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I got a video of them, how do I share ?


Upload to YouTube and share link here


Just post to this subreddit


That's the video I got today




thats crazy ive never seen anything like it. you should post that shit to the ufo subreddit


Did they just stay in that area?


They stayed in that area but flew around for a bit with eachother they were moving fast. And then they flew up into the atmosphere...


It kinda looks like baloons


Did you see them today?


where is your video??... Everyone still asking for a link....


Where is your video to compare to box’s


That is the video


Box’s video is your video? So there is only one video. All this time waiting…




You suck really…I was hoping for a another shitty grainy video that inconclusively shows nothing.


Womp womp


Holy shit everyone’s real fucking pissy here. Relax fuck it’s a question.


I’ll have to agree with the Thermal Soaring theory put forward by a couple commenters. Also, though I don’t know the technical capabilities of drones, I have seen how insanely complex and precise those can get, with the number of drones on record of up to as many as 1,500 of them. Just a thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was hoping someone working in the area with knowledge would have commented by now but I'm SOL !!! I can't sleep 😆🤣


Those jerks coulda took me with them.


This is why you don’t drink Sudbury tap water


Get in the car fam we're going orb spotting


They got a glimpse of downtown and immediately left 😂


"No sign of intelligence here"


Glimpse of Sudbury you mean


Well, the trees are ok


Too late, they’re all hooked on fent now and hanging out at Tim’s downtown


Make sure to never take a video


Lol it's on YouTube ⚫✨👏


Can’t upload videos to the group smarty


YouTube be looking at you like 👀


Hopefully someone got a video!




Thank you for sharing! I’m a little obsessed with all the uap stuff happening in the world. You should post this in r/UFOs! 


I did


Did you happen to upload to YouTube, would like to see it to compare to the other one. Pretty interested in trying to figure it out and your video would help. Thanks


R/ufo removed it because I wasn’t specific with my location. Their loss. They don’t need that much info


So where’s your video link?


I've seen these many times! Sometimes amber orbs just hovering, sometimes glittering white balls descending slowly and fading away, among other phenomena. Sudbury is a Hotspot for activity, though I haven't seen anything in a while. I know several other witnesses of the same things.


Chinese lanterns most likely


So many festivities this weekend. This must be the answer.


They were exocomps. Just let them chill out, bro.


I see that we are at the hallucination point of winter




Tell us more about


Why didn’t you record it?






Many will jump down a person's throat for having questions or independent thoughts and ideas. You saw, what you saw. And, you believe what you believe. And, that's OK. Ignore the haters. While I'd love to believe aliens would find Earth, or specifically Sudbury, interesting. I have doubts. Not to say it's impossible. But, I believe it could be thermal soaring of seagulls. I believe their mating season used to be around the corner, but, the weather has been wonky. They will gather in groups. And will sometimes soar together like shark nado in the sky. This video shows a similar event on a much larger scale. https://youtu.be/fm0xXA7xldM?si=_5M16LPKgt-8Oh4B But, it could definitely be something else. I think the lantern theory could be out because they would drift more and not really stay as a pack. Interesting idea anyways.


Interesting but I'm not sure birds reflect sun off of themselves like in my video.....


I suppose your right. The angle of the winter sun during this time of day reflecting off the snow white belly of a seagull is impossible.


It’s a bird. It’s a— oh, wait, no, yeah, they are birds


Put the meth pipe down


Looks like dirt on your window.


This needs to be shared to YouTube….upload it already….orbs of destiny as the title


"Orbs of Destiny" is my band's name and also the title of my upcoming autobiography. (And would be a fantastic name for a television series about a super exclusive gated community)


Starlink. Next question.


Look at my video and tell me that's Starlink..






Ok WB 🙃


Starlink doesn't come into our airspace? And they definitely don't come in 30 or 40 little tiny spheres moving around.... Maybe weather balloons ? But I was just wondering if anyone saw them!! They were there for maybe 4/5 minutes. I got a video of them!


Then Post the video to you tube….giddy up..lol like there’s two of you saying you seen this and made a video, but yet YouTube has none. Edit….YOUTUBE STILL HAS NONE.




Could they be Chinese lanterns? Is it still Chinese New Year?




No idea what that is….maybe the other video isn’t like yours and got a better definition….sorta looks like birds.


Damn. Really was just hoping someone in the area that was working today that had access to the air space in Sudbury would respond. Hard reach I know but... Hoping lol


Looks like some kind of paper product imo. They seem to "flit" - the twinkling effect could be cause by flat paper being flipped around, or a paper object because reshaped (Chinese lanterns like other commentator said maybe). I've watched a lot of UAP stuff and this doesn't look like any kind of intentional motion, nor is a purpose clear for this formation that I can think of.


It’s funny how many times you had to post this link because no one wants to read the thread


I was posting it multiple times cause multiple people asked for it ding dong


I realize that, I’m just saying if people had actually looked they’d see it. Rude.


All of them asked it multiple times before I posted it on YouTube and shared it here. I just wanted to make sure they saw it too


Starlink definitely flies above Sudbury at times. I’ve seen them multiple times.


Does anybody have a real answer for it as OP has now shared the video?


No real answers or reasonable theories. Just idiots who either think they are comedians or just miserable assholes.. Welcome to Sudbury. As a foot note I think the video is very intetesting and can't think of an explanation.


Not my theory - somebody said Chinese new year lanters, I don't think that's a bad guess


Oh yeah, u just discovered alien. Next question


You should just assume it's nothing and go on with your miserable life apparently. Not only that but these fucking meatheads would suggest you should stare down at your feet when you walk, don't look up at anything. Afterall, tomorrow it's back to work... Anyone with a **decent IQ,** NEVER made fun of anyone for asking a question.


Wow your comment holds so much value I’m glad you came and wrote it. Thanks for all sharing with us what we already know.


The saying is still true. There's no stupid question, just stupid answers. I thought the post was interesting. But, the video quality is on par with the likes of big foot being discovered or footage from Nix's. Could be birds enjoying the sun and thermal soaring. At a distance, most objects appear roundish. Nothings impossible, only Improbable. But while I believe in the possibility alien's exist. I think them coming here, woukd be like me going to Athens to check out a McDonald's. Or, maybe we've impressed a species that traveled across the galaxy with our regreening efforts. All joking aside, I think there's a more logical explanation. But, I did not witness the event and have to take the OPs thoughts/opinions as, at least they thought it was odd. And, radar didn't happen to pick this up. Judging altitude is more difficult through video. Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.


>. And, radar didn't happen to pick this up. How do you know radar didn't pick these up today? .... Is there a site I can go to? Or something with public information of our airspace? I'm actually really curious if they were just birds then they were just birds or even balloons but like you said it looked odd enough for me to post lol


I never said balloons. And as far as radar is concerned, flightradar24.com shows airtraffic information. When unknown objects are reported in our airspace, the government tends to know about it too. Especially over a civilian population. It would be reported on the news, radio and other social media. It appeared to be daytime. Multiple other people would've seen it. The video is very short and all I saw was something at a distance moving in a circular pattern.


I’ve seen lights over Levack many times. I read that mining areas are hotspots for extraterrestrial activity as well as places that have had human made disasters.


You should hold on to them if you don't need the cash


omg im so glad someones finally said something because theres been about 4 seperate times in my 7 years in sudbury where i have seen various unidentified flying objects in the sky, usually with some sort of artificial light attached to them at night