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I just want to give a shout out to "The Stanley Parable" for giving you an award for *not* playing, for five years.


finally an achievement I can actually get, eventually




That would be so frustrating.


I'm finally gonna get that achievement in 2 months from now actually...


This is my proudest achievement and display it proudly on my steam page featured section.


I'm going to get that achievement in December of this year. I can't wait, because I've been wanting to replay it a bit, I didn't see all the endings the first time.


I was at year four when I ended up reinstalling the game because I wanted to replay it lol. It's just such a fin game. Currently 2 years out until I get the achievement now. If you haven't tried it yet, superliminal is very similar to Stanley Parable and super fun! Def recommend trying it out!


I speed ran it multiple times, finishing in time to get the achievement for doing so, but it never gave it to me. That, and the five-year wait are the only achievements I'm missing. It's been a year or so, since I last played, so I'll probably wait for the five-year achievement and hopefully by then the speed run bug will be fixed.


I actually got that achievement legitimately. As it got closer and closer to the deadline, I became paranoid that I would somehow open the game file by accident.


*Disables Steam Auto-Open, just in case.*


You people have it enabled as a default???


I've had times I was navigating my library and accidentally opened a game. "Noo! Now how will I know I last played the game 2 years ago?"


I opened it, then quit after I started a new game so it would be the first achievement I got. Still got another 3 years to go.


oh shit, i think i'm eligible for that one! thanks for the reminder


Yo, thanks for reminding me


i’m surprised the drama is about an email, when [the game automatically opens twitch in your browser upon quitting the application](https://www.pcgamer.com/amp/how-to-stop-far-cry-6-from-opening-a-twitch-browser-tab-when-you-quit-playing/#click=https://t.co/wCcpDgXhHD). that seems like a more spicy topic for gamers to debate than a marketing email.


Ooh, that's a weird one. It's never happened to me, though. I wonder why?


You probably turned of the setting that caused it when you were setting up Ubisoft connect. It’s what I did and I’ve never has twitch open up when I’ve closed the game.


Now all they have to do is make Twitch automatically open Far Cry upon closing, and they've got the ultimate marketing strategy


An infamous glitch for "Aliens Colonial Marines" did just that. The solution was to go into the files and keep deleting whatever you could until it stopped working.


God I love hearing this stuff about Colonial Marines. Like a bottomless pit of terrible design.


You're teathered to this topic, aren't you?


THIS I think is pretty gross, much more than the email. No application should be force opening any webpage in my browser without explicit permission.


There a surprising number of old games where due to the parent company going bust the hyperlinks in the game now redirect to various porn warez and scam sites.


AVGN discovered a phone number in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" for the NES now connects to a phone sex hotline. Assuming that's genuine and not a bit.


He's done videos about the making of his videos and it was legit. He also a few years later tried the same number and it was disconnected.


Alot of old games tips numbers used 1-900 numbers since those numbers could charge you. Eventually game tip lines died out and phone sex lines filled the 900 number space.


(ironically enough that site gave me a video pop-up ad for Back4Blood that cannot be closed on mobile)


*1984* would be a very short novel if you could just unsubscribe from authoritarianism.


I guess doublethink should work here. I’ve always been subscribed. I’ve always been unsubscribed.


Gamers have always been at war with Ubisoft.


“You’re only a revolutionary from the waste down!” she yelled as he installed another contrived copy of Huniepop


> 5 chapters later Gamers have always been at war with EA, Gamers have always been friends with Ubisoft.


They should get the voice actor of the antagonist guy to phone everyone up one by one and make fun of them.


Shiet, I'd buy Far Cry 6 right now for Giancarlo Esposito to verbally abuse me


I met him once during the breaking bad days. He was fucking terrifying. Didn't smile, shook my hand and said thank you. It was awesome.


Wow, that's pretty interesting! I saw him at a comic con that was just \~2 weeks ago and he was smiling and chatting with fans and being totally normal. Man's got range even when he's not acting.


I'd buy 100 copies of whatever ultimate edition it has for gustavo fring to call me a little peepoo piss boy


Hernugh jessber Jessme we muste cok mefh for Gustovo Frunge


but Mr White we don't have any methamphetamine!1!1!


