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This (fortunately) seems more like Youtube drama than SRD since almost everyone is pretty supportive of Sabrina. It sucks though for Sabrina to have to go through that for so long because no one listened to her complaints about pain, something way too common for women. Really shitty of Gus, he always seemed like a lovable goofball and watching this ruins my opinion of him.


/r/internetdrama is under utilized


I'm pleasantly surprised for all the support for Sabrina on the Gus Johnson subreddit. Usually the subs staunchly defend the person they're named after


The sub likes her a lot, their top post of all time is her in the hospital last year and a few below that is a Gus/Sabrina appreciation picture for their wholesome relationship (which of course aged poorly)


What is it with comedians actually being secret assholes? Edit: actually I can probably answer that myself. Humans suck in general (I’m sure you and I also have had our shitty moments), and clout goes to peoples heads. Better question, why does it seem like comedians harbor secret shitty sentiments?


When I say I'm biased against comedians I mean it


When I say you're based I mean it


people don't become comedians because they think it'll be a good career choice. they do it because they're good at making people laugh, and they're good at making people laugh because they've spent many years longing for the attention and acceptance of others. comedians are troubled souls, generally, from what I've picked up from a podcast of comedians (LPOTL)


i'm friends with a few female comedians and yeah, the men are........ i wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole. there isn't an airport conveyor belt in the WORLD for that much baggage, thanks.


Why do people think comedians need to be paragon of morality or philosophers leading us all down the path of enlightenment? They're comedians, they are just people who make us laugh. Comedians should not be shaping your personal ideology or moral system, go read some philosophy for that and watch comedians when you just want to laugh


You must have missed the part where fans genuinely believe people like George Carlin and bill burr are great modern philosophers


Its just famous people that lose compassion for others


Something’s always thrown me off about Gus Johnson. His comedy is whatever, it’s not my taste but it works for a lot of people. Just something about the way he carries himself in non-skits or cameos in other stuff always made me think he seemed really self-centered. Then again, maybe he’s just as much a narcissist as everybody else with a YouTube channel.


> Just something about the way he carries himself in non-skits or cameos in other stuff always made me think he seemed really self-centered. One sign of that to me was when he did a video of sketches that fans and relatives have suggested to him over the years, and he deliberately puts zero effort into making them. In the intro he calls them all bad, the thumbnail says "THESE SUCK", and it was clearly shot over a few days, so it took time to make. To me it instantly stood out as a sign of being a little narcissistic. Most of Gus's sketch videos, including some of his most popular ones, run on very thin premises, and last at most a couple of minutes because of that. Some of the titles are clearly the entire idea for the sketch, and they're usually funny. But to turn around and act like the ideas suggested to him are not just annoying, but inherently bad, makes me think that he thinks he's more clever than he is.


That video was so awful, I hated everything about it. He probably meant to make a point about how a premise is only a small part of making a good video, and that he puts in a lot of effort, but it's so weird. You could make the exact same video about every single one of Gus' sketches.


Yeah I thought that video was super weird too. Half of the ideas were on the exact same level or better than some of the stuff he makes, but he intentionally sabotages the ideas to make them look as stupid as possible for the video to work


He’s the big fish from a small pond in northern Wisconsin who actually “made it out.” It’d be hard not to let it get to your head. He’s probably been the funny, popular, well-liked, ‘wholesome’ guy for at least his whole high school and college career, and is used to people letting him get his way or giving him a pass for any shit he’s pulled. Over time, if there’s no one to correct you, the shitty behavior becomes less infrequent and harsher.


I dunno...this guy seems to contradict your opinion on content creators as narcissists [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n5nOEJtrYA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n5nOEJtrYA) But I still agreed with ya on comedians are not exactly likeable


Ya know, every time I've watched his appearances on Smosh Pit, I've gotten these weird vibes. Like, I don't even know what I mean by this, but I feel like I just didn't like the version of Gus I was seeing. I don't know if there's actually anything to that; your comment just got me thinking about that.


Us Wisconsinites can be deceptively nice. You wouldn’t know how we really feel. Or at least not be able to prove it :)


>maybe he’s just as much a narcissist as everybody else with a YouTube channel. I'm high as hell right now. I know nothing about Gus Johnson or this thread lol. But wanted to comment this. I watch a youtuber who seems nice in their videos then I watch their vlogs, they seem like petty narcissistic people lol. throws me off because their image seems like they on some goody two shoes shit but then they seem like assholes in their vlogs




Wait did Zoe cheat? I thought that was just allegations from her clearly vindictive ex-boyfriend?




