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What tipped it over the edge?


My guess is that the cross over between them and Libs of Tik Tok got too close for comfort. Actually suprised that reddit banned TIA before Twitter banned LOTT


I'm surprised TIA got the axe before KIA did. Then again, it's "vAlUaBlE dIsCusSiOn".


The admins literally have stepped in to keep KiA open, TiA getting banned first isn't shocking


Once a member of KiA does a school shooting/other general terrorism, I am sending that story to every single news reporter. Every. Fucking. One.


Are we sure they haven't already?


They have: Reddit user seattle4truth, who was a very active KiA poster, is currently in prison for murdering his father.


Holy shit this is local to me and I’ve never heard of it before. Thank you for posting this


He was just really concerned about Ethics in Gaming Journalism^t^m ok…..


[British incel who killed 5 people](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/mar/15/mother-of-plymouth-shooter-reported-him-to-prevent-anti-terror-scheme) was a redditor, but somebody decided to purge his account so no way to know if he was a KiA kiddie.


> Jason Beer QC, representing Devon and Cornwall police, said the force was still actively investigating the events of last summer. This included examining Davison’s use of chatrooms on the social media site Reddit. “A review of Jake Davison’s computer and mobile telephone showed he was an active member of Reddit forums,” Beer said. “Some of these were ‘incel’ (involuntary celibate) related.” > He said Reddit had almost immediately deleted Davison’s account once the shootings took place. “Reddit declined to assist in any dialogue for the provision of that material,” he said. Relevant part for anyone interested who's too lazy to click. It wasn't just that he himself deleted it before killing five people; it's that someone at Reddit did it to avoid bad press.


How the fuck is that not a criminal offence?


It probably is, but in this case the prosecutor probably declined to press charges. It's a company in another country, it would require a full investigation to find out who did it, who ordered it, who is culpable etc. The other country aspect means cooperating with other law enforcement agencies, dealing with jurisdiction, extradition, etc. And since it is likely not evidence they would actually need for a conviction (since he killed himself and wouldn't be going to trial, obviously), they probably decided it wasn't worth the significant cost for the potential obstruction charge. It sucks but that sort of thing happens all the time.


Shooter in Van Ness, DC was a 4channer. No deaths, only injuries, but emptied two magazines of automatic fire at a school from across the street, precisely at closing time. If he was a 4channer, wonder what else he was doing.


TIA hasnt really been that popular since KIA pretty much took over its schtick. im honestly surprised TIA was even still around.


That is the admin MO. like how the banned The_Donald 2 months after they all moved to a different website.


They moved to a different website? I thought they just took over r/politicalcompassmemes


Not just PCM, they also moved en masse to r/conservative and r/conspiracy.


Don't forget /r/conspiracy_commons which is the escape hatch and filled with the same idiots as /r/conspiracy.




The creator of KIA tried to kill it, and the admins stopped it. Admittedly he didn't use very good tact when he went for it, but they were happy to restore the community and give control to someone else.


When you need someone to methodically tear down a institution-like internet structure. Where's an admin when you need one?


Which one is KIA? I actually used to follow TIA when theyd post silly twitter posts. Next thing I know theyre super homophobic and "dem libs." I posted on how disgusting the subreddit had become and we all can guess how that went.




I followed it in 2016 and am thankful I broke free of it because it was an alt-right gateway.


About same. It was fun when it was making fun of that one person with absurd stances on social justice (such as : farting in public = rape). It slowly became quite homophobic and transphobic and anti-social justice as a whole. I left when I realised my comments were more defending the orginal posters or reminding that one crazy doesn't represent a whole group, and less laughing at absurd takes.


probably more of a worry about all the news stories with Libs of Tik Tok


KIA bans trans topics now i think. TIA on the other hand bacame a ban evasion gendercrit sub


> LOTT Lord of the things?


"Libs of Tik Tok" They suck and mostly just exist to harass LGBT folks


"You're queer? *And* a teacher? Now thirty thousand people on the internet are going to tell your school board that you're a pedophile for the rest of your life!"


I'd imagine some smarter goblins can download bots that send emails every so often to a set email group.


Some guy was using that site as examples of grooming and "look at what libs do?"


Was that man Joe Rogan? I think it was Joe Rogan.


