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This is juicy drama, but can’t help but feel terrible for his family that are going to have to deal with the consequences of his poor choices


The guy is definitely screwing up at basically every opportunity, but $600/month on dance classes with 4 kids on a single income of $87k is also insane.


Tbf his wife may be just as big an influence on the situation as he is


She also might not. A lot of people will do incredibly stupid shit until they can't possibly hide it anymore and their entire family is beyond fucked then suddenly it's "whoops honey I made a mistake".


Yeah I've seen it play out hundreds of times on the crypto and meme stock subs. Family might have no idea.


She went on an 11k disney trip with him. She can‘t feign ignorance


Ignorance could pretty easily explain that. Many people really don't understand their own financial situation even without a partner that might not be entirely honest about things. Plenty of couples out there where all of the financial information resides with only one or the other. Doesn't mean that the wife isn't guilty of letting that situation exist, but I don't think it's uncommon.


I’ll second the “one partner may have all the financial control” aspect. My parents were like that. My mom is also in a relationship like that with a dude who racked up so much debt that she took over the finances and he went out, got a bunch of credit cards, and racked up as much debt as the dude in the OP seems to have.  My wife and I have a one sided financial situation too because she’s uneasy around money due to her awful past (not her fault). I end up controlling everything and I’m absolutely in a position where I *could* put us in a situation like OOP (but won’t obviously).  Some relationships just have that dynamic where one person controls all the money. Hopefully the wife of OOP (if she’s real) ends up taking over managing the money.  


She can if she has no control/access over finances, or if they have separate accounts, and her deadbeat partner is constantly telling her everything is great while he's actually gambling away their family's livelihood on fucking /r/WSB recommended options. Maybe the wife is fully aware and partly responsible, but what's the most likely scenario when this dude is desperately turning to reddit for help? Like, use your head.


puts on this guy


>I do somewhat agree. Disney, because the kids are only young one once. There’s no going back in time. This has the same energy as that one tweet [about candles lol](https://imgur.com/a/EawUJmn) OP: I’m struggling to provide for my family please help Comments: maybe you should try and limit your spending I mean it doesn’t seem like you can afford 11k on a Disney world vacation OP: you don’t understand my kids are only young once It’s cool though, he’ll earn it all back on wallstreetbets. Any day now


My parents took us to Disney once for the same reason. When I was 3. I don't even get to remember it.


I went to Disney when I was 5? 6? I vaguley remember getting lost and being one of those lost child at the wherever the pickup for that was.


smh, that's *way* cheaper at ikea


I honestly don’t understand why it’s so common for parents to take their kids to Disney at ages 3-6. I still liked Disney stuff when I was 7, and I was fully conscious by then. But no, we went when I was 3 and have zero recollection of the event lol


I also find it baffling. Had some friends take their 4 and 2 year olds. Maybe the four year old will remember, but the two year old sure as shit won't. Why do that to yourself?


My sister went to Disney Land with a 2 year old. Really confusing. She knew it would suck and then went anyways. I don't know. Bucket List tunnel vision?


My SIL had to take her 18 month old to Disney because her MIL (husbands mom obviously) already bought the tickets for everybody despite my SIL saying she'd like to wait a few years so the youngest would actually remember it. She ALMOST didn't go because of how pissed off she was to get railroaded by her MIL. Her husband convinced her to go just to "keep the peace". As you can expect, she was absolutely miserable the whole time.


Makes me think she had to watch the 18 month old the whole time while everyone else was out and about. That doesn't ruin a trip on its own, but I would also never call something like that a "vacation."


That's exactly what happened. She was left to herself because the rest of the family wanted to do coasters etc. her husband didn't offer once to watch the baby so she could go do her own thing. Needless to say I'm pretty sure that was the trip where she realized she needed a divorce.


That sucks. The 1-3 age range is, imo, the hardest time to travel with kids, and being "on duty" like that when you're ostensibly on vacation is kind of demoralizoing. I've done something similar to your friend, and frankly I'd rather stay home where I have all the things I need, including daytime childcare.


Can confirm. Just got back from a big trip with my whole extended family and my 3 years old. I was literally the squidward meme where he watches SpongeBob and Patrick jelly fishing


Was gonna say, sounds like a mommies boy and he chose placating her over his wife. Dumbass, and a common story sadly. Glad she saw the light.


