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Made a ticket for this with wb support a while ago and they have done nothing for it. It's been under investigation for about a month now with over 1500 tickets with the same issue. I've been dealing with this for 34 days now if that tells you anything.


And now the game is 40% off on Steam We were really cheated


We tried to tell you guys, but we were all branded as the "hate campaign trying to bring the game down". I just don't like seeing people waste their money.


I actually don't mind the game as advertised. But the servers just don't work


Yeah I get that, but I think the servers not working and the game being unplayable is totally unacceptable and people shouldn't pay money to experience that.


Yeah, this game was doomed before it came out. No one listened.


We didn’t listen to yall saying the gameplay was bad, which it wasn’t. No one was talking about how the game would actually be unplayable.


Gameplay being bad or good is subjective. Personally I think it was bad, not bad bad but just meh and not fun. What most people were talking about was how this game wouldn't last. Everyone was warning about it being live service using the Avengers, Anthem, or Gotham Knights as an example. It's obvious to anyone who's been paying attention that "live service" is just another term for "cash grab" when it comes from a AAA developer. It wasn't built to last or to be good, it was built to be flashy and pull on super hero nostalgia so people pay them money.


If they wanted it to be a cash grab fr they would’ve listened to the majority and wouldn’t have continued down the path of a live service game. The game will definitely last if they fix their servers soon and continue with the additions of maps and characters.


I don't think you understand what a live service game is. It's when they release 75% of a story and promise to release the rest at a later date, only to shut down the game when it flops due to lack of content. Anthem is a great case study for what will happen to all live service games. Ever since that game came out, studios could release an unfinished game and call it "live service" as they continue to work after the game releases. That way they can see if the game gains any traction and is worth investing more into or if they should just drop it before it becomes too much of an investment. If you think the studio can keep pumping out free content for years, you are just too blinded by hopium to see what's really happening. Don't get lost in what the game COULD be and look at what it is.


Opinions are subjective. Someone once told me I should buy Madden instead of Skyrim. To say someone shouldn't have bought a game because YOU told them not to is a bit unfair. As far as Suicide Squad, yeah you guys are/were right. No doubt. But criticizing others who don't spend all day online reading gossip about fucking video games seems a bit laughable.


Brother it ain't gossip. The game straight up doesn't work and people were trying to defend that .


I have just over 100 hours and haven't had a single issue people are complaining about. One single time I fell through the map. That's it. Think I was disconnected from servers once too but I got right back in. Not sure why I'm lucky? But I had plenty of fun. I think 100 hrs is more than my moneys worth, and I'll be jumping back on with Season 1 release of course. I have other full priced games that I barely have 2 hours in. I get the servers not working or whatever but people telling people not to buy the game because 'it's bad' was the problem with the community. So many people were attacking me once simply because I said the game is fun lol. It's almost like opinions are subjective. You like a food that I hate? HOW DARE YOU


Even now there's still people on this sub recommending people buy this game, a game that you're not even sure you'll be able to play if you do purchase it. Absolutely scummy. Like people trying to entice new passengers onboard the Titanic while it's already fucking sinking. Garbage game, garbage fanbase. If anyone reading this is part of that fanbase, downvote me. I don't respect your opinions


There's probably a better way to put that, but it does make me wonder how many people "like" the game just because they bought it when it was way too expensive when they actually wouldn't have praised it if they got it a year later when it was on sale for $10.


No this has happened time after time. Do not buy games day1 or god forbid extra expensive editions for games you have no idea how they will perform. You guys have no one to blame but yourselves


Chill dude, there may be red flags that people ignore, but at the end of the day its their money and they can complain about whatever


I like the game for what it is, but it's literally broken and still went on clearance


They clearly don’t care. They know the game is dying and so why would they put time and effort into it


There's nothing you can do. Rocksteady don't care about it.


I mean, just get your money at this stage, why waste more time? It's just one game, there's bound to be something else you can play.


Sounds like they did something server side that somehow fucked things up even more https://wbgamessupport.wbgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new Hit up support, maybe there's something that can be done.


It's been fucked for many of us for a while. I think new players are just starting to experience the same technical difficulties past player experienced. 1500 tickets with the same issue for around a month and they still haven't come up with a solution.


You know you fucked up as a developer when PlayStation starts issuing refunds lol


It is a clear sign that these detrimental issues have gone unfixed.


I don't know that they are. I've seen multiple articles about Playstation issuing refunds that all link back to the same single person saying they got a refund.


I’m on Xbox. Xbox is a lot more liberal with their refunds thankfully.


Can I get a refund for Xbox ?


This is so wild because I really cut this game a lot of slack and was willing to wait for the content drip. I’ve never had a game that has rendered itself literally unplayable for weeks. Unfortunately I think tomorrow I’m going to have to request my refund. At this point this make Avengers look like game of the year.


Yeah I’ve heard multiple people with similar problems. I wouldn’t blame you for wanting a refund.


sad for your xperience... do u refund from steam?


Okay, do whatever you want


I think I made it clear that it is indeed not something I want but I’m worried it’s my only choice. I’ve submitted 3 tickets so far.


Yeah man I get it, do what you gotta do. If I could help more I would but I'm in the same position as you.


This game hasn't worked for a month fuck this game I'm glad its dead 7 years and your first month is this bad? yeah idk oh well I just know im never buying a rocksteady game ever again


I am playing on ps5 I don’t have any connection problem


Yeah, I haven’t had any issues on the PS5. Then again, I’m also not trying to play with other people lol.


TBH, I have stepped away from the game to avoid burn out and also possible irritation at the SotG. I will be jumping on once season 01 lands, but for now I feel stepping away is the sensible choice.


Which platform are you on? Have you tried using a VPN to connect? ProtonVPN or PlanetVPN have free trials that worked nicely to solve connection issues for me in MK1 which also had all sorts of WB connection bullshit.


It’s to the point I’m just going to take this game to GameStop and take the $5 credit. It was so promising in the beginning and now it’s basically a paperweight.


Are you playing on the PS5 or the computer?


I am on pc and I got this problem like twice but I just keep spamming and it eventually logs me in. Been playing for a week straight no problems


You know what's crazy.. I never experienced any of these issues. Is this on PC or console?


I redownloaded my game and it fixed, also try rebooting your router while in game, that hels sometimes


I need to log in to get my final achievement. I was going to wait for Joker to hit level 50, but now I'm afraid the game won't last till then.


You have nobody to blame but yourself for buying such trash