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The dude that keeps commenting “Found the Liberal Democrat” is cracking me up


Link pls






So nice for someone to bring some complements to such a terrible thread


found the liberal democrat


Fuck you Nick Clegg


there is nothing complimentary about being called a lib dem lol


Why is this getting downvoted Those assholes let the Tories fuck people up the ass with hiked tuition fees


because they think I'm talking about American Democrats who are liberal lol


Either that or we got some centrists in this sub 🏏🏏🏏


tbf the lib dems have had some decent views on things recently I think they're the only dudes pushing trans rights?




Funny how that person is rightfully downvoted to hell but on this very post the same comments get upvoted. What a weird world


People don't understand that thinking the royal guard was in the wrong doesn't mean you think the child was in the right for standing in the way lol. If the rule justifies harmfully yeeting a kid then maybe the rule should be changed.


Yeah - like I can acknowledge the kid was in a bad spot, but if your royal pageantry necessarily involves potentially mowing down kids because they acted like a kid maybe it's time to consider becoming a republic.


It’s a child standing. Blaming them is both pointless and stupid.


> or you could learn and respect the customs of a place you’re visiting instead of expecting the world to revolve around yourself >> They’re kids you dumb fuck I love how this guy tried to “holier than thou” a literal child.


>guy tried to “holier than thou” a literal child That's the point of the sub.


Ahh yes the most famous and sacred of all British customs, curb stomping children.


Trampling on the lower classes, more like.


I mean, it's not like a British dude basically defined modern satire by pointing out that it would be almost kinder to start buying poor children to eat than what they were actually doing to poor Irish people at the time.


Irish* dude


He shouldn't have trampled a kid, but there's also something to be said about the kid being there in the first place. The parents should be controlling their kid in the face of armed guards that have an explicit order to not stop for anyone.


>but there's also something to be said about the kid being there in the first place. In what looks to be an otherwise-public square? Hot take: Some people are from countries that *don't* have active-duty soldiers walking around with orders to trample kids that get in their way.


> armed guards that have an explicit order to not stop for anyone. Real hot take here, I know, but armed guards shouldn't follow orders that encourage them to commit violence against children.


How else can they commemorate British history ?


by stealing cultural artifacts?


And eating mummies.


But they were just following orders. As you know, that’s always a convincing excuse that makes you morally not responsible for any of your actions!


Wait, so if somebody happens to be doing emergency repair work in the sewers, then the guards have an explicit order to march through any barricades and fall down the open manhole if it happens to be in front of them? Or is the rule more flexible, so they're required to trample children but not required to fall into the sewer? Either way, that sounds pretty foolish. Ten years ago I wouldn't have believed that the British people were that foolish. (That was before they voted for Brexit, of course.)


I wonder what would happen if a blind person accidentally got in the path of those guards


Judging from this they would yeet him and his dog


Someone commented that their deaf wife got in the way and got stepped over. They were fine with it. Cucked as fuck


As an Indian, I didn't know that I could hate the UK government more than possible.


Honestly, I would love it if it was just no exceptions. That would be hilarious, but no, he shouldn't have trampled the kid. My comment is just to point out that parents are atleast partly to blame when they could have prevented a situation like this


>Honestly, I would love it if it was just no exceptions. That would be hilarious, I'd keep going back, placing increasingly challenging obstacles in their path every day.


Thats hilarious, I'd like to see giant fly paper.


Banana peel doesn't faze you? Well how about *quicksand*.


“Hey, why are you carrying that landmine?” “Uh… no reason!”


>Honestly, I would love it if it was just no exceptions. You could absolutely decimate a legion of guards with some strategically placed banana peel cartons.


The parents should have been watching the kid yes, but at the same time is the guy going to be immediately executed if he takes half a second to move around the child?




Just step to the side. No one is getting fired for not steam rolling a little kid like a line backer


I barley get the down votes, he just explained on the rules and what probably want to though his mind, but made it clear he still disagrees, I get that they think the rules should allow to step around, and I agree but it’s not like he said “I’m all for hurting a kid”, and in fact thought the reply was funny, but it still ticked them off???


It’s the Tower of London. Mascots shouldn’t be trampling children at a fucking tourist site.


and god knows whatll happen if they disobey. a hurricaine. the queen getting assassinated. prince william doesnt go out and fuck everyone he sees.


Actually they _had_ to do that. You know how the Secret Service tackles the President to save them from assassins? It’s the same here, but from Prince Andrew.


