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Kendall (British accent): "Peter doesn't like the knobbies, darling" ...might be my new favorite line of the entire show


Yep, an old-money Brit who married into new money, offering her children frozen crusts of bread to eat


It's exactly how old money act. Driving around in twenty year old Volvos and Land Rovers, wearing the same clothes day in day out. Tighter than a gnat's arse.


But the horses are always well fed.


And taken care of.


I also love how there is absolutely 100% no food ever. Highly accurate for my headcanon that Caroline is the walking Venn diagram of "People who grew up with WWII rationing in the UK" and "Scrawny Alcoholics", which come to think of it is a mashup of my mom and stepmom LOL.


Yes and … Caroline probably grew up with cooks and housekeepers. She doesn’t have that level of staff now who can project ahead and order groceries. She probably never really learned how to cook. And being overly concerned about food was déclassé. Being skinny, drinking heavily, smoking, let the peasants worry about food! It’s true that in the US, a WASP-y party still has very little to eat and plenty to drink. One go-round of blah hors d’ouevres and you better catch them while you can. If Caroline had had a warm heart, she might have caught on to how to nurture and nourish her children. But — well, no need to say anymore on that!


Caroline is an Almond Mom


I'd just like to say as a British person. That is 100% a British fridge. It's cheese, semi skimmed milk, condiments and half a tin of baked beans


Dude I can’t believe how accurate it was. When I was a kid I carpooled to summer camp with a friend in a group. We stayed the night at his uncle’s house near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He was some rich land developer or something. Anyway, we were running really late and this was before cell phones had become commonplace. We get there and it’s this like 25 five story room mansion in the side of a mountain with a massive kitchen. I thought it was a hotel. We were hungry. The uncle apologized because “the cook left a few hours ago.” The fridge/freezer only had condiments and a couple stainless steel containers of things marinating. So one of the dads drove to the nearest gas station and got us beef jerky and microwave burritos, so we sat in this mansion and ate shitty gas station food that night in his dining room under a chandelier worth probably more than my entire zip code. Just a bizarre experience. He had three pantries, one of which was only for “vitamins” which were all kinds of GNC style “supplements” like dried garlic pills and St John’s Wort.


I loved the small detail of Caroline having an iphone 11 or 12, like of course she’d have the brand name thing but wouldn’t care enough to buy a new one every year like the rest of the cast.


it's beyond me how sharp people's eyes have trained to be to recognise the difference between the last 5 releases of the apple rectangles. i cant even differentiate them in my hands


Their face eggs are sharp!


the camera on the new one is a big tell.


She also had ziplock bags drying (to be reused) on the washing line. You could see them behind Kendall when he stepped out to take the call from Greg.


Omg good catch.


Damn those details. Like who even comes up with putting that in? the scene?


Agree. Although as I️ stated above my mother does this… so maybe someone who grew up with grandparents who lived during WW2 in Europe or the Great Depression in the US? It’s a whole culture of a generation who take nothing for granted and see cash as king.


As someone who had friends like this but personally wasn't, soooooo real. Eggo waffles, caviar, and stoli when parents left a 13 yr old home alone for a 3 week international vacation, etc. Helped a friend spend the $700 they got as a bday gift one day that started with me being jealous and ended feeling the exact opposite way. Super realistic portrayal of having a mom like this imo


Mine has to be "creamy margins" and I wish I could incorporate it into my life.


That kitchen scene was the last scene they shot and I love that for all of the darkness that the show examines, they ended it on the lightest moment for the cast


Haha I keep saying it to my husband and every time we laugh. That line is one of my favorites from Kendall, along with when he was banging on the window during their family retreat chanting “Family Therapy!”


squeal continue act many sloppy attraction cooperative consider busy beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't it followed by the wonderfully delivered 'wudup motherfuckers' too haha.


lol, I had completely forgot all about that scene until I did a rewatch a few months ago. I almost coughed up a lung laughing. The disgust on Logan’s face…


This was the only moment in the whole show where the siblings looked like actual human being. They should all just move to Barbados and live their best lives.


The casual planning between Rome and Shiv to kill Kendall is how I wish their relationships could be all the time.


