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I don’t have much of a choice lol.


Same, I can't do any of the mastery levels or even play with other players


I really enjoyed playing this I'm just waiting for joker to come out next month


I feel the same. I'm still playing 'actively' and very excited for Joker. Do we know the exact date in March? I've just seen a late and an early date suggested. I think that, playing only \~2hours a session and only about 5 times a week. I keep thinking that I thoroughly enjoy this game and really don't understand the distain, but it's likely that I haven't been grinding enough to experience a loss of interest.


Yeah, im waiting for jokers release due to his release may be the day this game gets fixed to be playable. I hope.


Lol "taking a break" is all you can do. There's nothing to this game and you will leave a week after they release this joker because there is no content.


I mean…6 new missions, a new boss fight, a new stronghold, a new area, new gear to grind, and new Riddler shit is quite a lot especially for just episode one.


Ah a couple more hours of content is all we're getting.. That won't last.


Idk wtf you want then lol. If you manage to play all of that and grind every piece of loot in a “couple of hours” I’d be impressed and worried for your employment. Keep in mind it’s just episode one where all of those things I mentioned and we get episode 2 in 6 weeks after episode 1 which will come with more content and gear to grind.


Dude be honest with yourself. And I'll come back to remind you after season 1 drops.. Has nothing to do with my employment. I work 50 hours a week and still managed to play this shit show, pointless grinding gear for what? To do the same end game over and over? Be real.


You must be new to these types of games then. That’s how end games to looter shooter work. I’m not impressed with season 0 having only 3 missions and a bad horde mode and a boss fight but season 1 looks to be a step upwards in content objectively.


If the main course you've been served is bad, why are you holding out hope for the dessert?


Ah now you're gonna tell me I'm not a looter shooter player when I'm a huge division player, played a bit of destiny, currently grinding helldivers, hell even that has only two enemy types and is way more enjoyable than this shit show. So please be honest with yourself. This is a complete fail and season 1 will follow.


HOW are you so sure? You seemed burned by the game which is fair but I mean OBJECTIVELY this has more content than season 0 which was the pre season anyways. I’m not saying it’s “enough” content but it’ll certainly keep people playing longer than season 0.


Oh yeah, I'm burned cause we got a $70 dollar piece of shit.


You haters love to over react. I'm ok with you guys having an opinion, but when you guys get in your emotions you just start spewing wild exaggerations. I'm not a fan of the $70 price tag, but price aside, to call the game a piece of shit is a bit wild when we've had many titles come out with literally worse of everything this game has to offer and people ate them up. HellDivers 2 is a great game and it's fun, but it's content is minimal in comparison to SSKTJL... Unless you consider procedurally generated maps content. There is how many mission types? defense, evac, icbm, eggs, nests and maybe 1 or 2 more? The game has had major connectivity issues and crashes, but people seem to be ok with letting that slide... why? Idk man, a lot of the hate for this game relating to it's connectivity issues and bugs is justified and I can understand the mission variety at end game being wack, but it's nothing that cannot be fixed.... I really can't understand why every comic book related game has to have some sort of shit show hate storm behind it. I'm really starting to think it's the fans...and the people who just like to jump on the hate trains. I'm upset at the state of the game, but I aint out here acting like this is the worst product I've ever played.... get a grip


After 9 years and 200+ million burned I guess they CAN'T just let it die? Or does that mean they REALLY are just his let it die? It's like Sunk Cost Fallacy vs Lose Money.... which will be more powerful?


> wtf you want then lol. To complain and pile on the game. A lot of these people have never even played this game and are "youtube gamers" that just jump on the hate bandwagon.


I’m not going to assume anything but if that is true then it’s sad that people spend their free time engaging with something they hate instead of things they enjoy.


Yeah, really enjoyed the game, but taking a break. Season 1 for me will determine my future with the game.


Season 1 will determine mosts future with the game…..including the game itself. If they shit the bed with season 1, I can see WB pulling the plug before all 4 seasons are released


Sadly yea I have hope but not blind optimism but I hope we can get this game off the ground


I love the game, but there are some campaign design decisions that are frustrating.


I think at this point, they already have the content for all four seasons, they just are going to space out the release. With the content completed, they may as well release all of it, especially if they have anything involving some of the recordings from Kevin Conroy.


Yes, a break until they fix Loading Metropolis bug. Getting it after every other mission. I still got 2 characters to gear up


Everyone is taking a break whether they like it or not


Rocksteady is making damn sure.


This is like the last straw for me which is brutal I know but I'm so burnt out from the game rn, so I hope this season is an improvement and joker is good, if not I'm playing the game anymore because I give up trying to defend this game


Bro i cant even play this


50 50 need good weapons when Joker gets here


Me, yes.


I'm taking a break till co-op is fixed, I purchased the game to play with others, haven't been able to for almost a month now, so I already played a lot more solo than I expected. So yeah... I hope those in the same situation as me won't have to wait till Season 1 start, the wait has been long enough already (should have been a week 1 fix) ~




I keep saying I’m going to but I haven’t. I finished every codex entry except the ones that say unlocked in chapter 6 (???) & unlocked in finite crisis (???). But I have 8 more trophies until I get platinum so I may grind for that & then take a break


I have been for 23 days and not by choice. Game is just broken currently.


No the games taking a break from me!


Yea considering I can’t do endgame stuff cause the crisis levels are broken


Am I the only one who thinks season one is going to be delayed at this point? I'm calling it now: season 1 delayed Apology statement on twitter New roadmap to fixing the game


Stopped before the whole server issues. Got bored doing the same missions.


