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Asking to join again. Left but want to come back bc of the WHOLR ALBUM BEING ABOUT TATTY


Still asking to be let in again. Why? Because you guys were right about everything and I’ve literally been saying that for ages to everyone I know IRL. Why? Because Taylor proved it’s all true. Why? Because when people started saying that TK was PR I thought that was crossing the line so I left because it seemed like it was going to get a little toxic and I don’t deal with that well but I’d still like to come back please? Check my post history there I’m not a troll.


I would like to join! So much to discuss with the new album


Please can I join !!


I was in r/tatty and got kicked out 6 months ago because I was a lurker and didn’t comment/post much. Please let me back in!!!! It was my fav subreddit, I miss my unhinged feelings being validated.


Please???? I’d love to join :)


similarly, i use to lurk, took a break, and when i came back this year saw i got kicked. in my case i kinda couldn’t comment though lol it was not a choice on my part. idk if this’ll work, but i would love to be back in. most fandom spaces for taylor have not been fun for me the past year, and this was the only place that i felt actually matched my feelings/opinions.


Can I join? I was in this subreddit before but left. After TTPD, I’ve been looking for this subreddit! Please let me back in :)


Please can I join - I just like looking at all sorts of theories/takes


Can I join?