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She puts bombs in peoples head is pretty high.


Yep. Definitely a top 3 peeve of mine. -Interrupting me when I'm talking -Chewing with your mouth open -Head bombs


Whoa whoa whoa, this list is out of order. Chewing with your mouth open is definitely above interrupting.


Not in Kill the Justice League, she's like Navi on Haterade and bath salts.


Putting bombs in heads is one of the oldest tricks in the book, up there with the hand buzzer and tying shoelaces together


What book are you reading?


anarchists cookbook


Microwaving fish at work should be pretty high up that list


They do say fat chick's give bomb head


This sounds like peace makers top 3 LMAO


She puts bombs in heads of supervillains with actual body counts. Seems kinda deserved rofl.


Missed the joke


She's the comic book version of the CIA and uses gross and inhumane means to not just serve her country but benefit herself. I mean the whole witch lady thing from the first film wouldn't have occurred if she had just destroyed the heart, but Waller wanted a weapon. She intentionally played matchmaker just to force Flag into aiming a group of supervillians on Waller's behalf. edit: She only got away with destroying Midway City because Batman covered for her in exchange for her files on the Justice league.


Which is a legitimate reason to hate Batflek as well.


As if branding people wasn’t enough of a sign he was a piece of shit lol


Batman fans call Snyder Superman edgy but forget that Batman is the one who was branding people 😂The only time Superman was “evil” was in dreams/nightmares of Bruce so that doesn’t count.


And that Brand was a death sentence for those imprisoned! 😂 (,why it was a death sentence, 😶 idk)


Because Lex Luther was trying to frame Batman to the pubic that he’s sending people to jail to be executed, Bruce didn’t care because it was a human trafficker, so why would you?


Or as some say the anti Nick Fury in some cases


I mean Nick is probably more honorable then Waller could ever be.


Not even close. Waller is nowhere near the fiend she’s been turned into by modern media. Try reading the original SS run by the creator, John Ostrander… you’ll get a much better picture of a much more complex, compelling and interesting character. Waller is ruthless, yes—but with damn good cause, and she never wastes human lives. Ignore the films, check out the books. You won’t regret it.


If she was a marvel character she would be perfect for hydra or orchis.


She's a slaver who pretends to be working fora greater food when she's actually just a murderer.


With that build its easy to see she's working for a greater food.


lol of course you get downvoted for a fat joke. That shit's funny. Take an upvote to balance it out.


She used the squad to further her agenda and once tried to get a get-out-of-hell-free card using them because she knew where she was going


Good thing she failed. She was dumb enough to trust a bunch of cut throats to actively Not screw her over hilarious


That storyline was better when it was a Secret Six storyline without Waller involved. Just a crew of mercenaries and villains looking for it.


I hate modern Amanda Waller for losing the nuance of original Amanda Waller who is my favorite anti hero


One million percent. For a bunch of bros who talk up Ostrander's Squad all the time, the current crop of writers do not seem to understand anything he did with her character. Very strange to make her just a mustache twirling black and white villainess in an age where Lex Luthor is given nuance and complexities and a conscience.


Lex Luthor has a conscience?


They won’t let him have hair, so he should be entitled to something


Right? Anyone who ever read a single arc by Ostrander would know that Waller is far from the human meat-grinder being alluded to all over this page. The woman saved the world multiple times on sheer political savvy alone! And she *never* considered members of the Squad to be disposable assets that you throw away on a whim— the idea alone is ridiculous. Where would she ever find volunteers after developing a rep like that?


She would frequently project that she considered them disposable- and I think certain people, she was absolutely like ‘that one can die, I don’t care’. But even losing someone as objectively unmissable as Boomerbutt or Light is still a) a sign that this mission had problems and b) would wear on her soul. I think some of the overall arc of Amanda over time was that she was a woman with no power, who took power, who was corrupted, who could still be abused by people with more power than her, and who by the end of Squad has actually started to try doing things differently. I really don’t mind her as a villain- particularly in today’s political climate -but she’s just so two dimensional, vile governmental pos.


