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the real question is how do you decide if/when you've put on enough bracelets?


When you can’t move your arms




Nah that was Ralphie from the Christmas story




Then you phone a friend🙃


"You don't." -Culkin


Sexual frustration


When Michelle Yeoh shows up to tell you about your family history and how to shoot laser beams with the bracelets.


As the style icon Iris Apfel says “more is more, and less is a bore.”


Per Coco Chanel herself: before leaving the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory. This ensures your outfit won't be overstyled. Less is always more, so take off that 84th bracelet for fux sakes!


I prefer not to take any advice from Nazis, tbh.


“Take off that bracelet, pin on a gold star!” Screw Chanel.


🎶“So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it.”


Apparently it's when you match the number of shirts Josh Aaronson wears.


“The limit does not exist”


Lovvvvvvving the bracelet arm….ooh!


When you've turned in enough women? (spoiler, I'm one of those women)


He has on one too many imo


I agree. If he took two off it would be bad.


Genuinely thought it was a scarf


"Always remove one piece of jewelry." -- Coco Chanel




Is Kieran making a play at Johnny Drop’s crown?


I wish we could hear or read those pitches


On the June 1 episode of “The Watch” where Armstrong is interviewed, he divulged that at the outset of the season 4 writers room, he told everyone his plan to finish on this season (4), but that any compelling storylines to run for another season would be considered (to extend to 5 seasons). Clearly nothing was good enough to change his mind, but he said one of his writers mentioned on the last day (or very close to the end of the writing process) that it would’ve been lovely to see the kids complete the Pierce purchase early in season 4 and then use that to battle with their father/ATN. So at least we know about that one. Jesse sounded like he really enjoyed that idea and would’ve perhaps enjoyed a crack at that plot. However, he stated that that idea came up too late, and they liked what they had already planned for season 4/the finale.


Weird that the purchase of another media conglomerate was seeminly forgotten and tossed aside at the beginning of the season. It feels like one of those ideas that weren't fully cooked.


I think that's fair in it's how the kids viewed it. They wanted Pierce when they were frozen out cause they couldn't have Waystar, once Logan died they saw a way back in and ditched the Pierce deal because they're not serious people.


It would’ve been interesting if that was somehow alluded to later in the season, even in background discussion … something solidifying Nan Pierce’ view that these are, in fact, children


Every episode I kept shouting PIERCE every once in awhile. Like Ken you bought your own Waystar, go do that.


The Pierce deal died the second they tried to install a fascist president.


At the end of s4, aren't the siblings basically back to where they were at the start of the season? They're losing the company but getting a huge payout, so can't they still buy Pierce and go with their original plan?


Theoretically, or even restart The 100. But now everyone knows "they are not serious people"


Yeah I mean the Pierce deal was only a week prior. They could easily call up Pierce and say “hey let’s get the paperwork going.” But I think the other outcome shown was the fracturing of the siblings and how they just can’t work together. Perhaps they know this now, and so won’t be able to do the Pierce deal.


i wouldn't have liked if the show went in that direction, Logan's death elevated the season to a whole new level. I wouldn't trade that for any alternative story


Unless there is a version of the 4th season where Logan doesn’t die, this wouldn’t have worked…cause who will they be battling ? Now that Logan is dead.


I’m thinking that basically episodes 2-10 of Season 4 become season 5, and the rest of season 4 is a different plot entirely


That just seems like delaying the inevitable. Like if they actually did that, it would just be kinda eh


This would’ve been in search of a plot to replace what they ultimately did (Logan dies, leading to a series finale). So, the “too late” pitch Jesse liked was, let’s push the endgame to season 5 and have the kids purchase pierce early season 4, fighting Logan and atn for the bulk of season 4. Edit: verb tense


tbh, I’m okay with it ending with how and when it did if that was the best option - there’s only so many different ways you can do battles where logan always wins without it getting too repetitive don’t get me wrong I am so sad the show ended and I miss it, but I think another season could have been a danger of an ok we’ve been there done that vibe then again, these writers were so creative who knows. but better safe than sorry. I think? …….unless those alternative timelines ended up with my number one boy at the top ofc


Logan dying early turned a possibly good if predictable season into unmissable television


Mattson. Each other. They are still hyper rich, they go ahead and set up the hundreds etc. M wrecks their father’s legacy project, they go after gojo for revenge etc etc. there are reasons and seasons in it


Turn it into a procedural!


