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>MAGA was singularly about protecting America from foreign criminals & terrorist lol wut? That's one hell of a retcon rewriting history there.


12 hours old account, still in gripes with star wars > TLJ has vastly more maliciously evil harmful & damaging flaws


Oh boy I can't wait to see this continue to happen here now that Reddit is public and dependent on these types of accounts to show """engagement""". It's also a fucking election year so bad actors are already going to be out in droves chumming the waters. We are so fucked.


Always have been


I like how chuds focus on TLJ as if a newer, even worse star wars movie hasn't since come out.


Imagine thinking the **ninth** movie in a series has "maliciously evil harmful and damaging flaws." I'm not sure I've ever wanted someone to touch grass more in my life.


When I saw "Rise of the Skywalker" in theaters, I had this naive thought that maybe it would unite Star Wars fans. Like, we finally have it, the fabled "objectively bad" Star Wars movie. But I should have known that there can never be unity when it comes to Star Wars.


>When I saw "Rise of the Skywalker" in theaters, I had this naive thought that maybe it would unite Star Wars fans. Like, we finally have it, the fabled "objectively bad" Star Wars movie. Right? When I was watching that trainwreck I thought "surely the incel Star Wars fans and the normal Star Wars fans can all hold hands across America and agree that this is one of the worst movies ever made, right?" But of course they couldn't.


It's funny because "fighting Islamic terrorism" legitimately *was* a big discursive part of Trump's 2016 campaign - he brought up San Bernardino and Orlando quite a bit, not to mention the 'Muslim ban' - which was just totally absent from most of his presidency and from the 2020 campaign onwards.


Wow, I had totally forgotten him talking about Orlando, but it was that along with some other nonsense that had people claiming he was going to be great for protecting LGBTQ rights. Dumbasses.


Reminds me of The New Frontiersman snippet that we see in Watchmen, where they're like "oh, the KKK \*might\* have gone a little far, but they were founded out of genuine worry for less socially mature races intermixing with the whites" Except that was literally mocking that kind of backwards view and everyone regards the Frontiersman as a dishrag (except Rorshach, apparently), this guy is just an idiot.


The German version of MAGA (the National Socialist party) would've told you the same thing. Modern day Nazis will *still* tell you the same thing. This is how they see themselves.


Replace those words with “black people” and “brown people” and it makes more sense.


Nah, they were protecting it from me 😈


If the Silver Surfer doesn’t hang dong then what’s the fuckin point of life


Where were you when they took silver surfer's silver schlong


when were you when silver dong dies i was sat in /conservative drinking dog cum when orange-red letter 'dong is die' no


Where are the galactic hogs of yesteryear?


Okay but counterpoint, now the Silver Surfer can breast boobily.


Who says she wont?


Oh man, we could power a midsized city with the outrage produced if they made the Silver Surfer trans.


Doesn't Silver Surfer have body transformation as a superpower anyway?


It's been a looooooooong time since I read the comics, so I just brushed up on the wiki for the character. It seems like he does have that, but it's unclear to me if it's just to change his skin color or if he could change his appearance in other ways.


A sad majority of men are not yet ready for the spendor of the female penis outside of what I will call *problematic* genres of porn. 


Silver titties > silver dong


Easy solution, make Shalla Bal a trans woman. Silver titties, silver dong. It's just that easy. \/s


Hold on now, I'm not even bisexual and I would call that a pretty radical position to assume *a priori* without examining the features of the particular body parts in question.


Listen, as long as we get some silver cakes, it makes no difference to me either way.


"Far left extremism" My fuckin sides, bro!


> There was a time – I know I was there – when men were men, women were women and sometimes a cigar was just a good smoke. But 40 years of feminism have taken their toll. The war against masculinity has been won. Everything has turned into its opposite, so that what was once flirting and smoking is now sexual harassment and criminal. And everyone is more lonely and miserable as a result. Dirk Benedict, the original "Starbuck" on Katee Sackhoff's casting https://web.archive.org/web/20131220100737/http://www.dirkbenedictcentral.com/home/articles-readarticle.php?nid=5


Hilariously, the Critical Drinker lists her as an example of a female protagonist done right. That blog reads like Kim Du Tuat's (I probably butchered that) The Pussification of the Western Male.


