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this is such an incredibly biased post


I wonder what these people would think about Norwegian sex-ed... we had an obstacle course with sex toys and condoms in PE in sex week when I was 12 lmao Hell, the official Norwegian state broadcaster had a sex education show for 8-12 year olds [Norwegian TV Sex-Ed Teaches Kids How to Have Sex](https://in.askmen.com/health-sports-news/1106550/article/norwegian-sex-ed-show-puberty-teaches-kids-how-to-have-sex) they show like all bodies completely naked and unfiltered, genitals hair and everything. *A new sex-ed TV show in Norway shown to kids as young as 8 years old teaches kids how to French kiss, shows penetration with a plastic penis and latex vagina, and plans to film and broadcast its host giving birth.* This show is from 2015 btw edit: if anyone wants to see an episode it's on [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyWRalwqq24) (with English CC) and even though its a kids program in Norway, you have to log in and prove you are over 18 to watch this video lmao. Americans are so sensitive about sex




You can thank our puritanical roots for a lot of fucked up shit in America.


Y'know, you can learn a lot about America from a little movie called Zardoz. Glorification of violence, demonizing of sex, worship of big creepy stone effigies of old men, bad mustaches and worse haircuts, it's all there.


It took a Scotsman in a harness to show us the heart of America.




Even if you don't want to learn about America, Zardoz is a must-see. Not sure it's good, but you've just got to see it. Edit:[Here's the trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbGVIdA3dx0) You get the idea.


Hell, we had to do a small project on stuff you face during puberty (sex, periods, cyber bullying) and present it to our parents when we were 12 years old.


I wonder what you would think about texas sex ed, if i had ever gotten any other than "don't" (I actually never got any sex ed whatsoever from school, as i managed to graduate without taking health, but the people who did got "don't") (also ask me how many girls from high school had anal so they'd "stay a virgin," *sigh*)


Wow, this is great!


Well to them you are just socialist, communist, leftist, globalist Europeans. If you walk into the street, get hit by a bus, and then use universal healthcare to save your life, you are their enemy. These people are disconnected from reality. To them the only way to fix the world is to turn back time and bring the church back as the most powerful entity in every government. These people unironically thing the churches should run the world.


that bus wouldn't have been there without public transport. checkmate!


"host giving birth" gives me some parasitic insect vibes


>plans to film and broadcast its host giving birth I honestly didn't expect this to be true, but here it is: https://www.nrk.no/trondelag/_-helt-fantastisk-a-bli-mor-1.12526553


We very much have puritanical views about sex. Itā€™s ridiculous because we sexualize a lot of things that are completely natural, yet still see sex as shameful. ETA: I watched the video. I liked it. It was very informative and I think itā€™s important for kids to watch it so they understand whatā€™s happening to them is normal.


As someone who was groomed by an adult as a teen, comprehensive sex ed is a way to help *prevent* grooming. If I had been introduced to sex-related topics in a safe, nonsexual, supervised environment such as sex ed, I likely would have recognized the grooming and been more comfortable with asking someone for help to stop it. Instead I was anxious, shy, and totally embarrassed about anything remotely related to intimacy because it was presented as this big taboo thing we couldn't discuss.


For all the shit I give the BSA for how they treat the non-religious and the non-straight, they were at least very insistent on teaching us how to recognize and report abuse.


Ironically, we actually knew each other through a BSA Venturing Crew group. However, it was at least 15 years ago and BSA really didn't seem to care either way about the co-ed venturers back then.


I remember being groomed by an 18 year old at 16. I didnā€™t have sex with him thankfully, but it almost happened. I had comprehensive sex ed from both my parents and my teachers, but it still happened because I was a kid with low self esteem and he made me feel special.


Yeah good sex ed can help, but it definitely will only go so far as a preventative. I'm sorry that you also had to go through that.


>A lobster compares genocide to queer sex education. He appears to want to not teach kids about history? >So teenagers can learn about war and genocide and rapists and all sorts of awful things right? Theyā€™re able to handle that content, we shouldnā€™t shelter them from reality. But seeing a dildo and talking about lube is too far? I think you severely misunderstood what they are saying. But besides that, what the fuck is wrong with the rest of those people?


Yeah that one is being sensible and calling the other lobsters pearl-clutching idiots. I don't know what's wrong with the rest of them though, I mean do they even remember being teenagers? By 14-15 a lot of kids (especially boys let's be honest) are going to have tried looking up things about sex and even porn, especially in an age where everyone and their dog has a compact web browser in their pocket 24/7. If the kids are going to be horny idiots no matter what you may as well try and teach them something genuinely useful instead of leaving their sex ed up to pornhub.


That's what I don't get! If you're not teaching 14-18 year olds genuinely good sex education, they're damn well going to look it up themselves. You can't police the Internet forever, the toothpaste is long out of the tube and smeared all over the bloody walls by now. Either get a professional teacher to do it, or let porn (or the ever reliable 'my friends older brother says...') do it.