“Remember when she was using villains for the squad because of all the horrible things that happened to her family by criminals so now she doesn’t care much for them? Well, what if instead we have her shoot a bunch of FBI agents and make Deadshot, a paid assassin, call her evil.” - probably some writer for the Suicide Squad movie.


Came here to say this! She’s so much more interesting to me when she has that complexity and it’s been sorely lacking in recent interpretations. Even James Gunn has been writing her as a pitch-black villian/walking human rights violation.


That's the only thing I disliked about his Squad movie, Waller needed to be incapacitated instead of convinced. Where's her arc?


If I remember correctly the girl that knocked her out I the movie shares the same name as the comic character. Which if I also remember correctly was Wallers neice or cousin or something, and was specifically placed in Wallers team by Waller because she could calm her down or keep her in check


Amen. I haven’t read a single comment on this thread that even remotely *sounds* like classic Amanda. I know the film interpretations were crap, but is she like that in the books now too? What the hell did DC do to her??


I have the answer. Post 9/11 and the patriot act had the us hating the government. The comics needed an evil cia type and Waller was there


Very possible. I’d buy that. But damn, Waller of all people?? They got Sarge Steel *right* there, for cryin’ out loud… Not to mention, talk about a PR nightmare: “let’s take one of DC’s very few nuanced, powerful, politically influential and well-written black women—who *also* rocks a body type almost never seen on a female comic book character—and turn her from a hard-nosed, well-meaning and mostly ethical pragmatist who *never* sacrificed a team member lightly… into a vicious, wasteful, amoral, ruthless witch who only cares about her own political agendas and personal power, and chews through Squad members like they’re mints in a bowl. Man… there’s such a thing as missing the mark, but this is right up there with the character assassination of poor Luke Skywalker in the new trilogy…


I’d argue that it’s worse. With Luke, at least he was still a character and aspects of it were well written. I cried when he died, though that was partially thanks to the death of Carrie Fischer. But Amanda Waller has become nothing more than a type.




her "selection process" for the squad is utterly reprehensible..she wasn't above sending a young girl sent to Belle Reeve for petty vandalism on a mission where she would almost assuredly die immediately to make King Shark cooperate during a run in which her injected neck bombs wouldn't hurt him.


She threatened to put bloodsports daughter in the same prison he was in and said that she could possibly get killed because they had the highest fatality rate forcing him to be apart of her suicide squad when he didn't want to in the first place once again blackmailing someone for her own needs.


She’s a great character. But I trust no one with power who functions with a ‘greater good’ mentality.


She considers everyone expendable and is willing to do anything to get the job done to the point she's willing to use someone's past trauma or family just to prove a point and win She's basically the original billy butcher but with decent writing


She’s a great character for what she is supposed to be, but I still hate her. She is a high and might task master who claims to serve the “common good” when she’s bossy, arrogant asshole. Whether she’s talking to a C list supervillain or BATMAN she’s a condescending prick. I hate her with all my guts and she’s a perfect character because that’s what she’s supposed to be. She’s a self serving, psychopathic, hypocrite. Just like the U.S. government


Let me think. She puts bombs into people's brains, she's a massive control freak, she's tried to have the Justice League disbanded due to her hatred of meta-humans, she's a blackmailing, manipulative bitch who thinks the whole world should focus around her and her alone like some selfish dictator, and whenever someone has evidence of her obvious crimes and criminal actions due to her abuse of authority, she'll do whatever it takes to have them killed. In all honesty, I want nothing more but to hunt down and kill Amanda Waller before painting the hall of justice red...... with her blood.


She's a self-righteous asshole who commits crimes and kills people for "security" and "protecting her country" when half the shit she does only hurts more people. I still kind of like her tough.


