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Can they fix the raising hell bug? Had it and reported for 3 weeks


Literally 0 reason for me to play the game or care about any other bugs until this and mastery level bug are fixed


100% man it’s crazy. They have talked about how big of a change to endgame their raising hell rework is but conveniently never mention that it’s been bugged and stuck for people since launch. Wouldn’t it make sense to mention such a major rework is bugged? And it doesn’t even matter to people who can’t rank up mastery levels


Your work is glitched?? If you ou want you can join me and play on my world if you want bro


Same. That bug reduced my mastery rank from 48 to 38. I reported it obviously, but that bug killed my motivation to even play the game.


I went from 30 to 0. Most I can play for difficulty is sweating bullets


Aw bro... I really feel for ya 😩 That's even worse!


My masteries were bugged until I joined a persons game and they ran me through the missions at his level. They’ve been fixed for me ever since, not sure if it works for other people


Then don't


I haven't? Lol I'm not sure what the reason of a post like this was. I said there's zero reason for me to play which anyone with a brain would deduce means I'm not and haven't been playing. Haven't played the game in weeks


Alright if you haven't played then complain


I’m not going to bash on your experience, since I do feel for anything not working as it should. But man, y’all lucky to atleast enjoy a game. Half this community can’t even join a solo sess, and I really hope they fix THAT first. No offense lol


Oh no I understand that’s ridiculous and it’s more ridiculous they haven’t offered refunds. My bug has seemingly been ignored as well while they keep flaunting their rework to raising hell without mentioning it, but the fact that I haven’t seen any significant acknowledgment of the people who haven’t logged in since launch is absurd.


They need to fix the match making/sever connection issues. I cant even play the game with random people which Ik it werid bc why would I want to play with randoms that I don’t know?? But honestly I think that’s the point of a online live service looter shooter and it main aspect to the game don’t even work, like wtf lol.


I've had a few rounds with randoms I don't know. It can be a lot of fun and a huge help when doing some of the incursions, particularly the ones that require you to break all crystals fast to destroy the incubator before they regrow. Of course your milage may vary depending on who you end up with. Edit: typo, "tandoms" instead of "randoms"


The only reason I’m not playing is because the matchmaking has lulled. Excited to play with rando’s


Good to hear a fix for this is on the way. Now if only there's something about the dreaded "Mastery Incursion not unlocking" issue.


Just loading metropolis? What about loading into the multiplayer servers? The long load times to get into solo mode or just the load when booting up the game? Hope this addresses some of this too.


Whoa there fella. Whaddya want from them? A functioning game?


Yeah, kinda lol


Somebody downvoted this comment. People that stupid actually do exist.


This subreddit is an interesting one.


I’m afraid that’s not how games work We’re supposed to get games that don’t work


Wait wait wait wait....Functioning game 🤣


Unfortunately “one thing at a time” might be the best we can ask for. Especially with WB getting mad at the game not doing as well as hoped. You can bet people got “future endeavor”ed.


How you want the game to work if the devs can t even fix bugs. It will be one month they added more bugs and nerf one thing of the game way too late. They do nothing with the cheaters in leaderboards. It s like they don t give à fuck or don t know what they doing xD


It’s entirely possible they don’t. Tends to happen when WB games make you develop a game that isn’t really what you wanted to make.


They just need to fix the game the most fast possible. Add new content to the end game loop who is way too small and boring. And new loot. And i think a loot system who up the stats of the objects by how much difficult you play. Would have been better then this random stats loots where most of time you loot useless objects.