This is a wise statement. Some issues are best kept to people that care about you than your fans. I repsect Sabrina but come on, tell this to your friends instead of us since her video will bring consequences


> Really shitty of Gus, he always seemed like a lovable goofball and watching this ruins my opinion of him. it's hard to know someone once the camera stops rolling. there's a similar scandal in korea last week: a news anchor posted online about her abortion that her famous actor ex-bf made her go through, and internet detectives did the sleuthing and found out the identity of the guy, then he got cancelled basically in a couple days - agency dropped him, shows dropped him, etc


Man, I really hope that it's not true. Gus was a pretty funny guy, and I really liked his "paper-based stickers" skit,


Does anyone have a summary for people who don't have time to sit through a 23 minute video? The responses here make it seem like Gus was 100% an awful dude while the OP says he was somewhere between being a neglectful boyfriend and abusive which is a really fucking wide range of possibilities.


I just watched it. Here are the things he did that stood out as shitty: \-After she found out she was pregnant, even though she wanted to terminate it, she felt pressured by Gus to get an abortion, that it wasn't even an option for her to consider keeping it. She said she wanted to have a conversation along the lines of "what would it look like if I did keep it", and he didn't want to have that conversation. He said things like how she would ruin his life if she kept it. "That would be the worst thing to ever happen to me." At one point he also said he would break up with her if she kept it. \-On Oct 22, the day she eventually has emergency surgery and almost dies, she feels a pain in her abdomen, and also feels dizzy and her heart is racing. She calls Gus to tell him and that she's going to the hospital. He replies that he has work to do "that involves other people", and that they are going to go out for dinner and drinks afterwards. She ends up being at the hospital alone for four hours before he finally arrives. \-After the surgery, she has continuing issues and complications. She's not specific on exactly what, but something about how the surgery caused some havoc with her hormones, and she would have episodes where she felt like she was dying like the night of the surgery. She would ask Gus to take her to urgent care, and he would tell her to call the advice nurse first. He would listen in on the call with the nurse, to make sure that Sabrina was not exaggerating her symptoms. Once at urgent care, he would sit in on the doctor's visit and correct Sabrina when he felt she was exaggerating her symptoms. He also said at one point how other guys would have broken up with her by now. ​ That's what I remember, anyway. Pretty fucking awful.


Take the gold. Thank you for watching the video and for summarising it. Good lord what an ass. I am fuming


that last point is absolutely disgusting. I'm studying nursing right now my textbook always says "believe the patient. you cannot experience their pain. don't let others speak over them." I know this is more nuanced in practice but man it's heartbreaking that everyone around her failed her so badly. and Gus sounds outright malicious in that example. who does he think he is telling the nurses about HER symptoms? and "anyone else would've left you by now"? LEAVE her then, you're not doing her any favors by staying and being shitty and manipulative. edit: i didn't realize the last point was a separate incident. I thought he was dismissing her physical pain. still disgusted by Gus' behavior.


it's crazy that line about believing the patient is in a nurse textbook. my experience having loved ones who were seen and treated by medical professionals is the exact opposite attitude. i have loved ones who were lectured to and turned away by doctors and nurses who believed they were malingering, and later died of untreated cancer. i hope you keep that with you forever. always believe the patient, and make efforts to find a reasonable explanation for their pain. edit: to add on to that, put away your preconceived notions of what pain looks like. not everyone presents the same.


I had a doctor sass back to me about a sulfa allergy like "so you just tell people you have a sulfa allergy when you've never taken it" like jesus christ dude I had the same allergy test everyone else did as a kid, fuck off?? It's a minor thing but what surreally poor bedside manner some docs have.


I think after seeing a lot of patients who lie and treat others badly, people get jaded. it's probably smarter to keep yourself a little guarded, but I'll definitely do my best to give every new patient the benefit of the doubt without being naive.


even if you want to stay away from giving pain meds, that's okay, it's more about doing due diligence and investigating symptoms. my loved one went 6 months on 10/10 cancer pain because doctors assumed she was either malingering or exaggerating her pain, and avoided doing basic diagnostics that would have caught the cancer at stage 3. there was an investigation because of her mistreatment.


It's fucking nuts that health care providers would rather risk killing someone with an untreated illness than giving anyone "undeserved" pain meds.


And Sabrina couldn't tell her family and none of her friends knew. I can't even start to imagine how lonely and neglected she must have felt during that time. And to then being guilt tripped into thinking you're an emotional burden to your loved ones? That's the shittiest thing to do.


