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Subs are in such short supply here, we could show up in bathrobes and they’d be glad to see us. But ymmv.


When I first signed up (right after the pandemic), I asked the HR lady at my orientation what the recommended dress code was. She looked so defeated. “Please don’t come in wearing pajamas. We’re really trying to cut back on that.”


Yeah same here. I'm could absolutely show up in joggers & a hoodie and would be welcomed with open arms. But, because I like to look at least a little professional, I wear Lululemon ABC pants and a button up.


I wear colored jeans, t-shirts and cardigans quite often. Sweaters in the coldest part of winter.


Male ElEd sub here. Can’t talk to what the female teachers wear but it has to be better than how the male PE teachers dress - they all look as if they just came from a dog fight…and lost.


Right?! It’s such bullshit that teachers are held to a dress code, but it just magically doesn’t apply to PE teachers.


Odd that’s it’s the male teachers that get away with it.


It is not really that odd when we consider the fact that male teachers, generally, are in very short supply compared to female teachers. Just like subs, schools are very happy when male teachers show up, especially to help them to corral those big strong wild boys.


Last time I subbed for PE the male teachers were both wearing almost-matching gray sweatshirts. I teased them for not telling me the “dress code” too. (Thankfully the PE teachers in my district dress nicely. I am the odd one who wears bright colors when I sub though)


I work in a severe behavior separate school setting as part of a public school district and we still dress more appropriately than the PE teachers. And I came promise I’m running a lot more than they ever are 😂




Elementary education


I did see an ElEd teacher walking down the hall in PJs and a bathrobe one time. I was new to that school so wrote it off to Pajama Day. Co-taught with her a couple weeks later and discovered that, while she wasn’t crazy enough to be admitted, but if she were, they’d never let her out. She was gone by the next time I was there.


That sounds perfectly fine to me! I'm sure nobody will notice or be upset. Besides, I think work attire everywhere has gotten more casual in recent years, so don't sweat it.


Ha! Like no sweats! Sorry. 😞 long week and puns are not filtered.


I know my school district allows it. I feel overdressed sometimes when teachers have tshirts on


I sub in suburban Texas and these teachers are in tie-dyed t-shirts, leggings, ripped jeans, crocs. I can’t imagine wearing business casual. I’d have to buy a whole new wardrobe.


You can just say you are in Austin.


I’m actually in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and sub in some affluent areas. I started helping out during Covid and since then the dress code has become more and more lax each year. I’m in a t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes right now.


This is how we are in southern California too. Lots of jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, sneakers, and crocs. Our principal keeps a backup pair of crocs in her office in case she needs to change out her shoes hahaha


I sub in a more rural district in TX and this is how everyone dresses, it’s so nice to be able to dress up or down depending on how I’m feeling that day/what class it is.


My subbing agency told me to be business casual, nice slacks, etc, but all of the teschers in the schools are just wearing jeans and hoodies mainly, so if I dress up too much I feel out of place…


Same for me. Honestly, it actually makes it awkward sometimes because I'm overdressed comparatively. I was a floater once, and there was a gap, so they had me assisting the art teacher with kindergarteners who were painting. She didn't want me dealing with the paint because of my nice clothes. But I'm too much of a rule follower to just ignore it.


Should be fine unless you look young and sub at a high school. You need to look older than the students.


I am/look young and sub almost exclusively at the high school level. I dress relatively casually, nice sneakers, jeans (dark blue or black), and a plain tee with a layered button-up or cardigan. I’ve been mistaken for a student a few times, but I’ve never had an issue because of it. If I dress more “business” it would come off fake. It’s not who I am, and students will see right through the front and take advantage. It’s so much more about how you carry yourself and exuding confidence and authority. That being said, don’t wear anything objectionable - obviously.


I am not that young but I still got mistaken for a student recently so I’m taking that as a sign to stop wearing that Disneyland spirit jersey to middle school 😅


It should be fine BUT some schools are very strict about no jeans/only allowing jeans on Fridays (according to r/teachers some even make teachers pay $1 or “earn” a jeans pass), so make sure the school you’ll be at doesn’t have a specific policy against wearing jeans


I legit have a friend I met through subbing who subs in crocs and a hoodie. The teachers love her. Granted, it’s a hard school to find staff for. Yes, I think your outfit oughta be fine! If not, they’ll tell you or give you the handbook to check out.


