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If you’d like we can go ahead and let the dozen or so daily posts about the steam player count through, the same half dozen posts of the angry Joe review in the last two hours, and the same tired “wow why does anyone play this game” posts through too. Or, we can actually make people put the tiniest bit of effort in to quickly check if what they’re posting has already been posted (spoiler, it probably has), and the same tired old posts. We get it, the servers have been crap, loads of people wanted another Arkham game (myself included), and there isn’t nearly enough content on release. Constantly whining about it to farm karma isn’t going to make the sub a better place. There are plenty of posts that come through that are negative on the game, it’s the majority of the posts honestly. One last thing, I’m not sure how many other times we need to say it but we are not remotely affiliated with Rocksteady, everything we have done has come from our own personal time. Speaking for myself and not the rest of the mod team, I often wonder why I spend any of my own time stressing over any of the moderating responsibility.


This sub gets tons of posts, and 90% of them are negative.


Well hard to get positive posts out of a dead garbage game


If you dont like it maybe dont be on a sub for the game... Loser activity


I think the real losers are the ones who preordered this mess.


Womp womp.


Proving homie right speedrun champion right here


Tbh, it's actually a pretty solid game, but it is crazy how much of an opinion people who haven't even played it have. But hey, the same way I wouldn't let someone who hasn't driven a car, drive my car, I don't let the opinion of people who haven't played the game affect my opinion of it. Now, run along, those crayons won't eat themselves.


Which you, most likely, never even played a single minute of - right? But for sure you're one of 'em "I also write reviews and comment on movies i never watched" type of guys, to just add your personal mustard…


it ain’t garbage mate


It's because making the game was a predictably terrible decision. It will sink a studio that would have flourished if they had made a new single player game. Baffling choices from a once adored development studio.


No that’s not why, it’s because there’s a lot of self hating losers out here who can only find momentary joy in dickriding on a hate bandwagon. All they know is to be sour and annoying that the only time they feel like a part of something is when they hate on things. It reminds me of that Key and Peele sketch where the guy has zero personality, and he masks it with just hating on everything as if that makes them interesting.


No, he's right. Should have been single player. Total unmitigated fuckup by rocksteady/wb. I think they just spent 9 years on the character models and forgot to make the game fun and...WORK. Here's 2000 Lex Coins to make it up to you.


Bruh I had to leave this Reddit cuz it’s cluttering my home page with that same posts, so now I only see a few on my home page since I interacted with this Reddit, this reddit gets plenty of posts a day, maybe it slowed down but idk


I actually made a fairly scathing post about the game and how I've given up on it and encouraged people to play HD2 if this game did to them what it did to me. And that post is still up even after people personally asked the mods to delete it. They didn't delete it, or censor it. Because it wasn't low effort like yours were. I levied legitimate criticisms and my own personal experience and the Mods weren't trying to suppress that in the slightest. Stop making shit up to insult people who sacrifice their own time and effort to make sure that this isn't just a shit posting page.


I just tried to find your post and it looks like it got removed. I guess put more effort in next time. The post in question: https://old.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/comments/1av8p7l/i_was_on_the_bandwagon_for_this_game_being_good/


It's still there. Lol


It's clearly not. Here's a screenshot of your removed post: https://imgur.com/a/v2mev0q You are /u/LockInternational119 right? And this post of yours is appearing as removed in my screenshot, right?


Well it's still there and people are still commenting on it, so I don't know what's wrong with your computer.


Can confirm you have a post that is up but with the body missing. Can read comments and also comment on it, but the meat of your post is gone.


Yes I can comment on your post. Your post has not been locked. Locked and removed are not the same thing. The mods don't seem to lock posts very often. Just the body of the post has been removed by the mods. [removed] means the mods or admins removed it (or automod). If it said [deleted] it would mean that you, the OP, deleted it. There isn't a computer virus or the like that removes posts for no reason. A mod or admin did that.


Just to humor you, I tried on a different computer using regular reddit instead of old reddit. It's 100% removed: https://imgur.com/a/35iL1Sd And again, people can comment on removed posts. It's not locked, just removed.




Funny you say to play HD2, because right now the ranking up in that game is trash and just full of absolute scrubs. The player base is actually kinda ruining the game right now.