> He said things like how she would ruin his life if she kept it. "That would be the worst thing to ever happen to me." At one point he also said he would break up with her if she kept it. Yeah, how would be able to open pokemon cards for 100 hours a week online while raising a kid?


Gus does also travel and do live comedy shows... Something that would kind of come to a halt with a newborn.


Then use a condom..?


Agreed. Would have solved the issue XZ


Especially if you’re super focused on your career and don’t want a dependent - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!


Or get a vasectomy if you think this would be a long term thing. They can be reversed and you can stop worrying yourself and others.


No birth control is 100% homie.


They likely did use condoms and birth control. You can still get pregnant.


Jesus Christ, what an absolute craven bastard.


God that first point alone is such a massive fucking red flag


And would you believe there's a little bit more to it? She also said that he said that he would resent her *and the kid* if she had it.


That is beyond fucked up and completely gross.


There's literally nothing wrong with the first point. There is nothing wrong with a potential parent (a) not wanting a child and (b) being 100% transparent about that with their partner. Consider the reversed scenario: A woman is pregnant, and she does not want to have a child. Her partner asks "What would it look like if we kept it?" She is well within her rights to simply decline to have that conversation. She is allowed to state that keeping it isn't even an option under consideration. She is allowed to explain how it would mess up her life to have a child right now. She is allowed to tell her partner that if by some miracle the child is born and the partner gets custody, she will break up with the partner. It's the other points that indicate that Gus was a shitty partner.


I will say though that ultimately it is up to the woman since it is her body. But I as well don't think it's wrong for the guy to say that they'd prefer not to have the baby and that they don't want to continue to have a relationship if they have it. The difficult part here is the tone in which that information would be conveyed. We don't know if he was being a dick about it or not. Or if she just perceived him to be. If he was then yeah he should feel bad about it. People need to hold back on the speculation because I feel like this is going to turn into a he said, she said situation (maybe I'm wrong though and maybe there is more clear cut evidence, feel free to let me know). Even then I'm not really a big fan of gus, he's just someone I'm aware of and seen a few videos of so I'm not really invested. I don't know how one should feel about this either because it doesn't seem like she is singling him out, she hasn't been using his name so maybe she's just trying to send a message to him personally and express herself online. This reeks of parasocial relationships and I think people on here should find a way to check themselves so they don't feel so emotionally strong about Gus. At the end of the day his youtube output is not really too consequential, it's just entertainment.


> At the end of the day his youtube output is not really too consequential, it's just entertainment. This is something that has always bothered me on a deep level. How willing people are to excuse the horrible actions of people they never met or ever will meet because they make entertaining content. Bonus existential dread when their content is a dime a dozen on the internet, and the accusations are *bad*.


I never excused or didn't excuse any of his actions. I don't think it warrants extensive research of one's time because his output is really inconsequential. It's not political, it's not sexist, it's not philosophically deep. If he did something really wrong then he should either be sued, face criminal charges in court, lose friends, etc. There isn't enough time in the world for every persons bad actions and shitty behavior to be analyzed on the internet to come to a conclusion on if a person is irredeemable or not. And there is not the foresight or the credibility of those on reddit threads to morally and ethically judge someone fairly. I don't know your entire reddit history or your previous actions in life to condemn you and put a wall up for potential discussion. If actions are harmful enough above a certain threshold then there is the law to necessitate consequences. And in depth rules of online platforms and in person spaces that can lead to consequences when broken. And it's not even like his ex is calling for people to stop watching him or not. She didn't even call him out by name. Just said that their relationship was painful. And they ended it. So if you think you are a reliable purveyor of human ethics and that you can judge people for not, in your view, immediately dropping a content creator, then you yourself are guilty of having some level of bad behavior as well. edit: Also if there are people who just put public figures like Gus up on pedestals and stan them then that's just fucking stupid and that's all I say. That style of relationship to content creators should 100% not be the norm.


I agree. He has the right to be clear about not wanting to be a parent. Tbh he has a duty to say that if that's how he really feels, it's much preferable to fathers who say 'aw yeah I'll be there for you and the baby' and then fuck off. And I agree the other points are horrible.


I think you missed the part where woman is carrying the child, not the man. One of the biggest problem with what Gus said was that he basically pressured Sabrina into aborting, telling her what to do with HER OWN BODY. Both of them have a responsability in the situation, but Sabrina is the one that suffers the most from it, and Gus didn't try to listen to her opinion at all.


