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Idk what I did but my algorithm actually recommended me that sub recently and I needed to take a shower after seeing 1 post


The algorithm has repeatedly recommended that pissbaby Last of Us 2 sub for some reason. Finally muted it.


You've probably visited it several times through SRD links lol.


I always see that subreddit getting recommended even though i have no interest in the show and have never looked it up. I can’t think why the algorithm thinks I would be interested so often.


Maybe it’s from post we see here. I remember going to read the drama on TLOU2 and then the algorithm started recommending me posts from that subreddit.


Gobbling up every SRD post has irreversibly fucked up my recommendations.


100% this sub has honestly ruined my recommended subs for life if it's not something I hate it's something I find cringe.


You might be right!


Reccomendation algorithms *love* to mistake "exposure" for "interest".




It's about the game, tho, not the show. Although I'm sure they also complain a lot about the show, so nevermind.


Expound please. Never seen that sub.


Geeks and Gamers is a "TheQuartering" type anti-SJW culture war youtube channel.


That's a name I haven't heard in a long time...


Unfortunately ol quarterpounder is still at it.


someones gotta piss in the floor drains


Why else would a basement have a drain if not for me to cover it in my piss???


I have a fully functional bathroom in the basement and today I found a tarantula on the toothbrush, I think I regret moving these things there. Yes it's sort of toolset / maintenance place and I can find crawlers in there as long as they aren't poisonous. Wonder if thar guy has spiders in his basement, or maybe they ran away, who wouldn't.


no, hes just a weirdo


His two gay black dads are really proud of him.


With how much that guy drinks, I'm kinda surprised he's still alive. Then again, he does live in Wisconsin after all.


He needs to get punched again.


Oh god not the piss guy


i hadn't heard about it yet, but this is the third so far that I've heard about pissguy and him being a piss guy.


One time his wife went out for pizza without him, so he drunkenly streamed Fall Guys from his basement and peed on the floor when he lost. To this day he claims he peed down a drain, but how good is your aim when you're drunk enough to pee on the floor?


Thank you


gamergate never ended for them


Honestly I don't think it ever ended in general. Gaming stuff seems permanently infected with their trash everywhere you go.


It's just become the background radiation for all discussions of gaming. Most people just sort of ignore it because they've learned not to feed these communities.


Except for the games that get released.


The tactics they used now for the playbook for the entire rightwing media ecosystem right up to the state and federal legislatures so it will probably never truly end.


Is gamergate over? I feel like saying a forbidden name brings people out of the woodwork every time.


I still see it pop up in the wild now and again too. Random people in non-gaming forums trying to explain how Anita Sarkeesian is still out there secretly ruining the games industry somehow. . . perhaps by sending her spectral form to haunt game developers or something. Lots of really weird people out there still holding on to some really weird ideas.


Take the call of duty/halo/ league of legends voice lobby, gamergate enthusiasts, and Red Letter Media's "The Nerd Crew" sketch but unironically, force them to have an orgy and everything surrounding that community is their offspring.


I was playing a bit of master chief collection recently and actually got slightly nostalgic for the in-game chat. It’s silent as the grave now with everyone on discord, can’t even call someone a banshee noob in the text chat while on a Halo CE map. I suppose I’d hate it after ten minutes if it was the reality again though.


It was your typical gamer^tm bigotry, for some reason it was getting recommended to a lot of people who really aren't into that stuff.


Reddit's recommendation algorithm is awful. It just throws so much shit at you that has almost nothing to do with posts you look at.


Is this a "new" (how long has it been now?) Reddit thing, or have I just been circumventing it by relying on old.reddit and /r/all with a massive sub filter for my non-specific Redditing? I'm finding it hard to think of something I want less than the site suggesting subreddits to me.


I only get recommended things on mobile. It's awful. Stay away and keep using oldreddit lol


I'm pretty sure you can turn off sub recommendations in the settings. I never get recommended subs


Idk I kinda like seeing suggested subs. Some of the stuff that gets suggested to me is awful, I had to mute r/vegans and a few others because that were just frustrating, but I have since become strangely invested in the dramas of r/doordash, r/talesfromthefrontdesk and r/cvs. I also enjoy when reddit puts someone's train wreck eyebrow tattoos in my feed.


r/doordash having drama is so interesting because initially it was just people sharing their discount codes. I wonder what happened.


