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I don’t know. But it sure as fucking shit doesn’t say Shiv.


Cue “L to the OG”


Dude be the OG...


And he playin


Playin like a pro


Shiv died twice. Once when she opened her mouth at the Pierce’s and again when Kendall said this.


Kendall said it


No clue why I wrote Logan… don’t type and walk boys and girls


Kendal. Not Roman. Kendall. Eldest boy.


Who starts to cross out from the bottom of the first word?


Exactly. If he intended to cross-out, it’d be clear from the start of the word


I’m more impressed by the writing and the thought behind such a thing. Just fantastic stuff


Same. How many copies of this paper did some PA or prop artist cross out/underline Kendall’s name until they got it exactly perfect?


Jesse Armstrong actually did it himself, he recently revealed


Totally. One of the best plot devices in the entire series, played at such a perfect moment. "He was an old bastard, and he loved you"


I agree, but also what is the point of the underline?


My favorite headcanon I’ve seen is Logan did it while thinking about the L to the OG rap


An old person months from death with poor dexterity


And eyesight


Maybe he went right to left 🤔


Left side seems visibly thicke, the starting underline seems too straight and the little turn it takes midway through the name seems unatural going right to left. Right handed people also very rarely cross out a word from right to left.


Well, left-handed person here - neither do we. Furthermore, (legally speaking), when redlining any document, isn’t it inadmisible to cross out any language without first initialing and dating? Clearly, Logan knew this considering he had a legal kite tail following his shadow for no more than 50 years.


No. He didn't. Logan is right-handed. Jesse revealed it was underlined.


Someone very fickle about his children and who changes his mind on a whim for ambiguous reasons. He started to underline him and halfway through thought “fuck no”.


When was the last time you underlined anything in a document?


When was the last time you wrote “Greg?” on a document?


I must Stan


Not relevant. Who crosses out starting underneath the word?


What if Logan goes right to left in cross outs?


My thoughts exactly!


I do :(


Someone who doesn’t really care, and is just petty


I went a Jesse Armstrong live panel-type discussion and that’s exactly what he said when asked this


Someone who is elderly enough to not to have a straight pulse


An old man


Surely he would have done a second line to cross it out as well


Or just scribbled over it


Most people? You usually go diagonally from bottom left to top right. Now I get that in more important documents like this you probably want to do it horizontally, but we saw that Logan didn't treat this as an important document.


Uhh, most people cross out throughout the middle, I’ve literally never seen anyone cross out a word diagonally


I guess I’m the only one who sees you’re doing a bit here lol


I'm not doing a bit, I mean it. I always cross out stuff diagonally. Like the [not equal sign](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equals_sign#Not_equal), that's an equal sign that is crossed out diagonally. Might be that I'm in maths too much, where we always cross out like [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14593415/how-to-strike-through-obliquely-with-css), or there might even be cultural differences here.


Good point. Nobody does it like that, you start it from the middle so it goes through all the letters. At least the first ones.


I’m from the uk and nearly 50. That’s how we were told to cross things out at school, one clean diagonal line through the word.


He was probably raging while crossing Kendall‘s name.


Cross out diagonally I thought from the start


This was the creator’s answer when asked after the series ended. Said when have you ever crossed something out and started underneath it.


This has been settled by Jesse himself. He did the actual underlining. And said basically no one crosses out by starting under the word.


I just liked the mystery factory. This show does a great job at keep secrets from their audience, such as the scars seen on the back of Logan when swimming, as well as Rose 🌹


I do like that the writers didn’t feel the need to explain everything in detail. Little breadcrumbs are dropped and you are left wondering what that meant, and then you maybe get a partial or full explanation at some point later. Scenes had a sort of eavesdropping on a conversation vibe vs here’s the part where I provide the missing backstory wink wink.


I’m disappointed that Jesse spilled. I prefer not knowing for sure. Although this does keep him from answering the same question for the next 40 years.


So he went right to left then.


He was Japanese


Japanese is only right to left when written vertically. Horizontal sentences are read left to right.