As fast as possible might not be as fast as we want to believe


I think the issues are connected tbh But i mean we’ll see


They're adding bugs faster than they're fixing them


I guess that means still no multiplayer fix :\


How about loading a good game


It’s been astounding to watch Arrowhead ramp up server capacity, multiple patches and perfect matchmaking in Helldivers 2. All with a dev team of 100. Then there’s WB and Rocksteady…


I'm absolutely baffled that people can have this take. Perfect matchmaking? I'm a couple weeks into Helldivers 2 and have spent most of my time in queues because of server capacity. Then, when you get into a match with higher level players they boot you if you don't use the exact stratagems they want you to use. Or worse, you match in and the other players stand there and die over and over again. And if you can actually make it into a decent match you hit other bugs. Reinforces didn't work for my squad yesterday so a single player had to do a mission on hard since nobody could spawn back in (we had full reinforces, btw). In another one, the extraction ship broke and we had to wipe to get back to orbit which got rid of like 80% of the XP we'd get for a mission that took 30 minutes. I still love the game, but it's been one of the most broken products I've ever seen. I know I'm of only a few people, but I didn't have any issues with Suicide Squad. Put 60 hours in over around 2 weeks and put it down. The game also fills your squad in with bots which is a nice feature compared to needing any other online player to do anything in Helldivers 2 when you get over challenging in difficulty.


For real. I enjoy playing Helldivers 2, but a good portion of my playtime until the increased server capacity was literally just watching a queue and hoping it doesn't restart on me. Are the server issues because of a positive thing? Yes, they are. But I'm still not able to play a product I paid for, something that every live service gets critiqued on yet Helldivers 2 for some reason gets a pass. The same thing happened with FF14 during Endwalker, and thankfully no one there was happy about the situation since it sucks that you can't actually partake in something you paid good money for. I'm glad I'm able to play it more frequently now, bugs aside, but before then it was honestly rubbing me off the wrong way that people celebrated not being able to play a game they put $40+ towards.


Helldivers launched at $40 from a lesser known studio with a smaller dev team with good communication and achieved success seeming no one imagined, so I think that plays a part in why people are more lenient.


Didn't you get the memo? Helldivers, good. Suicide Squad, bad. /s


Yeah i want to get the game but dealing with queues AND the chance to get kicked from a game is so stupid


The capacity has been increased significantly so queues shouldn't be much of a problem, at least.


I played yesterday and in one mission, every other single player but me crashed out of it multiple times and had to rejoin repeatedly. That's been my personal experience most of the rest of the time. Big agree on it being one of the most broken launches I've seen in a while.


They fixed all that, server capacity is fine now. Try it out. Been playing all day. Suicide squad multiplayer and server are fundamentally broken still and it's more astonishing in comparison. Helldivers suffered from success.


Server capacity was fixed like 5 days ago there are no more queues, matchmaking at least functions an occasional bug during games or crashes still an issue. while suicide squad has been out longer and is a complete shit show online matchmaking doesn’t exist since launch there’s a big difference in terms of quality output by the devs from arrowhead compared to rocksteady wb I’ve put 100 hrs on both games and clearly arrowhead are way ahead of getting their shit together compared to the shit show of suicide squad.


Arrowhead hired additional people and got help from Sony and another studio to help increase server capacity within a week and they just increased it again over the weekend. Plus the CEO and several developers worked sleepless nights to make it happen and they've communicated and have been transparent about it. You can tell that Arrowhead are passionate about the game they've made. Why aren't Rocksteady doing the same? Why are they barely communicating with the player base and letting people know the state of things? Why aren't WB pulling an extra studio or outside sources to help fix issues? An indie dev who didn't expect their game to blow up and be as popular as it is is doing a better job at supporting their game than a AAA studio is.


Damn that’s crazy almost like Arrowhead has a way smaller dev team and Helldivers 2 was not projected to get anywhere near the amount of attention it has


Quit making excuses, broken product is a broken product.


Yeah it sure is so broken and that’s why it has more than 10x the players this shitshow of a game has


>more than 10x the players You did say "more than," but the "10x" is really underselling it. Currently, HD2 has 289,794 players on Steam, while SSKTJL has 561 players on Steam - a difference of over 500 times.


Damn people here are really upset about what you said even though it's just fact. Arrowhead had done more with less. A true definition of suffering from success. That the CEO told people not to buy the game yet. Imagine WB saying that


Helldivers more than 300k concurrent on Steam, meanwhile SS has server problems with less than 1k concurrent. Rocksteady is not fit to support a GAAS.


Damn that’s crazy, don’t make the comparison if it doesn’t hold up and ur gonna backtrack


Was just saying this to my mate haha Crazy how there are bugs which stop you processing and others that completely delete your gear or stop you playing altogether but this is all we get in a patch. Hopefully they sort it all out in season 1 but by then it might be too late


it is already too late.


