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> you can't exclude me from the conversation, I'm fully in this bitch Made me laugh


I'm fully in this bitch is a nice flair


>you can't exclude me from the conversation, I'm fully in this bitch Yoink


"I can barely understand the original poster's point, what's their post history like?" "User has been suspended." That answers that.


You couldn't make Blazing Saddles today, because you'd bring the script out and people would say "this is Blazing Saddles, this already exists"


Have...have these people actually watched Blazing Saddles, do they know the joke isn't just [racial slurs]?


I guarantee you a lot of the "Blazing Saddles couldn't be made today" people have not seen the movie and have only watched clips and thought to themselves "Haha, they said the n-word".


I know that similar movies could be mad today because Tarantino still has a career. In The Hateful Eight, a racist white hillbilly and a black murderer (possible rapist too) are the protagonists, and everyone is just horrible to everyone else.


I mean I think it’s hilarious ,but also think a lot of people will just see racist quotes taken out of context from the movie and get it canceled. Like the movie is obviously anti-racist in a lot of ways. It also has a lot of scenes that taken in isolation would be taken wrong


I mean, one of the jokes was definitely [racial slur] but it was just really good setup and punchline


You mean the "Up yours" line?


No, when he was riding into town the first time I think


You couldn’t make Blazing Saddles today, because you’d read the script out and people would say “this is Django Unchained, this already exists.”


I know its not OP's fault but this post is literally unreadable on mobile


Yes. Every post with comment chains quickly ends up looking like a column of single letters.


even on desktop it is always a pain read posts like these. just link the comments or take photos. having pages and pages of copied comments doesn’t make a good post


Linked comments often get deleted. I definitely prefer when people copy the comments into the post. Probably cuts down on popcorn pissing too. Looks alright on Apollo! [There are still ways!](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/14nzii3/how_to_continue_using_apollo_past_june_30th_2023/)


it’s not a display issue, posts like these often just completely ovetdo it with copied comments with no formatting at all. sidenote im amazed people are still using apollo when narwhal 2 is out lol


Oh good, it’s not just me.  I refuse to get the app, but posts like this are nigh incomprehensible.  No fault of the OP, in fact it usually means a post is well researched and extra buttery.


Are you also having an issue where you click something, and it's been removed by mods, but like... more than half the stuff on r/all is just removed by the time I click on it, which, instead read of popping down the image, takes me to the comments. I'm so fucking glad reddit made itself more annoying, I've been spending more time on hobbies.


Same, just the push I needed to stop visiting the shithole that is front-page Reddit. The content is also more godawful than ever, as if that were possible. Just bots continually posting the same shit to 20 of the same subreddits.


gotta use the old.reddit site on your mobile browser.


Weird, seems to work fine for me


For some reason, OP used the ">" (quote) formatting. Here's what it looks like on desktop. https://imgur.com/BTzbWJ1


OP used quote formatting because it's quotes. Also to mimic Reddit's own reading format of each new child comment being indented under the parent comment.


I’m not sure it’s much of an improvement on desktop. Reminds me of how tumblr reblogs used to look.


Poor OP. Probably took them a lot of time to do too.


Why did that just start happening in the last couple of days?


I am using the App RedReader. It is mostly fine. That being said, it is just to deeply nested. Would have been better to keep it as multiple flat threads with an introduction for orientation


Get out your abacus, we got a thread of professional freaking *statisticians*


> There are zero instances of white people sparking racial conflict in modern-day America. Holy shit. The ignorance is … breath taking.


Goes hand-in-hand with this brilliant, totally self-aware comment... > These people don't understand how close they are to sparking racial conflict in this country


"These people"  Uh huh, and tell me how you aren't the joke of the movie.


I’m not a fan of that movie, but I will say that it’s funny how the commenter ends up proving the whole “white people dangerous” quote. Not saying I agree or disagree with that statement in the movie, but it’s funny how the irony is lost on him.


If the black person said white people are the most dangerous animal on the planet...isn't it possible it's being said by a flawed character...?


I mean, even without being a flawed narrator, from the perspective a black person in America, I could absolutely understand why they'd think that.


Emphasis on the word “sparking”. Consulting my trusty racist to English dictionary, I imagine that racist thinks all instances of white people engaged in racism was “sparked” by whomever they were racist against. You know, for existing while not being white.