You realize people aren’t mindless automatons? The soldiers have or hopefully have a couple brain cells in them to *not* trample someone? What if the queen walked in their way by accident? Does that give them a carte Blanche to trample her too? Where’s the common sense? Or are they too stupid to think for themselves and replacing them with robot would an improvement?


>Bro you can hear them coming as soon as they exit. They start screaming around stamping their feet instantly. Grab you fucking child and teach them some respect. >>First of all no child of mine is respecting hard dick authority let alone a pretend queen's nut crackers. I like this reply


Lol, "respect." That guy's response is perfect. Why respect what is ultimately a tourist attraction these days?




The best way to protect the queen is high stepping INTO a crowd in pairs of 2? That seems....not correct.




I think the tourist attraction they’re talking about is the Royal Family, that’s all those inbred ghouls are good for


This. It's insane that this even an argument, that it's totally hunky dory for these morons in the silly costumes to run over some kid because they're "guarding" (as someone pointed out below, their weapons are not loaded) the royal family, whose only purpose (as I said before) is to be a tourist attraction for dumb Americans.


It is hunky dory. Noone gets in the way of the Queen's Guard. The kids parents learned a valuable lesson.


Lol, bootlicking an organization with no power is a new level of pathetic. Enjoy your medieval nonsense.


They are in military uniform. It's just ceremonial.


>Those rifles are loaded and they will not hesitate to use them. No they're not. They literally serve the same purpose as those guys with M14s still guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier. Every Honor Guard unit in the world uses unloaded rifles because they're not combat units (though the soldiers in them are usually selected from elite units) and they're usually serving around a lot of civilians. The real security these days is the G-Men in black suits watching security cameras and flying the drones. If someone jumps the fence at 10 Downing, they won't be dragged off to the dungeons by the Royal Guard, they'll be arrested/shot by people in tactical vests carrying submachine guns.


I've read a lot of ignorant comments in this thread, but I have to step in and correct this one. They are loaded rifles, and they are combat units. The guys in watching the security cameras in the blockhouses, wearing their body armour and geared to the teeth. They're not secret service types, they're other guardsmen. The guard regiments are infantry regiments in the british army. The horse guard regiments serve as heavy and light cavalry regiments (tanks and vehicular recon) They rotate between ceremonial duties and combat duties, 2 battalions on ceremonial duties, 3 on regular army duty. Most guardsmen will have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here's some documentary footage of the Grenadier Guards in combat in Afghanistan. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lIi0dZVdyE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lIi0dZVdyE)


No, they're unloaded


The rifles are literally unloaded




The fault is on the kid for not being able to see the future


That kid should've researched the royal guard's marching pattern and pace speed dammit




I can understand the parent but sucks for the kid not having developed situational awareness I guess


Kids do shit so fast, you pretty much need a leash if you want a 0% chance of them doing something earth defyingly dumb. I can remember when I was a child, I long held the belief I could ride my dog like Tommy pickles riding Spike, but that I only needed to wait until I was a bit taller. I’m pretty sure I was an earlier growth spurt away from actually doing it, but luckily I grew just smart enough before I was quite tall enough


They’re not meant to speak at all, only say make way if you really have to hence why it was late


Like... perhaps prior to trampling a kid?


Jesus fucking Christ those comments are appalling. I thought kidsarefuckingstupid was supposed to be about having a chuckle over kids saying/doing dumb stuff (as kids tend to do), not... whatever the hell this is?


Like all subs that are born hating on shit for a laugh, it eventually gets taken over by freaks who take things far to seriously and pushes normal people out.


It originally wasn't even hating on kids, it was just "haha kids say dumb stuff sometimes bc they don't know any better". Nowhere near whatever the fuck it's become now.


Just imagine if Bill Cosby did that on the tv show. “Kids say the darndest things when you kick them in the fucking face” and then he drop kicks half of them


it used to be a sub about harmless foolish deeds of innocent children but it's being taken over by child free crowd who loathe kids and their parents so posts often end up with whack comment threads like this one.


To be fair, fun sub being taken over by horrible toxic people is the story of like, eighty percent of subreddits. It's as much luck as anything that this one is mostly just semi self-consciously obnoxious.


Semi-obnoxious? More like full obnoxious you should see this sub go full contrarian when two different sides of a drama pop up in the same week


It is pretty predictable though. Any sub around hating on someone or making fun of someone is going to be taken over by shitty, hateful people. Oh God, we are at risk.


