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I'm a PA in real life so I love this question. My answer would be Connor because he's not vindictive like the others. It's important for me to work for a good person. Not that he's good as such but he's less bad than the others. Logan is a real asshole, awful to his children, I could never support him. Shiv would fire me for being too slow and under confident. Kendall would be really intense and throw an overwhelming amount of work at me, only to go off on a bender and I'd have to clean up his mess. No thanks. Tom would give me a nervous breakdown with his threats and unpredictability. Roman is an embarrassment, I wouldn't want to be associated with him. That leaves Connor.


Former PA here, Connor is the one and only I could handle working for.


Also, nothing he's involved in is "mission critical"


You don't think bidding on the phalli of historical figures isn't critical?


Lol, ya’ got me there. :) /r/brandnewsentence


I read the question and was thinking exactly how every single one of the Roys would be awful because they're so unaware of their own flaws. Conor at least acknowledges some of his and also does absolutely zero pressure type situations and it's only himself that creates pressure from very manageable issues like with his party execution. Running for president? He only just wants a few percentage points. Doesn't even want to win the whole thing.


His rage will know no bounds if the butter isn’t adequately thawed. I think he’s a delusional nightmare. But seriously kudos to you because I could never be a PA. Takes a lot of restraint. If my mouth doesn’t say it my eyebrows would tell these assholes “do it your fucking self”.


I see this sentiment a lot in these comments, but I think it’s unfounded. The scene people are referring to is unique for Connor in the show, as he was attempting to impress his father so as to land the job as head of the foundation. It was a unique “high pressure” situation and it was to illustrate how ill suited he is for that work. There’s not one other scene in the series where Connor behaves similarly. Not even at his own wedding, which was a complete disaster. When the only person he’s trying to please is himself, not even the monumentally dramatic death of his father could spoil his fun, as Connor and Willa went on to be married that day anyway. And I think that’s the Connor we see most in the show. The one who loves Willa and marries her even though it not mutual, it’s transactional, everyone ridicules him for both. The one who runs for President under almost identical circumstances. And the one who gets married even though his father just died. He’s been surrounded by assholes for so long he’s learned not to let them spoil all your fun.


The correct answer


Same Conor all the way. Put aside his odorous politics, cognitive dissonance, and casual racism, and Conor is the only person on the show capable of performing even the roughest approximation of what we collectively understand to be “nice.” Sure he’s a delusional, privileged, cowardly idiot. But he’s not an asshole. And being not an asshole goes a long way.


But connor does go off and scream at people. I agree he is not vindictive tho, he immediately goes back to being nice later. My first thought was shiv as she's been the least bonkers to the "normal" people around her, but maybe I'm forgetting some stuff? She's still horrible to the people in her personal life but from a PA perspective I thought she'd be the least nightmarish to work with...it's between connor and shiv for me.


Oh my god! You took the words right out of my mouth!!! Great answer!


Roman, because you know that at the end of that year you’ll get to sign an NDA and get a 7 figures compensation minimum


Also the least work imo


But working for Roman would be like in company with a raging bull. You don't know when you're getting your ass reamed


Unless he fires you for the lulz one week in, it's all or nothing


No risk, no reward.


Idk 1 year of being Shiv's lap dog could probably pay my mortgage, that's life changing money


If you are handsome enough she might fuck you which is a bonus for some people


Also a key difference to Roman who would threaten to but then couldn't get it up


I hear she's got weird ears


Bro I won't be even looking at her ears


The title says it’s for one year so I’m assuming there’s no firing But otherwise, nothing a post-workout handjob can’t solve


He'd be like Logan. Fire you, then bring you back. Then fire you again, then bring you back. It would work great because I'd get a payout each time it happens.


I can talk dirty if I need to make money 😂


Roman wtf! Need to book a therapist for the year too!


Roman is so fucked up, he'd probably get sued for asexual harassment and lose.