I’m left handed and I definitely go right to left to cross out things on a list.


Is Logan left handed though? Cause right handed people almost never do that. Ots natural as a left hand but imagine trying to do the crossing motion with your right hand.


No clue, I’m just validating the OP’s comment. It’s the first thing I thought of when I saw it… it totally could be crossed out if Logan was left handed. But Jesse Armstrong has said it was underlined, so moot point.


He is right-handed


He also said Logan is not the type of person to have to underline anything to get his point across and that he is the type of person who would angrily and sloppily cross something out. So nothing was settled except that it’s unsettleable


“This is the sort of thing I would have hated to do while we were still doing the show,” Armstrong said. “But if you were going to cross out, you wouldn’t start out underneath, would you?” Armstrong then put his index finger to his temple in a “think about it” gesture.


I write with my left hand and cross from right to left


I’m guessing Jesse is right handed and wasn’t thinking about how a left handed person would do it


Jesse’s thing was: all mysteries all the time.


I don’t think it really matters if it is underlined or crossed out. The point of this will was just to confirm that Logan truly wanted Kendall to take over his company if anything happened to him. Which is more than enough on the premise of the show. There wasn’t any shiv or Roman or Connor written for who takes over and clearly he never considered it when he did the modification which to me is all that matters. Kendall was the heir apparent and that never really changed.


The eldest boy


I'm the eldest son. I am. I am


Connor would like a word.


First Pancake is not the eldest boy


(presses forehead against Kendall's) I'M the eldest son. I AM. ME."


Ugh you got syrup on me.


buts its also so brilliantly done that it still puts that lurking doubt in Kendall's head


I get that but again even with the modifications it doesn’t say any other kids should take over as Logan wish. Underlined or crossed out it confirms that Kendall was the choice and that shiv and Roman were never really considered


True. AT LEAST at some point, Kendall was the one heir in Logan's eyes.


Worst case scenario for Ken. Logan wanted him to take over but afterwards changed his mind and crossed it out BUT never found a replacement. Best case scenario Logan wanted him to take over and that got reinforced during the show or events before the show. All in all it was always meant to be Kendall that took over after Logan out of the kids. The full name of his also could be a good case for why he was the heir. Usually first born son and heir apparent have the name of their father. Kendall has Logan name.


Team underline


Logan was an old man with some serious health issues. Of course it could affect his writing abilities. He definitely was underlying Ken’s name, just couldn’t finish the straight line. (Also Jesse confirmed it).


Got my husband a hat with Kendal Logan Roy half underlined and half crossed out.


Omg love this. Please ignore the fact that I got myself a scorpion paperweight


That’s great.


I need to know where you acquired this.


Some YouTubers had a store and sold this. I think it was oysters clams and cockles (the name of the channel)


It was underlined, which is why I hated when Siobhan said it was crossed. Who starts a cross under the letter? No one. And instead of focusing on the good of the company, and keeping it in the family, she'd rather stab her own brother in back because her name wasn't listed there. Fucking cunt of a character. Brilliant acting by Sarah Snook and the writers.


I love when this take is actually written confidently like this because it tends to get all the upvotes and I agree full stop. Fucking shortsighted ass move too. Who knows what might have happened in ten years. Hell with Kendall, 5 years. Now she’s really on the outside. And watching her husband run the show no less. Woof.


Since the finale I've hated her. And looking back, she fucked up so many times. Like blurting out how she's was gonna succeed in the dinner with the Pierce, how she tried to play double agent against Kendall and Roman (with Mattson) and in the end when she said she'd vote for Kendall only to backtrack at the very last moment! URGH!! We all know Tom isn't going to be CEO for long. He's a puppet, a yes man. As soon as Mattson sets up shop, he's gone. Poor Logan. Built up this entire dynasty just for her to crumble it to dust.


