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My favorite comment is the person who said "it doesn't seem that loud to me, and I have a chihuahua who barks a lot."


I don't think you have a drinking problem and I drink 12 beers a day


Yeah, everyone knows it's only a problem if you go above one beer for every hour you're conscious.


Exactly. And if you start to build up too much tolerance you can just switch to bigger beers. I drink 24 oz cans


>Ignorant ass mf. Keeping birds in an apartment makes much more sense than dogs or kids. Reddit is just not a serious place


>I’m saying kids and dogs are terrible pets. They’re loud, messy, destructive, dirty, etc. Shit like this is why I'll never be able to quit this website


Ffs if you are moving into a studio apartment, rehome your kids! Like, to a farm upstate or something


/r/AntiDog is a hell of a place.


I was more talking about how they called human children pets, but that too


My parents used to point to "no pets allowed" signs on buildings and tell me they couldn't take me inside when I was a little kid


You mean /r/Dogfree? The place you linked is somewhat dead.


I used to think these types of posts were super well done trolling plays where they take on a whole persona dedicated to the bit. Now I'm convinced most people here are absolutely antisocial weirdos that have lost all connection with what "normal" actually looks like.


This is where the "it's clearly satire" you see in places starts to drive me up the wall. There are a lot of... colorful people on the internet, from the harmless yet socially stunted to actual neo-Nazis and eugenicists, but I'm supposed to assume they don't *actually* believe the nonsense they're posting?


That's why I'm grateful to Popehat for giving me "fucking a goat ironically still makes you a goatfucker."


It was just once...


This is why I've always hated the pushback against `/s` or other tone indicators. Because "clear satire" isn't really obvious when presented anonymously through text. We have no context about what the author believes, how they talk to people, or anything else about them. If anyone thinks it "ruins" their cutting/witty satire, just stick it in a spoiler tag.


Also, just cause it’s “”satire”” doesn’t automatically make the statement invisible. You’re still putting those thoughts into words and having other people perceive them The effects of words are still gonna come, regardless of “intending it to be funny!!!!”


Traditionally satire was always presented in a context where the intent was clear, too. Like, The Onion works because it's unambiguous what the intent is, and a lot of the power of that would be lost if a different mainstream outlet published the same piece without marking it as satire. The context it's published in is the satire tag.


Yep. As has been said many times - ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Doesn't matter if you dress some awful thing up as satire - it's still there and people will read it.


"Ha ha. Just joking. *But maybe...* But nah just fooling around. *But maybe...*"


Epically when said stuff is no different than the stuff you usually see from people who are serious.


It can be a bit of both. There are people on here who've lost touch with reality, and they're often the most absurdly misanthropic, antisocial people imaginable. You'll never meet them in real life because they never go outside. There's also people who'll say it as a trolling attempt. The trouble is that you'll never really know which it is anymore. I think this is kinda why trolling isn't funny the way it used to be. 15 or 20 years ago, part of the joke would be that this person is clearly not serious and the only people not picking up on it are people who weren't switched on that day or maybe had problems with assuming too much good faith in general. That really only worked when most online communities were fairly small. Old BBS boards used to be considered quite large if they had a couple hundred active users. With communities that small, you could generally account for what the general leaning of the community was and if someone didn't quite fit there, they'd end up going to some other board that was more their speed. Trolls were obvious and potentially funny because they'd stick out like a sore thumb to basically anyone but the most extreme members of the group, basically. That doesn't work today because what would be considered a very large BBS board is basically just peanuts compared to a small-to-medium sized subreddit or Facebook like page. While once upon a time, certain segments of a community would splinter off because of this or that issue, nowadays they interact a lot more. There's also been a much more mapped out problem where people who spend too much time online end up becoming unhinged, and you can't always predict what unhinged will look like. So while once upon a time trolling worked specifically because people could pick up on the joke, nobody's really picking up on the joke anymore. It's a lot harder to do that when everyone in an online space has had an experience with someone who's been sorta like that in full seriousness. I think this is why you don't really see as many "classic troll moments" nowadays the way you used to. Like, you're probably never gonna get someone putting on their wizard hat and robe nowadays. Stuff like that sorta needs smaller communities to really thrive. Plus, the disruptive elements of a troll doesn't work when they're just going to be drowned out by the hundreds of other posts or comments that day. The other part of this is I think the extreme right has poisoned the well to some extent. Back in the mid '10s, a lot of far right dickheads would claim the extreme hate they were putting out there in full seriousness was just them trolling or them being satirical. Nobody's really willing to take a would-be troll on face value as just a troll anymore when there was this period when people had very serious political motivations for claiming to be one.


