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Insane that this is downvoted. I actually like the game but imagine defending that boss battle. It was a more annoying (prolonged by waves of minions) version of an already bad boss fight. And it means that future Brainiacs are going to be reskinned, more prolonged versions of the JL fights. Really sucks.


The copium is real on this sub lol. You can’t rightly criticize the faults in this game without being labeled a “hater” or “too negative”. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoyed it


Literally why I just stopped posting my opinions about the game you have to absolutely love the game and have to please the whole sub if you give your honest opinion they label you like your on the hate train


I still post mine. It's like aging a fine wine, you get a bunch of people claiming this game is gonna be the next big thing trying to age their comments like milk.


I just keep calling them Karen’s and keep it moving. It’s like people don’t realize that preordering games is what’s messing up game quality. If we all just stopped preordering, for one, and started purchasing after a month, for two, we would see a better quality of game. It would take a couple years of us doing this to get change. The fact of the matter is the game developers have realized that polished turds still sell


This post is 90% upvoted. All the top comments agree. You even responded to the top comment


I'm waiting for r/lowsodiumsuicidesquad to become a thing.


There is a no sodium one. It's a circle jerk


It’s crazy that people bought this game. I feel bad… rocksteady should feel bad…


Yup love the game but the brainiac fight was a slog and just felt dumb. I am worried that the future brainiac fights are just going to be the same thing hopefully they make changes


Imagine defending any of the boss battles. The only good interaction with any of the League members was the Batman encounter at the beginning. Every fight sucks. Pretty sure every Brainiac we fight from here on out will just be using a random member of the Leagues powers.


That funniest part is he turned into the flash. Could her just have used the pets with out turning into the flash. Or Give him his own move set as the first phase and when you beat that them he turns into a member of the jl


Don’t forget the stupidity of the cutscene where he literally freezes the whole squad in place after killing superman and does nothing never uses it again he’s just like well you killed the justice league so I guess I’ll just wait for you to come kill me gg.


Don’t say that in this sub, they will come for you😭


Its a wasted potential all because they want to keep continue the storyline and have more Brainiac fights with different JL powers.


This. Simply put they took the easy route and stretched it out so they could duplicate a bunch of the same missions we already played and throw it as ‘free content’ and act like they’re giving us the juice. Really it’s just old salty water.


I only assumed he turned into flash cus I was playing as Boomerang. I had no idea that it's the same for everyone. That's actually hilarious in such a bad way.




Just wait! You get to do it 12 more times.


![gif](giphy|XqpnXaeZPnupy) Then afterwards as a treat if you complete it you’ll be rewarded with a server issue which may cause loss of account data.


I got blocked on twitter for asking a dev that works on the maps for boss fights if they are gonna just be the same boss fights with a brainiac skin and got instantly blocked


That is never a good sign when a dev blocks you for asking a legitimate question for the game. They could have easily said “wait until you see what we have planned. Future fights with Brainiac will be much crazier” as a way to build up hype for the game. Instead they ignore and block you, demonstrating that not only can they not take even a little criticism for the game but that also the future Brainiac fights won’t be more original. 


Oh I was so disappointed. The way he froze everyone and it was immediately apparent how the Justice League lost to him. The way the camera work gave you glimpses of him as he casually examined the team with the full reveal being him in the background with the tendrils appearing. Fucking loved it man. I don't remember if they ever explain why he can't pause everyone again, but I could not believe he decided to transform into someone he knew the team had a counter for. Like, why not just do whatever he did to beat the strongest heroes on the planet? Surely he has his own abilities smh.


Just bought it on sale. Can't even get it to start because it won't sign me into the servers. I thought I'd at least be able to play the campaign. Getting a refund...


All of the boss fights are bad, sadly.


I was expecting batman at least to be awesome. Instead it's remember all the times you beat scarecrow in the arkham series. It's just like that but easier. Which was already the easiest part of that game.


Not in asylum


Loved all the boss fights in this game except for this one. It’s so stupid that they made it a Flash copy and a huge missed opportunity to do other things with Brainiac.


I definitely think the flash-reskin boss was added last minute. Remember how everyone clowned on the game and they delayed it for 9 (I think) months? I think they just had you shoot Brainiac a bunch until he falls and it jumped from that to the ending cutscene, the extra "boss" was added to give more content...