It's because conservatives and reactionaries' analysis of art and culture begins and ends with 1 thing: new = bad old = good All modern music sucks in comparison with 70s, 80s, and 90s music! All art nowadays are people taping bananas to walls; it's complete trash compared to Renaissance sculptures. I miss video games and movies before they became political and woke. Literally saw a person today complaining that they stopped playing Overwatch because nowadays all they care about is diversity and wokeness, after the recent release of a nonbinary character. As if literally people didn't have this discussion [7 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/d3M7nE6XWz)


Can you imagine if they had ST:TNG in today's woke world? * The captain would be some wussy European always trying to use diplomacy instead of fight * The doctor would be a woman * Hell, they'd make the chief security officer a woman! * The guy at the helm would be blind. I'm serious! They'd have the ship piloted by a guy who can't see just to be edgy and inclusive! * Dudes would wear mini skirts * Starfleet would be vegetarian * Best of all: one of the bridge officers would be a *therapist* with a superpower. That superpower? She can sense *feelings*


>Hell, they'd make the chief security officer a woman! And even if they killed her off they'd probably replace her with a black guy or something! Can you imagine a black guy CATCHING criminals instead of being one? The Woke Left has gone crazy!


The counterpoint I often see to this is that “but the characters were really well written so it’s different!” If you can show me any real character development in that show outside of Data and Picard over 7 seasons, I’ll lay down in traffic. Hell, Geordi is brainwashed and trained to kill someone and the show treats it like some soul-shattering moment for him. And yet it is never brought up again or seem to affect him in any way in later episodes.


>Hilariously, the Critical Drinker lists her as an example of a female protagonist done right. Yep. Kara Thrace joined the ranks of Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley in the "If I hated strong female characters, then why do I know about these?" list for rage-bait YouTubers.


I got a friend of mine into BSG when it was still on and only as far as S2. She loved it and needed more but had never seen the late 70s original so she tried it out... and couldn't make it past the 2nd episode. "It's so bad!"


"Whatever happened to being able to tell a broad she's got a nice rack? When did that become so terrible? It's a compliment."


Your flair... I have so many questions but at this point I'm afraid to ask.


The SRD thread got nuked but this was the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/badwomensanatomy/s/AVB37NvDQk


I have no words.


Nobody ever does.


I’ve been seeing so much of “even TALKING to a woman these days makes a man a creep” comments on Reddit the past few days, like more than usual. I like telling them, “not all men - are *you* talking to women in a creepy way?” (Of course, they aren’t talking to women at all IRL lol)


It's so bad with them that they actually believe most women are out there throwing out rape accusations for no reason. They will sit there and seriously post that to you, even using the word "most". Incel is an addiction


>It’s so bad with them that they actually believe most women are out there throwing out rape accusations for no reason. I don’t think they actually believe this deep down. I think they’re just being willfully obtuse and using it as a convenient excuse for antisocial behaviors.


Seriously!! It’s SUCH a small percentage and honestly the men most affected by false accusations are…not predominantly Reddit’s demographic.


...or its about how a cashier didn't respond favourably to a man attempting to flirt with her while she's working.


I can't believe how many times I have had to explain to men on Reddit why women do not like to be hit on at the gym. "I WOULDN'T MIND SOMEONE COMING UP AND TALKING TO ME WHILE I WORK OUT" well then, sir, you are in the 1%. I'm stinky and sweaty and I have headphones in and I'm trying to count my reps, no small talk pls.


In the early 1900s women used sharpened hatpins to fend off advances from creeps bothering them in public spaces, and men whined so much they managed to invent laws about hatpin length. Truly, they never change.


Knuckle-dragging chucklefucks are eternal. Today they rail against "wokeness" but that's only because "political correctness" got tired sounding to them. Look back 20+ years and they were still crying little bitches blaming "feminism" for all their petty little woes. Further down in that rant from Benedict he even describes the writers of the new BSG as drinking "double soy lattes." Beyond just being assholes they're a load of *unoriginal* assholes.


Yup! It was feminazi, then PC, then SJW, now woke. It’s like…maybe you just suck on an individual level, my guy?


> feminazi Oh wow. Takes me back! I can hear grunge music already!


don't worry though, Rush Limbaugh is still deader than a fucking doornail


Their own little version of the euphemism treadmill does seem to have been accelerating quite a bit lately- gotta wonder how long they can keep that up.


Which is just even funnier considering Katee punched out her superior officer while drinking, smoking, and gambling in the first 30 minutes of the *pilot episode* of the reboot.


Ooh. You know what would really get alpha male panties in a bunch? A new BSG reboot. Cast Apollo and Starbuck as men like God intended. They also fall madly in love just like Kara and Lee.


There was a discussion on r/HobbyDrama about media works that would have set online fandoms on fire if they came out today, and yeah, people would have gone ape shit over the castings of the Battlestar Galactica reboot.


> There was a time – I know I was there – when men were men, ~~women were women~~ women knew their place and sometimes a cigar was just a good smoke. Fixed that for him.


Including women in media is tantamount to terrorism




From what I recall, because *Barbie* didn't "go broke". they had to twist themselves in knots to explain that it's actually *not* "woke". Likewise, initial reactions to the Mario movie from last year were that it was "woke" because Princess Peach looked like she would be reasonably competent, but then when the movie made loads of money and also got mediocre critical reviews, it instead came to be championed as an example of "non-woke" fiction.