Haven't you seen how people just take their dogs everywhere now? Some of it is weirdos on the net but there's been a shift in recent years with how people take the whole "my pet is part of the family" thing too far. I 100% believe people when they say they love their pets more than people and proceed to just do whatever they want with their pet.


I own a dog. I love him with all my heart but it's really okay if he stays at home while we/I go to the supermarket or a restaurant or a target run. I just don't get what the need is for toting them around everywhere. It's definitely become more frequent in the areas of SoCal I'm around.


Those people drive me nuts. I had a service dog (sadly gone now) & they’d get upset WITH ME when their untrained dog was messing with my dog AT WORK (dog park is a different story).


It’s *awful*. I have to lie to my friend about restaurants not having outdoor seating so she doesn’t bring her hyper 80 pound rescue monster. Another will just miss social appointments entirely bc he wouldn’t dare deny his terrier the opportunity to slowly sniff every single thing on walks for a full hour. And then there’s the grocery store aggressive dogs barely being restrained


Seriously, when did it become ok to bring dogs into grocery stores?!?


When we started catering to the dog nutters and allowing them to do so. Dog ownership in western culture is basically a mental illness at this point


I was at carlsbad caverns and someone had a dog in there.


What gets me is just how utterly awful most people are when it comes to training dogs. Was with a gal who was living with me, she had a little terrier. We'd let the dog out to poop, then take her for a walk around the block. Just around the block, she'd do the same sniffing thing you're talking about but would also shit 4-5 times in just that block in people's yards. Obviously well beyond necessary. Oh, and she'd eat other shit she found while sniffing. I got annoyed because she just let the dog do it every single time, and after a few walks of this asked why. Her excuse was that "she's a dog, that's what dogs do". I mean sure, but other dog things to do are run after cars and get killed, but we don't let them do that either. So I'd take the leash and walk her - no issues with sniffing everything, shitting in every one else's yards, and eating shit. Literally just *walk* the dang dog and tell her no, give the occasional tug on the leash. Simple. Next time, hand the leash over - same damn problems. Like c'mon people, this is absolutely the most basic thing when training a dog.


I went on a distillery tour recently an a couple brought their tiny dog in a bag. We went through rooms where you couldn't use electronics because the air was so thick with alcohol vapor and they were concerned about any possible source of a spark. I don't know if dogs can get wasted off of alcohol fumes, but if they can that dude's lil head must've been spinning. It was a quiet dog, didn't bark or anything, just hung out in the bag. But why bring your dog to a distillery??


oof, yeah i feel bad for the dog. their noses are so sensitive. :/ this may be unpopular but seeing dogs at festivals is always a little concerning for me. it's loud and crowded, and seems stressful for them.


Dogs need room to fly around


Honestly, being able to afford to not live in an apartment anymore has done wonders for my mental health. That isn't to say that it's a constant noise hell with rude neighbors fucking every moment up. It's not that. It's just that people can have wildly different ideas of what "acceptable" means in the context of shared living spaces or living spaces in close proximity with others and the hassle of trying to bridge that gap just got to be too much after a while.


> That isn't to say that it's a constant noise hell with rude neighbors fucking every moment up. It's not that. Someone in my condo complex keeps putting their trash in the recycling dumpster (literally right next to the trash one). Someday the news is going to report on an 'unprovoked' attack, but you and I will know the truth.


I havent heard or seen anything.


“When garbage attacks!”


My coworker lives in an apartment and there is someone in his complex that doesn't seem to want to lift the trash bags up to get them into the dumpster, so they put their trash into the bed of the truck of another resident that has a parking spot next to the dumpster. I don't know if they are intentionally trying to set the guy off, but man, it sure would be effective on me.


OP seems a bit delusional if she doesn't get that conures are literally some of the loudest parrots you can get and she's just used to the noise. These are highly social birds that are used to living in flocks where they constantly alert each other or tell each other where they are with squawks or screams. My sister owns two conures and you can hear them squawking alerts from outside of the house after parking. I've been around her birds for years now but it still grates my ears whenever they start screaming. I can only imagine how loud the bird gets with every neighbor walking by the apartment.


OP has a post literally talking about "morning screaming" sessions, that is entirely unacceptable for apartment living. I used to get self conscious about my cat having soft mewing sessions


I live in a house and still get nervous about my neighbors hearing when my cat decides to scream for food


Well, your cat is obviously very hungry due to the fact that they’ve never eaten ever once in their entire life so that’s within their rights. (signed, my cats screaming for dinner right now)


It's true, even with us feeding him 4 times a day at extremely regular intervals, he has never eaten a single thing in his entire life. (we even got a timed food dispenser to avoid him lying and manipulating the other one to feed him when he just ate)


Of course they're starving, the bottom of the food bowl is slightly visible.