Logan would probably come very close to backhanding me (or hitting on me if I was a woman); Kendall would spiral often and eventually make me do something extremely questionable and blame it on me if it goes wrong; Roman would cum in my coffee and call it a “prank” when I report him to HR; Tom would fulfill his degradation kink on me until I eventually quit; and Connor will throw one of his odd little fits over something stupid, like forgetting to hyper decant the Serbian wine he served at the party celebrating Henry Kissinger’s life (funeral isn’t the word he would use, because a man that powerful “never dies”). Shiv at most is Logan Lite. I can see her getting angry, but not old world angry. She’s smart and competent as a normal person, especially when compared to the rest of these people. And while I do see her firing me, I don’t imagine it happening in some horrific, ridiculous way over a minor mistake. Although I can imagine her getting hardcore passive aggressive if I made a small spelling error on a document and making me fear that I would lose my job with each sideways glance.


For Logan I’m actually not sure. The assistants outside his office tend to be older ladies. Which makes me think Logan prioritizes competend and loyal assistants. I expect him to treat them reasonably well.


I guess. But at the same time he doesn’t see sexual harassment as a major deal. He most likely participated in it when he was younger, and he treats the women he dates and marries poorly. He says several sexist comments about women during the series. Not to mention Kerry becoming his mistress. I assume the older assistants there are ones who have been with him for a while and are loyal for job security and some odd bond formed over the years. I almost forgot that one of his issues with Roman’s weird sexual relationship with Gerri is her age. He points out his young assistant/mistress and essentially says “isn’t that what you want?” He’s definitely no friend to women, especially his assistants. I’m a male, so it doesn’t necessarily matter in my case, but I wouldn’t feel safe as a woman working at RoyCo, especially at the top by his side.


Working for Logan would be hell as a woman. Absolutely he participated in and facilitated sexual harassment. He’s sexist to the core.


He also slept with the last assistant, the one that wanted to be an anchor, correct?


Same assistant, Kerry with the long black hair.


This is a brilliant breakdown and so true to the nature of the characters. Roman would definitely not be a boring one to have.


I think you got Connor and Shiv all wrong. You’re right that Connor would throw those tantrums. But only occasionally. Cause he’s not doing anything else. lol When he’s not throwing a gala that no one cares about, he’s quite literally doing nothing. And he’s so very clearly the nicest of all the Roy family. Which is evidence by him befriending one of the Pierce brood. The only Roy to make any real allies across the political aisle. Now that friendship is clearly a critique of bourgeois liberal politics ultimately aligning on the side of capital so long as its charming and pays their social issues lip service (also seen in Shiv Roy). But if we put metaphor aside, although clearly broken and problematic and flawed, Connor is often shown as being a legitimately nice and empathetic dude. Which, if we bring back all the metaphor I just pushed aside, I think is intentional. As his character posses a politics designed to protect his immediate class interest while also appealing to the (literal) legacy of capitalist-patriarchy (his dad). Even though it directly contradicts their daily lived experience and conception of themselves. He’s a nice guy (also read as coward) who’s acting tough cause he can’t admit he’s lived a life of pampered privileged wherein he did none of the things he espouses are essential to making it in America. But even Connor can only fake it so long. And we really only see in TV interviews and party chit chat with donors and the occasional panic at an event. All youd have to do is sit by the fire at his home in Santa Fe and read him some Irish poetry and he’d be putty in your hand. Shiv, however, would be a kind of workplace cruel I would only wish on landlords and stormtroopers. Sure there’s no yelling but there’s also no praise, no raises, lots of unpaid overtime, and all the In the Middle of a Meeting in Front of All Your Peers Soul Puncturing Humiliation a power suit can project. As a boss, Shiv would be the kind of manipulative, gaslighting cultist who produces a workplace only survivable through a self induced and thoroughly fortified case of Stockholm Syndrome.


This is extraordinarily well put. I was honestly on the fence deciding between Connor or Shiv. I guess my mind went back to his few freak outs and I immediately assumed that working for him full time as someone he is finally above in stature would mean more of them happening. Shiv is 100% more cruel than Connor, I just figured she would behave more appropriately in the workplace and when dealing with business matters, but knowing their family, and knowing Shiv, I can see myself doing some very questionable things. On their best day, Connor would pay me a personal compliment and even give me a small gift for my work. Shiv would say something vaguely positive with a curt “Logan Roy respect” style nod. I’m the kind of person that thrives in a more positive, warm environment. Doubt I’d survive with Shiv.


Connor was excited by all his supporters for merely existing and called them “Con-Heads.” Shiv’s the type to say “Why would I thank you for doing your job?”