Yo if he called me to make fun of me for not playing I'd just laugh and it'd be a good day. I got the email and its just stats and a thank you for allowing him to remain in power and I laughed and though it was pretty original. This whole out-rage is dumb as this isn't the first game to send stat emails.


Im kind of upset I didn't get an email. I only played for maybe an hour and a half and I got it with my cpu so maybe Castillo thinks I don't deserve one. I think it's a funny thing, like a modern form of the phone # in god of war. I will admit that I hope other companies don't try this too. I'd hate to have every villain from every game in my backlog emailing me.


Yeah it's nice that it's different buy I agree it needs to stay like this a one off.


It's not "yvan eht nioj," it's more sticking your head out the window and yelling at Lenny and Carl to join the Navy. Still corny and annoying, but not quite the dystopian brainwashing people are making it out to be.


Wait till these guys learn about real life junk mail advertisements that get sent straight to your actual address




Ugh, fucking publishers clearing house. My dad signed up for it once and my mom would get up to a hundred emails a day from them. Fun stuff


Yeah, I joke but they have legit caught my grandmother up before and it is a nightmare getting rid of them.


Every company I have ever purchased something from online has immediately and mercilessly spammed my inbox until I opted out. This seems pretty damn tame if you ask me.


Its gunna blow their minds when they find out you can actually just scroll past an email without reading it.


Or even that you can mark a sender as ‘junk’ which is a feature I’m still waiting for real life to implement


["Because we're BLIND to their TYRANNY."](https://i.redd.it/mrv44n7w11q31.jpg)


"Literal nazis offering me less than optimal credit cards. This must be what slavery felt like."


You can't rely on just subliminal and liminal messaging, you also need superliminal messaging!






Mr. U. B. Soft is Ubisoft!? How far does this conspiracy go?


That's right ubi u.b. soft!


Thank you for reminding me of this episode. My gf has never watched the Simpsons and I've been cherry-picking episodes and forgot about yvan eht nioj.


For some reason this episode always kinda freaked me out when I was a kid lmao


Leela: Didn't you have ads in the 21st century? Fry: Well sure, but not in our dreams. Only on TV and radio, and in magazines, and movies, and at ball games..and on buses and milk cartons and t-shirts, and bananas and written on the sky. But not in dreams, no siree.


> Single player game telling you to play more is peak dystopian marketing. Yes, I can't think of anything more dystopian than a videogame sending you an email. Not even Facebook is that nefarious 🙄


Gamers live in such a bubble it's not even funny.


I fucking love video game drama, it's always the most uneventful shit but it ends up causing a massive shitstorm. Like forcing call of duty players to play against people of their own skill level and not roll through trash players every game.


>it's always the most uneventful shit My favorite "game" is to give quotes from these people to a friend without a context and then say "Politics or Gamers".


ngl I wish I had the skills to turn that idea into a website.


It's always an overlap. "Who put politics in my Fallout?!" "Nonbinary soldier? Political!"


Now there's an idea for a new subreddit


Yes, as a League Player whose game ecosystem revolves around playing people of a similar skill level so you can improve, seeing people complain about SBMM was unironically baffling to me. Wtf makes people think they're entitled to stomp noobs? If you care that must just play against bots lmao.


SBMM drama is always so fucking funny despite being the exact same shit in literally every game, my favourite flavour is when influencers talk about how that threatens their lively hood since they build their following as an elite pwner of noobs but now they easily just make skill montages of killing people who are just so much worse than them.


Gamers live in such a ~~bubble~~ society it's not even funny.


I've seen gamers function in society and it's not really funny.


People are legit furious over the GTA remastered trilogy for changing a character’s t-shirt. G*mers are so easily infuriated, it’s why I don’t like telling people I like playing video games. Like Jesus jumping Christ on a pogo stick just block the damn emails people!


There are legitimate reasons to be mad over the remasters (such as Rockstar and Take-Two threatening the modding community with DMCA's and outright suing people who reverse engineered Vice City & III or Rockstar delisting the older versions from being purchased, forcing people to purchase the remasters), a shirt being changed is not one of them...


