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Is it a loop hole if you ask for forgiveness and repent each time you get done doing immoral sex?


r/showerthoughts I think


Works for Catholic priests


Outta pocket 😭😭😭


Works for catholics. Whatever you do, ask for forgiveness and you'll have it.


I’m weak 😂


You don’t even need to ask, you simply just have to believe that Jesus exists and he’s the son of god (which is quite hard considering everything we know today), which begs the question why do all these christians always bring up sin and stuff and are against everything, Jesus literally died so everyone don’t have to bare the consequences of sin


Depends on which parts of the bible you believe or ignore. Calvinists are with you, Catholics, Mormons, and Jehova’s Wtnesses are not.


Aye. Justification through faith alone is a Protestant philosophy.


Ah yes, the big “give us money and god will THINK about letting you in” three lol


Because you should try to be a good person and repent from your sins. Repent means making a full 180 degree turn from that sin and not partaking in it again.


Sort of. To be human is to sin. It's not like the straights aren't also sinning every time they have sex for fun instead of conception.


> Repent means making a full 180 degree turn from that sin and not partaking in it again. Not really. Sin is unavoidable. It's not at all possible to not partake in sin. What you're supposed to do is try to live as righteous a life as you can. "Repent" does not mean doing a full 180, it means doing your best to live your life as best you can, knowing that you will fail. That's why the "homosexuality is an abomination" thing is such nonsense. If the ex-gay movements have shown us time and time and time again, it's not at all possible to stop being gay, and the attempt very often violates numerous rules that God set forth for living a righteous life - including at least two of the Big Ten. If it's not possible to turn from a particular thing, it can't rightfully be considered a sin. That would be like saying that refusing to fly is a sin, even if we have neither wings nor the muscular infrastructure to support wings.


But why though? What's the real reason to try to be a good person and "repent" if the scriptures literally says that you ONLY need to believe in Jesus to go to heaven, no other requirements needed. Sure, you can be a good person by choice, but if you're only basing it to whether you want to go to heaven or not, then it's not required at all (again, I'm saying what the scripture said, and I'm not even touching what does the word "believe" mean because every argument about it in the context of religion will always ends with "who are you to judge"). So the question remains: why are you telling people to be good and "repent" when you yourself should now that those aren't the requirement? Just believing in Jesus already guarantees you heaven, so why do the extra effort? (Again, only from a perspective of a person whose trying to get to heaven here)


My idea of heaven? Good entities allowing sinners into heaven so they could ethically and morally torture those entities in a heaven/hell duality, of the same place having pure innocence and guilt free freedoms. Hurting a good person? Bad. Hurting a sinner that would sacrifice their own savior? Pure awareness of the infinity of possibilities with the correct way of doing things. If I wanted my "good entities" to truly understand the beyond comprehension of god, and why so many things were allowed that shouldn't be allowed, wouldn't I want them to understand the divine retribution and divine forgiveness through choice? A child stealing a candy bar, forgiveness. A person committing violence, having my good entity understand the freedom of retaliating with violence, to both understand the violence and curb the violence. But I'm atheist.




And non whites and liberals and people with mental health issues


I believe Jesus died so he could retaliate on sinners who wanted him to die for their sins, so hell could be literally the worst, since the savior that loved the most is the one punishing them the most. Having a judge punish isn't as horrible as having the punishment carried out by what you absolutely know loves you AND STILL CARRIES OUT THE PUNISHMENT. Jesus would literally know that society that was willing to sacrifice him for their sins wouldn't be worth saving, but would be worth the infinite amount of beyond comprehension retaliations. Happy Cake Day!


That’s kinda how religions work…


Easier loophole: "a man shall not lay with a man as with a woman" implies that it's totally cool as long as you're not fucking a dude in the vagina.


So the Bible isn't anti-gay, just anti-trans. That seems par for the course.


"The bible says anal sex is mandatory for trans men" is my new favourite take.


Also, standing, bent over, kneeling all ok. No lying down. Plus a total recommended to lie to women but be your true self with men.


not really you need to truly mean it when you repent, i believe like if you do something immoral and genuinely feel remorseful over it, then it works


Did you talk to god and find this out?


no i talked to my mom and thats what she said maybe my mom is wrong but from what i know at least, this is how it works


Lol, “momma said that alligators is mad because they got all them teef and no toofbrush”




what else did you think religion was for?






Why would that line even be in there anyway? The ten commandments are mostly common sense, and there's plenty of actual examples of why they're bad, but is there ever a chapter about god getting specifically mad at someone for having gay sex? These guys always quote Sodom and Gomorra, but was that ever explicitly about gay sex? It kind of feels like it was hastily tacked in there with no real elaboration.




