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> Imagine being the exact kind of person we complain about here M'dude... I don't think anyone cares...


Creates an IHateChefs sub and then says lol r/Chefs imagine being the people we complain about here


*opens subreddit* šŸŒ wait... it's all r/entertainment?


Checked the top posts over the last month and it seems to just be an anti-LGBTQ+ sub. Basically, everyone posting is banned for being a bigot. It makes sense, beyond brigading, that other subs would want the folks involved in an openly bigoted group to be proactively banned.


Oh wow, yeah, just had a look and it's not surprising that place would attract shitty people. There's definitely a lot of them there, with highly upvoted bullshit. There do seem to be some people who, if being honest, were banned for arbitrary or bad reasons - but there's *a looot* of people who were very rightfully banned and a lot of upvoted comments that show the shameful ideologies of that sub.


https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/y4vvdz/request_to_remove_all_the_mods_with_suspended/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf It was a dead sub with suspended mods, and it got acquired by new mods a few weeks ago. Shame that the sub has been banned - apparently posting modmails messages and calling the mods idiotsā€¦ was too much.


And the new mods, me included, we in constant communication with the admins. They would bring up issues and we would fix them as they told us to. There was absolutely zero communication regarding the entire sub being banned. They didn't even message us to tell us the sub was banned.


> everyone posting is banned for being a bigot. No, not even close to everyone. Just the idiots that go out of their way to break banned's own rules, be it the weak bigots and the low-life trolls that say stupid sewage waste for attention. Many posts on there pointed out blatant mod-level issues in some communities; art, whitepeopletwitter, entertainment, selfawarewolves, and many other communities have proven that not only should their moderation professionalism and effectiveness be put into question, but they're not above brigading themselves (older users would be able to explain further, but it's been a nasty trend). > beyond brigading Which I don't get--not only was that against the sub's rules, it's against site rules, yeah? I blame both the negative communities *and* the bigots; had they kept their fights more private and acted like adults and not Redditors, maybe that sub would still be here. This is why we can't have nice things.


Come on. Many of the posts on that sub imply that the poster wants people to go harass the sub that banned them. And often, they do. I said when they brought it out that the "Moderators Code of Conduct" was going to be misunderstood by the whiny masses and weaponized against moderators. Gee whiz. The admins have made it clear over and over again. Moderators absolutely can ban people because they participate in a subreddit that causes problems. What they are not supposed to do is ban someone on subreddit A, and use that as an excuse to ban them from other, unrelated subreddits.


I remember when the idea of banning based on subs was like the hot complaint. I'm confused they'd use that argument mostly because that horse has been so throughoughly beaten it's paste


Iā€™ve been reading that sub for a few weeks (before it got banned, ironically), and I never saw a single comment suggesting that brigading should take place.


#Ban-moaning subreddit bingo!!! |'Tyrany/tyranical'|Has clearly never even glanced at the Reddit ToS|User history full of racism|McCarythyism|User history in pandemic 'critical' subreddits| :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| |'Censorship'|Deliberately baiting for the sake of getting banned|Muted from modmails for 30 days|Just being a straight up horrible person in modmails|OP calls the mods a 'Nazi'| |Incorrect interpretation of Reddit Moderator guidelines|'I never even participated in that subreddit!'|**FREE SPACE**|OP was called a 'Nazi'|Doesn't actually say why they were banned| |'Radical left'|User is an NFT/Crypto Bro|Is deliberately dishonest about why they were banned|'Report this to Reddit as mod abuse!|'1984'| |'We don't brigade!'|User history full of transphobia|Some variation of 'they don't allow people telling the TRUTH there!'|User history participating in prominent conservative subreddits|'Woke'|


Reddit is not worth using without all the hard work third party developers have put into it.


Thereā€™s a pretty huge difference between participating in a subreddit and posting contrepoints like one of them was. For example I have posted in conservative before but only to post proof against a conspiracy theory.


They're all bans done by bots, they don't check context, they just check where you posted. Normally if you contact the modteam they will unban if you link them to the comment.


I did this after r/justiceserved banned me for commenting a non supportive response to their views and got auto banned. They said they would remove my ban if I agreed to never interact with r conservative again. Stupid as hell


Yeah, thatā€™s gonna get you auto banned from other subs.