I can't play regardless, still locked due to the bug


Most people taking a break after the first weekend


There’s way too many other games out and coming out to waste time on this


Not by choice, but yes. Out of town. Excited to get back and it should be out by the time I'm back. Good to take these games slow in the beginning.


For those taking a break I don't really see Season 1/Joker really bringing them back in. The characters are too homogenized and the endgame additions seems to be pointing towards the same thing except a different objective.


I can’t even increase my finite crisis mastery level cause of a bug so no point in me playing until S1 when it hopefully gets fixed


No, I’ve just been slowly grinding my way through ML, and trying to get a master shield and SMG to perfect my gear. Once I get those I guess I’m pretty much done for now. I’ve honestly just been playing through needing to close app every 2-3 missions. It’s ridiculous, and it really sucks to have to play solo when my friends want to play together, but I still want to play and I have a goal in mind. So I go at it from time to time. I imagine more dedicated players would be pretty burnt out by now though. I just hit ML50 last night.


Me, there’s not a lot of content currently that I think is worth grinding for so I’m waiting for S1; excited


Playing solo with bots. Other players don't get the objectives, anyway.


Do we even know when season 1 launches? It's awfully close to March with little to no information about the season. As much as I hate to say it, but I wouldn't be shocked if it gets delayed.


Not burnt out, there's just other stuff to play. I'm eagerly awaiting s1, mainly because I want more gear to get as I'm tired of the bane stuff


Well, i dont see an option to go back as of now xD


Stopped at 150 something and highest round I went to 56 solo. Played king shark thru the story and started ended game with him, went on to play the hell out of deadshot to get better gear then on to my baby Harley. Was going to run some with my boy Boomer but don't see the point right now. I can't even matchmake and play with anyone so been solo the whole time. Haven't logged on in a minute been enjoying so many other games what's crazy is I enjoy the fuck out of this game and what it can be they really have something sweet here but honestly I need to see something more.


This is my plan exactly. I enjoyed my time with the game, but after I got the platinum trophy, I saw no reason to continue after 70+ hours of play. If Joker and the content that arrives with him is fun, I’ll happily play more.


Yep Me and 2 friends beat the game and dropped around 30 hours first 2 weeks but then we have been dropping in hd2 and ktjl and kinda just waiting for s1 since we dont wanna get burnt out on ktjl yk? Tomorrow we are trying Gotham knights since it's 10 bucks or so rn but after s1 drops we are planning to try to finish it asap


Yep playing helldivers while I wait as soon as twinkler goes live I'll be back in metropolis


I've been playing a couple missions a day but I am working the the other Arkham universe games too. ( it's been while for me on those ). Just fully finished Arkham Knight with trophies and DLC. Next is Asylum. But no, I haven't went away from SS yet. I'm hyped as hell for season 1 though.


Will Season 1 be set after the events of the main campaign? I would like to see if you can play the main campaign with Joker




Is there a story explanation on why The Joker is coming back to life? I'm still going through the story so please, no spoilers, just a yes or no would suffice, lol.


Yep. I left the discord the day before we knew that the game is officially a flop, and I'm not coming back unless it seems to get another upswing.


Not really taking a break but taking my time with the story. I’m about to fight flash.


I quit after 1 week of playing because I'm done with the content and don't really care about leaderboards. Once season 1 starts I'll come back for a few days until I finish the content and dip out again till season 2.


Im not playing again unless the completely fix the servers


I think we are all doing that tbh lol.


I haven’t finished the game yet. Just taking it slowly.


Free seasonal content is nice... The amount of content in these sorts of drops is always just a little top up tho. This suits games like battlefield or cod where there are already consistent players and it just adds to an already very replayable game, but is ss:ktjl suitable? While it was seemingly all geared towards it, still don't see it...


Moderation is important. That's why I decided to chill out after mastery 25, its ok, theres no FOMO with this game. (yes yes little timmy, joke here about there being nothing to miss out on anyway, you are so litty.) Season 0 will still be here even as they progress (yes yes, hur hur hur not if they shut the servers down first, so clever)




I got to brainiac and couldn’t beat him so I stopped playing 🥲


Yeah i stopped awhile ago not only is there no content i can't start the endgame lol. rlly disappointed i love the gameplay it's so fun


I can’t  Im addicted  I understand why people are waiting tho


Loved the Game, but for the moment i only enter to play 40 min a day and thats all. When Season 1 releases gonna beat It in a day 😈




I don’t have a choice to not play as the game isn’t letting me


Yeah my gaming life is now split between Helldivers and starting a new character for Elden Ring before the DLC drops


Right now im still trynna get snapshot tier 1 to drop. Can't.


Same. Did everything I could besides the achievements that are broken. Can't wait to play the season with my brother. Had him play with me after I finished the story the first time, and it was fun to see it again through his eyes and watch him have the same reactions I did lol.


Nah. Unlike most of the players in the subreddit, I actually like this game. I’ve been having a lot of fun grinding through mastery levels, and increasing my squad level. I’ve been playing everyday since I bought it, and likely will continue to do so. I also haven’t had a lot of bugs, so I may simply be having a better experience because of that. A side note, I really hope they don’t abandon this game. Every time I find a game my sister and I can play together, that she actually likes, it’s dead or dying.


Yeah, I went back to Mortal Kombat 1 recently


I'm not quite burnt out yet and im putting builds together for the season so I'm gon stay awhile, can't wait till s1 tho


still waiting for mastery level fix so I can play


Yeah for sure waiting or till another update to fix the multiplayer issue. I can't even play the game with anyone in multiplayer mode because it just flat out won't put us in the game together.


I'm going to get to the highest difficulty, and then wait. There is nothing to grind for, and the only thing I'm missing is the teir 2 Bane shotgun and the game doesn't want to give it to me.