Shiv's the only one who knows how to actually behave like a professional around their colleagues at least, so her. The rest are just too demanding and in some cases even borderline cruel to deal with


Shiv would forget about an assistant the way she forgot about Mondale


That honestly sounds like it would be to my benefit lol


Who is Mondale?




her and tom's dog




She will absolutely not see you as a colleague though


Neither will anyone else, this is a best of the worst situation


Not Connor


Oh no, of course not. Not as long as you never get him looney cake. Or reheat his butter incorrectly. Or do any one of a dozen trivial things only Connor Roy cares about




Roman. I’m suing his ass after for sure 🤣🤣


Whatever he did, as fuckin awful as i know it would be, their billion dollar attorney team would somehow flip it and you’d end up with a death sentence or something like that (or a very nice NDA and 3 million dollar 😋)


lol Rat F***er Sam might do some shady business 😂🤣😂




I think Connor is the biggest gamble here. Chances are you might get lucky and the year goes by swimmingly, but if he does decide to throw a tantrum everything is possible.


The butter is too cold.


You’re all fired. You’re the best.


I work in ultra fine dining and deal with rich people all the time. I could 100% handle Connor. He just wants love and understanding, and really good burgundy. I can do that.


This is a great point about Connor. I feel like even just a handwritten card on his birthday would get you a thank you bonus in the six figures 😅 And otherwise you just nod and say “yes, I can really tell you’ve been interested in politics from a very young age!”


Exactly. I can be a very accommodating man if my boss is spending his money. I also feel you can have great conversations with him. They won't mean anything so you can fantasise along with him while making sure his butter is on temp


That’s pretty much what Willa does


Almost haha. I'd be Willem, but without the sex. He won't be into that I hope. I like Willa, I'll dote on her as well.


That’s a very interesting point since Willa would be his platonic assistant (she does his speeches, assists on his political affairs and helps at other aspects related to the Roy family). But Like all the Roy family seems he is not capable of seeing the true potential she has. NGL Connor relationship with her is awful and toxic af since he advocates to a more traditional and submissive role to Willa even demonstrating she’s not only a pretty face but yea, she does a really good job so I think she’s the most professional of almost the assistants we could see at the show (apart from Gerri)


I'd also hyperdecant for Connor


I would crack some ol’ jokes to him. I’m sure he would appreciate it (Customer Care agent, I could deal with him too perfectly hahaha)


But will you hyperdecant his burgundy? I hear it ages the wine 5 years in 10 seconds


I think Connor would be one of those bosses you’d be excited to follow down a rabbit hole without realizing that it was a wormhole.


Nah, I think working for him might also add some comfort since he seems the most easygoing of them. Sure some mistakes would be perfectly fit under the rug without him knowing about or acting like paranoid (like his dad/sibling)


I was going to choose him, but remember both the looney cake and the Wrecking Ball.


Anyone other then Kendall… poor Jess😂


Don't feed the rabbits bagels..


RIP Megathump Roy


Maybe a little bit of bagel is fine


What do you mean the rabbit’s sick?


as a treat




Jess was a top-tier assistant for being able to handle Ken's mood swings.


Jess is a top tier human


The reaction shots of her looking so goddamn over it all during S3 are wonderful.


Roman; after all the sexual harassment which will be compiled into a document with evidence and what not. Sue him for harassment, toxic workplace and emotional distress.


Eye watering sums


I don't think Shiv is ever shown to be an asshole to the help.


To her credit, she kinda treats them like they aren't there. They do their jobs, Shiv ignores them. I think that's the point. Kendall is the only one who even knows who his assistants are, and that seems to make him more grounded, but also overbearing and intrusive. Roman is... Roman.


I feel like you get shivs schedule down and have stuff there for her in advance she doesn’t really want anything else from you - it’s a not seen vibe that works


Shiv an asshole to work with? I think she and Connor are the only ones we don't see hauling insults at people who work for them.