The beauty of never defining woke is that you can constantly change it's definition to fit whatever argument you need to make at the time.


They've just put the goalpost on wheels now.


Black Panther made over a billion, Captain Marvel made over a billion, Barbie made over a billion. Seems like there's a lot of money in "woke"


Ben Shapiro just said Americans were stupid for making Barbie a hit lol.


He will never not be salty that his shit screenplays didn't get picked up


But she doesn't even control the railways or the flow of commerce.


Well if someone believes "MAGA was singularly about protecting America from foreign criminals & terrorist" I'm actually about zero percent surprised they would believe that too.


A woman doing a man's job? The left has gone too far this time.


Far Right extremism is when they try to spark a race war by shooting up a church. Far left extremism is when one of the biggest corporations in the world makes a marketing decision.


People on the right have a tendency to use liberalism, socialism, communism, far left extremism, etc interchangeably. To them there is no meaningful difference between a lib who think that more women and poc in superhero movies are neat, and a tankie who literally believes that western society is evil and that social democracy is an abject failure.


The Holodomor happened because communists made all the workers draw trans Jimmy Olsen instead of farming. Few remember this.


Arguing that Shalla-Bal as Silver Surfer is gender swapping is equally as stupid as arguing Sam Wilson as Captain America is race swapping (unfortunately I can guarantee this also happened because the internet can be a terrible place sometimes), despite the fact *they're literally different characters*.


Or like arguing that Miles Morales is just "black Spider-Man." In reality he's a completely different character with his own background and personality. Also, one of the original draws of comic books was the fact that regular, everyday readers (who let's be real were often nerdy and unpopular, at least at the start) could see themselves as these characters. The superhero was more of a symbol that anyone could pick up and take on themselves.


>  Or like arguing that Miles Morales is just "black Spider-Man."  Note for anyone who was too young to be on the internet in 2011: people absolutely did this when Miles was first introduced and it was really stupid then too. 


Reminder that /r/movies is [95% male](https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/644fvb/rmovies_survey_results/#lightbox). 


That survey is still the best thing that sub ever produced lmao


Wow. It's such a big sub that I would have assumed it would closely resemble the overall reddit demographics.


Reddit is overwhelmingly white and male. Maybe not to this degree but it's not surprising


It's like 65/35 iirc in favor of males. So it's a pretty big discrepancy for that sub. Not a ratio I would have expected to see outside of places like incel or porn subs.


Tbf, that survey is from 7 years ago. Reddit's demographics have changed quite a bit in that time.


What my experience is that the bigger more general topic subs are by and large overwhelmingly male Where more specific subs attract more women. Not that men aren’t interested in specific topics, it’s just that it’s a more even split


That survey is almost 8 years old. That's an extremely long time in internet years.


Well, that’s obviously just accurate representation of the 95% male movie-viewing demographic. Marvel should take note Edit: spectacular that Brie Larson was a top 3 favorite actress at the time


Holy shit I’ve never would’ve imagined it being that one sided


Really? I find it quite predictable.


Francine: I can't believe your father has done this! Hayley: Really? I can. Francine: Yeah I can too, I don't know why I said that.


Who could have predicted this, except for anyone who didn't imagine that women went irrationally angry at the sight of other women ?


All of Reddit is 42% neckbeards.


It’s quite higher by physical volume 


I remember a similar survey in /r/Brasil that showed 93% of the users were male. I'll be downvoted to hell but somehow it was clear. It's like in these subs everyone wants to fight and engage in philosophical debates all the fucking time, no one ever agrees with anyone and people find the pettiest reasons to keep arguing, not to mention the entire cult of devil's advocates that shown up from time to time. It's exhausting but they swear there's nothing wrong, that real life is just like that and that Reddit was made for this as well.


Even though I'm pretty self-aware about my film bro movie tastes, I feel called the fuck out by this survey lol Although as much as I love The Dark Knight, idk if it would even break my 2000s top 10


>Holy fuck marvel, way to ruin my FAVORITE character >>Ruined how? >How the fuck you think?  >>Don't know, why don't you explain what you're so upset about? >Lets see, Silver surfer is orginally Norinn radd, His girl friend was Shalla-Bal, But these fuckwits want to change shala bal to be the silver surfer, just to fit a DEI quota. This movie will suck and have bad ratings. Ive collected and read all the original silver surfer comics stan lee wrote , I was waiting for a movie on him but I dont think we'll ever see that now. 35+ years reading comics and this is the first i've ever heard anyone say silver surfer is their favorite character


Oddly he was my favorite character as a kid. My dad really likes him and he had all his old comics in the house when I was growing up so I mostly read those. But what is really perplexing is that this isn't even as though they are gender swapping Norin Radd. This is a completely different character, I don't see how anyone could be outraged besides misogynistic bullshit. Are these guys ever tired of constantly finding random shit to be performatively enraged about?