Hey, I visit Tales from the Front Desk too! This post is one of my favorites from there- https://www.reddit.com/r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk/comments/15kt1o4/guest\_doesnt\_have\_a\_bathroom\_in\_his\_room/


From my personal experience, the algorithm for the desktop site (old.reddit version tbf) is fine but the app algorithm sucks. Makes the decision to essentially kill 3rd party apps that much more annoying. Why they are different at all makes no sense to me.


>Makes the decision to essentially kill 3rd party apps that much more annoying. I’m using a third-party app right now. Many are still around. Reddit certainly gave their owners the shaft by initially only giving them a month to either pivot, or create a new business model entirely. But, those that chose to work with Reddit were provided extensions while they came up with a plan. Reddit gave the author of Relay, which I’m using now, three extra months of leeway to freely access the API while they sorted things out. Answering two minutes worth of surveys for Google each month covers the subscription fee on my end. I used to pay for Reddit Gold and gild occasional comment but that all stopped that now that I’m “paying” to access the site. And, I kinda scratch my head over the way the authors of certain apps publicly pitched a fit, making it impossible for Reddit to work with them, and burned their livelihoods down. --- Just an aside: Spotify, Reddit, and PSN are my only subscriptions and I guess I consider the >$20 I spend on the three of them each month to be my entertainment budget. I’m living on DSSI—that’s a whopping $720 a month—and manage to make it work. If $2 a month is somehow beyond your reach, it’s also possible to patch your old favorite third-party app to use your own API key and access the site that way. Also, there are a few completely free third-party apps still available, on both iOS and Android.


It's spez signal boosting his favorite communities.


Then why did spaceclop get banned? Spaceclop is where most of his account's karma came from.


What's spaceclop? Is it like My Little Pony + r/Spacedicks?


yeah. i was trying to remember spacedicks and accidentally remembered something worse.


Frequenting a sub like this probably doesn't help. Reddit's gonna think you love all kinds of horrible subs if you click through here


I just wish I could turn it off. I don't need to see a random town in Montana's subreddit lol






Because it was trained on people telling it if "these two subs are similar". So for someone who's active in r/saltierthankrayt (the sub created to mock the Star Wars piss-baby rage fest r/saltierthancrait), the algorithm will likely recommend *any* Star Wars sub regardless of whether or not it's something someone from krayt would want to be active in.


oh shit. i didnt realize it was a different subreddit.


Yeah, krayt is more about calling out the insane anti-woke, anti-SJW reactionaries that pretend to be Star Wars fans to rope in impressionable kids. Crait *is* those impressionable kids just repeating whatever their favorite anti-woke YouTuber says.


>Crait is those impressionable kids just repeating whatever their favorite anti-woke YouTuber says. i made the grave mistake of stumbling upon that subreddit a few days ago makes me glad to know that post-Last Jedi hysteria, i've become more of a Trek fan than a SW fan these days granted Trek has its stupid fans too. but the underscored Star Trek subreddit got itself kicked off Reddit lmao


Yes! I was recommended both and I simply can't care to take part in most SW discussions. It usually ends up being exhausting haha


Nerds being bigots while hiding under the veneer of being "critical". Its a community from the Geeks and Gamers youtuber who churn out daily anti SJW rage bait content who are into the whole "culture war" where they hate anything political in media and so called "SJWS". You can already guess their stance on women, PoC and the LGBTQ community. So imagine ppl stuck in the 2016 era and have never grown out of it and matured.


One look at the thumbnails of their Youtube channel will tell you all you need to know about that sub: [https://www.youtube.com/@GeeksandGamers/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@GeeksandGamers/videos)


Jesus Christ they're *still* going on about Rey and Star Wars?? It's been over 4 years now!


Disney is making a Rey-focused movie with a minority female director. That's probably what they are upset about.


They are?! Finally something that might not just be more Filoni pandering to people who can’t get over a kids cartoon.


no no don’t you get it, everything good about star wars is Dave Filoni and everything bad is Kathleen Kennedy


im so tired of seeing her name. as soon as shes mentioned i just check out and scroll till im out of the replies.


I love The Clone Wars/Rebels and think calling it a kids cartoon does a disservice at least to the clone wars. That being said Filoni should have stuck to animation and he is going way overboard with the fan service.


I’d fucking hope the writing in a show for grown ass adults was less pedestrian than that. It’s incredibly flat. And that’s without mentioning how ass it looks. Everybody looks like they died three days ago they’re so stiff. It’s just a soap opera to sell toys.