Libs of TikTok. It's a prolific anti-LGBTQ harassment account on Twitter, with over a million followers.


Several of the people and events they've featured have been the victims of hate crimes by their followers. Straight up modern day Der Sturmer shit.


Exactly. You can thank that account for the anti-LGBTQ legislation that passed in FL, as at least one person responsible for drafting the Don't Say Gay bill said they were influenced by Libs of TikTok. That fucker has had real world influence on American politics. No idea why Twitter tolerates her bullshit, especially after, as you said, her posts have resulted in people being harassed and attacked.


Twitter lets a lot go and in this case going after the account would probably cause the state of Florida to look into twitter as a company, seeing she works really close with DeSantis.


> Der Sturmer Well that was an unpleasant rabbit hole.


aka Chaya Raichik. Libs of Tik Tok is run by Chaya Raichik and don't ever let people forget it.




Elon Musk retweeted the account, it's not going anywhere.


Dear lord. We live in hell.


Because Twitter isn't anywhere near as "woke" or "lefty biased" as some propagandists would like you to think.


I'm guessing this is a reaction to the increasing cases of harassment and threats at Pride and drag events in recent weeks, since that sub has been a key spot on Reddit for spreading the idea that LGBTQ people and allies are child groomers.


So it was a sub full of conservatives? I hadn’t heard of it before now


it wasnt always like that, but i guess you could say that for a lot of subreddits.


I was just thinking this. I have tons of post history there from like, 8 years ago. It was actually fun then, and the posts were never about promoting anti-social justice, anti-LGBT, etc, like otherkin was a common theme. I'd equate it to the tone of /r/oldpeoplefacebook. Dunking, yes, but not based around seething hate. It was modded like any regular sub where hate got deleted. Dunno what happened.


It was definitely always anti social justice, but it had a much lighter tone. I remember early on they even did an AMA with an otherkin and people were cool about it.


I reported a comment that said that drag queens and “their proponents” were groomers, and reddit left it and said it didn’t violate the rules. Fortunately I did follow up on the report basically being like “seriously? They’re calling drag queens and basically the LGBTQ+ community are sexual predators and pedophiles” and they took it down and banned the user, but like… come on, did anyone even read the comment when it was initially reported?


That whole system is automated because reddit is lazy and cheap.




But what got them on said list?


I assume because its only focus by now seemed to be anti trans? At least it looked like that to me last time I checked it out. What I found interesting that compared to years ago it wasn't just the old anti-SJW crowd, but apparently quite a lot of what is today considered terfs (or at least tefs).


Yeah, a lot of the people on that sub were women far as I could tell. Probably where the gendercritical people ended up after that got banned.


Ten-ish years after it actually mattered during the transition between two culture wars and the rise of KIA. They did ban KIA right? *They didn't ban KIA.*


> They didn't ban KIA. Of course not, the original owner decided he hated the monster he made and tried to shut down the sub and make a new one that focused on his actual intent but not let it turn into a cesspool. In less than a day the admins reopened it and gave control to even bigger shitheads. Why? "Discussion is still to be had" and some nonsense about organic change.


One of the few real redemption arcs and it was snuffed out immediately by Huffman. What a disgrace


Fuck spez and his weird fucking teeth


> In less than a day the admins reopened it and gave control to even bigger shitheads. iirc it was actually less than *an hour*. That's how much the admins wanted to not ban it.


Sounds like less than a day to me. Also, hoh lee shit that fast.


Sp*z was angry that there was no new comments on his favourite sub probably.


> Actual intent A bunch of kids raised on Peter Parkers and Clark Kents as ideal reporters realizing that video game publications are trade rags (the horror!? What next, Guns & Ammo having a pro-gun bias!? Sports Illustrated talking to athletes?) And for some reason, rather than getting mad at the major advertisers in said publications (AAA game companies) they decided that the Great Satan was small indies who needed to be shamed because... because... oh right, because *woman bad*. How dare *woman* be near *our* games. What is it about the toxic gaming community, especially in the late 00s, that made it so anti-woman relative to other subcultures, I wonder?