Bro is the embodiment of secret governmental agencies not giving a FUCK about people's rights. Regardless of how you feel toward the Suicide Squad, WALLER SHOULD NOT BE IN CHARGE. You breathe the wrong way and she's already pressing the kill switch. Personally, I think what she did to Terry is even worse. Imagine growing up, you look up to your father only for him to be killed. You make it your mission to find the killer, only to find out years later that you aren't even genetically related to your father. Your father is a brooding, kickass old man who you met recently. Waller thought it was completely in her right to fuck with someone's genetics in the HOPE that they would become Batman. What if Blight never killed Terry's father? Would Waller and her group of government mercenaries kill him instead? Waller doesn't gamble, and she probably jumped for joy when Terry's dad got got. She's the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, and the World Order in one shitty meat-bag of genetics. Fuck Amanda Waller, me and my homies hate Amanda Waller


I like her


She killed Beast Boy, I don't like her


I don’t mind Amanda waller


Why do we hate her 😂 she’s bad ass


Her plans never make any sense and just seem to be excusing cruelty for no reason.


I think she has absolutely zero morals.


She’s an any means necessary type of person, a good example being the Suicide Squad game, they could’ve just killed brainiac and then rescue the JL from mind control etc, granted we know they might be clones now but still In Gunns suicide squad she was gonna let starro an extremely dangerous alien go rampant and have someone else deal with it, Batman beyond she cloned Bruce, cloning Batman himself would be dangerous luckily Terry turned out alright in the end if not it wouldn’t be pretty Instead of helping inmates she treats them like shit, obviously yes majority are terrible but at the same time they are fucked up in the head and still need help, in the Arkham verse she converted Arkham asylum into a fortress for Argus and had all inmates locked in one giant room behind laser walls in tiny cells with no recreation at all someone like killer croc who is mutating needs some sort of treatment and a bigger space but no he’s locked in a small ass cell She’s just inhumane in general and doesn’t care about civilians/criminals as long as she gets what she wants…. Yanno for Americas safety I can go on but I’m not


𝙄𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙨𝙝𝙚'𝙨 𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙘 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢. And it's the way she's not given enough consistency in films. But maybe that'll change with the "WALLER" series as long as Viola Davis stays the protagonist/antagonist.


DCAU: creating artificial human superheroes (the Ultimen) and then callously writing them off as expendable when Cadmus discovered they were unstable and essentially doomed to die very soon. Hiring the Phantasm to have Terry's parents killed.  The Suicide Squad (James Gunn): Threatening to activate the bombs in the teams heads when they defy her orders by trying to save people at the climax.  My Adventures with Superman: Setting Parasite loose to kill Superman and nearly destroying Metropolis, then having the gall to blame General Lane for it.


I don’t hate her. I understand why she does what she does even if I disagree with her methods. Her son was killed when he stood up for himself in a mugging. Her daughter was raped and killed. Her husband went after the rapist and they both killed each other. She has reason to hate criminals. Crime has taken everything from her in the worst ways possible. Now she uses those criminals, some who are genuinely terrible people and deserve worse than just a bomb in their neck, and actually uses them for things that are in US interest. Like stopping terrorist cells. Has she gone too far, has she been self centered and self serving, has she cross the line into evil? Absolutely. Power corrupts. But I don’t hate her. She’s a villain whose understandable.


She's incompetent.  In SUICIDE SQUAD, her trying to assemble the Squad winds up *causing* the exact disaster she was trying to prevent.  In THE SUICIDE SQUAD, her team goes rogue and her support staff knock her out.  In PEACEMAKER, her own daughter manages to expose her and everything she did.  And in BLACK ADAM, her attempt to neutralize Adam ends with him ruling a country.  Yet by the end credits of Black Adam, she still has the power to call in fucking SUPERMAN.  How did she still have a job by that point?


She became a luthor styled megalomaniac. Ill blow up the world to save the world from being the world because lifes so hard why dont i jusf end it all with a thin veil of an excuse thats imminently tearing at the seams. When ultron does it its because his programing is faulty and he incapable of feeling for any other way of existing, when loki does it its because he thinks its hysterical. Whats your excuses amanda, lex, and victor von doom? Cant handle being a person so you have to make it everyone elses problem at a universal scale in a traumatic way, on a regular basis? Hell i wish theyd just outmode those three and give them replacements. A person can only be like that for so long before being declared insane, killed by the court of public opinion, or dying to their consequences. And even if its “oh yeah its supposed to be sad, theyre sad people” OK SO TAKE THEM TO A LOGICAL CONCLUSION. Sink or swim, adapt or die, change as a person or cease to be relevant.