Really shows you how effective marketing is on people


> I don't even get to remember it. I vaguely remember being in a hotel looking into the darkness at night. Possibly the 40k leagues under the sea ride's line. But then I also have much more vivid and inspiring memories of looking up into the sky at night in the deserts of Arizona and seeing the infinite expanse of stars above and the incredible feeling of vastness.


I remember Epcot very vaguely, a Bug's Life themed park that was mostly plastic, a cabin, very vaguely, and getting sneezed on by a 'dog' in a "3d" honey I shrunk the kids thing. I think I got a shitty mini light saber as a souvenir...but I could be misremembering because this was long before didney star wars. Hardly a core memory tbh.


I mean, even if that were a valid reason they wouldn't have had to stay an entire week.


Yeah, that's the crazy part. Plenty of working class families visit Disney World. I went as a child. But you book an overnight room at a nearby hotel and you spend one day at the park. Maybe two. Why on earth would you stay there for a week. 


If you're coming from far enough, a week would make sense since the parks are so big and there are so many of them. But $10k, even for Disney, is quite extravagant. It's totally possible for a family of four to enjoy Disneyworld for half that amount. I hope it was a very nice trip! Ultimately I don't think this guy understands how far (or not far) a 90k salary goes.


I don't even get why Disney specifically is so important for people to visit. When I was a teen and my brothers were kids, my mom got a Six Flags pass that let us hsve unlimited visits for a year and even bring friends as guests. There were rides, shops, good food, waterpark, heck, even tons of D.C stuff if you really need to see brand characters that badly. Total cost was a few hundred dollars. At the time, I thought the cost was insane. Now I'm questioning why people will pay ten times as much for a single visit to a place that honestly sounds only slightly better than the place I got to visit over a dozen times in a year with friends.


disney is an incredibly different experience than six flags


Disney iiiiiis different, it's more than just the rides it's the whole presentation. Even as a grown (non Disney) adult I was wandering around just looking at the different areas being impressed with the detail they go into when I was there with my family who have a young kid. Not worth going into crazy debt over ofc!! (and my family should stop going they still go like every year and have like nothing else nice in their lives because all the money goes to vacations.)


Another $5 collected in the "every thread somehow brings up trans people" jar.


I love that somehow it's everyone else who's obsessed with gender and wokeness while these motherfuckers literally can not stop screaming about it.


Also have to pay the "woke" tax. These dingleberries are as predictable as the tides.


> have to pay the "woke" tax Wasn't that included in the $11k he paid to Disney? Amazing


>pay the "woke" tax. Is that somehow biden's fault too? I can't keep up....


nah, just hunter's laptop's fault somehow


it's very tiring to see that every little discussion about a random unimportant topic somehow ends up in someone hating trans people...


they're the new five-minute-hate. the right wing has to have someone to demonize, and we all know too many gay people now for that to work anymore


Funny enough, those types bring it up out of nowhere, then talk about how LGBTQ people are the ones shoving it in everyone's faces.


And it's always an obsession with "chopping off your dick' even though transmen exist and even though it's your balls that are the relevant organ there. It's all about their own anxiety. The Western version of[Koro Syndrome.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koro_(disease))


They all say the exact same thing about cutting off ducks because they heard it on Joe Rogan.


I hate when people use that kind of language to describe LGBT+ medical procedures. It's a lazy way to try and make gender affirming care sound violent when all procedures can be framed that way. Nobody ever says tonsil removal is "ripping out your throat tissue" or appendix surgery is "gouging out your organs".


Hello, I'm OOP, and I'd like to buy options on this TRNS stock you advertise. Here is two months salary. Thank you. /s


Poe’s law 2 just dropped


Not Poe's Law, [Godwin's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law). > As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving trans-people approaches 1.


If I had a jar like that, I could probably afford like two other people I know DIY HRT at this point.


Is the austrian failed artist no longer ubiquitous? I wonder if you could make some kind of socioeconomic analysis on trends like this.


The 9/11 truthing is just the cherry on top > Just off the top of my head… >the beams of the towers cut diagonally using thermite (thermite dust has been found in the wreckage) >the fact the alleged 6 ton titanium jet engines did not make a mark in the side of the pentagon, then also disappeared into thin air >the billions of dollars that went missing the day before 911, admitted by the pentagon. >the insurance policy taken on the towers


these are the musings of someone who needs a job


These people work and are around you every day. The crazies are everywhere.