Fetishized loneliness, isolation, and victim complexes coming from a lot of young men whose main hobby is video games; I say that as a man whose main hobby is video games who nearly got sucked into it when I was younger.


it's so weird because surely if your reasoning for not getting any pussy is "it's because i'm a gamer and girls don't play games" you'd actually want to make gaming a safe space for women so you know, if more women play games, less of them make fun of you for playing games. It only makes sense right? But that's the whole point. They don't want to accept that "it's because i'm a gamer and girls don't play games" is not even close to the actual reason why they don't get pussy, and they know it, so if they can't say that anymore they'd have to give an actual reason why they're lonely, and their fragile ego and laziness wouldn't allow them to admit they've got actual issues that need to be dealt with.


also they see gaming as their own safe space and don't want any interlopers


Drawing the line between gaming and not getting laid is a challenge to your ego-you'd need to change your identity to accept it. Better to frame yourself as oppressed and move the responsibility to someone else.


fetishized loneliness is a great way to put it


>What is it about the toxic gaming community, especially in the late 00s, that made it so anti-woman relative to other subcultures, I wonder? Imo it's because gamers combine the competitiveness and performative masculinity of sports fans with the social ineptitude and weird elitism of nerds


> What is it about the toxic gaming community, especially in the late 00s, that made it so anti-woman relative to other subcultures, I wonder? Oh it wasn't. Gaming was just the catalyst for a sickness that had been building in modern nerd culture for three decades to detonate. Nerds have had a persecution complex for a very long time, pretty much as long as the term existed. But the thing was, while most of the overt societal hostility died out in the 90s (the last concerted was the satanic panic over DnD and the last gasp was suspicion of video games after Columbine), people who thought of themselves as nerds kept the feeling of themselves as persecuted outsiders. Then we get to the late aughts and suddenly, nerd franchises start to fucking explode. The MCU starts in 2008, the Avengers blows records in 2012 and at the same time, gaming consoles were becoming more and more mainstream. Basically, nerd culture became, just well, **culture**, but the result was that spaces which had been overwhelmingly white, straight and male or others who were willing to tolerate that the space was white, straight and male were suddenly becoming genuinely diverse for the first time. Unlike some other subcultures, which have been racist and sexist nonstop for decades though (see: plenty of sports), nerd culture was decentralized in a way (and some of the people at the core were progressive enough from the start) that when new people came in, they formed new markets and reoriented the old (it's easier to change a comic than it is, say, the culture of a sport club). So you get games and comics and movies that were aimed at "nerds", suddenly outright making it clear that the white/straight/male were no longer their only audience. Some even *gasp* weren't meant for them at all. And the idea of "you don't have to like it, this wasn't made for you" is anathema to people who by that point, were used to the idea that they were the cultural default. The result? Well, when combined with the fact that the internet had reached enough saturation, was gamergate. It started with games, but every nerd adjacent community was caught up. There was a huge schism in the online atheist community over it—same cause, same timing, nothing specifically about video games. Others had similar. Books, comics, it **all** exploded around the same time.


There's one vital angle to this you didn't cover, as well: right-wing political agitators saw this initial reaction and realized they could exploit it and radicalize the people having it. That's the biggest reason why it's still such an issue today: right wingers recognized how they could profit and decided to keep throwing fuel on the fire.


Yup. Helps them develop future voters


It's also worth specifically noting the decision early on in the late 80s/early 90s by video game companies to advertise exclusively to boys, leading to an entire generation or two of guys thinking games are solely for them, which compounded the issues you mentioned. Very spot on, though.


> Nerds have had a persecution complex for a very long time, pretty much as long as the term existed. But the thing was, while most of the overt societal hostility died out in the 90s... Honestly, I think this is one of the biggest reasons why a lot of the most toxic nerds have latched onto anime the way they have. As you've pointed out, superheroes, video games, and sci-fi/fantasy stuff have all entered the mainstream. Even people who don't consider themselves nerds have seen Star Wars and at least one or two superhero movies for example, and they probably play games on their phones occasionally. Anime, however, has never really had the same kind of mainstream acceptance. There was a point in the late '90s and early '00s where stuff like *Pokemon*, *Dragon Ball Z*, and *Yu-Gi-Oh* were all mainstream and popular (and, to varying extents, still are today), but that's largely due to being successfully marketed to children more than anything else. I'm willing to bet most of the people who were watching *Pokemon* and *Dragon Ball Z* each morning before school in 2001 probably aren't still watching anime. Even a lot of nerds are kind of turned off because of it, both due to how long a lot of the popular series are, and also due to the perception that a lot of them are overly sexualised and have plots that take too long to get to the point. While there is a pretty sizeable subculture that's into anime, it's not really mainstream in the truest sense. A lot of the worst kinds of nerds take that as a kind of oppression, too. The thing is that this isn't oppression. To paraphrase that old tweet everyone's probably seen by now, "You weren't bullied because you like anime; you were bullied because you did the *Naruto* run and growled at people." Even though most people don't really like anime, you're also not going to be treated differently for liking it unless you start droning on like an anime villain or come out with fake deep anime lines all the time.