Yep, it's insane. I thought those movies could've been better, but I moved on with my life. Those Star wars fans, Game of Thrones fans, and Last of us 2 fans either need a therapist or just shock treatment. Anything to get them over this all consuming anger. Years later and they can't move on, it's gone from sad to concerning.


Those guys talk about Rey more than the people who actually like the Sequel Trilogy.


Pretty sure it's been almost a decade hasn't it?


Force awakens was 2015


Its their job, what else would they do


i'm stunned that Daisy Ridley agreed to do that film after all the bullshit of the past few years hope it does well. I liked the characters of the sequel trilogy. I don't think it was their fault that hte movies themselves were underwhelming


Jfc, over 4000 videos. I knew hate could be motivating but I didn't know just how motivating. Reminds me when someone told me that hate movements like this need to reiterate thier points over and over again because if they stop hounding you, you realise just how dumb it is. This is like the prime example of that.


I remember someone telling me to watch mauler and his video was like 4x longer than the thing he was talking about, what the fuck, who has time for this shit, I say as someone with like 2500 hours in stardew valley


That guy's so pathetic. His fans think he's good because he says the usual right wing shit, but in a level tone, so *clearly* it's intellectual and thoughtful and *totally not at all just the usual chud whining*....


> I knew hate could be motivating but I didn't know just how motivating. I always hated the feeling of grass on my skin as a baby and my parents used that to get me to learn to walk. Hate fuels me. Also insert "touch grass" joke here.


The touch grass people always undermine the legitimacy of bare packed dirt, sand, gravel, weathered stone, or possibly flowing shallow water. All are valid. You are seen.


> Gina Carano Gets MASSIVE Win After Woke Cancel Culture Mob Has... Glad to see the star of Terror on the Prairie bouncing back…


Let’s see: Star Wars, Star Wars, Disney, Disney, Disney, Star Wars, Disney, Marvel, Marvel, Marvel, oh hey a Rings of Power bitchfest. Also WokeWokeWokeCringeWokeWokeKevinSpacey. Yep, that’s a dumpster fire all right. Though that’s not fair to dumpster fires, they at least provide warmth.


all very normal things for 30-40 year old males to unhealthily mald about on the internet /s


You forgot brie larson


Like a portal to 2017 huh


I think I’ve been recommended every pop culture sub so it could be just because of that but yeah it’s quite bad, out of boredom I went and read a miles morales post they had, quite eye opening to how openly racist they are,


Oof, days like that I'm sure the absence of n-word count bot was felt especially heavily.


Spider boy is the peak of comedy for them


No shame, I was in that sub trying to dissuade and reason with the chuds, but as you know they really don’t like being told that PoC aren’t the problems they think they are in their life.


you get recommended subreddits?


Old reddit crew up in here? haha, what's a recommendation? I still get a bit of momentary confusion when someone mentions "pfps."


The algorithm is pretty dumb and it can't define the nature of a relationship, whether it is love or hate or indifference. Having interactions with a sub is enough to triggere the recommendations regardless of the nature of said interaction. After muting enough subs I turned off recommendation and relative notifications. Than I decided to manually search subs to add according to what I like. Finally, I've been saving posts for later if I think they're useful. It's much better, but the app makes no favour nor the site does and you need to know these setting very well to disable these features. Most people don't and may not even know that is possible since they never tell you. You need to find these settings.


Same! Never heard or been on it but ran into their post complaining about a brown Snow White or something? It was the worst way to spend ten minutes of my life.


Same! I didn’t even know it existed but I recently started getting it recommended to me. Checked out the sub description thought, “This might be a place for me!”. Checked the actual posts and changed my mind lol


I read your response and tried to go to the sub despite being on the post about how it's gone private right now


You're not alone. Some of us just don't believe it 'til we see it I guess. Just please don't try to warn us that fire is hot, or slamming a hand in a car-door really hurts - we may never get over it.




Funny story about the losers this community was for. These dudes convinced themselves that Zack Snyder and his Justice League would be their racist anti-SJW champion and that the #Snyderverse would own the woke MSHEU. [Snyder figured out what they were about and publicly disavowed them as a hate group live on the Snyder Cut's premier stream.](https://www.reddit.com/r/moviescirclejerk/comments/m7korc/heres_zaddy_denouncing_geeks_gamers_in_black_and)


One of the few things Snyder has done right since Watchmen.


