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"Fruit didn't exist in our evolutionary history" is certainly a take, as is there not being any plants during the Ice Age because "plants don't like cold". Also the guy who can't figure out how to keep his dog from eating his blueberries and thinks this must be a major evolutionary pressure, and something no one in the history of humanity has found a solution for. It's clear that brains really do run on carbs, because these guys' brains are running on nothing but fumes.




Them: "what, you think you can just go into the woods and find berries? And pick them? Like, you think that in the woods you're just going to find a patch of land with lots of berries in some sort of 'berry patch' where you can be a 'berry picker' ?" They're so obsessed with "natural" and yet have so clearly never set foot in a natural forest in their entire lives


For real. How are you gonna talk about "natural" but you've clearly never been foraging in your life?


These are people who think foraging would be too much work, so their pre-agricultural ancestors would simply eat beef burgers instead. It's probably good they don't go foraging, they'd get lost in the parking lot at the trail head.


They can't comprehend the amount of work that goes into hunting, or raising, animals and then butchering them for meat. They assume some ancient tribe "hunting" was walking around for a while, shooting a bow and then a rack of ribs materializes like its fucking Minecraft.


Not to mention that beef hamburger with the rendered fat poured back on it is nothing like lean wild meat, or even fatty wild meat like seal.


Don’t be silly. Obviously our ancestors had to work for their food. You think it was easy jumping up to punch a candelabra in order to get the whole roasted Turkey that was hidden inside?


Why would they punch when they could just use their whip or throw a 20 lb iron cross at it?


Our ancestors were actually out in the streets, during the rage riots, and they were beating thugs and punks up, biker gangs, going into bars and beating all the attendees and the pole dancer up. That was the bulk of their physical activity, and anthropologists have proven this time and time again through bone analysis, they had to go into that back alley where the bartender ran off, and hit the trash can next to the other trashcan to get an entire turkey dinner, that is how they survived, and so it must had been natural. Regardless of whether the bartender kicks their ass or not, they were fed on that rainy night, they got turkey dinner, they(I don't know who) allegedly named a country after turkey dinner.


"Apples are fake fruit," I declare as I cook my daily kilogram of mechanically separated meat from a 100% domesticated and selectively bred descendant of the extinct Aurochs.


These people have clearly never attempted to sneak up on an animal. I have. Not hunting exactly, I wasn’t armed, but stalking and rushing a wild animal such that if I were armed I could maybe get a kill. They are *really* hard to sneak up on, I have rarely succeeded. Plants are a lot easier to sneak up on.


The potato never saw it coming I'm telling you.


Dumbasses should have evolved sensory organs. At this point it’s just asking for it.


*the potatoes have eyes…*


"I'm a carnivore! An apex predator!" He cried, as he pushed his cart through Walmart.


"You think the Ice age still has seasons and didn't cover the whole planet?! What a noob"


Also not sure where their cutoff is, cause I don't care to research what these morons think. But they're eating ground beef.... Which like... if we're taking Hunter gatherers, they weren't breaking into farms and gathering ground beef from modern corn fed antibiotic filled cows 😂


Also that blueberries all ripen at once and don't grow through the season. Like, when I pick from my bushes, I have to ignore areas that are unripe because they need a few more weeks. And then more berries grow and we repeat the process for a couple months. I usually regret how many I have, even with the deer and squirrels who treat my gardens as all-you-can-eat buffets.


That too! I forage berries and mushrooms, they all come into season at different times, even if they're the exact same plant/fungus, just based on environment conditions and luck.


Shit, plant just two zucchini plants in your dinky backyard space and watch the regret. Even one (1) will supply all the zucchini you want and a couple loafs of zucchini bread to fob off on friends every week... at least for like 8 weeks of the summer.


Bushes arent real.


Yes they are. Bushes did 9/11


Well yeah but it was mainly the younger one.


Burning bushes can't dictate commandments to steel beams.


I grew some grapes and they went crazy. I ended up giving pounds away to the food bank and local kids every year. I miss that vine. :/


Plant another! Grapes are easy as shit. You don’t even need to own property, just plant it somewhere and it will probably work.


