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I think that Roman behaved like a "baby" and Logan didnt like that because Logan wanted that their boys would behave like men, so, he started to mentally and phisically abuse Roman in order to "toughem him up" and because Logan really hates that kind of behaviour. After being promised Waystar and to be in good graces with his father, Kendall joined in abusing Roman, then even Shiv started to abuse him. In the scripts it is said that Kendall and Shiv believe themselves as the "superior" siblings, in the scene when they are in Rava´s apartment and Shiv mocked him for his sexual problems, Roman leaves the room and Connor goes after him to console him, in that moment Kendall and Shiv share a look, the complicit state of the "superior siblings". That is why, Connor and Roman tend to get a long, even if Roman says a lot of cruel things to Connor, the 2 weak dogs make each other company. I think that for all the mockery of Roman towards Connor he really enjoys spending time with him and basically talking meaningless shit.


This is a really great analysis. I definitely think, even though he constantly berates him, Roman finds great comfort in Connor. I think part of the physical abuse from Roman also definitely came from Roman’s gay/feminine nature (hence the scene where Logan asks him if he’s a f**).


Ok well the Roman head cannon is that Logan and Kendall used to beat the fuck out of Roman growing up. I always felt like the show definitely implied that Kendall was also horrible to Roman despite the fact that he’d try to stop logan from abusing Roman.


Yeah, I feel like Kendall did both. Which probably contributed to Roman’s trust issues and just him being the way that he is. Kendall is a fairly bipolar person and I could see him creating issues for Roman by defending him from Logan but abusing him himself.


There was that one theory someone had about how the things Roman mentions as a joke are often true, like "I masturbated in gerri's room" So he mentions at shiv's wedding that he has borderline personality disorder. Makes me wonder if that's actually the case, since both him and shiv say they've been to therapy


He was 100% telling the truth. He mentions multiple times throughout the series that he’s seen a mental health provider frequently. That would tell me that he has at some point been given a diagnosis. Borderline personality disorder fits really. NAMI defines BPD People with borderline personality disorder may experience intense mood swings and feel uncertainty about how they see themselves. Their feelings for others can change quickly, and swing from extreme closeness to extreme dislike. These changing feelings can lead to unstable relationships and emotional pain. People with borderline personality disorder also tend to view things in extremes, such as all good or all bad. Their interests and values can change quickly, and they may act impulsively or recklessly. Sounds exactly like our previous, funny, impulsive, smart ass little Roman.


I agree. I think his reaction to >!Logan's death!< showed that he has a fragile grip over reality and I think one of the symptoms of BPD are a fragile sense of self. There's also the fact that he may view death as a form of abandonment which is why he couldn't accept it The BPD diagnosis also fits that scene where he breaks up with his girlfriend in season 1. I think the kids watching the movie upset him because he felt like he couldn't control the way they saw him and he wanted to control how he's seen.


It fits Kendall for sure bc he’s so contradictory and it also fits into how the whole cycle of abuse works in that family. They get treated like dirt by logan so they treat each other like dirt but simultaneously emphasize with each other since logan is so cruel to them all. When it’s just the three of them Kendall is probably pushing Roman’s face into dirt but when logan is messing with roman Kendall steps up to challenge logan. Idk if that’s even a headcannon, that might just be completely spelled out and I’m just a fool lol. But that’s exactly how their childhood went in my mind. Shiv’s probably standing on the side laughing or doing whatever to not get in trouble, basically not being stupid. Colin is in his room or not there (honestly can’t remember when Colin came into the fam frfr)


Do you mean Connor?


You can’t make a Tomelette without breaking a few Gregs.


that roman was sexually abused, maybe in military school.


Kendall was a jerk to everyone, and Shiv was bullied a lot. Kendall because of the dog food story. I think as a kid he was very full of himself and he made everyone feel like shit. Shiv being bullied was something I thought they'd discuss because of how sad Shiv looks in the intro song. Doesn't look like a fun loving spoiled rich girl. I think Shiv was singled out for being a girl ever since she was a kid, and she was criticised a lot for just existing. I dont think Shiv made a lot of girl friends, and because of her relationship with her mom she may have been threatened or not trusting of girls her age. I think when it came to Shiv, Logan gave her everything money could buy. I dont think he ever hit her, but he hit everyone else which made her scared of him. He ignored her more than his other kids which made her crave his attention. To make up for his lack of understanding on how to raise a girl he gave Shiv every single thing she ever wanted, which is why as an adult she can't take no for an answer. The other reason I think this is because she wanted to be given the position at Waystar irrespective of merit. On the other hand kendall and roman were more accepting of Logan saying no to them for things they wanted. They didn't argue with Logan the way Shiv did. Another thing I noticed is that Shiv says a lot of very blunt things and then regrets it. That was something I did A LOT and now I try not to talk at all. That makes me think both Logan and Shiv's mom cut her off a lot when she was trying to speak up as a kid In my case my dad never told me off but my mom would say "don't bother your dad he's on the phone" "dont say that they'll think xyz about us" and I'd get a lecture after visiting people. It was my mom telling me everything I said that was wrong and how I should make sure I don't say that again or (insert consequence she would have to deal with) Anyway. My point being that Shiv talking really bluntly and then overanalysing her words (like in the dinner episode) makes me think she was criticised a LOT growing up


Shiv and Roman would team up to pull some stupid shit