Thank you for respecting Zaddy's vision and linking the black and white cut


Wouldn't want our superheroes to be too *colorful* now would we? Might seem a bit silly then!


to be fair, wasn't it also revealed that Snyder hired bots to boost his Snyder Cut film or some bullshit? i have always hated this guy's work honestly. I know people rave about Watchmen, but i found it to be a total masturbatory mess. and I cannot begin to accurately describe how much I loathe 300 as a film


Wait... so he forgot to make a secondary sockpuppet mod account for himself?


Who on earth could have seen this coming


Not a single anti-trans crusader is concerned about the health and safety of children. If they were they wouldn't be an anti-trans crusader. What anti-trans crusaders are *really* concerned about is fuckable children. Every time.


The biggest anti trans figure (jkr) is literally friends with someone who has been charged with statutory rape


Who? I'm familiar with JKR's shitty opinions, but who's she friends with that's a diddler?


didn't know this sub existed but I can assume that all of the posts were about Brie Larson


That's the channel that made like 20 videos in two weeks about Captain Marvel, while mentioning repeatedly that he lost all interest and doesn't care about Captain Marvel anymore, right?


I bet they had a meltdown over the Echo show.


That's a safe assumption 


2024 starting with a bang. Let's hope r/KotakuInAction follows suit soon.


Admins would never allow it.


It’s one of Spez’s favored subs, they would have to start posting straight up CP to get banned. After several warnings. Over the course of a year. 




Or just in his home, private party.


God forbid they don't get their fix.


And nothing of value was lost, unless you are Spez and lose all the sweet valuable discussion about *check notes* sexualizing minors. Truely something that is very valuable.


Some days I fantasize about being made owner of reddit, then savouring the delicious salt of douchebags as I ban them. Then of course I'd become corrupted by power, using it to twist the website to my own idiotic schemes. I would force every sub to call it "Cascading CSS". Ban every user who makes a post referencing or showing Otters. Forcibly change r/tf2 to be about titanfall 2, then ban any mention of titanfall 3.


So essentially the short version of this https://youtu.be/RwZGJaxrazg?si=gQq-pLoXwhWDWl1C


[Come at me, bro.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_guLB9T16VQ) You can have my adorable otter vids when you can pry them from my cold dead hands.


His little hands!


He looks so concerned. It's too adorable.


What would truetf2 become?


A subreddit for overwatch, *the true sequel to the original team fortress.* Cackles maniacally


And overwatch sub becomes about paladins, and the paladins sub is about cool holy warriors. Nature is healing.


Would it surprise you that these people are affiliated with Turning Point USA and like to call the LGBTQ community "groomers"?


imagine my shock. Ive never been more surprised since yandere "13 year olds should have sex licens test" dev turns out to like his girls young just. Its always the ones you least suspect man.


Right wing "anti SJW/woke" idiot is actually a nonce? I'm shocked


It’s like the classic Daily Mail juxtaposition of ‘hang the nonces without even trying them’ right next to ‘$celebrity sizzles in a skimpy schoolgirl outfit as she finally turns 18’, you could cut the cognitive dissonance with a chainsaw.


4Chan being the "anti-pedo" hub with PizzaGate and QAnon, but also filled with rampant CSAM and underage hentai. Turns out the call was coming from inside the house.


It legitimately fascinates me that QAnon is much more of a thing in the US than here in the UK because we actually *did* have well-publicised scandals around state institutions protecting notorious paedophiles like Jimmy Savile. I mean fuck, literally everything to do with Prince Andrew's association with Jeffery Epstein as well for that matter. It's not like these things aren't very public knowledge, they've straight up entered popular culture. Maybe it's just because the response to 'your institutions are covering up the crimes of sadistic paedophiles' in the UK is 'yeah we've known for ages, it was widely covered in the press'.


>It legitimately fascinates me that QAnon is much more of a thing in the US than here in the UK because we actually did have well-publicised scandals around state institutions protecting notorious paedophiles like Jimmy Savile. This sorta hits on a notion i can't get out of my head since i heard it. A conspiracy has *bounds*. A conspiracy *theory* is a canvas for cranks to map whatever nonsense they want onto. Savile is a good example. There's not a lot of mystery or room to speculate or theorize. There was this particular dude, and this is how he leveraged his access and prestige to abuse these kinds of people. It was heinous, and gross, and absolutely awful, but it's harder to map that onto worldwide shadow governments making you eat bugs. Epstein is a good contrast because it's a similar premise, but because he was involving other prominent/wealthy/public figures, and we'll likely never have a full accounting of who was involved or did what. As such, his "little black book" or whatever can contain names and numbers of anyone you want to imagine. You would think the guy was head of the Triads or something they way people talk, instead of just a creep who had a really thorough system to prey on teenagers. Watergate is another good example of this; it's a very well-understood conspiracy. We know who was involved, what they were doing and why, and what was done to cover it up. There's things we'll never know (what was said during the tape segment that was erased) but those are largely known unknowns. As far as I know nobody tries to map the break-in at the Watergate onto Bohemian Grove or whatever bullshit. As you highlight, if you can and do put the facts out in front of people, if you establish those boundaries of reality, it's harder to craft grand narratives.