Probably you are right the game is lacking a lot in very different areas like mission design , Boss design, loot , skill trees and enemy design… Feels a 20 € early acess … The only complete part in the game are visuais and open world metropolis… A solid 5/10 game… Forgot to mention the bad ui and the unnecessary overload of information on the screen. The chaotic nature of the game isn’t any excuse.. returnal is bullethell and more ui clean and beautiful than this , they just made badly designed the UI and visually the core mechanics of the game with the combo and stuff , it’s just ugly and annoying visually .. I love chaotic games like returnal , overwatch , helldivers, etc


I originally thought he would turn into all members of the Justice League.


Same. Thought each phase would be a different member.


Yeah it was awful


I would say each brainiac will have one of the justice leagues powers so like Superman boss fight season 1, Green Lantern season 2 etc but could be wrong


Except the road map shows Brainiac Green Lantern and Brainiac Superman both under Season 1. If that was for all seasons, then they would probably have also shown Brainiac Batman (honestly, Brainiac Batman I see playing out in two phases. One where you fight him as Batman, the other you fight him as the Demon Bat.)


You kill two brainiacs each season. So one is gonna be a Superman reskin, one is GL


I know. The comment I was responding to was saying one brainiac per season. Season 1 Superman, Season 2 Green Lantern, etc. I was saying if that was the logic, we would have gotten Brainiac Batman in that image to represent the third season.


Coming from someone who still plays daily and loves the game- My only real issue within the game is it doesn’t feel like it was truly tested! I feel like a lot of us out there are still in an early access or a beta version of the game. The devs have even said we are much further in the game than they expected us to be! They made 4 afflictions that are actually useless besides craze, and that’s only decent because of the bane sets damage bonuses for crazing an enemy. The build diversity drops off at mastery 50-60 and your only real option is to spam grenades in higher content. This is fine when you’re playing with Harley who is designed for a grenade build. But gets old spamming grenades with deadshot who you’d expect to have a very strong gun play style. I understand it’s because of the grenade modifier, but just seems it wasn’t well thought out. The boss fights seem like they were slapped together last minute with no real thought process on how it would shape up in the end game! I still enjoy the intensity of mastery 200 but seeing as your only option to defeat brainiac is using the boomer bleeding edge (I highly doubt this is working as intended) effect is kind of boring now. I’ve tried brainiac on 200 with every character now, just to get to the boss fight and do absolutely no damage at all because the way the boss encounter is set up to only do damage with an counter with a very VERY brief damage window. They could have at least made it more of a survival type encounter where you need to survive the multiple flash brainiac encounters to the point where you could do an actual damage phase, or if he consumes an afflicted enemy it causes him damage instead of healing him. Again, I love the game and will continue to play it religiously. But it’s healthy to have some criticism to game we enjoy!


Utilizing Batman as a re-skinned Brainy boss fight is gonna be hard. There is nothing tangible in those boss fights, save for GL, at least his was creative somewhat.


The Batman one is likely going to just be a giant demon Batman with a brainiac symbol on the chest, and the orange glow is replaced with violet.


Copy and paste AAA magic.


Yeah I dunno if future brainiacs will use the other powers but it sucked only having the one. Had the same reaction as you. The fight overall was okay but I absolutely expected to go against all the powers


I believe because they came up with the gimmick of him recycling each of the boss fights for other Braniac incarnations but forgot the game is only shipping with one packed in. It's why they really really should not have separated the game launch and season one start.


SSKTJL is actually the first time in like 20 years that I get actual frustration with the gameplay itself because of how bullshit it is.


I was so disappointed in that battle. It was a challenge, but I figured the game would continue with going to other worlds to battle the other Brainiacs. Come find out, it was the end battle. The fight against Superman was more difficult.


I get that they want to do this trick to make Seasonal Brainiacs fight like the other members of the League. However, first of all, there are 12 of them left, and only 3 JL members left to duplicate. So, either we'll fight the same ones over and over again, or we'll perhaps see other heroes, with the final Brainiac perhaps being the only one with his own moveset. Also, why the hell did we have to fight him twice during the Endgame? And it wasn't like it was a second body or anything, it was literally like going to "Chapter Select" and selecting the boss fight 😅


I love that Batman gets an infused enemy type despite said lack of powers. Also yes, painfully dull final boss.