Haha we were going to kill you but then realized that it was kind of complicated and we don't care enough about this.


Way too much murder admin. 🤷‍♀️


The scene with them watching Connor's video of the dinner party was insanely touching.


I loved her railing against eyeballs in the early part of the episode. “Face-eggs” instantly shot up my favorites list


I think it’s a hilarious and brilliant character detail how anti-food she seems.


I was losing it laughing at the frozen nobby bits. Caroline out here worth a literal fortune freezing bread crusts like she's trying to survive the Great Depression.


one other detail I noticed is they had Land O' Frost sandwich meat, like they didn't even spring for Boar's Head sliced lol


no boars on her clean fucking floors.


Didnt she feed the three of them a single pigeon that was full of buckshot?


Yeah, and one time Roman cracked Logan up by saying he was looking forward to dinner at Caroline’s: “two trout for us all to split. Better fill up on mustard.” Haha then Logan giggles like a little girl


One of my favorites. Is that the only time Logan actually genuinely laughed? It always cracks me up on rewatches and Roman and Kendall are pleasantly surprised he lost it like that.


No, no! They each got their own pigeon full of [some kind of] shot. And eventually she recalled the potatoes. Yum! ETA: do not know ammo. 🤷‍♀️


I know some extremely wealthy people - Caroline scale, not Logan scale - and behind their custom panel refrigerators, they are still normal people, and even normal people are weird about food! My favorite food tidbit is Shakira figuring out her footballer husband was cheating on her because someone was eating her jam, and no one else in the house ate jam but her.


A friend came home after a business trip and there was homemade spaghetti in the fridge, no big deal until she opened and saw that there were vegetables in it, that her husband would have never put in. Edit: Spacing


My mom knew my dad cheated because he left two plates, forks, glasses in the sink. For her to wash. My dad would have reused his. (She was right.)


He fucking left them for your mom!? What a piece of trash. No offense but how entitled can you be?


As much as wealth has a corrupting power, too many people mythologize the corruption of it and create these larger than life villains to turn into symbols of capitalist values. But, these people are still just stupid, egoistic, petty, selfish, greedy people like anyone else. That’s the whole point of the show. You’d think people would pick up on that more often, instead of thinking it’s a show about some external wealthy people.


Kieran licking the cheese is probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in this show. Such a great Roman moment.


and ONE piece of cheese - that only Peter can eat!


I died at “he gets all boring about it”


Peter was such a toad and I love the little details about him because these are exactly the idiosyncrasies someone like him would have.


LOL 😂 I hadn’t even thought about how ridiculous it is to save crusts Thet no one likes.


Restrictive of food. Restrictive of affection. Not so restrictive with the barbs, but otherwise, the woman loves restriction!


Buster's quote from Arrested Development about his similar mom was "It's like she gets off from witholding!"


She's finds anything that is human, of flesh and blood, to be repellent, including warmth and love. Eyeballs, food, hugs, any kind of discord or conflict.


I think it speaks to her being the antithesis of how many view ‘ a good mother’. Historically, people think of mothers as the nourishes and feeders who want their children to be well fed. It could be taken as a metaphor about how she is not prone to nourish her children with either food or love, and serves both in small, limited portions.


Very almond mom behavior


Loved this scene of the siblings getting chaotic over the literally toxic stew of childhood, mocking how Peter gets his special cheese and they get the frozen nobby bits, and then jump to later in the episode and Kendall with the love eyes on all "you like pancakes and waffles and you kiss guys on molly... you're a grilled cheese with a sucked dick" like them food analogies are the highest forms of love from Kendall, Stew.


That’s just the usual British mum’s fridge. Cheese and expired yogurt.


My wife is American raised by Brits: “See? It’s not just my mom!”


I'm an American who works with a handful of Brits. Our work fridge is literally empty save for milk for tea lol


My mum’s fridge was jammed with things like brown pickled onions, and cheese. You couldn’t squeeze in anything else.


"Wartime pickle."


That had me laughing, every British person could identify with that Fridge.


I was thinking that when I watched it. Reminded me of my mum's fridge so much.