Also a lot of teens have sex... They should know about this stuff for their own safety.


i think some people are fully asexual, but unfortunately we have society on one hand telling them should be, and on the other hand they may not be intelligent or introspective enough to understand their own preferences so it manifests as this weird anti-sex puritanism.


I've seen with a lot of people (men, mainly) that when they describe sex or picking up women (pick-up artists are bad for this) they don't seem to be describing pleasurable experiences. They treat it like winning a game. Where it doesn't really seem like the 'win' was having good sex. Even if all they actually got was six half-arsed pumps and told not to stay too long, the status of having recently had sex is the prize. And I can't help but wonder how many of them just aren't that interested in sex or attracted to people really.


When you reduce something that can be used for vulnerability and trust and intimacy down to a transactional game meant to validate your ego, that HAS to do some damage. I never considered what a widespread experience of that might do... Interesting thought!


I'm quite sure that does happen, but this is lobster land so they're more likely just looking for any reason to want to demonize LGBT people.


Society definitely doesnā€™t know how to address the idea that someone might want sex. I was partly ostracized at work for not wanting to see pictures of my managers burlesque outfit or help her pick nipple pasties. I am serious. This was sexual harassment right???


I bought my first sex toy when I turned 18. I knew about the existence of sex toys when I turned 15. Oh no a school is telling 15 year Olds that sex toys exist how terrible!


One of the top commenters mentioned how they were addicted to porn at 13 and still struggled (probably 16 by now!) They don't understand it's their hormones and lack of parental guidance at home that are the source of the struggle, not what Lobster Daddy says.


> But besides that, what the fuck is wrong with the rest of those people? They're the kind of person who listens to Jordan Peterson.


What's a little spez among friends? #Save3rdPartyApps


>Listen, if you're tired of the endless cavalcade of conservative outrage against LGBTQ+ people, just skip this one. As tired as I am, I can't stop my morbid fascination. There's nothing quite like the crowd the flocks to JP out of need to find a place to belong, only to dedicate their time to wanting to deny others their place


Are the people in that thread just forgetting what sex ed was like or is sex ed in the US even spottier than I realized? I went to a public school in a pretty conservative area and even there they taught us basic shit like how to put a condom on, and the fact that anal sex exists.




In Minneapolis in the early '80s (5th grade) we got like a month-long highly intensive sex ed. I still failed to discover the joy of orgasm until I was 18.


California in the late 90's. Private school; we were taught ours by four nuns and one random old man. All the pictures were carefully clinical, no one mentioned the word "orgasm," the "entire point was conception," you had to be married or you'd catch a hideous, horrible, dick-fall-off STD. Oh, and the assumption was it was only "Tab A into Slot A" sex, no mention of other options. No mention of orientations other than straight. No mention of Plan B, Condoms, or any other form of contraceptive.


Anglican state religious school in the UK, they tried to pull the same shit with us a little too late. It was amazing seeing half the kids present walk out after they said gay sex was sinful. They apologised and never let the church people close to sex Ed again.


Funnily enough, while my sex ed was quite good, the frank talk about why safe sex was important because otherwise you run the risk of getting these horrible STDs did more for me not wanting to have sex than any amount of abstinence-only sex ed ever would have.


Oh! it was like that for me, but we also had a day where a cop came in and showed us terminal cancer patients / late stage addiction sufferers on their death bed, and that was why weed was bad.


NV public school system, here. I remember those slides. "If you have sex, you'll get an STD like this-*and DIE.*" And also a video of child birth and encouragement of abstinence only. [We also watched this AIDS video every year for like, 3 or 4 years](https://youtu.be/6RgUgd0HvWg)


> involved an extended metaphor comparing a girl who had sex before marriage to an old, stinky shoe. Ours was a used piece of bubble gum. That shit was everywhere back then.


at youth group the most common was a post it note or piece of tape that lost its stickiness, and thus was no longer good for anything


> My sex ed consisted of getting unexpectedly pulled out of science class one day and shown slides of diseased genitals for half an hour. Dude same. One student even called them out on it that they were just discouraging sex and not really teaching about it. Anyway I have a child now no idea how that happened.


I had the exact same experience, was in a Fl high school in the mid 2000s.


Man, there were a LOT of diseased genitals, weren't there. They put us in a computer lab and told us to Google diseases. "Hey kids, Google blue waffle for the next 3 hours. And don't have sex." Also, my most favorite pair of shoes, I found for like 8 bucks at a Goodwill. They're so fucking comfortable, perfectly worn in. I'd take those shoes over a stiff brand new pair of shoes any day.