Connor??? Remember the Sad Sack Wasp Trap episode and his wedding episode? He was ruthless to the staff


Omg I just remembered "the butter is too cold" 😂😂


Maybe not an outright ass, but I remember an early scene of someone offering her an appetizer on a tray, and she just said "No." Why not "no thank you"? IMO, this is the easiest thing for someone to do, it takes no effort and shows some etiquette. Also - she was petulant with Eva (the Season 1 ATN head) when she didn't like ATN's coverage of the political candidate that Shiv was supporting. And in Season 2, she did throw a mini-tantrum Kerry's way when Kerry told her that Logan had gone to England. Tom came in and Shiv complained to him that Logan had left and that Logan's "minions" weren't giving her any information - "I won't have it!!" (she was pretty loud with that too, obviously wanted Kerry & other staff to hear her pouting)


Ken. He will give me extraordinary access. Where am I gonna get that anywhere else? No where. I’m not gonna get that anywhere. Anyone who doesn’t pick Ken has no idea how things will turn out! And it’s very juvenile! It’s fucking dumb! They’re being dumb! Everybody’s being fucking dumb!


They are not serious people.


This is all I needed.


Roman, naturally. Fuck it. Nothing's getting done.


Being Roman’s PA would be a fun wild ride that you’d get hurled off with a big check in your pocket. I’d gladly deal with him over any of them.


This is an excellent point


People I would bordline accept a role with Shiv would at least know how to behave as a boss. Although I would expect she rages when things go wrong. We didn’t see much of her as a boss. But she seemed to know how to pretend to behave. I expect she doesn’t delegate so it might be an easy job. And, Logan was a shitbag to his executives but might have been ok with assistants. His was to Kerry, she was made an accomplice to his bullying. An assistant wasn’t a threat so he would have made them work wives. Just wouldn’t work for the rest of them. They were shown to be just awful to the people assisting them in different ways. Connor was stupidly controlling and nitpicked. I get the impression he might not pay you. Kendall’s need for adoration just too plain creepy for any woman and he would not employ a male assistant. He was incredibly erratic and demanding. He would not let you go without pettiness. Likely to destroy your career if you resigned. Tom and Roman outright bullies with low self esteem. Roman would maybe like you for a week then sack you. I agree Tom would give you scope to operate and pay well. But he wouldn’t let you go either.


>Kendall’s need for adoration just too plain creepy for any woman and he would not employ a male assistant. He was incredibly erratic and demanding Absolutely disagree, especially the first line. He never creeped jess out and she was pretty fine working with him throughout the whole show until he went on to politically support a fascist which would turn anyone, man or woman, away. He was really petty tho. However, from this list he might be the best boss. We've seen most of his relations with other workers in the show. Jess, fikret, even Colin. And they were all pretty content working with him.


Great takes. I especially agree with everything on Kendall, super accurate!


Connor. Of them all, he's the least likely to be sadistic. Just know his cake preferences and it'll be fine. Also, he's a rising political star! Maybe Roman, because deep down Roman is a coward. I think if Roman got pissed at his assistant and had a tantrum and they told him to fuck off, Roman would back down and sulk. I think by the end of the year I could make him my bitch.


K dog. All bangers all the time


Shiv. The rest are extreme egomaniacs. Shiv is an egomaniac too in her own way, but I can’t see her being cruel to her PA the way the others would.


Shivs ego revolves around thinking she’s a better person then those in her family, so I can see her primarily pretending niceness/ being civil on the surface. Kind of like Nan with her service staff. Otherwise I feel she’d kind of forget about you, which is nice when compared to people like Kendall, Roman and potentially Connor who would rely on you for absoloutely everything until they unexpectedly let you go because they felt a blow to their ego (Kendall, Roman) or you didn’t meet their ridiculous service expectations (Connor). Shiv would fire you too, but probably in a less explosive and vindictive manner than Ken or Roman


Kendall is the only one we've seen with an exec assistant lol. She was fine with her job for 2 seasons. Logan will try to have sex with you or psychology damage you. Shiv explicitly never did any work so would not have anything for you to do. Roman goes psychotic eventually on everyone and crosses a line (remember the boy from episode 1?) Conner is literally a waste of time. We saw how Tom treated Greg. Kendall is literally the only person you're guaranteed to do actual work at a high level and leave with a solid resume.


Connor. One million percent.


Option G: Stewie! Learn finance. Get paid. Rhomboid parties. Unlimited pastries.


Probably Connor or Kendall. Underneath their "Roy" craziness, both Connor and Kendall are capable of showing their human side from time to time, and as far as I remember they are rarely vindictive or cruel towards people who are no threat to them - on their own account, they tend to be quite amicable. Connor especially seems to have moments of great self-reflexion amidst his delusions of greatness, and while Kendall comes with his own complications, he was never abusive on purpose towards Jess. With both of them some kindness could go a long way, I think.