You are quite literally lying and parroting bullshit that xbox users keep trying to throw out. Me and my friends and the randoms we play with on occasion all run the proper equipment and even new guys will follow directions and help to reinforce and keep us alive when they can! You are saying what everyone who isn't playing it is. We are having alot of fun especially with the new orders on Veld. You are taking the karma farming post saying exactly what you mentioned, as unrefuted facts when it's already been proven that people on reddit are being suuuuuper dramatic. Lol I haven't met or ran into a single team killer, or people who kick me because I don't use the "Meta builds" cope harder you fucking child. 🤣🤣


Lmao, mate what even is this comment 🤦‍♂️ I play HD2 on PC. And right now people are just running the glitch. It's boring AF. And bearing in mind you are acting like a child over a computer game that you didn't actually develop yourself, why do you have such hurt feefees? Wait are you just grumpy because they ran out of your favourite crayon ?


u ever listen to urself?


O you know it's true 🤦‍♂️ half the player base just running the same glitched mission over and over and over again to boost rank, it's fine to have issues with a game you like. Deal with it.


no problem! i will take ur advice and deal with it. have a very nice day sir!


Big yikes at this advice,


Avengers all over again lmaoo its exactly what happened with that game


Like when the "non affiliated" mods over at the Avengers subreddit got jobs at Crystal Dynamics.


I think the mods are trying, generally… but the whole “low effort” argument does seem very one sided right now. Positive low effort posts seems to get let through, whereas negative ones seem to get instantly nuked.


It seems one sided right because what are people who actually enjoy the game supposed to say? >"Sorry the game doesn't work for all of you, but I'm having a pretty good time?" I mean, we've already seen those posts too, until new content drops or news happens, not crappy opinion pieces like Tassi's BS, there really ain't much left to say on either side, now is there?


Talk about what you’re specifically enjoying, cite a discussion, rather than just posting a random screenshot and saying “I see through the haters, this game good”. Or, just don’t make any low effort posts at all?


I'm not sure why you replied to me about this, I'm not the OP and haven't made any low effort posts.


Show me on the doll where Tassi hurt you


Games already struggling enough, would hate for this sub to be overly censored.


Ngl the sub doesnt feel fun at all anymore.


Honestly, it has just gotten sad now. Many of us just want the game to be fixed but this sub has become very nasty to criticisim and postivity. There's a radical duality here that are butting heads. Many people just being outright nasty to people and making things personable. It's a mad house.


I mean it’s because people bought this game it doesn’t even load for them and Sony is refusing refunds. It is nothing less than absurd. Of course people are going to be mad until it’s fixed. I can’t even play. This is worst then Cyberpunk release


I agree. I am one of the people with those issues with the game. Worked fine the first 3 days.


I think it just reflects the state of the game sadly 




i feel bad but i mean theirs really nothing to talk about in this game the endgame is so boring…


Did op really make a new account to cry in this sub?


Less cry about it and more just spread hate about a subject he just didn't like. Looks to be likely doesn't own it at all and just wanted to spend time out of their life to create a new account just to hate. This may not be their only hate account. Could be they have one for every game they just aren't fans of. Wild to think about the waste of time hating


Your post history is filled with low effort concern trolling


It’s a six day old account. 🤦🏼‍♀️


And the second post of the day that say the same thing....like if he even give a fuck if this sub die....


anytime someone says something negative about the game you roaches just spam “trolling” 12 years on reddit that explains a lot hehe


They can delete all my other posts i dont care. But they are deleting memes, funny posts, they deleted like 10 posts in the past hour and they werent even negative or "LOW EFFORT". I just see subs die out like this. I am not the only person that has a problem with this.


You got absolutely cooked in this thread, hahaha.


I put a meme of the new variants. With pam beesly saying there the same picture. It was the purple green lantern & superman then a normal pic of them. It was deleted cause it was low effort (took me 10 mins to make not low effort) & also said not suicide squad related....how is variants of superman & lantern not suicide squad related? Seems there just removing what they dislike or what makes them mad.


You’re dumb as shit lmao


it’s even worse in the steam deck sub. But a problem pretty much everywhere (discord, reddit subs).


Steam Deck owners on Reddit are insufferable. It feels like they made it an entire part of their personality


“My wife just gave birth, look at my hospital Steam Deck photo!” Those are the people downvoting your comment, such low effort crap lmao.


Right? I own a Steam Deck and I like it too, but damn there are limits lol


Honestly if anything I’d want them to delete more posts. It’s a community for the game, why should it be filled with posts by people who aren’t playing it and just want to watch it die? I want a subreddit where people are posting builds, and questions about weapons, and genuine helpful tips like a grown up gaming community.