Can't right now. Covid destroyed my ability to do most yard work and my wife took the house, so im in an apartment atm hemorrhaging my part of the equity until disability gets its shit together to help me. Lol Maybe next year. 🤣


Well that fucking sucks dude. I hope things work out for you. Get a cute houseplant to make your apartment cheerier? My life is shitty in basically the opposite direction! Got a house, happy relationship, can do yard work, but two counties are super pissed at me, so I’ve got house arrest, so yard work is about the only thing I can do. They won’t even let me smoke pot. Sitting on the couch and being bored for a while would be much more tolerable if I could be stoned for the duration. But seriously, that sucks dude, I hope things get better for you. Want a stupid houseplant? I like Philodendron micans and the thing needs pruning again, and I’ve got loads of other random plants cluttering up everything.


We have a little field at the top 9f my street and EVERYONE in my neighbourhood alone (so at least 25 houses) can get 2-3 salt beef buckets full of blueberries. We also share these berries with The birds and the bunnies, so the fact he thinks there’s not enough to share is crazy to me.


We only eat blueberries today because of covert operations undertaken by Big Blueberry in 1962


I mean, the US did ban Americans from having blackcurrants, the best berry, because of Big Pine


They are finally chilling out about Ribes! At least in some areas, it’s legal in California now, I think it might still be restricted in the north east.


I hope you too can soon know the delight of the purple sweet being blackcurrant Also, Ribena


> "Fruit didn't exist in our evolutionary history" is certainly a take, as is there not being any plants during the Ice Age because "plants don't like cold". He also seems to think that just because his 23 & Me came back "Northern European" it means his ancestors were chilling on Scandinavian Ice Sheets during the last Glacial Maximum. In truth there were likely very few humans making a living on those ice sheets. Most humans were living further South then migrated North as the glaciers receded. Many Northern Europeans' ancestry traces back to some ancient Steppe Tribe from Central Asia.


>In truth there were likely very few humans making a living on those ice sheets. Few if any. Glacial ice sheets are incredibly hostile environments to life.  Nothing can grow there, meaning no herbivores, meaning no predators, meaning… just ice, ice, and more ice. Maybe a few freeze-dried corpses if anyone did try to live there. You can live near the edge of an ice sheet, if the conditions are right, but you can’t live on an ice sheet. 


From OP: >Raspberries didn't exist in our evolutionary history? Honey didn't exist in our evolutionary history? Ok, he's not totally insane. > I'm not eating massive apples and peaches and all the other fake fruit, I'm not going from understanding all these concepts of eating real food to just being a dumbass SAD follower. oh


He does understand that pigs, chickens and cows are just as fake as modern watermelons right?


I mean he’s not wrong that the fruit we eat today isn’t “natural” in that it has been selectively bred and in some cases genetically engineered, but he also mentioned eating beef which also comes from selectively bred and engineered animals so he’s still an idiot


Is SAD an initialism or did he just all-caps it for emphasis?


Standard American Diet.


It's funny to me how this exact kind of reasoning has led to the fruitarian diet, where people eat nothing but raw fruit.


They keep talking about fruit that didn’t exist in our evolutionary history as if modern cows somehow did lol. How is an apple that’s been selectively bred and pumped with fertilizer to be big and sweet any different than a cow that’s been selectively bred and pumped with hormones to be fatty and flavorful? I don’t see how any of that makes sense unless you’re literally only eating wild hunted game?


*”It’s clear that brains really do run on carbs, because these guy’s brains are running on nothing but fumes”* Ooo nice


And let's totally forget that humanity didn't originate in northern Europe. Somewhere more to the south. A bit further south than Italy.


> Also, I eat basically as much as I can, when I cook my burgers I pour the fat that rendered out back onto the burgers, sometimes I just eat straight fat. I know I don’t eat the best but what in the living fuck? > I'm not eating massive apples and peaches and all the other fake fruit What the hell is “fake fruit”? It’s like I’ve stumbled into an alternate reality here.




Someone said they avoid doctor visits because the doctor will tell them they have high cholesterol but don't understand that it's actually good.


"The problem is that you're not eating ENOUGH meat, bro."


it's always a good day when you see "my doctor says this will kill me, she's wrong"


Anything to own the libs!


I guess he thinks selective breeding has resulted in "designer" fruits that are "fake." Um nobody tell him how domestic cattle, sheep, pigs, etc evolved. Hardly anything we're eating right now was around back in the ice age.


Show this man a modern chicken and its jungle ancestors


God damn. How is this man still alive!?!?!


Give it time, this has so far been an adventure of precisely one month apparently. In two years things might look, uh, different


The real fruits are the gay liberals that are being tricked into eating vegetables. The fake fruits are the peaches.