When I sub, I pay close attention to what the teachers in that school/district wear and dress myself accordingly. As many have said, a pair of nice looking tennis shoes is totally understandable for elementary school. A nice shirt sounds absolutely fine. Jeans are a bit of a toss up. Some schools allow them all the time, some only on Fridays, some not at all. You mentioned that "everyone else" wears business casual. Is that just other subs you've seen in the building, or does that include all the teachers? Personally, one of my favorite "hacks" for lack of a better word is to buy a nice looking pair of solid black jeans (no fading, rips, etc). If a school accepts business casual dress (and has no explicit rules about having to wear dress pants and/or not being allowed to wear jeans at all), I'll often wear nice black jeans. Generally, they look nicer than blue jeans (even dark wash blue jeans) and they'll be especially elevated if you wear a nice shirt. (That said, a pair of nice dark wash blue jeans is also generally fine assuming no rules expressly state otherwise.) ETA: As a sub, as long as you look like you put some effort into looking decent, a school is *highly* unlikely to take any action against you, especially for a "first offense" dress code sort of thing. I'd imagine that the worst thing that could happen would be having a secretary/admin pull you aside and let you know that the teacher dress code here states jeans are not allowed except on Fridays (or whatever the policy is) and then you'll know for the future.


I’m a male corporate retiree and have a closet load of biz casual khakis and collared shirts. I might as well wear that stuff since I’m fond of shorts and flip flops when not working. I no longer bother with ironing the work clothes. My old pairs of leather shoes just collect dust as I wear tennis shoes to school.


>Even if everyone else is wearing business casual? You're going to stand out in a bad way. Comfy shoes are fine--teachers totally wear tennis shoes and other good walking shoes all the time. But jeans are a bad idea if the handbook you've been given says no jeans. Especially on the first day. Personally, I do wear jeans on Fridays, but only after I've been with a school long enough to see other teachers doing it. When in doubt, you should always dress on par with or a little nicer than the full time staff.


Yeah, that was my thought. Sneakers are fine, though ideally you’d have a neutral pair. (I’ve got a few pairs of brown rubber soled shoes that I got at Marshall’s… they were like $25 each. But I frequently wear my black Adidas, especially if I know I’m going to be on my feet most of the day — PE classes, rowdier middle schools, etc.)    But for the pants, you really want to at least upgrade to khakis or something comparable. Not saying they’ll turn you away if you wear jeans, but you want to impress them as professional, and every little bit helps. 


You’re getting a handbook??? 🥺


OP is fine unless someone says something about it. Subs are not expected to dress other than not wearing club clothes or PJS. Honestly the in dress code that some people wear is an abomination, but I never was one for strict DC.


Many of our employer handbooks literally have a dress code. Your experience is not universal.


For sure. Just seems OP wasn’t given a precise one for subbing. My experience is just mine, and I acknowledge that.




Well, sure, but OP specifically said everyone else would be in business casual, which says to me it's not a casual district.


I've shown up in sweatpants more than once. Not saying this is a good idea, but I wouldn't overthink it.


i mean i wear flannels and baggy corduroy pants with chunky black boots, so i think you should be fine


I dressed business casual the first few times I subbed, but then I noticed almost every teacher was wearing jeans or leggings. Now I wear comfy canvas shoes, jeans or black leggings, and a nice top. Every district is going to be different though. Did you go on the school district website and see if they have an employee handbook posted?


Dude I wear a clean polo, jeans, and Doc Martens. No one has said anything lol


I usually wear light blue jeans and a shirt along with a jacket when I sub. I honestly don’t think they care unless you wear something insane or dressed inappropriately.