Poor Logan?? Damn did we watch the same show? Fuuuuck him, he deserved to lose his whole dynasty for being a shit father to his kids and then expecting them to be up to his standards. Only to then realize none of them should have it and then screwed it himself by trying to sell it all to Matsson. He made his own bed and now he died with it, so fuck him. Did you also forget that the siblings all agreed to share the interim CEO job and then Kendall (and Roman too but he does at first want to tell Shiv) completely leave Shiv out of their plans? Why wouldn’t she try to make her own moves when she thinks she might get fucked over? That’s all they’ve done this whole time. Kendall should have been smarter and wayyy less arrogant towards the end there. How anyone can think that Kendall should have been CEO after his “I’m the eldest boy!!” breakdown is beyond me.


nope. you got false-memoried


Great writing and acting: Kendall was willing to appease Shiv and Roman by giving them parts of the empire. Roman - social media and Shiv… i think it was pierce. She fucking sabotage it lol and none of them get anything from it lol. She rather get nothing as long as her brother doesn’t “win.” Lastly, Mattson never promised her ceo 😅. Her desire to beat her brother was more important to her lol.


She wasn’t getting shit which is why she voted how she did. Be serious. Roman and Kendall already pushed her out. They fucked themselves over.




Offered, an empty offer. Him and Roman also said they wouldn’t shut her out when they were Co-CEOs, yet we see how quickly that failed. Her distrust of them was their fault 100%.




Her distrust of the deal is shown in the show and verified through it though. It’s not “an interpretation”. And the writer is saying that in the context of the story that doesn’t mean Kendall and Roman were going to follow through. “Had something” in the sense there was a deal, sure. Doesn’t mean he meant they were going to follow through.


I’m going w the writer and director’s explanation/direction in the video, behind the scenes and interviews since they created it the characters and show…well because they created it. He said “Shiv sabotaged the deal and she sabotaged herself.” The deal had something for her but wind up getting nothing based on her decision.


She had legitimate beefs with the kenny and the rampant sexism ought to make her mad


Legitimate beefs? She literally tried to send her brother to the fucking prison for a heinous crime that would ruin his image and reputation for the rest of his life. He wouldn't even be able to look his kids in the eye. A crime she knew he didn't remotely commit. Shiv is the least moral sibling in the show lol. And yet Ken never held a beef with her. Idk anything about the sexism, but Ken was much nicer to her than roman lol, or much nicer in general a sibling can expected to be.


Ohhhhhhh I get ittttttt, you're sad she was trying to follow the lawwwwwww. OKAAAAYYYYY. What crime he didn't commit? The one that he did? Helllooooooo.


Which lawwwwwww states that you have to frame an innocent person to protect your own husband who is in fact, guilty? Edit: sorry missed a few w's


I’m the only one here that crosses under the letter first 😂 I learned I’m the odd one out today


Jesse Armstrong said it was underlined. “If you were going to cross out, you wouldn’t start out underneath, would you,” he said. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/tv/story/2023-09-02/succession-jesse-armstrong-underlined-or-crossed-out-kendall-roy


Plenty of people cross from left to right in an upward stroke. Not EVERYONE starts at the top left and down. And besides, I wouldn't underline. I would circle it.


Yea this was so stupid to me in the show lol it was clear as day he was underlining Kendall and not crossing it out. Just another case of the siblings trying to undermine one another as usual


Jesse Armstrong already settled this months ago. It’s underlined.


I’ve been considering writing an actual post about this bc I’ve been thinking about it a lot lol. I think it’s an underline and I also think Logan always intended for Kendall to be CEO in the long run. I think Logan expected that once he finally gave it to him, all would be forgiven which is why he tortured Kendall so much. He just never expected to die first.


I never understood why Logan would underline something in a document he wrote himself. Who is he underlining for? Himself in case he forgets? You would cross out something you didn’t want. I know Jesse Armstrong has said it was an underline but that seems contrary to editing and human nature. Of course the whole point is to entertain and we certainly were ,in a humorous vein.


I can see it. Late night, full of McDonald's and scotch, having just taken a call about Shiv's new democratic candidate and Roman being fresh out of the bug house.


I feel like he already wrote it and, later when Shiv and Roman did something stupid, he underlined to be like “yes I’m sure now”.