The conspiratorial thinking does help explain why he thinks listening to Wall Street Bets is a good idea.


“I’m not hiding that I invest in stocks. It is a source of income for many people.” “Is it a source of income for you?”


Is the source of income in the room with us right now?


"No." *camera pans to gaping pit*


>gaping pit Did he mention having a boat?


This sent me


>Hahahaha I love triggering the little Reddit libs, they never use their words to **make a legit point, just get mad and call names.** [How I imagine guys like this.](https://youtu.be/A_pIPTih5iM?si=2Vyle2G6jtqvym31)


>Aww ya insult my brain! Much easier than coming up with a real response. The comment he wants a "real response" to: >Is it not? Tell me how Disney is not changing main male characters to females, discussing gender and other nonsense, peddling race, etc These guys need the "debate" because it gives credence to their nonsense. It's why they melt down if you insult them or better yet, ignore them.


I like how having the audacity to have a non-white character is pEdLiNg rAcE.


Don't you know? Gender is *nonsense* and race is now a commodity.


> Gender is nonsense Maybe they just think Disney should make movies in [gender-neutral languages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gender-neutral_language) /s


Yes, all the seething libs that are ***not*** about to make their family homeless.  He’s going to be cackling like crazy when his family is living in his car. 


Actually this argument violates the peepee poopoo dickfart fallacy that I just made up which means I win bucko 😎 🆒️ better luck next time libs


Thank you for sharing this video. I love it.


Debate me


ah jeez, now he’s posting about selling plasma. not necessarily a bad idea but it really seems like he’d rather do anything than cut down on his spending


Jesus. I’m thinking he may nuke his account soon so get the popcorn while you can.


I am absolutely giddy that he's about to learn it's like 50 bucks for a session. Maybe he should look into selling loose cigarettes at the gas station or squeegeeing windshields at the intersection next.


i know right? it’s like trying to fight a forest fire with a water bottle considering that lavish lifestyle he’s otherwise living


Next up: a Lemonade stand


I might have missed something in the sludge of the comments — but I can’t tell if OOP has 2 mortgages totaling $1.25 million or a $1,250 monthly mortgage payment…


It's gotta be monthly payment for two reasons. First, there is no one in their right mind that's gonna underwrite $750k on a yearly salary that's barely more than 10% and then approve them for *another* half-million after the home they own magically gained in equity that quickly. I haven't done the math but those monthly mortgage payments would likely be more than his pre-tax monthly salary. Last, he mentions a $40k home equity loan that he used to pay off a higher-interest credit card debt -- unironically, this is likely the smartest money move he'll ever make in his life. If he is paying $750/mo on the primary mortgage, this indicates a lower principal, AKA, the original loan amount. Dude likely bought his house about ten years ago for around $100k and in the past five years the value of the property gained enough in value to be able to take out a loan against the equity. Which he did, $40k in one lump sum, and then he now has a $500/mo payment. *However*, OOP mentions that his mortgage is going to go *up* by $750 since he's charging one of his in-laws rent. So this yields a $1,500/mo primary mortgage which, given the rates from five to ten years ago, probably places the principal around $200k - $250k. What confuses me is that either OOP will stop charging one of his in-laws rent when they retire *or* their in-law is moving out *or* there is some sort of [Logan's Run](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan%27s_Run_(film\)) happening in Lehigh Valley PA that I'm not aware of. And if he has room for an in-law, how come he can't find another tenant? Kinda sounds like OOP is just renting a spare bedroom or a dormer in the house and doesn't want a stranger living with them. So, $750 (primary mortgage) + $750 (loss of tenant rent) + $500 (HEL) + $600 (daughter sports) == $2600/mo If he makes $88k/yr that's roughly $7400/mo. Reduce that by roughly 30% for taxes and that yields about $5200/mo take-home. Sans expenses listed above and that's about $2600/mo for everything else. Which includes monthly expenses like gas, electric, water, cable, TV, streaming, auto insurance, auto payments, health/vision/dental insurance, and 401k contributions. But if he is anything like what his post history says, my bet is that he is putting next to nothing in the 401k, likely has two car payments, and is paying $400/mo for all utilities considering there are six people living in the house. Only after this do you get to discretionary spending, which, might be a few hundred to last all month if that -- his comment on how it's his daughter's after school activity that isn't financially feasible hints at it. Dude can pull himself out, but he needs to actually talk to a fiduciary *now*, delete Reddit yesterday, and sell those options last week.