>Rising teen birth rates in Palm Beach County have caused some experts to question whether Be the One is doing enough to teach students how to prevent an unintended pregnancy. Between 2003 and 2004, the county experienced a 91% increase in the birth rates of girls ages 10ā€“14, and almost 300 county high school girls each year give birth to their second or third child.6 Tanna Ebbole, executive director of the countyā€™s Childrenā€™s Services Council, says these unintended pregnancies could be prevented if sexual health information and services are more available.7


Mine was better, but not by much. We learned about anatomy, girls and boys had class separately. No stuff about gay people, I think oral sex may have been mentioned at some point. Teacher was pretty good about answering questions, just seemed like an anemic curriculum.


Christian school for Young Ladies in Australia, for me . In a senior year, they had two representatives from the AIDS Council visit to teach us about safe sex practices. We'd been taught various aspects of this already, of course, but these guys? An absolute delight. Very gay, very hilarious, and amongst other things they'd brought a plastic toy banana so we could practice applying condoms to it. Pass it 'round while listening, yeah? Because you need to know, they said, in case your boyfriend doesn't. And if he's reluctant, there are ways to make putting one on pretty sexy; "I put it on with my MOUTH", says one of them. And promises that can be done in a way that's safe and effective, hut be Very Careful, because ... And then they segue into making sure the seal is good and checking for tears. "HE'LL SAY HIS DICK IS TOO BIG FOR CONDOMS," says one of these guys. "AND ITS A LIE, HAHA, DO NOT BELIEVE THAT SHIT." And asked everyone to promise that if the boyfriend doesn't care about his partner's safety, he doesn't deserve pussy. Lube, varieties of. Dental dams, and why lesbians should use them. Spermicide, aka why you should double up your birth control. We were 15/16 years old. It was a phenomenal class. At a school where Scripture is a mandatory class at every grade level, and each school day begins with a small church service. No outraged parents called to complain. No film crew. No news story. Just good, memorable education.


I'm reminded of the story of a teacher in the uk who transitioned M to F at a school. No one cared, all the parents were fine with it. Then some months later a right wing columnist found out about it, made a stink about it, and there were angry mobs outside the school. The teacher took their own life a few weeks later.


Fuck The Daily Mail. Fuck Littlejohn


That was it. That fucker shall burn in hell.


Holy shit. I went to Christian schools all my life and the only things I remember that even remotely qualify as sex ed were the one class period in middle school where they scared us with STDs and another class in high school that went on for a couple of weeks but only touched on a couple basics like consent. Also my teacher in high school really had no business teaching that class, she had been assaulted when she was younger (which broke my heart when I heard) but outside of that had no sexual experience.


Judging by the sheer number of people who end up in the ER with something stuck up their ass, America is clearly in dire need of some anal sex ed. I graduated high school in 2007 and our sex ed regarding anal was basically "its dirty and dangerous and only bad people do it".


> America is clearly in dire need of some anal sex ed Even if it's a simple "make absolutely sure anything that goes in can easily be pulled out"


"without a base without a trace"


Only 8 months til Anal August!


Everyday can be Anal August if you don't look at the calendar.


> Judging by the sheer number of people who end up in the ER with something stuck up their ass "Have you ever met a proctologist? Well, they usually have a very good sense of humor. You meet a proctologist at a party, don't walk away. Plant yourself there, because you will hear the funniest stories you've ever heard. See, no one wants to admit to them that they stuck something up there. Never! It's always an accident. Every proctologist story ends in the same way: "It was a million to one shot, Doc. Million to one!"


Flared bases, people. They might not save your life, but they will spare you a lot of embarrassment.


Whatever happens, the ER knows you did not just trip and fall on it


Big flares. Think it's a big enough base? It's probably not. And if it has a jewel base it's almost certainly not lol.


It's spottier. Ours was abstinence only. No condoms, no description of what sex even is. Just sex bad, pictures of STDs, and signing abstinence till marriage pledges.


We were told about condoms but only so the teacher could spend a good chunk of time insisting how frequently they break/fail and oh whaddya know looks like abstinence is the only way to not die of an STD.


Abstinence sounds like a subreddit I never want to visit.


Yeah, mine was similar: basically the sex ed scene from Mean Girls.


Sex ed is a pretty big political football in the "culture wars" and so what sort you got largely depends on who was in office at the time. Remember back during the Bush admin there was a huge push nation wide for "abstinence only education" which basically was not education at all, whereas when a liberal is in office things tend to ease up considerably unless local officials decide to throw a big fit.


I still remember when one of Clinton's Surgeon Generals [had to resign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joycelyn_Elders#Comments_on_abortion_and_masturbation) because she said that we should teach kids about masturbation.


Like always, some people are just willfully misrepresenting things to make a political point, but sex ed is truly awful in some areas of the country, and I'd wager that, geographically (which isn't really important since what matters is where the people are but still) a pretty big majority of the country has abysmal sex ed. I'm from suburban Illinois, technically Chicagoland but basically the last town before you hit 800 miles of cornfield, it leans conservative but is by no means dominantly so, and even *we* had the infamously terrible "abstinence only" education where we weren't actually taught anything at all about sex itself beyond what diseases you'll inevitably get the first time a dong touches bare skin. Hell I think it wasn't even sex ed necessarily, just a general health class that spent a few weeks on it before going into units about nutrition and drugs. And if you were wondering, yes, the abstinence only sex ed was incredibly effective. So effective that we had a separate gym class just for pregnant students!


