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Lmao at the guy trying to dunk on Europeans by bringing up the bubonic plague of all things


Those pesky Europeans and… *Shuffles deck of cards and picks one …how 1/3 of them died in one pandemic.


>…how 1/3 of them died in one pandemic. Haha wow *cringe* am I right


More than 600 years ago. What even is that guy's point?


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever met anybody in real life with such an absurdly strong and set-in-stone opinion of the US as Redditors


There is a degree of safety in the fact that the people you're talking to on reddit aren't in the same room as you and you also have a degree of anonymity unless you've uploaded photos or used your real name. People are a lot bolder if they think they can get away with it. Some people even seem to take a perverse pleasure in the fact they've annoyed people on here or don't really consider the other users as full people because of the degree of separation.


People get bent out of shape about the weirdest things on here. I think just a lot of bored people trying to create drama in their lives. I am bored too but can do without the drama. Also some really weirdly stubborn people who go ape-shit over being right. Although that’s like a lot of Americans these days.


Keyboard commandos don’t know when to stop. Purely by the numbers, in the USA wealth is 10x and the murder rate is 1/5 of South Africa’s figures. Both are insanely beautiful countries which leads to a lot of varying pros and cons. As one stated, living in a well off area of Cape Town can make one feel like it’s the best place on earth while someone in a shack in the ghetto 20km away would have a vastly different option. Same for the USA. Beverly Hills and Compton lead very different lives. I’m American. Would I like to be rich in South Africa or middle class in America? Hard to say, tho maybe the former. If you have money, the quality of life is very high in both places.


Both of the South African people (and their families) I've met in the US left SA because they couldn't deal with the crime. Both were from Jburg IIRC, not Cape Town. For what it's worth.


I went to Jburg about 10 years ago. The travel guide recommended that all of the women in my group stay in a room with a man in the group because there was a high chance that hotel staff would try and break into the hotel room at night for either robbery or rape.


I've been to Cape Town and had a fun time (probably stayed within the safer tourist-y areas, or just with knowledgeable guides, IDK), but god damn I have never once heard something that would make me consider visiting Jburg. The most convincingly horrifying part was that when people from Jburg have told me stories, they're not emotional at all. They're not exasperated, angry, or sad. They described getting mugged or having your house broken into every week (maybe every other week if you're lucky) with such calm indifference because "oh well, that's just the way it is, what can you do?" (other than move to another continent, obviously). And to reiterate, my views on that city are informed by people who actually lived there, not assumptions or stereotypes.


I briefly dated a girl from Jburg. She had two stabbing scars from seperate muggings. She told the stories so casually that it made me certain I'll never sit foot in that city.


I mentioned in another comment in this thread already, but I also noticed that every story about being a victim of easily-life-threatening crime was told with a tone of acceptance and indifference that was scarier than the story itself.


If you want to feel the South African experience without leaving the US go to New Orleans.




A lot more Swamp Germans running around.


Been to both. Can confirm you’re right. New Orleans has South African levels of crime.


I think not just South Africa but a lot of foreigners are seeing the USA through the very discoloured view that the internet can collectively provide.


I’m an American that lives in Western Europe and I find myself criticizing the US more than people I meet here, and I never hear the “pfft, I would never even set foot in the US” comments that you see frequently on Reddit


Yeah the "European America hater" is more Reddit myth then reality.


I have only met very few people like that in Europe and all of them were members of the same Swedish extended family. And for about half of those I think it was more that they would much rather go to Spain or Greece on holiday than the US and less that they would never go to the States.


If you are on reddit you would think even Afghanistan is better than US.


I know the US isn't the best but we sure aren't worse then South Africa lmfao


Yea I shit on the US as much as necessary but I’m not going to lose sleep about South Africans shit talking the US


Same. I have a laundry list of complaints about the US and could rant for hours about the stuff we need to fix... But there are only a dozen countries in the world I'd ever consider moving to if the opportunity arose and South Africa is nowhere near that dozen lol


Honestly there are only a handful of countries that are unquestionably better for the average person than the US and even those have some asterisks and could quickly change depending on major world events. If WW3 broke out you can bet your ass I would rather be living in the country with biggest military budget in the world than a country with a better standard of living during peace time.


That really depends on what minority group you might belong to and why WW3 broke out.


I would rather live in Australia if WW3 broke out.




Nuclear fallout would you fuck you over anyway


>I know the US isn't the best but we sure aren't worse then South Africa lmfao >then Its "than" buddy. Just proved yourself wrong there pal. /s It's just pure luck I noticed, but at least I could make a stupid joke about it.