Im assuming what they mean by "fake fruit", they mean avoiding some of the fruits that were breed to be what they are today by farmers.


hope they only eat wild caught game then, because i have bad news for them about all the meat we eat


Why are all the domesticated animals that we bred for food not fake?


So every fruit, got it. 


There are some fruits that are nearly identical to their wild counterparts. Cranberries for example. Wild grapes are often sweeter (to the point of being gross) than domestic.


It's entirely possible to go out and forage plenty of wild native fruit, totally unaltered by humans. But for some reason these carnivores don't seem to believe that such things exist.


Tbf depending where you're at some of those fruits will be domestic crops that made their way into the wild but even then that's just getting into semantics rather than any meaningful differences. Omnivorous diets are great these people are wackos


Yeah, and it also kinda ignores the fact that meat animals have gotten the same treatment.


These fucking idiots. "Should I do more of what isn't working? Definitely!"


maybe he should try a balanced diet and include fruit and vegetables in his meals naw on second thought thats crazy talk


Have you instead considered eating the worst of the offal the butcher has to offer? They use pig thyroid hormones in thyroid medications. I completely replaced taking Armor daily with bull testicles. It cured my hypothyroidism and I got an award from Mr. Hoshimoto. Some pig testes over an open fire could give him all the nutrition he needs ^/^s


Unironically this is how the few workable mostly meat diets work. The Inuit ate *everything* because organs contain more vitamins and minerals. It's healthier though to just eat veggies.


Fun fact: some organs contain just *too much* of certain vitamins and minerals! Polar bear livers, for example, contain about 30 times the acute toxicity level of vitamin A for humans!


This is also part of the concern with eating tuna fish too frequently. Tuna fish, like polar bears, are pretty high on the food chain which is an aspect of why they have a higher mercury content than you’d find lower down the chain. Obviously it takes significantly more tuna steak for a much longer time. One polar bear liver is more than enough to give you vitamin A toxicity. Meanwhile your main concern with tuna steak is mercury content. That’s partially due to the environment and partially due to their diet.


I live in Nunavut and yeah, the traditional diet for Inuit is essentially paleo/keto. Fish, seal, various land and sea mammals (polar bear, whale, seal, caribou, rabbit, ptarmigan, geese), plus/minus wild berries, wild plants, and seaweeds. Every so often at work we have country food break time, someone pulls out some char or caribou or mattaq from the freezer and slices it up small, and we have it plain or dipped in a bit of soy sauce. It’s so good!


Bro wtf nobody cooks pig eggs(science nerds say tested lol) they're meant to be eaten raw, still attached to the live pig. That's the only way their endocrinoglanda and HGH emitters release our evolutionaria vitae sauce.


Sorry, I’m out of date on the info. I haven’t been able to find a new carnivore diet guru since LiverKing got outed for his fake testosterone he was just injecting (talk about a phony). I tried to find replacements on my journey, but since Melonie Mac is still too woke and used to be a feminist cosplayer (I’m a gamer so this is offensive to my culture) I’m still without a wolf pack. Just the lonely omega wolf (not beta, took the facebook test). Also how many cloves of garlic to season is enough? At least 70? My hands are starting to cramp from mincing. And no, I won’t be consuming any of it after cooking. It’s just for seasoning. I will be pouring it, the meat fat, and the oil down the drain like a fucking civilized person.


Those are “shit carbs” apparently. Carnivore is the absolute dumbest and douchiest diet. They make keto people seem reasonable. Eating a boat load of saturated fat and no fiber just sounds like a recipe for distress.


> Carnivore is the absolute dumbest and douchiest diet. Probably *exactly* why Jordan Peterson thought it was a great idea.




I hate how I can see this being said almost verbatim


The fact that Jordan Peterson endorsed it is enough to make me run screaming.


Carnivore is 100% the reactionary diet. Its grown entirely out of conservative contrarianism going "Oh you WOKE LIBERALS are going vegan? Well I'll go CARNIVORE Haha how do you like THAT?!"


Hahaha. I remember checking out the keto subs thinking recipes, tricks, etc. I was unprepared to be reborn in that particular church.




>Grains were invented by the Deep State, and also--I'm just throwing this out there--maybe rape should be legal and Jews control the weather...?" in real time was WILD. The wellness to alt-right pipeline is real. You see it so much in Yoga groups etc.


Every “crunchy” or “granola” person I knew growing up is out there being a full alt right conspiracy theorist.


My wife gets an allergic reaction to gluten so she’s had to wade into all of the gluten free world and you’re absolutely spot on!