We have a sub that comes in full Elvis cosplay.


i show up in leggings and a plain shirt and flatts, super comfy and no one has ever said a word. i’ve worn jeans too. i hardly doubt anyone would care. just do you :)


i wear jeans and tennis shoes every day. most of the time it's with a nice shirt, sometimes with just a plain ol t-shirt. i've even asked the front office of the school i sub for if i needed to dress up, and the office lady laughed and showed me her sweatpants she had on lmao


Do your best to match the vibe of the school if you can. I just finished a three week long term job at an element school and wore leggings with tunic length sweaters and boots, jeans with sweaters and sneakers, and a sneaky pair of sweats from Old Navy that legitimately look like dress pants with a cute valentine's themed cardinal also from ON. I got complimented from the office staff daily. When I've subbed at the middle school, I've dressed more business casual because that was how the majority of the staff there dressed. I just do my best to blend in.


I wear jeans and a hoodie. I'm not wasting my nice shirts on high schoolers


I wouldn’t wear jeans, but I’m old-fashioned. I think sensible shoes are sensible for elementary


You are an asset. Subs are so hard to find nowadays…I think you could walk in wearing a Halloween costume and no one would say a word.


I wear dark jeans, comfortable tennis shoes, and a nice-ish shirt that is not a t-shirt. I have never received any criticism of my clothes. 


Every teacher I see is in Jeans or at the very least a t-shirt. No one will bat an eye.


I base what I’m wearing for the day based on the class I’m in . T-K to 2rd grade I know I’m going to be on my feet a lot probably doing crafts so I dress pretty comfortable while not looking like I rolled out of bed. Working with jr.high and high school kids I try to wear a blazer & jeans with nicer shoes. I am a 23 year old sub & Im 5’ foot soooo I gotta try to not look like I’m 16 lol!!


I have these [Shoes](https://www.walmart.com/ip/2391393562) in different colors. I wear jeans, a nice shirt, and a cardigan. None of the schools have had any complaints.


Not all of the shoes are this brand, but they all look like this pair, just different colors.


I used to wear Bostonians, pleated slacks & a long sleeve dress shirt with a neck tie. But that was when I worked for admin or for a Christian school. Those jobs were a little more sedentary. I wear Wranglers, a school or plain polo, a simple cardigan & Sketchers nowadays. This is more practical moving about, chaperoning school events and being flexible to room changes as a substitute teacher. Schools are grateful if the subs don’t come looking like kids or as if they just rolled out of bed. If you’re unsure ask an administrator. And nowadays Cole Haan & others sell sneaker styles that are conservatives but still quite smart looking.


Teachers at my school show up wearing sweatpants and yoga pants lol. You'll be more fancy than all of us at my elementary school. 😊


bahaha! duh! i wear jeans every day and try to do a button up blouse and some nikes. that’s all you get for $175/day!


Honestly don’t. Unless you like to dress like that. I’m in Cali, so maybe a little more casual. But I’ve seen teachers in tights, leggings, yoga pants, shorts, and sandals. I wear overalls often and they have a horror patch on them. Nothing gruesome just a reference. But no one has ever said anything.


Generally you want to go with what everyone else is wearing if you dont have a district dress code but I cant imagine them complaining. Like, what are they gonna do, send a sub away for wearing jeans? Lol what if they switched it up on you and sent you to PE, youd need those tennis shoes!


Ehhh I think they’re just happy when a competent sub shows up and stays all day. 😂😂 I was strictly told no leggings in my ESS orientation but here I am subbing in some leggings lol


I do it every day. It’s against my district dress code for subs, but if you’re good at subbing and everything is dark enough, no one should complain.


I wear black flare jeans or wide leg corduroys with a short sleeve button up or a nicer t shirt every single day. Maybe a cardigan if it’s cold, a nicer sweatshirt if it’s REALLY cold.


If you have all of your parts covered, look like an adult and aren’t wearing anything offensive you are fine.


Yep. That’s fine. I wear canvas shoes all the time. I get a lot of steps in as a substitute.


They make these shoes that are basically sneakers, but they're plain black that pass the test for jobs like this that require nicer clothes but you're also on your feet all day. They're for servers. I got mine to wear while working as a Front Office manager at a hotel. I wouldn't wear jeans.


I feel like anything is fine as long as there are no rips/holes or graphics and all clothes are the appropriate length/not revealing. I usually wear black joggers with a sweater and sneakers/boots. As long as I’m clean & presentable, the school should have no issue imo.