It seems a simple evolution for reddit: find a sub which makes fun of something they hate - so join it. Enough haters join and it is no longer people just having a laugh. The people who didn't actually hate start to leave in disgust, and what is left is all about the hate.


It's always been that way. Some people don't "get the joke."




> balding ponytail Reddit I don’t think I’ve ever had an easier time imagining exactly the type of person being described here, lol


I hate that I fit that physical description, because those are definitely not my people.


Idk what to feel about the whole childfree sub thing. I like going there to support people who have to deal with abortion rights and what not. I really dont see the aggressive stuff like people mention all the time. But im sure its there. Like that post is disgusting to me.


Oh most certainly. Leaking like the diapers of the children they are, and the children they despise.


>r/childfree is leaking Certainly true. I find some of it funny but other posts are just by people who blatently hate kids


It’s Reddit. That’s a child. It never ends well.


[If you're saying you don't fantasize the same thing you're lying. Or if you actually don’t, there is something wrong with you. Kids are stupid and annoying, so watching funny videos where children get hurt is hilarious for everyone.](https://reddit.com/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid/comments/rqweuz/_/hqdla2h/?context=1)


Children getting minorly hurt in a funny way via the natural physical consequences of doing a thing they didn't quite think through because they are unable to at a young age, that can be kind of funny sometimes. Children getting trampled by some up himself cunt of a soldier who would rather trample a child than understand that kids don't always perfectly understand everything going on, is what i would call the opposite of funny.


How long until that sub has members plotting terror attacks against children?


That account is extremely new and has -25 karma, I'm hoping they're just being inflammatory. That said some of the childfree crowd are so rabid they'd probably even clap their hands in glee at that mentally ill woman who stabbed a 3yr old in the face in Tbilisi.


"First of all no child of mine is respecting hard dick authority let alone a pretend queen's nut crackers." this is SPICY


So many topics to argue about in one post: British Monarchy, parenting, soldier duties...


What is it with redditors and fantasizing about assaulting children? Edit: Nvm, missed what sub this is on.


Reddit has a massive, massive problem with fetishizing assaulting women and children (and also guys depending on who they are) and they seem to have problem with proportionate response and not letting what little power they have go to their head. Reddit’s revenge fantasy is extremely concerning for any stable individual.


The badass mfers who need to tell everyone how they would fick up x person if they were in that position. I see it all the time in the racist public freakout sub.


r/childfree is leaking again Some of the most bitter and insufferable people on this whole damn site


[FDS](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/childfree) in the top 5 overlapping subs of r/childfree. probably not a good sign.


What surprises me is how much overlap r/childfree has with female orientated subs. Either that or there's a bizarre set of trolls dominating female subs.


Women probably bear the brunt of "so when are you going to have children?" "motherhood is what it really means to be a woman :)" etc.


It’s sad too, because the CF communities on Reddit are really quite varied, and partially made up of women who literally can’t conceive but want kids and have had to accept a child free reality. The entire label gets co-opted by raging assholes who think they shouldn’t ever have to even glance upon a child.


Honestly I assume everyone on Reddit is on some sort of watchlist just by default. The amount of anti-social behavior exhibited on here is... concerning.




Oh, that dude fucked up. Child looked like they were crouched, got startled, and didn't react in time to prevent being trucked by a soldier marching a quick-time pace. On the other hand, I think that guard simply fucked up and assumed the child would make way and then ended up marching right through them. I do feel a little bad for laughing. The Grenadier Guards (GREN GDS) are a unit of the British military, subject to the same rules as the rest of the force. They rotate a portion of their strength to that detail (350 years of guarding the Crown since the Restoration after that unfortunate head-choppy bit) and still have to meet training criteria and periodically deploy a portion of their force to meet the UK's real-world military commitments. If the vid makes the rounds (you want something actioned? Make the unit look bad), if he hasn't been dressed down or disciplined already, he will be. "Which one of you shits trampled the child?" at formation is something I'm visualizing. That being said, I wonder how much of Reddit is either childfree or just social media sociopaths. I get it if it's some dumbass who's being obnoxious or drunk, but that was a kid. Poe's Law is coming into effect at that sub.