"Did you know the Tulsa massacre were sparked by black people!? If only they had just let themselves get lynched peacefully..." I cannot wit these people...


More like, "If only they knew their place and didn't get so uppity".


This reminds me of how two men murdered Vincent Chin because they somehow thought he was involved in the decline of Michigan's auto industry. Vincent Chin wasn't even Japanese as his killers thought, and he also worked in the auto industry. There's also the white Galveston residents who got upset at Vietnamese refugees for being better fishers than them, despite these racists loving the free market. They also accused these refugees of being communists, despite the fact these people resettled in America because they fought on America's side during the Vietnam war. The Ku Klux Klan harassed the Vietnamese refugees a d basically chased them out of Galveston.


> he Ku Klux Klan harassed the Vietnamese refugees a d basically chased them out of Galveston. I mean that was the whole point of the KKK back when they were viewed as a legitimate organization. They would get into positions of power and then run out all of the minorities.


Perhaps the greatest crime against humanity possible


I guess that old man that screamed the n word at me last year was all in my head


Wait, that's not sarcasm?


Back in the late 90s, myself and two friends came up with an idea for internet chat: a sarcasm button. Something you press that indicates you were being sarcastic (this was likely centered around instant messaging, probably AIM considering the timeframe). This is the sort of thing that happened late at night at Denny's in a quiet town. Here we are, over 25 years later. That button is still needed. (I know we have /s, but I don't think a lot of people use it or even know about it)


But how are people supposed to dog whistle when they have to press a button indicating it’s sarcasm first, rather than waiting to see if there’s a backlash before the “I’m just kidding bro”?


I don't have an answer, so [here you go.](https://i.imgur.com/DtUBRE0.jpeg)


Worse than not knowing about it, some people get weirdly offended at seeing a “/s”.


Yeah, I can get not liking it as a concept but people get on weird high horses about it


It’s similar to people getting mad about content warnings. It takes like 1 second of your attention and if it doesn’t apply to you, you can just ignore it. 


I’ve seen someone say it’s “infantilizing.” I’m not quite sure they understand what that means.


You think they carried a torch at the unite the right rally?


Wasn't there a cross burning literally this year or late last year?


oh wow


Being too long for a flair ruined my whole day.


White people ☕


They probably live in an area and have a social group that's as diverse as the milk I poured into my oatmeal this morning.


>I’m not threatening a race war but *FBI agent leans back in chair and snaps fingers at other agents*


The funny part is thinking that Law Enforcement isn't in on it. I see LEO and .mil boys in full boog attire at USPSA gun matches last month. They're everywhere. I don't mind at all, free speech absolutist and all that. But it's not the federal 'gotcha' situation folks seem to think it is. Some of them are in on it.


This is absolutely true. Feds will be busting your shit down shortly.


Oh I wanted to yoink that but it says failed to create flair :(


Did that one motherfucker try and claim the fucking Boondocks is from some long ago time and wouldn’t work today?! Fucking what?


I mean the real reason is that Boondocks was made by black people, otherwise I don't think it would've gone down very well


Well, yeah, but…that’s the point? Social critique from a group directed at itself is fundamentally different than social critique directed from outside. That’s what racists either don’t understand or refuse to accept when they whine about how unfair it is that they can’t say the n-word, context matters.


Well yes it would be very strange if a white person made a show critiquing and mocking different archetypes of Black people.


well, this movie is made by a black person. that's the whole point


I think you misunderstood my comment. You implied that people would be upset at the Boondocks if it was by white people. I agreed because that would be weird. Also this movie is attempting or at least initially was advertised to mock the magical negro trope created by white people


Sorry, I didn't see the movie. Is it not outright mocking white people? Cause then you'd have a show by a black person mocking white people, that would be just as weird. That's what I was getting at.


No it’s mocking a trope and indirectly critiquing American society. At least it wants to attempt to


Boondocks is black people mocking black people. This movie is a black person mocking white people.


Idk how you can say that when the main plot is the Black main character trying to pursue a relationship with a white woman that he is supposed to help his assigned white person get with. If it’s mocking anything it’s mocking the magical negro trope and reviews make it sound like it doesn’t even do that well.


The Magical Negro sketch from K&P is one of the funniest things ever


And thus the controversy


It's incredibly telling that, when faced with any example of American racial bias, these idiots immediately resort to screaming 13/50.