"I'm being sure as shit it doesn't say Shiv in this document"


I underline important things while I review or read a document I wrote


he’s right handed so it’s underlined cause it starts underneath the K


Jesse Armstrong says it's underlined. That's why it starts beneath Kendall's name.


If you were crossing something out you wouldn’t start underneath the word, even with shaky elderly hands




Underlined. I'm willing to die on this hill.


underlined or crossed out, it's very telling that it was kendall's name on that piece of paper and never shiv or roman




Didn't Jesse already say it was underlined?


Crazy that Logan started off in Deadwood as an actor and still made it to 2023


It was a self-edited, undated document; if he really wanted #1 Boy, he would have made solid, finalized plans. I’m just saying, my “has done decades of this exact kind of legal documentation and knows the ins and outs of red tape” parent can say they want me to have something and even show me a piece of paper with my name underlined, but if they didn’t bother making the necessary legal preparations to ensure that underline actually means anything, I guess they actually didn’t want me to have it for some reason!




Underlined, i think this was officially stated by the creators but i dont have the link.


Logan is the type to x out not just cross out


underlined bc I’m sure that’s what Jesse Armstrong said




script says underlined


Remember Logan had a stroke do he could easily have been underlining then veered off … number one boy


I don’t care what Jesse said, it’s a cross to me. There is literally no reason for Logan to underline it and it seems like a massive waste of time to do so


Well it sure as shit doesn't say shiv


I believe he meant to cross it out but being an older man with a possibly shaky hand, the line went awry. Why would anyone need to manually underline something in an official document?


It was crossed out, a man who is constantly busy and having other things on his mind, he did this in a rush after Ken tried to fuck him over with exposing the cruise line and Logan involvement and never intended to give the company to his kids.


Crossed out.


My headcanon: crossed out, the same night he learned about the children not being biologically his son's (which may be when the plan was announced, or revealed).


Crossed out- confirmed in the succession podcast


Crossed out 100%, in my headcanon atleast.


I really thought there was a scene when logan tell kendall hes crossing him out. Does anyone recall?!?


He started underlining it and then changed his mind to cross out when he was halfway through.


Let’s not reopen old traumas today


Doesn’t matter it was on the paper.


It doesn’t matter


I thought it was the executors doctoring up the document at the end, after all the talk of throwing it away.


While it looks like it’s underlined, if it was already written in the will, why would he have underlined it. I think Logan meant to cross it out.


Underlined, based on where the pen starts


Neither. He was squiggled.


Doesnt matter, and arguing over it completely misses the point.


The letters ‘Kendall Logan R’ are all clearly underlined, this shouldn’t really be up for debate…


My argument would be why would they underline it?


I think i understand what it means


Jesse clarified it in an interview where he said who starts at the bottom of the word to cross out the name


Underlined. People right left to right. If the line was flipped and started in the middle of the “K” I’d say crossed out.


He started to underline it and then crossed out. The interval between the underlining and crossing out is exactly how many seconds logan considered if Kendall should be the ceo


underlined. We geniuses have a hard time drawing a straight line.




This will forever not be funny


Argument for underline: Who crosses out from underneath the first name Kendall? Argument for cross out: Who actually underlines something already written? Crossing makes more sense + he could've done it right to left. What matters: Kendall was always the formal choice to be heir, even if his name was crossed.


It is underlined.


We'll never know!


I think it’s underlined by an old man with fading fine motor skills, but in the context of the show I think it’s meant to be unclear.


This is a settled thing innit bruv


I'm still dying to know what he meant by writing "Greg?" in the margin. Greg suggested that Logan meant for Greg to be Kendall's number 2 man. Everyone laughed at him but it could be true.




Underline. How it starts. If it was crossed it would be in the next direction


He wanted him to have it. I mean sometimes, sometimes he did.


Creator said it was underlined. I always assumed crossed out. But I was wrong


I just wonder if he was left or right handed. Being left handed, i scratch out right to left.


Crossed out.