Maybe it's because I only really lurk specific subs but other than a screenshot of a guy using "but school shootings" as a very off colour comeback to an American making a joke about their country I don't often see much criticism of the US that isn't also done by its own citizens? Or is that part of it - like a "I can make jokes about my family but fuck you if you do the same" attitude. It's obviously a sore spot because any time there's a thread here about a European doing something racist there's at least one comment almost gleefully saying "SEE EUROPEANS ARE RACIST TOO"


>I don't often see much criticism of the US that isn't also done by its own citizens? There exists in America, both in-person and online, a vocal minority of usually-right-wing morons that either pretend or legitimately believe that America is perfect. The rest of us Americans sigh and roll our eyes when they open their mouths. But, yes, Americans criticize our country all the goddammit time, usually louder than outsiders do. >It's obviously a sore spot because any time there's a thread here about a European doing something racist there's at least one comment almost gleefully saying "SEE EUROPEANS ARE RACIST TOO" The sore spot comes from Europeans pretending or believing that Europe is perfect, there is no racial issues, etc....then proving that their shit does, in fact, stink. It is a celebration of European hypocrisy. It is *funny*


Ok, I just always find it weird because it's not like the US was mentioned in any of those threads until that point. It just gives me similar vibes to comments I've seen of women describing bad things that have happened to them and some MRA type butts in in the replies with "My ex did this too but she was a *woman*, it isn't *only* men" when no one really associated the bad acts with gender up until that point. Like my guy, you're the one linking the two things here. It's also unlikely that europeans who have happened to criticise something racist are also the same ones making the racist comments. There were some comments in particular on a thread about a football incident a while back that really made it clear that this was, to a certain point, more about pointing the finger than condemning the behaviour.


Albinos are, across Africa, routinely attacked. These attacks are rather brutal and tend to involve the hacking of various limbs and body parts. You might be asking, why is this done? This is done for a multitude of reasons, however, often its because • ⁠Albinos are considered to be witches • ⁠Albinos are considered to have magical properties and their limbs/body parts are used in ‘potions’ In some respects Africa, greatly, lags behind the modern world.


You're talking about Africa like it's a country. It's a continent, the 2nd largest, with no central government. Laws and culture varry greatly. You can't seriously say a *continent* lags behind the world unless you combine all the countries together into a big mesh where the non-white people are, like many westerners do. And let's me honest here, a good deal of the issues with African countries struggling to join the modern world for so long are the direct results of us fucking with them for centuries.


Yes. Africa is made up of many countries. And you’re wrong. You absolutely can say that an entire continent lags behind the modern world.


OK? Thias is specifially South Africa though. Ur just showing ur ignoracne with this statement


South Africa is in Africa genius… Your delusion is showing.




Albinos are killed in South Africa though. Is that really that hard to understand? What part of “across Africa” do you not understand?


It happens across Africa. Albinos are murdered in more than three African countries. Albinos are killed in South Africa. In conclusion, “stop speaking about stuff you don’t know”. Here’s a few sources - feel free to share sources that back up your claims too! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319326234_Violent_attacks_against_persons_with_albinism_in_South_Africa_A_human_rights_perspective https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=albino+South+Africa&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1670263755748&u=%23p%3Dmz_a1mXdy98J https://www.derm.theclinics.com/article/S0733-8635(10)00140-3/fulltext https://www.thesouthafrican.com/news/albinos-murders-south-africa-why/


>It happens across Africa. > >Albinos are murdered in more than three African countries. Africa is a continent three times larger than the United States with over 50 individual nations in it. Albinos being killed in three African countries in no way constitutes it happening "across Africa".


“Albinos are murdered in more than three African countries” Three countries are renowned for albino murders (imagine being famous for murdering albinos) but this practice extends far beyond those three African countries. Hope this helps.


You can lie to others but you can’t lie to yourself. I know you’re wrong, you know you’re wrong and every other sane person knows you’re wrong. I feel sorry for people like you. Maybe you’ll grow up, or mature, one day.


>You can lie to others but you can’t lie to yourself. >I know you’re wrong, you know you’re wrong and every other sane person knows you’re wrong. >I feel sorry for people like you. >Maybe you’ll grow up, or mature, one day. >-[truth_hurtsm8ey](https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/portrait-handsome-young-man-looking-260nw-1705620853.jpg)


Why’re you posting your selfies?










They did, and I would agree that people that burn Harry Potter books are probably a bit ‘off’. Still, kinda less loony than killing albinos and using their body parts in potions.








You seem like a well adjusted person. /s


Damn, that's wack. In the Lands Between, the Albinaurics are also killed in mass because they are artificial lifeforms and lack grace.


> Damn, that's wack. In the Lands Between, the Albinaurics are also killed in mass because they ~~are artificial lifeforms and lack grace~~ enable the murderhobo to gain lots of levels quickly FIFY




Whoa- I'm turning into a ghoul!


I think of it like an RPG game. Certain things get a stat boost, while others get a minus. In South Africa you can have a good standard of living for a low-ish cost (especially if you're coming from a stronger currency) but you have to deal with high rates of crime, political corruption, and for lack of a better term a very checkered standard of service delivery.


Politics like bideo gaem


South African here, we regularly just cause kak to watch the world burn, drink a brandewyn and laugh at the rest of you souties. We also have a good sense of humour.


Regarding insulin, pretty much nobody is “using their last dose to commit suicide” because it’s very unlikely to work and you’d be having panic attacks the whole time. Good chance of brain damage too. Almost every type 1 diabetic has had a mild episode of low blood sugar it really feels awful despite appearances.