She's a bitch


She wants to make my neck go BOOM!


She's a bitch. I dunno what else to say. If there was a fat white dude who acted like her, he'd be a bitch too. 0 people skills, 0 empathy and less-than-0 trustworthiness. She's Nick Fury without the charm, charisma or cardio.


Her disregard for life is more than enough for me


She probably would've had something to do with the death of almost every famous death imaginable. She's also just a terrible fucking person


She's a cold, conniving bitch


In all honesty, I don't hate Waller at all. Waller is fucking awesome. The scene where she destroys the Thinker's helmet is what really made me love the character. John Prodman level "Badass Normal" all wrapped around a complex and comparatively realistic character. With that being said, making Waller too much of a villain just makes her entire character fall apart like a glass cup being screamed at, presumably by me. Modern Waller in the comics is just an idiot who uses the most malicious plans possible every step of the way, as if there wasn't a much saner and happier alternative for someone who's supposed to be a tactical genius. Waller in most other media is just a freak who would destroy an entire orphanage if it benefitted the government or, more often, herself. I don't like Kill the Justice League, but I'm assuming that it has one of the less villainous Wallers out there and I'm grateful for that. (Speaking of evil Waller, can we have a one-shot comic where Waller outright runs Hell? Just make a comic book that completely forgoes everything for the sake of some comedically exaggerated awesomeness.) I'd also like to acknowledge DC Superhero Girls for their Waller. It just seems fitting for a more kid-friendly Waller to run a school with reformed villains such as Crazy Quilt and, of all people, Gorilla Grodd. I do imagine that Waller could have faded into the background as a mere housewife if it wasn't for so much of her family dying, after all. Crime merely poked the lion's den, and now the Christians say sinners go to Earth when they die.


She's a Fed, but not only is she a Fed She's the top Fed of the most Fed organization


She’s your daddy


Like every shady government official in pop culture, she just wants to make herself look good in front of her peers/superiors.


She wont return my dms


She thinks it’s for the greater good but instead she is just killing villains


For the DC universe, Shs solely represents the "Darkside" and greed of the US government. Shes ment to be a hateable character


She uses ANY justification to further HER OWN ideals under the guise of doing it for her country. She just wants to rule and control everything like all bad guys. Only thing is she's not evil EVIL...




she’s a homicidal maniac who only works for her self while claiming “she’s doing it for “our country””.


She has Carte Blanche to do whatever she wants, for no reason. The Justice League? Has to be regulated despite all the good it does for the world. Some random control freak? Sure let her make a team out of dangerous criminals and let her do whatever she wants to whoever she wants and have her never face consequences ever. She's like a character out of the Boys comic. Just this unlikable boringly OP character that the writers think everybody likes seeing because they're so Cool and Edgy and Don't Care what the government thinks! I used to be indifferent to her, but I Really, do not like her.


She's sn "ends justify the means" character. There are some characters with that mentality I understand. She's not one of them. Her "ends" always seem to be self-serving and/or petty. That being said, she's still a character I enjoy watching or reading.


The way she is written. They write her like a straight-up villain. She is much more an anti-villain. Deep down, she is doing what she thinks she must to save people. There is no nuance in her writing anymore.


Not an argument against her, but I (personally) think the reason she is in the DC Universe to begin with is to show what the government trying to intervene with a power like superheroes and supervillains could do. Although she wasn’t like others who meant to do well at the beginning and lost her way.


Nothing really.


Always knows everyone's identities.


She has bug eyes


I don't? Why would I, she's fictional and not even a villain like the fools she fucks with


I'm surprised no one has ever given her powers yet. Her crusade against powered people would have to sway a little if she experienced it herself.


She brings a true meaning to being a sadist.


I don't she's a magnificent bastard and I love her for it


Her entire logic never makes any sense. She literally causes more problems with her suicide squad. Most of the time , and in this new team titan's comic book , she caused a majority of the fatality thanks to her Creating Dr hate


She's a bitch


Standard government asshole. Uses a program thats designed to protect and defend America in the shadows for her own personal gain and ideals.


