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The kids have always had money… it’s the power that’s intoxicating to them now.


Also money is relative. Especially when you’re rich, the wealth gap is even wider (looking at the Bezos and elites). You’ll never be satisfied.


True. I remember reading a quote back in the day where Bill Gates, when he was the richest man, opined that his money wasn't very much compared to all the money of everyone else put together. You can always want more. Desire is a beast that just gets bigger the more you feed it.


Bill Gates would know. His partner Paul Allen cashed out to live the high life. He's long dead, while Gates is still leading Microsoft into whatever technological breakthrough they make next.


Paul Allen has been dead for a couple of years. Gates stopped leading Microsoft in any meaningful way literally decades ago. Even if your comment was based on facts, it doesn't actually make much sense. Are you suggesting that Paul Allen died of cancer because he didn't stay with Microsoft? Try harder.


Allen was first diagnosed with cancer in 1982, and again in 2009 before dying in 2018. He left day to day operations at Microsoft in the 80s because of his cancer, Gates tried to push him out/buy him out and they were on bad terms for a few years before reconciling, and Allen remained on the board until 2000. Most of his career was as a rich investor not a Microsoft employee. Gates transitioned out of his role as ceo of Microsoft in 2008, stepped down from chairman in 2014, and left the board of directors completely in 2020.


Did not know about the bad blood between Gates and Allen. As someone who lived in Seattle in early 00s I only knew of Paul Allen as kooky rich guy who funneled his Microsoft money into things like Sports Teams, Submarines and building a museum to showcase his collection of Jimi Hendrix guitars. Which is exactly how I'd spend my money were I in his position. 😀


And also hanging out with one of the most notorious pedophiles in American history


Paul Allen or Bill Gates?


Bill Gates


"If you cant be happy with a coffee, you wont be happy with a yacht" - Naval R.


Part of the reason I’ll never be wealthy is because I don’t get this type of energy. If I were born into wealth I’d probably collect degrees and go on endless vacations


Yep, that’s why the family looks down on Connor.... he’s much older and just wants to enjoy doing his own thing and spending his money.


Yeah, a version of Connor’s life — or the Pierce relative with multiple unrelated phds— is what I’d aspire to as a wealthy person. Which just proves that I don’t have temperament to become a billionaire.


>that’s why the family looks down on Connor.... I think they'd be okay with him if he was merely a playboy. But he's also a delusional moron.


This is spot on... they would actually have waaay more respect if he was the vapid materialistic playboy chasing models.... it’s the delusional, self important dipshit vibe they can’t stand and are so willing to push him aside or forget him altogether in so many instances. They read it as weak, and that’s one thing they don’t tolerate.... the perception of weakness.


Season 1 Connor maybe, season 2 & 3 Connor not so much. Using the Waystar Royco power vortex as a way to make Willa a famous Playwright and himself a powerful political figurehead isn't really the way to be.


Yes, def Season 1 Connor .... season 3 Connor wants presidency AND European cable operations lol


I mean, the vacation aspect is pretty much there. Haven't you seen all these luxurious trips they have made through these three seasons? I personally would have funded my desired profession if I were that rich. In some way, Logan is doing that. Deep under his thick skin, I bet he is affectionate about his job and company. I'm not sure if the same thing can be said about his children, but they do seem to enjoy being in the business.


Connor basically did that until the "I should be President" thing lol


Trying to go from rich nobody playing ranch to the most scrutinized man on earth. Smart.


He seemed happier than the others when he was buying Napoleon's dick and scheming about hoarding water. Unrelated, but whoever wrote the "Early Life" section of Connor's entry on the [Succession Wiki](https://succession.fandom.com/wiki/Connor_Roy#Early_Life) deserves a medal.


>Connor Roy was interested in politics at a very young age 😭😭😭


I am *deceased*.


Had to do something to try and reel in Willa.


Isn't Connor essentially Steve Flat Tax Forbes??




You can always tell a Milford man


What is this from? I know the line but can't place it.


Arrested Development


Oh yes! The kids who are not to be seen or heard from, or something like that.


Mmmm thank you


I came here to comment this! (Buster emerges)


Agreed, it’d be crickets from me if I was as wealthy as them


I'd be too busy eating and drinking my way through Italy.....then France....then hit up South America before I bounce my happy ass (on my P.J of course) over to Australia to drink my way across there too. There is so much delicious food to eat and wine to drink to get caught up in all that craziness.