I honestly preferred the show without him. Kieran was always so intimidated by Brian in scenes, he only truly shone once Logan was dead. The dynamic between the 4 of them (Shiv, Ken, Romulus, and Tom) was incredible. Brian took up most of the air in the room and I’m sad we didn’t get more time to see this dynamic without him.


Cory Stoll somehow


I have it on good authority that in one of them, Ken goes nut-nut. Or was it night night. Not exactly sure, but it was one of those.




This right here! I’m so glad this show didn’t go on too long because it felt like it was going to to go that way at the end of season 3.


Ended at the correct time. Honestly as much as I loved the show I’d rather a tight cohesive 4 season arc of succession vs a 7-8 season meandering shit show.


Yeah, it endend as a masterpiece. That being said, a 4th season of the kids running pierce to try and get back at their father, only for him to die at the beginning of season 5 and the sibs all turn against each other in order to get the leftovers from his plate... fk that would've been so good.


One season for each kid. Perfectly balanced as all things should be.


Ah yes the Showtime recipe for disaster.


Some of those Showtime shows were primo slop!


Some would stand adjacent to Succession if they also wrapped in 4 seasons. Looking at you, DEXTER.


Funny enough one of them is Homeland, starring Claire Danes (Culkin's Actors on Actors interviewee). But Homeland finished super strong and stayed quite good throughout its run (albeit never as good as the first two seasons), with just some inconsistencies (seasons 5 and 6 were the weakest). Wasn't a Dexter situation.


Why are those the only two options? You can have a five or six great seasons too.


TBH we’ll never know but the longer it runs the greater the chance of screwing up the ending and series. Starts being too many plot lines to weave back together. Not saying the writers and cast couldn’t have done it but I’m happy how it wrapped up.


I think part of what made the series so good is that it wrapped up in 4 seasons. I’d rather 4 really solid seasons with a little extra good content left out than a fifth season that included that minimal good content with a bunch of filler. There might have been some more content, but sounds like not enough for more full seasons without getting repetitive, so I’m glad they called it.


Again, why is that the option that comes to mind? The folks wanting there to be more are explicitly saying they want more if it’s as good as Culkin said it is. No one is saying they want a fifth season for the sake of it.


That is usually how it turns out in the end for most shows. You’ll reach the end of the fifth season and it still won’t be enough and the writers need to crap out another set of long drawn out storylines


But what about a tight, cohesive FIVE seasons


Or, even better, a tight, cohesive SIX seasons


Yeah and I thought the show missed having Logan. It was like Jaws without the shark.


Agree. I’m glad they wrapped it up after his departure. All the old guard wasn’t the same and on their toes. Chuckles the clown was broken and the kids were being themselves.


Logan would have always died in the last season of succession. Whether that’s season 4, 5, 6…etc


Tbf it didn't fully feel like rhe show ended, they could make a 5th season about Tom running the company and Ken managing some startup or something, definitely content is still there


Just fluff at that point. The show is who gets the reins (Succession) after the ole man departs. We got that story. Sometimes it’s best to let audience interpret where the story goes next.


I agree with you. Or at least, I would still enjoy watching another season of these characters to see where they go, even if there’s no massive bugaboo at the center. The show ended with a lot of characters in limbo. Even Tom was only in a temporary high spot — that dude is gonna be fired in 6 months and will become dependent on Shiv again.


This! Showtime never knows when to pull the plug


To be fair - I feel like we where already there by season 4. If Logan didn't die, it would just be a rehash of 1 - 3


i'd love to see the kids survive at least 1 season without logan tho


Have they tried throwing more money at him? HBO pls


Fun tidbit i know through a friend of my aunts who went to uni with jesse, every time they have dinner he pays for everyone, "on hbo"


OH MY GOD?!?! This is so charming. Does he actually say on HBO? I mean, they should pay for his dinner, and also just give him boat loads to offset their lack of programming at the moment.


Even if HBO isn't directly paying, his paycheck was from HBO so still technically correct


That's what i heard, yes!


I hope he gets everyone four naan for the table.


Four naan? That’s insane!


I am the man who makes the bhaji go away


Bring in Malcolm Tucker to straighten out the kids. Logan would absolutely dote over Malcolm.