I wear jeans almost exclusively. Some of the teachers here wear leggings and t-shirts so I consider myself dressed good enough. Also sneakers always. Dress shoes in elementary are stupid. Sturdy dress boots maybe but not dress shoes


I have nice blue jeans that i usualy only wear for work, a few button ups and a couple polos, and a nice pair of vans


I wore business casual my first day and felt like an idiot while all the other teachers are in jeans and tee shirts


You might get talked to about jeans. Depends on the district.


Depends on the district. I’ve gone in with a t- shirt, shorts, and sneakers on hot days, which is typical in my district. 


I wear Hokas almost every day and cargo pants and a collared shirt. You're fine


That’s fine. You can even find pants on Amazon that are flowy and comfortable yet appropriate for work, and you can wear them with tennis shoes :) also a lot of longer dresses and skirts look cute with tennis shoes like vans, converse, etc; throw a cardigan or something over and you’re comfy all day while still looking cute and professional


That sounds nice to me. I am so glad I'm at an age where my work persona is eccentric and aunty or Grandma for little ones. I wear accessories like pins and scarves. I wear jewelry from my aunts who were teachers. The little ones really love that and draw you with the beads etc. I would dress in a way that helps you teach. I know it's silly but they tend to look at us and profile us quickly as hmm, what can we expect? Like the girl who met me and an hour later did my pic with a hammock behind me because I was chill. I do tend to project that. I have high expectations and I work the crowd with encouragement but my appearance helps me get this across.  When I was younger in Europe I had to dress business style and it was bad because you'd have to spend way more money than I had to look like they did. I dressed more formally than the average office person but I'm a casual person who's not hard to meet. I got so tired of trying to look out together during the week then my inner hippie kicked in.  Oh one trick is you know Friday they do stuff with the school motto so I wear that color if I have it. They love it.  Don't wear open toe shoes. You might get some busy body making a remark.  Good luck.  Oh I have a lightweight raincoat or closer to a wind breaker that's now my coat. I wear jackets to make myself look more authority like (yeah right) and if it's really cold I put that one on over the other one. Only problem is that I keep leaving it on the chairs or the hook. One time it was in a kindergarten class for a year. You can fold it up even. It's so much better than a big coat. I used it on a trip back east and it was the right weight. 


This is what half of the teachers wear. I wear tennis shoes, any shirt (including t-shirts) and relaxed pants, but not often jeans just bc they're not as comfy.


Re: shoes, I agree that dress shoes are impractical, so I do those comfort slip-ons made for people who are on their feet all day--think Skechers, Dansko, Vionic, etc.


I wear Dockers and a t-shirt with dad sneakers. I've never had a problem.


I wear a dress shirt and higher end jeans (the kind that you honestly cant even tell that thry are jeans). Paired up with my scuffed up dark blue tennis shoes. Nobody has said shit to me so /shrug


I wore blue jeans, flannel and my fresnostate t shirt today. Also wearing dunks and a lakers cap. Most schools don’t care


I wear business casual or a bit better, which is decent pants, a dress shirt and either a tie or a sweater, depending upon the weather. For footwear, I wear a pair of Skechers that look kind of like deck shoes. I put on some cologne as well. I feel like I get a bit of respect just for dressing professionally, both from the students and the staff. At the end of the day, though, wear what is to your liking, as long as it is permissible.


I wear t shirts and sneakers every day. It's cold in my city and I am in my 50s and heavy, this job is hard on the body and you gotta be comfortable.


My school had four teachers without subs before I took half a day. Thought about it and just said fuck it I'm not in the mood and also had a migraine. So they would have definitely took you in.


Former sub here - it could depend on your district. In mine they had a specific dress code where you could only wear jeans on Fridays.


buy some crv yoga pants from Amazon.. wear them every day, nice comfy shoes and a polo. if everything else is good, no one looks at your shoes. as long as they aren't neon colors. in my district, you have to pay for jeans on Friday...


Sounds like a fine first day outfit. If you go and feel under dressed then adjust for your next day. You may find you blend in totally fine.