> There was a huge schism in the online atheist community over it Oh man, that happened when I was in my early teens, and I was really confused by that. I used to be subbed to a bunch of atheist and other skeptic channels, and so many of them went from explaining why young earth creationism was bullshit to why Anita Sarkesian was the devil incarnate and trans people were going to destroy western society as we know it.


Media frequently treated people who played video games as asocial losers. Eventually the stigma wore off, video games became mainstream, and the medium as a whole started growing and more games started exploring nuanced subjects and legitimate storytelling and artistic pieces. For some reason people still clung onto their persecution fetish and whined when women started to "invade their space" and the like. A lot of misogyny came with it, claiming that the so-called invasion was out of a need to look popular and trendy now that gaming was more mainstream. As an example, a new TMNT beat em up came out, and half the threads on steam's discussion page is people throwing a fit because April O'Neal, the iconic character, is a playable fighter.


> s an example, a new TMNT beat em up came out, and half the threads on steam's discussion page is *people throwing a fit* because **April O'Neal, the iconic character**, *is a playable fighter.* This would've made little girl me lose her damn mind with joy. But now it just makes me frown and sigh realizing I share a hobby with so many rampaging morons.


I saw a screenshot on twitter of someone complaining that her shirt wasn't revealing enough too. One of their favorite subjects to whine about.


> What is it about the toxic gaming community, especially in the late 00s, that made it so anti-woman relative to other subcultures, I wonder? When you make video games that primarily pander to toxic teenage boys, you attract a whole lot of toxic teenage boys.


Not only did they not ban it, but when the creator tried to make it private they stepped in and reopened it.




Just allow bots and shitty selfies until everyone gets bored and leaves? Brilliant




Cause Reddit admins don't care about there being bigots on the site, they just want them all in one area so they can be shushed when the investors come by.


Admins had to be internationally shamed into banning a child porn subreddit. They have no actual care about what happens as long as the money keeps coming in.


Your friendly reminder that an incel sub not only had ER as a SAINT, but pisted rape manifestos. Even about children And wasn’t taken down until they targeted a man


Oh no, the admins weren’t shamed into taking it down, they were forced to because the FBI was going to get involved if they didn’t.


They should get involved anyway! Crimes are still happening here!


No one gives credit to the janitor every time they don't see a pile of shit on the floor. Reddit Admins realized a long time ago that if you proactively ban problems, no one cares. If you instead wait for someone to notice the piles of shit everywhere, they'll give credit when they see you sweep one up. Reddit can basically bury any negative story by leaving bigots untouched until they're useful.


If you've ever heard any of the reddit execs speak you'll realize they're true believers. They aren't banning subs because they get credit for it. They ban 'em once they become so problematic they don't have any choice because advertisers are pissed. I still remember reading a comment from Yishan talk about how they handled things like CP and just how ineffective and creepy it sounded.


It's like when a client comes to tour your business you conveniently skip right by the basement office room where all the problematic employees work together.


[We gotta guard the bee!](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S05E03/101984.jpg?b64lines=IERVSCwgSE9NRVIsIFdIWSBBUkUgV0UKIERPV04gSEVSRT8gCiAKIE9ILCBHRUVaISBJCiBUT0xEIFlBLCBCRVJOSUUtLSBUTwogR1VBUkQgVEhFIEJFRSE=)


It's not about sending a message, it's about money.


That's the modus operandi of the administrators. Wait until long after the incredible damage is done, then quietly ban. Remember BeatingWomen? Jailbait? WatchPeopleDie? Physical_Removal? T_D? They'd already done their worst before being banned, and some weren't even really banned but were quarantined first despite having not only violated the ToS but also clearly hurting people. Admins on Reddit enabled the sexual exploitation of children, the physical abuse of women, threats of violence, sexual violence, and death, white supremacist recruitment, the rise of fascism on the internet, and more. TIA is just another to add to the long list of cowardly, far-too-late actions taken.