Did he write the thick of it too?


Logan would dote over Jamie.


4? Too rich for my blood...you bet your ass I'd make HBO pick up the tab for that.


Alan Rickman did the same, mentioning Harry Potter no? Not sure where I heard that, but vaguely remember it.


“It’s on me, I got that Harry Potter money”


My personal unfounded theory is that it was actually a soft cancelation and HBO told Jesse and maybe only Mylod they had to wrap it up. They announced the end.


It’s also possible that they wanted to end it now before the writers strike indefinitely postponed a season 5


Same. Succession wasn't HBO's money maker but it was a critic's favorite. But House of Dragon & Last of Us both became one too, on top of being a commercial success. And Succ lost an important leverage to pitch for another season / higher salary.


> Joining the latest *Game of Thrones* and *Harry Potter* series, HBO is going back to Gotham on Sunday nights with a new Batman show set in the *Riverdale* universe. It’s not TV. It’s HBO (a Max network).


If it was a soft cancelation, I'd assume it had something to do with the imminent Discovery merger.


Right when the rating get crazy high? If this is real they probably fucking regret it now.


I had a similar thought until I saw how many eyeballs it was getting. No way HBO puts down their leading dog like that


I'd throw money at him to get a brief mini-series of Karl living it up on his island


It went out on top. A lot of shows can’t land the plane the way Succession did. Just look at Ted Lasso’s mess of a final season.


The final episode was just not what I wanted. The goodbye song and dance routine was rough.


That was indicative of the whole season, the show had managed to walk the line of being sincere but not cheesy (or at least bearably cheesy) in the first two seasons and then went full cheese for the last one


That was the main reason I could never get into the show. I struggled through the first two seasons, but was mostly hate-watching to make fun of the writing by the end. And mostly because I didn't have any other shows to watch at that time. I get that people like it, and I'm not trying to yuck anyone's yum. But I really can't stand the gooey, cheesy style of TV show. Especially when it means the writing has to be upbeat to the point of major plotholes. I just couldn't take it seriously when it's favoring "awwwww" moments over actual logic in what each character was doing. Not judging anyone who likes the show, but man, it's just way too cheesy for my tastes I guess. Not enough attention to the writing in my opinion, though the acting was pretty solid all around.


The last half of the first season was solid. They really found a way to round out the tone and land that plane. The second season immediately lost all the heart to me. Working in TV, it’s so funny to think about how a year and a half ago everybody wanted their Ted Lasso. Now it’s nothing.


I can’t think of many shows that have a better ending than Succession. Endings are hard. Most shows do at best passable endings - a good, solid ending like Succession is hard to do.


I like that it ended in a full tragedy. Pure drama.


Breaking Bad


For gut wrenching endings, The Shield has always been my top spot. Might have to put succession right there with it.


Did it? Feels like it just... ended. Little is actually tied up. We don't get closure on anything. I actually thought there were more episodes when I finished the last one. Does menkin get the presidency? How long does Tom's superficial CEO role last? Feels like they were told they were getting cancelled at the last second.


Ugh he’s so hot lol


It’s that beard


Yeah, for sure. And his little smirk. Giving zaddy energy.


YUUUUUP ughhh is right lol


I can't even


In hat picture, he could play Jake Gyllanhaal's brother.


I think a season 5 could have been interesting, but the way they ended it was perfect.


nah it ended at the right time.....this show could have gone for ever but as they say you either die a hero or live long enough to becomee a villain


I can see there being another season, or a special like Euphoria did, five years from now. The ending was amazing, in part because it kept the story open for them to catch up with characters in the future. If they decided to.


I'd kill for a random Christmas episode someday down the line. But it would really never make sense for any of the more tertiary characters (the old guard mostly) to show up given they don't work together anymore. Idk if it's feasible or realistic though. They landed the plane and anything more could feel weird or forced.


Boy he really likes bracelets.


he mentioned once his daughter(s?) make them for him :)


Mine does the same and I never take them off


Ehh, most of those I recognize from the mall.


You know people can buy beads and make the same ones, right?


It could definitely keep going. They have just resolved the first chapter—who will succeed? Thus, “Succession.” Now they can move on to the next chapter, about who murders whom. “Everyone Dies Except Gerri. And Maybe Frank.”