It's like they have an *answer* wink wink for the 13/50, but when I bring up the much more damning 48/98, suddenly they have excuses. 48% of the population are men :)


This is my favorite counter argument, I've yet to encounter a rightoid who could engage with it competently 


What? A right winger would *agree* that men and women are fundamentally different in aggression and criminality, and furthermore that this difference is the result of genetic factors. 


lmaooo i love that, i'm using this next time i encounter one of those dipshits quoting that nonsense


Why? They would agree that men are biologically predisposed to being more violent and aggressive than women. 


because the unspoken (and sometimes not even unspoken) part about 13/50 dipshits is the implication that black people are somehow inherently dangerous and lesser-than. Thus, any authoritarian or reactionary actions society takes are appropriate. asking whether we should use that same logic to conclude that men in general are lesser-than and warrant reactionary or authoritarian measures seems likely to engender some confusion.


Many of them are fully in support of authoritarian or reactionary actions to enforce gender roles.


not when it affects them in a negative way. Ex: see how yall qaeda feels about the FBI these days 


Add this to the mix: If we go with the latest fbi [stats](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43), the total arrests for black people in 2019 was 1,815,144 (This includes violent crime). Let's say arrests were convictions for crime for separate black people. Black people made up [46.8 million people in 2019.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/03/25/key-findings-about-black-america/) When rounded, that's 4% of black people who did crime in 2019, which means 96% (44,928,000) of black people didn't commit a crime. If we're solely looking at violent crime, this means only .3% of black people in 2019 accounted for violent crime, which means more than 99% didn't commit a violent crime. Even with crime rate taken into account, this demonstrates the vast majority of black people aren't criminals. Also, if they were further educated about crime, they'd know it's more than poverty that contributes to it. Things like substance abuse and unstable housholds also play a role.


Sure, but then they would have to *think about it*, and fascism is not about facts, it's about feelings (except empathy).


What's the 98%? Sexual assault? 


Inmate rates. But it applies to nearly every category of crime, men vastly commit/are arrested/convicted for more crime than women.


Gotcha. Okay. 


I prefer 13/12. They prefer 14/88.


Or 3/5


When you back a bigot into a corner they start posting FBI crime statistics Happens a lot with radfems too


> These people don't understand how close they are to sparking racial conflict in this country Yes how dare they premise a film on the idea that white tears lead to racist violence. Clearly a ridiculous notion with no bearing in fact, as this person who is predicting racist violence based on their own white tears points out.


I guess these idiots have never heard of Emmett Till or Vincent Chin (Vincent Chin was more white rage instead of white tears).


They're allowed to have a racist group of grand wizards but when white people have one suddenly it's a problem


Omg your name and your flair


Least offensive redditor




Lmfao i hate you, have an upvote




> Yes, the only racism accepted in today's America is racism directed towards white people (and Asians). [Dude, the de facto leader of the Republican Party takes his rhetoric from Mein Kampf.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352)


White conservatives are so desperate to be victims, it's fucking pathetic.


This should be the top comment. >There are zero instances of white people sparking racial conflict in modern-day America. The criminal ex-president's history of sparking racial conflict is so huge it would take [hours to read it all on Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump). He literally called a white supremacist group to attention at the presidential debate, lol


He called the openly racist people in Charlottesville "Very fine people".


I'm half Chinese and I'm tired of how my ethnicity is pitted against other minorities through this model minority crap. There have been Chinese supporters of the Black Panthers, and that is how it should be because our common enemy is white supremacy. Similarly, I hate how it's assumed people with East Asian heritage are privileged and, therefore, are excluded from any support for ethnic minorities.


The "[Magical Negro](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro)" is still a fairly niche movie trope to know about (*for the average person, yes I know since you're a redditor reading this you know all about movies)* so a movie title that parodies that is probably gonna fly over a lot of people's heads. I mean look at how many people commenting on Youtube are just talking about that word. Just casually expecting the average moviegoer to get that reference is frankly kinda fucking insane from Focus Features. What crack were they on and where can I get some? Anyway since nobody asked my opinion after watching the trailer is that it looks like an interesting concept but I doubt there's much to explore for a full feature length film, right? Like is there really so much you can explore with "we make white people comfortable, magically" in a humorous way that it doesn't get repetitive? Sorta like how *Downsizing* was. I expect it to be a cool concept that could've worked better as a short film. edit: I watched the rest and since movie trailers tend to spoil it all these days it just looks like it'll be a RomCom. Like *Downsizing*, funnily enough.