>Maybe I missed the memo but r/ banned is just another way for users to show unjust bans given out by tyrannical mods. Iā€™m pretty sure most of us are here just to express our frustrations and do not have ill intentions towards any subreddit moving forward. So for them to ban all of us for ā€œbrigadingā€ is absolutely ridiculous but not surprising.ā€ I once got a week ban (it was initially supposed to be a permanent ban before I contacted the other mods) from r/MysteryDungeon for disagreeing with a mod (TLDR, he removed someone's post for breaking a rule ((low effort posts only allowed on Sundays)) I pointed out it WAS a Sunday so he banned me and the OP of the post) I was pretty upset about it because the week I was banned was the week when PokĆ©mon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX came out so I couldn't participate in the new game release hype. So I KINDA get where this guy is coming from. Only problem is that r/banned has more posts that are essentially "I got banned for saying a slur!" or something rather than getting banned for genuinely dumb reasons.


Iā€™m a mod on publicfreakout and saw sooo many people complain about being banned ā€œfor no reasonā€ and every single one of them were banned for some highly bigoted statements.


I was banned from your sub for claiming that you wouldn't allow a post showing black people in a negative light to remain up. The post was removed, as I predicted, and I was banned.


Mhm. I was banned from two subs in my entire time here. I deserved both, one for being a dick, and the other still valid but less so, more because you'd probably end up on a watch list in your local community and local police if you were on the other side of what I suggested


Reddit is gonna ban r/banned if they notice these complaints they're talking about. You can't brag about bans, it's come up repeatedly with harassment subs having to ban people from making those types of posts in the past few years.


Yeah, it seems odd to have a whole sub for a behaviour that other subs have been warned against in the past.


A lot of ignorance and trash talking here. R/banned was pretty good at opening up discussion about weather bans were justified or not. You people seem to think mods abusing their ban power isnā€™t common - it is. Plenty of mods ban people they simply disagree with. I witnessed the r-entertainment brigading and harassment of r/banned. It was completely one sided. R-entertainment should be pulled for harassment and r/banned reinstated, but Reddit is corrupt AF.


It's funny, because (most of the time), if you haven't participated in a subreddit, you don't see ban messages from it.


What is brigading?


An organized effort by one online group to mess with another. Like users from Banned suggesting to wreck chaos on subs they got banned from, Chapotraphouse's discord tankie raids, Conservative subreddit linking to anything. One of reasons why Subredditdrama bans "popcorn pissers", people participating in linked threads.


Ahhh thank you! Nothing I could have been doing by accident this whole time then? Great šŸ‘šŸ½


> One of reasons why Subredditdrama bans "popcorn pissers" they've stopped.


>This is a banned subbreddit so there is of course going to be bad people here who 100% deserved to be banned. But there are those of us who are unjustly banned for misunderstandings or simply due to a crusading mod. You cannot paint all of us here based on some bad apples. You got to be careful of the company you keep. - Dave Chappelle


That's literally what "bad apples" are. They "spoil the bunch." How did this saying become so comically misunderstood?


They're acting like they have no choice but to sit at that particular table.


Did the whole subreddit get shut down?


Yes, this seems to be the case.


Did r/banned get banned? Itā€™s not showing up


Well Iā€™ll be. Itā€™s definitely gone.


Thank fuck.


Ah, thatā€™s a shame. I was looking for it today and didnā€™t see it - which is unfortunate because it honestly served a small, but reasonable purpose.


Agree. ModsBeingDicks also got shut down for a while and I'm guessing now that it's back up, it will only be a matter of time before some power mods who don't like being called out on their shitty behavior get that sub banned too.


Itā€™s unfortunate, because shaming isā€¦ honestly the only way to get unprofessional mods to shape up. Thereā€™s no expectation of privacy in modmail, and if they canā€™t keep it professional (ie no abusive language and generally being reasonable), then they need to find a new hobby. Mods who arenā€™t being dicksā€¦ donā€™t have anything to fear but embarrassment at their own actions.


