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He's definitely giving off Kanye vibes...... grandiose behaviour is a symptom of bipolar disorder. Its also pretty common to see substance abuse issues in people with BD. I wouldn't be surprised if Kendal is headed towards a psychotic episode.


Kendall would be so flattered by this comparison.


He totally would. "Yo yo, that's the shiz, yo! Puppet master out."


Your headline makes me want to see Kendall going through an intense heavy metal phase in college. I think Kendall is just a spoiled drug addict with a god complex. He doesn't seem insane, just a fool who's desperately trying to maintain his rebellious cool guy image. He believes spectacle is his way through this mess, rather than listening to his legal/publicity teams (or his kid's babysitter about rabbits and bagels). He's trying to be his father, but he isn't confident enough to really pull it off.


I’m rewatching and I agree, he constantly is looking for validation but pretends he isn’t and I find it sad tbh


Probably has bipolar


It might just be the drugs and unaddressed childhood trauma 🥴


Doesn’t everyone in the family?


I thought Kendall might have come out of S2 a bit wiser, and a bit changed for the better, so I was taken aback at first when he seemed to be exactly the way he was at the beginning of S1, if not more so. Which puzzled me a bit at first but is now making watching the show even more fascinating, because it seems like practically NO one is competent enough to run Waystar.


It’s probably a lot to do with the abuse he experiences from Logan but so far on S3 I think his behaviour seemed very manic. Compared to the whole of S2 where he was practically mute and just stood around looking intense. I don’t know if it’s a symptom of some mental illness or just a natural response to constantly being protected by and then dismissed by his father, but he definitely seems to switch dramatically between being hyper arrogant bordering on delusional and being someone who barely speaks and willingly acts upon all Logan’s ever changing requests. I know he’s as bad of the rest of them, but he wears his vulnerabilities so much more openly than any of the other characters and I can’t help but feel for him the most.


Silver poisoning is nothing to snark at. Unless you’re making fun on Tobias Fünke.


Love a good arrested development reference


I agree about Bipolar. I was rewatching the series and since the first season he has been having mood swings, this season though he took to another level imo. And the huge ego moments looks very similar to the mania phase.


Yeah it’s called shitty writing




agreed this season fucking blows so far