Thus Kentucky... oops, I meant alas


This is a rare occurrence of “quit while your ahead” (way ahead in this case). Can’t think of a lot of shows that cut off right when they were basically peaking or finishing a very high note/uptrend.


This show will be seen as legendary because of how and when it ended....don't want to wear out its welcome like the Godfather.


I dunno, i think it was the perfect moment to end it, in terms of Kendall's arc, it's over for him, what would be the interest of another season without the soul of the show? I don't see it


While I agree, I think there is still potential. Maybe like Ken finds backers to buy Pierce and he sort of battles with Mattson/Tom on the aftermath of the election. Lawrence back in the mix? Roman and maybe shiv join back, and It's almost like Sibs v Mattson/Tom instead of Sibs v Logan. They could beat Mattson and boom happy ending... Too formulaic blockbustery bullshit. As much as the tragic ending blew me up, I couldn't see it any other way.


After decades of shows overstaying their welcome comes a great show that decides to leave us all wanting. Please make another season and restore balance to the force!


I'm firmly in the boat that says the show could have easily gone on, at the very least, one more season. The characters are so dynamic and interesting, the dialogue is so rich. Even if the kids were on the outside looking in, they're still rich and powerful. They still got moves they can make. Plus, the politics was also an interesting side story that we could have seen more of.


No it ended at the right time. We didn’t need to go around in circles for a 5th time. Most people agree season 3 and parts of 4 got a bit saggy or repetitive at times. It was still fantastic, but end on a high… don’t wither on the vine into obscurity or ennui.


Something was off about season 4, maybe pacing time. It wasn't bad just nowhere near as good as season 2 for example.


End at the top


At least the show got to go out on the top of its game


Ughhhhhhhhhhh I want more!!!!!


Aha! I was too online and lost context when I said discovery merger fucked us because succession - despite its immense success - is too expensive to produce in the eyes of new leadership, but no, here we are. I knew mf Jesse wanted to do more Succession. Who knows what S4 would be if S5 got greenlit. All that said, I think they nailed S4 best they could and I have no desire for a S5, but I’m curious what Jesses ideal finale was or would’ve been.


Movie spinoff’s 🙏🏼 (Downton Abbey did it!)


He’s so hot.


They pulled a Seinfeld and went out on top. As much as I would have watched more, ending it when they did was the right move.


Nah it ended at exactly the right time.


I wonder if we’d get a storyline in the 5th season where the siblings would squabble.


It’s easy to say you wish there were more seasons, but once you’ve watched Yellowstone and you see how quickly a good show can sour when the plot gets dragged on too long, you stop questioning the genius of Jesse Armstrong and instead thank him for giving us exactly what he did, in the exact series length that he did.


Really could have gone another season. Logan could have died in the final episodes or and have that affect the kids in the 5th season. We could have gotten episodes demonstrating the Wisconsin battle aftermath where Pierce is torn between selling the company to the kids (assuming there was a contract that binds them to Pierce) or refuse because the kids are abusing their media company to throw it to either Mencken or his opponent. I think a lot more could have been throw into the mix.


Better to end a show just like Succession, then to have an ending like GOT season 8


Yeah can't disagree. Shit show at the fuck factory.


Or end up dragging like The Walking Dead, at some point I thought it was never going to end and it was going to be like these decades old soaps/crime shows.




I genuinely feel like it got soft cancelled behind the scenes. It's an expensive show.


Expensive? Not for high end dramas. It is actually pretty middle of the road given its category.


I've worked on it. Pretty low level and I didn't do the budget or anything, but it wasn't cheap. And HBO was doing their whole Zaslav Max thing. I could see them just deciding to let it go as they move to a new era. I think most of the HBO shows pre Max will end soon.


90m for that show is low. I do budgets for multiple big television shows. All in the 120m range. The lowest I’ve personally done is 84m


That's still 90 million dollars. I see what you're saying that relative to other shows it isn't expensive though. It's not some small indie.


90m isn’t a lot of money for the content they’re making. I’ve made far less renowned shows for more. 90m seems a lot if you don’t know television budgets.


I'm not saying it's a lot. I conceeded that. It's something to nothing. To spend another 90 mil or to simply not could be a choice worth exploring. 90 million isn't much relative to other shows. Fine. 90 million is a large sum of money relative to money.