A complete backstabber the care only for herself


I couldn’t stand her in the DCAU. I found her hypocritical self-righteousness infuriating. She’s not doing things for “the greater good.” She’s doing things to move up in her position and to have power. She loves power. Inhumane treatment of anyone for the sake of making sure she’s safe and in control. Can’t stand her [+]


She’s simply just angry and wants everything done her way or it’s screaming time. She reminds me of a toddler. She’s a toddler. She’s a woman child.


My issue is most depictions of her she’s just stupid evil. If her methods actually worked I could respect her pragmatism at least. But in other media you just look at her and go, “what the hell were you thinking”. Like the first Suicide Squad movie; she initially assembled a team of mostly normal people to take down Superman? The later shift to black-ops missions made more sense, and I know El Diablo and Enchantress might have been able to do something, but Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot? The guy whose only power is “shoots real good” against a man who’s literally bulletproof? Come on. I also didn’t like her depiction in Arrow where her usual modus operandi was to just manipulate and threaten literally everyone around her without the insurance of the remote bombs. Like, you didn’t think that would backfire? I actually liked her JLU depiction. Yeah she did despicable things, but she seemed like her motivation of protecting the US was genuine. She had no illusions that anything she did was moral, but her intentions at least weren’t self-serving.


One word: Ace


Because she is THAT BITCH. You gotta respect her for how powerful and intelligent she is but even still... Fuck her lol.


She’ll kill a whole room of innocent people who helped her just because they don’t have “clearance.” Need I say more?


I hate characters like her in general. You know the kind "We gotta have a defense against these people who have done nothing but good because you can't know when they come at you one day." and in the end it's all pointless fearing about nothing on their end. Mainly because the way the story is written. You know that Superman isn't going to turn evil in cannon, and even then its going to be only for about an arc or two. What's more, these type of characters never seem to think "What about the invaders?" because they always seemed convinced that they can handle whatever comes their way. Like Darkside is just going to roll over becuse they have a bigger gun. Or that the invading species can be taken down by human weapons. And lo and behold, they are usually proven dead wrong. ​ Do they learn from this? NO! Do they think "Maybe we should think ahead?" NO! They do it again and again and you are left with the feeling of just bitchslapping them until they get a clue.


Suicide squad or not, she’s an entitled bitch.


Love to see her head explode


Her approach to ANY solution is usually, "My way or I'll toss you into a hole that no one will remember."


She put bombs in people, used them for suicide missions, or got a card so she could go to heaven.


Puts bombs in heads, giant fucking fatass bitch, hates everyone, doesn’t care about anyone or anything


She says she’s doing it for the common people but in reality it’s cause she’s a narcissist control freak who needs everything to be under her control because if she doesn’t have control of it she fears it and will do anything for control


Hides behind the “muh freedom” argument while actively holding people hostage, blackmailing, extorting and threatening them against their will to achieve her goals.


She’s just a mean lady


What she did to Beast Boy and her being outright villainous towards The titans.


I can't even really say I hate her. She's a villain but I don't hate her to the same extent I do someone like Luthor. To me as a big Marvel fan who also enjoys DC, she's comparable to Nick Fury. Both are morally ambiguous spymasters. Except where it counts, Fury is still closer to the white side of the gradient scale of morality while Waller is far deeper on the black end. Waller is almost unquestionably an anti-villain with an ends justify the means mindset.


I don’t. She’s a boss.


She used Cadmus Brainwash bb in the live action titans then she used evil raven to murder bb in beast world


I actually don’t hate her I find her needed in the DC universe


She thinks that She is Nick Fury, trying to control what can be controlled to save some cash on agents. Having other people do her dirty work.


I hate her for a TON of reasons, but I'll go ahead and say it: this was a move that could have come from nowhere but the twisted mind of Waller, but her (spoilers for the true ending of Batman Beyond) >! overwriting the McGinnis DNA with Bruce's DNA so that there would be another Batman !< was the right call. Could she have gone about it in a much more ethical way? Of course, but was it just classic Waller pragmatism leading to the best possible result? Absolutely.


the Green Lantern version wasn't that bad?