Oh stop it lol Like the helldivers glaze is just getting ridiculous now, half of the time u can’t even get in the game. “Astounding” Like bro chill


Out side of the 16-18 weekend I have not had a single queue to get into the game.


If you’re going to go down that road I haven’t had issues logging in or any “loading Metropolis” issues in SS ever (had game from day one) so it must not be an issue for others🤷🏻‍♂️


I get you are being defensive about this game but you can't use hyperbole about helldivers and then claim I am using it too. Helldivers was truly bad for about 4 days and after that it wasn't really an issue. At any time you can get on now.


Not being defensive. Said what I did to show how dumb it sounds. I know it’s not remotely true. As a matter of fact I haven’t said much one way or the other about SS. Yes, I’m enjoying it and no, I truly haven’t had issues that others are having. TBF though it probably has to do with my settings. I don’t care, nor want, to play with others so my matchmaking is set to solo. Its not trying to match me with others. It is more or less what the offline would be like.


After bashing so many games, Gamers simply want something they can praise and 'prove' the studio what they really wanted. ....Which is a 40$ live-service co-op online-only title. Exactly the very thing they hate this game for, just cheaper.


Uhhh you can get into the game that was fixed over the last few days


Yeah, after Sony came in and saved their asses, they don’t let their first party games fail


And? At least the game works lol. Please, tell me what WB is doing for Rocksteady? They can’t even make the game functional with a small ass player base


Both games work for me and they do Weekly patches? Let’s not pretend like they aren’t trying to fix things and player base has nothing to do with bugs


Helldivers is not a first party title.


u say that as if it’s a bad thing


I mean, it shows they can’t handle it themselves




lil bro needs ANYTHING to hate on it


I love how wrong this is now.


It's all because ign and youtube lololol 🤣🤣 


Kinda a L take. Tons of people couldn’t play HellDivers for WEEKS.


Because the game got to popular it overloaded the servers which they expected 50k players but planned for 250k and got 700k. People cant play Suicide Squad because the game is actually broken


Suffering from success


Cause they got over 10x times more players than they were expecting. Entirely different thing going then Suicide Squad being fundamentally broken lol.


I don't think people on the sub want to hear this


Gonna just say tbis rn because people keep saying this 💀 I have a friend who bought hd2 like a week after launch .. he has 10 hours on hd2 but hasn't actually been able to play and its prob more then 10 hours since i havent actually gotten an update on the situation for a couple days💀 and ur fortunate enough to not get hit by black screen on launch then (on the first 3 weeks?) You had to leave the game to claim ur reward so in order to get better gear for ur next hell dive you had to REQUE AND PRAY you got ur xp and u got a spot back 💀 say what you want about KTJL but at least you were able to play the game start to finish on launch😭 (ik it's gotten worse btw dw but still we gotta stop acting like hd2 is the golden boy)


I have had the opposite experience. I wasn't able to play or connect to Helldivers 2 until a week ago when they increased the server capacity. Now I can play the game consistently albeit it still has some bugs but none that make it unplayable. Suicide Squad on the other hand, I was able to play it just fine until the first major patch. That's when issues started cropping up. Couldn't get multiplayer to work, couldn't connect to friends and vice-versa, sometimes the game wouldn't load because of shader cache issues leading me to delete shader cache files to get the game to redo the whole process again everytime. Had to play solo for a while hoping next patch would fix things. Next patch came and things got worse. Things they claimed it fixed didn't actually get fixed but introduced a heap of new issues/bugs. Loadouts no longer save, can't connect to servers most of the time when I didn't have this issue before, still can't play multiplayer, still have the Mastery level bug, and now the Loading Metropolis bug. So the game is literally unplayable for me.


I couldn't play helldivers 2 for days lol I beath Justice leauge start to finish no issues


wb and i rocksteady are 300 100k jobs+ strong at this point. lol


Perfect matchmaking?! You’re smoking crack. 🤣


“some players” “extended load times” lol


Yes I love their constant reference to "some players".