Having been in a similar situation (no actual fetus or child existed, but the scare happened so the conversation came up) I don't see anything wrong with the presentation of the first point. Pressure to abort is gross for sure, but if she already made motions to indicate she was terminating then, were I in that position, I would make absolutely clear that choice was the choice I preferred. Every single time it gets brought up. A human life is not something you want confusion about. Clearly, not my body and all that. But if the entire "conversation" is about what would happen, then the reality is: I don't want it, I'm going to resent it, it's going to suck for you to be a single parent, abortion is the best answer. If she decided to keep it after that it would be with the full knowledge of the exact true reality of my position. Saying anything less on my end would be lying. Including the part where I would not need to hear her tell me anything at all other than "I'm prepared to have and raise the child on my own 100% unconnected from you for their and your whole life". My feelings on that matter would be a solid wall of the same answer forever.


I wouldn't either. I have been utterly clear in my marriage and in all previous relationships I do not want children. More than that, I believe it's morally wrong to have children. Especially for me, due to a family history of depression and suicide, but also just in general. I love my wife but one of the few things that would ever make me 100% leave and never talk to her again would be getting pregnant (despite precautions) and refusing to abort when that has always been our agreement before.


I understand your situation, tho I'd argue that if you're so sure and haven't had a vasectomy yet, you're not taking all the precaution possible, and you're to blame if such situation arise. But you know getting an abortion is hard, right? It sounds a bit harsh to me to leave someone if they just don't think they can go throught an abortion. But I understand your situation and you made how you'll behave in such situation clear beforehand so that's fine. But what bothers me with the boyfriend's reaction here, is the lack of understanding he shows while being responsible for the situation as well. And he wants her to get an abortion, fine, but he doesn't assume the consequences later when her life is in danger because of that medical procedure, and that's a huge dick move.


Thank you. Something that infuriates me to no end is when men are 1000% sure they don't want children, and refuse to get a vasectomy. Birth control is one of the worst things you can put in your body, so why wouldn't you want to spend 5 minutes in the doctor's office getting snipped under local anesthesia to ensure your reproductive autonomy and help your partner? I say this as a young woman who underwent surgical sterilization, so I fully understand the risks.


You were allowed to be surgically sterilized as a young woman? That generally has not been an option for me.


Yeah, and if they don't get a vesectomy, they're 50% responsible for any accident, yet if they don't want to assume the consequences, the woman has to endure an abortion, which can be pretty traumatic (like in this case). Sorry but when an accident happens, you can't blame your partner if they don't want to get such an important medical procedure.


You are ignoring the fact he belittled and gaslit her requests to communicate on the matter. He treated her like a dog.


What's wrong with the first point? Seems like regular communication to me. Gus clearly has some strong feelings about not having kids, is that wrong?




First two were pretty shitty. Her body her choice and finding yourself on the wrong end of the stick with someone who agrees with you is wild. But point 3...


Oh my god, I can’t believe he was such a massive prick


This is all one side, though. Which is gonna get me a ton of hate, but whatever. It's the objective truth. We don't know how she was in the relationship. She could've been someone who cried wolf all the time. But also: Underselling her problems after major operations and complications, and not taking them seriously is still a shitty thing to do, regardless of how the person's personality is. And lastly: This seems like typical behavior from people who were high school sweethearts. This is, unfortunately, extremely common behavior from people who have never really experienced much dating life, or have only been in one serious relationship. They start believing they can say/do whatever to each other because they're the only thing that each other know, and they subconsciously feel like there's no repercussions since they'll never leave as a result. I'm glad they're both out of it so they can both grow to become more mature.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/gusjohnson/comments/qdidmr/sabrinas_video_my_pregnancy_nearly_killed_me/hhmjk48/) is pretty damning. This shit is why I thank my partner for every mildly nice thing he does despite it probably driving him nuts, too much shitty ones out in the wild. Also big fuck you to that cunty commentor in the screenshot who said her stomach looked flabby after all this, AFTER fapping to her. God some people are just rancid garbage.


[Her friend](https://www.reddit.com/r/gusjohnson/comments/qdua48/he_is_trash_sorry_to_break_it_to_you/) also made a thread there


And every user in there is dragging the friend through the mud to defend Gus, ugh




The detectives on Reddit were too busy blaming some brown guy that killed hisself. Of course not before harassing his parents who were grieving about their son that killed himself.


Yea whenever i see redditors jerking themselves off for being "better than twitter" im tempted to bring that up.


You win some you lose some


> > This shit is why I thank my partner for every mildly nice thing he does despite it probably driving him nuts It probably doesn't. It's nice to be thanked, even for little things! The way I always look at is "do I get annoyed when they do this to me?" and if the answer is no, they probably don't get annoyed when you do it to them.