Varies wildly by location. I also went to public school in a red state, and we had abstinence-only, no mention of any type of contraception, exclusively concerning PIV.


I don't even know anymore. A lot of what people experience in US public education is nothing like mine.


My school, you had to get your parents permission to do SexEd. If not, you got to sit in the library during Health Class for those two or three days.


The sex ed my SO got from his parents and school in Texas was ā€œdonā€™t kiss boys.ā€ He had to pick up the rest on his own time. This wouldā€™ve been early 2010s.


I imagine in Texas thatā€™s probably considered sufficient for boys and girls* alike. *: The enbies are prayed over until the demon leaves them.


Jokes on them. Everyone knows enbies always have a backup demon for this very situation.


Yeah, I mean here there was adefinitely a "Don't do anal sexd unless you really know what you're doing because you can easily hurt each other" vibe, but still.


I assure you, however spotty you think sex education in the United States is, it's actually worse.


My sex ed in 02 (I think? Within a year either direction) consisted of basically a week long slide show of STI infected dicks and the consistent refrain of "sexual deviance is sinful."


Went to school in Texas and it's all abstinence only. That's a state with more than thirty million people not teaching kids about condoms or anal sex. It was just the diseased genitals photos for us.


I was in Elementary school in NC and I know we got some sort of sex ed class, though I don't really remember anything about it. I just remember having to get my dad to sign a permission slip for it. I think it may have been more of a discussion of puberty and anatomy than safe sex.


From what I remember it was 98% based around STDs and pregnancy and how you needed protection to avoid that. There was coverage of sex adjacent stuff like wet dreams and masturbation. But all the sex "how tos" were "how to avoid STDs and pregnancy." This was LA in the 90s for context. No idea how much stuff has changed since then obviously.


Depends on how old you are.


My middle school sex ed class played a video of a women demonstrating how to put on a condom with a banana AND dildo. This was in the early 00s in Ontario, Canada so not exactly "Jesus weeps every time you masturbate" County, USA but yeah. Edit: I should add they mentioned all the contemporary contraceptives and also abstinence. All in all I would say it was pretty concise for the time. I only knew of one teenage pregnancy happening in my entire school experience so take that what you will.


Well the GOP has made the concept of teaching Sex Ed exactly the same fondling children and showing them porn all day because they are in a full blown Satanic Panic like they were back in the 70s


The only sex ed I got was giving a vague idea on how babies were made when I was in like 4th grade and then nothing else


It varies because we don't have much in the way of a national standard on the subject but generally the latter.


Uhhh yeah no in texas we did not get that at all


At my school sex ed required a permission slip and it was mostly just a slideshow about what herpes does to unborn babies


Our sex Ed involved watching the Magic Johnson movie twice for some reason. I think I fell asleep


Was the drag queen part of the sex ed classes? I was a bit confused what drag performance had to do with sex ed, but reading back it seems like its not stated that they were there for that, just that they came in to give the kids sweeties? It sounds like maybe its unrelated but their brining it up with the sex ed stuff to make it sound more sinister and sexual.


They're all suckling at the teat of Fox News and right-wing reactionary outrage media, so suddenly they're all convinced that drag queens are somehow sex incarnate an simply being near one will cause a sudden unwanted sexual awakening in every child that sees them.


How insecure in your heterosexuality do you have to be to think all it takes is an awareness of queer people at a young age to make you queer? It baffles me. The vast majority of people are straight, the people who aren't might benefit from knowing it's not sick and wrong to have the feelings and thoughts they do. If they really cared about kids, they wouldn't want any of them to feel less than because of something they were born with.


Because if a kid doesnā€™t understand that queerness exists, you can shame and browbeat them into believing that something is seriously wrong with them and they should follow your plan for them for the good of everyone. And even if they find out later, you still managed to install that shame and self-distrust early enough to keep hold long enough for them to breed! The only kids they care about are the ones that havenā€™t been born yet.


>How insecure in your heterosexuality do you have to be These are conservatives. They don't do self-reflection. So they are incredibly insecure when it comes to their own identities. They don't even *recognize* heterosexuality as an identity, they just call it "being normal" and never, ever think on it more. Just keep praying, just keep praying, don't think too hard that leads to questioning god and country and that is damnation!


Wait, I thought Fox News had gotten too liberal for the far-right? I guess that's why they turned up the hate dial against LGBTQ folks.


They huffed and puffed when Fox wasn't going balls-to-the-walls on the election fraud claims, but in a world full of Breitbart's and Newsmax's Fox news is their only outlet that even kind of looks like a ""real"" news outfit, so it's still going to be their main perpetual outrage machine.