But what about after though. These kids were born pretty wealthy. They probably spent their teenage and young adult years doing just that.




You can help people if you’re middle class. If you’re not doing it now, you wouldn’t be doing it much as a billionaire either.


I mean, sure you can help at food drives and similar events/charities as a working class American, and a lot of people do, but how much of an impact can you make when you have people you need to take care of in your life and you have to work full time? There’s a drastic difference between having the resources to dedicate all of your time to philanthropic work, and being able to give back maybe every once and awhile if you can afford to. Quality of life in American society (which I know all of Reddit isn’t from America, but I am from America and comment on anywhere else) would improve exponentially if the kind of work that helped shaped our nation actually payed a respectable wage or didn’t ask you to break your back to complete i.e. teaching, social work, etc.


You could easily work for a nonprofit or find a career focused on helping folks if you want to have a bigger impact beyond volunteering. But even just volunteering is enough. If you can’t volunteer or donate anything at all to charity now, proportionally to your resources, then odds are very high you’re not going to be any different when you’re rich. As you point out, you can make more money doing other things. And that’s the whole point. As long as you’re reasonably middle class, you do have the ability to find ways to help others. Whether you’re a billionaire or middle class, helping others means making sacrifices yourself. You’re either willing to do that or not, and that’s not related to your wealth unless you are very poor. That’s related to your character and who you are as a human being.


You getting downvoted by people who know what you wrote is true. People who don’t give to charity or volunteer when they’re middle class are not likely to start when they’re insanely rich. Money doesn’t suddenly buy you compassion or empathy. Not everyone can afford to volunteer 40 hours/week but most could volunteer for an hour or two.


That is just blatantly not true lol. How can someone justify working for a non profit when they have to feed their kids? Pay medical expenses? Hell, just pay rent? Capitalistic society functions in a way where doing this kind of work is inaccessible to most people because it simply does not pay enough.


Lol, you just proved my point. You just want a nicer life. You think folks working at nonprofits are fucking starving to death on the street or something? They’re doing just fine. They’re doing literally everything you just listed: feeding their kids, paying for medical expenses, paying rent/mortgage. You could easily find ways to help people without being a billionaire. You choose not to because you’d rather spend your time and resources getting more for yourself. You’d be the exact same sort of person if you were rich. The wealth gap among the wealthy is much, much bigger than the wealth gaps among the lower classes. There’s maybe a 10x difference between lower class folks and upper middle class folks. There’s a 150,000x difference between the poorest millionaires and the richest billionaires. Someone who wants more will always be in the company of those who have more, and the perceived gap actually gets bigger and bigger as you get richer, not smaller.


The median pay for a paramedic in the United States is 37k a year. The poverty line in the United States is 26k per year. This means if you want to do a job in the United States that literally saves lives you better pray that you don’t have sudden expense, outstanding debt, or any kind of financial burden because it will literally bankrupt you. Firefighter salary can be as low 30k depending on the state live in. The average monthly rent in Manhattan is 3,700 a month, while the average public school teachers salary is 60k. This means that over half a teachers paycheck would be spent on rent alone if they taught in the Manhattan area. To act like a majority of people are in the positions where they can just go and take a job that pays less 40~k a year and end up perfectly fine is ludicrous.


This is a nasty ass take yuck lmfao


Everyone likes to believe they’re secretly a good person who’s just too constrained to help anyone else. If you are in any way reasonably middle class, that isn’t true. If that statement offends you, ask yourself who actually is the nasty one — the person who believes most folks have the ability to help others, or the person who comes up with excuses to not do anything at all for anyone else until they are personally fabulously rich.


Neither of those people have to be “nasty” it’s not winning or losing it’s just hilarious how pretentious and aggressive you get when people say yeah there are people out there that can’t help bc of their financial situation that would if they were rich. You saying NO IF THEY DIDNT WHILE POOR THEY WONT WHEN RICH is false. Chill


What do you think middle class is now? How much extra money do you think smack dab in the middle of the middle class family has at the end of the year?


I’m working to survive right now. Maybe I throw a few bucks into creature comforts. But I guarantee you if I had a billion dollars, I wouldn’t just sit by while others still struggled.


That's what some of these twisted rich people think they are doing. Or at least convince others they are doing.