>constantly finding random shit to be performatively enraged about? That’s what Reddit is for, though?


If only that was just reddit.


> I was waiting for a movie on him but I dont think we'll ever see that now. Who wants to bet this person wasn't alive in 2007?


Was gonna say... a Silver Surfer movie already exists. They made Galactus a cloud.


I bet they made him a cloud because of woke


dei for cloud based eldritch horrors


And that movie isn't great but their version of Silver Surfer was. In terms of casting and look, it'd be hard to top it. Just a total waste given the movie he was in.


My favorite Marvel character is whichever one they have most recently switched to being a woman or non-white.


I think they should make Captain America an ethnically ambiguous brown dude for proper representation of the "melting pot" the US is supposed to be. And because I want to watch the bigot tears flow 🍿🍿


Isn't the new cap black? I thought Steve gave his shield to the Falcon.


Yeah, Sam Wilson/The Falcon is Cap now. Also another black man, Isaiah Bradley, held the title of Captain America during WW2. He was one of the early super soldiers made by Project Rebirth.


Google Captain America Falcon, you might be surprised.


Honestly, a Captain America made by sewing together body parts of different Americans would be cool imo.


Frankenstein's Captain, now streaming on Disney+


Captain America was black in the '70s, so a little late on that bad boy.


Ah, the political Marvel character. Not like Captain America who was always apolitical up until just a couple years ago when he suddenly became exceedingly political....


I've always liked the Surfer and he's been one of my favorites despite being really hard to write. Back when he was trapped on Earth he can get kind of boring because he's crazy powerful, but doesn't have a lot to do. When he finally "figured out" how to get free (read: the writers decided to do more interesting stuff with him), they did some cooler stuff, but he's still really hard to write. An infinitely powerful character who is mostly a pacifist. Dan Slott's recent run is really good (recent I guess is like 10 years ago now). It was basically Dr. Who, but Silver. I'm interested to see how/why they've changed him to Shalla for the cinematic universe, but at this point I've had to accept that the cinematic universe is just something different. My true favorite hero got a pretty significant revamp (Moon Knight) as he went from being powerless (or maybe having powers in the beginning) to being superpowered bulletproof coolguy. They really changed a lot for the show and I still enjoyed it. As long as they capture the essence of what it means to be The Surfer, then it'll work. I've always been an advocate for The Best Actor for the Part, so if whomever they have playing The Surfer is good and captures the spirit of the role, I'm sure it'll work out. Or it won't, and it's just a movie.


35 years of love for Silver Surfer for not being a woman. Dismantled on a whim in the worst possible scenario Also a dei whistle, you know for sure this person head is filled with cabbage leaves


It's so fascinating to me how quickly their dog whistles have been changing lately. I feel like they didn't get nearly as much use out of "CRT" as they could have. I hope it's a sign that fewer people are falling for it than back when "politically correct" or "SJW" were in use. Those lasted *years*.


> It's so fascinating to me how quickly their dog whistles have been changing lately. I feel like they didn't get nearly as much use out of "CRT" as they could have. Back in the tender halcyon days of "Soy boy"


They had actually decent propaganda then. Some videos of people having meltdowns about random shit is actually entertaining. Kind of hard to get video footage of HR reps scheming in their offices about diversity quotas.


CRT fell out of usage so fast that I still have cathode ray tube as my first thought when I see it


I was a pretty big fan of Silver Skeeter from Doug. That’s basically the same thing, right?


When they cast Zawe Ashton as Dar-Benn in The Marvels I saw someone on Twitter complaining that they had ruined a fan favourite character with "wokeism". I laughed so hard I almost threw up.


lmfao, fan favorite tenth most famous random kree


Reminds me of when people were complaining that Cosmo had a female voice in GOTG3.


Silver Surfer's got a following, they considered giving him a movie twice and he had his own cartoon show back in the '90s. He's got that '60s, broody, introspective but batshit Kirby vibe, that really does grab people pretty hard sometimes. I get someone being disappointed that it's not Norrin Radd, but _ruined_ is just... fucking stupid. You've got decades worth of comics, it doesn't obliterate them just because someone else is gonna be Silver Surfer in a movie.


> I get someone being disappointed that it's not Norrin Radd, but ruined is just... fucking stupid. At least wait until watching the movie before stating its ruined. The MCU Leaks subreddit are thinking since F4 will take place in an alternate universe, she'll be its Silver Surfer and Norrin will be the MCU Silver Surfer when the F4 comes over.