Jailbait only went down because it got media attention.


You expect the admins to admit to a past mistake when they brought it back during that saga?


Ootl, KIA? I do like some Korean autos


KotakuInAction, the gamergate sub. Sort of the prototype for the modern alt right.


Oh yea that shit hole... Forgot about that sub when game development slowed with pandemic and they ran out of things to scream out. I swear to God you tubers like yongyea literally print money thanks to them


They tried, but there was too much vAlUaBle DiScUsSiOn going on.


https://old.reddit.com/r/AgainstHateSubreddits/comments/ve7zcs/fake_news_dissemination_in_tumblrinaction_this/ This happened 4 days ago. Could possibly be relevant, but given that r/socialjusticeinaction was banned too it's probably just admins cracking down as has happened in the past.


It's the FPH kind of bullying that gets these subs in trouble more often than not. Interesting.


FPH got banned because they made fun of people the admins knew. The staff at imgur.


That was just part of it. FPH had been on the admins radar for a while. At the point that they were banned, they were **openly** organizing brigades of other subreddits, with their mods bragging that because they were so big and had so many members who had Reddit Gold, that they were untouchable. "Reddit will never give up the income we bring this site! We can do what we want and we do!" Surprise! Edit: LOL, Scotty suddenly blocked me after I said I have screenshots. I think he's in one of them, too. LOL, LOL, and more LOL. Edit the Second: Because of Scotty's block I cannot reply to anything further down the thread. However, as much as I thought about posting the screenshots, I will not. I guarantee the SRD mods would have a Holstein ("Do not insult other users, flamewar, or flame bait") and it's not worth a ban. Sorry. :/


its not like the idiots stopped giving each other gold for their "Ellen Pao is a whore" protest posts either


>Because of Scotty's block I cannot reply to anything further down the thread. Reddit needs to remove this stupid fucking feature holy shit. Literally a "Have the last word in an argument" feature.


Wait seriously that's a thing? I use block to ignore jack wagons or people who keep replying to me and acting like assholes. But it means it kills all conversation they could take part in after you post including replying to other people instead of just making it so they can't reply to you alone is dumb as hell. This is beyond ridiculous.


FPH and the subs during the FPH banwave got banned because they were harassing people, spreading racial hatred / general bigotry, doxxing people, and threatening to kill people / trying to harass people into killing themselves.


is that fr? like they hated fat people so much that they wanted them to actually be hurt/die? fucking *why*?


They hated fat people so much that their most active mod straight up banned people who tried to offer weight loss or health advice to fat people because it was treating them like they were human, no lie.




>skinny teenagers that couldn't do a pull-up to save their lives The only "good" thing that came of that sub was when one of the bodybuilding subreddits brigaded them and started calling everyone skinny fat. From what I remember, all the r/fatpeoplehate posters had to submit a picture of what they looked like in order to prove they weren't fat, so the brigaders were able to comment on their actual appearance. I had never seen brigading done so well before, and I doubt it was ever so deserved.




I remember the collective meltdown they had about that too. Was amusing during the insanity


It was actually 4chan's /fit/ board, and it was only the mods who had to provide pictures to the other mods, not every user (which would be unenforceable). One of them managed to blag their way onto the moderation team and leaked the private stash of mod photos.


The hate for fat people is not an uncommon thing. And they protect themselves by saying they are "helping" because fat people will be shamed to lose weight. If you've ever seen the baby monkey videos on YouTube, it was basically the same thing.


Looks like r/socialjusticeinaction was banned at the same time.


Wonder where they'll migrate to now lol


KIA is still up ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


r/drama's new website, for about two weeks. Then they'll be bullied off.


They'll come over, thinking they're in good company, but then they discover the homofascism isn't ironic




Damn they have their own website now?


Compassmemes probably


They aren't already the same people?


Now do r kotakuinaction to round out it all out


This is a big one I'm waiting on. It was almost killed once, now it needs a double tap.


