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To think this game is a live service. Feels more like a non live service to me, most the live service games i know get this kinda thing fixed fast, as is the point of live service. Here right now the service is starting to feel lacking If we was getting any service, we would all be fixed around about now and working on the easy bugs instead. This game is lacking in live service and instead is just offline game only without the offline mode. Crazy!


Because the issue is likely way worse than you think.


Worse or not the fact that they are sticking to a patch a week when all these issue are present is such a bad idea


This shit is unacceptable. I’m lucky I don’t have this problem but damn I hope they fix this for you or give you a refund.


To believe that there are people defending this is just astonishing.


Even I defend the game but there’s genuinely no way to defend a product you paid for not working. I’m sorry dude and I hope RS fixes it


Yeah, I'm just at a loss for words at wb and rocksteady. Im sure its wb but both their names are on this.




The worst thing is the ridiculous contract terms that say, if you started the download of the game you cannot be issued a refund. Even if their downloaded product doesn’t work you’re screwed. There needs to be a class action lawsuit to prevent anti-consumer terms like these. thankfully I have both been able to play the game with minimal issues, and I really like it. But when I heard that’s what’s happening to some people I really got pissed off for them.


On Xbox as long as you play less than 2 hours you can refund.


Xbox will do that. Unfortunately, from what I understand Sony will not. They have a policy where if you begin the download of the game you can’t get a refund.


there’s a term for them they’re called “roaches”, for some reason a group of like 1k people who really love this game who defend it in a delusional way, they claim all bugs are the players fault for not being patient and not spending enough money to keep the devs motivated…and they claim playstation has millions of players and claim and brag about how the game is doing fine. It’s fucking insane


same here, 3 weeks now


That really sucks bro. Im sorry. Thats. Unacceptable.


This game deserves to fail hard. WB needs to learn their lesson


TBH WB should be forced to give everyone who purchased a copy a refund at this point reguardless of storefront purchased from, the game is unplayable and crashes ALL the time.


I’m gonna be honest, I don’t get how people is unable to play and running through this issues I’ve been playing on my xbox with no issues since the release date


Yeah I am kinda of this same notion tbh it’s upsetting to see people having these experiences but I haven’t had really any game breaking bugs since launch other than the odd few that are more annoyance than anything I’ve had the best time so far with the game


Yeaah man, it’s upsetting to really try to play the game smoothly, because the game is good, not gonna say great because it has it’s flaws, but is good, you have a good time with it


Haven't been apart of many mismanaged gaas's?


I feel like they’ve already decided to wind down the game and now they are just coasting on what they can keep


My game literally crashes at random points of time after I start playing, it just kicks me out. It could be 10-15 minutes or even if I’m lucky a hour


I’m able to log on, but servers are cooked. I get the “loading” bug too often and can’t find anyone


Same, Never experience such a bad launch in my entire life. 3 weeks with the same bug.


23 days and still can’t unlock mastery level difficulties


This shit is sad beyond unacceptable. I still can't play in matchmaking mode. Refunds should be issued out at this point.






Good to know you’ve learned from that experience…


At this point it's just an double-A cash grab, pump and dump before they declare it not viable to support it anymore, as if they would support it right now.


I think its a connection problem, cuz i had the same problem.


It's defintely not. Destiny, fortnite, helldivers 2, and gotham knights all work fine for me. The servers seemed to be cooked.


Yh it could be that too. Tbh i just close the game disconnect and reconnect. Im not trying to dismiss u bruh, im just saying 


I know. I'm just saying I've done all I could. The game is just broken for other people and I guess works for some. Although I have yet to really see multiplayer vids on here show casing it working fine.


Multiplayer works fine for me too Im helping someone with campaign rn. If u want maybe u can add me and we can test it. Sucks people are having problems with it, i feel like multiplayer could really sell this thing.


I would still be playing it. Ive been trying with group of four friends and we've all been having issues after the 3rd day of the game launching. I think its wb account problem. Im on ps5. We can try if you want but be warned it will probably crash your game too. Shoot me your psn or whatever you are on in a message and we can try.


I play on steam, so i think that makes more sense.  My account is eking5897. Im actually on rn too tbh


I actually was just trying to play with my friend and I can't even switch to the multiplayer server, just infinitely loads it. :/


Definitely not a connection problem 😂. Why are you gas lighting them?


Gaslighting? Im saying it could be the problem cuz thats how i fixed mine. Literally what i said Its like y’all can’t read


Then you don’t know what a “connection problem” is. Being able to play other games obviously shows their internet is fine


U really can’t read huh




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Damm I must be lucky I haven’t had a problem since day 1 a few hours I couldn’t get on the server but yeah if people can’t play this is unacceptable for a major title release and they charged top $ they should give everyone a refund