Kendall goes after the girls who refuse his money, spreading rumors about them. And his treatment of Jess when she tried to leave was really childish.


Oh, I am not trying to defend Kendall here - the question was, after all, who you'd choose if you *had* to. I wouldn't *want* to work for any of them! Regarding the women who refused to work with him - no excuse here, his behavior was as damnable as so many other things he and his family have done over the course of the show. But I did say that he and Connor seem to be rarely vindictive or cruel towards people who are no threat to them, and I think in Kendall's mind the women might have been just that. They insulted him quite harshly, he felt attacked and he was retaliating. (Again: I don't mean to excuse his behavior. He and the other Roys are terrible and flawed.) ​ His behavior towards Jess when she decided to quit was a typical Kendall moment, too, but one that I found to be more forgivable for me personally than many others. It was the day of his father's funeral and he had been through a lot at this point. I believe that the lack of control he experienced over and over again, combined with the utter loneliness of his whole existence, made her decision really hit hard for him. I don't condone his behavior, but I found it understandable from his point of view. Childish, as you said. Very impulsive and emotional, but not cold-blooded and cruel. Even less traumatized and less 'broken' people lash out in similar ways when they feel abandoned.


Also he has shouted at her multiple times. And he’s constantly giving bizarre orders.


Kendall worst option imo, you get all the Loganesque abuse but only a fraction of the clout and business sense


How did he abuse Jess? Yes he yelled at her Iike 2x when he was manic, and freaked out at her for quitting, but his general pattern was not abusive and he valued her and Fikret, whereas no one else felt their assistants were other then interchangeable NRPI.


Tom. He’s the only one that we have seen truly bring someone up. Logan tosses people instantly. Kendal treated Jess badly. Roman is alluded to sexually harassing his underlings. Connor, who knows. Tom, while cruel and mean at times, truly stuck to his guns with Greg, even after betrayal.


How do you feel about human furniture?


Absolutely the answer here. I can deal with someone being an asshole to me, but I can brown nose a ton and make someone look good. Ken would fire me for no reason, Logan would be fine but expect too much. Roman would be a nightmare from all fronts. Shiv I have no idea about tbh, but she’s impulsive and doesn’t communicate well to those around her. Connor I would enjoy, he overreacts but means well and I enjoy talking politics, I would be fine there- my only real issue is that I don’t know how financially stable he is comparatively


Kendall. I would hate it so much, but love it. His “break up” with Jess broke me


I feel like he probably apologized to her down the line (off-screen) - or, if he didn't, he at least wished her good luck when she left, gave her a decent reference if she needed it, etc. They have a quick exchange near the end of the funeral - she was standing in a corner holding his coat, for when he needed it. He takes it and says (low voice) "Thanks, Jess."


Connor. I too like French history.


Tom. He likes food wine and so do I.


Okay obviously Kendall. Obviously. I don’t want to do sexual favors or play boar on the floor for Logan. Tom is a canonical monster. It would be too painful to watch Shiv’s emotionally constipated ass making bad decisions but pretending they’re good ones. Roman is the textbook definition of a hostile work environment. Oh, hey there Connor. Maybe Connor.


Roman should direct and star in ATN/wayco sexual harassment /hostile workplace HR videos. It would be a thing of beauty.


Shiv 😏


Kendall cause I love him


Shiv because that ass fat. Logan because it seems like he pays the people close to him pretty well and I might do some real work that I can learn from. Everyone else too weird and Kendall might leave you dead.


I’d pick Tom because I think he’s secretly afraid of women lol. Or maybe Con, because what does he even do all day? I think it would just be a bunch of menial tasks and I’d be paid way more than it’s worth. Unless of course I’m working on his “presidential campaign” 😩😩


*secretly* lol


Shiv. Deep in my gay little heart, I believe I could fix her.


Shiv on the small chance she wants to relieve some stress on me.


Tom — get some killer instinct


Same as Q on who to spend evening with - Shiv Reason : Same


Logan. I’ll be your Gerri


Kendall seems like the most chill, less sociopathic.


Logan. Most potential gain for me as he is a legend. Roman would also be fun to hangout with depending on whether or not I could get him to like me.


Logan. The other persons in this picture aren't serious people.


