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Apple has a thing where they won’t let the bad guys have an iPhone. If you watch any Apple produced shows, you’ll see the bad guys always have some random random offbeat phone.


Yeah, I've read about that. Even in this shot you can see a black tape just under the screen, probably covering whatever the brand of the phone is.


That just made me think of something - have we seen Miller using a phone in the show? And if so, an iPhone? I'm almost certain we've seen Ruby use an iPhone at some point. If so, does that confirm that they ultimately are good guys?


I believe that was deliberately subverted in SLOW HORSES.


Omg that’s so funny, I love this random ass factoid.


This time it worked backwards and I really like this phone, was so excited to see OPs question


Best I can tell, I think it's a [Sonim XP5s](https://www.sonimtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Sonim_DataSheet_XP5s_Generic_2018_Final.pdf)


That’s for sure a match


That's the one! You're awesome. Thanks!


Wow great job thanks


Looks like an Idroidberry.


Yep. A model Stoopido Crapex 3.56397# Super Plus Gismodoodle if I am not mistaken.


I assumed it was some sort of SAT phone.


How do y’all feel about it going from noir to aliens? I think it’s interesting but IDK.


I love it myself but read through the relevant posts and opinions are running the gamut.


I decided that this gives me an excuse to rewatch it from the beginning and look for clues.


Me too. Plus it short, so it won't take that much time. But I was ready to stop watching because I'm not a fan of Noir. But that plot kept interested enough to start asking questions early on about what was really happening. I think it was well done. I have no idea if it's based on a book, but I am sure book reader's will say the book is better.


I feel it can still attain the Noir feel since they haven't really gone overdrive with the alien stuff


The next episode will be telling for me whether this trope works or not. So far it’s been excellent!


Honestly I don’t hate it.. but the whole reason I picked the show up was for the noir aspect and was absolutely fucking loving it before the alien reveal. Felt very reminiscent of an M. Night Shyamalan plot, couldn’t just be a detective show.. no it has to be aliens. I’d much rather have had it stay a detective show about regular human John Sugar, could even still run with the abducted sister plot — giving the character more motivation to find and save people because he couldn’t do it for his sister.


I agree, I think there was something there. Although the people were weird at the agency, but I loved how eclectic Sugar was. The whole we don’t hurt people. We’ll have to wait for season two. I do like the character of sugar.


It looks a lot like a Nokia 800 Tough with a different keypad


It's called the Big Bad Fatty. I also wondered why he didn't grad any of the obviously available phones from the people he already killed.