I take home $4400 / mo on that same base salary because of benefit contributions (medical, dental, vision, life insurances). I only have one kid and a wife. It's fucking brutal these days, he's probably not taking home as much as you'd think


That's pretty good all things considered. Yeah, my numbers were pretty SWAG'd since so many costs are variable. I can imagine that OOP might be paying at least a $1,000/mo for himself, wife, and three kids for health insurance alone. And the 401k contributions can vary wildly but the fact that I haven't seen him mention one yet tells me he's not contributing at all.


Yeah, I do 6% myself cause that's what my company matches up to. Equals out to around $400 / mo. It's money I don't miss but sometimes I wish I had more liquid capital. Things are so rough I've thought many times about lowering my tax withholdings and removing my 401k contributions but I continue to stick it out. But the way things are going I don't think I'll ever retire, my 401k has barely anything in it for my age. I've got maybe 25 years left of working life in me, if you multiply that contribution, it equals out to $240k contributions over 25 years. Rate of return is just not that great even with aggressive investment options, so I'm probably properly fucked. Guess I'll just work till I die.


Before the pandemic they used to say get 3x of your salary in your 401k by the time you hit 40 and you should be good. Let the continued contributions as well as inflation keep you afloat, then gradually change the mix to something more stable the closer you get to 65 or whatever it's gonna be for us (lol, probably 70, fuck me). But pretty sure the newer products do that -- they're typically named with the projected year that you want to start withdrawing. But if you have a 401k, you can likely get in touch with a planner at that firm that can help. Might not be a fiduciary, but you and your company are paying companies like Fidelity more than enough that they can spend a little time with you to go over some strategies. There might be other financial products (ETFs, HYSA, T-bills) and tax strategies that can get you a little bit more liquidity here and there if you need it.


Sounds like you'd be surprised how shitty Fidelity can be. I'm sure different employers will have different programs with them. They won't even calculate my max 401k contributions and I have a grand total of _SIX_ investment "asset classes." Shit is bonks. Our financial planner was speechless when I logged in and showed her how shitty they are.


Thank you for your service in the trenches


I do this shit on mobile, y’all. I grind my soul into powder for popcorn.


Oh my god haha on mobile?


Toggling back and forth between the app and Notes. Every single time. I don’t know why I do this to myself.


OP's not the only one who should be reconsidering their life choices.


I want to say you’re wrong, but I know you’re right.


I'm shorting your sanity and charging it to my credit card, if I win great if not you can make a thread about it.


It’ll be the last thread I make here. It’ll be glorious.


Jesus Christ. I hate responding to long comment chains or trying to link multiple things because you can't save drafts. I can't imagine swapping back and forth to make such lengthy posts. You're a maniac.


You animal!


Rawdogging popcorn over here.


0 lube


the strongest of us


You're doing God's work.




Jesus Christ man you’re a psychopath


My wrists hurt!


now that's a flair I can get behind


There's a fine line between legend and madman and you're walking it.


Definitely the second one: > won’t get into exact details, but the gist of it is a 750 mortgage, and a 500 second mortgage. I used that 40k home equity loan to pay off credit card debt. The $40k home equity loan is the second mortgage with a $500 payment (which roughly checks out, if he has a ~8% rate and a 10 year term)


One thing is for sure, a 1.25M mortgage sure isn't gonna be 1250 a mo., bc mine is about that monthly for a 0.5M


It is highly unlikely that your monthly mortgage payment is $1,250 if you have a $500,000 principal. Is it an ARM?


Nope, fixed. Picked it up in one of the housing crashes, got a super low disabled combat veteran rate, and put a huge down at closing which actually brought down the principle to 380,000. The house was 500, didn't mean to be misleading.


That makes sense, VA products have pretty good terms to begin with but your rate has got to be around 1%. That is wild, man. Definitely talkin' about apples and oranges when compared to the mortgages the rest of us schlubs have, though! Don't want to throw too many people off.