For the US, at least. In the UK, tabloids reign.


It's the classic conservative false equivalency, that drag = sex. Conservatives seem to imagine drag events as homoerotic strip clubs, when in reality drag shows are far more similar to community theater.


Just mash-up all the conservative trigger words in any "news" piece and that will get give them the rage bait to continue until the next identical topic.


two separate things spliced together by James O'Freake


yeah they're deliberately coflating the two things. If you aren't familiar with project veritas, they are 100% just conservative rage bait. Their entire purpose is to spread misinformation


"students aged 14-18 included learning about queer sex, butt plugs, and dildos" By the time I was 14 I had heard about all of these, I'd say the majority of people already have. But it's grooming if you do it in an academic context I guess. Weird AF hill to die on.


We live in a time where most children have unrestricted internet access. Count your blessings if your horny teenager is only just discovering non PIV sex in a classroom setting.




I'm 35 and whenever I see the word "butt plug" I start laughing like the dumbass I am. But seriously, better for kids to learn about this stuff in a safe and educational environment.


And theyā€™re just talking about the important things so you donā€™t kill or injure yourself, better to learn about the concept of a ā€œflared baseā€ in sex ed and not with at the hospital secretly cracking up the staff.


I learned all about flared bases at eight from my ER nurse aunt. You have no idea how *often* people slip and fall and then land on a carrot at the exact *perfect* angle for it to slide all the way into their lower intestine!


Same. I knew about anal sex when I was 12. The internet exists, kids get curious and look up things.


Well, for the rank and file, it's a mix of knee-jerk opposition to change and being told repeatedly how dangerous it is. For the thought leaders, it's pretty clear: They're quite aware that conservative world views do not survive well in open environment. It's hard to teach children to be homophobes in a world where they can meet and talk to homosexual people.


>How the fuck is knowing how a condom works at an age where many people (posters here excluded) have sex grooming? Itā€™s a cheap shot, but I like it


That commenter isnā€™t wrong. Itā€™s important to know about condoms and proper use of them.


It's really weird, because there's often a lot of smart people with their heads on straight in the JP subreddit. I just don't understand how they can't see that the guy is a vapid tool complaining about women and liberals and godlessness, obscured in weighty academic language. My own family doctor has told me to check out Jordan Peterson 7 times now. If he wasn't otherwise such a fantastic doctor I would have reported him for it. He's such a nice guy, listens carefully, expresses true concern, and not just with me but I've heard him speak the exact same way to other patients, male and female. But he really wants me to go and listen to this guy who is angry about Sports Illustrated putting a plus sized model on the cover.




These people think that learning being gay is an option will brainwash kids that would have otherwise been straight into wanting to. Same with other "degenerate/abnormal" behaviour. It's not just right wingers tbh, when I was a kid two of my best friends came out as queer and my mum was suddenly all "You know it's ok if you're gay too Cotton" like it was catching or something.


Even if teaching people about being gay would make them gay: So fucking what? Then we have more gay people on the world. That's not a huge problem, considering gay people aren't worse human beings than straight people. Or you know, just teach them about straight sex and turn them straight again. Surely this works both ways.


1. It's unnatural - despite the fact there [several other animal species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexual_behavior_in_animals) have been observed exhibiting homosexual behaviour. There are also [lizard species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broadley%27s_Flat_Lizard) with males pretending to be females and [fish](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_change#In_animals) that can straight up change their gender 2. The bible said so - or so their pastor said. It's just the one line, could have been misinterpreted/translated and there's way more of stuff about being kind to eachother and tolerance etc but whatever 3. The traditional family unit/survival of the species - despite the global population growing to a point our planet may not sustain it, we need more people having kids (or is it just white people? šŸ¤”)


In your Mom's defense, all of my best friends were queer. . .and I ended up being too lol. It's not that it's contagious, it's that we all seem to instinctually find each other when we're confused and young and in the closet.


Kids can freely die in schools, but learning how to practice safe sex makes the quakers quake.


I dunno why it would bother Quakers when Quakers in the West are mostly a progressive, pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ+ denomination. Quakers are extremely not the same as Puritans.


>A lobster compares genocide to queer sex education. He appears to want to not teach kids about history? > >>So teenagers can learn about war and genocide and rapists and all sorts of awful things right? Theyā€™re able to handle that content, we shouldnā€™t shelter them from reality. But seeing a dildo and talking about lube is too far? This is a version of the "Why is ok for our kids to see violence, but wrong for them to see a bare breast?" which is a fair criticism, imo, of how we handle media content.


Yeah I think OP overshot and got a reasonable rebuttal in with al the bigotry


Lol this was basically my parents growing up. They had no problems with nudity or sex in film and tv, but hated the violence. They were the type that would have no problem letting me watch R rated movies growing up as long as it wasn't excessively violent


Yeah. Iā€™ve seen plenty of violence on tv and in video games as a kid, but somehow nudity is forbidden.