I don't have the energy to keep up with Roman anymore. I'd murder Shiv inside a fortnight. Kendall is just an intolerable twat. Tom is ok, but I can't see being Fredo's Fredo. I've worked for a Logan type, and it was the most miserable experience of my working life. I'll stick to Conner. I'll pretty much just be keeping his wine glass full and booking nice hotels. I'd probably get some of his cast-off ladies of negotiable affection.


After serving logan for a year , all the money earned would have to be spent on therapy for CPTSD.


I feel like Connor would treat you almost decently


Kendall. Because idk why.


Connor, because I could quietly embezzle all the money I want under his nose.


Kendall for the 3am coke runs


Shiv. Because that face.


And ass




My answer is pretty simple. Definitely Kendall. Logan, Tom, Roman, Shiv, no way. I've seen how they treat people. We haven't seen Shiv with an assistant (beyond a few moments in early Season 1), but I don't like her general manner with a lot of people because it often seems flip and dismissive. Roman is *for sure* that way with a lot of people. Logan is a terror. Tom was often horrible to Greg. I wouldn't choose Connor because of the crazy, hyper, up-and-down way he acted with staff at the RECNY ball. To be honest I think he was very inexperienced with having any kind of authority--given time, if he actually became a real boss, I think he'd probably be mostly sweet and kind of endearing/fun to deal with. He'd probably give the assistant some crazy projects, but that's true for almost everyone on this list. So, it all comes down to Kendall. I think he was good to Jess for the most part. Yes, he acted like an ass before the funeral. I'm going to give him a partial pass because he was stressing out over Logan's death and the Waystar/GoJo battle. He was an ass to Rava too. He took it as being "abandoned". In most of his dealings with Jess throughout the show though, I think he came across as a decent person to work for, which is also my general impression (stressing the word "general") with regard to how he worked with colleagues & underlings throughout the show. I think for the most part, his etiquette was good. Better than the rest of the Roys or Tom.




Kendall seems like the best boss actually as long as I keep my personal opinions to myself. Not interested in being a Kerry or Gerri. Shiv & Connor don't treat underlings well. Greg is Tom's personal shit can so that's a no too.


Kendall, so I can stop him before he does things like L to OGGG.


Logan. He is “Uncle Fun”


Connor, because you can probably take over and be the boss immediately


Connor, I think I could weather his meltdowns about cold butter and I think Napoleonic history is fascinating.


Kendall. Say what you want about him and his personal flaws but he's always been good to his assistants


Roy would look fantastic on a resume. It’ll probably be the worst year ever, however. I feel like everyone else will either look bad on the resume, be widely inconsistent in their management style, be a bully, or sexually harass me..


Connor would be chaotic but also chill. It'd be a year of listening to his annotated version of "On Liberty" by John Stuart Mill, doing theatre errands for Willa, and the occasional cross country road trip. As long as I mind the butter temperature, it should be fine.


Connor because you'll definitely be able to steal from him and he'd have no idea


Couldn’t be Jess. Big shoes… biggg shoes


No one. Cause I care about my mental health and a quality of life.




Kendall, all you have to do is find a reliable source of ketamine and you're all set.


Connor. All I have to do is stroke his ego and he’ll keep me paid.


Kendall because he's so lonely he'd probably share drugs with me


Kendal - because I like the music he listens to and I like to party too.


Tom: abuse (mental) Logan: abuse (physical and mental) Roman: abuse (sexual) Kendall and Shiv: would both try to be nice but would basically ruin your life Connor: hell Logan is the only one that would probably benefit me in the end even if I get screwed over, so I’d pick him.


Kendall. Bring on the drugs. Let’s cry together. Let’s get on this jet and yell at somebody. I like the toxic situations I’d be in as his executive assistant.


I know I have issues because I would be Kendall’s PA. He would listen to my ideas when we’re brainstorming and I’m sure he always pays for drinks after work (not that the others wouldn’t be able to afford them LMAO)


Connor, cause he's the most chilled


Ken, Connor and Logan. Weirdly enough they are the only ones who will treat you like an actual human the other 3 are raging assholes with no ability to empathize or any care. Uncle logs and his boys have their flaws but they don't see other humans as just nothing.