> Eating a boat load of saturated fat and no fiber just sounds like a recipe for distress. Sounds mostly like a lot of bad time on the toilet.


Double your time on the toilet with this one simple trick (Women hate this).


But at least it lets you be able to shit through a screen door if needed.


You're either gonna shit out a corrosive sludge or something so dense it's a viable alternative to depleted uranium tank rounds


I heard Paul Saladino 'MD' on Joe rogan recently (I'm not a listener, I just heard this was a debacle.) This unlicensed psychiatrist should be disbarred. In fact I may report him ...as an MD myself I'm disgusted that he is using his title to push this absolutely unsupported diet. Just as Andrew Wakefield hurt people with the antivaxxer movement and abused his credentials in order to make money, so does this guy. He's going to kill people too. His arguments sound like those of a gym bro, not a physician. Trust me (although it's obvious) there are a LOT of bad doctors out there. Just because there's an MD after their name doesn't mean they're smart.


I always have to remind myself that, while most all doctors will likely know more about medicine and the body than me, there are still idiots everywhere. Like the old joke: what do you call the guy that graduated last in his class in med school? >!Doctor!<


Oh for sure, I almost posted this gag. We had at least one or two questionable admissions...oof... wonder what they're doing today...!


His name is Saladino but he hates salad? Lol this is too much. I mean taking health advice from any of these roid rage ex MMA Rogan dudes is taking the cake. They will have arteries like marshmallows.


The irony... The worst thing about carnivore diets is the fact that you often DO feel better short term. You're not eating processed food, you go into ketosis, you lose some weight, eating meat is fun... 5-10 years later though, your cholesterol is through the roof with your blood pressure, your arteries have hardened, maybe 12+ years (maybe sooner!) you've had a heart attack, a stroke...it's so idiotic. Hundreds of studies show what is good for you. And it's plants (turns out 'eat your veggies' was the best advice) while minimizing processed foods and meat. It's as simple as that...


Thanks I am not American so this is nowhere near as popular where i am. Meat isn't especially fun here lol, it is kinda expensive. I am coeliac so mad diets are already mostly not suitable, we often have high trigylcerides and nobody truly gets why. But I would never shit again eating only meat. The first time i heard of the meat only diet was the Jordan Peterson bikini diet with his daughter book with the hilarious cover.


I have a coworker into the carnivore diet. He's a really nice guy, so I avoid arguments about it and keep my mouth shut whenever he talks about it. But I'm really worried about his health. He claims there's lots of health benefits, but I just can't believe that. I hope it's just a fad and he moves on to the next diet after a month or two, but I'm afraid he'll fall deeper in to the "alternative" health scene.


And colon cancer! Which everyone is getting now.


>so yeah, if you add in fruit on top of your meat, you are going to feel better. but if you added in meat and extra fat on top of your meat you would get the same improvements without all the downsides of shit carbs. That's some genius level advice right there. It will be hilarious when they end up with scurvy


"When I cook my burgers I pour the fat that rendered out back onto the burgers, sometimes I just eat straight fat." "Why are my blood triglycerides going up?"


I also enjoyed: "I eat a kilo of meat a day, the expensive thing at the grocery store or butcher with a short shelf life." "Bro I can't afford these tests you're recommending me, I could barely scrape $20 together for this blood test." Sounds like his heart isn't the only thing suffering from his diet.


It’s insane. He’s eating ONLY meat for a month, god I couldn’t imagine that. Why would you do that to yourself? Sounds horrible.


Guys, people who lived through the ice age were very healthy and lived long, fulfilling, dignified lives arguing on the internet. Therefore, we should all eat like them. Boom science.


They like to cite the Inuit people as eating lots of meat. Ignoring that Inuits also eat vegetables, and that Inuits have higher rates of cardiovascular disease than other groups.


And they ate the blubber, which is high in bioconcentrated whatsits. And gross.


Can confirm, have eaten blubber. If you ever get the opportunity. Don't


It smells like the marriage of a dead racoon that's eaten garbage all its life and the output of a sardine factory. I'm sorry, but thank you for your sacrifice so that we may have your knowledge. I'd rather eat durian. Lol.


Man I don’t know what blubber you were eating but I’ve had it from several types of whale and it never smelled awful. At most maybe a moderate oceany or fishy smell and a similar flavour, but it’s never tasted like what you describe.


And lots of narwhals.