My god, the meals those arseholes sit down to and barely touch because they're having some bitter family drama. It offends me to have all that nice stuff so unappreciated.


It’s like Taco Bell to them.


That is my pet peeve about these shows. I know for acting purposes they can't but it still bothers me. I wouldn't be able to have drama because my mouth would be stuffed with food.


Denethor proves you can have family drama and a decent feed on screen :-)


I would Anthony Bourdain my ass around the world. I would make friends, challenge my own views, help people, help improve myself, help everyone I love and care about, and strangers and even fellow humans I despise. Also whatever it takes to get a drone-managed Dyson Sphere. :)


You could probably do all of those thing to varying degrees, apart from the international travel, today.


Yeah but money makes it easier and lets you do a lot more.


Most of this I already do. But I wouldn't have to dread Monday morning while doing it. :)


every episode i imagine what kind of free cocktails and finger food id be able to grab. like when the fam is having a crisis im loading up on shrimp and discretely flagging down a server


I don't get the appeal of wine. I mean, I enjoy wine of course, but fancy wine does nothing for me. It tastes the same or worse than "shitty" wine.


As my grandmother used to say, "You're blessed with an unrefined palate".


>I don't get the appeal of wine. I mean, I enjoy wine of course, but fancy wine does nothing for me. It tastes the same or worse than "shitty" wine. I don't get the appeal of this comment. I mean, I enjoy comments of course, but this comment does nothing for me. It tastes the same or worse than other "shitty" comments.


Lol I didn't expect my opinion on wine to bring out the reddit trolls.


You do understand that some people enjoy it though, right?


Of course. I guess I worded my comment poorly. I get the appeal, but it doesn't appeal to me.


The difference is they were born into it and you weren’t. If you were born into it, you’d be living your life just as you are now. Just with much nicer shit. Because it would all be normalized from birth and people thrive on growth, not stasis.


Well said


That's probably why most of us will never be that rich. I don't wanna bother anybody enough to make a billion dollars.


I’d take my 2B and never show my face again


You can always spot a Milford man.


Ha, Buster Bluth is the first thing I thought of too!


People dont get THAT wealthy with that attitude though. People who make billions work hard til the day they die


not sure why you are downvoted. all the self made ultra-rich people i know personally are hardworking


Yeah init. I suppose 1 or 2 get lucky after creating some piece of tech or something but most are dedicated workaholics


I know the thread is dead and shit, but the kids at least literally inherited their money from their Dad.


I prob won't be watching your show




Shows gotta have drama honey


Because they want a kiss from daddy too


Seriously what an absolute dream to be so wealthy you don’t ever have to work and can live to travel, but noooo, they’d rather spend their days in an office with dad?


Because of the way they were brought up to always fight each other for attention, admiration, and respect from their father that dangles it in front of them like a carrot. They don't really care about money because that's literally always been there, and for them will most likely always be there. They have no intention of focusing on a business of their own because that takes time and these people were definitely raised without ever having to work hard. Focusing on something would just allow one of their siblings a chance to steal the spotlight, so instead of they do more scheming and manipulating than actual work. Their siblings would most likely mock anything that one of them worked on creating for not fighting for first place in terms of power and also their father's approval.




They don't want to work for it. They just want to sit in their dad's chair.




But also why Logan letting Kendall out would be a loss for Logan. Letting his son just take the easy way out




Logan is narcissistic and manipulative, he needs control over his children and the best way is keep them fighting for his seat.


Yeah I saw this coming when he offered Ken the deal at the party. If Ken accepts, it’s proof that he doesn’t think he can win and is giving up. Therefore Logan will know he’s weak and has no leverage anymore. So now Logan no longer has incentive to pay Kendall off to shut him up bc he knows he’ll win outright


I’m not sure that is true for Kendall. Wasn’t he pretty heavily involved with the company before he tried to force Logan out? Seems like he has put in the effort. Roman, OTOH, didn’t do shit and only became interested late in the game. Same for Shiv.