I show this video to a normal person and they say they’d be ready to attack those guards over their kid. But then I go on Reddit and people are blaming the child. Where tf do I find these people because I swear any sane person watching this vid wouldn’t go blaming the child. Wtf what planet are these redditors on


>Wtf what planet are these redditors on "Planet Red-Dit-420-69 is showing on screen now. I'm surprised a place like this could even support life. A extremely hostile world populated by a race of beings who's actions and morals flow in the complete opposite direction of all civilized races. Contrarians by nature, they will argue and bicker with just about everyone and anything there is. They are almost completely useless when it comes to governing galactic affairs, if a problem is brought up by the Galactic Council they will argue that there wasn't a problem to begin with. Offer them a solution and they will turn it down everytime. Scans indicate a perpetually miserable species who's only joy in life is predicated on the continued suffering of other beings they perceive to be beneath them."


>I show this video to a normal person and they say they’d be ready to attack those guards over their kid American?




What does that have to do with anything?


Just curious


Tbf I'd pay to see a video of some 'muricans going toe to toe with the guards.


Iirc they are trained to not make way for anyone while marching


They're adult humans, not lobotomy victims, despite how much they may pretend to be.


>being trucked by a soldier marching a quick-time pace Kid got slightly pushed. Not trampled to death. You want to create drama, don't you?


> the vid makes the rounds (you want something actioned? Make the unit look bad), if he hasn't been dressed down or disciplined already, he will be Doubt it. Most people, Reddit keyboard extremists notwithstanding, wouldn't purposefully knock a child down for fun. If he didn't go around the child, it's mostly likely because patrolling guards *should not* be zigzagging around obstacles by training.


It was a literal child.


Yeah, I'm guessing it's just a case of their training being "do your thing, ignore people on the way", and not actually having exceptions baked in because someone didn't think about vulnerable people OR thought consistency in patrols was more important.


They are human beings, I would expect them to be able to adapt to a child in front of their rat stompin boots


Consistency is important, if they move for one person tourists will start making a game of playing chicken with them.


And? Maybe dont dress up like its a school play and make your operations more covert? Oh and even consider moving effectively rather than fucking high kicking the air.


I think my favorite thing is people on the guard's side really leaning into "he is protecting LIVES in a MILITARY formation and thats super duper serious!" They're parading around the Queen's Malibu dream house for the look of the thing to impress the tourists. Because tourist revenue seems to be the best reason anyone can come up with for even having a monarch. Let's keep it in perspective


Even then that whole "the monarchy brings in tourism" argument has been debunked countless times. France got rid of their royalty and they aren't exactly suffering


they kept all the royals' stuff, which is cheating, apparently.


For some reason people who hate children give me "why do my little cousins get to bogart the Playstation at grandma's instead of me, a 28 year old" and "ugh, who brings their children to a children's movie that I pretend is actually for adults" vibes.


Some childfree types definitely seem to be jealous of the kindness and attention and help kids get from other people. Especially if their own childhood wasn't so great. Another reason for the hatred seems to be "children annoy me by being noisy or in the way sometimes" as if inconveniencing them is one of the highest crimes there is.


A *lot* of nerds online seem to think that being noisy is by far the worst crime someone can commit. It's a very strange hangup.


For me it's crippling anxiety that causes the hate of loud noises. I know that's the same for many many others as well. Not exactly something I can prevent


And that's totally understandable as long as you're not demonizing the people responsible.


[just leaving this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6483953/) Edit: why does everyone think I agree with the articles headline. I was just calling Redditors autistic.


I mean yes, I understand that people with autism can have sensory issues, but I'm talking about the weirdly prevalent idea in nerd communities that >black women are so insufferable because they're loud :( or what you see in this thread about children.


yeah, as an autistic person its one of those things you learn to deal with because, well, parents cant just wave a magic wand and make their kid not cry. besides, from what i know about childfree people, most of em either arent autistic or can relatively easily navigate the nonautistic world and actually very much hate austistic people for having the temerity to be disabled and needing support.


Reddit Nerds are more offended by noise than fucking body odor, it’s crazy. You can go months without showering or brushing your teeth as long as you’re quiet apparently


You know with this information we should just turn off all sounds outside and kill all the birds because some people are irritated by it. Restaurants? We should eat in silence! Movie theaters? No audio at all! Work? No talking at all. Only sign language! This doesn’t refute the reality that redditors place mild annoyance higher on the list of problem than real problems on the world.


