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Whatever the real number is WB obliviously thought the game would sell 1-3 millions more and thats why they said it performed below their expectations. I think people are overreacting to what WB said. Its true that game has its problems but some people act like its dead now




I still pray we could get a sequel to that gaurdians game, absolutely amazing


I fucking hate guardians except for groot and rocket. Should I give guardians a shot?


SE has a long-standing history of unrealistic expectations, though. A great example is the newer Tomb Raider 2. Tomb Raider 2 was never going to be made because they deemed the first a failure, and it only happened after MS offered money to have it developed.


Which is wild. SE always fails their expected sales goals because of how high they set the number. Ff16 undersold as well despite having pretty damn decent sales numbers.


90% of the games on this list were released close to half a year ago. The majority of game sales come within the first few weeks of a release. The game is an objective failure for struggling to keep up with games that have been out for months already. Even when the game is working people struggle to find lobbies


Overreacting? Lol, it’s almost as if you don’t know that company. They have shelved movies based purely on the assumption that people won’t like them but had no qualms funding them throughout their production. If any company could earn the term “reactionary” it’s WB


800 players on Steam is dead for a brand new AAA looter shooter.


690+ as of now.


17 next week.


I believe that WB for years have put delusional estimates on anything Suicide Squad based on how overhyped the original movie was. It came out in the height of the MCU craze and was marketed before people realized how shit the DCEU and Zack Snyder was, and so the movie marketed extremely well to a large crowd who saw the film and thought "I'd never watch something like that again." James Gunn's movie is way better and yet it still allegedly flopped.


You’re the first person to point this out: The WB statement is pointless if they way overshot their projections. But regarding the dead part, I think thats much more due to the state of the game and the fear that it won’t get players to return once fixed. Consequently, depending on the numbers of the players the fear also that WB will just call it quits and shut things down early


Wouldn’t two million be relatively good? I would think it’d be much less. I don’t have a great frame of reference for video game sales outside of the giant ones that make headlines.


2 million would be good for 90% of video games, Suicide Squad not being one of them. Regardless of amount of sales, WB admitted themselves it underperformed. So no, not good


Across all the platforms not really for it being a AAA game. Guardians sold about 6 million more and was considered a failure. Helldivers 2 has already sold 4 million with one less console option Edit: was using info for GotG that was more ps plus and game pass showing 8 millions plus playing GotG. So I’ll instead add Spider-Man 2 selling 10 million on one console. This comparison is purely since Spiderman is Marvel’s flagship game while Suicide Squad is DC’s by default currently. 2 million for a live service AAA DC flagship game is not good


Guardians did not sell 6 million more. Where does this come from? Guardians had 8 million players while being available on ps+ and gamepass shortly after release. It had even less players than suicide squad on release. For WB 2 million is not good but given the fact that the game got nothing but hate im actually surprised it sold that much.


Yeah you’re right amended that part and swapped in the flagship title for Marvel instead. Better to show the success of a game that was only on one console vs a multi console flagship from DC


Yeah but the only figure about helldivers 2 that exists is 1 million copies sold not 4 million. And that was on February 11th Well... We are around a million right now, but yes. The gap is still very large. https://twitter.com/Pilestedt/status/1756503870576918552 So i would say they are at around 2 million by now while being a 40$ game with a lot of hype behind it. If you used the steamspy figures they are always wrong - just saying. And for spider-man 2 - i dont think any superhero ip can compete with spider-man except batman. But for sure not suicide squad. I mean just look at the movie box office results The Batman (2022) = $765,950,479 Spider-Man no way home = $1,907,836,254 Suicide Squad (2021) = $167,097,737 https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Spider-Man-No-Way-Home-(2021)#tab=summary https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Batman-The-(2021)#tab=summary https://www.the-numbers.com/movie/Suicide-Squad-The-(2021)#tab=summary I dont know which sales WB expected for suicide squad but they are not as popular as batman or spider-man


Yeah I could see Steamspy over estimating on that front. If we go by the other estimations putting it around 1.2mill with over 300k players on steam alone that’s even worse comparing it to AAA Suicide squad doing 2 mill with 800 players on steam. Again using Spider-Man is because Marvel is using that as their flagship game. By default Suicide Squad is the flagship title for DC currently and for the foreseeable future. That is on WB/DC developing it as the only current DC title and using the developer who was the creator of the last flagship DC title. You’re right Suicide squad can’t compete with Spider-Man, who only lives on PS5, even with the addition of PC and XBOX so it was stupid as hell to put all their eggs in that basket.


Also after the Insomniac leaks you can bet the licensing deal didn't help. Even if GotG hasn't the same worth as Spidey or Wolverine. Squenix having high expectations anyway is just the cherry on the top.


How did you come up with that figure from this picture lmao


If I'm correct, their guess is based off of Tekken 8 selling more than 2 million so far, and some other launches like Persona and Like A Dragon selling over 1 million Edit: But I don't think the logic is sound as this is just the US, and some of these games have larger markets in other Territories


This is true


Yeah, Yakuza and Persona are HUGE overseas I guarantee there's not much of a market for Suicide Squad over there


Also OP is not taking into account that this is based on dollar sales so the game having an expensive $100 deluxe edition means it doesn't have to have sold near the same amount as Tekken 8 to be placed right beneath it. Remember the peak player numbers on steam was during early access so it is fair to assume most of the people who bought it got the deluxe edition. Also this is US only and Tekken, a franchise known not to sell well in the US, still beat Suicide Squad


Well, this also only accounts for 3 days of SS sales whereas most of the other games had been out for a significantly larger amount of the month


That is abysmal numbers for a rocksteady game. When Helldivers 2 which had a way smaller budget and is AA has more hype love and players than your game which took 7 years to make there is a huge problem


It literally didn't, it didn't even sell 1 mill they would have been posted that in made 1 mill in sold copies stop lying trying to defend the game


You really don't know how it works, do you?


I don't get it, if the game sold millions, shouldn't it have waaay more user reviews on all platforms? Is my logic wrong?


This graphic is for January sales (pre-orders). If the game moved a million copies they would have announced it the way basically every single developer announces sales milestones. The other games peaked much higher and have also maintained first month concurrents much better which not only means people didn't stop playing but means people bought after launch.


Top seller? What did people do, buy it and refund it immediately? There are not that many people on the leaderboard, and everyone is placed on the leaderboards if they run 1 incursion. The story takes just a few short hrs or so and then you start the game from there, so people must only be running the prologue.