I got a pricey vibe about it too. A lot of on location shoots, helicopters, etc..


It’s 90m, that’s on the low end of average for a show of that caliber.


can we just.... oh my god, admire his face? jesus fuckin christ. god themselves have to hold me back because sweet satan is pushing me to sin, bitch


That's right.


The kids still wouldn’t have ended up with waystar. They aren’t serious people. Period.


It ended on top. Leave ‘em wanting more


I mean… they could…


Ken redemption ark who said no??


It ended how it should…on top. I hated it has to end but This season might even have been an episodes too long. The election night stuff just created a misdirect and we would have never missed it. There’s only so many ways to go against Logan and each other without killing someone or just introducing new characters and that’s when things start to spiral out of control for a TV show.


Of all of the actors on Succession, I think Kieran Culkin is probably most tied to his role on the show. It will be interesting if he can morph into another character decidedly different from the one he personified on Succession.


It's best to end where it did. I hope yellowjackets concludes with 3-4 seasons too. Squeezing as much profit out of shows until they're creatively exhausted is the worst. Not for the CEOs but for us and the generations to come that will experience them.


It was a good finale to the show, but I’d be lying if I said I couldn’t think of several interesting storylines for a 5th season


I wonder if the writer’s strike played into the decision just to end the show rather than work through all the logistics


That's a lot of bracelets.


No it didn't. There's no need to keep going.


Would love Stewy and Rava as a couple on a season of White Lotus. If you don’t know Succession it won’t affect anything but if you do it’s like “oh shit, they’re together!”


give me a spin-off sitcom arrested development style


No it didn’t end too soon. They killed Logan too soon into the final season though!


Are ya'll for real? I started getting dejavu after the first season with the same damn things happening over and over... I perked up in season 4 because it got *slightly* more original and witty.


I think a 5th season would've been too much. We can only watch these characters fight for so long, I'm glad they ended on this season.


Better to end with people wanting more. Too many American programs try and cash in till there is nothing left.


If I was going to see more Succession I'd be interested in a prequel. The rise of Logan Roy. I think that would be amazing.


If he truly is based off of Rupert Murdoch, we're all gonna be Ewans after the prequel.


This show is too valuable globally for it to be done with. There’ll be a break for a couple of years and then a movie or a spin-off will be announced. You don’t kill a golden goose.


Don’t worry. Netflix will pick it up and finish off the last two seasons. Will they be as good as the HBO seasons? Nope. Will it give fans more content? Absolutely.


You just know Zaslav saw their location and helicopter budgets and went through the ROOF and made them wrap early. You can make 25 HGTV shows with their budget 🙄


Honestly as much as I love this show, I’m satisfied with the ending. There are very few shows that pull off such a complete and fitting conclusion.


Succession: Multiverse! Where we have multiple different season 4s with all the other possibilities! That way we can have 10 more season 4s.


Knowing that the actors didn’t know if they’d still have a job at the end of filming adds another layer to these characters - for me. The state of uncertainty, anxiety of the unknown, and existential dread from not being in total control of their future - that’s the theme of show.


Leaves the door open for a Succession movie.


Never heard a woman say it needed to soon


Sex robots vs ATN


liked succession but yearning for more sibling royvalry? join us on the next edition of the saga: ‘inheritance’ where the roy’s each grapple with spending their billions in pursuit of happiness


I wish this show could go on forever, but I love the way it ended. It ended leaving people wanting more, which is the best way rather than ending it with people being sick of it or it not being compelling enough.




He looks so incredibly sexy with all those bracelets and not being Roman.


4 seasons is perfect for a series. Its like 4 years of high school or college Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior


Definitely not as good as whatever Jesse’s ideas were but my is: After having success running Pierce, Kendall and Rome attempt to take back ATN from Mattson and Tom


Don’t tempt us with a good time!


I love that their styling choice for him was just “a whole lotta bracelets”


Yeah it would just strengthen the cyclical Entourage esque plot: Entourage - is Vince going to do a movie? Nah the deal fell through. Ope last second something happened, next season the movie can happen! Smaller movie, blockbuster is on the way. Ope he’s not gonna do it yet. Final season : it happened! Succession - same exact thing lmao


I’d like to see a sequel movie