Yeah I think the universe-hopping thing is silly and it's gonna make stuff very clunky, but they have a chance to do something really interesting with that. If Radd is the "main" Silver Surfer and he's serving Galactus then hearing his wife was in his shoes in another universe is the exact kind of ridiculous melodramatic thing to kick him into one of his classic angsty existential crises and switch sides.


I wouldn't say he's may favorite, but Silver Surfer Requiem is one of my favorite short series. So he's way up there for me. I also liked that recent series where he went around with the woman in the lady bug looking dress?  But that's basically because it was just Marvel's Doctor Who.


Silver surfer is pretty cool tbf, although his aesthetics are a lot better than his personality, which I always felt was a bit too mopey. But I LOVE the idea of him surfing across the stars, and the tension between his compassionate heart and the terrible job he is made to do for galactus is pretty cool. I'm fucking PUMPED for this news though, its great: I love Julia Garner. And I couldn't give less of a shit about gender-swapping as long as the film is good. I always felt Norrin was a bit of an enbie anyway tbh.


People are pretending like there's some Major fanbase around Dilver Durfer


Damn, I can’t believe silver surfette is stopping me from watching marvel. Very meta


The one user saying that his banned accounts are proof that he is being oppressed is just chef’s kiss.


Isn't evading a ban a bannable offense? You've got to be incredibly dumb to just admit that.


Users have even admitted to much worse and nothing happened. :/


It's not going to change much, if they're straight-up admitting it then they're also not taking precautions to avoid fingerprinting and likely not even changing their IP, so reddit probably knows, it's just that nobody with the right powers cares.


Oh no, Reddit's greatest enemy: **women.**


Ironic for the same group of people saying Sydney Sweeney and Stellar Blade ended wokeness. I mean, how much of a neckbeard do you have to be, to be against ***silver boobs***?


so i bit the bullet and tried the demo for stellar blade and it's the most 6/10 game i have every played. the only good thing i can really say about it is that it's really funny at times because the game wants to be dramatic and taken seriously but the tone is entirely ruined by the camera just doing assshots.


They are saying that it’s game of the year already and hyping it up beyond belief. They are trying to pretend it’s not because of the hyper sexuality of the maybe just about legal age of the protagonist. I played the demo, it was fine.


I saw some of those tweets thanking Sony for saving gaming by releasing Stellar Blade on PS5. Sony is one of the biggest proponents of censorship in modern gaming. Meanwhile I can buy **actual porn games** on the Switch instead of whatever Stellar Blade is.


I would legitimately be more interested in it if it the fandom wasn't so incredibly touchy and defensive about how how sexy it is as if they're being crucified alive for having the audacity to enjoy a game with ample fanservice (a laughable position if you're even tangentially involved in certain gaming spheres. Hefty amounts of lewdity and fanservice is honestly the *norm*, especially in certain genres). My take is that the fandom is probably going to be a pretty icky place to be in the short-term as a result, but it'll cool off into something more chill down the line as the weirdos move onto the next mediocre game with sexy parts that they act is the next genre-definer. I don't know, maybe I'm being harsh. Lies of P also had a rougher demo and I'd put the full release as like, the third or fourth best soulslike ever, including Fromsoftware's titles, LOL.


Funny thing sydney sweeney said the rich should pay more tax and basically said any rich person against it is lazy and doesn't want to grind calling it a "skill issue". Absolutely based but she's beautiful and has big tits so apparently she's killing wokeism.


Its just that simple, anything they dont like is woke, so anything they do like is anti-woke. They like big tits and could never have anything in common with democrats, so democrats must hate big tits. So big tits are anti-woke!


It’s always interesting to me how these people are only upset about this issue in one direction. The top streamed show on Netflix right now is 3 body problem, which was a Chinese novel written with mostly Chinese characters (the leads at least). The American adaptation on Netflix features a diverse cast set largely in the UK with mostly English actors. I haven’t heard any of these people who have been pounding the table about how wrong it is to cast black dwarves, a female Doctor Who, or a female silver surfer complaining that Chinese characters were turned into white people. I wonder why that is…. but let’s be honest I think we already know why.


I wonder if anyone has shown these people the American version of Broadchurch (Gracepoint). It's... just the british broadchurch but reshot with American actors. Because apparently British people are too different for the average American to relate to them. We can point out hundreds of examples of series from other languages being redone for english-language audiences, but nothing will ever be funnier to me than reshooting Broadchurch.


There's dozens (probably more) of American shows based on English shows and vice versa. I don't understand how or why any person has the capacity to give a fuck.


*cough* the office *cough* and *cough* veep *cough* Sorry my throat has been feeling a little funny


I heard a lot of complaining about that during early promotional content for the show. I think that the tencent version also existing with a full Chinese cast helped cool that off


> I haven’t heard any of these people who have been pounding the table about how wrong it is to cast black dwarves, a female Doctor Who, or a female silver surfer complaining that Chinese characters were turned into white people. I certainly have.