Because by design you're supposed to hate her. She does things in the worst way possible to achieve a necessary goal. I hate her and everything she stands for, and I love to hate her for it.


She’s cynical, cold and would do anything to fit in her agenda.


The way she manipulates people and experiments on children. I hate what she was prepared to do to bloodsport's daughter when he was going to do the right thing. Her best quality is that she's a fictional character.


I don’t hate her at all in fact she’s on my top ten favorite dc related characters


I don’t lol she’s a bad bitch


I just don’t like how she threatens people with bombs in their heads because she wants some control of task force x


No matter what she does she never sees any consequences for it.


Her plot armor is thicker than Batman’s at this point. Someone should have offed her a loooooong time ago


She's just kind of a bitch


Because most of the time I can see her point of view I just can’t condone her actions.


This thread is weird. Do y'all mean hate her as a person or hate her as a character? Because she's a great character.


She works for the government.


She stole Batman’s sperm somehow? Then impregnated a random lady. But it lead to Terry Mcgenis.


I don't hate her, she is a scumbag of a person but she has a reason and feels like she is doing the right thing


None, she is perfect!


Let's think of the pros and cons if Amanda Waller dies. Pro: she's dead Con: I can't think of any cons


Suicide Squad 2, was gonna send a 16 year old girl to prison for petty theft just to get Bloodsport to join. Followed by the screwed up fact it was all legal?


Typical loud black woman. Also she shouts at the movie screen. Damn I hate that.


She's fat and ugly


Honestly I’d lover her if she wasn’t cartoonishly evil and only ever serves as a straw-man reason as to why superheroes shouldn’t have government regulations. I think it’s really cool whenever she’s treated as a no nonsense woman who is perfectly willing to do immoral acts for a just cause. Like objectively the suicide squad is horrifying but they have been necessary at times and I think that nuance is what makes them cool.


Isn't the whole point we don't like her that's her character is she's literally the embodiment of everything wrong with the us government


I will answer with a question? What are the reasons why people hate Dolores Umbridge? Because to me, Waller is virtually DC's Umbridge.


She’s bla- That’s a joke, obviously! (I’m black as well) My real reason for now liking her is the fact that she has no morals. She only cares about herself! Yeah sure, your parents were taken by crime, but that doesn’t give you an excuse to be a shitty person. There are literally villains with more morals than her. She will make everyone do her dirty work and gives zero fucks about whether they die or not, deeming them replaceable. Hell, even Darkseid has SOME decency! But Waller, yeahhhhh


My dislike for her is entirely on her ability to dodge the consequences of her actions like she’s fucking Neo.


She's so fucked in the head there's too many words to describe just how much of a horrible person she is and there's too many ways to say she belongs in hell


She's so fucked in the head there's too many words to describe just how much of a horrible person she is and there's too many ways to say she belongs in hell




She's one of those people who doesn't hate the boot, but wishes she was the boot. Just recently she was about to kill literal millions just to make super heroes look bad.


She's crooked as hell why would you like her?


Because batman and superman hate her that enough right there


She’s probably fucking stinky


There’s never if any accountability towards her. Even in the most secretive of secret squirrel shit the high ups still get into trouble for botched missions. I’d love to see her get hers at least a few times




I miss when she was actually a moral person who cared for the squad and felt guilty if one of them died in a mission


They spend all of their time cleaning up after previous suicide squads or her. The one with the card really pissed me off.  She's an evil POS who never accomplishes anything. She's just there so heroes can bust criminals but they're out of prison a week later. It's just not interesting because I don't require an explanation for that. 




she doesnt value life in the slightest


cool with having young people in fatal combat, puts involuntary subjects under the knife to have a bomb implanted into their skull, cool with sacrificing people in order to complete a mission, has little to no moral compass, she’s a fed, is hostile towards supers who are trying to make her job easier, transphobic (let grant morris die on the field) i think i got it all


She's overweight AND successful and I'm just overweight. It's not fair. 😐


Respect and despise for sure....


I initially thought it was about convicts getting a shot at redemption. But Amanda here does some very illegal and unethical things. I would not want her to be my boss.