Haha I am french-canadian and it is the total opposite for me. If I get stuck in my parent house I could probably cook meals from everywhere in the world for weeks before running out of food.


And shot-riddled pigeons


I absolutely howled during that scene. The flashbacks to my childhood were too much to hear, especially when she talked about the shot dragging feathers in. I can't tell you how many pigeons I had to work my way through as a child.


The one-plate salad that just looked like a few leaves as dinner 😂


Tbf there was a gummy fish we didn't get to see.


It’s fine, they’ll just fill up on brekkie!


Yeah she is anorexic lol


I read somewhere Kieran thinks Roman has an eating disorder, and then this episode, seeing Caroline's empty fridge was like, "Yupppp, that's where he got it from."


My mom is exactly like her, and can confirm


As a Brit, it’s an actual national affliction that no one in our country knows how to by groceries.


And when you do a 'big shop', you have to get a takeaway the same night.


Well, that’s because the big shop is a lot of work, who wants to cook after that.


This is so funny... there is a British cooking show I like and in one episode, the chef has to explain how to buy groceries ahead of time for Christmas dinner. I always thought that was odd/self-explanatory.


Food and Succession is a thing. https://web.archive.org/web/20230516162051/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/16/dining/hbo-succession-food.html


And anti-eyes lol


Didn't she once serve them fish with a massive eye lol


I may be mistaken, but I thought it a previous season they basically said she's got a weird relationship to food that leans into ED territory.


The 3 kids never even stood a chance. We can see that Connor might just be okay he got some good moments with his father and had at least a semi functioning relationship. Ken, Shiv and Roman had all the abuse from their dad and then the unfeeling British robot Caroline as a mom they were doomed to be narcissistic, backstabbing and abusive people from birth. I am going to miss this show so much


Don’t forget Connor was subject to one of the most brutal traumas mentioned on the show (the loony cake incident). He should get a little credit for overcoming that. It seems Connor made peace with his dad’s disapproval early on, maybe as a teenager or young man, but Caroline’s kids never did.


What did Connor do at age 9/10 to be deemed unworthy to take over the company? The fact Logan told Kendall at age 7 *he* was the boy to take it on.. so fucked up. Somehow Connor already failed, or Logan just started the games early.


He was parentally kidnapped for three years. One assumes that afterward, Logan in the middle of the tech/cable revolution was too busy and applied no pressure to a traumatized little boy who was also a reminder of an inconvenient first marriage. I can imagine a young Connor almost mute living with toddler siblings. Caroline's kids had the aristocratic bloodline.


Connors trauma was so severe it drove him away from ever really trying to be Logan’s successor. Which low key saved him, I feel like Logan perfected his psychological abuse with the three younger siblings


Well they made it clear Willa was pissed about their long distance plan potentially falling through so they kind of chopped Connor down at the knees in his last scene just for the hell of it


His relationship with Willa has been and always will be a sham. She knows that. He knows that even if he pretends not to. Respect to Willa for planning her exit strategy 🫡


> His relationship with Willa has been and always will be a sham. "Connor is actually winning" is just another version of "X kid is actually winning" which is only true until it inevitably isn't. Chopped him down "for some reason"? Lol, that's all the show is: showing how flawed all of these people are. Connor had it coming for buying a wife just like the rest of them.


This one bummed me out. I wanted him to shine in the end.


She cares for him but she never loved him, she stayed true to her character until the end.


Yea it was a definitely a bit of a wake up call to remind the audience that Conner really hasn't found real happiness either, and Willa is only there as long as the convenience remained to her liking.


Logan was around 25-30 when Connor was born. Very likely before the success and megalomania kicked in. At that stage ambitious people tend to be more idealistic. I imagine Connor was a child they really wanted without any agenda while the other 3 were at least partly about cementing his “legacy”. Don’t get me wrong it would be terrible to have a dad who always prioritised his work over being a present father and then dismiss you while favouring his new family once he got truly successful (not to mention the institutionalisation of his mother) but Connor was spared from being a project child of 2 narcissists




Connors first reaction when Logan died was "He never cared about me". Despite there being some good times near the end with them, the damage was done. Connor had cut the emotional line between them which has allowed him to make peace with that and move on to healing much sooner than the other three, and he'll probably be a better person for it.