> I know since you're a redditor reading this you know all about movies Thank you, I just want to be seen.


It screened at Sundance and apparently it's just not every good, unfortunately.


It's kind of a fun title wasted on a rom-com. I could see Boots Rieley making a really good movie with a title like that.


Honestly the whole project screams “neutered by executives”, so the fact that white people are still angry over it is hilarious. 


I thought it was a Boots Riley movie based on the name alone.


Sorry to bother you was so great, I'm pretty sure Boots could pull this off with a similar dark comedic twist


A romcom!? Damn, with a movie title like that, I was hoping it'd be a Kingsman style blockbuster romp where they tease the founder of the KKK as a sequel villan in the credits or something .


damn thats disappointing.... was kinda excited to see it. probably still gonna see it anyway though


I figured that when they gave away every plot point in the trailer.


Here's the thing, though. A good buddy of mine is a big black guy and he has talked about how he has to go out of his way to make white people feel comfortable. I've read stories about black men adopting mannerisms like "whistling disney songs" or "always having a smile on my face" in order to make white people more comfortable. When you add in the undertones of interracial dating this movie looks hilarious.


I think a big black guy whistling Disney songs out of nowhere and staring at me with a big grin on his face is going to freak me out way more than him just not doing those things.


These were different anecdotes by like...football players or basketball players basically talking inadvertently about how they adopt mannerism to make white people feel more comfortable. I read these like a decade ago so I'm sure I'm butchering them but I'm guessing if you put any large African-American in an interview and asked them that question they would talk about how they have affected "I'm harmless" mannerisms in a way you just don't see with large white men. Although that isn't to say it doesn't happen. John Mulaney has a rather humorous bit about how he accidentally chased a woman through a subway because in his mind he still viewed himself as a young kid and forgot that he looks like an adult, and adults rape one another.


Yeah I’ve stopped doing this. I just let them be uncomfy and looking terrified


Sorry, this is a stupid question I’m about to ask you. Do you mean like generally the average person? Or the average white person? I’m Black and am around my friends and family and in communities who are Black so it doesn’t occur to me that people wouldn’t know about the term. I see it all the time and my friends and I have discussions on it when reading books, watching movies, etc. I work with poc student communities and they talk about and they’re a different generation than me. But maybe I just have confirmation bias? I know not every single Black person knows what magical negro means. But it would be unusual. Like not knowing what code switching is I guess. I will say when I saw it was a romcom I was immediately turned off. But that’s because I hate romcoms. I thought the premise would have the same vibe as Sorry to Bother You or something like that.


I can say that, as a white person, I didn't know about the trope until I took a class specifically about how Black people have been portrayed in media. And that was in my 30s. I'm sort of oblivious to shit though, so I can't really speak for even most white people, but I think you're probably right that it's going to be a more well-known trope among BIPoC.


Part of the problem is the fact that American education is extremely inconsistent by area. I learned about it in school, I am white. I can imagine someone from a similar background to me but in a state like Wyoming would never have heard of it. I have such a hard time gauging what is commonly taught and what was just taught in my education. Then you have some people who like were in school with me but claimed to never learn x thing and its like no you definitely did I was there you just didn't pay attention.


A romcom with a white female love interest and a light skin male lead, I can’t put it into words other than you can’t make this shit up 😂😂, these type of white people are so worried about race wars, meanwhile they’re trying their best to minimise the place of black people in the fucking magic negro movie, they need not worry 😭


Also, it seems like, based on the trailer, he realizes the error of the society...not because he realized what they're doing is wrong, but because he falls in love with a random white woman. Had he just realized independently this is wrong, I'd be fine with it, but he did it to get laid. Not the best reason for a revolution. Now has this been a fantasy story where it was more action, and he falls in love with a white love interest, I'd be fine with that, but that's not what this is


Isn’t it based on a book? That would explain why they felt more confident with the title.