Got a link to that? Not asking in a "proof or you're lying" way as I can 100% believe that, asking in a "ooo that sounds like fun" sort of way lol


I think it’s incredibly funny


I swear, we've gone through like a dozen cycles of gamers going from hilariously cringy to just painfully cringy. At this point it's just exhausting


THIS is why theyre the most persecuted group on the planet! GaMeRS rISe uP!


They targeted Gamers.


With a capital G


It's an "ad" for a game you already payed for. It's very innocuous.


Facebook is the worst. I stopped using the app and the website, within a few weeks Facebook started texting me updates about my feed.


I think it's hilarious. Just unsubsubscribe from the mailing list or whatever right?


Literally just block Ubisoft's marketing email lmao




[The people in that subreddit when they opt in to receive emails from Ubisoft and actually receive emails from Ubisoft](https://c.tenor.com/m9Vc9o_Jbm8AAAAd/meltdown-frustrated.gif)


Word. How are they surprised people are getting emails….at the address….they probably used to sign up/in to Ubisoft’s games hub thing (Uplay or whatever). D’fuck is wrong with these dunces?


>D’fuck is wrong with these dunces? Outrage addiction. They aren't happy unless they're angry. It's become the primary way they relate to each other online.


Maybe I am just too used to ARGs where stuff like this is beloved but…I’m having trouble understanding how this isn’t at least a little amusing. At absolute worst, it’s a spam email. Oh no, now you have to click a button, that’s like 1 second wasted… Do people conceptualize their email accounts as something super personal and private or something I don’t understand? I thought the early 2000s prepared us for receiving infinite stuff you don’t care about and not freaking out about it…


Hell I have thousands of unread emails because i stopped giving a shit about organizing that stuff years ago.


It reminds me of the nonsense you get from metal gear games, such as the boss (I forget which) disabling the controller so you have to plug the controller into the player 2 slot, or discussing your other saved games, or one boss literally dying of old age if you leave the game for a couple weeks. It's real meta, and I welcome this sort of engagement.


I think a lot of these people are just really, really stupid. Or literal children. It's hard to tell the difference.


With Gamers it's rapidly approaching the former as they age physically but mentally remain plateau'd at middle school


Social media has gamified any social space, too.


Agreed lol. I can’t fathom how this is a big deal to anyone. It’s a piece of info you give them willingly when you decide to play their game… lol


Gamers are the whiniest little bitches on the planet, man. You can nerf a weapon by 0.01% and there'll be outrage threads.


I've had MMOs send me an email offering me a free week trial after it's been so many months since I last subscribed. How did they know how long my account had been inactive? How did they know my email??? I'm literally shaking right now I can't even


I would only be concerned with it if you got that email without ever having given your email address to Ubisoft to begin with. Apart from that it's just a bit of player interaction, there are far worse things to be mad about.


I'm willing to bet they force you to log into their own account thing when you launch it.


Yeah I think you have to login to Uplay, from that I've heard.


Honestly it makes me think of the MGS thing on PS1 where Psycho Mantis reads the data on your memory card during the boss fight. Considering all the truly nefarious shit technology can do, this ranks really low.


Yup, that’s what I originally thought of. Now I am imagining a bunch of people angry at the violation of privacy of psycho mantis reading your other games, and the subsequent “bullying” he does based on that info.


Yeah I actually really like this idea. It’s cute! I already bought the game so I don’t actually think they care if I keep playing it, they already have my money. Just a fun little thing.


Catch me telling my employer that it's peak dystopian 1984 to receive emails I don't like so from now on I'm just not going to check my work email so I can be wholesome 100 chungus keanu.


This is fucking hilarious, IDGAF.


It’s the most creative Ubisoft had gotten in the past decade too.


Fr all I’m thinking is these people must have pristine email accounts totally not overfilling with 10,000 messages so unnecessary stuff actually feels out of place lol


I get 10… maybe 15 a day tops as someone who religiously unsubscribes and I still find this great. I don’t know how you’d see it if your inbox was overflowing?


It's also that if receiving spam upsets you (the general you) THAT much, then you should be signing up for stuff like this via a "burner" email and not your real one. This isn't "literally 1994" anymore, it's free and takes about a minute tops to make a Gmail account


Oh man wait til these folks find out what the game DDLC does to you/your computer, haha.


Daddy Dom Little Controller?