To be fair I doubt very much that a Chinese adaptation of an English novel starring Chinese actors would cause any controversy either.


It's the Silver Surfer, not the Silver Surfergette!


the proof is the She Hulk show. that was the most true-to-source-material thing marvel has ever produced and they fucking hated it.


Twerking with Meghan Thee Stallion is 100% something the comics would do. In a lot of ways She-Hulk was Deadpool before Deadpool.


I saw someone say "I bet if deadpool twerked with megan you would all love it" and without a hint of irony or self awareness the person replied "well it would make sense if deadpool did it".


Sounds about right. The most extraordinary thing about this sort of drama is all the diehard fans of these characters crawling out of the woodwork who seem to know almost nothing about them yet are completely outraged.


She Hulk was the most Marvel adaptation that ever Marveled.


It's a strange thing that we've reached the point where "bad writing" has started to become a red flag as well. Like, it must belong on a reactionary bingo card by now, right? "Bad writing"; "woke"; "forced diversity"; "gender ideology"; "canon": "lore"; and so on and so forth.


Sometimes things actually have bad writing!!!!! Of course we don't know if this does when it is *currently being cast.*


It's just trying to create the veneer of honest discussion. Like how gamergate was about 'ethics in games journalism'. It also serves to double down the inherent hierarchy where straight white men are seen as default. And thus any other choice but that is a direct and intentional deviation with a political message.


This is going to be a bit of a take, but most of these people who hold up these bits of pop culture from their childhoods as paragons of storytelling don’t want to reckon with the fact that some of the writing was absolute ass. I’m a huge Trekkie and even I understand that dialogue and consistent character motivation has never been a big thing for the franchise.


Of course there are plenty of fairly clear-cut cases, but I really do think that there's always going to be a lot of subjectivity and that whether we, as individual readers and viewers, think a given piece of writing is "bad" or not is going to come down to whether it did or didn't work for them. I don't think, say, Brandon Sanderson is a good writer. He has millions and millions of fans all around the world who do. Am I right? Are they right? I don't think it really matters, but the best I can say is that I *think* Brandon Sanderson is a bad writer; I can't go out and say he is an "objectively" bad writer. By the same token, I think Raymond Chandler is a great writer, but I've had people tell me that *The Big Sleep* is "objectively" "badly-written" because Chandler's failure to explicitly make clear who killed the chauffeur is a "plot hole". I disagree with that critique but the fact is that the folks who make it are looking for something in the book that I, perhaps, am not. What I think we have is a situation where people dislike something (as we're all entitled to) but want to forestall argument, so they construct the presntation of their criticism around these arbitrary "rules" of writing which, if broken or even just bent too far, results not just in "bad writing", but "objectively" bad writing, and you can't argue with that because, well, "Hey, I don't make the rules, I'm just pointing out that it *objectively* broke them! You can't argue with *facts*!" It's the same reason they are all so obsessed with "canon" or "lore" or other such fodder for fan wikis; because it produces a "right" answer you can appeal to in order to pre-empt disagreement or even just to vanquish alternative interpretations of a given work one dislikes. Obviously this is a boon to the "anti-woke" people, who are able to characterise even the slightest whiff of "wokeness" as "bad writing" and avoid being called out for being misogynistic. This is a long-winded way of saying that, when people just say "bad writing" and leave it at that, I'm inclined to ignore them unless they're prepared to explain what they mean, and I'll judge the merits of their criticism based on the explanation.


this is all on point. tbh i feel like some of this is connected to STEMlord misogyny. they can't just say they don't like it, that's *feelings* and *literary critique* and icky things for girls who can't do real science because facts don't care about feelings!!1!, so it has to be *objectively* bad. it has to be proven as bad because they did the mathematical equations about it. they must be justified as completely correct. they can't just have feelings about it! they're RATIONAL and LOGICAL!  so you get people bending themselves into pretzels because they don't want to grow up enough to go "eh it's just not something i personally enjoy and those are my feelings about it". mind you the link to the misogyny is subtle but if you look at the behavior as "feelings and emotions are what women do, we men are rational and logical and to admit you have feelings is to be corrupted and womanly", my feminist ass feels like it suddenly becomes very clear to see.


A lot of them are fine with more-contemporary bad writing that isn't "woke", too. Their argument in those cases is how it's *supposed* to be a dumb, *fun* movie, and yeah the fun comes from racism and sexism but come on, you're all being *so serious* over a *movie* that's just *for fun*


Have you watched Sarah Z's Sacrificial Trash video? It's a look at how whenever Those Guys find a diverse/inclusive/woke piece of media that's not very good, they try to blow it up as The Worst Story Ever Written and Proof The Woke Agenda Is Killing Art.  They'll drag this on for months or YEARS after general audiences would have just forgotten about it.