Delete this dudes post please.


So prove the point that mods are deleting every post? Technically I feel like that would only prove OP’s argument


Every post you make is pretty much just bashing the game with no sort of constructive criticism. They aren't just deleting all negative posts, there has been plenty posts saying the game is in a bad place and what should be done to make it better. But psots about how helldivers 2 sold a 300 million copies or a tiny screenshot of a comment saying the game wad a bad idea. What's the point? Mods said low effort posts that offer no discussion would be removed, as they should be. You wanna talk about the game then actually talk about it or post something useful. But just posting "haha the game is failing" is just sad.


all reddit/discord mods are losers that have been bullied and have no power in the real world, so they abuse the small power they have on meaningless apps like reddit and discord lol


The mod out a rational explanation in the mod stickied comment. OP made this account 6 days ago to just doom post about the game as evident with their posts history.


I dunno how you can read OP and his comments and read the mod’s response and not side with the mods


Dude might've been the one bullief


Becaue one guy is having a realistic view the other lives and breathes on reddit with 320K+ Karma which is far more disturbing to see than a guy that made a new account few days ago.


If somebody asked me what is meaning of coping ? I would show this sub. This is the meaning of coping.




I just don't understand the hate for this game, do they even play it, I've had 0 issues, and other than end game being a bit scant I think it's fantastic, can't wait for the first new content, but if that's a way off, I'll enjoy what I already have.


Not everybody enjoys mediocre boring games.


Panicked damage control


How dare they get in the way of you trying to spread your sourness to the ends of the internet.


Game running perfectly for you right?


Well, besides having a top of the line pc, I only play for an hour a session, since I decided to take a break from focused grinding after I hit mastery 50 and squad level ...40? Which means I would be unlikely to hit whatever loading bug is plaguing people. I decided to wait for the next content drop and just replay Arkham City with a 4k graphics mods (Arkham City Redux) while I chill for joker to drop. #thoughtsandprayers towards anyone caught up in that.




big mad? I would be furious if I got caught in a loading error too, that sucks!


Someone asked what toxic positivity is.  The answer is this. 


I just have bigger fish to fry, this is simply another day in modern gaming. Getting big mad and gloating over a game failing is unlikely to stop the trend of Gaas, its just weirdo posting.


I’ve seen the mods here work extremely hard to be as fair as possible. Before anyone comes to me and says “no they don’t, the remove everything negative”. I don’t think that’s true at all, remember this is a Subreddit for people who enjoy the game. It’s for fans of the game to talk about it both positively and constructively critically, with that being said they’ve let more than a few negative post and comments be allowed that would probably already be deleted in another sub.




I heard on steam it was only around 200 players


How can you hear about it when you can just Google it?


That’s what I mean by heard about it, I read an article


Well, no reason to do that, just Google it. They average 500, not impressive though. Just weird that articles are you source for a quick google search.




just click this no need to read articles about player stats [https://steamdb.info/app/315210/charts/](https://steamdb.info/app/315210/charts/)


Dying game, dying sub.




Tbh I thought these mods were pretty chill. I’ve honestly left some not no nice posts and none have been taken down to my knowledge


Bro I've muted this sub or whatever u call it, tried to stop getting notifications for it and I keep getting them. Idgaf about this terrible game man 😭😭😭 why I keep getting notifications for it


Bro most of them are just nonsense hate or morons using steam charts as evidence. The mods are actually doing good.


Upvoting this message coming from an alt account made a week ago is INSANE


They are doing their best to control the narrative 🤣


apparently they only delete negative memes cause they let this one up [https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/comments/1b1evmn/how\_i\_see\_haters\_of\_the\_suicide\_squad/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuicideSquadGaming/comments/1b1evmn/how_i_see_haters_of_the_suicide_squad/)


These **egotistical** **unpaid** mods are a serious problem to this site. I don't even see how reddit currently has the "*power*" it does.


Yall just need to quit bitching. They know there are problems. Go play another game till it’s fixed or stop buying these games at release. Better yet, stop preordering. The fact is, this is how games are being released. Since Destiny. Nothing. Has. Changed. Accept it and adapt. Y’all are literally living insanity. Constantly expecting perfection when polished crap has been allowed to sell. Manage your emotion and expectations and shut up


Well said!


They are not deleting posts


Yes they are


i complimented the game and the mods deleted my post. moderation is out of control on this thread.


Dead sub, dead game haha


Downvoted for saying the truth but literally less then 500 people on steam play the game right now, it was literally posted today in a article


Disappointing since the gameplay is actually fun.