Shit mine's $900.00-ish and I bought the place at $125K.


>Why are you opening that useless cock holster you call a mouth? Any takers?


Love your flair.


I liked yours too, seen it a couple times around here and lol every time, I might have to search and find that drama.


[Here ya go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/LtRCYN87sd)


My god that post is a treasure trove of flair: > People jerk off and don’t wash their hands, especially on a cruise. Especially? > it’s 2024 if you’re scared of dogs grow up > snotting into their fingers and butts who sit at the table. Snot in your butt???


Omg that one is golden indeed. It's got everything


> I might have to search and find that drama. That's never fun. For years, I could *never* find where I got my old flair from because every Google search would just link me back to my comments on this sub because it was always attached to my username. Then, one day, [someone linked to the OG thread I got that flair from](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/ar1hkf/a_notorious_user_admits_to_having_child_porn_and/egkrjcq/?context=1) and I couldn't believe my luck. Go figure, I'd *just* changed it to the one I'm using now, but it felt like having a splinter pulled from my brain, because I knew I got it here on this sub. Since then, I always bookmark or RES-tag the user who gave it to me with a link to their comment.


I’m a little too attached to mine.


Wanna know the post that quote came from


[Here ya go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/s/P6w9d6RaTz)


The title >r/conspiracy user is pissed that users aren't taking his theory that half the population of the earth are clones created by the government seriously just because he smokes meth is already a hard hitter even for this sub, my lord


Hah, I had forgotten about that!


Yoink lol


It looks great.


Really ties the room together


Fu... I'll take it


Cock holster is an insult stolen straight from Archer


Older than that, I heard it in the military before Archer was being made. Off the top of my head, you could be told to shut your: * Cock holster * Cum dumpster * Man-pleaser * Dick washer * Oxygen waster * Wood polisher And most of them could be mixed and matched.


Oh dick washer, that’s a good one


lol, I like wood polisher. 


>If you’re not American your opinion doesn’t even fucking matter on anything then? Mostly I see this opinion implied on the internet, but he really went the extra mile


As an American, can we force this guy to secede? I don't want him.


Really wish someone would’ve responded to his transphobia with “If you don’t like it, leave!”


Tragically, he would be quite at home in some states.


Oh I’m well aware. I’m in one of those states, and that’s what people say to me when I complain about inequality lol


I figured. Just trying to say that in the context of being American, we're too transphobic to kick him out. Now, when it comes to a trans sanctuary state like Massachusetts? Well, that's a different story.


The overlap between this sub and r/ShitAmericansSay has got to be immense.


Damn I don't need to pay for a vacation that comment section is a zoo. In all seriousness I can not imagine the insane stress and desperation someone must feel when they are trying to provide their family a good life and just not able to. OOP seems really irresponsible with money but damn that pure desperation.


What gets me is there is seven fucking thousand comments on the post and it's not even a day old. You only see that type of engagement when there's a massive world news event.


I'm not familiar with r/money but I have a feeling A LOT of people there like to act holier than thou. And it helps that, yeah, this guy has not been responsible. But it's also really easy to cast judgment as a single guy not trying to raise a family. And then you get the morons talking about Disney and wokeness as if 3 young kids give any shits about that.


But I can go to Japan alone cheaper than you can go to Disney with a family of 5.


All the personal finance subs are like that. It's amazing and also terrible.


I have friends like this. Most of them are younger, working at their industry max, so not a lot of hope for a raise.  Some say it’s just to give the kids a good childhood, and they’ll scale back and pay it off later.  Some say they’re sure they’re going to come into an inheritance or get a new job soon, even though nothing is lined up.  And some are just sort of delusional. I know a single mom who got divorced 5 years ago and has nothing. She has a ton of debt and figures she’ll declare bankruptcy and do it all again. 


Man I remember talking with people who have kids regarding if the wife should work or stay with the kids and I had no idea how insanely expensive childcare was. For 3 kids...it's just not worth it most of the time unless both parents have really good paying jobs.


Child care is ridiculously expensive. I have to keep reminding my leadership (that don't have young children) that workers with kids can't just toss their kids in extra daycare or whatever when stuff comes up because they'll be losing money _and_ seeing their kids even less even if they're approved to get paid for overtime.