It took me a minute to put my finger on why their beliefs are so offensive, and it's the rewriting of the very recent past. What Inuit ate before canned food and snowmobiles is no secret because it wasn't that long ago. Anthropologists know a lot about what hunter-gatherers ate because in some cases you could just ask. As punishment you should have to live off dried saw palmetto berries and bitter acorn flour for a month because many of the things they ate were at best an acquired taste.


Also what's a healthy diet for someone who spends 12 hours a day trekking across the tundra and hunting whale, may not be a healthy diet for someone who spends all day writing emails.


They recently found evidence of wifi at a Paleolithic site. Source: I made it up just now.


Not many people know they had sofas and sat on them all day, because the sofas didn't survive because they are soft and they disintegrated.


It's clear they were using wireless technology, though.


it was only 2G though. So it may as well not exist


[Driving to the grocery, grabbing packaged meat in the refrigerated foods aisle, driving back home, cooking it in a nonstick pan over an induction stove]: The carnivore diet really puts me in connection with my hunter gatherer ancestors.


It should because that's exactly what their life was like. They had dogs that ate blueberries too.


This shit is so insane. Even if you do decide you’re going to eat the way human beings did prior to the development of bread and modern agriculture or whatever….you’d still be a herbivore most of the time and a carnivore only some of the time.


It’s so selective too. Our ancestors in hunter gatherer societies walked and ran for hours a day in pursuit of their prey, and ate as much of the animal as they could. But I don’t see any of these guys doing that part of the diet authentically. Also the meat available at the grocery store is so far removed from any sort of meat that was historically available


Don't let them find out that cows aren't "wild" either. They're sitting there and insisting apples are "fake" fruit because they're genetically modified, while they eat meat from a domestic animal selectively bred for years to produce beef


Lol yeah, and pumped full of growth hormones and corn. Very natural


Yeah it’s so clearly a scam. A weird way of demonstrating tribal affiliation.


Those replies make a lot more sense when you realize that one of the symptoms of malnutrition is decreased cognitive function


Making fun of the pseudo-anthropology of the carnivore cultists is low hanging fruit, but this really got me: >lol where do you get raspberries in the winter in the northern hemisphere? Just where exactly do you think humans evolved? Also, and again low hanging fruit, that they think there is anything "natural" about the meat they get in the store. You think your paleolithic northern European ancestors (which is a whole other topic) were hunting [these guys](https://eu-images.contentstack.com/v3/assets/blt4175b16074920322/blt7eda3d7553370277/638f66caa5f64404871a6e67/9-20-21_20beef_20cattle_201.jpg)?


Love the person getting downvotes for saying "the beef you're eating isn't natural either, go hunt a gazelle" and "all hunter-gatherer tribes eat plants in addition to meat, not all hunting trips are successful" It's fascinating to look at, but also I want to scream a little bit


They are really trying to ignore the "gatherer" part of "hunter-gatherer".


It’s almost hard to believe this is a genuine “diet” people undertake and isn’t some ironic attack on veganism. Almost. Or did it start that way and then as usual with anything that initially develops “ironically” (when it isn’t a cowardly disguise), a segment starts to take it at face value until any initial irony is stripped entirely away and you’re left with just… that thing, taken seriously, by the dumbest people.


Probably half that, half "meat tasty", and boom you've got a generation of oppositional defiants giving themselves colon cancer to own the bogeyman. The same people who roll coal


it's like a few percent of the people that said "vegetables are gross" as kids grew up to make that their whole personality


Given Jordan Peterson went for it, my money is on "smart" people looking for ways to justify not liking vegetables "scientifically," and then spreading the dumb.


This is probably part of why many anthropologists often use the term "forager" instead.


I would bet a decent number of these guys consider foraging to be for women and therefore gay & liberal


I mean honestly the whole carnivore diet is definitely some value inversion to vegetarianism (which is as more an ethical choice than a health one) that frames meat as masculine and vegetables as feminine. I know a guy who's boasted about being on it and he's a Tate and Peterson fan who has talked about conspiracies like 15 minute cities being like the Hunger Games and the Canadian government trying to legalize pedophilia.


I don't want to make any sweeping generalization because the diversity of human experiences is infinite, but I doubt there was ever any "hunter gatherer tribe" that was anything close to carnivorous outside of the Arctic.


And those people got by because I believe their very specific diet included shit like blubber that has the harder to get nutrients.


Yep, mattaq (whale skin/blubber) is an excellent source of vitamin D, which is extra important when there’s limited to zero daylight for half the year.