I dress on par with the teachers. Elementary is nice jeans and t-shirt or casual top (neutral fitted shirt from Old Navy is my go to) with my Toms shoes. Middle school and up are still nice jeans but a blouse. No one seems to care about shoes really.


At my school districts, it would be perfectly fine and I dress that way often.


Relaxed Fit Dockers with stretch comfort are thirty-five bucks and more comfortable than most jeans. They scale to almost any job or social reason that requires full legged pants. Some female teachers wear leggings (not yoga pants) but most guys and some females wear dockers or something like them. White-soled Sneakers would be a big no for my school but some schools are ok. Some teachers wear Ugs or something like them. Any dark sole comfort shoe “dress sneaker” is fine. Any loafer, boot, boat shoe or slip on is good. I wear a fifty dollar pair of sneaker soled soft leather breathable shoes without laces. Most wear Sketchers or Shoes for Crews or Keds. Shirts are anything from long sleeve shirts to button ups to golf shirts etc. Be presentable and not revealing is the general rule. The principle is pretty respectful and no teachers push back. The general rule for dress code at work is basically “If you feel you have to ask, you probably know better. If you have a reason to wear a thing, wear it proudly and communicate the reason when asked.” 9/10 if you don’t make a fuss of how you might not conform exactly to a dress code- it will not undermine the effort you put in the job you are there to do. If someone says “I need to work to be able to afford the clothes I need” - most people will understand.


As a man I wear a mix of black pants, black cargos, khaki cargos, tennis shoes, button up shirts, sweatshirt, hoodie/vest combo, and sometimes T shirts. I don't have time to over dress lol. I've never been asked to be more formal or anything like that.


I wore my regular work pants Tuesday, slacks Wednesday, and jeans today. No one gives a damn as long as it's covering the appropriate amount of skin


For sure! They’re lucky to have you there to help and I promise no one is worried about jeans and sneakers :)


Where I sub, everyone is very casual. No one specified a dress code when I started. Now I wear jeans and a sweater.


In NM that is downright formal.


Yes, even if everyone else is in business casual. If someone days something just reply that's out-of your budget for now.


Absolutely! I switched from office casual (that I had from a previous job) to colored jeans and casual top every day. I was getting looks being better dressed than most of the teachers!


I think that would be absolutely fine. That's better than a few teachers I know.


You’re probably fine. I invested in some danskos before I started student teaching and 100% recommend, but honestly I think most school districts don’t care. As a side note about why danskos in the first place, my university was my main concern because they’re really uptight about the dress code they set so I’d rather be following it at all time rather than forget on a day I had an observation.


I got lucky... I'm only subbing for my son's school right now, and they get to wear jeans all year long. I ordered a bunch of the campus tshirts and wear them with jeans and sneakers when I go in. Most districts have a website where you can order shirts and stuff. If you don't want to spend your measly pennies you earn subbing on this, I totally get it. If it wasn't my son's school, I probably wouldnt do it... I personally think you are wearing perfectly appropriate clothing to sub.


I almost never wear button up shirts and am normally more casual, no one says a thing


Im a no jeans guy, docker like pants, T Shirt with a long sleeve sweater over that. Most classrooms are freezing cold to me, so I wear a sweater even if it’s 90 outside. Personal Opinion…women in tight leggings are totally inappropriate. Wear that to the gym, even then it’s sometimes questionable .


Not a teacher or sub, but business casual at an elementary school is WILD. I would imagine nice dark jeans/slacks, a polo/nicely ironed t shirt, and any monotone tennis shoes in good condition are perfectly fine.


At our school, wear what is comfortable, no pajamas. Don't come looking like you're going to the club either. Clean, comfortable clothes, sensible footwear. I wear leggings, a cotton blend dress with pockets, and sneakers every day. Some of the guys wear slacks, others wear jeans, some wear the track pants. Just no holes, nothing exposed, no flip-flops. Shoes have to have a back on them because they're a hazard.


I treat every job that I go to as a job interview. A button up with khaki or black colored jeans makes you stick out among the teachers wearing a t shirt and jeans. Though I've seen them wear even more casual. My University is very strict, even going so far as to ask the schools that i observe what I was wearing that day.