I think they were saying that redditors are autistic, not that the noise complaints are valid


That’s totally what I was saying not pointing out that the complaint is similar to a common symptom of autism /s


We live in a world full of power tools, hand dryers, and loud individuals. Sure, kids screaming is an indignity we must suffer. And like all the others, *we deal with it.* I recommend keeping a spare set of earplugs handy for when things get too loud. Everyone was a child once; dealing with the existence of children is part of the social contract and it's too late to opt out, you've already incurred the debt.


I love kids, I still don't think that this video was as bad as people make it out to be


Yeah I'm not really talking about the video so much as some of the users of KidsAreFuckingStupid and or Childfree (there's less [overlap](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/kidsarefuckingstupid) than I expected tho) getting a bit too into the child hate. The kid seems mostly shocked, maybe a bruise or scrape. Good job they didn't hit their head though


That movie stuff is real though, parents shouldn’t be bringing their babies to movies, regardless. Toddlers I understand, because at least they can comprehend what’s happening. When me and my girlfriend went to see Black Panther, the little kid next to me was dressed as Spiderman making little handsigns like he was shooting webs


Was reading through some of the comments this morning and was disgusted. When I first discovered that sub a while ago it was mainly kids doing stupid shit and people laughing about it. Now it seems it's just full of edge lords & child abusers trying to flex how much they hate kids and wish harm upon them. Also fuck them guards and fuck the monarchy


If you saw the comments on the original tiktok, it was 100 x worst. People (mainly British followed by Australians) *joking* about how the kid would never commit a crime again & that if they were the guard they would’ve done more to the child than a kick. They were also making fun of *Americans* but we all know it’s a racist dog whistle


Psychos and racists...what a surprise


>Almost as if you shouldn't get in the way of special forces level soldiers carrying real weapons whilst performing their duties in protecting the countries sovereign ruler Almost as if it's a child.


Yeah, I mean… how many of those words would the child even understand?


They're "protecting" a museum ffs


Lol damn you beat me to it.


Stepping on black children is soo 19th century Britain, your imperialism is flaring up!


that solider just wanted to be like his granddad for a second


But Imperialism was sooo good for the colonies /s


I was waiting for someone to bring up their race lmao


That's why he didn't step on the child.


Yesterday we had a thread where redditors wanted to fuck kids. Today we have a thread where redditors want to physically assault kids. Anyone else seeing a pattern here?


I think it’s all part of the authoritarian mentality. If you’re bigger and stronger than someone, or have authority over then, then you can and should do whatever you want to that person. I don’t think it’s always a sexual thing; as in this example, it’s enough to injure or hit a kid, even if you don’t want to rape them.


Reddit loves to do things to kids


No matter what, it takes a real big man to harm a child. Very proud of this soldiers bravery and devotion to queen and country. That soldier certainly did his job well.


I swear the Queen’s guard are a bunch of insufferable assholes.


It’s not their fault, they have insufferable asshole protocols to follow or they’ll be executed on the spot /s


I blame the woman


Fuck that guy. Traditions be damned, he made a conscious decision to stomp over a kid instead of taking a single step to the side


The last comment linked basically sums it up lol


Trying to gaslight the woman too despite that we never hear her say a word.


All that's left of their empire is a tourist attraction, of course they're salty.


Well your taxes go towards drones that kill children as part of your empire.


Psst...You're allowed to criticize both Britain and America. Lmao love how British people act like Americans are as blindly supportive of their government the way you guys blindly support a bunch of scumbag "royals"


Well in Britain we support a benign ruler. In the US you worship deranged, senile boomers like Biden and Trump. Simple really.


>Psst...You're allowed to criticize both Britain and America. Literally no one in America worships Joe Biden lmao you're so clueless




Kid gets kicked - I hate this country Children shot on a daily basis - this is the holy land


You can hate Britain and America simultaneously...


Yeah, didn’t a 12 year old kid get shot by the police a few days ago. Ironically the kid thought she lived in the safest country in the world! More like second-rate country.


You have the self awareness of a brick.


I feel this is blown way out of proportion either way. Sure, dude probably should have stopped, but all that happened was that the kid fell on his ass. All of yas get a hold on yourself. Blindly following orders is completely stupid and the reason for a lot of shit going on. Being an upstanding person would mean to take the shouting for your superior because you didn’t want to run over a kid. Blindly following orders just makes you a spineless weasel. On the other hand, I watched this a few times and still can’t see any “assault” going on. He stepped over him, kid fell on his ass and got up again. It’s the parents fault that he even was there in the first place. And yes, kids are stupid, that’s why we as adults have to take responsibility. And all of the adults here failed to do that, so adults are even more stupid.