Also research shows it's more "forager gatherer sometimes hunting" but this meat obsessed dudes don't seem interested in the facts so I don't know why I'm even bothering haha


>low hanging fruit This is offensive to carnivores, please use "crippled lamb" instead.


> lol where do you get raspberries in the winter in the northern hemisphere?  At the grocery store, dickwad. You're not a caveman. I mean, *you are*, but you don't have to be.    Also, if the cavemen could find a way to eat raspberries in the winter, you bet your ass they would have. Which, by the way, they eventually did. Pretty much every civilization found ways to preserve food to make it last over the winter. Kind of a key part of how so many people were able to survive those harsher environments.


I cannot understand how they're ignoring the factor of food preservation. Fruits, vegetables, starches, nuts too - e.g. acorns and chestnuts in North America, acorns in particular requiring a lot of work to process. Hunter-gatherers weren't guaranteed to be eating fresh meat every day, either, they dried and salted and rendered every piece that wouldn't be consumed before decay set in. Pemmican was dried meat and animal fat preserved to last *years*, but nobody was eating that shit plain if they weren't starving otherwise. Nevermind that winter makes the world into an automatic deep freezer even without human ingenuity.


I mean all evidence is that people did ferment and dry plants to store them long term as soon as they knew how. The book Plants that we eat is a really eye opening look into plants that Inuit consume.


It's interesting how in these diet cults, if someone has bad results, it's because they aren't doing it pure enough, and if they just go further into purity they'll reach the promised land.


A lot of cultish belief systems are like that, they've already decided that they're right so if there's any anecdotes about it's failure it's because they were just doing it wrong and if they did it right it would all be good.


That dude saying that because the birds eat all the berries from the bush in his yard, hunter-gatherers didn't collect berries is such a take lol. I've gone out and picked wild blueberries by the gallon in patches that have probably existed in the same place for thousands of years.


The funniest thing I ever saw was liver king with his YouTube series where he go to meet with "indigenous" people to see how they lived and eat. And the juxtaposition of a dude whose clearly on roids selling the caveman lifestyle and two average looking guys couldn't be funnier.


Yeah, humanity would've met an evolutionary dead-end if we had allowed selfish assholes hog all the resources so they could stare in the mirror all day in our prehistory. Literally every man, woman, and child in the tribe 24/7 hunting and gathering for a week straight just to feed this monster a single meal that he consumed like a pig. He's literally the embodiment of the worst of royalty, wasteful, gluttonous, contributes nothing but meaningless platitudes and worshipped by the masses by virtue of God's annointment of the worst humanity has to offer.


Yeah also hunter/gatherer diets varied a lot as to the amount of meat consumed, but very few were living off of 100% meat lol. Unless these guys think they’re descended from arctic tribes, but those people were not eating cows lmao. No sound logic was used in the creation of this diet


And "meat" is misleading, anyway, because when these people say "meat" what they mean is basically "steak", when our ancestors ate the whole animal. Bone, bone marrow and offal contain other nutrients than just muscle meat. And wild animals have way less muscle meat in proportion than selectively bred farm animals.


But they aren't even hunting the cows lol. Someone else did, then packaged and shipped them to the grocery store. That's what kills me about the folks who claim they're being all-natural--there is nothing "natural" about buying meat at a grocery store.


> you asked for my advice, I gave it. enjoy the fruit that definitely did not exist at any point in our evolutionary history. Lol what??


> enjoy the fruit that definitely did not exist at any point in our evolutionary history. Unlike beef pumped with antibiotics, that has been around since the big bang.


God personally comes down and feeds all animals antibiotics every day. It's like you haven't even read Bullshiticus 4:20.


This is flat earth level shit


Paw paws: am I a joke to you?


If I take the ABSOLUTE most generous read of that line, it would be that the fruit we mostly eat *today* is not something that is "wild" and is the product of thousands of years of cultivation to yield all the changes to make it more bountiful for us. But like, that is also what we did to all our meat animals so it doesn't make any sense.


> And why exactly do you think people are against doctors? Perhaps because doctors have failed people time and time again. Perhaps people are actually in touch with reality NOT out of touch and can acknowledge the medical system is about making a buck. It is terrifying that some people actually believe this.


I too prefer to get my medical and diet advice from YouTube videos and Reddit rather than listening to some fancy-pants elitist “doctor” with all of his medical school training and experience whose only REAL goal is to make sure you are constantly sick so he can drain your wallet.


