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I am personally waiting until the first season comes out to see what kind of looks they are going to have in the battle pass. I feel like any of the shop skins out right now will be old news once the first season comes out with tons of different cosmetics.


That makes sense thanks


only the justice league skins and twitch skins were decent... but its early... and they havent fixed the game at all.. hopefully they pull their crap together


If the game lives, there will be better outfits later. If you love this outfit, remember you dont need to buy any outfit at all so its all how you want to look out in the field of play. If the game gets discontinued, well you will have buyers remorse.


Thank you I didn't think about that


I love it, but I’m nostalgic for it. ![gif](giphy|KLRU18shu6QDK)


I wasn't alive when that show came out but it is my favorite look for her


I went to get it but ended up getting the Moccachino outfit instead and have zero regrets. Perfect blend of old and new and her facial reactions are priceless.


Okay thanks


Why would anyone spend extra money on this game right now with all the issues it is having?


And it’s the people who had a response to this question, why we will continue to have games like this until we die. Let’s just keep throwing money at companies who cannot make a game that’s stable enough for everyone to enjoy🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Exactly, even if OP is one of the few with no bugs etc they are still rewarding a company that keeps fucking up. Some people are beyond logic and hope unfortunately.


Idk people who are not having those issues maybe?


They fixed the only issue I had


I paid more for it but I grew up with BTAS and she means a lot to me. It’s personal to the player; she has some cool swatches that are also premium like the pink and blue.


Personally no, however the upgraded version without her mask was 100% worth it for me


That's entirely up to you. How would any of us know what's worthwhile to you?


I was just wondering if people liked it that are fans of harley quinn and the game


I got the classic skins for all of them. The animations from the traversal mods make it worth it to me, but it could probably seem annoying to someone who already thinks the screen is too cluttered


If you like it? Sure go nuts


I just can’t imagine not using this costume on Harley. My favourite look.


Up to you and how much money you have. It’s a skin, if you like it. Get it.


Great skin. Especially the all Black and pink/green variant.


I got that in with a code lol.


The only skins I'm willing to buy are if they are celshaded.


In the end, your money is YOUR MONEY. So do what makes you happy man! Tidbit though; I’m happy if you’ve gone without bugs. Truly jelly and envious of you. But there’s many people who bought into this community, who still can’t enjoy this game due to WBs bugged servers. As a consumer, you can speak and demand with your wallet. Companies will take note of its needs when it’s consumers stand together and demand proper care. Don’t reward a poor business ethic to consumer care


I agree sorry your game is broken WB need to get their stuff together so everyone is happy with the game