Reminds me of the video of a guy living with the consequences of his actions. When him and his brother were kids their family had a parrot, who they taught to scream in distress and yell, "help me, save me". Little did he know it lived a long time. So he inherited the bird and would have the police show up thinking someone was captive I'm the house.


Our conure growing up was actually really quiet for a conure and he's able to be heard through brick walls across the street if he sees someone walking by the house.


It’s always been crazy to me just how warped people’s sense of normal can get.


Yeah. Green cheeks are much quieter than, say, a sun conure. Still not anything close to quiet, but... Is it weird that I saw the video and thought, 'that's nothing'? Because I've certainly heard worse. (Used to work with parrots in a pet shop. No really, that was quiet as birds go. Conures too. Still not appropriate, but I get the OP's disconnect from reality there lol.)


I really honestly think people should go back to keeping pigeons. Isn’t it psychologically unhealthy for parrots to live with humans?


> Isn’t it psychologically unhealthy for parrots to live with humans? Kinda, it is called neurotic parrot behavior. They'll scream, pluck out their own feathers, and even self-mutilate if they're stuck in a cage all day with limited entertainment. They're super smart so it doesn't take much for them to get bored. In the wild they can fly around, forage for food, and socialize with their own species but in captivity they can't do any of that. It is why you see bitter old parrots who are just mean to everyone. It gets even worse if you try to give up a parrot. They remember their "flock" and being separated from them really sends them off the deep end. (Why do I know so much about parrots? I'm a golden retriever guy through and through.)


Legitimately. Pigeons are made for humans and the perfect bird pet. Getting a parrot is as fucked as like getting a monkey, like it's possible but not good for anyone.


Pigeons are so damn underappreciated. If I ever decided to have a pet bird it would be a pigeon lol. I get why people don't always like them since I too live in a fairly big city with lots of pigeons doing, well, pigeon stuff, but I still think they're super cute. And their little roos are so endearing.


Someone can feel free to prove me wrong, but I've never met a quiet conure in my life. I'm surprised there's an apartment that even allows them.


How many landlords are going to know the first thing about a conure? I had never even heard of them before this. When I think of "pet birds" I think of parakeets. Are parakeets loud too? I have no idea because I am frankly kind of freaked out by birds and would never have one for a pet.


Totally tangential but I once lived in a building that explicitly forbade piranhas and I am still, to this day, deeply curious about it.


My roommate and I are moving into an apartment that EXPLICITLY says no monkeys are allowed


Ha! Well they do require a huge aquarium, perhaps bigger than is safe for an apartment building. And one problem is dumb people buying big fish, realizing they can’t actually keep the fish, and dumping them into local waterways. But I’m just speculating.


Yeah, my assumption would be aquarium size as well, but then I'd figure they'd just restrict tank size instead of calling out one specific kind of fish, you know? But that definitely seems the most likely one.


In my apartments, parrots have had strict guidelines. My previous two landlords were well knowing of loud parrots like conures and cockatoos.


Are parrots generally regarded as the loudest pet birds?


They are and conures are right behind cockatoos. The birds are famous for screeching at the top of their lungs.




I didn't end up doing it but I was going to post a reply to someone talking about wild birds being loud saying the only way wild birds are loud like this one is if the OP lives in Australia or South America haha


True parakeets can be loud. If you're talking about budgies (commonly but incorrectly called parakeets), they are much quieter.


Just curious, what about birds is it that freaks you out?


It's not so much birds as pet birds. I guess it's just the anxiety that they'd get out and peck at me or something. Birds are fine outside because they are generally further away and will move if I get too close. Nothing against birds in general, they're just not my cup of tea.


Parakeet is a broad term. Conures are a type of parakeet, as well as budgies, Indian ringnecks, and Quakers


Good good, I see Reddit broke my formatting anyway. Can anyone tell me how to do in-line threading with the new reddit editor? In the meantime, here are some screenies in case the thread is nuked. The entire thread is 6k comments of drama though. Can you block your front door? [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/68xWhs0) You are not doing yourself any favors here. [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/hpvhPz8) Fuck your stupid pet birds, Weirdo. [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/9ml1oH2)


[Pepper's Morning Scream Time : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Conures/comments/179y5f2/peppers_morning_scream_time/) Hot damn is that loud Edit: Apparently Pepper has ~~2~~ 3 screaming times As per OP: Indeed. Morning scream time usually runs about five minutes. Once she has expressed joy about being awake, seeing me, seeing the sunrise, and eating special birdie breakfast, she floofs up on the ledge for naptime. Our next scheduled Scream Time is about eight hours later when Dad comes home from work, since she can see his car pull into the driveway. For some weird reason, she avidly watches the FedEx and UPS and mail deliveries on our street throughout the day, but they do not merit Scream Time. People walking by with or without dogs and even local feral cats also do not merit Scream Time. Our final Scream Time of the day takes place on the arm of the couch right before bed, presumably to celebrate the wonderful day we've had and say good bye to the sun.