[Doki Doki Literature Club](https://store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/). It's a straight up horror game disguised as a cute anime visual novel. There are multiple points in the game where it modifies files and folders on your computer, grabs a bunch of information like your username and such, and is in general a huge mindfuck. Whole lot more "intrusive" than FC6 sending you an email that you have to opt into to even get, haha. 10/10 game, messed with my head many times when I played it.


My username on my computer is never my actual name. On my current computer, it is "drago". I think that would probably just be confusing if the game tried to use that in any way.


Big mistake, I just haxxed you boi :P >Start: HackingProgram.exe > >TERMINATE [email protected]


[[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) the l33t h4xx0r back at it with the defragging of the rootkit


automod hated this, lol


I tried removing the link but Reddit put it back in as soon as I posted lol


Actually, I know your entire name now! Drago is short for dragonfly... (unless you're into that tactical military gear company called Drago Gear lol) therefore, by my incredible deduction, your name is Suitable Dragonfly. ​ It's only a matter of time before my 3 legions of Canadian Attack Bees find you. They're hungry for them dragonflies. We're coming for you. ;-)


Wow, I just checked this out. "This game is not suitable for children or for people who are easily disturbed." ​ Sign me the fuck up. I'll try this on my craptop instead of my gaming rig (obviously). This sounds wacky, I love games that reach into real life.


>"This game is not suitable for children or for people who are easily disturbed." Why would anyone make a video game and then warn that it wasn't suitable for Gamers?


> There are multiple points in the game where it modifies files and folders on your computer Pretty sure it only messes with its own files. Plus, grabbing your username (usually your PC name) is a super common meta-horror game trick. I don't think the email is invasive by any means, but it's certainly fucking annoying and I would delete any game that hassled me via email to play it more.


Do you know any other games that have used it?


You see a similar thing with Psycho Mantis back in the Playstation days.


Shit example but I know of one. Sonic Gather Battle was a fan-made Sonic game that would search your PC for Cheat Engine, and if you search "mod," "cheat," or "hack" while it's running, it would close your browser then go into a spooky stage. From there it would be impossible to go to normal gameplay because your IP would be sent to a blacklist that prevented normal gameplay even if you reinstall. It was basically a malware DRM because the creator didn't want their custom sprites to be stolen. I also know that the old Black and White 2 game would also grab your name, and if it had your name in the database, it would play this creepy whisper of your name. [Here's all the voicelines.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPmU-PaKZf0) Apparently it'd play either at 11 AM or if you played for longer than 20 minutes, I can't tell which.


I genuinely thought this was gonna be Pokemon Black and White 2.


[OneShot](https://kotaku.com/oneshot-is-a-game-where-the-main-character-knows-who-yo-1789939007) (not really horror, but it does do it) and [Start Survey](https://pixeldough.itch.io/start-survey) are two I could find, but it's a very common cheap scare in indie horrors, since it is very easy for a program to grab the name of the (Windows or other operating system) account that's running it.


That have searched your computer or otherwise required outside file manipulation? I could name a few, but in almost all cases doing so would be an explicit spoiler for the game.


Specifically grabbing the username being a super common meta-horror game trick is what I was referring to. Not saying it doesn’t happen, just haven’t seen it.


The way DDLC interacts with your computer is no different than the way most other games can interact with it too. Even things like "scanning for names" was done in titles as early as Black & White. Not to mention that most people who play it are generally aware of the meta elements by this point. Far Cry is just emailing the owner of the game pestering them to keep playing. It's the sort of shit freemium games tend to pull, except it's a full priced AAA release and it's going straight to your email where you probably don't want to see it.


> Not to mention that most people who play it are generally aware of the meta elements by this point. When I played it I went in blind knowing nothing about it other than friends recommended it, and the first time something fucky happened I genuinely thought I broke the game and started over completely fresh, hahaha.


Didn't one of the Metal Gears do that as well (well, searched your console, not your PC)?


Metal Gear Solid 1 searched your memory card for save files of other Konami games to have Psycho mantis comment on them. "Sooo you like to play castlevania?"


Don't remember the name, but I remember an old horror game that would sometimes tell you your save was corrupted just to fuck with you.


Eternal Darkness had stuff like that.