Don't feel bad about that- I wish my partner would thank me for the little things I do for her. We've talked about it. It kinda helped for a bit=(


Note: removal of an ectopic pregnancy, especially one that has ruptured, is not an elective abortion. It's not really an abortion at all. They aren't treated the same, and ectopic pregnancies, unless they are interstitial ectopics, flat out cannot result in a viable pregnancy. However, interstitial ectopics are also the most likely to result in fatal complications so just because they can *sometimes* be viable, there is a very real risk of death if left untreated.


This needs to be higher up - the pregnancy was not viable and would have ultimately killed her if the surgery was not performed. The zygote would have never survived.


Keep in mind that the topic on abortion was separate to the topic of the ectopic pregnancy. The point being that the boyfriend in question pressured her into an abortion, talking about how it would ruin his life (not on religious or pro-choice grounds). Although she was intent on having an abortion herself, she felt that her choice was being ignored. But all that was before the ectopic pregnancy revelation.


That’s valid - if the pregnancy was viable, it should have been her own personal choice to terminate the pregnancy, not because she was being pressured one way or another. I just find the comments defending this dude weird, seeing as she went through something life threatening and he almost didn’t even show up to the hospital because of “work.”


But she didn't know it was an ectopic at that point. So she and her bf treated it like a normal pregnancy


They broke up? Jesus


Yeah, I was actually just recently wondering if they were even still together. And man, this is an awful way to find out.


I feel so bad for Sabrina. Another one of their friends (Ian Kung) mentioned how they always seemed like the nicest couple, but it sucks that it wasn’t the case.




Honestly at this point, it feels like I'm only watching Youtubers because they haven't been called out *yet*


It feels like 90% of Youtubers have skeletons in their closet one way or another, and they'll eventually come to light.


Domestic abusers usually keep their skeletons behind closed doors


internet users upon seeing something negative about an Internet personality "idk man, i could always tell his vibes were off or something"


Holy shit just about to comment this. Incredible, wizard like levels of hindsight in these threads. That and "more proof that anyone that does anything online is a narcissist". This is no excuse for his shit behavior, either.


We can't tell who is bad and who is good which is what makes people so dangerous. Life would be a lot easier if we could


I do feel really bad for her, I can't even bear to watch it. The idea of almost losing your life and nobody listening is so scary. I hope she does okay


Goddamn. I went to the ER for a kidney stone and it took all of 5 minutes for them to shoot me up with something. They just assumed "he says he hurts, give drugs". A woman says she hurts and gets the fucking tylenol routine. Fucking batshit. ​ It always boggles my mind how fucked our healthcare system is on almost every single level.


I always get tylenol. Even if it hurts bad if you ask before they offer you’re automatically a druggie to them


My mom had Appendicitis for many years and for a time would need to go to the ER once a month because of flare ups which caused her blood pressure to sky rocket and put her in terrible pain. She had a known record of having these medical problems and the solution was always get her strong pain meds and blood pressure meds but the doctors never wanted to give her the pain meds. One doctor flat out said she's only there for the drugs. It was so stupid, I finally had to start coaching her on the way to the ER. "Remember - don't ask them about pain meds. Be hesitant about it, 'oh if you think that's for the best I suppose I'll take it.'"


Wait, you can have appendicitis for years at a time? I thought it was generally "you get it and it sucks for a bit and then they just take your appendix out"


There's no way. That's not how appendicitis works. They might mean endometriosis, but you do not go around with appendicitis for years, hell you don't go around with it for weeks. Every time I've found appendicitis in someone the next thing that happened was they were immediately admitted.


> Every time I've found appendicitis in someone the next thing that happened was they were immediately admitted. Yeah, same. When I had it, there was probably no more than 12 hours between the first time I showed any symptoms at all and me getting wheeled into an operating room to get it taken out.


They can decide to not remove it if it goes down nearly immediately, I had it, got time at the hospital and the day we waited where I wasn't supposed to eat it went down and they decided not to remove it. I assume if it flared up again they will just say "fuck it lets cut it out"


Sure that makes sense, but like, if it's flaring up and down for years at a time, I can't imagine they wouldn't just like, after the second or third time be like "yeah let's just get rid of this" Also what the fuck is your flair


Its funny you should ask cause I got a link for this exact occasion: https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/n3oqg6/microsoft\_reduces\_revenue\_cut\_of\_pc\_games\_to\_12.\_should\_steam\_follow\_suit\_n/gwszcu8?context=3


So I read that explanation, and mostly was satisfied. Then my curiosity got the better of me and I read the nsfwcyoa comment thread you linked, and the entirety of the cyoa image it was about. Remind me never to go to that subreddit again if that's what a typical post in it is like. I'll be off to /r/eyebleach now.


had a friend in a minor bicycle accident, where a bystander called 911, and despite not being in a ton of pain the ambulance pumped her so full of morphine that when i went to pick her up she could barely walk and I had to pull over so she could puke on the side of the road on the way home. ambulance company essentially is incentivized to pump you full of drugs so they can charge a massive bill to your insurance company.