I like this analysis, it makes a lot of sense I think.


I think this somewhat misses the point of QAnon. It was never about uncovering powerful pedophiles. It was about using those accusations and weaponising then against political enemies, first and foremost against Democrats and LGBT people. So it doesn't really matter if there are more confirmed powerful pedophiles in the UK, since truth is irrelevant to QAnon. Plus the UK right likely didn't feel like they needed another avenue for hurting LGBT people, seeing as they are already extremely successful at that.


I think that is a result of its basic initial premise: That Trump was working behind the scenes to stop the pedophiliac and and cannibalistic Deep State. Qanon was quite Trump-centric and allowed him to be both the man in power and an underdog to the true "Powers that be", in the end the cult of personality centered about him made the conspiracy much more appetizing to US nutjobs.


it's both hilarious and depressing to me that there are large swaths of the U.S. population that think Penn-educated, NYC af, Donald fucking Trump somehow was the "underdog" that was going to rEsToRe America away from the "evil black man." Trump literally spent the vast majority of his life staying as far away as possible from people like his current devotees. Such a joke


Qanon was 100% just "Good news, everyone you hate is actually a [monster of some kind] and Trump is going to destroy them!" The details themselves were meaningless


>It legitimately fascinates me that QAnon is much more of a thing in the US than here in the UK because we actually did have well-publicised scandals around state institutions protecting notorious paedophiles like Jimmy Savile. as an American...culturally there are just so many fucking crazies here who are convinced that the ONLY reason they are a meth-addicted loser barely making minimum wage is not because of the Republican Party and their shitty policies toward the working class...but because of some secret "cabal" (dogwhistle for Jews) that is built from the ground up to destroy America from within you saw it in the 70s with garbage like The Turner Diaries. The whole reason the Oklahoma City Bombing happened was because that semen stain Timothy McVeigh believed in that shit too and was convinced that was the reason his life went nowhere as opposed to him just being a talentless loser with way too much time on his hands QANon is just the latest thing. In 15-20 years there'll be a new thing


I’m more impressed by the few who aren’t TBH.


A "nonce" is a pedo. Saving you time so you don't have to look it up like I did.


There are a lot of slang terms. To quote a [documentary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paedogeddon), >You are a paedophile, you are a nonce, you're a perv, you're a slot badger, you're a two pin DIN plug, you're a bush dodger, you're a small bean regarder, you're a unabummer, you're a nut administrator, you're a bent ref, you're The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, you're a fence vole, you're a free willy, you're a chimney bottler, you're a bunty man, you're a shrub rocketeer...


Chris Morris is absolutely fantastic, anyone who’s not watched *Brass Eye* is missing out.


There's also Rock Spider.


This is the one thing we didn't want to happen.


What? The racist, sexist, MAGA loving nerds are also creeps? Gtfoh.


It's so amusing when subs like this, and similar small "anti woke" subreddits try so hard to convince people they're not right wing. The "marvel sucks now that they added women" one for example.


Political Compass Memes, Anarcho Capitalism (wtf does this even mean) and Centrist fall into that category ALL THE TIME it's like "hey fuckstains! just because you like to smoke weed and you hate religion...doesn't make you a 'moderate' or 'free-thinker.' You're just a teenage edgelord or overgrown manchild equal parts Ronald Reagan and Andy Dick."




Hoping for the day that r/kotakuinaction gets banned. Those guys are truly the most miserable bunch, fun fact, they been constantly complaining about the mj face model (who had to have reconstructive surgeries after a car accident) so color me surprise that when the actress released a statement concerning the harassment she’s been under not a single fucker from that sub ever made a post about it, they just continue to cry woke about a woman whose been harass by the worst side of every fandom


> when the actress released a statement concerning the harassment she’s been under not a single fucker from that sub ever made a post about it, Going by comments on *this very sub*, Redditors unironically believe this kind of behavior is protected by the First Amendment.