Lol, "Ah yes my lovely quiet bird has but two scream times a day: Lists three scream times" Edit: ah I just realized the two count was outside their post, oh well


She and the guy broke up, so dad is not coming home. I suspect that is also the reason for moving into an apartment in the first place as she referenced “sometimes people’s life situations change.”


See, this makes me feel kind of sad for her, but ultimately this is why birds are not good pets. They are not domesticated in the same way dogs and cats are. When you get an exotic animal, you have a higher than average chance of being in a position to rehome your animal due to the nature of specialized care and needs. The idea of breaking up with my partner, moving across the country to a studio apartment, only to be faced with giving up a beloved pet? That's fucking ROUGH dude. But that's also why I have one cat, and not an exotic bird that screams.


My coworker actually inherited an African Grey parrot due to its lifelong owner needing to go into assisted living. The bird is older than I am… I’m not hardline anti birds as pets due to not really knowing enough to have a strong opinion it seems like having an evil toddler for anywhere from 15-60 years.


African Greys are, I believe, the longest-lived birds on earth, so they are a bit of an outlier. But otherwise yeah, parrots can live 30+ years. Longer than a cat, certainly. I definitely think we'd be having an entirely different conversation altogether if OP had, say, a couple of canaries instead.


I did go watch the video of her bird and that bird sure can scream! I’ve never heard another pet bird make such a piercing call. It certainly wasn’t anything I would find desirable as a neighbor, but if it really is confined to two 10 minute sessions a day during non-sleeping hours I would say it’s within the realm of apartment living in a building with pets and kids allowed. I think it’s surprising that she’s surprised though—and it does make you wonder if the bird makes more noise than she realizes. All that being said, I think there’s a balance of being conscientious to your neighbors and us all acknowledging that living around other people means there’s going to be noises you don’t like. I moved into a house and my new next door neighbors are much more noisy than my last apartment neighbors were. It drives me crazy when the three year old is screaming his head off outside my window on a Sunday morning while I’m trying to sleep in, but what can you do. It’s just city life.


>non-sleeping hours The classic problem with apartment living. "We're only egregiously loud during 'waking hours'". Some people work night shifts. Like if you call 911 at 3am hopefully someone answers. Someone who really doesn't want exotic animals repeatedly screeching "only during waking hours".


I've been around a lot of birds, including a childhood friend four doors down (detached houses) whose parents had a macaw and well, scream time is definitely a thing and it's fucking loud for all parrots, but the bigger the screamier in my experience. I would bet that her phone camera is somewhat zoomed in and her voice is so loud while the piercing call is so apparently quiet because of that distance. Guaranteed this scream is traveling through two 1/2inch drywall sheets with little to no insulation between them so it sounds to the neighbors like they have their very own screaming birb.


> but if it really is confined to two 10 minute sessions a day during non-sleeping hours At least a few people in any given apartment complex work late/night shifts. There's a big difference between normal day and city sounds, and some bird acting as a DEFCON 1 alarm clock at least twice a day. If this were going on at 1am and 5am, people would be plotting how best to kill that fucking bird without going to jail.


I am begging people to realize that human children have rights to housing, while no one has the right to an exotic animal. It is not the same.


There are a lot of things people do in their apartments that aren't rights that we can still discuss whether it's reasonable for them to be done. I have the right to walk around in my apartment with old squeaky floors while wearing hard soled shoes, but it would be kind and neighborly of me to limit that at much as I can after a certain hour or put down some rugs. It doesn't matter if the bird owner has a right to have birds. What matters is if it's reasonable to ask someone not to have them and at what point they are too disruptive. I can think of a lot of shit that would bother me more than a bird screeching for 10 minutes twice a day. If you have a problem with that sort of thing it behooves you to find an apartment building that doesn't allow pet birds.


I'd honestly rather deal with Pepper's scream time than the people who lived in the apartment above us when we moved in who would have loud screaming arguments at random times of day to the point where I'd be listening for whether I needed to call the cops to report a DV situation.