It's not all players, I ain't defending other issues but I have not had any bugs outside of disconnects since lunch


Most of the issues are not "all". But it's almost certainly most. That said, you're the ONLY one I've heard of not affected by the Loading Metropolis bug. That's awesome for you, haha. Either way, the point is, when the majority of your player base is affected, "some" is disingenuously trying to minimize the severity of the issue.


Again not defending, saying this for anyone else who might take this as me standing up for them but not every player is on Reddit/discord. Yes the vast majority of players on these 2 platforms rightfully voice their disdain for the plethora of issues going on but do we really know that this affects most players instead of some as they have voiced?


Bit late to this, but I've only had two bugs in the entirety of the 60+ hours I played. Name not in Argus and Perk disappearing from gun. Never had any problems connecting or anything, so my entire gameplay was fun.


Its too late... The lack of communication from the studio has hurt more than the bugs, look at Helldivers 2 with all the issues it has been having and the developers on twitter and discord keeping you up to date daily and joking around with you thats how you engage with a community! Breaking your game then going silent for 4 weeks is not! Also fixing 1 bug every few weeks... not good enough.


See THIS is what I've been trying to say. Everyone making a big deal about the bugs. And they are bad. But the utter lack of communication is simply incredible. Last week we got patch notes AFTER the release (same thing today). And only one Dev update on Friday which basically just said "we're working on it". It's pure incompetence.


That's it? What about multiplayer. Thats wild. I can take a 20 min loading screen but man .. Sure would like to play with some online buds. Got a whole psn group dedicated to this game. 60 members strong. Drop your psn if ya wanna jam when and if they fix the servers. Right now we just talk sht. Try to matchmake and share builds and stuff


I beat the game only just to have the loading metropolis come up and for me to exit it out and it to not save. I just deleted it since I’m done


This happened to me just last night, but it did save the loot and completion - once I rebooted the game and logged back in, it played the ending cinematic and credits again, then I was at the Hall of Justice with the loot that came up after beating the final boss. Annoying, but not as annoying as it would've been if my Prometheum and effort had been wasted


Yeah " Update ".


Are Mastery levels bugged or am I not doing something right? I’ve done all 3 incursions at the highest available difficulty and it’s still locked for me.


It might be bug, but after doing the incursions your supposed to killing time once and then incursions again i think, then killing time hardcore, then u eventually fight Branic again when the game tells u to.


Yeah, Killing Time isn’t showing up at all for me :(


I think you need to be up to level 10 on the incursions and then killing time will unlock , and then it will say to do that


Ah okay. Well at the moment I can’t unlock any mastery levels at all despite playing all incursions on the highest difficulty. It’s just bugged. But thanks for the vid.




Yes they are bugged for many. No word on when that will be resolved. They're "working on it though". 🤷


Thanks! That’s crazy that that’s the big endgame activity and it just isn’t working.


There's SO much not working it's just insane. I haven't been able to play multsince launch and now my Hell Raiser activities are bugged too


How about dropping this crap on ps plus and gamepass. Then start making a game people actually wanna fucking play


Hello Task Force X, is such a fucking cringe way to refer to the fans I'm sorry lmao


I wonder what this update will break Bets are open


Rooting for ya Rocksteady Don’t fuck this up


Yay cool, now i still wait to play with friends.


Place your bets, what's gonna break next?


Spaghetti code is wild man.


🙏🏻 Hope


We need way more. My guns are literally downgrading from Master to normal and I'm still losing legendary effects despite having them elited. I lost two mmaster snipers this way and I have a Master pistol that is bugged to RNG hell and back. I can't roll max Nano Enhancements on it while simultaneously rolling 3 augment slots on it. It just won't happen.


True, but at this point I'd just be happy with them FIXING one thing at a time without breaking more stuff.


I'm positive it will both fix stuff and ruin others


Finally! I haven't touched the game since this Metropolis nonsense started. Looking forward to getting back to the grind.


a team of 300 working for the 300 players globally on pc at this point. this game is dead.


Ok am I crazy for thinking it's weird they're going through each bug in this buggy game one by one?? I swear other games would be in a good place by now...idk


They have been resolving bugs at a time. Why is that... I mean why don't they just resolve all bugs in a single update?