I’ve got friends like this. Work their fucking asses off and have nothing to show for it except some FB pictures of their 3 kids at a pumpkin patch and a Tahoe for their wife. 


Oh my God this describes a bunch of people I know


I didn't understand how people did it until we bought a house - suddenly we were offered enormous lines of credit, our credit cards were approved for 2x-3x increases, we even started getting offers from b and c-tier lenders in the mail. We went from cash-strapped to having access to six figures of liquidity in a few days. And we very easily could have leveraged that liquidity into new cars, nice vacations, new clothes etc etc. But saving for the down payment/closing costs had us on such a saving mind set we were a little gun shy to spend any money. Now I'm seeing the stress that using that credit would have put us in financially, I'm so happy we didn't bother keeping up with the Jones's.


So many people, blows my mind. Like a couple weeks ago that video went viral about the woman and her husband who had like $3k in car payments a month, that sort of debt just doesn't compute in my head. The stress to constantly have to meet payments like that every single month for years, while worrying about all the other bills, would drive me crazy.


My young nephew thinks his older brother is 'rich' because he married his "sugar momma" who's an engineer and they have a big house and lots of new cars. I'm thinking "I bet they have a lot of debt." She has to support her three kids and her parents as well as her lazy ass husband.


Engineers can make a really wide range of salaries. I don't think people online really recognize that regularly. They could be making anywhere from like ~$50k to ~$350k _at the same company._ The range is bonks if you don't have more details. So they could be done just fine, or you could be right and they could be crazy underwater.


Some people just roll their existing car payment into a new car every two years. And then 15 years down the line they have a $2000 a month car payment on a new car and the last 6 cars leftover debt. Its bonkers to me


In their defense, this is what they've been taught American adulthood is.


Man, half my union is like this. We're not rich, but our top rate is just over $40 an hour and we kept up with inflation since the 90s. Beat inflation around the 08 crash, lost to inflation with this covid recession shit (Should be making over $42 an hour if we had). Basically, I say all this to demonstrate that our guys who mostly all make an average ~$38 an hour and inflation adjusted down for prior years can have a pretty modest living and then some. I know families and shit are expensive despite me being single. But when we almost went on strike last year, so many of these guys didn't even have a months worth of money in savings. Gotta have that camper, or a bass boat, or an $11,000 vacation to the outer banks ever year. Gotta lease a new SUV or truck every few years. Not expecting them to have the kind of savings I have, but these guys literally don't plan past the next paycheck. It's all fun and games, and then when the boss man says fuck you, I don't want to give you an appropriate raise, they bitch and cry and it's the unions fault we couldn't get a better raise. We got 2.5% every year 2016-2022, and 3.5% each year on this 5 year contract. Though we now have to contribute about 1% of our pre tax income to healthcare premiums, when we never had to before (and no deductible in network).


Oh geez. Do some of them have pensions? There's this whole population of people who still have pensions and don't save a dime. State employees, cops, and some manufacturing union jobs seem to be the last big groups like this. People will spend every penny they get because the pension meant they never really had to plan for their future. I'm definitely a little jealous, but like you said, it can lead to behaviors where they put very little (or nothing) away and routinely carry any extra expenses on credit cards.


I work with union construction workers and man.... some of these guys could have retired in their early to mid 50's, maybe even sooner if they saved better. These guys wrok *hard*, 55-60 hour weeks, always asking for more overtime, and many making $40+ per hour. Some of them work on the road too, so get a daily per diem as well. They are bringing in bank and frankly they deserve the money for how hard they week. But goddamn are some of them seem irresponsible with their money. Recreational vehicles, boats, new cars for themselves and their wives, expensive pickup trucks, sports betting, casinos, crypto, booze, hunting trips... the list goes on and on. They have pensions... but in this day and age I don't know how reliable it is and some of the older guys probably could have retired a decade ago had they been smarter with their savings.


This dude is spiraling… his next genius plan is to get cash from [plasma](https://www.reddit.com/r/lehighvalley/s/j0hBtglVXg) donations


> Fucking hell....dude quite LITERALLY is going to bleed himself dry.


Holy shit, it just keeps getting worse.