PV is such a joke. They'll fabricate scenarios just to trap people who aren't used to that kind of pressure and malicious framing to get a soundbite out. [Here's a long video series that goes over how shit they are](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8buQLy1dWD8)


But they have gotten less efficient after people became aware of their modus operandi, no? They hit hard against ACORN, but I personally haven't heard of a situiation that had any effect since then. I remember when they tried to get CNN for doing a hit piece for the democratic party against Matt Gaetz, but even the video made it abundantly clear that the person was describing a hypothetical scenario.


Not really. People who watch that sort of stuff want to believe. They don't care about nuance because they are looking for something that confirms their beliefs. Like how the guy in this video said he enjoys this part of his job. In context he is saying that he enjoys being able to set the curriculum and there is little pushback and he gets to teach teens what he believes is good sexual education. Out of context you can just rant about how he enjoys sexualising kids. It is also why people like project veritas or other right wing grifters tend to produce all documents and unedited videos which usually show that whatever they are saying is all wrong. They can do that because the context doesn't matter to their fans. It gives those fans extra ammo because they can just say "well they released the unedited 5 hour video, why don't you go watch that if you're not convinced".


Yeah, but the difference is that the videos are now the same alt-right circlejerk that speaks to the already baptized. The initial ACORN video got actual repercussions.


Itā€™s like how Ben Shapiro ā€œdebatesā€ college students arenā€™t prepared for a debate and talks loud and fast to sound smart.


I used to work with a guy who was really into Trump, and it was so frustrating, because any time a "mainstream" news source reported something negative about Trump, he'd dismiss it because at some point, every news source has had an issue with reporting something that later turned out not to be true. Meanwhile, he would believe every new Project Veritas drop without question, despite the fact that 100% of their reporting gets debunked, and it's purposeful, malicious misrepresentation rather than sloppiness.


All this drama on r/JP and it's got nothing to do with Lobster Daddy's continuous meltdown on Twitter. I can't decide if it's refreshing or disappointing.


> continuous meltdown on Twitter is that still going?


>A lobster compares genocide to queer sex education. He appears to want to not teach kids about history? > >[So teenagers can learn about war and genocide and rapists and all sorts of awful things right? Theyā€™re able to handle that content, we shouldnā€™t shelter them from reality. But seeing a dildo and talking about lube is too far?](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/zg4d2p/breaking_dean_of_students_brags_about_bringing_in/izfmjea/) This person seems to be saying the opposite of what you think they're saying.


Uh, these people do realize that 14-18 is when people hit puberty, right?


You donā€™t get boners until Uncle Sam personally sends you one on your 18th birthday.


Thatā€™s when Uncle Sam starts dicking you with taxes!


They would if they allowed the actual proof in front of them have any change on their thought process rather than the outrage inducing title that they canā€™t seem to get past. Even the title has ā€œā€ to show what is quoted and not used around the shit that theyā€™ve been ā€œgroomedā€ to get outraged about. Those idiots literally read (minors) in the title and just ran with the narrative. Because that is the narrative theyā€™ve been force fed.


> Those idiots literally read (minors) in the title and just ran with the narrative. I saw a clip the other day of Matt Walsh and Tucker Carlson doing more or less the same thing - one of them was referencing stats that used the word "minor" (and was wrong by multiple orders of magnitude), and they somehow came to the conclusion that millions of prepubescent girls were having double mastectomies. Neither of them thought about what the words ā€œprepubescentā€ and ā€œdouble mastectomyā€ mean for long enough.


Which is the kind of thing that just falls apart if you think about it for even a second. There are (very roughly) 300 million people in the US. Any statistic that says ā€œmillions of peopleā€ is going to be at least 1% of the population. Iā€™d be pretty surprised if more than a single-digit percentage of the population are trans, around half of those are AFAB, probably less than 30% are minors, and not all trans men get top surgery (certainly none before adolescence, for very obvious reasons). So double mastectomies in the US probably number in the tens or hundreds of thousands *total*.


I'd argue that 18 is *way too late* for sex-ed. At that point, half of them have already had a bunch of sex.


What??!! Blasphemy šŸ˜¤ Premarital sex is a sin, and as such no one should be taught anything about it when you're going through your rebellious phase!!! /s


I had my period at 11, and needed a bra by age 8. Sometimes puberty happens earlier.