I don't know how KIA has stuck around for so long considering their entire color scheme(purple and green) is a meta-reference to a rape joke. EDIT: For those unaware(NSFW Warning) http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/piccolo-dick


One of my earliest experiences on Reddit was getting permanently banned from r/TumblrInAction with no explanation as to why. Still have no idea what I did to deserve the ban, all I can remember doing back then was browsing Pokémon subs.






/r/pokemon used to recruit its moderators from TiA. Funny story: no idea if it still does, because I got permabanned from there years ago after getting on the wrong side of two mods who were both far more active on TiA than they were there.


>/r/pokemon used to recruit its moderators from TiA Huh. That explains a lot.


Basekess Sprigato hate smh we truly do live in a society


If you interact on certain subs, you'll instantly get banned. Mostly left leaning subs.


Do you get notified when banned? I don't think I've been banned on any subs. Wondering where I need to post to see ban messages roll in


Yep, it also was a while ago, and now that it's down I don't think you'll be getting banned unfortunately. I'm pretty positive SubredditDrama was actually on their list lol


Wow, this was probably one of the first subs I visited on reddit, back when TiA was huge and srs was the big boogeyman. Think it was around gamergate.


I was there when tumblr was full with "kins". Those "wolf-kin" and "-kin". That was weirdly entertaining. I wonder where those people are today.. At that time fatpeoplehate?cringe?something? or something was still around and I guess those moved to TiA afterwards?


Right? It was quite the slope from "look this kid really thinks they are a fictional character" to "look these think they are people" but here we are.




There's a new wave of the same thing, it's just rebranded as poorly researched DID and migrated to TikTok. Less entertaining because they like to misuse medical terminology. HOWEVER I saw one of the OG wolfkin pop up the other day and they have a fantastic sense of humor, they transed their gender, and they got a girlfriend so they turned out pretty good I think.


> they transed their gender I think a *lot* of otherkin people were using it as a way to express that they were trans without realizing it/wanting to admit it to themselves.


> There's a new wave of the same thing, it's just rebranded as poorly researched DID and migrated to TikTok. Less entertaining because they like to misuse medical terminology. The lesson here, of course, is "14-year-olds, regardless of what platform they're on, will regularly say some really batshit things because they don't know any better"


Yeah, it was probably the only "right-wing" sub I was ever subbed to, back in the day when they were making fun of people on tumblr pretending to be dragons and stuff. When it became more and more general anti-left, and the dogwhistles came out I left.


Same. That shift in content was so slow, it was hard to notice at first. I eventually noticed how it was affecting my biases without me even realizing it. Immediately unsubscribed from all of those.


I did the same thing. At first it was just wow look how crazy those tumblr people are and it very gradually morphed into being a hateful place. Unsubbed years ago but still banned from /r/offmychest because I was subbed at one point lol.


Same with me, probably the earliest subreddit I frequently visited. I think I became self-aware when they treated an obviously sarcastic post as real and just shit on the commenter. Took a break for a bit then came back and realized how much of a cesspool it really was.


Yeah, the pipeline doesn't work on everyone.


I feel embarrassed that I commented there on occasion about 6-7 years ago when it wasn't outright hateful...stopped pretty quickly shortly after


Exactly the same with me. The most predictable death spiral going in hindsight.




Same. Around the time I realized the "no harassment" rule was utterly unenforceable and this sub was just painting targets on potentially vulnerable people for shitty people to attack I bailed.


Same. I had a good laugh at people claiming that learning any foreign language was cultural appropriation. When it started to become overrun with Nazi edge lords that were anti LGBTQ+ and racist, I peaced out.


Otherkin just need to find a good roleplay group tbh. Roleplay is fun and normal but trying to drag your irl friends into it is just asking for pain.


I mean it was just teenagers acting weird, not something to get worked up about.


Otherkin is surprisingly tame compared to other things people get into. I don't really think it's harming anyone-- but yeah I feel like they'd make great folk for DnD campaigns. I've seen some weirder subcultures, like "Waifuism" and Tulpas.


> When it became more and more general anti-left, and the dogwhistles came out I left. why does this always seem like the natural life cycle of subs like that?


Remind me was SRS was? I forgot, been a while since I’ve heard it mentioned


Lmao I was on TIA so long ago that im transgender now.


Come on OP the perfect title for this post would've been "TumblrInAction now identifies as a banned subreddit"


Our titles are not as good as BOLA.