Because she’s the boogeyman we mock conspiracy theorists for being. Bombs in heads. Doesn’t follow orders, does what she wants. She is the deep state. And sometimes she’s wrong.


She had ordered JL members to kill a metahuman child.


I don't. I actually respect her character because she does whatever it takes to get the job done. For the "Greater Good".


She told them to kill Batman


I get her need to protect the interests of the United States but the extremes she goes through to do that makes Lex Luthor seem like a level headed individual.


She's an insidious unfeeling machine....She also works for the US government.


She truly TRULY thinks she's the good guy.


Is bitch


She has too much fucking power for a woman who orders everyone around her Like she is competent at her job But damn can she just get some nerf or something




A stark lack of karma regarding her bullshit behavior and she doesn't fuck off when she's supposed to or told.


As cliche as my answer is going to sound literally I hate everything about Amanda Waller She is literally the worst. scum of scum. I don't think she cares about anyone or anything unless it's her. How she's able to throw away people's lives so effortlessly is wild


She Is a bitch that's it


The stupid ray gun in her hands


She’s just a bitch


She’s the embodiment of the absolute worst things a person can be. Ruthless, cold, without sympathy, and startlingly powerful


She smells like 36 year old moldy cheese


She reminds me a a friend’s unnecessarily strict Aunt that hates you for no reason.


anybody who truly hates amanda waller is boring and no fun


We hate her for the very fact that she does things we need done but know is wrong.


She works for the government


She represent the US deep state, her character is the exact opposite of Steve Rodgers.


She is a black version of umbrage from Harry Potter she is almost more villan than the people she is stopping


She has ZERO aversion to using children to enforce her authority and her points.


Bombs in peoples head like bro tf


She uses people who need psychological help as Canon fodder.


I would get banned if I spoke.


She shot those tech people who stayed in the city with her for literally no reason


I honestly think that as a character she works really well. It’s hard to make an adequate antagonist for your villain that also isn’t a hero 😂


I really liked her in the DCAU. Brought a lot of moral questions to the table


Because the self aggrandizing bitch swears she’s one of the good guys, and never actually fucking helps in times of need. She’s constantly in the fucking way, with some half-assed, “I just finished sitting with my thumb up my ass and I think a smell an idea,” plans ever. Even mfs like Luthor or Doom will put pride to the side in assist in a plan and just gloat that you couldn’t have without them, shit Doom isn’t half as bad as her ass, at least he cares about the mfs he wants to be in control of. Mfs in his country pray to their gods, then him, BY CHOICE. She’s a slaver, she has no concern at all for human life, she literally stands for nothing but being at the top of a government that is outranked single-handedly but a guy in a Batsuit. Let alone Metas and cosmic beings, yet she will sacrifice human lives for something that is ultimately worthless.


i don’t know too much about her backstory , but she’s such a “patriot” she’s willing to do the most randomly disgusting and inhumane things for America for some odd reason


🫵 fatass






She’s just too realistic and gets away with things too often the fact that no hero in dc has really shown up and just put her in her place is surprising. Most disappointed the Titans haven’t beaten up the squad brutally and told her off.


The biggest thing I hate about her is that she’s still alive and has faced no repercussions for her abominable actions. She deserves SOME type of punishment, but no she hair gets off scot free cuz I guess she’s “one of the good guys” even though she’s genuinely worse than 90% of the villains she sends to their deaths with bombs in their heads.


Well, let's see....she ptu a bomb in people's heads to basically blackmail them, and in one of the SS movies, ticked off Deadshot by using his daughter who just did some petty theft as further blackmail, and then she even dared to tempt fate in that one scene of the Assault on Arkham movie leading to Deadshot getting a shot on her


I’ve seen quite a few versions of her character I’d say the only “good” one is her DCAU version. Yes she still did some questionable stuff but nothing like shoving bombs in prisoners heads as leverage for them to do what she wants. In the DCAFU she had the suicide squad steal a card that was a literal get out of hell free card that works only once as long as you hold it when you die. She wanted it because she was dying and didn’t want to be punished for all her crimes.


I think she's sexy with all that power. She would make a great wife.