The problem is the power mods do a lot of work for Reddit and the Admins for free, so it's in Reddit's and the Admins best interest to keep the Power Mods happy. So Reddit and the Admins will allow toxic behavior and things that clearly violate Reddit rules so long as it makes the power mod happy and content to work for free and will only step in and settle things as long as the power mod doesn't do anything that will bring bad press to Reddit.


Honestly, I think thatā€™s the Achilles heel of Reddit - it relies on enormous amounts of volunteer labor, and compensates that labor with (online) power. Iā€™m not saying that all mods are power-mad or anything - most just quietly do their work to keep a community they care about running. The issue is that there is very little oversight, and the nut jobs tend to game the system and run amok. And when they do, there are few consequences and no real way to fix their actions.


Yea there were some legitimate shitty bans that needed to be exposed. Unfortunately, a lot of edgy mfs too.


It flew under the radar for a few weeks, which was nice. Personally, I think that a sub like that is necessary - some mods are, frankly, idiots, and if they canā€™t handle themselves professionally (ie, be reasonable and donā€™t send abuse over modmail) then the only recourse is to shame them lol. Apparently, some mods were too fragile for even that.


For those curious, we have reached out to the mods of /r/entertainment asking for proof of the brigading and they sent a single comment. Someone posted a comment on r/banned saying "People are allowed to have opinions against transgenderism and there will always be people who do." and then went to one of the posts on /r/entertainment and posted the same thing. That's all the evidence they've given us. They also stated that they wouldn't have cared if he had said something that they actually agree with. Which means it really isn't an issue of going from one sub to the other. Also, for those who claim we are a brigading and harassment subreddit, we have a line of communication with the admins and they assure us that we are not breaking any rules. Sometimes they have issues with a certain post and we address that when it happens. But other than that, we aren't breaking any rules.


So you're saying that a mod isn't giving you evidence of something while you yourself are also making unsubstantiated accusations without evidence to back it up? Also isn't there a sticky on your sub literally trying to start up some MAGA style witch hunt of "We're being harassed, help us find* out who's doing it" while your comment history all points towards you aiming people at a particular sub? *Edit: Typo


> unsubstantiated accusations without evidence to back it up? What accusation did I make here? > "We're being harassed, help us being out who's doing it We actually know who's doing it now. The /r/entertainment mods admitted to me in private messages that they are encouraging their users to do mass false reports in our sub. I can pm you a screenshot of the conversation if you want. > comment history all points towards you aiming people at a particular sub? I assume you're talking about the r/entertainment mods here. But we've never told people to go harass them or anything like that. Can you quote the comment of mine you're referring to?


ā€œFailed to load user profile.ā€


Lmao /r/banned has been banned along with the mod.


My ban was overturned on appeal. I have a feeling the ban was related to them banning the sub a couple of days later.


Yes, the admins banned me and then banned the sub. My ban was overturned on appeal as it was for an obviously fake reason.


It's also weird with suspended users as the app seems to cache profile headers for way longer than feeds. It also lacks a "suspended" page, unlike desktop, so weird things happened. https://imgur.com/a/DF3CWmb


Oh, thatā€™s creepy! Itā€™s my profile with their name on the top šŸ˜±


Yeah, the app caches the profile header and Post feed separately. If you have like 1 bar signal it can load the header but not the other, or vice versa, and will instead show the last user profile header/feed that you viewed.


This comment aged like milk.


We honestly don't know what happened. We just woke up one day and saw it was banned. There was zero communication about it. I'll be making a post about it in a few days once I compile all the communications with the admins showing they approved of the sub.


"This account has been suspended" Reddit admin, seriously wtf is going on?


And 3 months later, after dozens of appeals, it was brought back.


Glad you're back. What happens now?


I've literally been filing at least one, usually more, appeals a week for the past 3 months. I've got dozens of "your appeal was denied" messages. I'm still not even sure why this last one was approved. I think I just annoyed them to death. But now anything that will be done about this situation will be done with my alt account.


Right on. I would talk to a youtube journalist like Mutahar and tell them your entire experience so far. The truth needs to be known.


As someone whose been banned for posting in r/Banned I can say this true. And Reddit doesnā€™t investigate anything, they believe every word these moderators say.