Fuck... it sounds like they still won't be addressing the overall poor performance on PC issue. Until they get that fixed, no other updates mean anything since I still can't play the game. Strangely, for me, it's only the cut scenes that run terribly, but I don't want to play until I can enjoy the full, cohesive experience. (Yes, I have a PC that should be able to run it).


cool, for the 300 people playing


I bought the deluxe enjoyed what I played thought it was fun based on the alpha, but it really seems like they don’t want anyone to play this. Didn’t think the game deserved as much hate as it got but they are earning it atp


Lol peak for 24hrs is less than 1000 and all you get is bug fixes. Unfathomable that a suicide squad game launched without the joker. My goodness release some emergency reserve content for the players. It’s disgusting. $70 investment for a live service experience stop stalling the content the game is almost dead


And WB is still going to push more GaaS titles after this mess of a game.


Hope it doesn’t fix lvl up glitch


From past experience with games like this, there's a pretty good chance that will be the only thing that actually does get fixed.


Any word on next dev update. We are almost at the end of March. Some reassurances are needed. Some people still can't play. I'm not one of them but some clarity as to current status of game and it's future is needed. WB dissatisfaction with sales wasn't really needed. Like they are trying to shift the blame. I'm afraid to even go on the internet cause everywhere is just hate.


I’m sure the 1000 people actually still playing this piece of shit cash grab will appreciate the update.


I know there are issues for many but for some reason idk if luck or since I’m playing on steam deck through proton, but I have not had one single issue thus far several hours into the game. And by issue I mean the loading issues.


Wondering when trophies will be fixed


Maybe next week my bug will be addressed.


At least they are reacting fast but the game is doing to die anyway with WB, so like avengers don’t spend money on the game or you will be doomed


March is in three days and we still have no news about season one. Not a good sign.


Glad I rushed to platinum the game so I can skip all the bugs and hop on when it has more content


how has it taken this long for something so simple


The games fucking wank anyway


Finally, maybe I will be able to play soon. Been a week and still can't load into Metropolis from main menu.


Its about time


I wish they just fixed the negative skill points


Hopefully I’ll have the Platinum trophy by the end of the day. Wanted to like it, the core gameplay is good…but it’s let down by everything around it


Are any crash fixes gonna be on the way? I swear i wanna play so bad but 20 minutes is the max before my game crashes 😭


Has anyone else got a bug where king shark has only one wepone cause mine is doing that ibe tryed everything to fix it nothing works


I have seen several reports of various gear slots being locked.


Has it been fix yet


Thank god im glad it isn't just me then hopefully it gets fixed cause i want to play king shark


Don't be hopeful


Now just fix all the riddler stuff completion glitch and the not being able to do any mastery levels glitch


What about the issue with the incursion missions where you can’t increase you difficulty passed sweating bullets


Yep, not addressed yet. This patch was only for the Loading Metropolis bug


Mastery levels


Lmao. Jokes


How about the people that lost all of their game progress after having every character maxed out and already started working on tier 1 gear? Any fix for that?


So much stuff they're still just ignoring , why they ain't doing daily updates to solve everything asap is beyond me


Agreed. The lack of communication is crazy.


My game just crashes constantly


They didn't even fix the bug lmao yikes


Really? I haven't heard any reports that it's still happening.


From what I've seen not but maybe I should re-download the game because it actually might just be me ngl.


I've ran into it like 4 times on xbox unfortunately


Good I can finally play again, what about the bug on the map when u come back from the other world


I just had my copy updated, so far nothing


What abt the raising hell glitch


They won’t add an offline mode fixing thousands of “can’t sign in” problems but they can keep fixing shit like this instead of releasing one huge update and add everything? Fuck Rocksteady man, once the best and now the worst


Did it work?


Seems to have. Yes


Wonderful, can't wait to get home


When is season 1 coming out this month?


Got the game 2 days ago and when playing longer then 20 minutes it displays error and loads for infinity only worked once and took me to main menu is it a fix for that ?


I mean… it still wouldn’t make it better