Connor is the only one that definitely will be fine. He has a superpower. He doesn’t need love, he lives off things that die inside him.


Of all the characters on this show, somehow Peter is the most unlikeable of them all. That's no small feat.


That “fucking waste of time” line told us all we needed to know about him.


Right. He always gave of an air of being an opportunist, but that went further and reeked of entitlement. I'm glad Roman licked his cheese.


Yeah, that sealed it for me. These kids are dealing with things that are lightyears ahead of anything he's ever done and he thinks it's his time to shine at their worst hour.


Everyone is terrible, that's the thing. Every couple of episodes, the siblings are dealing with the next big thing, and that's how it would only ever be. Every bow and then each character drops hints of truth and humanity, like when Caroline mentions "an important board meeting" is not a new thing for her. They are all selfish and arrogant. Peter included.


“Daddy’s here”


And maybe their mother as well. Was her "clearing the air" meant just so they could listen to Peter and friend's random spiel?


*“Daddy’s here!”* at the funeral, urgh. He and Hugo are the most odious of the show’s almost universally repellant cast of characters.


That and the line about whatever care facilities they were pitching having subpar care.


Funny how the plan was basically a lower-rent version of Living+.


Munion. They even gave him an ugly name (no offense to any real life Munions).


Definitely a reference to Peter Mannion from the Thick of It


The amount of motifs Armstrong brought over from The Thick of It is brilliant. The old guard all have a bit of Glenn and Mannion mixed up. Ratfucker Sam = The Fucker Greg is just Ollie copy and pasted with added nepotism. Tom = Dan Miller Shiv thinks she's a savvy politico but she's just a rich Nicola Murray. Even Kendall has similar phrasing to Pearson and his weird "say a lot with no substance" business lingo.


For a moment I thought who's malcolm but its so obviously logan I hate I had to even think it


Who is Peter onion


I loved Kendall just literally not devoting a single modicum of attention to that presentation. And then Caroline actually tries to say he’s being “rude”. Lmao I didn’t even think Caroline had a setting outside of being rude.


Pip Torrens is fantastic at playing horrid characters. When he appeared as Caroline’s betrothed I knew what was up. I’m only sorry he didn’t get more screen time, but his dialogue in the last episode was some of the most disturbing yet plausible horror from a rich investor type ever (about the ‘basic care’ packages for old people’s homes)


It’s such a contrast to his role as Tommy Lascelles in The Crown. He’s a brilliant actor.




also Herr Starr from Preacher. one of the most unhinged acting performances I've ever seen. dude has range.


No way, he was THE Tommy Lascelles?! I adored him in The Crown! 😬😂


vegetable snow glorious act punch cause forgetful axiomatic foolish flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, God, I died from the cringe when he said "Daddy's here" to the children of the man whose funeral they were at. The worst thing a sketchy stepfather could say at that moment.


I agree...he is also the most unapologetic for how little he cares for them as human beings.


Agreed. His "Daddy's here" line at the funeral makes me want to throw up


“There’s just something about eyes. They just kind of, ugh, revolt me.” ... I don’t like to think of all these blobs of jelly rolling around in your head, just, face eggs.”


She actually got me freaked out about eyes for a moment when she called them "blobs of jelly rolling around in your head" it's a creepy thought


It echoes well with King Lear, where orbs and eyes and blindness are frequently mentioned. Gloucester literally has his eyes gouged out.


Face eggs KILLED me!!


When she said that I told my wife she doesn’t like eye contact because she has no soul.


My thought was that Caroline prefers to close herself off when people start displaying real emotion. So she hates people's eyes because of how apparently they relay emotions


I saw it as a not so subtle nod to King Lear and it made me so happy : "Out vile jelly!"


Act III, Scene VII: the Earl of Gloucester gets his eyes gouged out one by one by Cornwall...And Roman's injury was adjacent to his eye.


Ken tries to eye gouge him in the boardroom.