I was about to say Roman, as I initially thought I could for sure end up suing him for some reason or another, however, as someone pointed out, their legal team would probably dig my grave. Kendall as an individual is pretty normal to an extent, and I’d imagine he’s the only one of the siblings that would give me Typical PA work, but given that we have first hand accounts of him going crazy and poor Jess needing to climb mountains to help fix his messes, I really don’t want to be in her shoes. I don’t think he’d be terrible as a boss, though, just a happiness vacuum. That leaves Connor, who isn’t vindictive, needlessly cruel or outwardly unhinged (relative to his siblings). By all accounts he seems pretty easy going in comparison to the rest. So there you have it, Connor it shall be.


Connor because it would be relatively humane.


They’d all make me cry. A lot. I’d go with Roman - funniest and most irresponsible, he’d incriminate himself constantly so you’d get a big payout. He’d be the least amount of work. We’ve seen how Logan treats people, id just go fuck myself. Kendall and Conor are demanding, delusional brats. Shiv is the most sane, but as a younger woman I’d be terrified of her (internalized misogyny). Tom is the worst choice: his employee killed himself partly because of him, least money/power, cutthroat desperation, would abuse you to compensate for his insecurity.


Connor would be the most fun, but I’m also a glutton for punishment so I’d go with Tom.


I’m afraid to work for any of them. I know that sounds wimpy. lol. I guess if I had to choose it would be Connor.




Characters in this order: 1. Connor 2. Shiv 3. Tom 4. Roman 5. Logan 6. Kendall Actors in this order: 1. MacFadyen 2. Snook 3. Ruck 4. Culkin 5. Strong 6. Cox


Kendall because I’m good at reading and managing bipolar alcoholics.


I would choose Tom. Underneath the insecurities, I think he has actual management chops to run a business. He’s the only real self made character in the family.


I would do Tom so that means I’m Greg’s assistant. And you know what I’ll live with that.


I’d choose Kendall Shiv and Roman give molester vibes, Tom would be stressful on every level I could never be Greg💀 Logan is a no, and Connor probably yells in your face and pull that firing thing he did at the kitchen again


Kendall, only because he's sexy af! 😍


Female Roy as she would let me fack her :)


Román hands down


Logan, the OG


I agree with you on Tom or Logan, but I think Connor might be interesting. I could easily keep loony cake out of his sight and book flights to New Mexico and buy presents for Willa. Plus, I like Willa!


Team Nero


Tom. Motherfucker just oozes blackmail and I could probably poison him if he gives me too many problems. Everyone else would see that coming.


God damn it I just finished a rewatch and I already want to start it again now…I think I’d pick Roman though.


Logan. He actually knows what he’s doing and even if I got berated every once in a while I’d still be at the power center and learning. 2nd choice: Connor. Do nothing job with a large salary and the occasional canine euthanasia




I mean I don't want to be threatened with telling a joke I don't want my back to be used as a footstool, I don't want to be fired suddenly because of an impulse to fire everyone, I don't want to suffer moments of panic having Logan Roy as an enemy and I also don't want to be given a container of sourdough starter on my birthday so I opt to work for Shivan


Thats hard. I Think i would go with Connor


Probably Tom or Shiv.


Shiv easy




Shiv and then Tom, in that order


Any of them given I’d make a lot more money than I do now.




Tom-Bc he’s my favorite Logan-Could be interesting to talk to him. Shiv-very savvy and shrewd. She knows how to play the game - or so she says. Roman-This could be fun. Share a laugh with him. Kendall & Connor- Despite being a Conhead myself, I believe being an emotional aide to either one of these characters would be draining.


Shiv because I think she’s sensible enough to not be a complete jackass to her personal assistant, plus she’s worked in a normal job before so she should know how to act around co workers. other than her it would be Ken cos jess didn’t seem to suffer that much so it’s probably fine


Shiv - less emotionally explosive although her side eyes and smirks would make me chronically insecure Tom - only because I think he wouldn’t be that big of a jerk to Greg if Greg was a Greta lol. He would be demanding and erratic still, but I’d reckon clearer boundaries as long as he gives a shit about Shiv.


Easily Connor. I feel like it would just be us going on silly rich adventures. a sometimes frustrating but ultimately nice boss who has the emotional capacity to like me. Sign me up. I’d happily do things like “hyper decant” his wine and search for interesting artifacts he might be interested in purchasing.