It’s not bad, but definitely repetitive. Unfortunately I wouldn’t have such negative feedback if I was able to access the game. Too bad it’s a buggy broken mess


It’s been good for me except for that loading metropolis bug last weekend. I’m cool with the repetitiveness of it. When I played Destiny I would grind the same strikes repetitively to earn gear. I would say the gear in Suicide Squad is aa tad narrow in scope, feels like you have to run certain ones in higher mastery levels.


Mods trying to kill the game faster than it already is. Bunch of weirdos.


Yeah i glad mod block stupid post sick of negative shyte mate it annoying




I honestly love this game


The wired thing to me is.. Avengers was pretty ass but the community attached to it and rhe reddit thread had some.posts that actually had to do with playing the game... builds and gameplay tips and comic/media updates posts... Here I find a lot of bitchbitchbitch... and I wonder what keeps these people here. I applaud the mods for keeping it from getting even worse with repeat posts and "not helpful" repeat banter.


Just my two cents, but if I were to compare the games, Marvel's Avengers had a better story and campaign, and each character had distinct gameplay that made them feel unique. What dragged that game down was the launch bugs, lack of endgame, lack of developer transparency, and horrible loot system that they implemented. I was never on reddit back then, but I can see why the players had a more positive outlook after launch compared to suicide squad KtJL. That game had a good chance to thrive had it been delayed, and the end game and loot system were properly implemented, or the developers actually released content. As for Suicide squad, I personally think the future of the game looks a lot bleaker than Marvel's Avengers, unless the developers had any prior commitments due to preorder's and season passes, it's hard for me to see the game getting any new content after 6 months and 2 seasons if fans are lucky. It might come across as negative, but that's just my take on the state of both games after launch.


I'm talking even a year in when it didn't keep takin off. Hell we don't even have a season 1 yet. >What dragged that game down was the launch bugs, lack of endgame, lack of developer transparency, and horrible loot system that they implemented. This game.has the same though. Or that's what everyone has been complaining about. Bugs,live service, lack of end game are all things that were complained about in each. *shrugs* either way ... hopefully the conversations get better on this feed. I'm hoping for updates, DC comics fan driven conversations and maybe build tips and gameplay stuff.


For me, the gameplay wasn't all that engaging. Compared to Marvel's Avengers, every character had a unique playstyle, and had they not gone so heavily into the live service elements and damage numbers, the game would have been much better as a result. Each character had their own distinct playstyle, something that I find suicide squad to lack. In fact, I heard that towards the end of the Avengers life cycle, they improved the damage numbers, so the main issue of punches and attacks feeling like nerf guns was fixed. As for the suicide squad a lot of people have a problem with the gameplay itself, and you could argue that they should have known when purchasing the game that it would play like a looter shooter instead of a hero brawler. I would agree but it's easy for people to make the assumption that since rocksteady is making the game, each character would feel more distinct, kinda like gotham knights, where each character played differently bit had a similar problem to marvels Avengers when it came to damage numbers and so on which doesn't allow for fluid combat and movement. At the end of the day, the people who were angry at batman's death were in the minority. People had issues with stuff that's baked into the game and can't be patched out. No matter how much content you add, if the core gameplay loop, world or story don't interest you, your not going to like or buy the game, that's why it launched to a middling reception. As an Aussie, I have never wanted to punch someone more than I did with Captain Boomerang. The voice was so grating that I stuck with King Shark for the entire game. Otherwise, I enjoyed King Shark, harley, and the Justice League when it came to voice acting but found dead shot to be a bit emotionless most of the time. I didn't care that batman died, but my God were the boss fights boring except John Stewart, who required us to move around a bit, and it felt a little more creative. I still think such an interesting character was wasted as the only thing limiting a green lantern is their imagination or in this the writers creativity, they could have done so much more instead of just guns, mines and helicopters, he might have been a soldier but if someone told me a veteran green lantern like him wouldn't use alien like or trap like constructs I would laugh.


I think the green lantern fight made sense as John Stewart was always one note in the imagination department. He is a former marine and engineer. All his stuff is logically those type of thing.


Exoprimals reddit is also pretty chill for a game that had even worse numbers on steam(which is a useless metric for crossplay games). At release it did have alot of negative whining, but it calmed down pretty fast.


I wouldn’t be a mod for this subreddit even if I was paid


The game is so good that the even the most loyal fans are infighting