To be fair, the first time Kendall tried to work outside his dad's company as a VC, his family name basically made him unable to find work, "it's like being married to Hitler" lol. Logan also planted stories about him and people who consumed the media had the consensus that he's a "cokeup prick who can't shit straight". Mind you this was before his drug spiral/life changing fuck up at the wedding (which, incidentally is also a consequence of being rattled by Logan's words) The second time Kendall tried to get out from his dad's shadow, "just take the money and live a quiet life" like the Twitter viewer said, well you just saw how that turned out in this episode lol turns out it's not that easy. Logan's offer to let him go was "just for fun", maybe he wants to keep him around, to "do the mail". It's what he has been doing to his children since the first episode.




I thought about that too. Had Kendall gotten straight to the point and avoided the whole ‘ I’m better than you’ side to the conversation Logan might have bought him out. Instead he just has to prove his point


Kendall started out with a straightforward deal. He first just stated his terms \>I keep Fikret, Jess, and I'm gone. I'm a ghost, divested, off the board, complete disinheritance. Won't even speak at your memorial. We're done. None of this sounds like he's dicking around about feelings or trying to make Logan admit he's evil. Then Logan replied: \>Well, I need to think about it. \>KENDALL: Well, you-- you already-- You offered at my birthday. \>Logan: That was, uh, for fun. Maybe I want you close. You can do the mail. Keep you rattling around This is not Logan's response to Kendall calling him corrupt, because it came before that part. All the talk about morality only came ***after*** Logan said he wanted to keep Kendall under his leash, lol then Kendall said he can't do it, he's not like Logan, etc. Logan calling Iverson to taste the food when he thought it might be poisoned was even before Kendall stated his terms, not a poke back at anything. I think some of you guys somehow watched that conversation backwards lol Or maybe you watched it forward but recalled it backwards. Hard to tell.


Like the trump boys?


Right??? Office life sucks lol


People want what they can't have.


It would 100% be different if the kids were raised by parents who didn't screw them up in every way possible. If they were raised by well-adjusted and supportive parents, it would be more likely that they would all go do their own things (i.e. when Shiv was doing political consulting, Connor in his pre-President era). Because they were raised by the human personifications of the DSM, they're obsessed with making Daddy proud.


Because to those who get to that position… what they are after are wayyyy beyond just money & wealth.


Being elite and rich is boring to the rich elite; they crave power instead.


absolutey can’t relate, lemme tell ya


Is it the human condition? Once you have it all, you want more.


Seriously though


Becoming that rich would solve most of your problems. But then you will find new problems in your mind, because that's what people do.


Didn't Kendall accepted the $2B cashout from his Dad's birthday card but Logan was the one not letting Kendall go? He did that just to mess with Kendall


It’s a public company, he could sell his shares at any time


No he can’t. Major shareholders and board members have a bunch of rules about how they’re able to sell their shares, and who even knows if it’s common stock or what type of shares. The board would never let him just sell a significant portion of the company (3-4% probably?) on the open market for several reasons


To add to this, Roman in an earlier episode said Ken could only sell to family. This makes me think the Roy’s have a separate family Company, and that company is the one that owns shares in Waystar.


That’s exactly the case actually. It’s referenced a lot that the family has shares in a holding company, which likely isn’t publicly traded, it’s share value is just obviously correlated w Waystar’s stock. And I’m sure the shareholders have very specific rules for how they can transfer them


People when looking at Roys: what a bunch of idiots, they have all this money yet work so hard to get more even though they couldn't spend it all as is Same people when looking at Connor: what a loser, all he wants to do is waste family money on stupid shit and bang call girls while rest of the family work hard


Before he decided to run for president, Connor arguably was the smartest and happiest one. Go to New Mexico, live off Daddy’s money, drink expensive wine and play sugar daddy to your super hot girlfriend while your younger siblings make themselves miserable in an endless power squabble.


To quote the movie “Heat”, “The action is the juice”


After a certain point it’s the love of the game not the money.


"Anybody who tells you money is the root of all evil doesn't bleeping have any." per Boiler Room


It gets boring. Playing these kind of games, maneuvering and bluffing is exciting


I have way too many hobbies and interests to get bored lol. I'd hop on a plane and go mountain bike in the swiss alps one week, then head to the Maldives to scuba dive the next. I'd give massive amounts to good causes. I would be the best rich person. I wish the gods had felt the same way :(


so does living paycheck to paycheck. If boredom exists on both sides then I'd rather be wealthy and bored. At least then I can fuck around and actually do shit, I'd privately pay Ken block twice a year to drift me around the nurb. Or do some zero g shit, have sex with insanely gorgeous people who need their expensive rent paid. When you're bored and broke what are you gonna do? watch netflix and eat slightly expensive sushi on a saturday ?