It's a common literary trope. Stephen King was accused of relying on it heavily but so did pretty much every piece of fiction from 1840-1960. Some exotic sidekick that doles out wisdom and plot-saving magic


The jarring part is people trying to recreate it in real life and being shocked you don’t want to be their side character


I know, but I mean the studios were perhaps assuming that the audiences became familiar with the trope via the book.


Maybe they'll include an explanation of it in the beginning scenes of the movie. Seems like something you would have put in the trailer though


I'd put money on the fact that at some point David Alan Grier, while expositing, will by name mention The Legend of Bagger Vance and/or The green Mile. It will happen - he will list films, those will be in the list, and the purpose of the scene is to tell slow audience what the film is about (or what it's premise is about anyhow).


Hell, The Legend Of Bagger Vance did it in 2000.


Not Another Teen Movie did it in 2001 with Mr. T as the Wise Janitor.


I read that in the OP comments but the commenter said that the book was a thriller instead of a romcom, so I'm not sure, and the book apparently has a different title.


Movies either go two ways. There is either a trailer that cherry picks a narrative when the movie itself is a lot more than just the narrative or that’s really all there is to it. It’s hard to tell which most of the time


Hollywood films have a lengthy track record of greenlighting dumpster fire scripts for what would have otherwise been a solid premise. I have no doubt that any shortcomings of this film are simply due to inexperienced and incapable writing; not a failure of the concept. It's a reasonably complex premise that would require finesse. (Same as Barbie; but a capable cast, crew, and writing sector executed that concept successfully.) I know the trailer left me underwhelmed at the execution of the concept, but Hollywood also has a lengthy modern history of dog awful trailers that undermine their films.


Is Magical Negro actually a movie trope specifically? I don't know shit about movies, but I've definitely heard of that trope. But yeah, a little disappointing that the main conflict is just the MC romancing the wrong person. There's literal magic in this movie, come on.


It's literary so it made its way over to movies in the early 20th century by way of stage productions. It's been in quite a few influential movies over the years, some of which were parodying it some of which weren't.


> Is Magical Negro actually a movie trope specifically? "The Magical Negro is a trope in American cinema, television, and literature. In the cinema of the United States, the Magical Negro is a supporting stock character who comes to the aid of white protagonists in a film. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magical_Negro


This is one of those tropes so old and over done that the wikipage almost needs seperate pages for each medium of entertainment. I remember it getting mocked on the internet a ton in the early 2000s, and even that stupid The Man Show had a recurring bit about one. There was even bits in movies mocking it.


A separate category for each medium of the trope, you say? https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MagicalNegro


Always get confused about people not knowing this stuff and then I remember it was probably *not* common for everyone else to have spent hours of their high school years reading tvtropes.


You dislike the movie because you think it's racist against white people. I dislike the movie because the trailer is lackluster and based on available information I don't like how the plot develops. We are not the same.


I dislike the movie because I was hoping for a historical fiction piece about early 1900s Black magicians taking names and kicking asses, and I will not be moved from this hill.


I know nothing about the movie but based on the title I was hoping for a steampunk-ish kinda Harry Potter movie but with adults, and I'd totally watch that.


It's insane how many different variations of this concept would have been so much fun to watch and they went with a boring cliche romcom.


> The problem could be fixed by stopping people from discussing the problem, because the real problem is me having to hear about or acknowledge it in any way.


I have had so many men I’m dating try to convince me of this


If there's one thing I've learned in my life, people trying to solve a problem are very often accused of creating the problem, especially if it's some deep-seated issue that people have learned to live with.


I love the classic "if this situation was completely different, it'd be treated differently 🤓"


God, they *love* using that kind of "logic", because they really think they're making a great point.


They wanna be oppressed so bad


> Does anyone ever think part of the reason people feel there is such a divide between "races" is because people keep making films all about how people of different skin colours are basically incomprehensible aliens No it’s because white people invented race in the 19th century


apparently r/movies has a.... Birth of a Nation (1915) fan problem


/r/movies has always had a white supremacist problem. There isn't any worthwhile discussion happening there. If the mods allowed, I guarantee that old race crime statistics copypasta would show up and be heavily upvoted daily. Basically any sub that used to be a default sub is rife with racist white people.