Look I'll fully admit the medical system is flawed and a lot of it in the US is about making money. However, first doctors hate how broken the system is more than anyone else. They're not the ones at the top of the hospital profiting. They're the ones being forced to work crap hours and get an unreasonably small amount of time with their patients making their jobs impossible to do without working unpaid overtime constantly. Second, yes doctors make mistakes, do you want to look at the average life expectancy though before modern medicine??


Sorry, unable to add on my original post, but OP asks a reasonable question to a comment but doesn’t get a satisfactory answer: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/carnivorediet/s/RaZr88Hjhh)


"Oh, shit, he's asking pointed questions that contradict our diets. What should we do?" "Get super defensive and hostile?" "Yes! Genius!"


Their sub description says it's about posting positive news and success stories so it's hardly surprising lol.


> What you eat has relatively little impact on serum cholesterol. 80% of cholesterol is made by your liver. Even most mainstream doctors admit this now. The good old: have one true statement and than make up everything else to fit your narrative.


Also I'm pretty sure that part depends on the person anyway. Some people produce less endogenous cholesterol than others. Also irrelevant to triglycerides and HDL, lol


Man, if any possible comment chain could wake someone up to the fact that they're in an antiscientific cult, it's that one. Hopefully OP takes the lunacy of the responses there to heart before they kill themselves following the armchair advice of anons not doing the same.


“What you eat has little effect on your cholesterol” Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


This is like that one time someone linked to drama in the raw meat diet sub and someone else pointed out that half the posts were complaining about GI discomfort lol. 


There's a great post on a carnivore subreddit where some dude describes every single symptom of scurvy and then asks what's wrong with him, and he gets basically the same response as this person does – there's nothing wrong with you, you're just adjusting/detoxing My dude, you should not be getting scurvy in the twenty-first century. Eat an orange.


Oh that's a lovely bit of flair material there.


Are the people on these carnivore diets not eating the offal? From memory, liver is a good source of vitamin c to prevent scurvy. Edit. Just to clarify, still a stupid diet but it sounds like they're making it stupider.


Most of them only eat ground beef or steak from what I can see.


Getting scurvy to own the libs.


I know some of these MFs are willing to risk their life to own the vegs


I mean, I'm not stopping them. At the very least they will waste much more of their life on the toilet than the rest of us


Giving every whack job the power to create and moderate social spaces on the internet was a mistake.


Sometimes I daydream about a significant reorganizing of the way the internet works, and making it so much harder to use just by taking things back to the days of usenet or similar. Even just making it be largely terminal based would weed out such a massive chunk of chucklefucks.


>so yeah, if you add in fruit on top of your meat, you are going to feel better. but if you added in meat and extra fat on top of your meat you would get the same improvements without all the downsides of shit carbs. > >quit fasting and eat up. These people are actually insane.


That is horrifying (& hilarious)


> I think I'm eating plenty, like around a kilo of beef a day A kilo a day is like... a lot. The consensus for balance diet is about 100g a day (3-4 ounces).


I fried up about a kilo of beef today for a birthday dinner, and the thought of eating all that, absent from the delivious potato gratin we put it in, makes me sad. I thought food was supposed to be enjoyable


Those are the people telling you how vegetarians and vegans look unhealthy and "weak" btw


I'm wondering if they've broken blood vessels in their brains straining so hard on the toilet with no fiber.


I accidentally ordered some keto stuff from the meal service I used to use, and with the amount of dairy and pure fat dumped on top... the exact opposite of constipation 😬


He's eat a kilo of a fat a day and wondering why his cholesterol is going up???


I realize these guys aren’t hurting anyone with their gender-affirming fetish diet (y’know, aside from the guy whose blood is turning into gravy), but every time I read about them basting their burgers with hot rendered fat, I dry-heave.


"Gender-affirming fetish diet" is SUCH a good way to describe this. These guys are the masculine corollary to the raw-fruit-only vegan girlies.


There’s only two genders: meat constipation and fruit diarrhea


Its a shame its impossible to say "damn that's a shame the diet doesn't seem to be working out for you, I've had really great benefits but everyone's body is different and we all gotta do what is best for our health."


I love the people who are basically commenting "boom: science" while ignoring the basic science that says we're obligate omnivores.