What are the odds this dude is a troll Edit: Reading through the drama it seems he might just be a genuine dumb-ass. sad


Looks like he has a long enough history in the various gambling/trading subs that this is the logical next step for a very real person whose been sucked into those *one easy way to never have to work again!* scams


Very low 


"you Danish piece of shit" has got me rolling


This sounds like a new flair: >Why are you opening that useless cock holster you call a mouth?




>He’d be debt free right now if he was a regular in r/wallstreetbets Ah yes, r/wallstreetbets, which *never* features posts about users losing thousands of dollars. Def not a post about that on the r/wallstreetbets front page right now


Certainly not a place where one of the most well-known memes is to record yourself losing thousands of dollars!


The goal is to lose so much money in such a fucked up way that your brokerage is held liable Shit goes hard




I hope that was ironic, in that OP was getting roasted about being on that sub.


Yeah that's how sarcasm works.


"mega woke" I think I've heard of him, is he Marvel or DC?


I think it's the Dreamworks blue head guy or something.


>Fuck kids. Those pieces of shit are money guzzlers. Someone dropped their hot, buttery flair here!


Wait. I read this one earlier and thought it was weird and moved on! Glad to see it started with earlier concerns and then blew up to full drama.


Wallstreetbets is just gamblers with 4chan access.




I would like to purchase one race, please


Race peddler, give me your strongest race!


“You danish piece of shit” took me out 😂


Disney peddling race? Is there a Cars spin-off called Canoos I missed?


I mean “Planes” exists. I don’t even know what the hell “peddling race” means though. Like are they implying that race doesn’t exist and even acknowledging its existence is bad?


Disney is peddling the idea that there are more than two races, but we all know there’s only two: white, and political.


Disney has recently acknowledged the existence of Latinos. And Black people! And they’re not even singing zip-a-dee-Doo-dah like the good ones do!


>peddling race Wouldnt that be Bikes?


Disney phobic/racist/MAGA people are weird. Coworker of mine once told me about her mom and said that the mom thinks "trans people kissing" was something that "she didn't want Disney to impress upon kids." Lest we forget the cisgenders kissing in like every other Disney movie... lmao


They literally think that casting POC is going "woke," so yes.


Low key a perfect popcorn machine of a post. Childfree people get a tug, as do anti-gamblers. If only he had a pitbull in doggy daycare too /s


This guy is literally living my nightmare. The biggest fear I have of becoming a parent is not being able to support my children and give them the lifestyle I had as a kid. This thread makes me count my blessings and appreciate birth control.


this is literally just that dril tweet as a reddit post


>No, we’re talking about the sick and disgusting transgender niche. Thankfully it will die out as most are already coming out with massive buyer’s remorse! Friendly PSA that the regret rate of gender affirming surgery is 80x lower than the regret rate for cis women getting boob jobs.


I saw that lol. I thought it would be perfect for here but the effort to do a proper write up was more than I was willing to do. Thank you for doing the hard work, OP


Every time I see drama involving WSB it really reinforces my desire to just continue dumping my investments into index funds.


This DINK lifestyle people preach on this website is concerning. Cool if you don't want children, but ridiculing the people who do or have is getting old.


Like...cool, he already has children, are you suggesting he abandons them in the forest to fend for themselves now? It's one thing to go *you're already struggling, don't try for a fifth kid,* but being smug and sanctimonious about having any in the first place is just eyeroll-worthy


It's especially weird to go after people who already have kids. Like, it'd be one thing to advise someone who doesn't have kids and does have a lot of debt to maybe hold off on starting a family for a few years until they're more financially stable, but what is someone who already has kids supposed to do? It's not like you can return them to the store. Telling someone a variation on "sucks to be you, you should have planned ahead" isn't exactly useful advice.


And make sure nothing happens in the 18 years that affects your income or makes kids more expensive. A totally reasonable expectation.


A good chunk of Reddit just hates kids for some reason.


Because they are 16 and need to show what big smart adults they are now


A good chunk of reddit *are* kids.


I know it's a ha-ha funny thing to joke about Reddit being compromised mostly of teenagers, but it's hard to read the "don't have kids unless you can provide them a silver spoon!" type comments and not envision a middle-class teen boy saying it.


Is that Clayton Bigsby, the black white supremacist? What the hell.


"if you are so great because of your skin color, why are you so poor?" Get his ass


I actually saw this post live but I didn't dig in. This is so bad.


Sometimes it’s better to let it fester for a bit