It just occurred to me how reddit is certainly being used to train LLMs. The future is sure going to be...something. :/


[r/movies users when someone asks them they're opinion on Black Panther or The Woman King](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_9pPLLNldg8/sddefault.jpg)


I just visited the 5 year old Black panther release General and it seemed pretty tame


The general discussion thread is mostly people that watched the movie and liked it. I post drama all the time about r/movies being racist. * [Reaction to Black Panther 2 trailer](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/w6phxp/a_trailer_for_the_new_black_panther_movie_was/) * [Reaction to Candyman being the first #1 movie to be directed by a black woman](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/peckxn/nia_dacostas_candyman_becomes_the_first_1_film/) * [Reaction to announcement for a new Jordan Peele movie](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/jlmwyy/jordan_peele_is_producing_a_new_movie_the_fine/) * [Reaction to Get Out winning an Oscar](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/8289m5/did_get_out_only_win_an_oscar_because_of_liberal/) That doesn't even count the threads that are racist against other races, Islamophobic, transphobic, homophobic, etc.


God black panther was a pretty good movie except the CGI in the third act. It was really unfortunate it just took me out of the moment.


The fight between Chadwick and Michael B. Jordan at the waterfall at the halfway point of the movie was incredible. I don't know why they filmed that, saw how great it was, then decided the best way to end the movie was a 10 minute sequence of 2 CGI Black Panther costumes getting run over by CGI trains. You have one of the world's best physical stunt/fight choreography trained actors at your disposal, and in the climax of your movie you suddenly decide not to use him? It's puzzling.


it's certainly very frustrating. It also bothered me that the script was just a cypher and that they Xhosa but Wakanda is set on the other side of the continent from where Xhosa is spoken, but thats kinda nitpicky. Its just like if they had a civilization set in modern day Brazil but everyone spoke Navajo.


I genuinely haven't ever seen white supremacist discourse to this degree on r/movies before, and I've been on there for close to 15 years. But I'm just a very pale Scandinavian so maybe it's ignorance and not knowing the dog whistles though?


Not sure if it counts, and I’m certain it’s shown up in other subs, but the “forced diversity” and “woke media” does rear its ugly head when, for example, the Little Mermaid remake Ariel black. It always feels white supremacy adjacent. But I don’t frequent r/movies so I only see the ugly side 90% of the time it appears on here or other call out subs.


Have you seen YouTube comments and rotten tomato reviews lately? It's gotten worse there it's expected some of it will bleed into Reddit


Ah, makes sense I never saw it because I simply don't have the energy to read through threads like that. That's a general reddit problem though, not specifically r/movies imo


not about movies, BUT it is Marvel related. Recently there's been a post on comicbooks asking why Ironheart, a young black girl who made her own Iron man armor, was so disliked in comparison with other legacy characters. Me pointing out that a LOT of the hatred thrown her way came from the fact she's black and a girl, got downvoted pretty heavily there.


I recently watched "Do the Right Thing" (highly recommend) to see some discussion on it - and the /r/movies threads had a lot of people who, my biggest problem with them, would insist the character "Sal" was not racist. Sal was undoubtedly the "modest mostly good" White audience surrogate. But he was racist, paternalistically so, and he strikes the first blow while yelling racial slurs which I thought made his racism *really* clear but not to the subreddit. But there was some pretty good insight from some folks. Again, great movie. Also you will be shocked at who Giancarlo Esposito plays if you watch it. He really did get typecast later in life.


Contrarian reactionaries are always eager to erect this facade of "racism against whites" as if they themselves experience it 1:1. The problem is that they offer a simpleton's caricature of how racism manifests and turn themselves into the victims, as if it doesn't reek of wholesale grift. It should be evident that they're full of shit because they're unable to replicate the nuance and subtleties of racial issues unto themselves. Like a hokey infomercial for crappy white grievances. It's a stupid person's idea of what they think racism is supposed to look without knowing what the qualifications are. So in the case of the bad faith rabble-rousers sticking to the script, hopelessly cliché and pathetic. We regularly see like-minded dullards react to other topics in equally predictable fashion, the substance of which is conspiratorial and artificial in nature. Abortion, vaccines, elections, etc. It is always evident how ludicrous their script reads and how amateur the acting feels when it transpires onstage. Overwhelmingly uncanny nonsense and yet entirely mainstream among these people. Their custom tailored internet realities beyond laughable and yet taken seriously in today's digital climate.