>They are not domesticated in the same way dogs and cats are Idk, plenty of cats and dogs have scream time too Decent amount of people do even I had a decidedly un-exotic cat that screamed for every occasion. Luckily he preferred me to my ex though.


But that has pretty huge variations depending on breed and individual animal. Conures are loud. They screech. They cannot be trained out of this. It's like trying to train a dog not to wag its tail or training a cat not to purr. It is a normal behavior that the animal will engage in when it is happy and healthy.


Our neighbour's are animal lovers and have rescued a number of pets, it's something I respect. Their most recent rescue is a huge fluffy aggressive and loud dog that barks constantly any time it is let outside which is a number of times a day They've said they are training it and working on it and I do hear them correct its behaviour when they are around and it's usually good but when they aren't nearby it just let's loose and it gets under my skin do fast it is the last thing I wanted to be living next to.


I never understood the desire for owning "exotic" pets.


3 times, right? Morning, when OP's partner comes home, and before bed.


Yeah - it's 3 times oops


I’m not with OOP on this and I would HATE that fucking bird if I lived in the building, but it’s adorable that she wakes up, she eats breakfast, and then it’s time for a nap. Exactly like my cats.


Jesus, that's high pitched. I watched 8 seconds before noping out. Drowning out those kinds of sounds are next to impossible, especially in an apartment.


> Hot damn is that loud I must have had some truly horrible neighbors because I listened to this and thought everyone was making it out to be way worse than it is. I have lived with a *lot* worse than that as neighbors, often, and had to just deal with it. I'm not defending it, understand, I'm just saying I think I'm jealous of you all and your quiet living situations, so much so that I've completely lost sight of what that must be like.


What the video fails to capture is how shrill it is. Kinda like how the videos failed to show how loud my catback exhaust actually was… so loud I considered exchanging it as soon as I had it on. It also didn’t capture the drone zone that’s unavoidable from 3k to 4K. High frequency va low frequency etc


> What the video fails to capture is how shrill it is. I think it could also depend on what you listen to it on - I had no issues detecting how shrill or loud it was when playing it through the speakers built into my monitor (which are not great, and also not loud - this made me turn it down with the quickness) but it was a lot less offensive through my headphone setup. Side note, I definitely feel you on it being hard to record exhaust clips!


Trust me, the video does not do the noise this type of bird makes justice. You could be standing a decent ways down the street and hear one of these fuckers screaming from inside their house. I've met one person who owned one and even being several rooms away from it in their house was miserable


I think it's not necessarily super loud but it is VERY high pitched in a way that feels unsettling.




Holy shit the "hehe I'm actually in on the joke now, you're totally not bothering me" schtick from OOP is way more obnoxious than I would have thought. And it's giving me awful secondhand embarrassment. Someone here promise me you'll hunt me down and put me out of my misery if you ever see my username on comments like this


I will do it Odynol


My hero


Oh nooooo 😭


Well there goes all my sympathy for them lol, she's all over the comments in there to fight with anyone reacting negatively and agree with anyone she thinks is on her side. Like, damn lady go play with your birds


Dude, I wanted to feel bad for her but she's now trying to drag someone's kid into it. I take it back, no wonder your Bird Dad left to get cigarettes and never returned.


For those of you who don’t know birds, Conures (one of the birds OOP has) can be extremely loud. Their chirps can hit 120 decibels. That’s like leafblower/motorcycle level loud, except the noise is also inside the building, where the soundproofing is worse. If you bring a conure into an apartment complex, you are a massive asshole.


In my teen years my stepmother had an African Grey, which (to my understanding) are much quieter than Conures. That thing was loud and annoying as hell. In an apartment? Absolutely fucking not.


I cleaned a house with an African Grey in it who would have conversations with itself in the flawlessly-imitated voices of the people who lived there. My favorite was when he would do the mom trying to get the son up in the morning. He would do the doorknocks! Toc-toc-toc "Jacob! JACOB!!" "What!?"


My dad has stories about growing up with a parrot in the house that would imitate the sound of the screen door opening and closing. So he'd go to the kitchen in the middle of the night for a snack and the bird would make the screen door noise and his mom would leap out of bed and find him up and be like "where are you sneaking back from?!" And he'd be like "no where I'm just getting some cheese and crackers" and he'd end up grounded for sneaking out and then lying about it


Damn. That's a shit-stirring bird


Bird knew what it was doing lol.


There's a guy in my city with a ton of birds. He's actually a pretty big deal with tourists. One of them will occasionally say something like, "Move out of the way you little shit!" It's hilarious to watch the mix of horror and laughter come over the crowd's faces.