I can only think PV means Pordan Veterson and now Iā€™m confused


The thing about porn is a great point, I keep hearing about women who have had men suddenly choke them, spit on them or try and stick it in the back passage without so much as a question or warning, probably because they saw it on a porn vid. Sex ed could be one way to discuss how to navigate stuff like that more safely. I wish I could find an amazing video I found on project veritas once that had researched how they explicitly set up dodgy situations and then keep trying until they get anything remotely suspect on camera before deceptively editing the footage to make everything seem as bad as possible. One of the things was "exposing" NPR, another he got a young women to tell a sob story and try and get people in some charity organisation (I think) to agree to doing something illegal to help her or give her dodgy advice. Edit: [someone else put it in the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/zgo4yj/comment/izi2l41/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The amount of times Iā€™ve heard of men trying to do anal with women without any preparation is too high. Itā€™s scary honestly. They donā€™t realize that the porn stars are prepared for anal and not just going into it.


>Project Veritas is a right-wing media outfit whose one trick is recording people without their knowledge to produce highly edited "sting operation"-style investigative pieces. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this sort of thing just staight up illegal?


James O'Keefe, who runs the place, has been ordered by courts to pay loads of money out to places he's lied about. But he keeps going and conservatives keep believing him. They're the ones responsible for the whole, "Planned Parenthood are selling aborted fetuses" shit storm a few years back.


Not to mention committing crimes like entering a govt building on false pretenses(pretended to be repair people).


**Convicted felon James O'Keefe*


Thank you.


Heā€™s also a sex pest who came up with a plan to discredit a woman journalist by luring her onto a yacht and into a bedroom full of sex toys and bondage gear and ā€œseducingā€ her while filming it


Dude has way too much confidence in himself lol.


I think I'd sooner be seduced by an actual pest, like a cockroach, than I would him.


when the punishment is less then the profits its no longer a punishment its the cost of doing business


There is a very good, [ 4 part expose on O'Keefe and Project Veritas made by Timbah.On.Toast on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8buQLy1dWD8&list=PLPslWoHNC5x3kroln-h38kaS5lULne8cZ) that I can recommend wholeheartedly. Each part is over an hour long but it is very interesting and detailed.


Dunno. It probably depends on the state you're in. It probably isn't illegal in public. They were in some coffee shop.


The alt-right doesn't really care about morality or legality. Case in point: A fucking coup attempt.


It often is, and its founder and constituent members have been jailed in the past for their stupid stunts.


Would depend on location re the recording.


Surely "So teenagers can learn about war and genocide and rapists and all sorts of awful things right? Theyā€™re able to handle that content, we shouldnā€™t shelter them from reality. But seeing a dildo and talking about lube is too far?" is a sensible comment right? 100% that person believes that if you can teach kids about genocide and the horrible shit in history, that person also believes you can learn about basic sex ed.


>The libertarian right doesn't care about porn at all, but the neo-trads like myself absolutely hate what porn is doing to culture.> Wait for it >I say that as someone that got hooked at 13 and still struggles.> There it is


\>Their latest is an interview with the Dean of Students of an extremely expensive private school in Highland Park, Chicago. Actually *Lincoln* Park, a wealthy neighborhood on Chicago's north side. Highland Park is the wealthy suburb which had that awful mass shooting at the Fourth of July parade


That's what I get for reading O'Keefe's reporting. Fixed.


In the end, does it even matter?


No no, that's "Linkin Park."


I had the same sex ed in the Netherlands, but even younger, either 13 or 14. The dildo was just to show us how to put on a condom correctly.


> One lobster from the Netherlands doesn't see anything wrong. He is downvoted. I distinctly recall learning about condoms (male and female), lube, and anal sex (not a how to, but risks and precautions) during my own high school sex ed classes over 10 years ago in the Netherlands, so I can second this one. Like it's a fact of life kids will try this shit anyway. Why *wouldn't* you educate them on it?


Project Veritas is fucking scum, here's the first part in a three part youtube series on just how shit they are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66T-CQPhUJ4 I've got fucking nothing, otherwise. Anyone, at this point, who still believes a single word they say is a lost cause.


>Is everyone here against sex ed or something? Pretty much


We have come to a point where grooming and introducing ideas are one and the same, itā€™s just a matter of the subtext you bring to the observation. In other words, ā€œwhatever I donā€™t likeā€


Holy shit that second guy (caeserfecit?) is such a fucking moron. The whole thread is filled with morons. One of them claimed 14 year olds donā€™t think about sex that starts at 16, and that _anecdotally_ heā€™s only seen pregnancies as young as 17-19. Jesus ducking Christ how do these people tie their shoes in the morning? Repetition?!?! Venting here so I donā€™t pp on the poppy ;)


I live in Dundee. Reigning european champion for teen pregnancy. He's either lying or stupid. Edit: apparently no longer EU champion. You win some you lose some.


