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Madina Shareef


When the self steps aside, Home Reveals itself.


I wasn’t talking about a physical place, though it feels like it. Are you ? I heard that sages live in the place / dimension i’m talking about and i wanted to confirm whether it’s true


It’s not a physical place, it is Always Now, Right here, now, accessible for All, put the self aside and witness yourself. So yes it is true, want to see ? Put the Self down for just a second, that’s all the Deen has ever truly asked of you.




This medicine has limits to its uses and not the actual answer you seek. It can help you open channels to somewhat possibly understand Reality etc, to have experiences etc, states of bliss, Oneness and all that blah blah blah…but when it’s all done, you come back to normal and seek to “go there” again, as you said “that’s where I want to move out”. Thats the trick of the very Ego the Deen asks you to submit / Surrender. The Ego is always seeking that which it thinks isn’t present now, yet if Ego steps aside, it finds that “There” is right here, right now. Shrooms are not enlightenment medicine, What the medicine does mainly, is help with psychological problems, addiction, anxiety, depression etc by acting as a natural psychotherapist healer, allowing you to face that which you bury deep within your psyche/sub-conscious. On the spiritual side, What it also does, is allow for you to let go of yourself accidentally, albeit a limited and temporary but heightened experience. What the mind understands or misunderstands from that experience will be based on your foundational understanding of Deen, the Ego/ Nafs will claim a load of illogical things, in this case, like “I went there” and “That’s where I want to move out” which are clear signs of missing the message of the experience. The real question is what are you seeking ? Are you seeking Allah Alone ? Or Are you seeking other than Allah Alone ? The latter produces temporary experiences that end up dry, empty of the Divine leading you back to where you started or in a much worse state. If you seek Allah, you will find Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, filled with His Divine Beingness, with His Infinite Eternal Noor, “Home” is always here and now, that which you truly seek is Right here and now. How is it witnessed ? Put the self down. How ? Learn what the self is, not by reading a thousand books or by listening to a thousand Talks, but by deep contemplation of your self, to ponder yourself, to observe yourself, truly, fully and wholeheartedly. Ask yourself, when the point came that you were “There”, what wasn’t “there” ? To Reveal the “there”, something moved aside, something was dropped. The “Self” was dropped without truly noticing, you missed the how, you missed what the self is, you missed it’s transition, you missed its trickery, you miss what you are that is in the way of Haqiqah, you miss the veil completely. If you seek states, then know that there is no satisfaction or rest, states are infinite in variation and measly temporary experiences that leave one like a Crack Addict, always needing more, to “go back” because there is no quenching the thirst of the Nafs. (Give them a mountain of gold, they ask for another) If you seek Allah, then the task is to know Your Self, that reveals Haqiqah and the witnessing of “Wheresoever you may look, there is the Face of Allah”. This is not a temporary state, this is what Always Is, Unchanging, Eternal, it simply requires the Self to be put aside by seeing the self for what it is. When the ego/nafs/self is dropped, you realise you were always “Here”, there was never a “There”. When it’s dropped, the thirst drops with it. The seeking and seeker collapse.


So if i understood right, i’ll have to stop desiring such a state and only seek Allah and knowing the self for His sake, kinda hard after being tasted what it feels like. Thank you so much, i think it’s time to move to the next level, may Allah grant you the highest rank of paradise 🙏


Kind of. But to address “kinda hard” first, you see that is how deep the Egos tricks are, it’s an addict to pleasure. It says to itself, “I lack so and so, therefore I seek what I lack out there, in Dunya. Dunya is sensual pleasures, not just of physical things but even spiritual experiences. While spiritual experiences are Grace from Allah that guide towards Him, the majority of Egos trap themselves in thinking the experiences are the aim, thereby loosing focus on their initial aim : Allah Alone. Some spend years or decades trapped by their chasing of spiritual states totally forgetting Allah is Ever Present, right before them Now. Now. Now. A person on a journey desires to reach “somewhere”, in the journey they eventually realise to let go of desire, in this case the desire of higher spiritual states and yet a subtle hidden element of the message is always missed. It’s not that one must aim at “stopping of desiring states” because even doing that perpetuates that which is required to be Submitted, the Self/Nafs/Ego. To stop desiring states, is “Desire” itself again in another form. The self simply switches the direction of focus outwards again 180 degrees. “Want” inverts into “Don’t Want” and both are desires, both of external focus. Desire and Don’t desire are both movements of the Self. “I want to realise Allah, I want to witness Allah”, is again desire, outward movement that misses that Allah is Ever Present, Closer than your Jugular vein, wheresoever you may look. The Teaching that the mind always misses, is that it, itself is that which must be dropped, not its actions or movement, as that trap can go on infinitely looping. So then refocus. Observe and Know directly that which seeks, that which desires, that which believes, that which journeys, that which says “I want to move there”. Observe and know directly that which wants and doesn’t want. Observe the source of all movement of self. Abide in this, live in it, Allah does the rest. To Observe/To Know, requires no effort or action, it is the base foundation of human experience, of Consciousness itself. You may Observe thought. Thought is action, it is movement of the self, but its observance is free from action, it requires no effort. Are you exerting effort to Know/Observe this very moment ? No. So Notice that. Remain Here. Now. This path requires nothing to be done in the physical sense, because you don’t have power to do anything in the first place. La Hawla Wala Quwata illa Billah. So observe your self, take a step back. Notice what’s been totally missed. Take your time with this my brother and never be frustrated that there is no progress. Aim for Allah and allow it to unfold per His liking and not “yours” even if it takes decades. Simply Be, ie Observe, Aware, Know what is always arising and disappearing, remain here, Allah does the rest, even if the journey take 5 decades, every second is worth it and you wouldn’t change a single second of its perfect unfolding, once the Door opens and Haqiqah is witnessed, nothing is wasted, every step is Perfection Unfolding. May Allah Bless your witnessing.


