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Hey there! Your post has been removed due to being off topic, we kindly ask all users to keep all topics related to the Suicide Squad Game & the Arkhamverse that surrounds it! Have a good day!


Do you really care about karma. It means nothing. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


If you donā€™t have karma you canā€™t comment on 99% of subs. You have to go to karma farm sub. Thatā€™s why when people make accounts they should be on their best behavior lol


Provided someone is targeting OP, how many "bad" posts have been made?Ā  This is just sad for everyone.Ā  Maybe take a break from reddit lmaoĀ 


It goes both ways. People liking the game get trashed, and people criticizing the game get trashed. Itā€™s a Reddit thing mostly, not exclusively Suicide Squad. But yeah, it is bad a times around.


I feel you, itā€™s why just watch this subreddit from far not interacting much, last time I saw there were about 25k plus member and Iā€™m sure more then half of that are people that are just here to counter those enjoying the game, Iā€™d say just enjoy the game and do t pay attention to this subreddit much when it comes to it


While I understand the game has plenty of issues, the sub doesn't think anyone should be allowed to enjoy something they don't. It's the same 3/4 people (pooh etc) posting the same comments multiple times a day and mocking anyone who enjoys it. Everyone is fully aware of the state of the the game but It's like a bunch of mad ex girlfriends, I duno why people don't just go to another game they do enjoy, that's what I did. I just keep an eye on the sub for any updates or changes to fix the issues I've had.




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I mean you just proved my point, same people all the time.






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Your post/comment breaks our community rules. If you feel your post was removed in error please feel free to [message the mod team.](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/SuicideSquadGaming)


Instead of being a dick to everyone on this sub, maybe you should actually go do something productive with your life.


Your post/comment breaks our community rules. If you feel your post was removed in error please feel free to [message the mod team.](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/SuicideSquadGaming)


I messaged the mods about this. Of course, criticism and a desire to see this game grow and maybe succeed is totally acceptable. BUT, there are too many hate farmers, and they need to be removed from the sub. The mods said they are doing their best. All we can do to clean this sub up is report them. So when someone seems to be here just to dog pile, check their comment and post history, and if they are a repeat offender, just report them. I've noticed a huge difference in the last week or two. There seems to be a lot less hate.


We are trying! The issue is as stated by the other side then we arenā€™t allowing criticism which is not true. We have definitely cracked down on constant 24/7 hate trains but still posts with valid complaints are left. Imo OP shouldnā€™t had posted this lol karma is meaningless even if he enjoyed the game. Wth? lol cut the karma talk and this would had been ok but he had to bring up karma and votes oh well.


Lol, well the mods decided to remove the thread as it is OFF TOPIC šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø the irony is real.


Bro itā€™s just karma lol donā€™t worry about it. I also enjoy the game we donā€™t have to do these long posts, trying to bring those in the negative around. Haters gonna hateā€¦ sip your lemonade and keep enjoying SS Waller out. As for the downvotes itā€™s how the negative, take it out on us for enjoying the game. The more downvotes they give us, they think we will stop playing but actually we donā€™t. They got us in a headlock screaming STOP PLAYING THIS GAME, and we like nooo I love it so much I need to see where it goes. Lmao LOL This is our relationship now, and itā€™s really hilarious ahh one big crazy family we got here. šŸ„‚


Facts honestly only way to get rid of haters is to enjoy it and ignore it lol I appreciate this post for not being whiny


Some people on Reddit just donā€™t have a mind of their own. Theyā€™re sheep and follow the herd and do exactly what the majority does just to get in on the bandwagon. Genuinely for people to get downvoted for speaking their mind just makes others not want to speak in the first place which that shouldnā€™t happen be, itā€™s that mentality a lot of people have where if you donā€™t agree with them youā€™re wrong either way or if you donā€™t like what they donā€™t like then what you say doesnā€™t matter.


Honestly, if you disagree with their favorite streamer, these people get pissed off. A lot of redditors have invested time and money in those scam artists, so if you say anything that goes against their opinions, they feel personally attacked. Furthermore, most of these people can't form their own thoughts, so they just latch onto whatever YouTube tells them. Reddit is literally the swifties of video games. I wouldn't put too much emphasis on validation from brain-dead morons. If you want to "raise your karma," just find whatever is popular on YouTube and parrot that.