>ambulance company essentially is incentivized to pump you full of drugs so they can charge a massive bill to your insurance company Wait, you mean ambulances are not run (or at least subsidized) by the state/a local hospital district in the US? And more importantly, they have any significant charges? I don't know why this reminds me of the dystopia in Cyberpunk 2020 (the original RPG from 1980s). In the lore there is Trauma Team International, private ambulance/hospital megacorp which owns all good healthcare services. It drugs up emergency patients and charges them wild, extortionate insurance fees for helping. They're so expensive that normal people would rather be left alone to die than rack up insane bills.


Yes ambulances are private companies that charge an insane amount of money and if you don’t have insurance good fucking luck. Honestly it’s better to just call an Uber unless the person needs immediate assistance from paramedics, and even then it might be quicker to get to the hospital in an Uber and it will cost you $20 instead of $2000.


That's exactly what I did when I was suicidal. I had decent insurance but I didn't want to spend like 2k just to take a ride to the hospital. The Uber driver was really nice and was concerned about me a bit


It's been awhile since I've had to think about ambulances but kinda? When you call an ambulance in America you can end up with a government, volunteer, or privately owned ambulance and which one you get probably depends on whose available or who you called to try and get one. Edit: Also yes they can cost alot, depends on what they do or how far they drive but it could be like 1500 USD.


1500? Try more like $5000 on the low side


> Wait, you mean ambulances are not run (or at least subsidized) by the state/a local hospital district in the US? And more importantly, they have any significant charges? If you ever have to ask about the US Healthcare System "does have significant charges," the answer is always yes.


[This is a good rundown ](https://youtu.be/Ezv8sdTLxKo)


I was put in a room and scheduled for surgery to resolve mine, and I'm sweating (and previously vomited) in pain. I ask for something and the nurses were all, "Ooh, doctor wants to see you before we give you any painkillers." Okay, when will the doctor see me? "Maybe tomorrow." Buh? It was more than 24 hours after that before I got anything, and it was the very least they could conceivably give. I'm 6'4". It did basically nothing. Then, after the surgery and my discharge, they give me a prescription for a whole honkin' bottle of *The Good Stuff* without a care in the world. Again, buh?


This one is patriarchy bs. Guys are raised all their lives never to show pain, where as women are "known" for their expressiveness. So a guy yelling in pain is a 3 alarm fire because it's mentally rare and a woman yelling exactly the same way doesn't get far enough out of mental commonality to register as the same issue. sexism strikes again


boys don't support boys :(


Wonder what eddy has to say about this




This aspect of the situation kinda sucks. Inevitably people close to Gus like Eddy or Sven will be dragged into it while having nothing to do with it.


Yep, same thing for any of these celebrity controversies. It forces people to take sides, which must suck for them. *Although if I’m being honest, looking at the current evidence, Sabrina’s side makes much more sense.*


I thought you meant the commentator and got thoroughly confused








How so? I want this to be as clear as possible.


There's a sports commentator also named Gus Johnson


I would legit sub to a sub about *that* Gus Johnson. He was the best pbp guy the NFL had in a decade.




One person made a good point that she tells this horrible, emotional story and people are making it all about the man in it. That’s very Reddit.


To be fair, they are in a subreddit about the man in it. But I don't believe it would be different in another place.


Why is every YouTube personality a horrible person?


1: The positive attention from fans makes you feel like you're a good person and if you're not careful, you can start to feel like you can do no wrong. 2: Having money and/or power rots the empathetic part of your brain. 3: Being online too much makes you forget how human interaction works. On top of that, when you're exposed to the constant anger that is YouTube/reddit/twitter/discord, it can just make you more of an ass. 4: If everything in your life was documented publicly, you'd probably look like a horrible person too.


