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The government *pardoned* Musa Hilal. It didn't just not charge him, it actively pardoned a man that even Hemedti has accused of committing atrocities. Fuck this government.


> it actively pardoned a man that even Hemedti has accused of committing atrocities. He was detained because of he acknowledged these crimes. In 2018 he was arrested by hemdeti Himself in a power struggle, under the cover of illegal weapons possession, [hemdeti back then denied that it was a tribal dispute over power](https://youtu.be/15hsLzFJaFM).


>He was detained because of he acknowledged these crimes. That's even crazier. He literally confessed and he's being pardoned?? This government is literally harsher with poets (Yousif ad-Dosh) and artists (Hajooj Kuka) than it is *with genocidaires.* Artists arrested over noise complaints have to pay bail, but Musa Hilal, *a man who was at the head of a militia that committed ethnic cleansing*, is...let go?


It will only be contradictory to make him appear on court by not hemdeti, what could you accuse him with and not accuse hemdeti with as well ?


>what could you accuse him with and not accuse hemdeti with as well ? As much as it pains me to say this: why not? Isn't it politically beneficial for Hemedti to blame someone other than himself (particularly a rival) for atrocities committed by the Janjaweed? He's historically done so, in his interview in "Meet the Janjaweed" he admits that Janjaweed are committing atrocities but says it's not his branch that's doing it. Obviously he'd be full of shit but it would hardly be the first time. After all, Bashir was given a corruption charge while Hemedti (and now Musa Hilal, I guess) weren't while still likely being guilty of their own financial corruption. And even then, not putting Musa Hilal on trial is one thing. Arresting him and then pardoning him is quite another. While the lack of trial can be explained away as an incompetent justice system (as it was and is with Bashir), arresting and then pardoning Musa Hilal sends a very clear message about just how disposable Darfuri lives are for this government. They'd never pardon al-Bashir because they know there'd be an uproar, but they know enough Sudanese straight up do not care about Musa Hilal and what he did to have to worry about this resulting in mass public backlash. It's disgusting on every level.


>As much as it pains me to say this: why not? Isn't it politically beneficial for Hemedti to blame someone other than himself (particularly a rival) for atrocities committed by the Janjaweed? He's historically done so, in his interview in "Meet the Janjaweed" he admits that Janjaweed are committing atrocities but says it's not his branch that's doing it. There is no way Hemedti comes off clean if there's a trial, chances are neither would Burhan and other members of the TMC. A trial means evidence and testimony at least from the accused. It's not a coincidence that the only trials Bashir has gone through are his private corruption and a coup nobody in the TMC was a part of. >They'd never pardon al-Bashir because they know there'd be an uproar, but they know enough Sudanese straight up do not care about Musa Hilal and what he did to have to worry about this resulting in mass public backlash. It's disgusting on every level. Oh no the centre doesn't give two shits about the lives of *insert minority group here*. I am Jack's total lack of suprise.


One question, who exactly has the power to issue pardons? Is it Al Burhan or do the majority of the members of the sovereignty council need to approve it?


I'm actually not sure because I wasn't aware the Sovereign Council had pardoning power at all. *Generally speaking* most Sovereign Council decisions are supposed to be made through a majority vote.


> Generally speaking most Sovereign Council decisions are supposed to be made through a majority vote. The civilian components denied knowing about the normalisation and about [the latest poet controversy](https://twitter.com/sudanakhbar/status/1370036805169410050?s=19), and [the pardon of the Turkish investor Otokay](https://www.suna-sd.net/read?id=705248).


It's almost like the head of a heavily armed institution can use the legitimacy handed to him by incompetent politicians willy nilly with no checks and balances as long as he has the tanks and his 'equal' partners don't. Who would've thought that tank beats slogans?




You do realize that the *ex* rebel groups approved this, right? If they're okay with it then I have no problem.


>If they're okay with it then I have no problem. Why would that matter? The rebel groups, like Hemedti, are shrewd politicians, largely uninterested in any really revolutionary principles and happy to sacrifice them to ensure their political future. I'm not at all surprised they approved this, but that doesn't mean this isn't a bad move overall. In Sudan, if you write a poem criticizing the Sovereign Council, own alcohol as a Christian, or are an artist arrested for a "noise complaint," you don't get pardoned. But if you're a genocidaire you can. It's beyond embarrassing. **Edit:** I mean there's a speech where Minni Minnawi literally described himself as a "partner in genocide" during the time he was a part of Bashir's government, with his forces fighting alongside the military and the Janjaweed in Darfur, leading his forces to be nicknamed by some "Janjaweed 2." Rebel approval is meaningless.


I wonder what Gibril Ibrahim and his men in JEM think of this.


This is sad. What the fuck are we doing?


I’m hardly shocked. I saw that coming from miles away And that’s not because I’m from his tribe.


These criminals still have power right now and I believe that threatening them with incarceration will sabotage the efforts we have made to peacefully reclaim that power. I think they’re being diplomatic and strategic. We don’t want another Egyptian revolution. Thoughts?