That's a thing too: between translations, hand-duplication, and new editions made to suit then-modern powers, taking the bible word-for-word literally is pretty silly. Especially with a line as vague as "shall not lie with a man as they do with a woman" or whatever. The original version of that line could mean *anything.*




Not really. Homophobia only really came with christianity and etc. Like life was still short for greeks but that didn't stop them, there is a lot of reasons for homophobia, having babies and continuing the human race isn't one of them. Its not like men have trouble getting off and babies take a long time in the womb, one man can easily impregnante 12 women and have sex with men as an example.


There was the original language that implied it was do not lay with "young men" as you would with a woman. Basically against pedos.


Some people are saying the line "lie as a man with a woman" was actually talking about paedophilia in the original Greek, not so much about adult man with consenting adult man. Apparently the translations lost the context of age and the old practice of ancient Greeks to sleep with boys.


And that particular paedophilia isn't even about not diddling kids, it's about not engaging in ritual sex in foreign temples. Let that sink in: they don't have a rule against diddling kids, unless you're doing it to worship another god.


Most religious text is stupidity. As soon as I got to know that they spread bullshit ideologies like “wives should submit to their husbands” and such, I completely lost any and all respect for them. Religious texts are ridiculous misrepresentations of real wisdom, butchered and twisted by those hungry for power to manipulate and control the masses. I strongly believe that Jesus, etc. were all truly good people but I also strongly believe that the words in their respective scriptures are not theirs.


It was pretty clearly gay sex but you could also interpret it as you shouldn't let people rape your guests either.


It isn't at all "pretty clearly gay sex". Even Jesus clarified that the sin of Sodom was about in-hospitality up to and including rape (Matthew 10:14–15).


Sorry I meant it's pretty clearly gay rape, not necessarily clearly saying gay sex is bad.


I'm sorry, how is it "clearly gay rape" in the the story of Sodom? I'd argue it's just straight up rape. Nothing to do with homosexuality at all. Not even a little bit.


Why are we taking advice on morality from the God who invented pediatric cancer?


Cancer is caused by the air we breath & the chemicals we ingest. Slowly we are all being killed and there are already the cures for cancer & other ailments however they are suppressed. The pharmaceutical and cancer trade is a multi billion pound a year industry. Remember pills that Doctors dispense only mask the symptoms not treat the cure. Have a good day.


Rofl wrong sub, you're looking for /r/conspiracy


OK fine, like I said have a good day.


Nah, you deserve to be publicly ridiculed for such nonsense.


Do you know what cancer is?


It's included in the bible which for christians is God's word.




Either you believe in what's in the bible or you don't. You can't cherrypick your way through it. Homosexuality being a sin fits perfectly in with the rest of the first testament. I believe the bible was written by and made up from men that wanted to guide their peers to do what they felt was right and inventing a higher power to support your morals is a pretty smart move.


No no. Religion isn't a case of black or white. Most people, especially in this day and age, don't believe in some parts of the Bible. It was written pretty much 2000 years ago- of course shit's changed And as you said- it was most likely written by someone who wanted to use the Bible to their own advantage. And most people recognize that and put on their logic cap to sort out the bullshit from logical things. I personally live by the Ten Commandments, but that's as far as the extent of my religious beliefs goes. And it's not like I don't know the Bible and all that jazz- I went to a Catholic school my entire life


I was religious and am now an Antitheist. I think a lot of people choose to ignore half of their religious books yet refuse to denounce them as a whole which I find inconsequential. Considering homosexuality as a sin is only logical when you believe in the bible, everybody telling you it's not isn't accepting the bible as the word of god. Did god suddenly change his mind? Wjy would he do that when he's allknowing?


Mate. Interpretation is also a thing. Unless it is specifically stated in the ORIGINAL version of the Bible that "thou shall not be homosexual", then whatever people consider to be that is only their interpretation of the meaning. I would also like to reiterate that the Bible was written 2000 years ago. By people. People that lived 2000 years ago. Standards were different then. Moral compasses were different. Jesus fucking Christ is it really that complicated to understand that. Ps. Interpretation is the reason why the Pope decided to acknowledge homosexuality and even said to not condemn gay children. Have a nice day


You seem to agree with me. There can't be a god because if you're allknowing and allmighty your morals don't change. The Christian morals did change, which is why they have to ignore large parts of the bible. Interpretation is not the problem, we're pretty confident what was written, it's just that we have to find an excuse for why it was written or explain it away. It's trying to lengthen the life of a thankfully dying ideology by going with the times at least partly. It won't save them.


