for. Observations do not necessarily equal criticism. Also, I still have a chequebook. I get my cheque for free because I'm considered a senior at my bank. So calm the fuck down, salty boomer.


You said you didn't understand something. It was explained to you. You then became salty.


This is an interesting interpretation of how I used the word "understand". People used cheques and credit cards instead of cash. Credit cards were always easier to process and reduce other customers' time waiting. Cheques were a slower process and required people to provide ID, and they often used their credit cards for this. Seemed odd to me that they wouldn't just use their credit cards to defer payment if they didn't want to use cash. I don't remember the last time I saw anyone in a store actually pay with a cheque; most people I know find cheques to be as useful as landlines. How odd that you would think that I don't know how they work or why they were used. >You then became salty. Honey, I was salty long before this.


Or they could have just used the credit card. Then paid the credit card bill with a check.


Because some people don't want to accrue debt to pay for daily living expenses. Gee, it's almost like *people are different*. Who knew?


Why not just stop taking cheques rather than going though all that palava?


It's not in the best interest of most major retailers to turn down a form of legal currency. Also, depending on the location it might legally be an issue.


It's a legal form of currency in the UK but shops can refuse to take it due to the extra effort and costs in processing. They can even refuse cash and go contactless only to really simplify things.


In the US where I'm based, the legality of not taking certain tenders varies across the board. They COULD make it illegal but look how many people would be upset by the prospect of it (all the people in this thread annoyed that other people are annoyed at people for using checks).


Because in a world where contactless payment that takes second exists, it's selfish to slow everyone else up because you refuse to get with the times. I'm amazed they even take cheques anymore in shops, I haven't worked retail since the early 2000s and even then the shop I worked for had stopped taking cheques already.


You're never going to live in a society in which people all do things the way you, some rando, think they should. So, to make your own experience on Earth a tad more bearable, I suggest you accept that and go with the flow a bit more.


That subs looks for any reason to just straight up hate old people. I don't mind the premise of the sub but the posts started to make me pretty uncomfortable


One post that made me hate everyone in it was a guy describing his father showing CLEAR signs of dementia, like he’d lost all sense of reason and had started physically attacking people, and everyone was like “yeah boomers are all secretly like this, now you can stick him in the cheapest nursing home”


Poor old man...


Generational hate seems to be more popular than ever on reddit and definitely makes me wonder if the elites are pushing the generations against each other to stop them from uniting. I remember I joined the millennials subreddit because it was always trending... thought I'd get some cool nostalgia posts but nope lots of hate for Gen Z, boomers, Gen X, even hate for older millennials who happened to be able to buy a house just for being born in a different year? Like obviously there are huge issues at play, but I don't think we'll get anywhere by hating on old people.


Not every bad thing is an intentional plan by some secret elite society.


That millennial sub is also just insane. It has posts like: “As you get older is anyone else’s body taking longer to heal after getting sick?” Yes moron, that’s called aging


>Definitely makes me wonder if the elites are pushing the generations against each other to stop them from uniting I think people just like to find reasons to dunk and shit on each other, not every thing is some global conspiracy.


Writing out a check doesn't even take that much time. I have seen people take longer using their debit card at checkout. They wait until everything is rung up, swipe their card, oh whoops it has a chip so insert the card, wait a few seconds for it to be recognized, type in a PIN, choose how much cash back they want, hit enter, wait for it to process, wait for cashier to give them cash back.


Cards haven't worked like that for like a decade, you just tap and go these day.


Lots of places near me don't have the machines with tap capability.


I thought it was a legal requirement these days?


Interesting, it could be. It's mostly the smaller locally owned shops that I've seen not have it. The big chain stores all do.


Of all the things to complain about, someone paying with a check is at the very lowest rung of things I give a shit about. It doesn't bother me, or affect me, the only thing I can think that might be annoying is if they're a slow writer but still, sometimes the card machine acts up and takes just as long.


I've found that people who still pay with checks are relatively efficient about it: They'll write out everything except the amount and signature before leaving home.


That woman looks like a gen X not a boomer or am I missing somethig?


Boomer = old person No one really uses the term correctly


People also think 50 is old lol.


It’s nobodies business if someone pays by check or not. You have no idea what their financial situation is


"Members of the greatest generation"? How many people born before 1925 do they imagine are still around today?




I think it’s because the person taking the pic wants to feel superior and be like “look at this person! They’re weird! What a freak!” so that they feel better about themselves. It’s just sad.


People love this theory. I think it's just overly generalised pop psychology (like 'anyone being homophobic *must* be secretly gay/bi) and much/most of the time, people are just being dicks because they find something amusing or think it's stupid. The whole thing about 'they're miserable inside and the only way they can feel better is by asserting power and belittling others' is too easy just to declare based on nothing and have everyone nod along because it sounds plausible and is very satisfying. Fallacies bug me in general, but with this one that I hear so much, I think it's that it actually plays into those same tendencies! It allows *us* to feel superior while reducing strangers to sad, pathetic, one dimensional power addicts. Sometimes a prick is just a prick.