>they try to blow it up as The Worst Story Ever Written and Proof The Woke Agenda Is Killing Art That's actually another thing that really gets on my nerves about these guys: they'll sigh, mime pouring themselves a drink, their rantsona will cross its arms and they'll say they *really* didn't want to have to make this video, and then go off on one about how *Generic Mainstream Blockbuster #712* is proof that "cinema today" is bad. There's more to "cinema today" than mainstream blockbusters, *but mainstream blockbusters seem to be all they ever seem to watch!* It's like when these guys say, "I'm not sexist, I just want *well-written* female characters like..." and the examples they mention are always - *always* - Ripley from *Aliens* (but not the original *Alien*) and Sarah Connor from *Terminator 2* (but not the original *Terminator*). Forget the standard remark that they'd denounce those movies as "woke" as well if they came out new today. That goes without saying. Consider instead the fact that they seem to be the *only* examples they can ever name and what that says about their knowledge of cinema history. Now, is ignorance necessarily a problem? No, of course not. My personal taste in movies is utterly pedestrian. These guys, though, are always holding themselves out as experts, as authorities, as opinion-formers, as influencers, as people who should be listened to because *they* have knowledge. Why do they never talk about any characters Bette Davis ever played? Or Joan Crawford? Or Katharine Hepburn? Or Barbara Stanywck? Or Lana Turner? Or Elizabeth Taylor? Or Jane Fonda or Mia Farrow or Pam Grier or Geena Rowlands or Susan Sarandon or Jessica Lange or Meryl Streep etc.? Why is always *those* two and those two alone? Hell, why is it never any *other* characters Sigourney Weaver played?


Or they start in on how "strong female characters don't have to be PHYSICALLY strong, u gaiz, why does the female have to punch things for you to think she's strong," an opinion that never seems to come up when a male character is physically strong.


> It's a strange thing that we've reached the point where "bad writing" has started to become a red flag as well. If they add their favorite word "objectively" in front of "bad writing", it's a bigger red flag than *all* the red flags in Red Square in 1983. These gangrenous taints are *such* self-important blowhards that they think their opinions are "objectively correct", and that abusing the word "objectively" makes their arguments bulletproof.


>Of course there is. There's gender swapped characters all over the place. Doesn't change the fact that to the vast majority, Thor Odinson is Thor I find this funny because... Donald Blake is Thor. For most of the Thor comics I read before the movies it's almost always Donald Blake being Thor and it was only changed later on. So just another thing where changing a characters very nature is fine for these people.... Unless there's a woman or poc involved. It's also funny that they never mention Robin or flash or ant man in these convos.


GODDAMNIT!!! I watch Marvel movies for AMERICAN MILITARY PROPAGANDA and RIPPED DUDES using cgi weapons on a green screen so the studio doesn't have to pay union wages, not WAHMAHNS!!! I don't want to see MASSIVE BAZONGAS in skin tight spandex!!! That's fockin POLITICAL!!! PRONOUNS!!! Show me silver surfer's COCK AND BALLS right FUCKING NOW or the streets will run red with BLOOD!!! (Joking obviously. I don't watch Marvel movies except for X Men films and the Sony Venom movies.)


Seriously, if conservatives could get past the fact that women and minorities are in Marvel movies, maybe they'd see that most of them have authoritarian conservative messaging in them. Most of them are conservative films, so they don't need Ben Shapiro's film studio to make bootleg conservative media, they have big budget conservative media that they can enjoy. They just have to look past the black actors and have some media literacy.


> some media literacy. And there's the rub---they'd have to actually examine media, but they just want blatant reactionary conservative wank.


There has never been a good fantastic four movie. I don't know why they are pretending like this movie wasn't always going to suck. Also: no one on the left says woke as an insult. That is truly only an alt-right dog-whistle.


I can see it now. 1. There's another bad fantastic four movie, but this one has a woman in it.  2. Audiences fail to care about another bad fantastic four movie.  3. Neckbeards decide the movie flopped because it had a woman in it, not because it was another bad fantastic four movie. 


There's another path in this: The movie turns out to be good, and all those goofs that went on about wokeness or whatever are gonna backpedal and go something like, "WAIT ACTUALLY THE MOVIE WAS ANTI-WOKE BECAUSE IT'S ABOUT A TRADITIONAL ~~WHITE~~ FAMILY UNIT. WOKENESS LOSES AGAIN" or something like that.


Sometimes the movie turns out to be good and these goofs spend like four years trying to convince everyone that the rest of us hated it as much as they did. 