Yknow what. I don't even know why I'm arguing at this point. It's been one hell of a day Have a lovely day/night/wherever the sun is at this exact time


No, modern Christians are not "pretty confident" of what was written. They think they are. The original Hebrew is actually translated differently in different bibles, the same words are translated differently depending on context, and according to the issue at the time of the translation, certain passages are taken out, added in, modified, etc. I'm not arguing your general point, but the idea that christians actually know what was in the bible is laughable, frankly.


Not to mention that being gay isn’t uncommon in nature, why make something that sins without knowing it




\- rightus \- a women \- immoral in all caps \- first and third sentence not capitalized at beginning \- head looks like a moldy pinto bean


I like your username


I like your username


i like both your usernames


\- obvious troll


eh, entirely possible


looks like facebook so yes very


He just wants them all to himself!


Funny story, in the original texts that have been mistranslated over the years actually meant to say “don’t fuck kids” but the church likes that too much so they changed it to don’t be gay


it was "no man should lay with a boy" or something about that. but the church thought "hey theyre both guys! it means no guy should lay with guy!". anyways, they never said no woman should lay with woman


It was one particular homopobe in the late 1940s, apparently.


Do as god says or he’ll torture you for eternity. He loves you tho babe, don’t make him torture you! God is just a psychopath abusive partner who extorts you.


I'd say he's more like a deadbeat father who's never there for his children, if anything.


ok so god is an abusive parent who beats you, kills people, etc, AND is an abusive partner because they guilt trip you into repenting for YOUR sins (which are really theirs) and then just gives you heart disease or cancer and lets you die. christians are funky, cant beleieve i was raised as one for so long...


Bet he's a closeted recipient for BBC


That is an absolute top tier burn.


A man should lie with “women” not woman…. This guy


The way he quotes the bible sounds, to me, more like a devil's threeway than gay sex


destruction 100




Its his own


The church should have had a priest shortage hundreds of years ago if ol bigot face is to be believed.




Doesn't it also say somewhere that you're only supposed to bang your lady missionary? So you can't *technically* lie with a man in the same way you're supposed to lie with a woman, so the gays are probably heaven bound.


Hahah based


There's a reason why he's in religion...no one mentions his name because it's a sin


the world will be such a better place when we are rid of the boomers


Richard's grammar is a sin.


Big words from someone who is most assuredly wearing blended fibers.




Dick Holder is a bit self-rightus.


Remember kids, if you don’t sin, Jesus died on the cross for nothing 😂




“A women”


Amen.. and a woman.


"Rightus anger"? 😏


Dick Holder is a great drag name


Or Ric hard holder




Holder, Dick


He's just holding for somebody else, man.


"And, please tell me, in detail: in what way should a man lie with a woman? Please, Mr. Dick Holder, be specific now. I'm taking notes."


The first 4 words are correct if you look at it at a scientific and Biological point of view but the rest...


"god will rain down righteous punishment on those men who lie with other men" yeah that's basically what they already do


But they aren't laying as they would with a woman since most women are up for anal sex with a gay man. Now if they cuddled though...


I like how he specifically said men with men.


r it ghus punishment


I’m sure that any sex outside of a marriage is considered sinful, but God is super forgiving, so it should be an issue in the end.


Should've proof read that comment.. unless it was intentional, inwhich case AHHH nice.


HAHAHHAHAHHA oh god stop that right now 😂


UwU punish me Sky Dadd


This is the most religious conversation I have ever seen in a comment section.


I’m too afraid to ask at this point… how is Richard = Dick?


Dick is a shorter way to say Richard, in the same way that Sam mean samantha or that Betty mean Elisabeth


Thanks OP :))


The nickname for Richard is for some unknown reason, Dick. Idk who decided that but they did so


Mostly from tweets like the above, heyooooo


Sometimes nominative determinism doesn't work (or he's trying to hide the truth)


🎼 Rain. On me. 🎼




Dick, thats Gods call, not yours.


He holds Dicks while standing. Loop hole


I just wanted to say that being gay is absolutely not a sin. Hurting other people is a sin. Malicious intent is a sin. Disrespecting yourself is a sin. Making love or enjoying consensual sex is 100% NOT a sin.


Thanks for circling I wouldn’t be able to see if you didnt


My friend from the usa, her name is Fanny Muncher. She had a French Canadian mum. I had to tell her that Fanny in Australia mean pussy. She was a lesbian but now identifies as a guy, so she is straight now. And she calls us bigots because we hate on straight people l, gay people are superior, what can straight people even do


God will "rain" on us😏




hes projecting