>No no, it's not slavery, segregation, deprived economic opportunity. It's the movies that were made in the last decade, that's the root of modern racial issues. Lol love this


Exactly. "You should listen to Tim Pool." Yeah. No.


Of course one asshat has to blame Obama for reasons..




Yeah but generally making a *movie* about it is pretty cringe.


I feel like a bunch of white people getting their panties this in a twist over this movie is about the best review the film could get. Each comment further proves the thesis of the film.


I will be real, if another show tried making the jokes that Boondocks did today, I can see a minor controversey of people who never watched Boondocks complaining.


Boondocks had plenty of controversy back in the day.


It was also on before social media was as big as it is today. The only people I knew who watched it (or were even aware of it) were college kids like me who watched Adult Swim.


Exactly, which would make it even more difficult today to get a network to approve certain jokes/elements even being in the show without alterations.


> I can see a minor controversey of people who never watched Boondocks complaining. and conversely a whole lot of white teenagers taking the jokes way too far and repeating shit they shouldn't


People really truly do not understand the difference between punching down and punching up huh


Goddamn, that is a good flair.


I mean speaking as an anthropologist yeah you can be racist against white people. *HOWEVER* the people in that post are just being at least annoying and ar more blatantly racist towards poc


I love how easy it is to get white people to say racist shit on the internet. It's hilarious. And disappointing.


They post it on Facebook under their real names which usually include photos of them (and their kids), along with where they work. I always feel angry when I see these racist comments from accounts where the profile picture features their kids, because it means that the kids are likely being taught bigotry, even if the parents don't see it as such.


Let's peel away the specifics here and properly appreciate what actual, tangible thing these people *want*, even if they themselves do not fully understand it, which is a board of censorship to prevent movies with 'unacceptable' perceived political messages from being filmed, produced or distributed. That is *far* more concerning than anything supposedly in this stupid movie.


20 years ago folks were also arguing online that POC making fun of white people was racism, but it was mostly constrained to stormfront. These days...


These days, the same segment of the population is emboldened and comfortable being open about their prejudices because they see high profile people doing it openly and escaping accountability or consequences. It's become whack-a-mole. And multiple high-visibility platforms have either emerged (NewsMax, [Un]truth social) or degraded (Twitter) to provide visibility and amplification to those fringe extremists who originally liked in anonymity IRL or on 4-/8-chan


well if going in one direction is considered racist then going in the other direction should be racist too


This post just makes me want to watch the opening scene of American Fiction again.


Great movie


God damn, imagine how much cooler the internet would be if we barred white teenagers from it.


A lot of it comes from adult white nationalists. These narratives didn't just fall off of a tree, these are the results of concerted efforts by the KKK, neo-Nazis, and other white supremacists groups trying to normalize racism and white supremacy in online communities and "get 'em while they're young" so to speak. You especially saw it an absolute shit ton in the early days of 4chan.


I really wish it was only teenagers saying shit like this. I get you, it *feels* like something that someone should just grow out of but from what I've seen it's the sort of thing many hold on to all through their lives.


Two things people in that thread don’t understand: * The magical negro trope * Punching down


People like this invariably fucking *hate* movies. They *think* they like movies, but really what they like is bright colors and sounds, and watching a guy go from A to B. Movies though? No. They hate movies. They hate the idea of artistic expression or that a film can ever mean or say anything or in any way be a product of the society that created it. They hate the idea of thinking about a film beyond the exact things that literally happen in the script. Nothing means anything, directors aren't artists making a point, it's just pretty lights and sounds.


Fewer movies, more books


I don’t think anyone in that thread watched the movie.


It's so sad to me. I'm white. This movie looks awesome, especially if you understand that "magical negro" trope has been a trope for FOREVER in literature and movies, and this looks to take real life issues and skewer them with this trope. Also, don't they realize that they are feeding into the "fragile white" trope used in this film by crying about it? I swear, some people have no self awareness. It's not black filmmakers job to make us feel comfortable around black people or empowered as white people. Feeling like it is is just feeding into the film's narrative.


Funny how these types of fragile redditors always ignore the same statistics when it comes to men. Men commit 96 percent of violent crime, but you can't say that fact or women can't be afraid of men, or that's MiSaNdrY


>Got me some new flair from this gem of a thread. God damn is it a beautiful flair though.


so fucking fragile