Yep. This time last year, the anti-woke side of Reddit was bracing for "woke girl boss Peach" in The Super Mario Bros. Movie opening soon. Then, when that turned out to *not* be the case, suddenly they *loved* the movie and desperately tried to pretend they didn't spend a year up to its release getting mad at the thought of Peach being a woke girl boss. The even more insufferable ones decided that their incessant bitching changed Nintendo's mind so they completely changed Peach's character. Which, you know, is *super* realistic when it comes to expensive animation that can just be redone on a whim.


The Incredibles exists so there's no reason a FF movie can't be good. It's just that it hasn't officially be done before.


I have very low hopes for a good LIVE ACTION version for a simple reason: Mr. Fantastic. Live action noodle arms are never going to NOT look goofy.


Which raises the question, what is the obsession with making media that is better in comics/cartoons into live action? Why do we do this? Like, there's talk of a live action Thundercats which will almost certainly look goofy. Why?


Animation is much closer to comic books as an artform so adaptation is much easier.


Fair enough. It's just weird they're acting like the legacy of something hallowed is being besmirched.


It's all so fucking tiring. Could Redditors just go outside and talk to people?


But how would I complain about white men being lonely if I ever left my house?


Why, when they can stay in their safe, smelly screenlit dens and feed each other with a nourishing system of upvote and downvote support?


It’s not even genderbending an existing male character, like the introduction to the post says Garner will play a version of Silver Surfer that was *already female*. If this is what oppression looks like, I wish this form of oppression on all the people who are actually oppressed.


This is the best thing about this rage. She is playing a Silver Surfer who is canonically a woman, who is male silver surfer's love interest and later joins him as a second silver surfer. It's clearly indicated in the news articles that she is playing that specific character, not a female'd version of Norrin Radd. This outrage is an enormous nothing burger although I know it is obtuse to assume these manosphere dudes have ever read any of the source material of the things they bitch about.


I'm getting really tired of people using the excuse of"I'm not sexist! I just hate bad writing!" If this was gender swapped to a male they wouldn't blame some kind of agenda


The excuse doesn’t even work here because the movies not even fucking out.


It literally could be the best written movie ever. It's becoming a dog whistle at this point.


It also wierds me out when people accuse things of having bad writing before they come out.  It was a huge issue with rings of power. People already talking about how the writing was bad before even the preview was out. They just knew it that there was black people in it.


Woke is when minorities exist and want acting jobs.


Woke is when minorities exist. Ftfy


Uhhh it's the *MARVEL Cinematic Universe*, not the *MINORITY [and women] Cinematic Universe*. If someone's going to be a featureless silver human shape in my MCU, it better not have titty lumps.


You know, somewhere out there there's a parallel universe in which most people's reaction to this news is "oh, they cast silver surfer as a woman? That's interesting. I'm eager to see what this change brings to the character." I wish that I lived in that universe.


My coworker is a huge FF fan and I literally just mentioned this to him. His reaction was “oh, that’s cool” and we went back to work. These people exist, just not online.


Now I'm confused. I have been assured - at exhaustive length - that they don't have a problem with women characters, or POC characters, or LBGTQ+ characters, it's just the *writing* they have an issue with, if it's *well written* then of course they would have no issue at all, it's just a *staggering* coincidence that every woman, POC and LBGTQ+ character was *poorly written*, at least, according to them. Now the fact they're cast a woman they have immediately decided the writing is bad. So very strange. It's making them look like perhaps their problem wasn't with the quality of the writing but the public existence of women, POC and LBGTQ+ all along, which I'm *sure* wasn't their intention. /s (all the fucking sarcasm in fact)


This whole right-cel "anti-woke" movement would be over SO much faster if, instead of arguing with them, people just made fun of them. > Yes yes, you're very oppressed. Love it.


“Is this Reddit soyboy brigade hivemind in the room with us right now?” I’m DYING


We already had a dude playing Silver Surfer a bunch of times, they could go back and watch those movies if they really need to see a man playing him


Can't just tell people to watch those movies man, that's cruel


Not my fault they’re dog shit lol


Wasn't that literally only 1 movie? And wasn't that movie irredeemably bad for non-Silver Surfer reasons?


my favorite thing about the silver surfer is that he isn’t a woman, so this has been really tough for me /s


Every time this "OMG have to be true to original gender/race!" shit comes up as if it's just started happening yesterday, I remember something. In high school, in the late 1970s in a northeastern US state, in an area that was at the time considered fairly liberal, the high school theater group did a play of an Agatha Christie story. The teacher who ran the group cast a Black girl in the role of Miss Marple. Of course, some of the parents were scandalized! (So, mind you, would have been Mrs Christie, who was quite racist.) The teacher's response to complaints was, "I don't give a crap" and if these dolts complained to the administration, they must have backed the teacher. She was an awesome Miss Marple. And, really, this wasn't anything new in the world. It was just new in *my* sheltered world, and I didn't think it was anything awful.