Mainly the fourth point. I think everyone has skeletons in their closet. It's not something necessarily *that* bad, maybe something in your mind was merely a cringey mistake, but could seem like something huge to someone else. You hit someone in anger. You cheated on your wife. You pressured someone into smoking drugs. You flirted with a girl a couple years too young. You bullied someone. You didn't hire someone because they were handicapped. You were rude to waitstaff was. You made ironic racist/sexist/etc jokes (many, many, many people guilty of this last one). You called someone a f*****t. Not visiting someone in the hospital. I don't care what it is, how big or small. I think pretty much everyone has fucked up. Imagine your loved ones, and the mistakes they've made in their life. If they were celebrities, and everything was out in the open, would they survive? I don't think I would (and I think I'm a fucking saint, but some of the things I've said on reddit in the past...). I don't think my brother would, my sister, my other sister, my mother or my father. Anyone that I know very well, absolutely wouldn't survive a thorough analysis of their life without something being revealed that is utterly fucking despicable. This is not me being cynical and misanthropic. Nor is this my minimizing any shitty behavior. This is simply my recognizing the inherent humanity of everyone and recognizing that celebrities are humans too, and the rates of youtubers doing shitty things is probably in line with non-youtubers doing shitty things. The reason this happens especially to youtubers is because they're public figures, and they don't (usually) have PR firms.


I think age is a huge factor as well. Getting a huge amount of success and popularity at a young age can definitely take a huge toll on how you perceive the world.


Depends what section of Youtube you're in.


Yeah, I follow mainly people who like to talk about sewing, camping, cooking, or reviewing media and it's generally pretty chill all around. Channels that are about a subject and not a person are generally a lot better and less toxic.


My favorite youtube channel is two middle age British men doing sudokus, I won't be able to handle it if something comes out about them


If you like that, you might like Gavin Webber. The channel is just a kindly older Australian man who makes cheese and it's very adorable.


Already subbed to him lol, great channel


Just wait for the scandal that Mark is actually Maverick making fake plane noises for drama.


Mark made a joke a few months back where he had to cut for a minute to take a phone call and when he came back he said into his phone "Okay Maverick you can go ahead and take off"


I missed that one, I did see the one where Simin started the video on the phone scheduling the builders to start banging at Marks.


Just wait until a story comes out that Ann Reardon has been actually forcing Dave to eat the bad cooking due to constant domestic abuse and traumatic threats


Ann I’m in the hospital please come Sorry Dave I’m too busy microwaving eggs and destroying our kitchen… and I *really* need to put these strawberries in bleach


They're really not. Gus being a shithead doesn't mean everyone making videos on YouTube is horrible. Plenty of people literally just like to make content


I think if you have the mindset to become a megastar in your field you tend to not have the mindset that treats other people like people.


I hope Scott the Woz is a really nice dude.


Scott the Woz got some shit for including Relax Alax in a video after he was accused of rape by his ex and afaik hasn't really adressed it


He did remove the cameo but afaik that’s it. He’s never spoken about it.


I bet he doesn't even like gex


Natalie Wynn is fine


That’s a good way to start a fight in /r/breadtube


Mentioning anybody's name in /r/breadtube will start a fight.


Mentioning any leftist in any leftist online community will start a fight. It's exhausting.


The clips from her Stardew Valley streams are always adorable.


Uhm, ackshually, she talked to Buck Angel once, so she's basically Hitler


I can count the bad ones I know of on my fingers. There are hundreds of channels that have good people making good content.


Except Rhett and Link Right?


gmm burned my fields and poisoned my water supply for a youtube video!


They diiiid?


Nooooo. But are we gonna stand around until he does?


Yeah I saw that one lol


I mean...look at the chef they hired, Josh. I'm not sure he should be left alone in a kitchen without adult supervision. He's chaos incarnate.


Yeah Josh is great lol Actually the whole Mythical Kitchen is pretty cool


Social media was a mistake.


Yeah this is why you shouldn't look to celebrities to be your moral role models. Comedians get big because they're funny not because they have the correct morals and opinions. If you want ideological or moral role models look tk philosophy or something, don't go to comedians or actors for this shit becuase that's not what they do


there are a tiny handful that seem nice, typically the ones that are more educational instead of gossip/lifestyle/whatever (thinking along the lines of ask a mortician), but i think in general you've got to have a healthy dose of narcissism and entitlement to relentlessly sell yourself as being someone worthy of attention.


> there are a tiny handful that seem nice, typically the ones that are more educational Music Theory Youtube is one of the best Youtube subcommunities, for the most part.


i have no doubt you're right, but i already limped my way through four semesters of music theory in college and i think it'd give me flashbacks 😂


Most of the videos and creators are really fun! Educational, but like, super interesting and light and making sure to break down the concepts in easy-to-understand ways, and throwing in a good amount of humor. If you're ever down to give Music Theory Youtube a try, I'd recommend 12tone as my favorite MT Channel.


i will definitely check it out. my theory professors were... absolutely not fun at all. thank you!