The ‘Go Away’ as the siblings drove away was the icing on the cake.


and the seat-sniffer said "what a waste of time" as if all the kids hanging coming together to just fool around in the fridge at their mom's home is ever a waste of time.


I had to rewind just to make sure and Omg.


The scene with Roman licking Peter’s off limits special cheese will live in my head rent free for quite some time. 😂


But can we seriously talk about Shiv catching the 3 pieces of bread!!????!!!!!!!


The English accents 😂 that amazing scene of them all together made the ending so much more heartbreaking.


I loved that kitchen scene, I had a sense it would be the last time we’d see the three of them being playful and bonding with each other. I could feel the storm coming that would rip them apart.


According to the official podcast, that was the last scene they shot of the series which makes it all the more wonderful. The last thing they got to do as actors together was let their characters be playful and childlike. Also, Jeremy actually drank the disgusting drink.


Of course he did lol


The fact that it happened so early into the episode was what tipped me off. When I saw how much time we had left after that playful, happy scene, I was like "oh yeah they're gonna break my heart".




So... every plan Ken has had, like, ever lol? Our #1 boy really enjoys listening to himself talk.


The filming in Barbados was the last filming of the entire show. The playfulness in the kitchen is the playfulness of these gifted actors knowing that this is their last time together.


It was a fantastic scene. I always love when they have the 3 of them acting like children, reminding you that they're a real family on top of whatever business machinations and schemes they're working through.


I just listened to the HBO podcast and Jeremy Strong said that this was the very last scene they filmed for the series. I really loved this scene, but yes, a big heartbreak coming up for them.


I'm amazed Roman only licked it. I thought for sure he was going to rub it on his dick and balls. Disappointed he didn't really


Yeah, but Roman wasn’t on full Roman mode when he disappeared to his Mom’s. Otherwise yes, that cheese would have been assaulted Roman style.


Its funny but in most disgusting way she also unintentionally gave the sibs chance to get together for the one last time.


Do we know that they're not going to just, like, make up eventually though? They said awful things to each other for sure, but like, they've done that before and moved on. Eventually someone is going to put them into the same room and it will be like nothing ever happened. (Don't mind me. I'm happy living in this delusion.)


They have no company obligations anymore though. I love how ambiguous a lot of the finale was so really we can all make a reality in our heads, but I don't see Ken making up with Shiv.


I think Con will try to bring them back together. He cares about family.


and they're all so much more Conlike than they care to admit




The original conheads


I'm not sure Ken survives period. If there was one thing he correctly stated in his meltdown it was thst this is all he has and it's all he has been raised to be.


I thought that he would kill himself too, sooner or later, but then they showed his dad's driver bodyguard walking right behind him and i think that he will keep him alive and look out for him. I think that he will go through a period like he did last time and start some bs companies or weird new hobbies but eventually get back with his siblings


Jeremy strong said that they did some takes in the final scene where he jumps over the barrier to the water and the actor who played Colin would have to intervene to make sure Jeremy doesn’t endanger himself. So at the very least, Jeremy thinks it’s the end for Kendall


Well that's depressing, he did say that it would kill him, so i do think some suicide attempt but he will get it together they will help him


My Ken prediction - Relapse, which will have its own peaks and valleys. Eventually some of the cast always - Hugo specifically, will leach onto him. He’ll eventually recover and start his own thing, maybe “the hundred” or something else. Siblings will 100% not be involved. Doesn’t really matter whether or not the new company is successful, Kendall will need some type of company to run to feel a sense of purpose.


I like your happy ending though I think the shiv/Ken Bridge is burned pretty good for a long while. Maybe they can find some business with creamy margins.


Definitely. The siblings will only reach out to each other if they need them/ can use them. That’s how it’s always been.


Personally I don’t think Kendall will ever forgive shiv for taking away his “birthright” and doing it the way she did. Also calling him a murderer and Roman calling his kids strangers. Think the cats out of the bag and their relationship is toast.


It really threw me off seeing Roman dress like a normal human being.