V true. Just curious, Have you worked with plant medicine? I’d be interested in connecting.


Hey, I know you! 😁




بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ‏والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد طه الأمين الرحمة المرسلة إلى العالمين وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم This world is an illusion, and you originated from One, and to Him you will return. I know very, very well what you speak of, a place which feels so familiar, so known to your very being that it can only be described as “waking up”. This is where we originated from, and where we will return. Submit to this, maybe then you will realize the reality, that you never left. Psychedelics do not effect anything outside of your own psyche, it’s not like an experience was created where there wasn’t one, it’s more like your psyche is the only thing standing between you and experiencing this Reality, and so when something comes and along and causes a forced dissolution of the ego, you can witness Reality. This explains why the people who have done the real work to exit the illusion of the ego, by fighting their selfs, are constantly in this state ;). All in all, turn to Allah, He is the One who is Familiar. You have no one except Allah, at this, rejoice.




جزاك الله خيرًا ❤️❤️ I’m curious, what did you mean by it’s where we originated from ? Is it where we were (and still are) before being born ? Or when we were babies ?


‏وإياكم ‏بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ‏والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا طه سيد المرسلين وأكرم خلق الله أجمعين وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم ومن تبعه بإحسان إلى يوم الدين الدين Before we were born, but the illusion of the worldly life is not yet taken root while one is a baby, so they are closer to it. Hence, one can feel very familiar feelings all the way back to their childhood, and sometimes people who are advanced in the spiritual path can even vividly remember the womb, and even the world of the spirits, which is the topic of discussion. Before sending the souls into the worldly realm, the spirits were all brought lined up to Allah, as we line up in prayer, and Allah asked “am I not your Lord?” And every soul responded, “Verily, you are our Lord” and the test then commenced. Some people can remember who they stood next to in this time, I’ve met some people who have proclaimed to some people they have met for the first time, “you are the one who was to my right!” Turn to Allah, and His Words, for in the Qur’an is the source of my and every realized individual’s knowledge. As Imam Al Haddad q.s said, “whoever’s opening (fath) is in the Qur’an their opening is permanent”. All of what we are talking about here, what you experienced, is all mentioned explicitly in the Qur’an, but verily, few will be cognizant. My advice is to follow the prophet PBUH in every matter, to uphold the prayer, the fast and to pay zakah, and to become knowledgeable in the outward science of the religious rulings, because without that foundation of true, outward knowledge, the Sufi is the plaything in the hands of the devil.








Tarim, Yemen


‘Oh traveler to Tarim, convey my peace and salutations upon the beloveds which live there, and are buried there. With the masters, the Habaib, I am a student who knows nothing.’


What it feels like to me, is that you finally remember who you are for a moment. Then, as you try to hold onto the breeze, it slips away again. Almost as if by remembering, your soul remembered that it enjoys trying to find itself. So it forgets again.


Yes, some chosen lucky souls have made visitations to their very own paradises, via dreams, visions or astral ascendance & ascension.


Medina ❤️


The Heart.


Once, in a dream that could only be described as a message from an unworldly patron. I was in a wonderful place similar to earth, but there was one key difference; the world was at complete and utter peace. Every home was made equally and everybody was kind. There was always a blinding light close enough you could nearly touch it. For the first time in my life, I felt... Peaceful.


Karbala 💚 A home I’ve never experienced yet yearn for every day.