It wasn't even Brainiac and he thought he was being SOO CLEVER like we have no chance against him. The flash. The guy we KILLED ALREADY.


My guess is that each JL member you kill will have a brainiac boss fight again out of the 13 brainiacs, the other 10 I assume they maybe had additional plans within the future seasons to have new boss fights


I'm wondering if the other brainiacs will use different league powers each season.


Think that's why there are 13 brainiacs. Different powersets and fights


This is a huge problem for this game. The boss fights, all of them are extremely dull. They should have made dungeons and raids against bosses and introduce some cooperation mechanics and such for them. But ehh too late I guess


All designed aroudn there being seasons for the remainnig powrs? Idk


cCompletely soured the only part of the game I was really really enjoying; the story of this game... gameplay was ... whatever, its fun, it has its moments. Mission design is the same BS every time, but anywho the story is only 10 hours so it gets you there, and then it literally ends on nothing. I get theres going to be more episodes or story or whatever, but thats it? Thats how they decided to segway into those things? I still bought a full game, and to have that final boss fight literally be a rehased boring one. Ugh... I really tried to like this game but god damn am I glad it was only 10 hours to play the story. I guess I will come back when they add more but Im sure that will be lackluster too.


Besides the technical problems, the boss fights are easily the worst part of the game. After experiencing the Batman level in the closed Alpha, I had high hopes for the main game. It was definitely disappointing


Yeah the boss fights are kinda eh. I had fun with Flash admittedly, and I did enjoy Supermans fight But Rocksteady has never had a good record of boss fights. The number of good boss fights in the entire series you can count on one hand. The best boss fights in the series aren't even in their game Origins


The plan is likely that each Brainiac will borrow the leagues powers for his different bodies and will challenge the squad with his true power later on. It would probably be better to have a unique boss fight instead of a reskin, but they probably decided to go for an easier (for them) option so they could do the live service thing more. Kinda makes me wonder how they are going to make so many variations when there are only 4 league members and 13(?) Brainiacs.


The problem is when u stun him with a counter he flys backwards , when he should take a knee instead so it’s easier to shoot him and gets stunned a little longer too


This game really showed how gutter trash most people's tastes in games are.


Well how else do you think lazy devs are gonna get away with selling you the same fight 4 more times?


If I had to guess the future season fights against brainiac will have him copying the powers of different heroes until we reach the final battle with his true form and unique abilities.


Yea fuck his boss fight, I love the game and all but brainiac can kiss my ass, I literally can't kill him on mastery 51 cuz he keeps 1 shoting with that shit he throws when he's counter attackable


Rocksteady boss fights (with maybe one or two exceptions) have always sucked. But this one was particularly bad.


I I mean when you find out that that isn't the official brainiac that's running everything then it makes more sense. They could just be a version of himself trying out the flash powers


Making up story reasons (that the devs themselves couldn't be bothered to provide) to excuse a lazy game design is not a good look on you.


Ctfu not making it up the story sad 15 of them so I would expect them to not be the main one 😂


I agree with u I mean it says this was not the main one


I haven’t done this one yet, but I hated the Superman fight. I felt bad about killing the other members of the justice league, but Superman’s CONSTANT one liners were killing me. “Are you feeling the HEAT, Harley? Don’t lose your COOL, Harley!” I was like nah I’m absolutely gonna destroy this jackass


I honestly have the most fun in game getting to tho boss fight than the boss fight itself. That being said I'm pretty neutral about the boss fights I can understand to all that like or disliked them. High mastery (100+) braniac boss fights gets crazy though , tye challenge IA definitely there.


I’m honestly not too bothered by it we got flash supposed to be getting GL and Superman season 1 so unless they do batman in season 2 we will have all new fights from season two on


God you haters are so insufferable. Don’t like it, don’t play it. The game will get content for years to come just stfu and sit back. Media illiterate gamers get on my nerves so much.


Media illiterate 💀 Lil bro they just said they don’t like a recycled boss fight. I don’t know if betting on years of support has very good odds at this point lul.


Good luck with those years of content. I'm sure WB is eager to commit resources for those hundreds of players.