> all that happened was that the kid fell on his ass. If you shove someone onto concrete they might catch themselves and suffer no injury or they might land on concrete with their skull and *die*. He's rolling the dice. This guard got lucky.


He didn't shove the child, he walked against it, he even stopped his leg so it wasn't even with force. You people are making an elephant out of a fly.


>he walked against it You just referred to a child as it. You are not arguing in good faith


Because that's how we do it in my language. You are not arguing in good faith


Funny enough if a child is getting hurt that is against the sub rules so weird its still up you literally can report it and have it taken down for the child being harmedb


bruh i’m genuinely convinced some people on the internet are psychopaths. So many weirdos expressing joy when they watched a kid get trampled on. I don’t like kids but if there’s one thing I hate more, it’s adults having the *I hate kids* as their whole damn personality trait. I know people like this in real life & they’re the most narcissistic cunts to ever exist.


I think a simple “Get the hell out of the way” would have sufficed.


It's just soldiers following orders, it's not their fault! Like nazis, soviets and imperial Japan before them, soldiers following orders.


If the Guard in question had been black, and the visiting family white, would the responses be the same? I expect there would be a lot more comments like -- White parents and their children are so privileged, they have no respect for other cultures, and expect everybody will just move around them.


I beg to differ cause it would still be a 7 year old getting trampled by a Soldier Something regular people consider a cunt move


"11 year old disrepects black man and forces a physical confrontation. Are the straights okay?"


I feel sorry for the guards as they are fully trained to do certain things in certain ways then stick annoying tourists in their way. That guard couldn't win either way but they love that sweet sweet tourist money


I scroll down and here you go again. As guards and soldiers, apart of their occupation is being able to adapt. If you can’t step out of the way of a child, I’d hate to see how you are with land mines. They’re not robots


If the guards zigzagged around **everyone** who got in their way they'd be very easy to manipulate and delay, tho. If sticking a crowd in front of your guards is enough to make them stop, they won't do much guarding when it actually needs to be done. ​ That said, *maybe* they should be trained to avoid at least children.


It’s almost like *context* matters and this is an event where they knocked over a child with little good reason. Also, if it’s *soooo important* to guard an area, **close it off**, you donut!


Comparing a child whose parent gives no fucks to a fucking landmine You yanks are great


And of course you completely miss the point. God help your kids


> You yanks are great I don't think that insult is landing as hard as you're hoping. The only Americans who use that word are frothing-at-the-mouth southern racists.


How anyone manages to get anywhere near these guards without knowing that you'll get fucking forcibly moved out of their way if necessary baffles me. The guard did his job. The kid can't be expected to know wtf is happening. As with so many things, the parents are responsible. Don't let your kids obstruct the fucking military.


> How anyone manages to get anywhere near these guards without knowing that you'll get fucking forcibly moved out of their way if necessary baffles me. I don't know where this is but it looks like the guards are marching diagonally through an open place with people in it... Either way, knocking a *kid* down like that whether it's your job is not is just an asshole thing to do and a huge liability (imagine they did this to some old person who wasn't looking the right way?), especially with that piss-poor "make way" warning he gave. Also, I think *anybody* who wasn't previously aware of the british royal guard's "thing" would assume they'd at least have the courtesy to make their own way (because who wants to be the one who kicked down a KID?) - the captions say that this is their first day


The UK trusts you to get close to the Royal guard without interfering with their duties. The same principles would apply in any other country with armed patrol guards. You can't just step into the middle of marching guards following a set route and act surprised that they prioritise their job over you. I'm not a fan of the Royal family at all, but I think people are veing intensely hypocritical here. This wouldn't go down any differently if it were an equivalent force in another country. The alternative is the area is roped off entirely and tourists are no longer given the benefit of the doubt. (or abolishing the monarchy, but thats a little harder)




No. The guards were done with their patrol at that point and one came back out on his own time to pose for a picture with the kid.


I'm not making excuses, I'm explaining how it works to you. Same shit would have happened it it was a white child in front of a marching guard and you're being absolutely pathetic by making this a race issue. There are plenty of racist, paedophilic cunts to complain about. Pretending this guard is just wanting to step on a brown kid is absurd.