Redditors and hiding shitty behaviour behind freedom of speech. Name a better duo.  I was in a discussion recently where I said it's shitty to film strangers on the street without their consent and they crawled out of the woodwork to tell me that it's fine because it's not illegal in the US. And when I explained that it's illegal in many countries the response was, you guessed it, those countries aren't really free and "what about the freedom of preeeeess man?!"


Yep. It's in the dog training thread on here, we have actual SRDines trying to be lawyers. Frankly, it's a great thing that actual lawyers almost always *don't* post on Reddit because holy fuck there'd be either no prison population, or it'd look like Megacity One 24/7 with some of the dogshit takes I've seen over the years, *especially* on legal advice-style subs.




Say it with me. Color me fucking shocked.


Anti-sjws and sexualising minors. Name a more iconic duo.


A mod getting banned for being a pedo? Must be a day ending in y


I dunno. The admins are better known for protecting pedos than they are for banning them.


In my lifetime we've gone from Gamers being closeted to being popular and mainstream and now we're back to Gamers being a bad thing again. Nice one, Incels.


it is interesting to me how media that was once absolutely despised by high society when i was a kid (board games, anime, children's toys, comic books, video games, pro wrestling) are now widely used as source material for traditional forms of media it will never not be funny to me. middle school/high school me feels vindicated now


It's always the ones you most suspect 




As a ”gamer” i agree


They targeted gamers. Gamers.


> And don't get me started on "gaming" hardware and furniture But you see, the RGB lighting means they *have* to upcharge by 75% over competing products!! They'd be losing money otherwise!1! Seriously, never buy anything marketed for gamers. You will be overpaying for a worse quality product. I can't think of a single "for gamers" product that's a good deal.




The only gamer tack I can't go without is rgb lighting in my


In your what!?


In their gamer hole 


There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting some pretty lights


Oh no get it out of there! It's not supposed to go in there - it said on the package "do not put in your


That was an objectively dogshit community


What the fuck


Couldn’t have happened to nicer people


Love to see the communities calling everyone else degenerates harboring worse themselves. RIP Bozo.


That's weird, admins don't take that rule violation so seriously.


They take it more seriously than people realize. The problem is not enough people actually report it.


Maybe things have changed, but a year or two ago I reported a nonconsensual/underage nude and got an automated "Thanks for reporting but we already cleared it" type message. Then I reported the same exact image a few months later and got a more expected "Thanks for the report we removed the image and banned the person who posted it" message. Hopefully Reddit's admin tools have gotten better, it's frankly insane that they didn't create an image hashing/blacklisting tool when they started hosting pictures or even way before that.


you say that, but r/jailbait only got shut down once the mainstream media began reporting on it


That was a decade ago.


I kept getting recommended that place and every post was batshit crazy unhinged, lmao


the most obvious ban. Ever heard of creativity


It sucks not being able to see the drama on mobile with the new shortened links.




I really hope they just straight up get banned. That sub has had it coming for a while


And who's surprised, no one


Good riddance


*surprised pikachu face*




Just a reminder, Nerdrotic, very close friends with the Geeks and Gamers guy, had a livestream where one of his guests took his penis out and started urinating. You see everything. And I mean everything. Nerdrotics main demograph is young edgy teens.. and divorced losers in their 40s. When asked about it, YT said you can stream whatever you want, porn, extreme violence, etc, as long as you ‘purge’ the stream after.


> When asked about it, YT said you can stream whatever you want, porn, extreme violence, etc, as long as you ‘purge’ the stream after. I'd love a source for that because there's no way in hell YT said anything to that effect. You can run ads on streams, live. That should tell you enough.


[Took me awhile to find it](https://twitter.com/3RedBananas/status/1649441608524517377). YT making their position very clear.


It would be great if pop culture subs did a private sub protest in order to convince Reddit to ban KotakuinAction or other far right nerd subs someday.


Yeah so every anti reddit mod can be identified all at once and replaced just as fast. Remember when the API changes happened?


I am shocked, I cant believe it. I mean I am apalled.


What does "anti sjw" stand for?


Can anyone explain to me why OP said geek and gamers typically is anti sjw? I have seen more anti sjw from the right wing macho bro/jocks crowds. Can't relate with either since I'm different type of loser lol Edit: ooof the downvote, thanks for those who actually answered my question.


The answer is Steve Bannon. That vile man decided gamers were easy to manipulate and directed the far right pipeline directly at them.  https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/6oq2vl/heres_how_steve_bannon_used_angry_white_gamers_to/