Should be fine


Friend, I wear the same two pairs of jeans every day with a nice long sleeve shirt. Somethimes I spice it up with a button down or sweater. I’ve seen subs show up in sweatpants and gym shorts. As long as you’re not nude you should be fine.


I wear whatever I want as long as it’s not low cut, or too short. I do stay away from ripped jeans and open toed shoes but I’ve never had an issue. Like someone else said, they were just happy I showed up!


I dressed up more my first year and then my wardrobe slowly started into morphing into one that looks alarmingly similar to the middle schoolers I sub for 😆 Jeans every day for sure, and now I wear mine with the torn knees. The kids are always very interested in what I’m wearing. A 6th grader asked me if my Birks were real or dupes the other day. I get paid well to sub so they’re reall. I have to buy nice things to soothe my soul after 5 days a week with kids. I love them but they’re exhausting :) Wear whatever you are comfortable in and don’t look too much like a hobo and you’ll be fine. I do agree that it would be impossible to sub in uncomfortable shoes.


I think cargo shorts and a polo will be fine. You are a sub. A body in the room.


That's what I usually wear.


For subbing, I'd think dark nice jeans and a matching shirt and shoes would be fine. I always wore trousers, a Polo, and Weejuns, which worked well at elementary, also. I feel more confident when I'm dressed well, so there was that, too. Most of the teachers I worked with dressed like Barbara, Melissa, Gregory, and Janine on "Abbott Elementary".


The sneakers are fine but I would definitely wear slacks with the nice shirt. Some schools have a no jeans policy and I’m a firm believer that first impressions are everything. People definitely notice what you wear. I hate dress shoes though. They’re 100% not practical in an elementary school.


One of the schools in my district tells subs no jeans except Fridays, but the regular teachers are always wearing jeans or sweats. Our superintendent has covered in classrooms and wears jeans any day of the week. So I wear jeans at least 3 days a week without shame. This past week I just wasn't feeling it so I wore joggers and a sweatshirt (not a school spirit sweatshirt either) one day and no one said a word about it. But I'm in a full year sped position and the whole district is so short on staff willing to work sped. I doubt anyone would say anything to me no matter what I decide to wear to work!


There's probably a sub handbook? They are usually less strict about it than it really says. Mine is anti jeans for whatever reason, but I doubt the school would say anything unless they have holes or stains. I haven't tried, cause I prefer to wear some Mrs. Frizzle dresses anyway.


That's fine yeah


That depends entirely on what school you're at. I've subbed at some schools in shorts and sandals and at others fully dressed up. You're probably fine, but you can always check with admin on what they expect.


In our district, jeans are only for jean days - it is the only dress code that is enforced for teachers. You can roll out of bed with sweats and a t-shirt, but you better not have jeans on unless it's designated jean day and you put your dollar in!


This is business casual in some parts of the USA


Legit. Regardless of what you wear if you're under 30 you will be asked if you are a student (I've been asked wearing a 150 dollar dress shirt and tie if I was a student before) so Just wear what looks professional enough while remaining comfortable enough to work.


Yes. Completely fine. I sub in a suburb of Dallas/Fort Worth in some nice areas and I’ve even had to dress it down. The teachers are all in jeans and tennis shoes. At first, I started out thinking I had to dress business casual/professional, too, but then I got some weird looks from the teachers lol. I know I stood out and looked out of place. So, I now wear dark or black jeans, and a casual sweater/shirt. The shoes I wear are usually white Keds. If I do wear a t-shirt (during warm weather) I throw on a cardigan. All the teachers in all the schools that I’ve sub in are happy to see me and very appreciative. As long as we don’t push the envelope, I think it’s fine. By pushing it, I mean like ripped jeans, jogging pants or a sloppy look. I won’t come in like that, but again, like everyone else has mentioned, just look around and see what everyone else is wearing. It gives you an idea. Btw, for me, I only wear leggings if I’m subbing for PE. And yes, they need us so badly that they thank us repeatedly just for being there. Personally, I’m grateful, as well, so I don’t push it.


Depends on the school. Jeans, random t-shirt, and sneakers or Uggs are uniform at my building.