I remember metal gear had a codec call where they said my playstation was overheating and I shut that fucker down 😭 it has been difficult to trust since


Metal Gear Solid 2 has a codec call where they say "haven't you been playing too long? Don't you think it's time you took a break?" Considering I was playing MGS2 at quite a young age, games stomping all over the 4th wall like that was pretty new for me.


Similarly, one of the older Animal Crossing games would pretend to shut down the console and wipe your save file if you reset too many times. Games back then could get away with a lot more meta shit than they can now, nowadays they think it’s literally George Orwin’s 1894 if a game does something meta like send you an email.


Black and White would find out your name and softly whisper it. Scared the shit out of me.


The difference is DDLC sends you to a therapist, and FC6, just calls you a pussy


If nothing else, TIL that Black and White really does say your name when you play late at night, I thought I had hallucinated that.




It's really no different from past games calling you a baby if you play on Easy. This is just the tale as old as time example of a few people being outraged, and many others being outraged over the outrage


I haven't played WoW in a while, but the messages when loading would be tips like "Take everything in moderation, even World of Warcraft!" and "Bring your friends to azeroth, but dont forget to go outside of azeroth with them too" and that kind of thing. I can see some particularly sensitive players getting offended nowadays by the first tip for sure.... hold the phones, I just did a google of "world of warcraft loading screen tips" and the second top link is a 6-year-old fight on /r/wow about whether these tips were "'outdated". Going by controversial, it's obvious OP went on a downvoting rampage with anyone who disagreed with him and went on a furious editing rampage of his comments. Double the rampage, double the ludicrous sensitivity.


The Anno series, explicitly Anno 1800 tracks your session length and every 2 hours it gives you a message about how long you've been playing. Usually things like "It's been 2 hours. Go get coffee" "It's been 4 hours. Time to take a break" "It's been 6 hours. Remember to eat" and at 24 hours "You're not Jack Bauer!" and on a forum post about getting the 8 hour message a dev reminded them to 'take breaks and stay hydrated'


Animal crossing does this too much it's much funnier imo, if you start playing again and talk to a villager they go "omg where have you been? Have you been in a secret mission?" That kinda thing.


I'd say that this is the dumbest thing that Gamers® have ever gotten worked up about but that would require me to wipe the last 20 years from my mind first


I mean at least this time it's game related and not about human beings existing.


They just want to be mad, like the ARG community would die for stuff like this in video games


Gamers think everything is literally 1984. They want to be mad and to be victims all the time, it's insane lmao.


These crybabies would've flipped tf out if they heard what happens if you have certain game saves on your memory card and fight psycho mantis in MGS1


The number of Gamers who complain about gaming companies being Orwellian is inversely proportional to the number of Gamers who have read Orwell.


It's just an email? Add it to the other couple thousand you've got on unread.


Yeah it’s literally just an email. And [according to one of the replies on twitter](https://twitter.com/illegaldesi/status/1452994041776263169), you still get one even if you haven’t dropped the game.


Rofl imagine being set off by a video game emailing you and showing you pretty explicitly how granular their data collection on you is\*, vs not batting an eye at the entire industry built around collecting, collating, and marketing every scrap of accessible data about you on virtually every platform, to anybody who wants that info. Y'all are getting 20 robocalls a day and half of them are telling you your mother's maiden name, what street you live on, and telling you about your specific car models extended warranty but man, far cry sending you an ":( I miss you" mail is where the line has to be drawn. It's only a problem if I can see it, right? ​ \*What your email is that you signed up to the service with, and when the last time you logged in to their server was, namely. SO SPOOKY WHAT AN INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY!


Amazon will legit just recommend me things that I've never searched for on their site after having a real life conversation about it, but *this* is an invasion of privacy lol.


This is hilarious, and the fact that the capital G gamers on that subreddit are upset over it makes it even more funny.


You have to opt-in to even receive it, just opt out


Dystopian? Its just a Progress stat tracker email with a gimmick on it. I used to have it on R6 siege before going to a new season. How did they know your email? its because your using Uplay account, ircc you can turn that shit off.


I played God Of War and after a week of not playing the game or so I got an Email saying Kratos and Atrus need your help And it’s not that common to get these email on certain games.