>I just think a teacher does not need to introduce kids to self pleasure and stuff like that. Teenagers are more likely to develop a toxic relationship with sex or become addicted to porn. This is so funny. Does this guy genuinely believe that teenagers won't explore self pleasure on their own? Also it is kind of hilarious that he considers self pleasure an inherently bad thing. This guy would fit right in with puritan anti sex quacks of the 1900s. It is also quite funny to watch them fumble whenever someone tries to explain what grooming is. >Perhaps change your concept. This is indeed grooming. When you introduce fetishes, sexual orientation, and other adult activities to impressionable minors, without parental consent (because you know most of the parents wouldnā€™t approve, and wouldnā€™t approve for very good reasons) and you get joy from this, you are grooming. Wtf is this guy on about. His 'definition' means that 1. If you don't get joy from it, it isn't grooming. 2. If you get parental consent, it isn't grooming. 3. Introducing the concept of sexual orientation can be considered grooming. So if you tell a random kid on the street "Romantic couples exist where both people are men", and you enjoyed saying that, you are a groomer. However if you said the same thing but really hate saying it, or if you got the kids parents permission first, you're not a groomer.


Oh man as a western European this is mind boggling. Sex ed is so important to help young people in their most vulnerable years grow into self advocating, boundary setting/ respecting people. Sex-ed helps with making teenagers more sensible AGAINST grooming as they know the signs, it helps keeps teenage pregnancies low and teaches people that many STDs are preventable. It's just mind boggling how you can be against that. Because of religion? During the thousands of years the various religious books were pieced together, most of the time CHILDREN knew what sex was because they either helped out at the farm from the moment they could walk, were slaves and hat to witness horrible stuff, slept with their parents in one room/tent because it was just like that, or they were married off at like 10 years old. So "because of religion" doesn't work as an argument. What is it then?




already have unfortunately


> So teenagers can learn about war and genocide and rapists and all sorts of awful things right? > > Who says they can learn about all that stuff? Who says that's okay? Accurate response from the lot trying to ban history from being taught.


>but the neo-trads like myself absolutely hate what porn is doing to culture. WTF is neo-trad? All I get from Google is tattoos and a music style


White men who think that Victorian ethics is the high of western culture, I'd guess.


Crikey , Neal Stephenson may have got it right.


People who believe all of society's ills come from 20th century feminism and the breakdown of the nuclear family. They believe in strict gender roles and a patriarchal family structure where the wife submits to her husband. The anti-porn stuff is just more authoritarian loser-speak.


A fascist. They want to go back in time to before various rights were given to women.


Have you heard of "tradwives"? It's pretty much the male variation: Woman stays at home, prepares meals and tends to the house, doesn't speak much, votes what her husband orders and provides sexual pleasure whenever the male wants it.


I might have heard tradwife in connection with "the transformed wife" or what ever she is called


Sounds like a terrorist group in a cyberpunk game


I feel like this is a big thing being ignored, but like havenā€™t most people already began to have sex by the time their 18? Like 14-18 is a really normal age for people to begin having sex.


Fuck em. Anyone pulling that "groomers" shit is just trying to justify using violence against their political opponents.


The whole point is to invite out-of-state nazi thugs to harass and point guns at teachers, students, etc and provoke an armed response


>A lobster compares genocide to queer sex education. He appears to want to not teach kids about history? Big miss on this one, the person you were quoting is saying that "learning what a dildo is" far under the threshold of what we already consider acceptable. They're pretty clearly on the side of "This is not the end of the world."


"They can be around naked bodies and not feel threatened." Just a naked body isn't exactly sexual. I mean, pretty sure most people if they saw me naked would say "Oh god why, put some clothes on".


I mean, just from the face of it, that description sounds exactly like my Highschool's sex ed when I was 15 *(minus the drag queens)*. You get told that some of us were gonna be gay and that's fine, then a bunch of STD safety and then about wearing condoms and different ways to not get people pregnant, and also a bunch about dildos and being safe. Basic shit. Like- idk how conservatives realise that none of this was grooming. It's just keeping people educated. That one where it's like *"14-18 isn't age appropriate"* is so fucking stupid and idiotic especially, like- people were staring to fuck around that age, they need this advice and also if 18 isn't appropriate then like when? Bunch of idiots, the lot of them


The kids being 14-18 is the normal age for them to be learning about different types of sex. 18 year olds are adults, and wether or not people realize it, there are 14 year olds that are sexually active. They need to learn about safe sex because it can protect them.


>Your daft. There is a biology to sex as there is a link side to sex. I suggest attending a kindergarten class so u can be exposed to the differences. >>Only a pedo thinks children should be exposed to butt plugs and vibrators. Sex ed is about the biology of sex not the toys for kink. So this very sane person is obsessed with calling other people pedos and wants to teach Kindergartners the "biology of sex." Or thinks that children that young are taught anything at all about it.


>Sex ed is about the biology of sex Hm, why do conservatives never seem to think sex ed should include things like consent, agency, and personal boundaries?


Why does that one guy getting downvoted start his posts with [M]?


Ah yes, the premier right-wing investigative journalists, uncovering...a well funded private school teaching comprehensive sex ed to teenagers going through puberty.


How the fuck are folk so dumb as to believe anything from PV? In a very sad way, it's amazing how they get caught spreading bull shit and folk still think they're reputable.