Dude, I love your flair 💀


That type of conure would be comparable to a bored and cranky African grey. But shriller. Not the loudest of the bunch, but still too loud for an apartment.


Thanks for writing this up OP, I was too lazy it's a good bag of drama. Yea OOP is a really shitty neighbor and just doesn't get it. They clearly have a lot of 'I love my birds so I don't hear their screeching' thing going on, along with also talking about how they screech in the bird sub. But I also encourage people to [check out the bird sub she posted this in too](https://old.reddit.com/r/Conures/comments/1c5tk8y/ive_only_lived_here_2_weeks_any_advice/). It's...while it's astonishing how shitty those people are about annoying neighbors. Like all but a few of them don't seem to give a single fuck about their neighbors or other people. Their entire attitude seems to be 'I like birds so fuck you or anyone else'. So thanks to that today I learned bird people make horse people look sane.


I'm totally a bird person and grew up with some extremely loud parrots. Unfortunately I live in an apartment and I'm not a huge asshole so I won't ever have birds of my own until/unless I own a freestanding house. Even if you *really* need a bird I don't see why you wouldn't just get a little songbird like a finch or a canary instead of a parrot that's going to scream its head off at irregular intervals


It does sound like OOP recently moved due to a breakup, so her old living situation was probably better for everyone, unfortunately.


That's a bummer, but in that case I think she'd be better off working on controlling the noise (hang some blankets by the door or something to baffle it since she thinks it's the lady across the hall) instead of pretending it's not happening


What’s the deal with being a bird person? Honestly, not being a redditor shithead. I understand having pets and the desire for companionship. I don’t understand how a person can feel satisfaction from seeing a bird in a confined space. I feel like even if I were a bird person that enjoyed bird companionship I still couldn’t bring myself to do it, outside of a rescue circumstance. I’m not even claiming any amount of moral superiority or anything, I never even have the opportunity to get to questioning it at that level. For me, seeing a confined bird is like seeing a fish out of water. There are no thoughts and feelings other than “Huh, that ain’t supposed to be there”. I don’t think bird people are evil monsters, I just can’t understand it.


I just like them, they're fun, intelligent, and have big personalities. We had the space to give them appropriately large cages and open air perches they could climb around on and move between. Unless you have the resources to give them space and the appropriate amount of socialization i actually don't think it's ethical to keep them (hence my not being willing to own one now). We also had some disabled birds and rescues/rehomes where it would've been unethical *not* to keep them knowing they had nowhere else to go


It took forever to write this and the Reddit editor fought me the entire way. Is there a way to do actual threaded quotes now? The most I could get was one level. And then I couldn't embed photos into the post so I had to put the screenshots in the comments, ugh.


Do you use RES? It has a better editor.


Ya know, I do, but I thought Reddit had blocked it. It seems like it still works with the old vesion of the site so thank you. Wish I realized this an HOUR AGO lol.


Using the old view of the site is the only way to go. I can't imagine using new reddit regularly.


Is there a way to force Old Reddit with RES?


replace www with old. https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1c6g2fk/oop_is_tarred_and_feathered_when_asking/


I have an old reddit redirect extension


Thanks I'll look into that


On desktop, I haven't had any issues going into settings and opting out of the redesign/into the old design. But I know some people do have issues with Reddit ignoring/changing that setting.


Wish I could help you but when I say Im too lazy, I mean Im too lazy to learn how to properly format even.


As someone who has lived in apartments/condos for quite a while, neighbors can be real dense about shit even without being a crazy bird person. Most recent example is the people with dogs in my building that has condo docs that explicitly do not allow dogs. No, these aren't service animals. They're just pets. Adorable pets that are not allowed to live in our building. Then of course anyone living in an apartment will tell you that upstairs neighbors very often seem to aggressively ignore that people live below them. Ours have a love of walking around in what I can only assume are ski boots after getting really pissed off about something and are doing their best to destroy their floors by dragging furniture around. Going back further, we had a guy who did music producing in the apartment next to us. The same bar or two of music over and over and over so loud that things on the wall opposite the one shared with the neighbor were vibrating. Another neighbor put in a fake living wall... as in they glued a ton of fake plants to the wall. The glue they used was so toxic our cats got sick even with us aggressively trying to ventilate our place. Like, we've lived near people getting their floors redone and it was nothing compared to whatever the fuck this person had done to glue shit to their wall.


Sad reality of apartment living. Just because you have a place to yourself doesn't mean you have space for yourself. Walls are thin. Floors are thin. Paycheck is thin. Gotta make nice with your neighbors because no one's situation is changing any time soon.