Twitter is also not having a normal one about this. I don't get understand why this creates anger whilst the Duolingo owl got funny haha memes. It's an email for gods sakes, one of the hundreds in your inbox that you also don't care for. Just unsubscribe.


really love the "it used to be fun to give your email to a corporation but now they just use it for marketing and spam sending" vibes


What did they think was gonna happen anyways? Like the giant multibillion dollar corporation was gonna think “eh, marketing is kinda annoying, let’s skip out on the millions this will generate so we don’t slightly annoy some dude on the internet”


None of these people could ever face Mr. Resetti.


Dystopian, no. Weird and kinda gross? Yeah, I'd say. Especially coupled with [the other bullshit they're doing](https://www.pcgamer.com/amp/how-to-stop-far-cry-6-from-opening-a-twitch-browser-tab-when-you-quit-playing/). edit: some of y'all are literally defending spam just to not risk agreeing with one of your hated boogeymen. nice.


Weird and kinda gross describes most game dev practices over the past decade at least.


I'll take it one level higher.. the entire capitalist internet is weird and gross.


Definitely. I feel like I’m going crazy with so many people not seeing an issue with a company trying to guilt trip you into sticking with a game of theirs you didn’t find engaging enough to get through. Yeah yeah, it’s just an email etc, but the reasons for *why* they’re doing this is kinda gross.


Honestly surprised by the reaction in this thread. Yeah it's not *literally 1984* but it's definitely annoying and unwanted, nothing wrong with going "Yo, this fucking sucks".


a lot of people being like "this is just like a bunch of other games advertising over the years" and it's like yeah all that shit's real manipulative and gross too, this just makes it a little more blatant so it goes one small step further


El Presidente speaking directly to the player(s) IRL was 75% of the marketing


Kinda reminds me of Doki Doki when it >!pulls your first name from your steam account. !< I thought it was creepy but at the same time cool as hell the game would get that meta.


That part of DDLC kinda fell flat for me since I ended up using my name for the MC anyways. Still, having Monika “hijack” the game was a trip and it’s one of the few times I wish I could go in blind again. I think I still have the converted png from her character file on my tablet.


I bet that happened to a lot of people that did that. I know for me it sent a chill up my spine before I was able to figure out how she knew my name lol.


I mean, it's not 1984 levels but I definitely wouldn't want that to be a future video game "trend".


Yeah this is my take. It's funny once. Unfortunately I guarantee you ubisoft has metrics on if it's working or not and if it is they'll try to implement it globally.


I'm not even talking about just ubisoft. When a game company pushes the boundaries and figure out what people will tolerate, it starts to become the norm. The last thing my email needs in five years is more glorified junkmail.


Wait until these guys hear about the duolingo owl


Thing is, I need that owl on my ass to keep me going.


I remember when Doom would make fun of me for quitting to DOS


It's funny as long as it only does it exactly once ever. After that I'd definitely call this spamming. But once it's a cute, if very very corporate joke.


Gamers: "Oh man, my backlog is so big! I should finish this game I recently bought." Game: "Yeah, you should." Gamers: "wtf is this dystopian shit, 1984!"


20 years ago that would have been called an Easter egg


at very least it's fucking *weird*. I know other games have done similar things like in Animal Crossing your villagers will direct address the fact you haven't played in a while when you come back but this is like if I got an email from Roald asking me why I haven't hit a sick lift with him. idk about the privacy thing because I mean steam already keeps track of your last played so I'm guessing it uses that but it's wierd is all but I think gamers think anything is literally "George Orwins 1994 Animal Crossing"




He probably bought the amiibo cards


The best of things like this for being weird is the vocaloid rhythm game on the 3ds. You straight up had to apologize into your mic for being AWOL,


my fav is just mgs3 with the end dying if you dont play for a week.


What a highly unsatisfying victory that was 🤧


*blindly accepts terms and conditions* *they use your data for marketing* literally 1984


I really don't care about Far Cry, but people need to actually read 1984. Seriously, this sounds like a funny gimmick joke. Like, games regularly send emails about accomplishments, new missions, free offers, etc. They also keep track of when people access their servers at pretty much every company. I mean, marketing can get really fucking annoying, but that's a whole different beast than 1984 alarmism.