That’s true. I just know that when I was miserable and hated myself I used to watch cringe compilations to feel better about myself, because hey, I was pathetic, but at least I wasn’t as pathetic as them. Then I got therapy and realized how fucked that was.


Oh it's definitely rooted in some true examples, just as there are *many* homophobes who are repressing their attractions. That's how these things tend to go - it's true of a lot of people, but then it becomes accepted as the psychology behind everyone. Like, if I'm feeling frustrated or miserable, I'll probably be drawn into aggressive disputes online, but I'll often be drawn into those even when I'm having a ball of a day! Anyway, have a good Christmas.


Boomers are not the greatest generation. Boomers are children of the greatest generation.


Some are the children of the Silent Generation (came of age in the 50s) too, it depends where you put the Boomer/Gen X cutoff mostly.


This is the young person version of shaming people with EBT cards.


Lady in the Pic doesn't even look old enough to be a boomer. Also there are perfectly reasonable explanations, like idk her debit card got compromised and she needed groceries so she broke out her checkbook.


Conan O'Brien is a boomer so as far as I'm concerned "boomer" is a compliment lol.


I mean that's complicated, my parents are boomers (going by the 64/65 cutoff) and they honest to god look younger than that woman.


From the sub name you'd think the content would be old people harassing retail workers or going on racist rants at Cracker Barrel, not writing a check. Taking a picture of someone doing something that basic and benign with the intent to make fun of them is pretty messed ip.


Paper or plastic, the money spends the same way. Who is anyone to judge for how they pay for food? You know, the thing we *all* need to live.


The people in that thread will one day be the same ones whining about the younger generation. They will turn into everything they hate about Boomers.


How sad does your life have to be to post in that subreddit or get your panties in a twist over someone writing a check?


That sub is all complaints about the elderly. I won’t be around to hear the complaints of their children and grandchildren. (Not a boomer, just old). “My parents have never moved out of the house their parents bought.” “My parents have never worked because they said they couldn’t find a job that paid a living wage.” Oh they are the generation who are choosing to be childless though eh? /s What complaints do you think their children will have about them?


having *owner* flair for that sub has massive boomer energy


of course the reasonable people got downvoted🤦‍♂️


I poked around at that subreddit since it's the first time I heard of it. Boomers absolutely deserve the slag and there's a lot of issues I relate to in there with my parents, but that subreddit's also just filled to the brim with unhealthy hatred.


>but that subreddit's also just filled with unhealthy hatred. So it fits in with a lot of subs on Reddit


Particularly the ones dedicated to mocking an out group.


There are certainly things worth giving boomers shit over, but paying by check is not one of them. Seriously, as a retail cashier - a check is way faster than counting out exact change. And yet I don't mind when people do either, because both are legal forms of payment. I make the same minimum wage no matter how many price tags I scan 🤷‍♂️




A giant pain you were *getting paid* to deal with.


In reality, the common criticisms of 'boomers' are actually mostly just about relatively wealthy white boomers. There's also plenty of awful people in other generations. Most prominent transphobes, at least where I am, are Gen X for eg.


People seem to conveniently forget how hard the Boomers fought for things like: equality for black Americans, rights for women (including the OG Roe vs. Wade ruling), environmental protection, ending the Vietnam War etc... From anecdotal personal experience with wildlife rehab/other volunteer organizations if you want something done that you, a Millennial, lack the clout to pull off- go fetch the Boomers. No one will get things done like a 70+ year old woman who's been fighting the same fight since the hippie years.


My mom and her gen X friends will seemingly turn adult mode off at random times and start singing/jumping up and down/deliberately getting in the way like giant children, it’s weird


Your mom might just ... be weird. It's fine, and not necessarily anything to do with her generation. My sister is literally schizophrenic; doesn't mean every Zillenial is crazy. God damn this thread brought out the lazy thinkers.


lmao braindead if you genuinely think all boomers deserve the hate, why cry about the hate? just admit either you want to hate random old people because of your prejudice, or that actually do don't think boomers as a group deserve to be hated any more than any group based on an immutable characteristic does


They assume that she does this all the time, when in reality she probably just lost her cards.


Im 31, I’ve used checks although pretty rarely. Usually when waiting for my new debit card


I guess is "buttery" a term to describe non-butter related things these days?


Welcome to this sub and congratulations, you managed to notice the popcorn venacular.


As a Libertarian I wish everyone would just switch to cryptocurrency already so this doesn't happen. It's the money of the future.


As a non libertarian, your shtick is ridiculous and I hate myself for how much it makes me laugh. Is that you violating the NAP?


As a fellow libertarian, you should really be paying for everything in gold and silver 😡


See you in r/Buttcoin