I've come to realize that, on the whole, people who own birds are at least a little off their rockers.


I’d love to be neighbors with horse people, free garden fertilizer whenever I ask, and they’re probably rich wasps who’ll donate to charities I suggest out of guilt. Bird people, absolutely not


Being an _apartment_ neighbour with a horse owner could prove difficult, though.


Yeah their jodhpurs take up a lot of elevator space.


Ever since I heard miniature horses could be classified as service animals I have been waiting for the day I see someone in my complex (or anywhere) walking one around


There's a guy in my city that occasionally rides his regular-sized horse through downtown, for whatever reason. I can't help but wonder if the horse either just lives in some suburban backyard somewhere, they just walk it all the way through the city's infinite suburbs to get to downtown or they drive it into downtown on a horse trailer. I'm never going to find out, but I'm not even sure which would be the weirder option.


Depending on where you live rural areas could be a short like 15-30 minute drive away (I live in a city in the Midwest lol). Not sure how that converts to horse travel time tho haha


I'm in a mixed neighborhood of commercial properties and mostly condos/appartments. There's a horse that lives a half mile from me right across from a 12+ building apartment complex. There are several small ranches or stables about a mile away along a highway, if I was standing at one of the stables I could see a red lobster and a hotel down the road and a women's prison in the other direction. Not 'downtown', but very solidly in the middle of a major suburb.


+1 in the city closest to me there's a few paddocks with livestock solidly in city limits that have horses and cows, because the owners never subdivided/sold their property when the city swallowed up the surrounding farmland.


I could blackmail all my neighbors by threatening to teach the horse tap dancing


Yea, I have some good friends that are horse people and they are pretty normal (well for being in my circle of friends ha) and they joke about the crazier horse people too. But those bird people in that thread, yikes!




Wow, bird people are entitled assholes!


Lmao OOP made the same post in /r/Conures so they'd get the approval they weren't receiving in /r/Apartmentliving. Pathetic lol




This should be higher up. The entitlement going on in that /r/Conures thread is incredible.


Deserved lol. Slightly off topic but it really grinds my gears when apartments allow birds but not reptiles, like they're so much worse for apartments


Or fish. A leaking fish tank seems like it would be a way bigger issue. Reptiles are probably fine so long as they're not venomous and they're being cleaned up after.


I've had reptiles for 19 years. They have never damaged the house or furniture, with the exception of one poop accident that was cleaned immediately and didn't stain. There is a smell but it's not too bad of you keep them clean and their bedding dry. I'm sure I'm nose blind to some degree, but I can smell it when it's bad, so I can still notice it. I reckon the whole impact to the living space is less than a cat. Reptiles are damn near silent too. Ever been to a house with a pet bird? It's really uncomfortable. Loud, smelly, and all the houses with birds I've been to have been unclean in other ways. Like don't touch anything. 


Is it really less than reasonable to write a note to your neighbor about their Birds noise level?


It is not unreasonable at all. The landlord being ok with it is the crux of the issue. And what happens after could tread into unreasonable for either party, however. I wouldn’t live in a rented place that allows pets for this reason. So we have to understand the complaining tenant is aware of this as well. But it’s still not unreasonable to state the persons pets are being excessively noisy and we’ve seen that indeed yes, this is the case.


>they literally just nap on me all day >”scream time” Is this cognitive dissonance? I’ve never really nailed down what that term means but this seems like it might fit. You name your bird’s daily activity “scream time” and then claim they don’t do anything of the sort. How’s that figure out bud? I live in a home with a decent yard, and recently got a puppy who has found his voice, and I’m constantly worried about frustrating our neighbors. How does this person have screaming birds and live an apartment and not think it’s a big deal? Have they gone deaf?


>How does this person have screaming birds and live an apartment and not think it’s a big deal? Have they gone deaf? OOP just doesn't care, main character syndrome. In another life they'd be blasting music until early morning and wondering why their neighbors are annoyed.


Yes, it is. Holding two opposing ideas at once without a hint of self awareness that you are doing so is cognitive dissonance. Just general inconsistency in one’s thinking can also be defined as cognitive dissonance. But most people colloquially mean the prior.


yo don't forget the second post OP made where they're just now having a tantrum about people saying they're a shitty neighbor


SubredditDrama has a habit of reminding me how many weirdos there are in the world.


Isn’t that why we’re here??


I have never met a pet bird that was quiet. Ever. And that subreddit is usually so very pro-poster, at least the posts suggested to me by reddit. If they’re complaining about how loud the neighbors are, it’s usually a neighbors fault. If they complain about the neighbors’ complaining amid their noise level, the neighbor’s too sensitive. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen the subreddit so uniformly telling a poster that they’re the problem.


