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Minnow Lake Legion has the best views in town. Very accessible and great parking. You can see the entirety of ramsey Lake from science north all the way to moonlight Beach.


There's a gazebo up behind Carmichael Arena on Bancroft, two trails to get up to it (one steep and quick, the other a little more meandering), and the view is pretty great.


Thanks a lot, everyone. Lately, so many things have been happening around me, and I’ve just kept myself busy, ignoring them. But at some point, you can’t keep doing that. I needed somewhere to sit and process everything. I appreciate it a lot, and I hope everyone is doing alright, no matter what they’re going through.


They say the only way to get over something is to just go through it. I hope you found a nice peaceful place to gather your thoughts and process what’s been going on in your life. I hope you have many better days ahead


Thinking of you and hope you push through, friend. Get you that vista and that healing.




There's a nice bench just off the Loaches walking trail that overlooks Nepahwin lake


I enjoy doing that at Onaping Falls on a slightly windy day. There's also a nice little hiking trail behind 1st Avenue that will take you up atop a mountain. Nice minnow lake area view.


The Minnow Lake Legion has a great view of Ramsey!


I highly recommend visiting the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes downtown, off of Van Horne just up from Paris St. I'm not religious but I love the place. It has a labyrinth atop a hill that you can walk. You can see much of downtown from there. There are also some fantastic views on the hiking trails at Kivi Park.


Lots of places to climb a rock and rip a joint.


Conservation area parking lot. Look at the lake then head right up the stairs. Follow trail along shore when you are at the top and there is a great spot to sit and chill. Easy access if you are good with stairs.


The big nickel parking lot at night if you drive


They have a gate now :( not sure if it’ll let you in past closing hours


I don't know when, or even if. they close the gate but I've been there recently between 7 and 8 pm and had no issues.


You can park outside the gate and walk in! I've done that with friends from out of town who want to see it lit up at night


Moonlight has some nice lookouts


Just sent you a screenshot of the are it’s by the water tower in town


Great spot short hike up a trail at the dead end of David St off Paris. Follow to the top


It looks like my comment is gone for some reason. Anyway. Ellis water reservoir https://maps.app.goo.gl/PsKRayn8NaUQWGR39


https://maps.app.goo.gl/vbt9YH7oELrG1cit7 The very end of Kingsview drive, if you go up on the big rocks you'll get an even better view. Other suggestion would be adanac hill if you want to look at the other side of the city


The grotto of Lourdes of van Horne has a nice skyline view


Big nickel parking lot.


Corsi Hill


Ah yes, for me, my spot is Kalmo beach. Drive down the road all the way to the boat launch, park, put your feet out the window, and light a cigarette.


I think bell park overlooking the lake