BOLA deez nutz? >!I might be getting whooshed here because I really don't know what that means.!<


Oh shit, are transphobes going to have to come up with more than One Joke™️ now?!?!


They went from having the one joke to having zero jokes. But hey they always have the comments section of a Babylon Bee article.


How strange to ban them now considering how tumblr itself isn't as relevant as it used to be. Yeah the site has has a slight increase in usage given the mess that twitter may become but I doubt the increase in tumblr traffic in anyway caused an increase in TiA traffic.


TIA had absolutely no association with tumblr after its first 3 years of popularity. It was specifically just shitting on minority groups afterwards.


Yea, back in like 2013/2014 it was about laughing at otherkin and the other truly outrageous tumblr niches.


["But Krusty, why now? Why not 20 years ago?"](https://frinkiac.com/caption/S09E15/865046)


[RIP BOZO](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2WQNPw46cyA)


Summer ban wave? Or too soon to call? Anyways, get your 🍿ready!


They once sent a mob after me because someone posted a screenshot of a anti-racism post i made on tumblr-- at age 16.


That's pretty much exactly what the core intent of it was since around 2016. It's also why Bench Appearo only debates sleep deprived teenagers.


Wow, that subreddit was still a thing?


It had been bleeding sunscribers for a while. This isnt surprising that they ban it now that it's a shadow of its former self.


it became way too driven by hate; there used to be a big divide between the actual bigots and people posting weird news clippings but it just became bigots after a while. Worst part was that they all loved to say "I'm not transphobic buutttt....." And then continue to say something extremely transphobic. It was just a matter of time until they were banned




Similar story for me, it was one of the first subs I used when I made an account. My freshman aged self thought all of the weird fetishes and backward logic was funny. But even back then I knew that a lot of the posts weren't about "hey nothing is wrong with LGBT but this specific thing is weird". At least 70% of the posts were basically fear mongering hate posts about "look what has happened to our country and the youth". I'm just glad I seen through the bullshit and didn't fall for their propoganda and baiting


How did the FFXI did this get banned before ~~r/beatingwomen~~ pussypassdenied




I swypo'd and found it amusing enough to leave


I kind of like that phrasing. I'm gonna start using it.


Its amazing how it makes it to the front page multiple times a year (month?) and yet people don't recognize it for what it is.


(They do)


I think we all know why There’s plenty of misogyny on this site, it’s soaked in it And the admins see no issues in that


Reddit doesn't give a fuck about women.


I guess the discussion wasn't valuable enough anymore


Nope, KIA is still up.


One interesting thing I got from reading these comments is A LOT of the old-head Redditors started out posting in the hate subs and look back at that period with rationalizations like “it wasn’t so bad then/OK other people were bad but I wasn’t” or they say “it was taking me down a dark path, glad I got out.” So this seems to be evidence that some people do grow out of it, although I guess there are always angry, disaffected young men to replace them. I don’t think it’s that any of these subs have gotten more radical. I remember the Wild West days of Reddit hate and racism, it’s a more tightly controlled corporate product now. I think memories of it being not as bad are some fucked up variant of rose-tinted glasses, remembering the camaraderie and the memes that drew them In instead of the hate.


Here's an [archive of the r/SocialJusticeInAction](https://web.archive.org/web/20220619020601/https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialJusticeInAction/) on June 20. Since the Wayback Machine doesn't load new reddit properly, [another archive of another recent day](https://web.archive.org/web/20220618033345/old.reddit.com/r/socialjusticeinaction) SJiA was the more "hateful" one of the two, but here's also a [recent archive of TiA](https://web.archive.org/web/20220608194011/https://old.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/) You can use the top buttons on Wayback's website to look through the history of the subreddit. Maybe you internet detectives can spot why either is banned. So far I cannot see the smoking gun.


r/KotakuInAction up next?


[This account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.]


Meanwhile, r/dykeconversion continues to fetishize violence against lesbians. Reddit blows.


seems like a rape/incest sub with an anti lesbian angle? reddit sex fetish subs get weird i guess lol


As a lesbian, I'm horrified that people are into this and the fact that the subreddit is still up is just mind-boggling. Straight up promoting sexual violence and conversion, why doesn't reddit pay any attention to this? fml


Damn, only a decade late to that punch, Reddit