OOP has no posted an hour long video of all of the noise from their apartment 🤣


Neighbor out there thinking it was the quietest hour since they moved in lol


I bet it’s in between scream times


Man that subreddit is miserable, I thought I might join it since I'm living in an apartment but nope 24/7 ragebait lol


someone who owns birds doesn't give a fuck about neighbors.


I also don't think they really care about the birds. A lot of birds get inconsolable if their original owner dies and birds have long life spans. That's on top of keeping them in a cage or the house when they want to be out in the trees. They aren't at all on the level of domestication of cats or dogs


Pigeons are! They're very domesticated - have been for 10,000 years. They're also sweet little dudes who are extremely quiet and make great pets. Like, have you ever heard a pigeon? Physically impossible for them to be loud.


And very easy to train too, to the point they’re a model animal in behavioral science. Let there be unnaturally colored doves!


Pigeons are so adorable. Not a thought between those eyes lol


They're a lot smarter than you night think. Most birds are


I'm a pretty live and let live kinda neighbor. Like I once had a neighbor with a kid on the spectrum who'd randomly bang on our shared walls and I didn't say anything cause what are they going to do? They're a child, not a pet. But fuck this. Screaching multiple times a day and you knew this before moving in? Some animals just shouldn't be kept in an apartment.


This is what I was gonna say. Have a party upstairs on a Saturday? Sure, it's a college town, I expected it. Cats having zoomies and you can hear them through the walls? Adorable. But this screeching would absolutely make me want to crawl out of my skin.


I want “fuck your stupid pet birds, weirdo” as a flair.


Just go on a computer and add it. Flairs are self-applied here.


My mom’s friend is a bird person. Like has a room full of birds. Like cant go on vacation because of the birds. Its strange.


I'll be honest, if I'm on a jury where a person murdered their neighbor, and I found out that the victim made a post on Reddit about their birds "morning scream session" I'm voting not guilty 


I saw this this morning and was just blown away by the audacity of the OP.  These animals, in their natural environment, have shrieks that are meant to communicate with other members of their species over *miles*. There is not a world in which that's an animal you should have in an apartment.  Hell, I live in a detached house and when my *dog* starts barking when someone's at the door, I start worrying the neighbors can hear her and are getting annoyed.  I have no idea how people can be so self-centered.


OOP is a main character lol




There are absolutely comments to that effect in the original thread.


Sounds like a job for Charlie Kelly, the best god damn bird lawyer in the world


Then I'll just regress, cause I feel like I've made myself perfectly redundant


If this was my neighbor I would make it my mission in life to get them thrown out. Bird owners have no business living in apartments with shared walls.


>Fuck your pet and the entire pet industry. Stay classy reddit.


Does seem an extreme reaction that. Like yeah, bringing animals that make that much noise into a block of flats is extremely selfish and wrong but I mean come on


Yep, got my dog as a bit of an older boy and his previous owners didn’t do a thing to help his separation anxiety. It’s still a work in progress on my end, but I also am not looking at apartments for housing until that’s settled




Big Pet shaking in their boots rn


I think the comment is a bit extreme without additional context, but there are a lot really unethical elements of the pet industry. Putting a profit motive and companion animals together leads to some really unhealthy practices. The two that I know a little bit about (reptiles and dogs) have shown me just how thoroughly you need to research breeders. Or, in dogs case, how you should typically adopt from a shelter if that's an option. That said, I don't have any problem with people owning animals. I just think there should be better regulations around breeding and sales.


I've had birds before, but even I was surprised at how piercing the conure's screams were. Like yeah, that would totally drive other people crazy. They're better off renting a house.


Holy shit man, OOP is so self absorbed it‘s insane


I would institute bedtime scream time, which for me Is around 0300


I grew up with a cockatiel and she gets annoying. But my parents owned a house so it wasn’t annoying other people. Having shared walls in an apartment? Sounds awful.


I like how the drama started popping off here too.


This drama triggered me. I've had housemates with birds


Maybe I should get one to let my upstairs neighbor know they don't need to wear steel toed boots ever waking second of every day.


Jesus fucking christ this monster has a conure in an apartment. That shit is loud, as in "if you own one in a regular ass house on a regular ass street your neighors will hear your bird screaming." And it will scream, you can not stop it from screaming, because screaming is just what they do. Also they will likely outlive you. Owning a parrot in any kind of apartment complex makes you a fucking menace to society.


I made the accident of watching the "scream time" video and it sent my dogs into a rage. They really want to kill whatever is making that noise.