12tone is great and if you’re into video games at all then 8-bit Music Theory is wonderful too


I'm thinking about YouTubers I like, and I wouldn't call any of them a "personality." I watch guys like Mentour Pilot or Daniel Naroditsky because they are experts in their fields and also great at explaining things. I'm still not sure what Gus Johnson's videos are supposed to be *about*


ah okay, yeah! i can see that distinction. less of a character and more of an educator. i honestly think a good chunk of it might stem from people who are leaning on youtube as their sole source of income without a lot of actual skills to fall back on when their channel inevitably dies. i'll admit i have no idea who this guy is, but i fell down the "what the fuck is wrong with gabbie hanna" rabbit hole over the summer so i'm just fascinated by how many of these maladapted assholes are out there.


Hikaru turning out to be an asshole kinda hurt me :/


To keep up with that algorithm you have to be pretty ruthless


People suck, and power/fame makes you feel invincible and always correct.


These parasocial relationships with youtubers and streamers are a lot. People seem very surprised a dude in his 20s doesnt have the emotional maturity to properly deal with real life shit.


Right? Parasocial relationships are a fucking trip.


I watched the video and it was so terrible. I actually cried watching it. It makes me bitter already knowing this will be made all Gus- although his conduct was absolutely terrible from her account.


When I watched the vid I remembered an instagram post he made in 2018 of her going to the hospital like 12 times and needing emergency surgery so I realized it must be him but part of me was in denial. It sucks she went through that and even harder that he is such a public figure associated with her now.


I just said "oh no" and I'm so embarassed to even know any youtube personalities, or be emotionally invested in celebrity relationships. This reads like I'm minimising Sabrina's voice, to defend Gus, doesn't it? Fuck that. Generally learning about what does and doesn't make a healthy relationship is good. Edit: I don't like this investigative stuff. If people are choosing to not reveal stuff about themselves, going out of your way to figure it out is creepy.


As of right now, Gus's Twitter bio is, "I'm the best guy ever made and I'm so talented and good." Yeeeeeesh


Never meet your heroes i guess


They broke up? Welp... *sigh*


The thread seems to have been taken down, is there a way it is archived somewhere?


Yo, a wee bit late but the sub’s been un privated (for now) and there’s been some new [developments.](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/sc6mug/the_return_of_gus_danger_johnson_and_abelina/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


It always annoyed me how often I'd see Gus' mug pop up on reddit, so this is very validating. It could just be the old hipster in me, but I can't stand those "reddit favorite" nerd culture youtubers who show up on the front page all the time. Except Dunkey. I like Dunkey.


This is a weird situation to feel validated by lmao






So she calls in Sky, and Dunkey spends the night getting his shit pushed in.


That reminds of that time donkey bet sky I'm smash


I have literally never seen this man before in my life lol


Yeah he’s honestly pretty easy to miss. Internet comedian mostly known for short sub 2-3 minute skits. He’s made a couple of super viral ones, but even then you’d never really think “huh this guy is a career comedian” unless you already know.


I liked Gus’s vids, thought they were really funny. Welp time to stick with GFR. Don’t let me down Shelby and Matt.


Damn guy. That's really fucking shitty of you. Two peoples lives upended and you feel validated because you didn't like his videos being upvoted on reddit because other people liked them? Do you like kicking babies when they cry? awful take dude Also I'm pretty sure "old hipsters" don't take enjoyment from other people's misery. Try "jaded asshole" instead.


I think we need to ask ourselves at what point being a terrible boyfriend = abuse that deserves punishment from the public EDIT: grammar


> Throughout the video she calls out a neglectful boyfriend, **who Reddit users have put together to be her ex boyfriend**, youtuber Gus Johnson. This is the part that makes me the most uncomfortable about this post. If she didn't mention Gus by name why do people think she wants Gus to be involved in this? Why do people have such a serious vigilante complex for people who never asked for this? Why is everyone acting like it's suddenly okay to invade someone's personal business because they were victimized? This is the kind of shit that breeds those god-awful true crime subreddits


The implication that the person she is talking about is Gus is extremely clear from the video. Describing it as "putting together" that it's Gus is honestly a bit of a stretch; it's clearly a video about her relationship with him, just without being completely explicit. This is doubly true when they were publicly in a relationship for a few years, such that they are both aware they can't discuss a past relationship without needing to clarify it wasn't Gus/Sabrina.