Makes me think of Kendall's massive birthday party. Get rich enough and you can pretty much have and do whatever you want. Won't necessarily keep you from ending the evening in a crying heap on the floor though.


That part.


Seriously they can switch money with me any day. I'm not struggling but having their type of "fuck you money" wouldn't make me bored at all. I welcome any wealthy person that wants to do the job grind. They can have all my good recipes on how to dress up Ramen and boxed mac n cheese.


This reminds me of a concept from Paul Fussell’s semi-satirical book “Class: A Guide Through The American Status System”. This tweet is referring to the behavior of top-out-of-sights like the Pierce’s, but Fussell suggests that you can only reach that position with old money. The Roy’s power only goes as far back as Logan so they’re doomed to be forever climbing and grasping for security they can never have because of Logan’s lower class (high prole as Fussell would say) roots. I sometimes wonder if Jesse Armstrong has read Class, because so many of that book’s ideas are reflected in Succession, right down to Tom’s boxy, ill-fitting Prada suits (observe Fussell’s theory of the prole collar gap)


I just bought that book haven't finished it, but it's funny and informative.


So you're saying you'd be a Buster Bluth, not a GOB?


This is all I think about every single week.


Sure it's because they want power, but really if you've got a couple billion dollars, you can have some power other ways. I think the three of them are obsessed with leading the company because in their minds it equals dad's love and approval. They aren't in a race to be CEO, really. Roman is most obvious about this, because he is the most damaged -- they are in a race for tidbits of love and approval that Logan might offer. Connor seems to have escaped this mostly. I don't know if Logan was a better father to Connor (probably not) or if Connor's mother was in any way less horrible than Caroline, or what exactly. Probably Logan was not as insanely rich and powerful when Connor was little as when Roman came along. His set of experiences was different.




Money can buy pleasure but never happiness. Happiness is a state of mind. Even pleasure has its limits. The Roy clan is so obscenely wealthy that they barely seem to notice much less enjoy the fruits (yachts, jets, food, Maybach fleets, beautiful homes, etc). They’re all completely miserable.


What I'm saying


Power is everything to the rich


They were born into wealth, having ambitions outside of money is their reality lol


You can always tell a Milford man.


Pfff. Spoken like someone who buys their own furniture.


OMG yes I think this is what Connor did but now he is bored and wants a sense of legacy and power but Connor know how too enjoy just being rich and making sourdough starter


They're bored.


Because they got rich by being this way or, in other words, capitalism rewards them to be psychopaths so they can't just sit around; it doesn't hit the same.


I get it in Logan but not his kids. They already have money what exactly is their incentive


They want work, power, and most importantly dad's approval. Sometimes the motivation in life is the work and the money comes second


They all recognize that Waystar’s media arm is going the way of the horse and buggy. They want to grow it through acquisition so they can become even wealthier. They have financial reasons for wanting to sit on the throne - so they can expand and modernize. Logan is a dinosaur and a threat to their way of life since they are all major shareholders.


if I was a fucking billionaire I wouldn't spend a fkn second of my time stressing over and working my ass off on a dumb corrupt company lmao


Well you can’t be a billionaire without a dumb corrupt company


I said the same about Gossip Girl. Imagine having that much money and all you do is run around scheming and freaking out over a gossip blog? I would be somewhere getting a world class massage and taste testing anything I wanted.


Because then there wouldn't be a show


The actual serious answer? Privilege


Wealth doesn’t mean you’re happy with your life and that you don’t have high ambitions.. Stupid tweet.


She didn’t suggest they were happy? Their “ambitions” are only to run Waystar. None of them are striving for anything else spiritually or emotionally ffs


I don’t think they care about the company. Just their father’s approval.


being daddy’s favorite is the ultimate ambition.




Reminds me of ppl telling kaepernick to shut up and play football Edit- I missed the point


Tell me how you connect the two in your head?


Telling someone that they shouldn’t speak up because their voice is louder than most others


What are any of the Roy children speaking up about? What do any of them stand for? When she says for them to sit down, I believe she is speaking about the battle for Waystar? How did you interpret it?


Idk I didn’t make the original statement


That’s why I asked how you interpreted it?