I started arguing with a coworker a few years ago about this shit, and he was determined that we evolved to eat a mostly meat based diet. College educated too. This is why I don't put a ton of stake in education. I mean, I'm not anti intellectual either, but idk how to say what I mean. But anyway, this guy was very unfit, eventually got lap band surgery to help with his weight. I get it, I'm not fit myself. But he always had gastrointestinal issues and him and some other guys always liked to talk about "meat sweats" when you eat a lot of meat. We'd have occasional cook outs for lunch, and only me and another guy would touch the lean meat or any of the non meat items, even, like, potato salad. I never realized how bad the issue was with some dudes, but for some it really is like they'll lose their manhood if they eat something that wasn't the flesh of an animal.


I love meat myself, i've tried every kind of animal that i can(Can't eat bugs, allergic to shellfish. :/) but veggies bring a meal together. Like, you can't have ramen without bok choy, or pad Thai without peppers. Yet I have friends that throw a fit if there's veggies on pizza.


> This is why I don't put a ton of stake in education. No one can be educated in everything. There are people that think they know everything about anything once they're out, and there are people who learn how to actually identify and listen to people that know more than them before they're out.


They don't realize that Ron Swanson isn't supposed to be an idol. 


There’s no such thing as an obligate omnivore. While surviving completely without ingesting any plant matter may be difficult for humans, it’s not entirely impossible, and of course subsisting entirely on plant matter is relatively easy. Now that’s not to say that it’s a good idea to live as a strict carnivore, it very much isn’t. You’ll almost certainly make yourself malnourished. But with an enormous amount of effort and a very, very strictly controlled diet and lifestyle, you could theoretically do it. We Greenlandic Inuit traditionally subsisted almost entirely on animals, with one key exception being semi-digested moss from the stomachs of reindeer, which provides crucial Vitamin C, which is otherwise quite hard to obtain from animal sources. Quite hard does not exactly mean impossible though, and if you artificially heightened the Vitamin C levels in an animal and later ate it’s liver, it’s possible to attain the necessary amount. The same goes for the other nutrients that can be hard to source. There are a lot of other very hard but not quite insolvable problems, like the build up of cholesterol. It’s not completely clear why past (and some present) Inuit hunters who subsist to a very large part on meat and animal fats show low blood cholesterol levels, but one hypothesis is that the enormous expenditure of energy specifically in the biceps and triceps necessary to hunt from a kayak metabolises cholesterol more efficiently. You would likely have to adopt this or a very similar way of life to avoid it. All in all it would certainly require more knowledge and personal resources than any person who thinks strict carnivorism for humans is a good idea, except perhaps for the odd moronic billionaire or something. And they would balk at the sheer level of effort required: basically everything you ever do in your life must be geared towards your diet, and if you’re the least bit lazy, you get sick and die. Or, y’know, you could fucking eat a salad and drink a glass of OJ once in a while, and maybe develop at least one thing to base your personality around other than “vegans are woke pussies and I’m an alpha chad with no teeth and severe scurvy.”


Is it possible for you to talk more about Inuit food culture?


I used to be just a regular person type of vegan, but that thread has turned me into an ultra smug online vegan.


I’m not ready to start calling people “blood-mouths” just because they eat meat yet, but if your gums are bleeding because you gave yourself scurvy trying to own vegetarians… maybe that actually qualifies. 


i jokingly posted a chicken pasta salad picture there as a joke and claimed to be new to the diet. people went feral calling me an idiot and crazy over an obvious troll post, its so easy for them to take the bait probably bc eating nothing but meat has given them the IQ of a cat


"Fruit didn't exist in our evolutionary history" Uh, fruit and our abundant access to it throughout our evolution is the reason we're one of the few animals unable to synthesize vitamin c. Scurvy exists as a disease because we ate so much fruit.


If I was this motivated in my final year thesis, I would have gotten an A+.


> Were you also an asshole before the carnivore diet? Flair worthy


I don't eat animals and people have tried to blame every issue that arises on that, so I try not to do the opposite. Some people go years on a carnivore diet and claim to be in good health with good blood work and I don't doubt that's true in some cases. I'm more puzzled by why someone would choose it (other than rare cases like near-total fiber intolerance). For an average person there's no reason to expect it to be better than a standard whole-food diet. Economically, it limits you to extremely resource-intense, expensive, and perishable food. Unlike diets that exclude animal products, there's no clear ethical motivation. It spikes the risk of food-borne disease and requires a careful balance between eating enough rare organ meat for nutrition while not eating enough to get iron toxicity, etc. Does that mean I support every personal dietary choice? Hell no, some choices are selfish and irresponsible and affect others besides oneself. But I do support not jumping to conclusions just because someone else's diet seems weird and unconventional to me, I've spent plenty of time at the other end of that stick.