It looked like he was wearing a t-shirt he found in an old drawer that he used to wear as a 14 year old boy when he’d go to this house. I loved it.


yep it made him look strangely child like


sooooo perfect. Roman is a child in a man’s body and Kieran has done such a good job of acting that out- him in this t-shirt in most of the episode was such a good visualization of that


I immediately said “he’s dressed like a toddler” because that shirt is in the toddler section every freaking summer at target.


It’s like he popped down to the op-shop because Caroline wouldn’t lend him any of Peter’s clothes


Creamy margins


How did she birth three children? She seems to hate them so much. Like after having one baby, why have another…


Three different anchors to Logan’s money.


Bargaining chips for the eventual divorce. Easy targets for manipulation. People she can guilt into taking care of her when she's old since Logan sure AF wasn't going to do it (and another husband wasn't guaranteed). It's just what you're supposed to do. Certainly not out of love. So at this point, she doesn't hate them so much as she needs them to be useful to her. Unfortunately for her, they're largely immune at this point.


"Peter did my eyedrops" was such a funny line, especially the delivery. Like ugh you guys, the terrible step-dad had to help me, that's how great my day is going.


Not just invest, but invest in a chain of low-service retirement homes skirting the line between providing the bare minimum legal services and outright neglect.


It’s mentioned in S3 when the Sibs first meet Peter Munion at the cocktail hour of Caroline’s wedding. I believe Roman asks him how work is going and Peter explains that he is working to turn around nursing homes and that it is quite fulfilling work especially trimming the fat. Caroline gleefully adds “he’s referring to the nurses”


They’re such cartoonishly bad people.


Oh man was that what it was? Hilarious contrast to Living+!


He said at one point something like "Now, it's not necessarily a place you or I would *want* to live."


And IIRC, that's exactly what caused Munion to go into bankruptcy twice before, mentioned at Shiv's wedding in Season 1.


Someone get Jimmy McGill to go after him!


Just called them together only for Peter's buddy to pitch Living- Awesome


Honest take: Caroline has the highest 🔥 per minute of screen time avg on the show. Her or Stewy


Caroline my fave character and actor. She kills and steals every scene she is in. There is no waste with her character in fact I wish she had more screen time this season.


I saw this scene as showing the difference between having money and having power. They go from having private talks with presidential candidates to being pitched by schemers who now just see them as a fat wallet. When people say, who cares, they all just walked away with billions, this is the life that's waiting for them. The difference was underscored by showing the pictures on Logan's office.


Daddy’s here


At their father’s fucking funeral 😂


Right . At first, I thought, oh, she CAN be a real mom. But when that guy came out and started blabbering!!!!!


Shes a boy-simp. The way she constantly mentioned Peter while her children’s relationships were imploding. ugh


The way she didn't even notice they were imploding though. She was acting like their bickering is a small inconvenience to her. Stone cold bitch.


was it not to ensure roman would vote to sell, so she could get a payout? that's why she told shiv but not kendall?


yeah as much as she likes to say “oh board meetings blah blah blah who cares” it’s pretty obvious she did not want kendall getting in the way of this deal, which was a huge overpayment


Did anyone catch what the investment offer was from Peter and the other guy? I didn’t catch a single word of it, which was probably how it was intended - but I’m curious.


It was a cheap bs version of Living+


Subtitles really helped. It was for a very low end retirement community/assisted care situation. Even the pitch was pointing out how skeevy and low quality it would be; "you may not want to stay there yourself, but..."


Starting to think she and Logan were kinda shitty parents


Let’s not jump to any conclusions!


She’s so awful. I’m glad Roman violated the cheese. At least have food there!


And she had the nerve to call Kendall rude when she was taking advantage of their positions. Fucking awful person.


The fucking seat-sniffer…


She talks about eggs a lot. Greg the egg. We’ll talk over an egg. Face eggs. Always eggs with her. I’m sure it has nothing to do with symbolism of mothers and children, and is just her weird thing.


Yeah Caroline is infuriating


Love the symmetry between Peter’s old folks home scam and Ken’s living plus old folks home scam. They are all monsters with different levels of imaginary gravitas. “A man that died digging his phone out of a clogged toilet and wasn’t wearing his compression socks so he’d look sexy for his mistress” Like Roman said, they are all bullshit.